
Logan_bug 100000000:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1000000 in edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000000:47
Logan_greg-g, highvoltage00:48
Logan_EvilResistance: the one millionth bug00:48
EvilResistanceoh, right, against "Edubuntu" project :P00:48
EvilResistanceLogan_:  was thinking for a second "This isn't a bug...!"00:48
* EvilResistance didnt notice that it wasn't filed against Ubuntu00:48
highvoltageit is a bug! ... against Edubuntu!00:49
bkerensaStay Calm and Make Things00:49
Logan_Edubuntu is so boring00:50
Logan_it's like Ubuntu with extra packages00:50
Logan_revolutionary :P00:50
Logan_well, I guess that's what all spins are00:50
EvilResistancenot really00:51
EvilResistancesince Kubuntu and Xubuntu and stuff have different package sets00:51
highvoltagewell, if kubuntu, xubuntu and edubuntu weren't pure ubuntu then they wouldn't be flavours00:54
highvoltagethey're always going to be ubuntu in a different configuration with all the packages still in the ubuntu archives.00:54
EvilResistanceany bugcontrol person around?  got an older request that i posted a few days ago that never got handled01:37
micahgEvilResistance: sure01:41
EvilResistancesec, lemme get this off my notepad again01:41
* EvilResistance has been creating a log of bugs he's had triaged / importance-changed, etc.01:41
EvilResistancemicahg:  LP Bug 994189.  To change (on psmisc): Severity change to 'Low'.  Status of 'Confirmed' is valid as the bug was confirmed by multiple users.   Further reasoning for "Low" status:  This bug does not affect an essential aspect of the program, and only occurs in a limited scope of the application (for not correctly detecting the process as entered (and as it exists in process names)01:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 994189 in psmisc "killall incorrect tab completion" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99418901:41
EvilResistanceagainst psmisc, at least, it needs its importance on low.01:42
micahgEvilResistance: the process is called plugin-container, so the description is wrong01:45
micahgand the subject as well01:46
micahgI agree with low importance though01:46
EvilResistancemicahg:  indeed.  having said this, they are correct in one part where when you do `killall plugin-container` it doesnt work, but does work on `killall plugin-containe`, and i was able to confirm that myself01:48
EvilResistanceso that part about them identifying *that* bug was correct (and was confirmed by me in a Precise VM)01:48
micahgyes, this is true, so the issue isn't the tab completion but the lack of proper execution IMHO01:49
psusiif it turns out that someone's machine needs acpi=off to boot, should the bug be closed or reassigned to linux and triaged?01:49
micahgdepends if the board is supposed to support ACPI or not I would guess01:49
psusiwell obviously it is *supposed* to but it's broken01:49
EvilResistancemicahg:  can you do me a favor, and either memoserv me the changes that need to be done to that, or privmsg me that?  i'm still grepping two weeks of logs for this channel for the importance or triaging or status changes I've recommended to here that've been handled and approved01:50
* EvilResistance is keeping a record :P01:50
micahgpsusi: then, yes, sounds like a bug :)01:50
EvilResistance(and the logs on xchat here are horridly low, because of a bug that is inherent to my system only)01:50
micahgEvilResistance: just clean it up to address the actual issue vs what was perceived (still from the point of view of the problem)01:50
EvilResistancethey're right about tab completion not working though01:51
EvilResistancemicahg:  i was considering splitting their "reported bug"01:51
micahgEvilResistance: huh?  what's the issue with tab completion?01:51
EvilResistancebecause tab completion doesnt work on there as they report it01:51
micahgno, it works fine01:51
micahgit doesn't kill fine01:51
EvilResistancemicahg:  killall plugin-[tab] doesnt work on bash or zsh, there was multiple confirmation on that01:51
EvilResistanceat least on that day when i checked it didnt work01:51
micahgEvilResistance: sounds like multiple bugs then01:52
EvilResistanceso should this bug be split into two01:52
micahgat least01:52
* EvilResistance was considering this, but did not want to do that at the time, since it was late when he was going through it)01:52
EvilResistancethen that poses two questions:01:52
micahgEvilResistance: works fine in bash for me01:52
EvilResistancehmm, i'll double check here, since its been a few days01:53
EvilResistancebut two questions still01:53
EvilResistance(1) should two new bugs be filed, individually for each of the bugs reported in this bug?01:53
EvilResistance(2) should this bug be modified to count for either one of the two bugs, and the other bug be split into its own bug01:53
micahgEvilResistance: clean up this bug for the primary issue, file for the secondary one01:53
EvilResistancewill do01:53
EvilResistanceafter i finish grepping the irc logs for here for all the triage/importance/status changes i've recommended (since i'm almost done)01:54
micahgfiling separate bugs for both would be if the bug is a hodge podge and not clear about either01:54
EvilResistancemicahg:  which package controls tab completion for bash though?01:54
EvilResistancewonderful, i'll have to remove some of the affects: on the original bug then01:54
EvilResistancehow do i remove the affects, outside of setting it for "Invalid"?01:55
EvilResistancewhen i last tried, i couldnt01:55
EvilResistance(it literally wouldnt let me, as if i didnt have permissions)01:55
micahgEvilResistance: you need to be bug control I think01:55
micahgEvilResistance: which ones should be removed01:55
EvilResistancemicahg:  gimme a minute, still looking at logs01:57
EvilResistancewhich bug was this i was on about again?01:59
EvilResistance(as i said, low scrollbacks threshold)01:59
micahgBug #99418901:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 994189 in psmisc "killall incorrect tab completion" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99418901:59
EvilResistanceneeds removed against "gnome-terminal" and "psmisc" after i modify title/description to be specific to the tab completion.  i'll file a new bug against `psmisc` about the execution error one that we were going to split off of that initial bug02:00
micahgEvilResistance: no, I think the primary bug is against psmisc which is why I already set the importance02:01
micahgit was a misnomer that the issue was tab completion IMHO02:01
EvilResistanceah, indeed02:01
* EvilResistance misread as well at the time02:01
EvilResistanceremove against gnome-terminal and bash-completion then02:01
micahgEvilResistance: done02:03
EvilResistancethanks much.02:04
micahgEvilResistance: thank you for your bug work02:05
EvilResistancemicahg:  no problem :)02:05
EvilResistanceyet another way for me to contribute to Ubuntu: helping with bugs02:06
EvilResistancemicahg:  regarding what i brought up with you during UDS over IRC here, regarding bug importance and core-vs-noncore, i sent an email out to the mailing list about this02:06
EvilResistanceso a discussion about what we should do about that can occur02:07
EvilResistancemicahg:  on LP Bug 994189, i've changed the title, do you want me to change the description as well still?02:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 994189 in psmisc "Incorrect execution of `killall` on `plugin-container`" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99418902:48
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=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
micahgResistance: yeah, please add a reproducer and tag testcase03:14
=== Guest8786 is now known as Ursinha
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
Noxygenhello guys13:56
Noxygen I'm brand new to the bugsquad, (I've signed up and read all the HowTo) but I still have a question, could someone help me to figure out the way "duplicates" are working and how to set this up ?13:56
trinikronoNoxygen: well you need to find the master bug first14:08
trinikronothen you can mark any dupes you find to be a duplicate of that one14:08
trinikronodid you have something in mind Noxygen ?14:09
NoxygenIve this one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates/+bug/1000232 I've marked it as confirmed and I didn't find any other of these (he works on ubuntu 12.10 so I might be a reason)14:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1000232 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates "nvidia-current-updates 295.49-0ubuntu1: nvidia-current-updates kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:11
trinikronowhy did you think this was a dupe anyways Noxygen this looks new14:15
Noxygenthat's what I thought but usually, how do you check ? just copy-pasting the bug nameĀ ?14:16
trinikronosearch in the package first14:19
Noxygenokay I did it, I wanted to be sure I've been doing it the right way14:19
trinikronobut this bug looks like someting the #ubuntu+1 would handle but i am not sure14:19
trinikronodid you test the bug yourself Noxygen ?14:20
trinikronoi see you set the status to confirmed14:20
NoxygenI had the same problem but with the 12.0414:21
* trinikrono nudges Noxygen it does look like a dupe though14:21
trinikronolook at the other bugs14:21
trinikronobug 99350614:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 993506 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "nvidia kernel module fails to build on 3.4.x kernel [fatal error: asm/system.h: No such file or directory]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99350614:22
trinikronoi believe this is the master bug14:22
trinikronoyour bug has that same error in the make.log14:22
trinikronoalso it has a lot of dupes14:23
trinikronoso you can go ahead and mark yours as a duplicate14:23
Noxygenokay thanks for your help, (how did you find this one ?)14:23
trinikronoeasy i just clicked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates14:28
trinikronoby the bug title14:28
trinikronoyou can see all the bug reports for that package there14:28
Noxygenhaaaaaaaa I Seeeeeeee now xP Thanks (I can be pretty stupid sometimes)14:29
trinikronowell nice find, make sure to keep looking for dupes like that14:32
trinikronobe sure to tell them to look at the master bug to see the workaround Noxygen14:34
Noxygenokay trinikrono14:35
NoxygenI'm leaving bye everyone (thanks trinikrono), Have a nice evening for those in Europe15:02
rooijananyone have a quick suggestion.  I filed bug 999923.  Basically a regression in my mind in U12.04 when using gvfs to connect to Microsoft DFS. I am not sure which package really cause this bug.15:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 999923 in ubuntu "gvfs cannot access Microsoft DFS Folder Target" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99992315:37
njinCan I send this upstream ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/1000277 . no dups available with apport title15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1000277 in gimp "gimp-2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in completion_match_func()" [Undecided,New]15:46
greg-gwell done highvoltage :)15:55
alo21hi all16:17
alo21I received an error when I digit:  bzr bd -- -S -us -uc16:17
alo21can someone help me please?16:18
njinalo21 why are there --16:19
alo21njin: you can find here the mistake; http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/990910/16:20
alo21njin: do you know what should it be?16:22
njindebuild: fatal error at line 1350:16:22
alo21njin: so... what is the solution?16:23
njinlook at line 135016:23
alo21njin: it tells me only that dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S failed... so I have to suppost that I need buildpackage -rfakeroot16:24
alo21njin: right?16:24
alo21njin: Can I make one more question?16:29
alo21njin: why we chat in english?16:31
njinalo21: for this kind of things you can find a valid help from warp1016:32
alo21njin: where are "make" configuration file is located in Ubuntu?16:36
zirpuanyone gotten activemq to startup on 12.04?16:43
zirpui get no errors or logs.16:44
ali1234which packages are responsible for installing the various gnome-panel applets?16:44
ali1234for example, 2 is indicator-applet, or possibly indicator-applet-complete16:49
ali1234which packages are responsible for 1, 3, and 4?16:49
zirpufound it. activemq package doesn/t install a symlink for the activemq-run.jar in /usr/share/java/16:53
highvoltagegreg-g: :)16:57
alo21njin: luckly I resolved installing "debjelper"17:01
alo21njin: thnaks for your support17:01
Resistanceyou mean debhelper :P17:02
wyldejajaja? :P17:23
wyldespanish ---> j = h17:24
alo21why pbuilder does not make me a folder called .pbuilderrc ?17:46
alo21hi all17:46
wyldealo21: ~/.pbuilderrc is a hidden file if it isn't created yet you make it and insert the lines you want/need18:01
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
mikedep333-servehi, I just reported this bug by running "ubuntu-bug gnome-disk-utility"22:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1000472 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility won't let you select certain partitions" [Undecided,New]22:27
mikedep333-servebut it did not upload very much automatically22:27
mikedep333-serveit also made me wait like 5 minutes on the launchpad page after running the command22:27
mikedep333-serve*very much system info22:27
mikedep333-servemy system is a weird combination of ubuntu-desktop * ubuntu server packages, dist upgraded like 5 times (from like 9.10)22:28
mikedep333-serveI know I at least want to tell them what version of their package I am using.22:28
ResistancePackage: gnome-disk-utility 3.0.2-2ubuntu722:29
Resistancelook at your bug's description under "Package"22:30
Resistance\it tells them that package22:30
Resistanceand the version22:30
Resistance*and* the OS you're on22:30
Resistanceyou're always free to add information to the comments, if you think its needed22:30
mikedep333-serveoh, my bad22:31
mikedep333-serveyeah, I just figured they'd need more info of some kind22:31
Resistancethey'll ask you for more info if necessary22:31
mikedep333-serveand that I could automatically prepare it with some commands22:31
mikedep333-servegreat, thanks22:31
Resistancemikedep333-serve:  can you see if anyone else is having your issue?  I can't because my drive has no free space22:33
Resistance(if its happening to multiple people it can be confirmed)22:33
mikedep333-serveI looked at the description of every bug for gnome-disk-utility22:39
mikedep333-serveI didn't see anything that sounds like mine.22:39
mikedep333-servesorry, I looked at every "summary"22:40
mikedep333-servethx anyway22:41

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