
taninSo I keep getting a blacked out system upgrader failed window across center of screen. Has any one scene or heard of what I have described?00:00
taninFirst Kubuntu install been ubuntu since 9.04.00:00
taninanysuggestions would rock00:00
HelenTheMelonJMichael|work, It's solved now. :300:01
taninit occurs at boot time00:01
JMichael|workHelenTheMelon: how did you solve it?00:01
JMichael|workus.archive.ubuntu.com is a nightmare00:02
HelenTheMelonJMichael|work, xset -dpms00:02
JMichael|workHelenTheMelon: ty, good to know00:05
JMichael|workok... kubuntu netbook is finally running... and so far it seems really nice00:05
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brad_does gparted have a defrag feature I don't know about?02:02
EvilResistancebrad_:  what do you mean by a defrag feature02:10
WereCatfWhat's the recommended apt frontend for KDE these days? I just installed Kubuntu, but found out that Muon Software Center is absolutely horrible and refuses to show most of the packages, with apparently no configuration options anywhere to show the missing ones. Tried asking in #kde but I guess everyone is sleeping atm.02:52
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
qbitWereCatf:  there are two muons - the software center which horrible and muon package manager, which I use03:04
WereCatfWhy are there two?03:05
qbitWereCatf: I have seen reports of many who dislike Muon Package Manager, as well as problems. But in spite of some small flakiness that came and went because it was fixed - I've had pretty good luck with it03:05
qbitwhy 2? do not know03:06
qbitbut the Software Center one is useless, imho03:06
Resistancebecause of the fact Ubuntu has two managers: a Software Center (so you can buy certain softwares) and a Package Manager (synaptic, which is optional)03:07
Resistanceat least that's what i'm guessing, but...03:07
qbitI've used synaptic before and found it to be somewhat OK, but correct me if I'm wrong but it is GTK/Gnomish03:08
qbitI thought perhaps Muon Package Manager was like a Synaptic rewrite in Qt/KDE, but never looked into it to see. Just an impression I had03:10
WereCatfWouldn't it make more sense to just consolidate both into same application and re-do the UI? :S03:10
WereCatfWhy keep two completely different tools?03:10
WereCatfI'll never understand such decisions03:10
Chalumeauit's to parallel USC/Synaptic03:11
qbitdon't know - but esentially sounds like the old Gnome vs KDE stuff rehashed03:11
macofor non-technicall users, packages are an odd concept03:11
macobut "install this program" is easy to get03:11
Chalumeau(and they took out Synaptic by default in Ubuntu)03:11
macolike app store styff03:11
macoso it abstracts away packags in the software center one03:11
macoif you're really technical and actually interested in this library or that library and this metapackage and whatnot, things that arent applications, but yet aren't a command line person, thats what the package manager one is for03:12
macoafaik, that's how the software center v. synaptic split works too03:12
qbitapt-get and tools will perform all same functions using CLI only03:12
WereCatfThere is no good reason why one couldn't just filter the stuff out in the software center by default, but have a tickbox for showing the actual packages, too03:12
macothough i think ubuntu may have stopped shipping synaptic now, forcing users to the command line if they want a certain package03:12
macoqbit: not everyone is comfortable touching the cli though03:13
qbittrue enough03:13
Chalumeaumaco: they did a couple versions ago iirc03:13
WereCatfOh well, anyways, I got what I wanted. I don't wish to bring the atmosphere down here so I'll try not to make any more negative comments :)03:14
robotdevildid nt i see something about clamav being able to be added to dolphin or something of that nature?03:39
mysteriousdarrenrobotdevil: why?04:05
robotdevilso you can tell if if its outdated04:06
robotdevilhttp://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=308667 wow I was really hoping that the clamscan under the services section would work04:07
nine_Is there any thing I am missing???  Kubuntu 12.04 doesn't mount Iphones where as Ubuntu 12.04 willon same hardware04:40
nine_sad really...  12.04 is the most amazing Kubuntu to date...  My company uses Iphones and needs that kind of ability to mount...  Sad to see Kubuntu loose all that potential since there are a bollion Iphones and Iphone users!!!04:46
nine_Hmm...  Something for Kubuntu to think about I guess...  Back To Unity04:49
deelvixi cai aki de parauqedas mas pelo que vejo e um bate papo que vem n kde ?04:56
WizardGood morning.05:57
=== answer is now known as coderhs
Wizardsafridzal: Hi ;)06:32
safridzalhi Wizard06:32
WizardThe time has come to update Lynx to Precise.06:32
WizardDid anybody do this before?06:32
WizardCurrently do-release-upgrade doesn't even notify me about such possibility, which is weird.06:33
* safridzal prefer an ISO upgrade06:33
WizardNot at work, I some things to do.06:34
WizardI wonder if is it possible to download updates first and left the essential part of the upgrade for later.06:34
safridzaldo you mean to just download the package? not install them?06:35
safridzalyou can read that on man apt-get06:35
safridzalthe download only option06:36
WizardYeah, this is obvius, but what about the update.06:39
safridzalwhat do you mean?06:41
Wizarddo-releas-upgrade downloads packages and immediately updates the system.06:44
WizardI would like to split this, download updates "in background" while working, launch updating at the end of the day.06:45
safridzalWizard: run the apt-get with -d option from tty2 or somwhere will do i think06:47
Wizardsafridzal: but that would require altering sources.list manually. I don't want to. I "trust" the updater.06:49
safridzalwell, i dont know about ubuntu way to upgrade.. :D I always do the mint way (ISO upgrade) to upgrade release :D06:51
forgeausis there any gui way to mount a device?08:05
CruX|for example in krusader you can mount device08:06
forgeausmountman? I tried that it only listed stuff that was already mounted08:06
forgeausnot stuff I haven't mounted yet08:06
CruX|forgeaus: and what is not mountable ?08:07
forgeausI'm fairly certain these things are mountable08:07
RuediiXIf the device is register in mtab, and you have authority to mount it it should be listed in most file managers.08:07
RuediiXWhat exactly are you trying to mount?08:07
forgeausthe system-settings for removable devices lists them but I don't want automount I just want to mount for a while to use08:07
forgeausa hard drive I have temporarily in a sata drive bay08:08
forgeausthe file systems are fine (FAT32 I think)08:08
forgeausbut if I do it on terminal I have to make directories and juggle what sd* is what08:09
forgeausetc etc..08:09
RuediiXOK, hmm.   I used to use a program in GNOME to handle things like that back before the switch to GNOME 3.08:10
forgeausoddly dolphin seems to know them all08:10
forgeausI'll try that08:10
forgeausI rarely use dolphin08:11
RuediiXI tend to use Dolphin these days.   It seems more reliable.    It doesn't have all the internal HTTP stuff to bog it down that Konqueror does.08:13
forgeausI prefer to use Krusader08:13
forgeausI used to use norton Commander, back in the day for DOS stuff08:13
forgeausI'm still far more comfortable in that kind of environment08:14
lordievaderGood morning08:19
RuediiXIf you like that type of environment you can configure Dolphin to that mode.  Compact or details.  To run fully keyboard driven, you can select with keyboard, select multiple with ctrl and use the menu key for options08:34
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forgeaushi, uh not so good a name choice by the way lol09:11
lordievaderHey root___09:11
=== forgeaus is now known as ForgeAus
root___how to install adobe reader for backtrack09:11
lordievaderI think it is a fun name.09:11
lordievaderIs there a linux version of Adobe Reader?09:12
ForgeAusfun perhaps, but dangerous if its what I think it is09:12
root___i tried apt-get install adobe readerm but error09:12
ForgeAuslordievader: maybe, I'm not sure09:12
ForgeAusuh root___ backtrack? don't know what that is09:12
ForgeAusbut okular does pdf's for the most part09:12
root___plesai knoz09:12
lordievaderYeah it's probably not in the repos, check Adobe's website (look for a deb package)09:12
ForgeAuslordievader:  no if they do its not in the repos09:12
ForgeAus!info Adobe09:13
ubottuPackage Adobe does not exist in precise09:13
ForgeAus!info adobe-reader09:13
ubottuPackage adobe-reader does not exist in precise09:13
ForgeAussee :)09:13
ForgeAusflash is, reader and stuff like illustrator is a whole otehr story...09:13
ForgeAusits all commercial anyway...09:13
lordievaderThere is a linux version! http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=HRZAC09:14
ForgeAusyou migth be able to get Linux editions I don't know09:14
lordievaderOh and it is a .bin.09:14
ForgeAusahh there you go lordievader found one09:14
ForgeAusyeah ... but there should be some info on how to install it from there09:14
CruX|lordievader:  afaik adobe reader is in medibuntu repo09:14
ForgeAusanyway, back later, hav fun09:14
lordievaderCruX|: I see, didn't know that.09:15
lordievaderForgeAus: ./<Whatever-it-is-called>.bin?09:16
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=== ocs is now known as bauLUCE
WizardWhy does anybody need AcrobatReader while Okular is so good? :>10:19
lordievaderWizard: No idea, Okular is just fine10:19
Wizardlordievader: I think the same. It also opens other formats!10:25
BluesKajHey all10:41
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest82214
ForgeAuswhats the plus symbol on the upper left of file icons in Dolphin? and can you turn it off?10:50
lordievaderForgeAus: It is used for selections, you can use it instead of ctrl10:51
lordievaderNot sure on how to remove it.10:53
=== kubuntu_ is now known as ebud
ct529hi everybody10:55
ct529i have a quandary ....10:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:56
ForgeAushehe a quandary, ok is that like where you pick stone from? on no wait thats a quarry ...10:56
ct529I am writing a backup script for a ku buntu machine .... the script mounts the server using nfs, then drops back to the original user, then rsyncs the home directory10:56
ct529I would you do the mounting (root) and coming back to the normal user within the script without adding too much vulnerability?10:57
=== ebud is now known as ehsansn
ehsansnI use sudo dpkg -i *.deb with no problem but when I enter kdesudo dpkg -i *.deb it says:dpkg: error: need an action option11:00
ehsansnwhat is the problem?11:01
lordievaderehsansn: If sudo works, why not just use that?11:01
ehsansnbecause I want to put it in a bash script11:01
lordievaderehsansn: Sudo runs fine in scripts.11:02
ehsansnso that someone would just click the script and it installs all the .deb files11:02
lordievaderehsansn: So it needs to go through the gui?11:03
lordievaderehsansn: Why than not just double click the .deb?11:03
ehsansnbecause there are lots of .deb files11:04
ehsansnincluding dependencies11:04
BluesKajct529, have you seen this ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo , it might help clarify a few things11:05
lordievaderehsansn: You might need to add some "", so: kdesudo "dpkg -i *.deb"11:05
lordievaderIt seemed that kdesudo captures some arguments that where ment for dpkg11:06
BluesKajehsansn, no need for kdesudo in the terminal unless you want to launch a gui11:06
lordievaderBluesKaj: That is what he wants11:06
ct529BluesKaj: ciao! Yes thanks .... what I need is to mount and umount in the same script, do not want to leave it mounted .... also i want to be in sudo state only for mounting, not for rsync11:06
BluesKajdpkg  -i in the krunner ?11:07
ehsansnyes I actually want the noob user to see the gui11:07
BluesKajok , sorry to interrupt11:07
ct529BluesKaj: I want to minimise the time spent with the disk mounted and with the script in sudo.11:08
ehsansnkdesudo "dpkg -i *.deb" says dpkg: error processing *.deb (--install):11:08
ehsansn cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:08
lordievaderehsansn: Than you need to use a for loop, dpkg can apparently not handle wildcards.11:09
BluesKajehsansn, usually the terminal is best right off the top to get new ppl used to the cli , rather than molly coddle them with the gui...that's my opinion11:10
lordievaderBluesKaj: Same here, now that I know my way around in the terminal it made my life a lot easier :P11:10
ehsansnI think I found the way , I put dpkg -i *.deb in another bashscript and told kdesudo to run that script11:11
ehsansnthankyou all11:14
lordievaderehsansn: Sure no problem, good luck with your linux noobs :P11:15
* BluesKaj wonders what ehsansn is trying to install ... I still don't understand ...but it's early here11:15
lordievaderFrom what I understand, he has a few noob users who need to install a folder full of .deb files.11:16
lordievaderBe back in a bit.11:17
BluesKajok , didn't catch that11:18
ehsansndear BluesKaj:  here we shall pay for bandwidth so people don't want to pay for installing some free apps just to see how linux is. so I wondered I would pack them in folders and make a gui installer.and I want it to be as easy as possible for windows users to understand11:18
ehsansndoes that now make sense?11:18
BluesKajwell ehsansn to some degree , but it doesn't show how to install diferent kinds of apps , including compressed and apps in repos ...deb files aren't very representative actual linux install precedures ..but i do understand using debs since they come with their own built in installers11:21
taninpackage managers would be esy for them to understand11:22
taninrather sure apt-get could be understood11:24
BluesKajtanin, well windows users are used a more complicated install method , so I guess deb installers are sort of "familiar " :)11:26
* lordievader Returns to his pc11:26
RuediiXehsansn you are running the command from a shell, and are in the same directory as the .deb files you are trying to install.11:27
taninoh thats true wasn't in dis agreement11:27
ehsansnno Ruediix11:27
ehsansnIm just running the bash file11:27
lordievaderehsansn: It works now?11:28
ehsansnyes it actually does11:28
ehsansnhow do you guys mention someone when chatting here?11:28
ehsansnyou don't have to mention the whole name do you?11:29
lordievaderehsansn: Just type the username11:29
lordievaderAnd just like in bash it (usually) has an autocomplete feature11:29
ehsansnlordievader: is it true?11:29
ehsansnok thanks11:30
lordievaderehsansn: What is ture?11:30
RuediiXehsansn Generally we type the whole username because people's chat clients highlight it for them.11:40
ehsansnI didn't know that before today11:41
ehsansnso thankyou11:41
RuediiXPersonally, I wish they would use spellcheck algorithms to pick up possible misspelled and shortened usernames and highlight them a different color.11:42
RuediiXehsansn, you would be surprised how many people spend years using a chat client with the feature and never notice that lines that have their username mentioned are highlighted.11:44
BluesKajRuediiX, some never try to configure the chat , they just go with it11:49
BluesKajclient that is11:50
RuediiXStrangely, these are the defaults.  But some people never try to learn the defaults either, point taken.11:52
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teodihi, since upgrading to 12.04 global shortcuts (Fn+F9-12) in Clementine are not working.. I've tried to check Global shortcuts in system settings, but there's only amarok and I'm not really sure how to allow them.. any help?12:11
=== Guest81299 is now known as cryptfu_
PsynoKhi0greetings, I'm a tad confused about the package installation utilities in Kubuntu Precise: what's the point of qapt?12:15
PsynoKhi0I'm trying to install the deb package for Opera that I got from their server12:16
EzimPsynoKhi0, try gdebi12:18
PsynoKhi0Ezim: I suppose that will have to do, thanks12:20
EzimPsynoKhi0, np.12:21
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PsynoKhi0Hi, isn't the network manager supposed to display a pop-up window to enter a wireless network's passphrase when set up not to save any credentials?13:00
lordievaderPsynoKhi0: That is indeed what it should do.13:01
WizardPsynoKhi0: Exception is of course unsecured wifi ;]13:02
PsynoKhi0WPA2 networks in both cases13:03
PsynoKhi0they both just get stuck at failed authentication and disconnect, I can get to the connection manager and enter the password there for one of them. The other is a WPA2 enterprise network with PEAP  where I can again choose to not save my user's password, in which case the password field is disabled13:08
pedorhi, how I use a html asignature in kmail?13:38
=== lindalou is now known as westmi
cancerI have installed fresh Kubuntu, and now want to know about a good package installer. i did once but not don't have in mind. any help.13:59
canceralmoxarife: can you please tell me about the package installer?13:59
cancerwizard: hey14:00
WizardHi cancer14:01
WizardI can't chat now.14:01
WizardI'll be back here in about 4 hours.14:02
cancerwizard: hi, sorry i was searching for help. can you please tell me about any package installer.14:05
lordievadercancer: Hey, do you want a cli or a gui based package manager?14:07
cancerlordievader: gui14:08
cancerlordievader: i want the good one that work. cause default manager don't work fine.14:09
lordievadercancer: With the default one you mean Muon I guess? Not my favorite either, you could install synaptic, that is my favorite gui based. (sudo apt-get install synaptic)14:10
cancerlordievader: http://paste.kde.org/480056/14:11
cancerlordievader: how to change server settings?14:13
cancerhow to change server settings?14:13
lordievadercancer: Well I guess you could download the .deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/synaptic (at the bottom of the page are the download links)14:15
BluesKajcancer, open settings, configure software settings, make sure canonical partners is checked ,as well as 3rdparty sources14:16
BluesKajin muon14:17
lordievaderHow is the support of tv tuner cards (old ones) in linux? I'm cleaning my room and found one, I remember that there where no windows 7 drivers for it...14:20
BluesKajlordievader, i have an ati all in wonder tuner card , which used to work on tvtime ..haven't used it in a while tho.14:21
cancerblueskaj: software sources> other software> there are two, one with source code and one without it. do i have to do both14:22
lordievaderBluesKaj: Tvtime is a linux app?14:22
lordievaderI'll check that out later, thx14:22
BluesKajcancer , don't check the source code repos14:23
BluesKajyes lordievader tvtrime used to be a linux app for several types of tv tuners14:24
cancerblueskaj: http://imagebin.org/212586     |        which one to check?14:25
cancerblueskaj: http://imagebin.org/21258614:26
cancerlordievader: command to install pidgin14:27
BluesKajcheck canonical partners , but not the source code for any14:27
BluesKajlordievader, i see tvtime in muon and synaptic14:28
lordievaderBluesKaj: Oh ok, cool, thank you!14:28
cancerhow to install pidgin14:30
lordievadercancer: sudo apt-get install pidgin14:30
=== Guest51192 is now known as Aranel
cancerlordievader: do i need to update any of the packages. it's fresh installation so i don't know what to do. what's important14:37
Aranelafter 12.04 upgrade now plasma-desktop crashes with "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)", any help?14:37
lordievadercancer: You mean update the system? I would do so, yes. "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:39
cancerlordievader: will it do the all i need for me.14:40
lordievadercancer: What do you mean?14:41
BluesKajmuon also notifies available updates/upgrades in the panel , but I still prefer to use apt-get in the termianl14:43
cancerlordievader: i mean i don't know much about kubuntu. i mean will it update | upgrade every driver or software i could need.14:43
lordievadercancer: It will update all of the programs currently installed. (If there are any update available ofcourse)14:45
pedorhi, I need some help with kmail, is it possible to use an html signature?14:48
cancerlordievader: please repeat the last command for update......14:50
cancerlordievader: machine was restarted14:50
BluesKajcancer , copy and paste into the terminal, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:51
BluesKajoops cancer , wait14:52
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:52
cancerblueskaj: what about this one, > sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:54
lordievaderFor as far as I know it does the same thing.14:56
BluesKajcancer, no, copy and paste the command i posted into the terminal , you can run the commands you mentioned , but they have to be run individually , the && links them together as one command14:57
BluesKajlordievader, neber used that versionof the command14:58
BluesKajbut it seems to work :)14:58
lordievaderBluesKaj: I made an alias for it, now I just have to type update and he will do all that.14:58
* BluesKaj learns someting new everyday14:59
* lordievader learns something new everyday too14:59
cancerblueskaj: ok, i'll do it14:59
cancerthanks, anyway.14:59
cancerblueskaj: will these updates work for audio & video drivers.15:00
BluesKajyes i use aliases ud for update , ug for upgrades , dist ...but I prefer not to jump to dist-upgrade directly , I always upgrade first then dist15:00
BluesKajcancer only for installed ones15:00
lordievaderBluesKaj: Does it not update installed drivers? (Through the additional drivers thingie)15:01
BluesKajlordievader, yes for installed drivers15:02
lordievaderWell then cancer the installed drivers will get updated with the command.15:03
* lordievader has a cookie :D15:03
BluesKajthe additional drivers "jockey" as it's known is an installer where one chooses to activate a driver , usually the the recommended diver is preferable15:04
BluesKajdiver = driver :)15:04
=== vprints_ is now known as vprints
lordievaderHehe, the tv tuner card just works! Thanks BluesKaj for pointing me to tvtime15:15
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BluesKajlordievader, cool :)15:16
lordievaderIs there a way to listen to a line in?15:23
lordievaderThe tv card has its own line out, that is now connected to the line in of my sound card.15:23
lordievaderNvm made some other connections..15:26
BluesKajlordievader, yeah , that's the way the sound on most ati tv tuners work ..what model do you have ?15:29
lordievaderBluesKaj: Some kind of pinnacle card.15:30
lordievaderBut I'm already surprised that it works, and so easily too.15:30
BluesKajyeah , actually pinnacle and Hauppauge are the best tuner cards from what I've seen in reviews15:32
ikoniait's hard to top hauppauge in terms of support/compatability15:33
BluesKajI got  what i paid for with the ATI ...it was on sale for half price ...it worked okk but the reolution was pretty crappy15:33
lordievaderI got an old pc from some friends, it had this card in it...15:34
lordievaderNever really used it though.15:34
BluesKajresolution was like VHS on slowest speed15:34
ikoniaI have 2 dual recieved hauppage HD cards, they are superb15:34
BluesKajikonia, HD  ?15:35
ikoniaI really can't fault them, 4 channels of HD capabiliy, full linux support, very immpressive15:35
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BluesKajikonia, nice15:35
ikoniaBluesKaj: well, they can read the HD channels on UK freeview and my machine is powerful enough to encode/decode them15:35
ikoniait's rare I rate a product as well, in terms of design/price/compatability15:35
BluesKajdoes the tuner card integrate well with the video card or does it have it's own HD/hdmi outs?15:37
ikoniathe video card is the output device15:38
ikoniathe tuner cards have no capability to display content15:38
BluesKajok . wasn't sure if any tv cards had video out15:39
ikoniasome do, but they are more in line with the ati-all-in-wonder type thing15:39
ikoniathese are dedicated TV tuners,15:40
lordievaderThis one has svideo out and composit (the yellow one) I believe.15:40
BluesKajthat's my old tv card ..but it's strictly ntsc/pal std15:40
lordievaderAin't that crazy, I remember searching for hours on Windows for drivers eventually giving up. And now just install tvtime and it just works!15:42
Graf_Westerholtlordievader Great! :)15:43
BluesKajI was looking at the Hauppauge pvr , and transfer hd content from my satpvr to the pc using the component video and digital audio outs15:45
ikoniaanything by hauppage I think your in for a good result (if you buy the right tool to do the job you want)15:46
BluesKajit's linux compatible , there's a website dedicated to it's use on 'buntu15:46
ikoniaexactly, they are great like that15:46
BluesKajunfortunately I settled for an outboard hard drive connected by USB to the satpvrto archive overflow ... had an old pvr with an unused 300G drive which came in useful15:50
BluesKaj30 bucks for a sata hdd enclosre , was a lot cheaper than 200bucks for the hauppauge ... we're on fixed income , so priorities and all that15:53
lordievaderGotta go, cya16:11
BluesKajhey Daskreech16:33
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DaskreechHi BluesKaj16:56
=== bill_ is now known as cbstxbill
macohow do i make Apper stop nagging me to upgrade to 12.04?17:20
BluesKajdoes apper have a notifier option maco ? if so turn it off17:30
macoBluesKaj: ooh apper's a gui thing. i thought it was some background service daemon17:35
macoBluesKaj: but no, no options regarding the notifications17:36
macojust check daily17:36
macobut apper nags every 15 minutes or so17:36
BluesKajmaco, yeah , someone mentioned that it's  upgrade of kpackagekit17:36
BluesKajmaco, muon is probly the notifier you see17:38
macoit says "Apper" at the top of the notification bubble17:39
macoi also see muon notifiers when i have normal (not new release) updates17:39
lelamalmaco: you could probably just uninstall apper, and use only muon17:41
macook. i wonder why upgrading to 11.10 didnt just do that then17:42
mr0wlanyone know a good PPA for the latest Kdenlive?17:44
ForgeAusapper seems pretty good from what I've noticed17:45
ForgeAusMuon works fine so no need for it but apper integrates into system-settings17:45
macothe trouble with apper is it asks every 15 minutes about upgrading to 12.0417:48
macoand if you click the "cancel" on the window that comes up explaining 12.04 and being all "are you sure?" at you... it crashes17:48
swecarpmr0wl,  i knowe 1 ppa but hes not finished with it yeat17:49
mr0wlswecarp: which one is it?17:49
swecarpmr0wl,  heres his launchpad addy https://launchpad.net/~philip5 he has manny good ppa have hade some puter trubbel bet hes working on the new precise ppa s what i knowe17:50
mr0wlswecarp: oh great, thank you so much17:51
swecarpmr0wl,  his ppasw is werry good hav a look what hes have17:52
lordievaderGood evening18:07
BluesKajjust gave up on kmail for a 2nd time ... this time it's gonna be a while 'til I try it again18:21
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone18:25
* Wizard returned.18:25
WizardHi phoenix_firebrd.18:25
phoenix_firebrdWizard: hi18:26
lordievaderWelcome back Wizard18:27
Wizardlordievader: ;]18:30
WizardI haz a beer!18:30
sergehi i have instaled kubuntu 12.04 and i have problem with fonts in google earth  plz help18:46
dugan_I installed Kubuntu 12.04 on my Acer laptop and I need some help getting the onboard camera to work18:47
Wizardserge: screenshot18:49
Wizarddugan_: precise "to work"18:49
phoenix_firebrdserge: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-fix-ugly-fonts-in-google-earth-6-2-on-ubuntu/18:49
Wizardserge: nvm ^^18:49
Wizardphoenix_firebrd: First link from google? :P18:50
phoenix_firebrdWizard:  :)18:50
phoenix_firebrdWizard: i had the problem18:50
dugan_I am a total noob when it comes to linux and need some help with installing camera that is built into the laptop18:50
Wizardphoenix_firebrd: ;]18:50
Wizarddugan_: It should work out of the box.18:51
phoenix_firebrddugan_: is camera not working?18:51
dugan_it's working on the windows side of the partition18:51
phoenix_firebrddugan_: ya it should work normally18:51
serge<phoenix_firebrd>thx but this solution is not working on 12.04 ((18:51
phoenix_firebrdserge: sorry, forgot to tell you, restart after doing that18:52
Wizarddugan_: huh?18:52
dugan_when I start up Skype, there is no camera and when I check system settings there is no camera at all18:54
sergescrennshot http://pixs.ru/showimage/snimok3png_2030869_4805558.png18:54
phoenix_firebrddugan_: did you check with kopete?18:55
dugan_nope, lemme check that now18:55
phoenix_firebrdserge: are you using russian language?18:56
WizardSeem so.18:57
Wizard"Starup hint"18:57
serge<phoenix_firebrd> yes18:57
phoenix_firebrdserge: what is told you before was the only solution i can find on the internet19:01
phoenix_firebrdserge: did you restart after trying the solution?19:01
serge<phoenix_firebrd> yes restart but is not working(( i found this http://installuninstall.com/google-earth-6-2-ubuntu-12-04.html but google easth even not star after replace19:02
malformedhas somebody an idea when the backports will be available for 12.04 or when (and how) to gain access to gimp 2.8 without using "strange" ppas?19:02
WizardLemme read it.19:03
dugan_thanks guys and gals.... that worked great19:03
WizardWhat worked great?19:03
phoenix_firebrdserge: kubuntu 64 bit?19:03
serge<phoenix_firebrd> yes19:03
phoenix_firebrdserge: thats a reported bug19:05
malformedoops, just realised that I forgot to say "hi" first - please accept my excuse. And: "Hi there" =)19:05
serge<phoenix_firebrd> hm .. ok19:06
phoenix_firebrdserge: i will work fine with a 32 bit kubuntu, problem is in a shared library19:07
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phoenix_firebrdserge: try the solution given here http://askubuntu.com/questions/130970/google-earth-will-not-launch19:08
serge<phoenix_firebrd> ok thank you very much19:10
phoenix_firebrdserge: yw19:10
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Guest60193Hey guys...I just found this and works awesome!19:13
Guest60193It allows you to download directly from the M$ ftp...19:13
lordievaderGuest60193 = spam/virus?19:14
Guest60193nope, I tried it19:14
Guest60193windows xp19:14
lordievaderFtp, built right in so why would anyone here need something like that?19:14
BluesKajdownload what ?19:14
Guest60193it uses some kind of alogorithm that bypasses the need to login, and takes directly to the root of their server to download all the m$ apps19:15
Guest60193I have the latest office, with windows 7 and also the windows 8 beta19:16
lordievaderThen still, why sould anyone here need something like that? Do you know where you are?19:16
BluesKajGuest60193, and why are you telling us this ? :)19:16
Guest60193I thought I would share with you guys.19:16
lordievaderCan someone mute/ban/kick him?19:16
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Guest60193I found it on a forum and tried it...You want it, no? Well ok, no need to ban me19:17
BluesKajMS windows troll , perhaps ?19:17
lordievaderCould be... Clearly doesn't know where he is...19:17
BluesKajGuest60193, do you have a kubuntu related comment or question?19:17
cancerblueskaj: I have ;D19:18
BluesKajguess not :)19:18
Guest60193what is kubuntu, I tought that was the name of the chat19:18
lordievaderHey cancer, how are you?19:18
phoenix_firebrdGuest60193: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/119:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]19:18
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde19:18
cancerlordievader: hi, i'm fine, thanks for askin19:18
BluesKajwith a name like cancer , i wonder19:19
phoenix_firebrdha ha ha19:19
cancerlordievader: i'm stuck with kubuntu. i'm facing issues. even after installing the fresh copy and command for up|dist-ug.... its hangs after start up. only i am able to use alf+f2 to run any app (even not all)19:20
cancerBlueskaj: Yes, it's cancer 'name for some ppls' and star for others :-p19:21
cancerlordievader: i cannot click any icon in panel (like windows xp start bar)19:22
lordievadercancer: Euhmm, could you perhaps send a screenshot?19:23
cancerlordievader: i tried to take one, but failed. it stucks.19:23
phoenix_firebrdcancer: is the taskmanager working?19:23
cancerlordievader: will it work with failsafe load19:23
lordievadercancer: Is the install old/heavy modified?19:24
cancerlordievader: old/heavy?19:25
lordievaderOld or heavily modified XD19:25
cancerlordievader: :( let me get back into kubuntu. need a quick reboot. Brb :)19:26
cancerC Ya19:26
cancersudo reboot ;)19:26
lordievaderSudo reboot in kde isn't a very clean way of doing things I've noticed19:27
BluesKajbrb , gotta setup thunderbird on my other drive /12.04 ...kmail is just too much bother segfaulting constantly ... gonna wait for a while 'til I try it again19:29
cancerlordievader: Back with Kubuntu LO@dEd19:30
cancerLordievader: i am now loged in with failsafe (previous session)19:30
lordievadercancer: And the failsafe works?19:31
cancerlordievader: yes, that's y i'm with ya know. can't say much about next time19:32
lordievaderI'm thinking it is a driver issue... What kind of gfx card do you have?19:34
cancerlordievader: nvidia quadro19:34
lordievadercancer: Did you install a driver for it?19:35
cancerlordievader: before doing with drivers, i need to ask about the panel. i mistakenly removed the some panel, where it shows open windows. now i can only switch them by alt+tab method19:35
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lordievadercancer: Rightclick the desktop -> add panel -> default19:36
cancerlordievader: Nope, no drivers yet. no sound and no graphic drivers.19:36
lordievaderYou might have to unlock the widgets19:36
cancerlordievader: i tried that method and it hang19:36
lordievadercancer: Then you'll need to get a driver from nVidea.19:37
cancerlordievader: tell me how to do it. it's an impossible task, i tried to get help from here when i first installed kubuntu19:37
WizardDrivers problem?19:38
cancerLordievader: where to start. driver thingy is still untouched.19:38
cancerWizard: Yep :)19:38
lordievadercancer: Jup it is difficult, I remember the first time I had to do that in linux... god what a problem. But now it is a breeze.19:38
lordievadercancer: I guess you could use the GUI method19:39
lordievaderkmenu -> apps -> system -> additional drivers.19:39
Wizardlordievader: like jockey?19:39
cancerwizard: i remember jockey, but i think kubuntu needs jacky :-p19:39
lordievaderI don't know how the app is called... actually, I just know it is that additional drivers thing. I don't use it myself.19:40
cancerlordievader: i tried once from additional drivers. but it change resolution to 640****. now current resolution is 1024****19:40
lordievadercancer: Do you now have a nvidea control panel?19:41
lordievaderOr did you install the nouveau driver?19:41
cancerlordievader | wizard: please tell me the solution that works fine. i don't want to install kubuntu again. it's just today i have installed it.19:41
Wizardcancer: Is it nvidia optimus?19:42
lordievadercancer: What options do you have in jockey/additional drivers?19:42
cancerlordievader: no nvidia control panel.19:42
lordievadercancer: But what does that jockey/additional drivers/what-ever-it-is-called thing give you?19:44
cancerwizard | lordievader: http://imagebin.org/21260919:46
lordievadercancer: Wich one did you try?19:47
cancerwizard | lordievader: There are no activated Drivers:D19:47
cancerwizard | lordievader: none19:47
lordievadercancer: Well activate the top one, post-release 17319:47
GalvatronWhat crad?19:48
cancerlordievader: the top one. (hope it won't come with experimental based)19:48
cancerGalvatron: Nvidia quadro19:48
GalvatronWhich model?19:48
BluesKajok , thunderbird works like a charm on 12.04 & 12.10 ...dunno why i bothered with kmail19:49
cancerGalvatron: i don't remember it's model. it's some FX 1000 i thing19:49
lordievaderBluesKaj: Jup thunderbird is nice :)19:49
GalvatronFX 1000 and newer should be supported in the latest drivers19:50
BluesKajcancer, open a terminal , dpkg -l | grep nvidia19:50
cancerGalvatron: Yes, it's 'Nvidia Quadro FX 1000' Confirmed19:50
cancerblueskaj: ii  nvidia-common                          1:0.2.35                                 Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers19:51
EmbalmedHey guys, i'm trying to do-release-upgrade and it keeps failing saying some 3rd party packages can't be upgraded or something, where do i look to find out what those packages are19:51
BluesKajoops i should have mentioned pastebin , cancer19:52
cancerGalvatron: Latest drivers but how to do it. i don't know. once i have tried that jockey.19:52
cancerBlueskaj: that what i did even having bin in mind. Sorry. :)19:52
lordievadercancer: If i am not mistaken 173/post release are the latest.19:53
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cancerlordievader: i was just going to ask about it. So i should do it now? need a y/n to proceed.19:53
GalvatronI've just checked and Quadro FX 1000 is GF5-based19:54
GalvatronSo no new drivers support - legacy only19:54
lordievaderGalvatron: So 96?19:54
lordievaderversion 96 I mean19:55
Galvatron173.xx rather19:55
lordievader96 is newer than 173?19:55
BluesKajEmbalmed, open muon settings>configure software sources, and uncheck 3rd party software sources19:55
cancerlordievader | Galvatron | blueskaj | Wizard: ???? :|19:56
EmbalmedBluesKaj: I can try that, but the script said it was disabling 3rd party sources also, so i don't think that will help19:56
Embalmedwas just lookign for a log or somethign that said exactly what19:57
cancerWizard: do you have any solution?19:57
lordievadercancer: I'm sorry I don't have use nvidia card, I have one, but I don't use it. So I don't really know what version you need XD19:57
Wizardcancer: I'm terribly sorry, but I am avoding nvidia like it's been leprous :(19:57
WizardThat's why I've *never* had to deal with such problem and I simple don't know how can I help you.19:57
GalvatronFor this very card nVidia's website recommends drivers 173.143119:57
BluesKajcancer, open kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers , choose the recommended driver and activate it ,,,it will then proceed to download install and configure the driver19:58
cancerGalvatron: :-?19:58
GalvatronSee for yourself19:58
cancerblueskaj: and will it work?19:58
lordievaderBluesKaj: Isn't the post-release updates one a better one?19:58
GalvatronSo install the 173.xx, NOT 96.xx19:58
BluesKajlordievader, not on my setup19:58
lordievaderHmm ok, I wouldn't know...19:59
cancerGalvatron | blueskaj: so what finally i should choose > http://imagebin.org/21260919:59
BluesKajthe driver that shows as "recommended" is tested and known to work , lordievader , the post-release drivrs are usually experiumental20:00
lordievaderAh ok, thanks. One of the reasons I like the IRC channels, I always learn new things :D20:00
cancerOK Guys here it goes the recommended.....20:01
lordievaderGoof luck20:01
BluesKajyes cancer , as I said , "recommended"20:01
GalvatronnVidia's experimental drivers are marked as "BETA"20:01
GalvatronAll the reast are stable20:02
GalvatronAt least in theory...20:02
canceri've been once gone with all this process. finally what i got is not to look at kubuntu. and it's goes again. hope it won't :D20:03
GalvatronI definitely recommend going for post-release stable drivers, as they might have bugfixes and new features20:03
GalvatronBEAT only if they  solve some urgent issue, and.or drmatically improve the performance20:04
cancerGalvatron: anyway, i must be ready for issue after those drivers finished.20:05
EmbalmedAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:20:06
EmbalmedE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be20:06
Embalmedcaused by held packages.20:06
cancerlordievader: i only have qapt package installer. is there any other installer?20:07
lordievadercancer: Sorry, what?20:07
cancerlordievader: package installer other than Qapt20:07
lordievaderYou want a different package manager? Try synaptic (sudo apt-get install synaptic)20:08
lordievaderYou might have to enable some repos though...20:08
lordievaderNot sure.20:08
lordievadercancer: Did you install the driver?20:11
cancerlordievader: i have teamviewer, but i cannot install it. someone from here told me once about some kde installer as i remember. with right click i used to install it.20:11
BluesKajEmbalmed, did you update with apt-get after editing the package manager..it's a good policy20:11
cancerlordievader: yes, drivers are finished and need a restart. but i'm afraid to do. so i'm asking about some other little stuff. :)20:11
Embalmedtrying that now, the do-release-upgrade replaced oneiric with precise in the sources.list so i had to revert, and now i'm updating20:11
cancerLordievader: recommended drivers are installed.20:12
lordievadercancer: Ok good, let us know if they work!20:13
lordievadercancer: And does it work?20:26
cancerlordievader: yes. does a man need glasses when drivers won't work?  :D20:27
BluesKajit must he's using quassel20:27
cancerLordievader: it's worked and remind me of late kubuntu.20:27
lordievaderHow do you mean that?20:27
cancerblueskaj: who? me. i'm using quassel.20:28
cancerblueskaj | lordievader: dirvers are installed and now resolution is changed to 640x480. this is the highest resolution.20:30
lordievaderGo to the nvidia control panel.20:30
BluesKajcancer, yes the join message tells us you're using quassel20:30
cancerblueskaj: right, once upon a time i learned to use it :-p20:31
cancerlordievader: i'm on it.20:31
cancerlordievader: wt's next20:31
lordievaderI don't know the nvidia control panel, but see if there is an option to change it...20:32
BluesKajcancer, kmenu>apps>settings >nvidia x-server settings20:32
cancerlordievader: no there isn't any opt.20:33
cancerblueskaj: i'm on it.20:33
cancerblueskaj: what next?20:34
cancerlordievader | blueskaj: http://imagebin.org/21261620:35
cancerlordievader | blueskaj: http://imagebin.org/21261720:36
cancerAm i Lost? anyone there....!20:36
lordievaderNope right track.20:37
lordievaderIt's just that I don't use nVidia so I wouldn't know where to go. Look around for resolution settings.20:37
cancerlordievader | blueskaj: http://imagebin.org/21261820:38
BluesKajcancer, try kmenu>computer>system settings>display and monitor >size and orientation , arethere nay options in the "size" dropdown ?20:38
Ezimcancer, look to display configuration20:38
BluesKajare there any20:38
cancerblueskaj: http://imagebin.org/212616  |  http://imagebin.org/212617  |   http://imagebin.org/21261820:39
cancerBlueskaj: yes there are two.20:39
Ezimcancer, hmm why are you using driver 173... (legacy)? old nvidia card?20:40
cancerblueskaj: 320x240  |  640x48020:40
lordievadercancer: What is the resolution you want?20:40
lordievadercancer: There are dirty workarounds...20:40
cancerEzim: Nvidia Quadro FX 1000.20:41
Ezimcancer, then you are using wrong driver20:41
lordievader173 is the recommended?20:41
BluesKajthen you might want to try the post-release driver , since 640x480 is quite low res20:41
EzimLegacy releases for GeForce 5 series GPUs <<--- is for 173... drivers20:42
BluesKajEzim, he's using the recommended driver20:42
lordievaderOr you could force a res with xrandr20:42
lordievaderI'm not really sure how gfx cards respond to that actually XD20:43
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lordievaderCRT monitors however respond fine to the workaround20:43
cancerlordievader: i was using above 1024x****. something like 1280x960 as i remember20:43
cancerezim: recommended driver were 173 shown their.20:44
GalvatronAs for 17", 1152x864 is more optimal20:44
cancerlordievader: ahh i don't know well but heard of Xrandr too. :D20:44
lordievadercancer: As I said: not sure how GFX cards respond to it, but you could try: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/guerrilla-tactics-force-screen-mode-ubuntu20:44
cancergalvatron: i really don't remmeber the exact resolution. but i'm currently using 1280x???? somthing. i remember 120820:45
cancerblueskaj: i know i'm using the drivers you told me. now what with xserver setting?20:46
cancerblueskaj: http://imagebin.org/212616 | http://imagebin.org/212617 | http://imagebin.org/21261820:46
Ezimcancer, your display configuration is not working correct20:47
Ezimthats why your resolution is not picking what it should have20:47
BluesKajcancer, I saw that , I just posted , try the post-release driver instead ...they are obviously being very cautious about the recommended driver , but the post-release driver might be better20:48
lordievadercancer: Did you do an, what was it?, nvidea-xconfig or something like that?20:48
Ezimlordievader,  nvidea-xconfig gives new xorg.conf file20:49
lordievaderLong time ago when I used an nvidia card...20:49
BluesKajlordievader, if he used the jockey install in additional driver the nvidia-xconfig should have been auto generated20:49
lordievaderAh oke... nvm :P20:49
Ezimif not correct used cancer can after that command line not boot up again. must pick livecd and make new xorg.conf20:50
cancerlordievader: i think i have tried those tricks in past. i'm afraid that trick will take me in to black hole20:50
Embalmedi think getting it up to date oneiric first and doing do-release-upgrade has made it work, its downloading 1.5 gig of packages now20:50
cancerlordievader: sorry i'll try that when i'll have no other options.20:50
Embalmedthanks BluesKaj20:50
lordievaderEmbalmed: That is why we have a recover option in grub ;)20:51
BluesKajEzim, or use the tty to remove the driver , and let the default driver run20:51
EzimBluesKaj, thats work, but not all can handle tty.20:51
cancerblueskaj |ezim | lordievader | galvatron: what's the final decission20:51
BluesKajEmbalmed, ok , good to hear ;:)20:51
Ezimcancer, I would try with other drivers and not legacy20:52
BluesKajwell cancer the decision is yours20:52
Ezimyour card is newer then mois20:52
cancerblueskaj: thanks for ur opinion20:52
cancerLordievader: what up bro :D20:53
lordievadercancer: ?20:53
BluesKajcancer , try the post-release driver20:53
cancerlordievader: okie doki20:53
canceri'm on it20:53
lordievadercancer: I'd say the same thing. Though I don't use nvidia :P, just give me ATI and I'll know what to do20:54
cancerlordievader: maybe ATI don't do Nvidia stuff :)20:54
canceranyway, removing recommended drivers.20:55
lordievadercancer: My way of installing ATI drivers is through the cli/tty not really noob-friendly :P20:55
cancerlordievader: any idea about sound drivers20:55
lordievadercancer: Are they not present?20:55
lordievaderMost cards should work out of the box...20:56
cancerlordievader: it could be. i like google.20:56
cancerlordievader: i removed the recommended and started the post release. it is 173 updates. do it need recommended one's to be present20:57
cancerWhat if post release didn't work. then where to go.20:58
lordievadercancer: It's best to have just one activated.20:58
cancerok. post one's are on there way alone.20:58
BluesKajcancer , no need to remove any driver just choose the post-release to activate , and the other drivers will disabled20:58
lordievadercancer: Drop to a tty and run something along the lines of: sudo apt-get remove nvidia*20:58
BluesKajlordievader, no, he needs to stop kdm etc on the tty , let the additonal drivers jockey do the work for him at this point20:59
cancerlordievader: did you remember about package installer i was asking about. it was 'Gdebi-kde'. i used to install team viewer with it.21:00
lordievaderI ment that as an action if the driver fails and he gets a black screen or something else nasty.21:00
lordievaderPerhaps I wasn't clear on that point...21:01
cancerI hate that black screen. it loves me alot. once it appears won't left forever.21:01
cancerreboot time21:02
lordievadercancer: We all love it :P21:02
cancerBack with same results21:04
lordievaderTry forcing something higher...21:04
cancerOne difference this time21:05
cancerCheck this out21:05
sigandersonI don't understand why the screen goes in stand-by even if I set the screensaver and energy power features to off... anyone can help?21:05
cancerlordievader | blueskaj | ezim: http://imagebin.org/21262121:06
lordievadersiganderson: It did the samething for me, now I've just set the screen energy saving for 360min and it never goes to sleep again...21:06
lordievadersiganderson: Not really an answer, I know, but it works for me...21:07
sigandersontnx lordievader21:07
lordievadercancer: That seems to be better than last time... the dropdown configuration doesn't give you any other options?21:07
BluesKajsiganderson, I posted a suggestion in  #kde21:07
cancerlordievader: nothing for resolution21:09
lordievadercancer: Try forcing it...21:09
BluesKajok..enough for one day ...take care21:10
Ezimcancer, you can always use the opensource nvidia drivers21:10
cancerezim: will those works?21:10
lordievaderI'd first try to force the resolution onto it.21:10
cancerlordievader: there are driver on official site.21:11
cancerlordievader: will it goes blank if forcing didn't work?21:11
lordievaderThat is what you got now.21:11
lordievadercancer: It might, but then you can correct it through the tty.21:11
lordievaderOr reboot :P21:12
lordievaderxrandr things aren't permanent...21:12
cancerthen first tell me how can i correct it. then i try21:12
lordievaderDo you know how to get to a tty?21:12
cancerlordievader: alt+ctrl+f2 ?21:14
lordievaderGood ok.  Well once there, you need to type the following: export DISPLAY=:0 (this will tell the apps that use X to use that display)21:14
lordievaderAnd then: xrandr --output <name of your output> --preferred21:15
cancercan we manke any batch file. i'll launch that to fix the issues21:15
cancercause i'll forget this all when i'm there21:15
lordievadermake sure to start your file with: #!/bin/bash21:16
canceri can't make sure.21:16
lordievaderAnd also make it executable21:16
cancertell me the location and how i'll run that file.21:16
canceri know how to work in terminal at XP not in linux. can't work with directory commands.21:16
lordievadercancer: Could you give me the output of the xrandr command?21:18
cancerlordievader: i found something in nvidia x server settings21:20
lordievadercancer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/991390/21:21
lordievaderSave that as recover.sh in your home dir.21:21
lordievadercancer: And then in your terminal say: chmod a+x ./recover.sh21:22
lordievaderBut anyway should we continue tommorow, I kind of want to go to bed...21:23
cancerrepost the link please.21:24
cancernot this link21:25
cancerthe link from where i'll try forcing the size21:25
lordievadercancer: Oh search google for "xrandr resolution force" its on linuxjournal.21:25
lordievaderI'm off to bed, talk to you later.21:25
cancerjust wait a few moments i have to show something21:26
cancerlordievader | blueskaj: http://imagebin.org/212621 | http://imagebin.org/21262221:27
cancerezim: http://imagebin.org/212621 | http://imagebin.org/21262221:29
xcv_hi, can somebody help me with vim? I would like to use perl-like regexes in the search (/)21:31
IdleOnexcv_: try #vim21:36
xcv_IdleOne: ok, thanks :)21:38
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proxinixcan someone tell me what the kubuntu women channel name is please?21:51
ikoniaproxinix: there isn't one21:52
proxinixnot any more or has the name changed?21:52
Prometheshow to connect to cisco vpn in 12.04 using network manager? I filled vpn configuration but vpn connection is not connected. I tried kvpnc and it works without problems, but i want use network manager, anyone?21:52
ikoniaproxinix: there is no kubuntu for women channel21:53
Promethesand where i can find logs for network manager (if something like that exists)21:53
=== joel is now known as Guest79088
ox1dehi! my cpu was glitched and i unplugged it and rebooted, now my display is dim.... how do i get it back to being brighter?22:10
ox1de[i'm on xubuntu]22:11
RuediiXPromethes  what VPN protocol is used?    You need to download the appropriate Network-Manager VPN plugin22:12
RuediiXoxlde  It sounds like your gamma is messed up, what X11 driver are you running.  (As a note, on Xubuntu you should go to #Xubuntu or #Ubuntu-en22:14
ox1dehow do i know which x11 driver i'm running?22:14
RuediiXoxlde Well before that have you tried rebooting, and have you checked that there are no problems in xorg.0.log?22:16
ox1dei dont know which x0log i'm using22:16
ox1dei'll charge the battery and then reboot22:16
ox1demaybe that will work22:16
RuediiXoxlde Oh, it's a laptop, that's likely the issue.   I thought it was a desktop.  (That's important information, because  laptops have APIC control of their screen backlights.)   You probably should power down, charge to full, reboot.22:17
ox1deok thankz22:18
ox1dei'll be back if that doesnt work22:18
=== szal_ is now known as szal
cancerhow to install inxi in kubuntu?23:27
RuediiXcancer:  Instructions here: http://cathbard.com/cathbard-repo-howto.html23:41
ox1deOk.. i rebooted and charged the battery and the screen is still dim23:41
ox1dewhat should id o?23:41
RuediiXoxlde OK, the issue is likely the ACPI auto-dimmed the screen.  Have you tried adjusting the backlight?23:42
ox1dehow do i adjust the backlight?23:42
RuediiXoxlde I believe XFCE supports most hotkeys.23:43
RuediiXIf not there should be an ACPI control program somewhere.23:43
ox1decan you guide me through it?23:43
ox1dehow do i adjust the backlight?23:44
RuediiXWell if XFCE managed to autodetect your hotkeys they should work the same as in any other OS.23:45
ox1deum, thats going over my head23:46
RuediiXThe brightness keys on your laptop.23:46
RuediiXYou should be able to hit them.23:46
ox1dei'm not sure if i have brightness keys23:48
RuediiXOK, they are usually on the function keys and have the same "brightness" icons that would appear when adjusting the brightness on a monitor.23:49
RuediiXThe second place you can adjust it is the power-save settings.  In the settings panel.23:50
RuediiXPower-save mode probably triggered as the battery was dieing and it failed to reset the brightness when you plugged it back in.23:53
Jasper_someone can tall me the command list23:53
RuediiXJasper For the command prompt?23:53
Jasper_RuediiX, I want the comand list like /j, /op or maybe /help to show the commands23:54
Jasper_today is my first access in this channel23:54
RuediiXoh this channel is the same as the rest of IRC.  Anyways, you can fetch it from the server, by pulling up the main server page, and typing /help23:55
=== szal_ is now known as szal
RuediiXJasper, generally unless you are an admin don't need that many commands.  If you chat regularly you might want to /msg nickserv help to find out about registering your nickname23:56
Jasper_thx Ruediix23:57
RuediiXoxlde, did that help, did you find that power save box?23:59
canceralmoxarife: ?23:59

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