
=== stkrzysiak_ is now known as stkrzysiak
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BluesKajHey all10:41
MrChrisDruifAloha BluesKaj! ^_^10:42
BluesKajhowdy MrChrisDruif :)10:42
MrChrisDruifI think I know what the issue was with LightDM not changing backgrounds!10:42
MrChrisDruifI had a load of pics send to me by some acquaintances, and when I cp'd one to /usr/share/backgrounds/ to see if that would fix it, I noticed it didn't10:44
MrChrisDruifSo what I then did was check permissions...they didn't have a+r...so I did "sudo chmod +r ~/Pictures/*" which fixed the problem (so far, I've only checked with one wallpaper)10:45
BluesKajMrChrisDruif, did you sudo cp or just cp ?10:47
MrChrisDruifsudo cp, otherwise you can't cp to /usr/share/backgrounds10:47
MrChrisDruifafaik at least10:47
MrChrisDruifI'll check real quick10:47
=== Guest48305 is now known as vega_
MrChrisDruif"cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/share/backgrounds/Epic24.jpg': Permission denied"10:48
BluesKajMrChrisDruif, yeah , makes sense11:12
MrChrisDruifAnyway, I'm off11:14
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HFSPLUSKaty perry baby, i know your hurting right now after that prick russel brand broke your heart, now all i ask is to give me a chance to prove that i love you. Honey i am nothing like russel brand, and i love you and i will never break your heart katy19:22
HFSPLUSKaty perry baby, i know your hurting right now after that prick russel brand broke your heart, now all i ask is to give me a chance to prove that i love you. Honey i am nothing like russel brand, and i love you and i will never break your heart katy19:23
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...19:27
bjsniderthat guy had a lot of stuff to contribute19:27
Amaranthbjsnider: First thing anyone said in here in 8 hours :P19:27
dlentzkaty perry's here?!19:27
Logan__Amaranth: There isn't a factoid for !_ops in this channel (according to http://http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=ops).19:28
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
AmaranthLogan_: That means it falls back to the stock one19:31
Logan_Oh, true.19:32
Logan_I feel like that exhibited a ubottu bug.19:32
Logan_Like, when you repeat a factoid, it doesn't say it the second time.19:32
Logan_But it didn't say it the first time because there was a character in front of it.19:32
AmaranthLogan_: I think the bot is just setup to ignore him so he can't make it help him spam19:32
=== Guest56118 is now known as Aranel
=== len is now known as Guest48005
=== vega is now known as Guest15885
=== vivid` is now known as vivid

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