
=== jmp_ is now known as _jmp_
micahgjbicha: you might want to update your application to include why you're going for MOTU rights specifically05:11
micahgespecially since you can already upload desktop-extra and desktop05:11
micahgjbicha: also keep in mind that the new spin will get a packageset as well05:11
micahgjbicha: well, in time when it becomes officialish :)05:12
jbichamicahg: because it's annoying not to be able to upload to stuff not in those sets :)05:12
micahgjbicha: it would be good to show some examples of that sponsored work then05:13
jbichaok, I'll try to make it more MOTU-specific tomorrow05:15
micahgjbicha: thanks05:15
=== jmp_ is now known as _jmp_
micahgjbicha: will June 4 at 14:00 UTC be ok? (FYI, this time/date might change, but we'll give notice)05:18
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachgood morning07:30
gesergood morning07:35
ScottKHeh.  /me is in -0900, so it's not even late at night yet.07:36
ScottKNo.  That's wrong.  I'm on -1000.07:38
iulianMorning dholbach, geser.08:03
iulianHey ScottK.08:03
ScottKHello iulian.08:04
dholbachhi iulian08:05
geserHi iulian08:08
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highvoltagegood morning12:27
nigelbHey highvoltage12:32
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alo21hi all15:29
alo21I have a big issue on building a package15:29
EvilResistancealo21:  details?15:45
EvilResistance:P *15:45
EvilResistancedetails are important :P15:45
alo21EvilResistance: well... How long does packaging take?15:45
EvilResistancedepends on the package :P15:45
alo21EvilResistance: for example amule?15:46
EvilResistancei've had packages that are HUGE and needed 30 minutes to fully build15:46
EvilResistancealo21:  wouldn't know until i tried15:46
EvilResistancebut i'm not in Ubuntu atm15:46
EvilResistanceif i were i'd test15:46
EvilResistancei think the one that needed 30 minutes to build was ruby...15:46
EvilResistancebut that was the compiler/interpreter for ruby ;P15:46
EvilResistanceother than that, most of the packages i've had to build are small, and are done within ten minutes15:47
* EvilResistance checks the package name15:47
alo21EvilResistance: may be I solved it15:47
EvilResistancehow so?15:47
EvilResistanceif you have specific questions outside of "Length of build time" i can probably answer15:48
EvilResistancebecause build time is dependent on system speed, packaging system, resource usage, etc.15:48
alo21EvilResistance: you right... my old issue was that15:48
alo21the pbuilding takes 30 seconds, but it did not give me any .deb file15:49
EvilResistancewell which 'amule' are you building15:49
EvilResistanceif you're building the one from Quantal, it doesnt look like it builds right15:49
alo21now it seems all ok... i wait15:50
EvilResistancealo21:  remember to use --buildresult [path] arguments wiht your pbuilder build statement15:50
alo21EvilResistance: Precise, and I am building amule 2.3.115:50
EvilResistancethere's two 2.3.1's15:50
EvilResistanceone ofr Preise and one for Quantal (from sid)15:50
EvilResistance2.3.1-7 and 2.3.1-1215:51
EvilResistance-1 *15:51
alo21EvilResistance: 2.3.1-115:52
EvilResistance2.3.1-7 is in Quantal, and that's not working/building15:52
EvilResistanceah, good, if you had said -7 i'd be a little bit concenred :P15:52
alo21EvilResistance: thanks for your support15:56
geserRhonda: packages.ubuntu.com seems to be broken again (it was just mentioned in #ubuntu-devel), search for "linux" doesn't find anything and e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/admin/alien gives an "Internal Server Error"19:27
geserand didn't you fix the email address in that error page? it still show the wrong one19:28
cousteaualso I wonder what happened with package descriptions in versions after Natty...  now only the short description appears19:29
gesercousteau: package description got split from the main package listing, but I don't remember if support for them got added to packages.ubuntu.com19:31
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
verwilsti would like to create  a appindicator thingy myself, and use the count bubbles inside the menu20:00
verwilstanyone knows how to do that with the python bindings?20:00
valdur55verwilst, look ubutnu wiki  page :)20:07
valdur55!wiki appindicator20:07
valdur55verwilst, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators - here!20:08
verwilstvaldur55, i've seen em all20:14
verwilsti'm able to create an app, it's only that count bubble20:14
verwilsti think it's only possible for the messaging im thing anyways20:14
valdur55verwilst, please explain your problem20:15
verwilsti want to add a menu item on my appindicator app that has like "My Items    (  2  )"20:16
verwilstthe (  2  ) can be seen in the empathy/thunderbird/.. messaging appindicator applet20:16
verwilstthe round bubble with the counter20:16
verwilstbut i can't seem to create one myself20:17
valdur55why you don't look messaging menu source code?20:17
verwilsti would if i knew where the source is stored :)20:18
verwilstand also, i think it's a limitation for python-indicate20:18
valdur55apt-get source package  :)20:18
valdur55and dpkg-dev is depency20:19
verwilstyeah, but what's the package20:20
verwilstunity as a whole?20:20
verwilstlibappindicator-dev i guess20:20
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
valdur55Messaging appindicator : apt-get source indicator-messages20:23
valdur55it's not written in python. But maybe you get some ideas from it :)20:23
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AlanBellwendar and anyone else who was looking for it, http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/actions.txt which is grepped from http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/uds-q.tar.gz which is the content of every pad from UDS-Q21:29
Laneycan anyone make an sftp connection to people.u.c?22:48
micahgLaney: yes22:49
Laneyssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host22:49
LaneyCouldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer22:49
* Laney eyes sshebang22:50
ajmitchLaney: wfm from nautilus22:52
LaneyI had a jumphost set up which didn't work22:52
Laneyworks now22:52
cousteauRhonda, packages.ubuntu.com is still broken...23:00
cousteaunever mind.  (stupid firefox caching the page...)23:04

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