
* abogani waves all!06:06
aboganiapw: I don't take care of it anymore, you have to speak with one of the Ubuntu Studio kernel Team members...06:08
=== smb` is now known as smb
apwabogani, oh ok, any idea who they are ?07:55
apwabogani, or more likely what the team is called in LP07:55
smbmumble seems jetlagged, too08:00
aboganiapw, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-kernel-team08:07
apwabogani, thanks08:32
aboganiapw, Thanks to you!08:33
dileksabogani: isnt renaming from lowlatency to preempt a reason to maintain it :-)?08:39
aboganidileks: lowlatency turn off tickless and enable thread irqs by default. So no preempt isn't enough.08:40
dileksthanks for the update, was thinking this is a renamed -rt kernel-flavour08:41
ohsixdisable tickless huh, wasn't there a tool that measured wakeup jitter? :D08:43
* ppisati -> brb09:11
* ppisati -> rush out for lunch and some grocery - later10:59
apwdileks, right ... there never is a -rt patchset close to the version we are releasing on to even consider11:22
tgardnerapw, did you get this bug report from rick about azure ?11:58
tgardnerapw, nm, I see you commented recently11:59
apwtgardner, yep, at 95 reboots without reproducing ... so ...12:41
tgardnerapw, ah, this one could be a pain in the ass12:41
tgardnerapw, kind of wish he'd have come talk to us last week.12:41
apwtgardner, yeah ... they are obviously doing something different ... so ...12:41
apwtgardner, yeah i did talk with him, and there was no real mention of any urgency12:42
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
tgardnercking, what is the expected string from 'uname -m' on an i386? would it be "x86_32" or just "x86" ?13:23
ckingtgardner, not entirely sure, /me looks it up on some old kit13:24
ppisatitgardner: right, there's even ppc13:26
tgardnerppisati, right, so I think we need to change your patch to look for x32 before checking on PAE13:26
ppisatitgardner: yep, better13:26
tgardnerI should have thought of other arches when I wrote it originally13:26
ckingtgardner, uname -m on a 32 bit atom returns 'i686'13:27
tgardnercking, thanks13:27
tgardnercking, so, searching on "*86" should be a good reg-ex ?13:28
ckingtgardner, i think so, but make sure it doesn't match x86_6413:30
tgardnercking, how about 'uname -p' on your atom ?13:30
ckinguname -p --> i68613:30
ckinguname -i --> i38613:31
tgardnercking, ok. given that we're qualifying the search based on 'pae', I think the general "*86" reg-ex is OK, even for AMD etc13:31
ckingtgardner, perhaps checking uname -i is better13:32
tgardnercking, yep13:32
tgardnerppisati, you wanna respin using 'uname -i' and checking for "*86" ?13:32
ppisatitgardner: will do13:35
ppisatitgardner: actually i would prefer to avoid using any regexp13:35
ogasawaratgardner, ppisati: I haven't uploaded meta yet, do we want to respin an upload before I do?13:38
ppisatiogasawara: yep, doesn't install on arm/ppc13:39
ogasawarappisati: ack13:39
tgardnerogasawara, probably cause this'll break armhf13:40
apwtgardner, as the builds worked with the tools split, it may be worth you testing backing out the -j change you did for tools (as you can repro it pretty easy)13:44
tgardnerapw, I think I did already13:45
apwahh ok13:45
tgardnerapw, its still in quantal, but I dropped it from the other releases13:45
apwtgardner, you did the backport a bit different, should we standardise on your version13:46
tgardnerapw, I'm almost positive that it was releasted to the perf binaries being removed13:46
apwtgardner, it would cirtainly look similar indeed13:46
tgardnerapw, yeah, we could standardize. its a bit simpler.13:46
apwtgardner, ack, please do13:46
tgardnerapw, will do13:47
apwogasawara, is quantal 'good' ie can i punt some more crack into it?13:54
ogasawaraapw: built fine, just holding off on meta till we get the pae check correct and will re-upload.  feel free to shove any other crack in for the upload.13:55
tgardnerapw, ogasawara: I'm gonna reorganize master-next a bit and cleanup some of our (my) mistakes. 13:58
ogasawaratgardner: cool, I wanted to rebase some bits out of existence too, you go first.13:59
apwtgardner, ogasawara, when you are done yell and i'll rebase the bits i have onto the top13:59
apw(they are re-build testing now)13:59
tgardnerogasawara, pushed14:01
ogasawaratgardner: ack14:01
apwtop - 10:06:32 up 14 days, 17:01,  1 user,  load average: 450.34, 296.49, 165.3514:06
* apw whistles quietly14:06
tgardnerapw, tangerine ?14:06
tgardnerI built every release yesterday on tangerine. I imagine it was heating the room.14:07
apwheh ... i bet ... i am being utterly mean to it, -j512, just to see whether it copes14:07
apwand its amazingly still up14:07
ppisatitgardner: i noticed that :)14:08
apwtop - 10:08:08 up 14 days, 17:03,  1 user,  load average: 511.94, 359.70, 200.6814:08
tgardnerapw, pgraner and larry will be at 1SS on Friday at which time I will unf*ck /boot14:08
apwtgardner, a perfect time to scare the crap out of them by playing tunes on the fans14:09
apwtgardner, think you can shift the root up a bit, or will you just zap it14:09
tgardnerapw, like they'd be able to hear an individual fan in that place.14:09
tgardnerapw, I'll see if I can shift things around, but failing that I'll just rebuild from scratch.14:10
apwtgardner, ok then i should make sure the crack builds are pulling off their state properly like they are meant to14:10
apwtgardner, so i can put it back after14:10
tgardnerapw, yeah, be prepared for total destruction. you _know_ how skilled I am at sys admin :)14:11
apwtgardner, it all designed with fungible machines in mind, just i've never funged it14:11
apwi should really kill it all off on gomeisa and just move it to tangerine14:12
apwto prove it works and is documented14:12
tgardnerapw, well, here is your chance. you could switch to tangerine for awhile.14:12
apwtgardner, ok friday you say ?14:13
tgardnerapw, that was the last I heard14:14
* apw adds it to his list14:14
dileksdoes sth like snapshots.u.c exist?14:15
* dileks wants to downgrade resolvconf14:15
xnoxdileks: it's called launchpadlibrarian14:16
ogasawaraapw: pushed my changes, she's all yours14:17
ppisatiogasawara: tgardner: patch sent to the ml - in the end i used a =~14:18
tgardnerppisati, ack14:18
apwogasawara, ok pushed overlayfs.v13 update14:20
ogasawaraapw: ack14:20
tgardnerogasawara, I'll pick up ppisati pae fix14:21
ogasawaratgardner: ack14:21
ogasawaraapw:  you sure you pushed it?14:22
ogasawaraapw: I'm not seeing it14:22
apwogasawara, i failed due to incompetance, try now14:22
ogasawaraapw: much better14:22
tgardnerogasawara, get your whip out14:23
ogasawaratgardner: I dunno, he might actually enjoy that14:23
tgardnerkinky englishman14:23
apwmight, how little you know me14:24
tgardnerogasawara, ok, I'm gonna whack master-next yet again to cleanup the PAE patch. OK ?14:25
ogasawaratgardner: ack14:25
argesppisati, hello. is there a wiki for pandaboard setup? just got one in the mail, so probably be setting that up sometime14:26
tgardnerogasawara, pushed. now we should be able to start build and boot testing.14:26
tgardnerppisati, I assume you've tested your patch on arm ?14:26
* cking upgraded to quantal and sees no breakages14:26
ppisatitgardner: yep, that14:26
ppisatis why it took me so long14:26
ppisatiarges: uhm14:26
ogasawaratgardner: cool, will get things kicked off14:26
ppisatiarges: don't think so...14:26
argesppisati, ok just pandaboard.org... read through that?14:27
ppisatiarges: no no, wait14:27
tgardnerogasawara, yeah, I've got my hoover moaning as well14:27
ppisatiarges: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall14:28
ppisatiarges: just dd the img, and you are done14:28
argesppisati, perfect thanks14:29
apwarges, yeah if its harder than dd image -> sd card, insert and power on, you are doing it wrong14:33
dileksxnox: and how do I get the diverse sources? as "http://librarian.launchpad.net/ is a file repository used by Launchpad. "?14:35
tgardnercking, do you have a non-PAE atom in your collection ?14:35
argesapw, yea much easier than the other embedded boards i've played with14:36
ckingtgardner, yep, I can dig one out of the pile14:36
tgardnercking, it would be good to test the upgrade path from precise -generic  to quantal. 14:36
tgardneri wanna make sure it fails.14:37
ckingtgardner, just checked, all my old atoms are N270s, which by default run -pae14:38
tgardnercking, ok14:38
* cking wonders if there is another way to test, how about in virtual box?14:39
tgardnercking, dunno, I've not used VB14:39
tgardnerogasawara, I'm still getting build failures in perf, so it looks like it may really not be parallel build safe.14:41
smbHm, I think with kvm you can influence the cpu emulation...14:41
ckinglooks like VB has PAE enable/disable mode in the config14:42
tgardnerogasawara, I pushed master-next with a patch to disable $(conc_level) when building perf.14:43
smbcking, Using virt-manager with kvm seems to allow to set some cpu type and you can change cpu flags... Never tried that, though14:44
xnoxdileks: you need to manually work through http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/package find the binary build you want and download individual debs14:49
dilekslooks like this gives me an overview of all versions14:51
ckinghrm, can't seem to install precise-i386 with pae disabled in virtualbox14:54
apwcking, heh you won't be able to, the CD is pae14:55
apwi think the only official way to get there is to install oneiric i386 and upgrade14:55
ckingdoh, yep, /me downloads oneiric -i386 and tries14:56
jsalisburyapw, just let me know if you want me to help bisect bug 99487014:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 994870 in linux "kernel panic on boot with hyper-v" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99487014:56
apwjsalisbury, ack though it needs some special patch handing i think and as we have nothing to test on right now ...14:56
jsalisburyapw, ok.  I'll keep a close eye on it.14:56
ogasawaratgardner: ack14:59
tgardnerogasawara, ok, mine built OK this time15:01
ogasawaratgardner: will re-kick off my builds here15:02
tgardnerogasawara, I'm bisecting a backlight regression on my Dell 1710 that occurred somewhere between -rc5 and -rc7. Once I know what it was I'll work with upstream to get it fixed.15:07
ogasawaratgardner: ack15:15
* ogasawara back in 1015:15
apwogasawara, man he can eat fast some days15:19
tgardnerapw, its these new management techniques she's been learning15:21
ckingparallel processing perhaps?15:23
apwcking, shoving half in each end perhaps15:27
ckingapw, one can only speculate...15:27
apwcking, its likely illegal to do more15:28
smbOne can speculate about some rolling on the floor going on somewhere... :)15:30
tgardnerogasawara, quantal build succeed ?15:57
ogasawaratgardner: looking good so far... powerpc is always the longest to get confirmation15:58
tgardnerogasawara, thats likely to be OK. I don't think we changed any arch specific stuff, did we ?15:59
ogasawaratgardner: only big changes were the overlayfs bits but I don't believe that has anything arch specific16:00
ogasawaratgardner: have we been able to get any test confirmation for non-pae hardware?16:00
tgardnerogasawara, I think cking is working on a VB test16:01
ckingyep, it's taking a while to install and upgrade in VB :-(16:01
smbafternoon went where the morning did do just before...16:02
tgardnersmb, I'm gonna add you as s-o-b or acked-by on these xen-acpi patches, then push 'em16:03
smbtgardner, I should be as s-o-b on those I pushed already16:04
tgardnersmb, right16:04
ckinghrm, "About 4 hours remaining" on the upgrade does not bode well16:04
tgardnersmb, several are cherry-picks from Konrad16:04
smbtgardner, Ah right, I did not change the s-o-b unless I meddled with one since the version you had16:05
smbSo yeah, feel free to add me to the remainder16:05
tgardnersmb, I'll make sure you're in the chain of responsibility :)16:06
smbtgardner, I am sure you do :)16:06
* smb really likes the 20W less power usage on idle for his AMD box...16:07
ckingsmb, calculate how power is saves and turn it into beer money16:08
ckings/how/how much/16:08
* smb looks at one additional pint a month...16:11
smbIf my maths are not too much influenced by desire16:11
tgardnerogasawara, re: backlight regression, -rc5 good, -rc6+ bad16:18
ogasawaratgardner: anything obvious from the changes between the two?16:19
tgardnerogasawara, not really. I'm gonna start a real bisect16:19
tgardnerthere are a half dozen gpu patches, but I'm not gonna make any assumptions16:20
sforsheetgardner, have you determined which backlight interface is being used on the machine? That might help limit your bisection16:29
tgardnersforshee, haven't looked16:30
tgardnerthat would require some assumptions16:30
sforsheehow so?16:31
tgardnersforshee, it assumes the regression is under drivers/gpu right ?16:32
tgardnerit might be a platform issue16:32
sforsheetgardner, not necessarily16:32
sforsheeyou have to check which of the /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness files is changing when you change the backlight16:32
sforsheeit might not be a gpu backlight driver16:33
sforsheein which case looking under drivers/gpu is pointless16:33
tgardnersforshee, which is why I'm doing an unrestricted bisect16:33
tgardnersforshee, acpi_video0 is the backlight class16:34
sforsheetgardner, nothing in your range from drivers/acpi or drivers/platform/x86 looks related, so I guess the unrestricted bisect probably is your best bet16:36
sforsheeI have a hard time imagining what caused the regression16:37
* ppisati -> gym/workout16:49
tgardnersforshee, looks like its homing in on nouveau, which is not really surprising16:55
argestgardner, hey tim. if i want to test wireless-n performance, is iperf a good tool to use?17:27
tgardnerarges, tahts what I use to sort of smoke test it17:27
tgardnerto smoke*17:27
argestgardner, ok just default flags/window size?17:27
tgardnerarges, yep. to make it really whine, though, try a bi-directional test17:28
argestgardner, ok i'll give that a shot.. i just can't seem to get more than 50Mb/s on 802.11n using iperf on a couple of machines17:29
argesboth are 2x2s, and I think the router is also a 2x2..but need to make sure17:30
=== dileks is now known as Guest15873
=== dileks__ is now known as dileks
apwherton, where are we in the precise SRU process17:44
hertonapw, testing week17:45
tgardnersforshee, I bought a copy of the 802.11-2012 spec for $5 from IEEE. I think its got all of the amendments applied, so its a lot more readable.17:45
hertonapw, new kernels should be prepared next week17:45
apwherton, i am likely to have a patch which needs to be out as soon as humanly possible17:46
hertonbjf, henrix ^17:46
argestgardner, going in the other direction (wired to wireless computer) results in a higher bandwidth reading, not sure if that's normal17:46
apwok that sounds ok then i think, this one should be out before we have confirmation17:46
tgardnerarges, I typically use only one wireless station and a wired server17:47
apwherton, i may ask you to slide out a very thin kernel update in between this and next cycle, so lets circle before you build the next one if thats ok17:47
tgardnerarges, remember that its a half duplex medium17:47
apwhallyn, hopefully it won't be necessary, and your normal cycle will be quick enough17:47
apwherton, ^^17:47
argestgardner, yea need to probably shut off other devices17:47
apwherton, so see this as just a head up for now17:47
hertonapw, ok, we still have this precise kernel on testing, bug 99192517:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 991925 in linux "linux: 3.2.0-24.38 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99192517:48
apwherton, cirtinaly yell if you are respinning for anyting on this update17:48
hertonapw, so we will have to see how to do it if it doesn't get to updates in enough time17:48
apwherton, indeed.  i think we have time, but we can evaluate before you next cycle17:51
tgardnersforshee, bisected to b99da31ed8521eb78d5d6930f3128f8ecdb75fae drm/nv10/gpio: fix thinko in mask for gpio lines 2-917:52
tgardneram reverting to confirm17:52
greearbhello!  Back to hacking on casper & USB persistence...anyone around that might know why /cow isn't found once booted?18:01
argestgardner, ok yet another wireless question. Running lucid with backported kernel . it needs the broadcom sta wireless restricted driver (bcm4321) . is there a package i need to install, or repository i need to enable?18:02
tgardnerarges, I doubt that is a configuration taht is supportable. you'll need the dkms driver from the backport release.18:03
argestgardner,ok thanks18:05
tgardnerogasawara, commit b99da31ed8521eb78d5d6930f3128f8ecdb75fae causes my regression. email sent upstream.18:19
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-lunch
ogasawaratgardner-lunch: ack18:21
=== tgardner-lunch is now known as tgardner
tgardnerarges, re bug #953494 - in which releases do you want linux-firmware-nonfree uploaded ? Lucid and Precise ?19:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 953494 in linux-firmware-nonfree "bcm_wimax module hangs when Sierra Wireless 250U Data Card removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95349419:07
argestgardner, yes lucid and precise would be best19:07
tgardnerarges, ack19:08
argestgardner, thanks19:08
sforsheetgardner, I just saw your comment about the 802.11 spec in my backscroll. $5 is cheap, I'm going to pick up a copy too.19:14
tgardnersforshee, thought you might be interested19:14
HFSPLUSKaty perry baby, i know your hurting right now after that prick russel brand broke your heart, now all i ask is to give me a chance to prove that i love you. Honey i am nothing like russel brand, and i love you and i will never break your heart katy19:24
mjg59I'm not sure I can easily enumerate the number of things that have just gone wrong here.19:26
tgardnerkind of makes your head hurt19:27
tgardnerarges, upload linux-firmware-nonfree for Lucid/Precise. Feel free to annoy an AA at your leisure. Without doing so the multiverse approval queue may not get examined for awhile.19:37
argestgardner, whats an AA in this context19:38
tgardnerarchive admin19:38
argesok ok...19:38
tgardnerarges, the list of folks to annoy are in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration19:39
* tgardner -> EOD20:22

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