
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (AnalRip appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)01:13
elkyWith a name like that, whodathunk?01:22
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()01:42
elkythe crap is with chanserv today?01:43
ubottukcj called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:15
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:59
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (imback appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)05:02
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (imback)05:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (imback appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)05:03
Jordan_Uelky: Wow, chanserv combined our +o's, impressive.05:04
elkyis there much telnor traffic in #ubuntu?05:05
* elky forgets how to check without flooding herself off the network05:05
elky* FloodBot1 sets ban on *!*@ etc05:09
elkybasically, can we ban the isp until this guy gets bored?05:09
Jordan_Uelky: Doesn't show dates, which makes it hard to guage, but here is "grep telnor \#ubuntu.log" from my personal log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/988390/05:17
elkyi think we can safely temporarily redirect them out of #ubuntu05:19
Jordan_Uelky: If you can figure out how when they're connecting via webchat, then fine...05:19
elkyyou can ban based on the realname05:21
Jordan_UI'd never actually thought about the fact that whenever we do a CIDR ban-forward there will be users connecting via webchat who simply won't be able to speak. I think one of the bots warns us in that case though.05:21
Jordan_Uelky: I'm talking about odd +e situation we have in #ubuntu with webchat users, if you're aware of that and know more than me about it (more than likely) then just ignore me.05:23
elkyi don't know right now. i'm also at work and have lost nearly an hour to this rubbish today already05:24
tsimpsonif you forward them out of #ubuntu, then the +q in there won't effect them05:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (roodypoopoo appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)05:56
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (longschaft appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)06:04
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (cuminfacebitch appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)06:09
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:09
ubottuSheldon420 called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (pooop appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)06:17
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:07
MadpilotOK, I guess I still do have ops, at least in #u07:07
Unit193You can check with /ns listchans07:08
Madpilotah, there we go. I've lapsed (afaik) from all the Launchpad teams, but evidently not from actual IRC.07:10
MadpilotMan, it's been ages since I was on IRC, and my .xchat2 backup turns out to be out of date. What's the -ops-"something" backchannel again, pls?07:13
Jordan_UMadpilot: #ubuntu-ops-team07:14
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu (tux550)07:24
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()07:30
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ubottuIn ubottu, nannes said: This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.12:58
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
ubottuIn #ubuntu, zykotick9 said: !tab > Boyo ubottu is a bot=not real person15:58
MrChrisDruifHe said what?! O_O16:00
proxinixunban me from #ubuntu please ill be good16:45
Piciproxinix: Do you know why you were banned?16:46
proxinixI lost my temper on thumbs16:48
Piciproxinix: Please keep in mind that #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only. I'm going to remove the ban, but we won't be this lenient in the future.16:50
proxinixcan you remove my #mysql mute that thumbs did too.  he said he would then said tomorrow and laughed16:50
Piciproxinix: We don't control #mysql16:51
Piciproxinix: is there anything else we can help you with?16:55
proxinixyou're nice Pici16:56
proxinixyou must be a grown up :-)16:56
ikoniaproxinix: do you need anything else from this channel ?17:04
ikoniaLars again17:29
ikoniaI'd been watching17:29
Piciikonia: Whats wrong with what he said?17:30
oCeanhe might be the champ in num-of-times-removed-from-#u by now17:30
PiciIs that the same lars that was giving us issues?17:31
oCeanPici: he's overstayed his welcome long time ago17:31
ikoniahence why it took me a while to confirm it17:31
ikonia(and remove it)17:31
ikoniaand the pm on quit confirmed it17:31
Piciikonia: ah, I just reread the thing he said to Mike9863, nevermind.17:32
oCeansearch p579 as banmask in BT, he had way to much opportunities to start behaving17:32
ikonianot a problem17:32
Fuchswell, he is in the german channels now :(17:43
T-Guyunban me plz ikonia17:43
ikoniayou're not banned17:43
ikoniabut if you continue with your nonsense you will be17:43
ikoniaclear ?17:43
T-Guyso what was the point of kicking me?!17:44
T-Guyall right17:44
T-Guyhowdy Fuchs17:44
T-GuyI'm here again17:44
T-Guywith power :D17:44
ikoniato make it clear your random noise will not be allowed to continue17:44
ikoniaagain ?17:44
* Pici sighs17:46
ikoniaok ?17:47
Piciikonia: just annoyed at the trolls.17:47
ikoniayeah, little 15 minute spell there17:47
oCeanis/was this khaktoos? (had several kicks lately)17:48
ikoniaI've not seen that nick before17:48
Picime either.17:49
Fuchsyes, it was17:49
ikoniais he known ?17:50
FuchsI recently had the pleasure to chat with him in private, after I had to set a quiet on him in defocus, this time for a few months17:50
Fuchshe admitted that he thinks that trolling is fun. I told him not to and tried to get him to reason, didn't seem to work very well so far17:50
Fuchsikonia: yes, he is17:50
ikoniaseems a pointless waste of time then, thank you17:50
FuchsYou're welcome17:50
ikoniawho was that delight ?18:25
Picino idea18:26
Picidon't care.18:26
ikonianot really18:26
ikoniaahhh I think it's kevinsexploiter18:27
ikoniamaybe not actually, sorry18:32
ubottuDr_willis called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:41
Picioops indeed.18:41
ikoniasorry Pricey lag18:41
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (eyaculado)18:55
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (culeado)18:59
ubottuOer called the ops in #ubuntu (SemenSalado)19:19
mneptokplay Misty for me.19:26
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=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:36
mneptokubottu: no !rm is <reply>The Unix 'rm' command removes files and directories from the filesystem. It is an extremly powerful tool, and you should not run 'rm' commands unless you fully understand them. Do not run arbitrary 'rm' commands you see online. For a beginning guide on using terminal commands, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and for a cautionary story about 'rm' see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL_g0tyaIeE20:36
ubottuI know nothing about !rm yet, mneptok20:36
mneptokubottu: forget !rm20:37
mneptokveddy eenteresteenk.20:37
macomneptok: maybe when you do the "no rm is" you should leave off the !20:38
mneptokubottu: no rm is <reply>The Unix 'rm' command removes files and directories from the filesystem. It is an extremly powerful tool, and you should not run 'rm' commands unless you fully understand them. Do not run arbitrary 'rm' commands you see online. For a beginning guide on using terminal commands, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and for a cautionary story about 'rm' see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL_g0tyaIeE20:38
ubottuI'll remember that mneptok20:38
mneptokmaco: way ahead of you. :)20:38
mneptokmaco: and by "way" i mean "by about 2 seconds"20:38
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
MrChrisDruifNice vid actually21:56

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