
cjwatsonslangasek: "however, in this case it's critical so it should never not be shown anyway" - except in the noninteractive case ... is that relevant here?00:05
cjwatsonLaney: once broder is ready based on my test run with him, please do go ahead and make that SOP00:05
infinityRAOF: Cheers.  I'll go back to my flu now.00:10
RAOFGood luck with that :)00:10
slangasekcjwatson: dunno... what does db_go return for critical+noninteractive?01:05
cjwatsonslangasek: oh, db_go - sorry, it's db_input that returns 30 for critical+noninteractive, db_go returns 0 unless the last operation was a backup (unlikely in that circumstance)09:19
cjwatsonmicahg: I'd like to use your bug 998103 as a test of compatibility glue in ubuntu-archive-tools; would that be OK?14:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 998103 in precise-backports "Please backport unknown-horizons 2012.1+dfsg1-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99810314:00
cjwatsonsimilar to the code I already have there to deal with cases where people forget about the new world order and ask archive admins to process syncs for them14:03
Laneycjwatson: If you're blocking on that, there's another one I can approve14:21
cjwatsonLaney: sounds good, especially if you can confirm whether the backportpackage command my code produces is correct14:26
slangasekcjwatson: db_go> ok, great :)14:27
Laneycjwatson: hrm, possibly, but Evan would be better placed. He made some recent changes that I've not fully caught up with.14:27
Laneybug #99913214:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 999132 in precise-backports "Please backport widelands 1:17-2 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99913214:27
cjwatsonDEBEMAIL="iain@orangesquash.org.uk" DEBFULLNAME="Iain Lane" backportpackage -u ubuntu -c 999132 -d precise -s quantal widelands14:30
cjwatsonyeesh, I'd test it but the orig is 167 MiB14:32
Laneyhm, looks like -v isn't hooked up to anything14:33
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LaneyI thought it might be safer to pass that too, but clearly not if it does nothing14:33
cjwatsonmy current u-a-t diff is http://paste.ubuntu.com/989007/14:33
LaneyI wonder why we treat the backporter as requestor14:45
cjwatsonLaney: I think because they were rather more likely to have a sense of development ownership than your average user requesting a backport is14:49
LaneyIt feels a bit more like sponsorship, since we expect others to do the testing now. Maybe that's just me though.14:52
slangasekLaney: well, I've seen backport requests in the past from people whose launchpad "real name" fields were inappropriate to list in a changelog ;)15:00
slangasekinfinity, stgraber: ad hoc bug report - getaddrinfo() appears to not be doing name resolution of non-FQDNs correctly in precise for IPv6 hosts15:08
infinityslangasek: Do you mean "not at all", or "incorrectly", as in it returns garbage?15:11
* infinity suspects it might be time to upgrade his home network to v6...15:12
slangasekskaet: can you send out some announcement to ubuntu-devel this week about how we're supposed to handle release notes in the blueprints this cycle?  It's best to get that announced ASAP since everyone's drafting this week15:12
skaetslangasek, will do.15:12
slangasekinfinity: "not at all" - I have to stick a . on the end of every hostname to get ping6 to return anything useful15:12
slangasekskaet: ta :)15:12
stgraberslangasek: do you have any more detail? looks fine here15:13
stgraber>>> socket.getaddrinfo("shell01.dmz.dcnue", 22)15:13
stgraber[(10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:470:714b:1025:218:51ff:fec2:289a', 22, 0, 0)), (10, 2, 17, '', ('2001:470:714b:1025:218:51ff:fec2:289a', 22, 0, 0)), (10, 3, 0, '', ('2001:470:714b:1025:218:51ff:fec2:289a', 22, 0, 0)), (2, 1, 6, '', ('', 22)), (2, 2, 17, '', ('', 22)), (2, 3, 0, '', ('', 22))]15:13
stgraber>>> socket.getaddrinfo("dnsr05.dmz", 22)15:14
stgraber[(10, 1, 6, '', ('2607:f2c0:f00f:2725:8837:98ff:fe43:90e6', 22, 0, 0)), (10, 2, 17, '', ('2607:f2c0:f00f:2725:8837:98ff:fe43:90e6', 22, 0, 0)), (10, 3, 0, '', ('2607:f2c0:f00f:2725:8837:98ff:fe43:90e6', 22, 0, 0)), (2, 1, 6, '', ('', 22)), (2, 2, 17, '', ('', 22)), (2, 3, 0, '', ('', 22))]15:14
stgraberright, looks good here (with lan.sherb.stgraber.net sherb.stgraber.net stgraber.net in my search path)15:15
infinityslangasek: I'm taking another sick day, my flu seems to be intent on trying to kill me, but if you and stgraber figure out a way to blame glibc for your issues, let me know.15:18
slangasekinfinity: bah and ack - throw me a canonicaladmin request?15:29
infinityslangasek: Done.15:30
stgraberskaet: http://iso.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/216/builds <-- see the (ready) next to Edubuntu and the big "Mark ready" button15:34
skaetstgraber,  not seeing... permissions?15:36
skaet(but happy that I should be seeing it... ;) )15:36
stgraberskaet: are you logged in?15:37
skaetyup.  :)15:37
stgraberskaet: in all cases, you should see the (ready) next to Edubuntu15:37
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stgrabercjwatson: I just saw https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/lxc/0.7.5-3ubuntu55 which looks wrong. -ubuntu54 was moved to updates but AFAIK -ubuntu55 still needs testing15:43
stgrabercjwatson: hallyn will upload a new ubuntu55 to -proposed to fix that and include an extra change15:45
stgraber(adding a fix for bug 999187)15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 999187 in lxc "lxc-create for armhf fails with error "failed to execute template 'ubuntu'"" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99918715:46
cjwatsonstgraber: hm, I guess pending-sru is a bit overenthusiastic there15:49
cjwatsonstgraber: it may have to be ubuntu56 now, sorry15:49
stgraberyeah, I'll upload ubuntu56 using -v to include ubuntu5515:50
cjwatsonthere must have been a race, as pending-sru would only have printed that if -updates were >= -proposed15:51
cjwatsonyeah, published 00:34:39 UTC, removal requested 00:35:06 UTC15:52
cjwatsonso just rotten luck15:52
stgraberskaet: thanks for the screenshot. So at least the user part of the change "(ready)" is visible there. I can't easily check but it looks like the website doesn't know you're in ubuntu-release. Maybe logging out and back in will fix it (making sure ubuntu-release is ticked on the SSO page)16:03
skaetstgraber, will do and let you know if that changes anything.16:04
stgraberskaet: whenever I update to a new DB snapshot from production the SSO is acting a bit weird in Drupal. Sometimes logging me out randomly (that's why I asked) or just not mapping the roles properly, I guess I should be doing something a bit more clever than simply dumping the whole DB (like remove the existing SSO tickets :))16:05
stgraberthe good thing is that it only affects the development/staging environment, not production deployments16:05
stgrabercjwatson: can you let that one in? it contains the old -ubuntu55 and adds a cherry-pick from quantal (one line, trivial bug/fix)16:07
stgraberskaet: I'm working on the ISO tracker blueprint, do you know the LP username for timrc? (LP tells me timrc doesn't exist)16:10
slangasekstgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/989151/16:12
stgraberskaet: nevermind, found him16:13
slangasekstgraber: /etc/gai.conf is unmodified16:13
slangasekmdns is enabled for hosts16:13
stgraberslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/989160/16:14
slangasekI do have an IPv4 /etc/hosts entry for this particular host which shadows the DNS, but that has not previously been a problem16:14
stgraberI'd blame the /etc/hosts entry, I seem to remember seeing a similar behaviour here (and wanted it). Basically putting an IPv4 entry in /etc/hosts will make getaddrinfo() return it and not do any further resolving (so no IPv6 record returned)16:17
slangasekstgraber: confirmed that this is not a problem with oneiric eglibc16:17
slangasekwell, yuck16:17
slangasekwhy do you want this behavior?16:17
stgraberI use it sometimes when I want to avoid using IPv6 for a specific host (where the IPv6 address doesn't respond)16:17
slangasekit's definitely a regression for me16:18
slangasekmy /etc/hosts entries are there as a guard against DNS resolution failing so I can still get around the local network during a network outage16:19
slangasekbut I don't want to hard-code IPv6 addresses there16:19
stgraberslangasek: then you should move "files" after "dns" in /etc/nssswitch.conf?16:19
slangasekwell, I won't do that :)16:19
slangasekI would sooner remove the entries from /etc/hosts16:20
slangasekbut I would like to know the upstream justification for this behavior change16:20
stgraberslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/989173/16:21
* slangasek nods16:21
slangasekdoesn't it seem a little odd that the behavior should be dependent on whether an fqdn is used?16:21
stgraberI don't have Oneiric around but at least Lucid had the same behaviour as Precise16:22
slangasekoh, you're seeing this with lucid, interesting16:22
slangasekwould a (Canonical) archive admin care to review the fluendo packages in partner/precise/unapproved?16:22
stgraberI'm not familar with the files nss module but it might be that it simply won't match the fqdn syntax (with the final dot)16:23
slangasekheh, funny16:24
stgraberso my guess is that the bug is that it worked at all for you ;)16:25
cjwatsonstgraber: ok, done16:26
stgrabercjwatson: thanks16:27
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slangasekcjwatson: hmm.  bug #863741 became un-fixed in precise; rpcbind dropped back to priority: optional (was priority: standard in precise).22:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 863741 in nfs-utils "apt doesn't want to replace portmap with rpcbind on upgrade" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86374122:06
slangasekcjwatson: thoughts on how to fix this?  null SRU + priority override? :/22:06
stgraberskaet: so I tried to get the full changelog in the build notes of the tracker but it's really quite ugly (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/16074/testcases), I think it'd be best just to give a link (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/16075/testcases)22:16
stgraberan alternative is to parse the changes file and only extract the changelog entry which should be quite a bit shorter than the whole changes entry22:17
skaetstgraber,  link will work for now.   However,  maybe you can reuse the changelog extraction code in: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/lucid-updates.py?22:30
stgraberskaet: oh yeah, that'd work22:36
micahghttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal_probs.html doesn't seem to be getting updated, is this known?23:48
cjwatsonslangasek: hmph; if it's meant to be priority standard, shouldn't it be seeded or something?23:53
slangasekcjwatson: it probably should've been :/23:53
cjwatsonslangasek: I have a feeling that if we ran change-override.py -s precise-updates or whatever it is, that might result in a new publication to precise-updates ...23:53
cjwatsonmicahg: looking23:54
slangasekI don't know that it needs to be standard for quantal anyway, it was entirely to try to force the issue with apt not wanting to replace portmap with rpcbind on upgrades23:54
slangasek2012-05-15 23:55:25 ERROR   Could not find binaries for 'rpcbind/None' in Primary Archive for Ubuntu: precise-UPDATES23:55
slangaseklooks like I should pocket-copy first23:55
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ think I should do it?23:55
cjwatsonI think that would make sense, yes23:57

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