
=== SaMe is now known as SergioMeneses
oam82hola a todos 07:57
ButterflyOfFireHello ! We would like to know why some non approuved team domain names are redirected to the website of "Nina Ulrich ?!" ... such as the domain related to our LoCo team ubuntu-dz (Algeria), and so on ... ubuntu-in, ubuntu-gu etc ?15:24
ButterflyOfFirecheck : http://www.ubuntu-dz.org15:24
YoBoYButterflyOfFire: have you asked on #ubuntu-eu ?15:41
ButterflyOfFireTout de suite YoBoY, je vais voir ça15:41
=== BoFFire- is now known as ButterflyOfFire-
DaskreechHello 21:47
Daskreechas I understand it this is where conference showcases are organized?21:48
SergioMenesesDaskreech, the conferences are organize in #ubuntu-classroom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom22:06
DaskreechSergioMeneses: Hmm?  I'm attending a conference and would like to see if Canonical would like media etc there to represent them22:08
SergioMenesesDaskreech, sorry but I don't know what to say about it, though in #ubuntu.community-team can help you22:40
pleia2Daskreech: might want to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences22:41
SergioMenesespleia2, hello! thanks for help22:42
pleia2hi there SergioMeneses :)22:42
Daskreechpleia2: The impression I get from that is the locoteams is where you should seek hepl22:43
pleia2Daskreech: loco teams do a lot of things, translations, local support, talks and booths at events and conferences22:43
Daskreechrihgt I'm manning a booth at SE Linux fest and wanted to know if Canonical would like to have us showcase Kubuntu there22:45
pleia2for kubuntu you probably want to talk to their new commercial sponsor, Blue Systems22:46
pleia2(canonical doesn't ship CDs or pay a developer for kubuntu anymore, blue systems does)22:46
pleia2but really, I'd go directly to the Kubuntu folks for direction on that :)22:47
DaskreechAh but doesn't canoniacl hold the trademark on it? So I would still need to clear it with them?22:47
pleia2the trademark policy is pretty clear in allowing for non-commercial promotion http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy22:48
Daskreechall right I'll clear it with Kubuntu once they are available22:48
pleia2I'm sure they'd be happy to be promoted at a conference, might even get some volunteers to help you out22:50
DaskreechWe shall see. It's pretty late in the game22:51
JanCI'd suggest you keep your audience in mind; if there are going to be a lot of new (potential) linux users, probably better keep it to Ubuntu Desktop and not confuse them with 15 versions  ;)23:08
JanCif this is ene event wist mostly existing users, then it makes sense to show Ubuntu variants & derivatives23:09
JanC*an event with*23:09

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