
=== amichair__ is now known as amichair
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apacheloggerQuintasan_: ever since my first UDS I keep saying that the work items should be compiled in the meetings, rather than notes as the notes will lack information you need to turn them into work-items and consequently the work items will be even more rubbish than they are anyway (also see the WI quality rant from a few months back)09:13
ScottKapachelogger: Since work items are primarily a Canonical management tool, how much do we have to care anymore?09:48
apacheloggerScottK: you don't find them useful?09:54
ScottKNot really.09:54
ScottKDo we need a work item for "Package KDE SC 4.9"?09:54
ScottKI don't think so.  We know we have to do that.09:55
apacheloggerScottK: I did point out that we have loads of rubbish WIs :P09:55
ScottKYes.  You did.09:55
apacheloggerwas the same with the wiki todo though09:56
ScottKI don't recall ever having done something because there was a work item.09:56
apacheloggerwhich I personally found less nice09:56
apacheloggeras it didn't have graphics09:56
apacheloggerto track overall and personal progress09:56
ScottKTrue, but the wiki a least was all on one page and there was no need to get some magic syntax correct.09:56
ScottKHow important is the tracking though?09:57
ScottKFundamentally "Package the new Qt and KDE" is the only mandatory development thing we need to do.09:57
apacheloggeryah, and it is all we'd do if we did not track what is done and what is not, as a burndown chart on todos is a motivational tool09:58
apacheloggereither it goes  ... oh wow we are almost done or  ... oh wow we need to do more, let's get started09:59
apacheloggeralso TBH the wiki page was terrible for exactly its advantage .... while all data was on one page where you coudl view and edit it, editing it was a flipping nightmare with wiki markup and whatnot10:00
apacheloggerall that said, I don't have a problem with going back to a wiki, but I sure would hope that in 2012 there is at least one sensible piece of free online todo management software for large software projects ^^10:00
apacheloggeralso since we were talking about burning out developers ... with sensible software you'd get an idea of how much workload is allocated to one person and can ensure that it doesn't get too much10:02
ScottK!)@(#*$&%^# hotel internet.10:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hotel internet.10:04
ScottKNot sure if it made it through or not, so I'll try again: https://trello.com/10:04
apacheloggerScottK: remind me of a kanban ^^10:05
ScottKIt's made for "agile" things.10:05
ScottKAnd if you compare Ubuntu to Debian, we're agile.10:05
apacheloggermaking us track stuff agile sounds like a good idea10:06
apacheloggerthen again I am an agile fanboy10:06
ScottKI think it depends on what you make of it.10:07
ScottKOnce there was a training course for a "Certified Scrum Master (tm)", it was all over.10:07
apacheloggerok, so I am an original agile fanboy10:08
apacheloggercertifing a scrum master is rubbish :P10:08
apacheloggereveryone in the team is at some point supposed to master the scrum ^^10:09
ScottKhttp://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1996-10-08/ comes to mind.10:10
ScottKHonestly I think agile is mostly a state of mind and if you need to go read a book to explain a process, you'll probably not get there.10:13
* ScottK is off to bed. It's finally past midnight local.10:13
* yofel_ wouldn't mind using that 10:37
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdewebdev] Philip Muškovac * 115 * debian/ (changelog control) * Switch boost build-dep to 1.4911:51
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdetoys] Philip Muškovac * 111 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.3-0ubuntu111:56
BluesKajhi all13:15
debfxoh no, launchpad can import comments from kde bugzilla now13:43
shadeslayeranyone seen jr?14:26
yofel_shadeslayer: "<Riddell> I'm going off irc for a couple of weeks in a hope to prevent burnout, e-mail or text/phone me if you need me"14:33
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BluesKajyofel, you need a hobby besisdes linux :)14:38
yofelcan't really argue against that...14:41
yofeldon't have too much time recently though anyway :/14:41
txwikingerhobbies are overrated ;-)14:42
shadeslayerjussi: plz2fix ubottu14:52
shadeslayer!find sqlcli.h quantal14:52
ubottuCache out of date, please contact the administrator14:52
BluesKajtxwikinger, for some maybe , not all of us can be as singleminded as others , especially me :)14:52
jussishadeslayer: bother tsimpson14:53
jussibetter still, file a bug14:53
shadeslayertsimpson: ^14:53
jussishadeslayer: serously, file a bug against ubuntu-bots14:54
macoi had assumed it did file query using packages.ubuntu.com14:54
tsimpsonno need really14:54
jussiwell then, tsimpson is here14:54
macoi suppose apt-file is more likely14:54
tsimpsonI had to fix apt-cache segfaulting earlier, and the cache was removed14:55
tsimpsonshadeslayer: fixor'd14:58
shadeslayer!find sqlcli.h quantal15:03
ubottuPackage/file sqlcli.h does not exist in quantal15:03
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
EagleScreenplasma-netbook is unstable, slow and has a lot to be desired, I think you should use plasma-desktop for netbooks too15:25
EagleScreenmay be with some specific configuration for widgets/panel15:26
txwikingerBluesKaj: I rather meant that hobbies often create singlemindedness :-)15:32
BluesKajI meant other hobbies . pursuits tx15:33
txwikingerWell.. I do not have time for any hobbies15:33
txwikingerFamily, Business..time over15:33
txwikingerRegrdless what I would like to do15:34
BluesKajlike this silly game my wife roped me into 15:34
txwikingersilly game?15:34
BluesKajyardwork day today , and the morning is almost done 15:35
BluesKajlord of ultima 15:35
txwikingerYeah.. that will do it15:35
txwikingerAt least plant some stuff that can be eaten15:36
BluesKajI'm not a gamer to begin with , hence the "silly":15:36
txwikingerare you already addicted?15:37
* txwikinger has no time for games15:37
BluesKajnot really ...it's not my kind of "thing" 15:37
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ScottKapachelogger: I notice that https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-ubiquity-lvm-luks is now an essential blueprint for quantal.  That was one of the ones we needed to ditch the alternate images.  17:02
ScottKDarkwing: Did getting rid of the alternate images to reduce the amount of ISO testing we have to do come up again at UDS?17:02
yofelScottK: do you by chance know what the cpython-32mu in "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt4/Qt.cpython-32mu.so" means?17:06
ScottKI was built with the cpython interpreter, version python3.2, and I don't remember exactly what the mu translates too, but it's not a debug package.17:10
ScottKDebug packages have dmu.17:10
ScottKIt's effectively abi.17:10
yofelright, that's from python3-pyqt4, ok 17:10
ScottKThat's the reason we don't need per python3 directories for extensions like we do in python.17:11
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/pykde4] Philip Muškovac * 30 * debian/ (8 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)17:32
CIA-42* Add python3 support from Colin Watson - add python3-all-dev, python3-sip-de17:32
CIA-42and python3-pyqt4 to build-depends - add new packages: python3-pykde417:32
yofelScottK: could you give that a quick review ^ ? I think it's ~right now, but I don't quite understand what the magic in override_dh_shlibdeps does17:33
BluesKajjust had a conversation with some window IT guy who claims to be writing trojans and viruses for testing on linux servers ..is this a known test procedure ...personally i thought the guy was joking at first ,but as the cob=nverstaion progressed he claimed to be serious ...it must be a "first" afaik 17:37
ScottKyofel: I can probably do it in 8 - 10 hours.  I'm on my way to meetings right now.  Ping me again if I forget.18:03
yofelScottK: I would then rather go ahead and upload as cjwatson is waiting on it and the python2 parts aren't touched. We can then get a proper version into debian and merge that in18:05
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/okular] Philip Muškovac * 30 * debian/ (changelog libokularcore1abi1.symbols) Refresh symbol files for remaining architectures18:34
ronnocDarkwing: Ping18:34
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/pykde4] Philip Muškovac * 31 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.3-0ubuntu118:42
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/pykde4] Philip Muškovac * 32 * debian/ (changelog control) Switch boost build-dep to 1.4918:56
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/gwenview] Philip Muškovac * 43 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.3-0ubuntu119:03
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalgebra] Philip Muškovac * 35 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.3-0ubuntu119:08
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kamera] Philip Muškovac * 28 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.3-0ubuntu119:12
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