
InHisNameI seem to have TWO system monitors on my system.  One is ver 3.2.1 and  other is 4.7.4 and seems to be related to kde.   How to uninstall the 4.7.4 version one and NOT the 3.2.1 version one ?13:18
InHisNameany google haters around ?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrontojPWEE&feature=endscreen&NR=113:29
rmg51InHisName: it looks like you want ksysguard13:46
InHisNamethat is an UNinstaller ?13:47
rmg51the other is gnome-system monitor13:48
rmg51that is the name of the app13:48
rmg51find it in synaptic13:48
InHisNameis synaptic better to remove it than apt-get ?13:51
rmg51you should make sure that is what is installed first14:03
cythesis it true what I hear that ubuntu is going to take out unity 2d in the next release?18:05
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