
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
clement_Hello guys. I have an Elantech touchpad on an Asus Zenbook running 12.04 kernel 3.2.0-24-generic and the touchpad suddenly stopped working few hours ago. It no longers appears in /proc/bus/input/devices and xinput can't see it neither. Any idea on how to have it back ? Thanks.11:53
tjaaltondoes dmesg show something related12:09
clement_It doesn't seem :-(   http://pastie.org/390961512:19
tjaaltonright, what about the xserver log, does it show it unloading the driver?12:21
clement_I can't see anything about it :-(   http://pastie.org/390964212:26
tjaaltonah, so it doesn't work after reboot either?12:28
clement_Neither :-(12:28
tjaaltonok, hardware problem then12:28
clement_F*** !!!12:29
clement_I'm gonna boot on the windows recovery partition see if it works.12:29
clement_See you  o/    Thanks for diagnose.12:30
bgamari`bryceh: ping16:55
bgamari`RAOF: ping16:56
bgamari`bryceh, RAOF, We're waiting on some sort of acknowledgement on bug #98001716:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980017 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i965gm] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0x02000004" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98001716:57
bgamari`it should just be a cherry-pick yet it's been a month since I identified the fix and yet precisely nothing has happened16:57
brycehbgamari`, we're quite busy with other things, but I can take a look for you.17:12
bgamari`bryceh: I would appreciate it greatly17:34
brycehbgamari`, done18:08
bgamari`bryceh: Thanks! I'll make it into Precise eventually I take it?18:42
brycehbgamari`, depends on if someone tests/verifies it out of precise-proposed18:43
brycehbut I've filed the sru and uploaded the candidate package for proposed, so the engineering for that is completed.18:45
brycehbgamari`, once it's accepted into -proposed, the more testing feedback you can drum up, the sooner it will get released.18:45
bgamari`bryceh: alright, excellent. Thanks again!18:59
=== pzanoni_ is now known as pzanoni
RAOFbryceh: You seem to have uploaded mesa to precise-updates rather than precise-proposed.  That's a mistake, I take it?23:22
brycehRAOF, hrm, indeed23:23
RAOFRejected from the queue :)23:25
* RAOF will get to that after processing the proposed→updates queue.23:27
brycehRAOF, btw when you were going through your packaging tutoring with mlankhorst the other day it occurred to me that we should have some of that workflow documented23:58
brycehRAOF, would you mind adding a "Cherrypicking from upstream git tree" section to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/GitUsage ?23:59
brycehI'm also a bit curious because it sounds like  you have a slightly different (and likely more efficient) workflow than I23:59

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