
ovnicraftso i get working bzr send but i want to know if there is any web tool to scan the email or mail list check the patches and manage it  ?00:05
spivovnicraft: bundlebuggy00:21
ovnicraftyes i am trying to install, but last update was in 200900:23
ovnicraftis not a good signal00:23
ovnicrafti can't install it00:33
ovnicraftthere is any another tool like it?00:33
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
vilahi all (and a special hi to 7 digits lp bugs ;)07:03
mgzmorning all!08:03
mgzbug 100000008:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000008:12
fullermdWho knew apple was causing so many problems?08:14
=== bob2_ is now known as bob2
bob2if it's the same price, it doesn't really address the listed problems (but of course: FREEDOM)08:18
vilamgz: hehe, too bad you don't have IRC logs ;O)08:23
fullermdOf course an iPad is, what, like 400 bucks?  So fixing a bug on LP should be worth...  $26,800...08:29
* fullermd gets hacking.08:29
* bob2 kicks in $508:30
fullermdThe sad part of getting a mail from PQM on -commits is that it underlines how few mails have come from PQM on -commits of late...09:34
bob2fullermd, otoh, PQM LIVES10:15
* fullermd dives for a shotgun.10:17
mgzha, christian perrier complaining about inflated launchpad bug count,10:23
jammgz: because of the 1M rollover?10:24
mgzand too many dupes of bug 728840 on samba4... which jelmer fixed!10:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 728840 in samba4 (Ubuntu Natty) "upgradeprovision crashed with LdbError in connect(): (80, 'Failed to load modules from: /usr/lib/samba/ldb\n')" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72884010:24
bob2the ipad one above seemed to have used spamming to get the round number10:24
mgzyeah, flooding bug reports to get the magic number is a little silly, but it's not unusual10:25
mgzI remember peeps doing it to get a magic number wikipedia article10:25
fullermdIs that supposed to be a _supporting_ argument?  :p10:25
bob2tl;dr some people are lame, film at 1110:26
jelmermgz: I don't think bubulle is really complaining about the bug numbers10:26
jelmermgz: more about the fact that there are so many bug reports that aren't particularly useful10:26
mgzjelmer: but the whol point of errors.ubuntu.com and related work for precise was to improve this10:26
bob2making bug reporting very easy isn't without downsides :)10:26
mgzand the samba4 thing he's complaining about isn't even new10:26
jelmermgz: for precise, we still good a flood of duplicate bug reports10:27
jelmermgz: all of which had to be marked as dupes10:27
mgzright, the crash deduping stuff isn't perfect, but it's (mostly) a big improvement10:28
mgzthere's only one 9-series bug in that impressive dupe list.10:28
jelmermgz: it doesn't seem to be working for the samba4 package10:28
jelmermgz: the bug only occurs for the upgrade to oneiric afaik10:29
mgzcertainly the crash stuff on precise has mostly worked for me, pointed at (already fixed) bug reports where they existed10:32
mgzthough didn't do anything useful for one with a smashed stack (unsuprisingly)10:33
jelmerI've been doing a lot of manual bug duping for samba4 in precise too, so it certainly doesn't seem to work for that10:33
jelmerrelated, opening the stracktraces attached to those automated bug reports in chromium/firefox (often the only way to see what the bug is about) has quite a bit of overhead10:34
jelmerI do think we have made progress, but I also agree with bubulle that (at least for the samba4 package) the automated bug reports are more of a nuisance than really useful at this point.10:35
mgzright, launchpad attachments aren't the best way of looking at that info10:35
mgzreally they need to link back to the new fancy stuff10:36
jelmermgz: hmm, errors.ubuntu.com is interesting10:43
mgzit's a mini version of the really nice crash stuff mozilla have had for ages10:44
jelmermgz: it seems it has only reports for specific packages though10:44
mgzwhich is great for analysing crash frequency and causes10:44
jelmermgz: so it's not apport based then?10:44
mgzI'm not sure on all the details, it's Evan's baby10:44
bialixhi all14:06
jelmerhi bialix14:11
mgzhey alexander14:19
vilahey bialix14:28
vilaha, too late ;)14:28
mgzjust missed, vila :)14:29
vilahey bialix14:30
bialixhi bzr-core guys!14:30
viladarn, sound broken again...14:30
bialixwhat is your plans about new releases?14:30
jelmervila: *piiiing*14:30
mgzbialix: well, we really need to release 2.5.1 with the various fixes14:30
bialixit seems all you are very busy last months, it's very quiet in ML/merge proposals14:31
mgzright, we've not been working on bzr14:32
bialixmgz: can I ask why?14:42
mgzmeh, we should have posted something to the list ages back14:43
mgzso, I'm still not sure what we're going to be working on next month14:43
mgzbut we're not on bzr feature work for the forseeable future.14:44
mgzjam is doing sprint hand-off this week of the U1 work he was doing on rotation since the autumn14:45
mgzthen hopefully we can get a few things better sorted out.14:46
=== idnaria is now known as idnar
bjpis something wrong with this revisionspec: -rbefore:date:2012-05-03,11:34:0018:38
bjpi'm getting 'requested revision does not exist in branch' but there are plenty of revisions and the last one is from before that18:39
james_wbjp, "bzr help revisionspec" reads like there has to be a revision after the date in question for that to work18:44
bjpfor -rdate:, but i read (somewhere) that -rbefore:date:  grabs one before that date18:45
james_wbjp, it probably grabs the revision before the one pointed to by the date thing18:45
james_wbefore(date) rather than (before date)18:46
bjpso i need to do a special case for last revision older than date? (i'm trying to batch some bzr commands)18:46
james_wbjp, that's what it reads like, but I'm not positive18:47
thopiekarhello. Using "bzr branch ftp://<user>:<pass>@<ip>/<dir>/<branch>/ " gives me the error that the connection has been refused and using bzrlib in a python script gives the same error: http://pastebin.com/mb6aPK7p20:41
lifelessthopiekar: that suggests that the ftp server isn't running or is firewalled21:11
thopiekarbut the link is working as you put it into a browser or connect to it via ftp client21:41
thopiekarlifeless: ^21:41
thopiekarand I get the same error when using the local ip in my private network (no firewall)21:43
=== spm` is now known as spm
thopiekarsomething similar when pushing code via ftp: http://pastebin.com/WiEv4FHk22:06

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