
robert_ancellRAOF, is this obsolete? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-rootless-x01:57
RAOFMaybe? - it's still possible, and kinda desirable.02:02
RAOFLet's say yes - it's something that we'll get for free post-system-compositor.02:02
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
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desrtjbicha: there are no per-session gsettings overrides03:12
desrtjbicha: but dconf profiles03:12
robert_ancelldoes anyone know if there is a particular reason why we're shipping the old gdm?03:24
jbicharobert_ancell: the same reason Debian is :)03:28
robert_ancelljbicha, which is having trouble making it work?03:28
mbieblgdm is a major pita with its many patches03:29
mbiebland Np237 got stuck half-way through updating gdm to use dconf instead of it's custom gsettings override mechanism03:30
robert_ancellyeah, I'm wondering if we can just drop all the patches, update to the latest and assume the majority are using lightdm03:30
jbicharobert_ancell: it doesn't work without some patches03:30
robert_ancelljbicha, what are the patches for?03:30
mbiebldesrt: dconf profiles, interesting03:32
mbiebldo I need a specific version of gdm or dconf to make that work? Is there some documentation how to use that?03:32
mbiebldesrt: I remember Np237 working on dconf patches wrt gdm03:33
robert_ancelldesrt, which package do I file a bug against for application menus not working with the global menu?03:44
TheMusorobert_ancell: indicator-application is responsible for managing global applicatino menubar duties.03:50
robert_ancellTheMuso, ta03:50
didrocksgood morning05:26
RAOFHey didrocks!05:46
didrocksgood morning RAOF05:47
pittiGood morning06:24
RAOFMorning pitti!06:24
pittichrisccoulson: urgh, that new behaviour would be due to compiling? funny06:24
didrocksguten morgen pitti06:24
pittihey RAOF, hey didrocks06:25
pittislept much longer today; I guess some jetlag remainders plus that ubuflu06:25
didrocksoh ubuflu?06:25
pittiyeah, some things ARE reliable :)06:26
RAOFAlthough I haven't got ubuflu in the past, either, so attributing the lack of ubuflu this time to my flu vaccination is clearly incorrect ☺06:27
TheMuso.me waves to Europe folks.06:33
TheMusoI usually have a few early nights in the days after returning, and I'm usually back on track by the end of the week.06:34
pittihey seb12808:22
thumperhey seb12808:22
thumperthree for three08:22
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?08:22
seb128thumper, enough hey for you ;-)08:22
pittiseb128: quite okay, although I caught a bit of ubuflu :/08:23
didrockssalut seb128, ça va?08:25
seb128lut didrocks, ouais, et toi ?08:25
didrocksseb128: ça va :)08:25
seb128RAOF, pitti: who can I bribe to do some SRUs review today? ;-)08:36
pittiRAOF desperately wants to, I can feel it from here!08:36
seb128not sure if everybody has tomorrow off and swap friday but I would like some of the updates in proposed for the w.e08:36
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mlankhorstI have tomorrow off, didn't know you could swap national holidays :P08:38
pittiI have tomorrow off as well, but will work on Friday08:38
pittihave to help my sister with moving08:39
seb128I will be there friday as well08:40
seb128I think Didier is swapping friday?08:40
mlankhorstsuspicious how many people there are on steam playing diablo 3 atm O.o08:40
seb128well anyway seems like some people will be around ;-)08:40
mlankhorststeam loves to crash so im not signing out from it if it finally logs in :P08:41
seb128it's maybe a way to tell you it's time to work and not to play? ;-)08:42
mlankhorstcode's compiling08:43
* pitti thinks mlankhorst indulged http://xkcd.com/303/ too much :)08:44
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'm swapping friday08:47
seb128pitti, ;-)08:49
pittiseb128: I'm looking at the retracers now; apparently I used some Python 2.7-isms in recent trunk08:52
seb128pitti, ok08:54
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:03
pittihey chrisccoulson09:07
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:08
pittichrisccoulson: a bit ufuflu-ed, but otherwise okay; how about yourself?09:08
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, pretty much the same :)09:09
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson :)09:09
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks09:09
thumperhey didrocks09:09
didrockshey thumper ;)09:10
thumperI hope it is warm where you are09:10
thumpersnow on the hills here09:10
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:10
didrocksyeah, the weather is a bit fresh for the time, but it's still acceptable :)09:10
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:11
seb128pitti, can you move unity-greeter to -updates, I just marked the remaining non verified bug as verification-done (sorry for being pushy but it's the bug where the login hangs for some users and I would like to see it fixes in -updates)09:30
pittiseb128: great, thanks! doing09:30
seb128pitti, danke!09:30
* RAOF can SRU review tomorrow09:37
seb128RAOF, hey, had a good trip back?09:40
seb128RAOF, SRU reviews would be welcome ;-)09:40
RAOFseb128: Yeah, mostly.09:40
RAOFseb128: I flushed that queue only yesterday! :P09:40
seb128RAOF, tomorrow is an holiday don't forget to not work :p09:40
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:40
RAOFseb128: Where is tomorrow a holiday?09:40
pittihey tkamppeter09:41
seb128RAOF, http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/ says it's in australia as well09:41
seb128not .nz though, no luck for robert_ancell09:41
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload cups-filters to Debian and Quantal, I have released
pittitkamppeter: sure, doing now09:42
seb128RAOF, sorry, "where" -> almost everywhere but .nz it seems09:42
seb128RAOF, well from that webpage, which might be wrong ;-)09:42
pittitkamppeter: bzr has 1.0.17, but that's already from April 20; did you forget to push or so?09:42
RAOFseb128: Yeah, I don't know what the author of that webpage was smoking.  “Ascention day”?  Really?09:43
seb128it's a religious holiday, at least in most European countries09:43
pittitraditionally in Germany, you grab your friends and a box of beer, then go for a combined hike/pissup experience09:43
pittiwe usually reduced the beer and did a bike tour09:44
tkamppeterpitti, correct version is committed now.09:44
pittiI'll remember those days when I'll break my back with moving my sister's furniture from one town to another09:44
seb128with some luck the weather will be nice tomorrow09:44
seb128it's sort of grey and windy today09:44
pittitkamppeter: splendid09:44
seb128pitti, oh, right, you are helping your sister to move instead :-(09:45
seb128I can see how the biking is a better perspective!09:45
* seb128 downgrade gtk version and rebuild and curse at gtk upstream09:46
seb128"let's rewrite GtkIconView between 3.4.2 and 3.4.3, who cares if it has regressions, it's a rewrite it clearly must be better"09:46
mlankhorstcnd: ping?09:47
mlankhorstseb128: .. they really did that?09:47
seb128mlankhorst, he's on U.S time, i.e probably sleeping09:47
seb128mlankhorst, yes09:47
RAOFI particularly liked how they took the effort to break the accelerator ABI in GTK+ *2.0* recently.09:48
pittitkamppeter: done09:48
seb128mlankhorst, http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/gtk+/3.4/gtk+-3.4.3.news09:48
seb128"* GtkIconView:09:48
seb128 - The sizing and layout has been rewritten"09:48
seb128 09:48
pittiawesome. not.09:48
mlankhorstNot even a rationale for why it's needed?09:49
seb128I talked to mclasen about it yesterday, he said the old code was really buggy and hopefully the new one is better though he would not be surprised if there are some regressions09:49
RAOFObviously the old one was broken!09:49
seb128he mentioned gnome-document as being visibly impacted by the old code brokeness09:50
pittiknown buggy >> unknown broken09:50
seb128indeed, I tried to argue with him on that but it seems we have different definition of "stable"09:50
seb128shrug, anyway for now I avoid .3, I backport the few commits it had out of this rewrite09:50
mlankhorststill, abi change in gtk 2.0 is impressive..09:50
seb128in fact I tried .3, it visibly changes the layout, like gnome-control-center gets scrollbars by default with it09:51
seb128yeah, not sure why they keep doing changes to gtk209:51
seb128they already did quite some screwing up when they added the new fileselector to it last year09:52
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asaccyphermox: are you doing connman too?11:21
seb128oh, a asac11:23
seb128asac, hey11:23
seb128asac, nobody is doing connman nowadays I think11:23
asacseb128: noone packaging? who was last to upload :)11:31
* asac hopes it wasnt him11:31
seb128asac, you? ;-)11:31
seb128asac, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/connman/+changelog11:31
asacoh no :((11:32
seb128asac, no real maintainer though, feel free to update it if you want the new version though11:32
seb128you should exerce your upload rights ;-)11:32
asaci am looking for someone to delegate a review to :)11:32
asacyeah i know11:32
asaci will check with cyphermox if he can do a pre-review :)11:32
seb128you can probably bribe him into doing one ;-)11:33
didrocksthird kernel panic of the day :(11:36
smspillazdidrocks: I heard the new thinkpads look good :)11:48
didrockssmspillaz: already ordered, waiting for it :)11:48
smspillazI was going to order one ... can you order one now ?11:49
smspillazI thought they haven't come out yet11:49
didrocksI'm taking a x220, that's more than sufficient for my usage :)11:52
* smspillaz was waiting for the x230 or wanted to see what the x1c's battery was like11:52
pittitkamppeter: can you please have a look at debian bug 670055 ?12:46
ubot2Debian bug 670055 in cups-filters "cups-filters: Printing a text file fails when Liberation is the only TrueType font available" [Critical,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/67005512:46
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
bcurtiswxgood morning13:12
cndmlankhorst, pong13:25
bcurtiswxhave there been any discussions about bringing spotify to Ubuntu repos?13:44
kenvandinebcurtiswx, it isn't open source is it?13:45
bcurtiswxyeah prob not (not sure though)13:46
kenvandineit could go into software center13:46
kenvandinebcurtiswx, reviewing empathy now13:47
seb128didrocks, hey, do you use deja-dup? do you backup a lot of your datas with it?13:48
didrocksseb128: quite extensively yeah13:48
didrocksseb128: never had to recover hopefully though :)13:48
seb128didrocks, is the io hit while it's backuping bad? i.e do you feel it on performances?13:49
* mterry looks inquisitively at didrocks13:49
seb128just wondering, with my ssd I can't really tell, I figured you would have a better clue about that with your slow disk13:49
pittiyou can't?13:49
pittiI find the effect even worse on my SSD13:49
mterrypitti, fascinating.  You feel the system gets sluggish during a backup?13:50
didrocksseb128: well, I really do feel it on my slow hd, yeah13:50
seb128pitti, I didn't notice any io slowness issue since I've my ssd no13:50
didrocksseb128: so I have to do that on week-ends only13:50
pittimterry: not particularly during backup (I still use my own rsnapshot based system), but during heavy IO such as rsyncing a CD image or copying a large file13:50
seb128didrocks, ok, thanks, that's what I was looking for, mterry is thinking about changing the frequency to daily and drop the combo ui13:51
didrocksbut on my hd, my laptop is totally unusable13:51
seb128didrocks, I was wondering if daily wouldn't be an issue on slow disk if that leads to system slownesses13:51
seb128mterry, so I guess performances on slow disks is something we might watch for13:52
* mterry should partner with an SSD manufacturer and upsell them during a backup13:52
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bcurtiswxkenvandine, find the cause of your bzr breakage? was it me?14:01
kenvandinebcurtiswx, didn't really check... i just wiped out my branch and did a fresh checkout14:02
kenvandineand all seemed fine14:02
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bcurtiswxOK cool14:03
cyphermoxseb128: asac: yes, I want to update connman in Debian, trying to do this today or tomorrow14:04
cyphermoxasac: so yes I can review14:05
asaccyphermox: cool14:05
seb128cyphermox, ok14:05
asaccyphermox: let me send you the details14:05
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you btw? ;-)14:05
seb128asac, we missed you at UDS btw ;-)14:05
cyphermoxdpm: just sent you code for getting SSIDs from NM via pygi; I'll try to update the examples upstream to provide that and ship it in the package14:06
cyphermoxseb128: hey, doing ok14:06
asacseb128: :(14:06
asacseb128: don't tell me14:06
cyphermoxI woke up with a sore throat, but I'm hoping it's nothing14:06
pittihey cyphermox14:07
pitticyphermox: I caught some ubuflu as well; seems that's the one thing that keeps haunting us :(14:07
pittican we please QA this away?14:07
dpmcyphermox, ooooh, wow, that's awesome, thanks a lot (commenting on the code you sent, not on the sore throat part ;)14:07
cyphermoxpitti: no conclusive proof it's ubuflu yet, I'm not really sick.14:08
pitticyphermox: crossing fingers!14:08
highvoltagewe have 3 rickspencers now!? awesome.14:16
pittirickspencer3: wb14:16
rickspencer3hi pitti14:16
cyphermoxasac: you were talking about connman in Debian, right?14:17
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, hey :)14:21
rickspencer3hi bcurtiswx14:21
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
didrocks5th kernel panic of the day :(14:30
pittididrocks: WTH?14:31
didrockspitti: still the same story than for the past 3 months. Seems to be way worse today though14:32
pittididrocks: it's smelling that you ordered a new one!14:32
smspillazdidrocks: use nouveau14:32
didrockspitti: maybe, some kind of revenge ;)14:32
smspillazdidrocks: that will fix /everything/14:32
didrocksand will leak everything else14:32
didrockssorry dude, I try to test what people use :p14:32
pittiactually, I do know people using nouveau14:33
* smspillaz puts up his hand14:33
smspillazof course, you'll just have to deal with typing on a furnace14:33
tkamppeterpitti, I have uploaded an SRU of cups-filters which is rather urgent and also marked all bugs fixed by it as such. Can you approve it into -updates before leaving for the long weekends. Thanks.14:34
smspillazI got an external keyboard for that :P14:34
pittitkamppeter: I'm at work on Friday14:34
* rickspencer3 drums fingers waiting for *qt4* updates14:34
pittitkamppeter: I'm trying to not do so many SRU stuff any more (I already spent an hour today), RAOF will do a round tomorrow14:34
tkamppeterpitti, but if possible, try to do it today, so that people start testing tomorrow.14:34
bcurtiswxkenvandine, Is it possible to limit the minimum width and height of the empathy contact list ?14:45
kenvandineit's possible...14:46
bcurtiswxThere's a weird thing happening with it. I'm not sure if it's our changes or empathy. There's a bug where the contact list width gets too small and the status changer disappears14:47
bcurtiswxthere was a bug quite a few releases ago where this was fixed, upstream and here..14:47
bcurtiswxBug #53896314:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 538963 in empathy "reducing the width of contact list disappears combobox" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53896314:48
bcurtiswxgnome bug 58331714:48
ubot2Gnome bug 583317 in Contact List "throbber/status message input widget disapper when contact list too narrow" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58331714:48
kenvandineoh that is weird14:48
bcurtiswxits a regression, but IDK which end14:48
kenvandinebcurtiswx, it doesn't look like it could be from our patches14:53
kenvandinebut feels a bit like a gtk bug14:53
kenvandinethe selector should keep the window from getting that small14:54
bcurtiswxkenvandine, yeah thats my thought14:55
bcurtiswxkenvandine, cassidy can't reproduce the issue on his end14:56
bcurtiswxkenvandine, can you confirm this behavior on Quantal ?14:58
bcurtiswxi can on precise14:59
bcurtiswxbug #999628 has a video included and i'm getting that confirmed15:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 999628 in granite "Apps fail to preserve maximized state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99962815:03
bcurtiswxsorry thats the dyslexic part of me15:03
bcurtiswxbug #99926815:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 999268 in empathy "Status changer gets lost on too small size" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99926815:03
bcurtiswxkenvandine, thx for the merge15:10
kenvandinebcurtiswx, thank you!15:14
dobeyoh that's what the bug is15:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 889609 in empathy "Empathy toolbar is empty" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:25
dobeybcurtiswx, kenvandine: ^^ bug i filed a long while ago about it :)15:25
pittiSweetshark: ok to remove the transitional openoffice.org package now?15:27
Sweetsharkpitti: I wondered about that yesterday, but yeah -- we should do that ...15:32
* Sweetshark in TDF BoD call.15:32
bcurtiswxdobey, thx ;)15:44
seb128chrisccoulson, hey15:57
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?15:58
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm good thanks, how are you?16:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks16:02
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry I got sidetracked, I was pinged about:16:02
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ is that on the q list on purpose? if it is could you or whoever is working on it move the current workitems to the workitems section16:03
seb128chrisccoulson, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad ... for q as well?16:03
chrisccoulsonoh, they don't really need to be for q. but i'll sort the work items out16:04
seb128chrisccoulson, well are they still revelant,do you want them tracked?16:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i guess they can still be tracked. but they're the sort of things to work on when i get spare time16:06
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, that's fine, they a "low" priority16:07
seb128chrisccoulson, I was mostly wondering if they were still relevant, seems they are16:07
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didrocksok, time for dancing and evening :) will be off tomorrow and Friday. See you on Monday everyone!17:03
Blah1anyone know if there's a fix for xchat + unity in which my desktop thinks that xchat isn't running so I can't alt+tab to it?  I've only gotten around the problem by installing xchat-notification so that I can use the envelope icon in the systray.17:11
smspillazBlah1: someone on dx is working on it ... give it some time, we just got back from UDs17:11
bcurtiswxkenvandine, would a .ui file control GTK Window min width?17:12
Blah1oh cool.  glad to hear you're aware of it.17:12
kenvandinebcurtiswx, perhaps, but i don't think that is where the problem is17:13
kenvandineactually maybe it is17:13
bcurtiswxit sets a min_request17:13
kenvandineright, for the selector ?17:13
kenvandinei would think the window shouldn't be resizable smaller than the selector17:14
kenvandinewhich is why i think it might be a gtk bug17:14
kenvandineand, we aren't patching any of that code17:14
kenvandineso if cassidy can't reproduce it... maybe it is because his gtk isn't exposing that problem17:14
kenvandinemaybe he is running gtk from git or something17:15
bcurtiswxkenvandine, yes i agree17:15
bcurtiswxwell, idk about that17:16
kenvandineor maybe we have a patch to gtk that is breaking it :)17:16
bcurtiswxthat could be17:16
bcurtiswxshould I switch bug to GTK, i agree in that it's the root cause17:16
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i am going to test it on oneiric over lunch17:17
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i'll ping you in a bit17:17
bcurtiswxkenvandine, OK17:17
* kenvandine -> lunch17:18
dobeykenvandine, bcurtiswx: what's interesting is that i think it also only breaks under unity17:48
bcurtiswxdobey, I'm testing without any patches shortly. We think it's GTK17:50
dobeybcurtiswx: it /could/ be a gtk module as well (overlay scrollbars?) or the global menu stuff17:50
bcurtiswxdobey, not our patches17:53
kenvandinebcurtiswx, i've figured it out18:39
bcurtiswxkenvandine, and the culprit it?18:39
kenvandinethe menu's restrict the minimum width, so with appmenu those aren't in the window18:39
* bcurtiswx wonders how many apps make the menu restrict the minimum width18:40
kenvandinei don't think it was intentional18:42
bcurtiswxwell i'm not blaming the apps18:47
* kenvandine has a patch18:52
dobeywhat the heck is this: http://ubuntuone.com/6oD7q9VXAqBUnLzYfC4FRx19:34
kenvandinedobey, easter egg?20:02
dobeybad software at least20:05
* dobey blames pitti20:05
jalcineit's a nice error page20:17
* jalcine likes.20:17
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
kenvandinejbicha, are you working on syncing gnome-keyring?21:02
kenvandineit doesn't work since the gcr sync in quantal21:02
jbichakenvandine: I was planning to, tonight or tomorrow21:02
kenvandinejbicha, ok, then i won't bother :)21:03
jbichaok :)21:05
kenvandinejbicha, seahorse as well :-D21:08
jbichayup, it shouldn't be too bad, they were both in the GNOME3 PPA already21:09
kenvandinehey robert_ancell21:09
robert_ancellkenvandine, hello21:09
seb128jbicha, hey, hum breaking gnome-keyring is not cool21:10
seb128jbicha, I would have synced gcr if you told me that it was going to break the distro21:10
seb128jbicha, we try to avoid doing changes that are breaking things, better to get whatever needs to be updated ready before asking a sync...21:11
seb128robert_ancell, hey21:11
robert_ancellseb128, hello21:11
seb128robert_ancell, you got email spammed today ;-)21:11
* kenvandine goes to do something that doesn't involve a mouse and a keyboard... bbl!21:11
robert_ancellseb128, hah!21:12
robert_ancellseb128, btw you are doing the shotwell sru right?21:12
dobeywhat's the over/under that kenvandine is going to play wii with the kids? :P21:12
seb128robert_ancell, done already, check the unapproved queue before uploading anything please ;-)21:12
kenvandinewii is for after swim team practice :)21:12
seb128robert_ancell, I did most of the GNOME updates that had changes21:12
robert_ancellseb128, unapproved queue?21:13
seb128robert_ancell, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=121:13
robert_ancellseb128, you're doing precise - I'm not touching that.  You have to bug me for backports :)21:13
jbichaseb128: well we needed gcr before we could push gnome-keyring & seahorse; we could have synced all 3 I guess & apply the Ubuntu diff afterwards21:13
seb128jbicha, well your call, just don't break the distro for > 1 day, like either get gcr built locally and get gnome-keyring etc ready for upload before you ask for the sync or request sync for the lot21:16
seb128jbicha, there is little interest to break g-k for everyone when you could as well locally build it and get ready to upload in batch21:17
seb128robert_ancell, btw pull gtk vcs if you work on it, I broke it for you (merged on Debian)21:17
jbichasure, I'll fix it in the next hour or so21:17
seb128robert_ancell, they dropped the static built and simplified a bit the build and .install21:17
robert_ancellseb128, oh, can you compile it?  I had the same issue as in precise where I get logged out at the end of the compile process21:17
seb128jbicha, thanks, the "or tomorrow" was made me comment21:17
seb128robert_ancell, compile works fine here21:18
seb128robert_ancell, I guess your box doesn't like the testsuit, pitti had similar issues, I wish somebody having the issue would track that down21:18
robert_ancellseb128, but you didn't upload?  Is there a problem?21:18
jbichayeah, "tomorrow"'s not a good idea21:18
seb128robert_ancell, comment the make check call I guess21:18
seb128robert_ancell, 3 issues21:18
seb1281- I'm still on precise so I don't have the new glib to build 3.5, I built 3.4.2 with my changes21:19
seb1282- I hit an issue where build-arch target is not called, so the .install.in -> .install is not done, which might be fixed in new debhelper,cdbs21:19
robert_ancell* debian/patches/100_overlay_scrollbar_loading.patch:21:19
robert_ancell    -dropped, the new scollbar code doesn't require that hack \o/21:19
seb128(I called the target manually to finish the build)21:19
seb1283- I didn't know if you did hold off the upload for a reason21:20
seb128robert_ancell, indeed ;-)21:20
robert_ancellok, that sounds do-able then :)21:20
robert_ancellbuilding now, I may disappear in 30 mins though21:20
seb128robert_ancell, comment the check line in the rules for your builds21:20
seb128it's make check which creates the issue21:21
robert_ancellseb128, can we update g-d-u now?21:21
seb128that requires udisk2 no? pitti had it ready in the ppa for precise, I guess it's just a matter to get that in21:22
jbichawe need udisks2 to be uploaded first21:22
robert_ancelland e-d-s?21:23
robert_ancellactually, the main question is "can we drop all the tracking stable packages in versions?"21:23
robert_ancell(gnome-session, gnome-keyring, seahorse, e-d-s, evolution)21:24
robert_ancellseb128, Can you remember the 1s delay in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-login-speed-improvements?  Is that just the ecryptfs delay? (I don't know of any ongoing 1s delay problem)21:26
seb128robert_ancell, yes you can drop the stable tracking21:27
seb128robert_ancell, no, it's http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/acer-veriton-01/2012-04-25_16-13-23/bootchart.png21:27
seb128the qa lab charts, I doubt they use encryption21:28
robert_ancellseb128, is that autologin?21:28
seb128I guess so21:28
seb128I don't know much about the qa setupe21:29
robert_ancellsome big io blocking thing21:29
seb128wpa_supplicant is busy at the same time21:29
seb128dunno if that's related21:29
seb128http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/acer-veriton-02/2012-04-25_16-13-23/bootchart.png is the one we looked I think21:29
seb128it has a 1 second wait without io21:29
seb128not sure but I guess they are autologin without encryption21:29
seb128wouldn't make sense to autobootchart a config that requires password21:30
robert_ancellwhat was e-d-s blocked on?  (I'm opening bugs on the versions page so we know what we're blocked by"21:33
seb128robert_ancell, you can unblock everything21:33
seb128robert_ancell, it was blocked on "evo wants to transition to gsettings and webkit in one cycle and we know how buggy evo transition tends to be"21:34
seb128they did drop half of that and only did eds to gsettings21:34
seb128but that's enough to change a bunch of soname and create quite some work21:34
seb128we can take on that this cycle though so go for it ;-)21:35
jbichaand insufficient time & testing for Evolution/EDS21:35
seb128ok, on that time to call it a day21:36
seb128'night everyone21:36
robert_ancellseb128, laters21:36
robert_ancelljbicha, hey, I'm getting:21:44
robert_ancelldh_install -plibgtk-3-0  --sourcedir=debian/install/shared21:44
robert_ancellcp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/debian/settings.ini': No such file or directory21:44
robert_ancellis the settings.ini correctly listed in the .install file?  It seems to be looking for a build version21:44
jbichaum... all I did was add an extra line to the already existing settings.ini21:45
jbichawhat are you using to build? pbuilder?21:45
robert_ancelljbicha, bzr-buildpackage21:45
robert_ancellyou didn't add it21:45
jbichait builds here, using sbuild, (last time I tried was 3 weeks ago when I made my change)21:47
robert_ancellthe .install file confuses me - when do you have to add debian/tmp to the front of the files and when can you avoid them?21:47
jbichayou don't need debian/tmp any more with debhelper compat 821:50
jbichaeverything core GNOME should be compat 8 now21:51
dobeyjbicha: i don't think you need it with 7 either21:54
jbichaoh I guess I can just sync seahorse from Debian, groovy21:55
mbieblrobert_ancell: if you explicitely set --sourcedir, it looks for the file debian/install/shared/debian/tmp/debian/settings.ini22:09
mbiebleasiest way is to cp via debian/rules22:10
mbiebl(in this particular case)22:11
mbieblrobert_ancell:  see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=66674122:12
ubot2Debian bug 666741 in debhelper "dh_install: fallback to . when --sourcedir is used" [Wishlist,Open]22:12
robert_ancellmbiebl, cheers22:12
mbieblrobert_ancell: I know that copying the file via debian/rules is a bit inconvenient22:14
mbieblbut the .install files were so cluttered without using --sourcedir22:15
robert_ancellmbiebl, so which rule in debian/rules should do the copying?22:17
mbiebldepends on which binary package this file is supposed to be installed22:19
mbieblsee http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gtk%2B3.0/debian/rules?view=markup22:20
mbieblline 130 as an example22:20
robert_ancellah, so I should remove it from the .install and just run it in binary-install/$(SHARED_PKG):: then22:21
mbieblwhich binary package is it?22:23
mbieblyeah, binary-install/$(SHARED_PKG):: is correct then22:24
robert_ancellmbiebl, thanks22:26
jasoncwarner_morning AU folk.23:07
chrisccoulsonhi jasoncwarner_!23:15
jasoncwarner_hey chrisccoulson :) up late again?23:16
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, yeah, although it's not that late just yet ;)23:16
* RAOF wonders why today he's booted without any pointing devices.23:18
RAOFAh.  Because bluetooth isn't working, and the USB mouse isn't actually plugged in.  Mystery solved23:24
robert_ancellcyphermox, hey23:27
* TheMuso finally gets online with quantal.23:58

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