
thafreakpaultag: so, to log irc chat sessions, do you just use a bot? or do some servers have that functionality built in?02:21
paultagthafreak: my irc client loggs :)02:31
paultagoh thon the server02:31
paultagyou might have logfiles, I don't know02:31
thafreaktheres log files, but don't see any channel related logs02:34
thafreakjust curious02:34
thafreakmy boss wants an irc server and all the sessions logged...02:34
Unit193ubuntulog_ is irssi. :P02:35
thafreaki see irssi can log02:35
thafreaki guess at least I can keep some one logged in with irssi...02:35
canthus13thafreak: Plenty of bots that do that.02:36
thafreakcool...oftc-hybrid seems pretty damn simple to config so far...02:36
thafreakjust need to find a logging option...thanks for input so far guise02:36
Unit193(Not that it matters...) Supybot/limnoria/gribble has logging and is dead simple, but not as light to run as others.02:38
andygraybealyay ubuntu!13:11
paultagmorning y'all13:23
andygraybealheya paultag13:29
paultaghow's it going?13:30
andygraybealeh, good. took apart my main server today to putz with the tape drive13:33
andygraybealit looked fine.. so i am figuring the tape is stupid.13:33
thafreakah tapes...love em, but hate em...14:33
thafreakstorage is a bitch14:33
thafreakso...it turns out one of the newest profs here at kent, his area of research is in data mining...14:35
thafreakso I've never paid much attention to him14:35
thafreakbut turns out, storage systems are really important to big data14:35
thafreakso....now I'm wondering if there's a chance of me being interested in something he's researching14:36
thafreaknice tags14:36
thafreakwhy are modern browsers such memory hogs?17:19
odause chromium17:24
Unit193That's actually worse than Aurora/Firefox17:25
odaatleast flash runs properly on it17:26
Unit193Works for me™17:27
thafreakchromium is the one i'm using...17:27
thafreakeats all the ram17:27
Unit193Chome has pepperflash.17:27
thafreakpepper flash work better?17:27
thafreakand is chrome avail for linux?17:27
odawhatever it is, it runs better than anything I've used with firefux on linux17:28
Unit193Never used it, but it'll get more updates.17:30
canthus13chromium.. Ugh. I regularly hit 3GB ram uage with chromium. :/17:41
canthus13and that's with 6 or 7 tabs open.17:41
thafreakyeah. not so fun on my 512mb vm desktop17:42
canthus13I don't sing, no.18:00
jrgiffordi meant the browser18:00
paultagwasn't that the bad guy from mario?18:03
paultagUnit193: apparently you don't have an irony decector18:05
Unit193I knew, still had to say it....18:08
paultagand kill the joke :(18:08
Unit193http://www.collegehumor.com/video/3515739/bowsers-minions That help any?18:11
andygraybealyay ubuntu!19:28
andygraybealthafreak, is  he systems architect, get him to help you design a redundant system!19:29
andygraybealthafreak, that prof about data storage20:18
andygraybeali would love to have enterprise resources20:18
dzhoenterprise resources usually means enterprise bills and enterprise bureaucracy20:23
dzhoquit while you're ahead20:23
paultagas a former "Enterprise" programmer, I approve of dzho's message20:27
thafreaknah, prof specializes in data mining...big data/storage is just a side effect21:31
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