
asacchrisccoulson: do you know if per-tab processes are coming for ffox or was that plan dismissed by now?11:05
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, that's still the plan at some point12:03
asacchrisccoulson: ok. thoguth that maybe folks see with chrome that its a big mem problem and also drains battery, but ok :)12:04
asacso thats still hot12:04
asacbut i guess hottness is relative given that its in the making for 2 years now :)12:04
* asac was just reminded by a full browser crash12:05
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: looks like adobe-flashplugin didn't make it to natty and oneiric12:58
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: can you please figure out why?12:58
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
cousin_luigiDo you think Stephen Warren's patch to solve the inverted channels problem under libvdpau/flashplayer will ever be officially packaged?15:18
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: if it gets accepted into upstream libvdpau, maybe15:39
cousin_luigimdeslaur: I'm not very familiar with its API: what are the risks in using global variables with it?15:45
mdeslaurcousin_luigi: I'm not familiar either, which is why someone who is familiar with vdpau needs to ack that patch upstream15:47
cousin_luigimdeslaur: I see.15:49
cousin_luigimdeslaur: Well, seems like he's a nvidia employee, so I assume he's involved.16:04
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, it's sat in the unapproved queue for some reason. the last couple of uploads have had to be manually approved, but i'm not sure who does them17:10
chrisccoulsoni asked pitti, and he doesn't know what to do with them17:10
chrisccoulsoni didn't realize those were still sat there :(17:10
mdeslaurjdstrand: can you do that? ^17:11
jdstrandI should have looked at those the other day, but was only asked for lucid. I'll know for next time17:13
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, is it you who normally approves them? i honestly don't know who's been doing it :)17:14
jdstrandany archive admin can do it17:14
jdstrandit is best to ask someone17:14
jdstrandfor example, me17:14
chrisccoulsonw00t, my addon got full review now: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/unityfox/ \o/19:53
chrisccoulsonno more warnings about it being experimental :)19:54
bhearsumchrisccoulson: any chance you've got time to help me debug a strange, not-firefox-related, issue?20:47
bhearsumooph, it's late over there, nevermind!20:47
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah, it's getting a bit late. and i only slept for 2 hours last night (and the night before)20:48
chrisccoulsoni can feel myself going crazy :)20:48
chrisccoulsonwill you be around tomorrow?20:48
bhearsumi'll try to self diagnose for now20:48
bhearsumbtw, are you a ManU or a City fan?20:48
chrisccoulsonheh, neither ;)20:49
bhearsumoh, i thought you were from manchester20:49
chrisccoulsoni'm one of the few British males who dislikes football :)20:49
bhearsumhehe, ok :)20:49
chrisccoulsoni'm from near birmingham btw ;)20:49
bhearsumthat is..not near Manchester :)20:50
bhearsumanyways, i won't keep you any longer!20:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, not quite. although, i can drive to manchester in a little over an hour20:50
bhearsumhehe, the UK is soooo small compared to Canada20:51
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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