
pleia2stgraber: nicely done :)00:35
ajmitchstgraber: very apt, I keep on hearing of schools in NZ that mandate ipads for their students00:35
mhall119stgraber: congrats!00:41
mhall1191 millionth bug00:41
stgraberso now Edubuntu has its own big bug to try and fix :)00:42
ajmitchso now we just need an edubuntu image for that zatab that I can boot & use, right? :)00:45
highvoltagethat would be a good start. we'll need the apps and eco-system too.00:46
highvoltagebut I hope we get some backing and help from the community team *wink* *wink*00:46
ajmitchhaving a bootable image to hack on & which displays stuff is probably the first step00:46
highvoltageyeah, I'm working on getting a few of them. you're lucky to already have one on your desk :)00:47
ajmitchyeah it's sitting beside me, just running android right now though00:47
highvoltageI first thought the resolution was low, but on wikipedia I see it's the same resolution than the ipad200:47
highvoltageso it's not that bad actually00:47
ajmitchmain things that it lacks is 3g, bluetooth & gps afaik00:48
ajmitchnot really showstoppers00:48
stgraberthese are features you usually don't want in a school environment anyway00:49
highvoltagehmm, yeah at least it would make sharing files between studends during exams/tests harder :)00:50
highvoltagewe could make edubuntu server firewall them off from one another during tests.00:51
* highvoltage is getting ahead of himself00:51
ajmitchbig red lockdown button00:51
stgraberhighvoltage: blocking network should be done through epoptes, I know quite a few people who'd like it00:51
highvoltagethanks mhall :)02:35
alkisgGood morning04:07
alkisgHaha stgraber good one :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/edubuntu/+bug/100000004:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold" [Wishlist,Triaged]04:07
mhall119stgraber: highvoltage: do you guys have trello accounts?12:37
highvoltagemhall119: I created one during UDS when I saw dholbach using it12:38
highvoltageit seems useful, I just haven't gotten in to it yet12:38
mhall119what's your username?12:39
mhall119thanks,  I've added you to the upstream app developers board12:41
mhall119so any educational apps you want us to try and get submitted to MyApps, just add them to the first column12:42
highvoltageok thanks a lot! we're migrating to drupal 7, after that we want to put out a call for apps that people really want to see in edubuntu, we should be able to get a good list out of that12:43
highvoltage*sigh* at http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2012/05/16#lp-100000013:09
vmlintuthere's been a lot of politics in the air lately13:20
highvoltagewell, I tend to agree with him about the langauge stuff, that is indeed quite sucky, but in edubuntu we've always been proud of our debian herritage.13:23
highvoltagewe could perhaps be more clear about it, but I think we've been quite reasonable.13:24
vmlintuhighvoltage: now that I remember, was there any work done last year on using lightdm instead of ldm? There was discussion about it, but I couldn't find else13:26
vmlintuthe systemd discussion flamed also quite a bit last week..13:30
highvoltagevmlintu: yep, sbalneav made really good progress on libpamssh. maybe after next BTS lightdm could actually be used for LTSP :)13:35
vmlintuWe did some testing using ssh w/kerberos logins which takes away the need for libpam-ssh/libnss-ssh. Logins work nicely, but getting everything else needs definitely work13:37
vmlintuthis was with lightdm13:37
vmlintuI could probably spend some time on getting things working better once schools are out13:39
highvoltagestgraber: do you remember where the map is and all the information for the greece schools using ltsp?13:48
stgraberhighvoltage: google says: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=el&msa=0&msid=110322056715625861481.0004948b9931c4181a66d&z=713:57
* highvoltage eventually found it via google too (for some reason I thought it would've been harder to find, d'oh)13:58

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