
wendarAlanBell: you rock, thanks! (for the tarball)00:07
=== pdtpatrick_ is now known as pdtpatrick
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
broderstgraber: haha. way to grab bug #1e601:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101:05
broderno, not that one :-P01:05
ajmitchsilly bot01:05
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
Rhondahah, again self-fixed problem, love those. :)06:58
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wookey_I have an ubuntu package which uses dh-translations and thus calls dh -Spython_distutils --with python2,translations11:24
wookey_dh-translations does not exist in debian11:24
wookey_the rules file can easily be fixed up with dpkg-vendor11:25
wookey_but I see no clean way to deal with the difference in build-deps.11:25
wookey_Do lots of ubuntu packages have a delta adding dh-translations as a build-dep?11:25
wookey_Is there a better way to deal with this? (package is usb-creator)11:26
wookey_Also there are xml .ui files for gtk and kde. where it would be useful to insert either Ubuntu or Debian as approporiate. Is there a neat way to do this (nicer than sedding ui.in files in rules)?11:29
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
geserwookey_: I guess you need a source package for Debian and one for Ubuntu then12:07
geserbut if you manage this package in a VCS you could create an Ubuntu branch with all the needed Ubuntu delta (labels, build-deps, etc.) and rebase it on every new package revision12:08
Davieywookey_: conditional symlink based on lsb distro?12:15
Laneyyou can have the build system substitute in based on a configure flag12:16
Laneybut I don't know of a solution for the build-deps.12:16
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
Adri2000isn't it possible to have a template control file debian/control.in which regenerates debian/control at build?12:43
azeem_it is discouraged I believe12:46
LaneyI don't see how that could work for build-deps12:48
Adri2000according to http://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/09/27/different-dependencies-between-debian-and-ubuntu-but-common-source-package/#comment-3779 it should work, even though that's not really clean I admit12:57
Laneyclean isn't run until after b-ds are installed13:01
Laneyhave a look at a build log to verify13:01
* Laney zaps highvoltage 13:05
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
geserLaney: don't produce a short circuit when playing with highvoltage13:10
* bregma sips his coffee13:28
hyperairZhenech: ping.18:32
hyperairZhenech: why isn't libappindicator in debian? =\18:32
Zhenechhyperair, because you didnt package it </defaultanswer>18:34
hyperairZhenech: and the reason for that is because pkg-ayatana insists on using bzr.. ¬_¬"18:34
hyperairZhenech: i thought you were maintaining the indicator stack in debian though. isn't it pretty useless without appindicator as well?18:34
Zhenechno, works w/o quite good18:36
Zhenechand yes, bzr sucks18:36
Zhenechbut makes "stealing" from ubunto so mucheasier18:36
hyperairhow so?18:46
hyperairyou would have to merge from ubuntu into debian, and then back again, wouldn't you?18:46
hyperairdoesn't it get really weird there?18:46
geseror upload it as 1.2.3-0debian1 :)18:49
Zhenechhyperair, i always wait till ubuntu hass foo-0ubuntu1 and merge that18:52
hyperairi see18:53
Zhenechsuper easy18:53
bkerensamicahg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate <-- apparently needs some love21:46
tumbleweedbkerensa: we'd love to get to thepoint where we can remove those pages and just point people at the packaging guide21:48
micahgbkerensa: well, we have http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-merging.html#merging-a-new-upstream-version21:48
tumbleweedwhich means either cover non_UDD workflows in the packaging-guide or get everyone usin gUDD (which requires it to work :P )21:49
ajmitchit works, just not in all cases :)21:49
tumbleweedfair enough21:50
tumbleweedand I doubt we could call the traditional way of doing things "working" when there's a multi-k-line diff in a 1.0 source package21:50
* ajmitch would like for a good solution to bzr+quilt that works for every package, but that requires some work21:52
tumbleweedit sounds like we know what it might be, but nobody is putting the work in21:52
ajmitchsounds like a great opportunity for someone who likes pain :)21:54
* tumbleweed bets the git people get there first. there's certainly way more experementation on that side of the fence21:55
ajmitchthen we can move all ubuntu branches to git?21:56
tumbleweedlaunchpad has to support it first :)21:56
ajmitchmere details21:56
tumbleweednot that I'm a bzr hater. But I quite like git too21:56
tumbleweedand it appears to have won21:57
Laneythere was a "talk to" item about the .pc ignoring stopgap21:57
Laneythat certainly seems more likely than making looms work21:57
ajmitchLaney: right, I can't recall if the importer was going to unapply patches21:57
tumbleweeddefinitly sounds like there are stopgaps that'll make things a lot better21:57
ajmitchlooms seem like a nice-to-have21:57
tumbleweedajmitch: I think we decided not to do that, it would be fairly insane21:57
Laneypatches would be applied, and that's what you want really21:58
tumbleweedbut rather to get as little of .pc in the branch as possible21:58
Laneybut you can construct .pc on checkout21:58
Laneyso it doesn't need to hit the vcs21:58
tumbleweedoh, right, that21:58
ajmitchhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20342/foundations-q-udd/ wasn't entirely clear on which way was chosen & my memory is foggy :)21:58
* tumbleweed wasn't a great note-taker this UDS :/21:59
ajmitchtumbleweed: I'm sure you did a better job than I did :)22:02
* tumbleweed also should have raised the debian stuff with debian-derivatives before the sessions, calling for input22:04
highvoltageI wish I'd taken more notes but I was completely information-overloaded22:04
tumbleweedwe're bad DDs22:04
tumbleweedhighvoltage: there were some sessions where I volunteered to take notes and then found myself staring into space or diving into arguments and losing track of the notes22:05
ajmitchgood thing you grabbed the audio then22:05
highvoltagewell, there were /some/ sessions where you couldn't be blamed for staring into space :)22:06
tumbleweedah, btw, to get things to show up on status.ubuntu.com, all you need to do is mark the session as approved for quantal22:06
ajmitchoh good22:06
* tumbleweed must go back and check that all his sessions are...22:06
ajmitch15% done already22:07
tumbleweednot bad22:07
* ajmitch is 0% done, blame the ubuflu :)22:07
* tumbleweed is just getting over that22:07
Resistancewhat's the methodology of enabling multiverse and universe inside a chroot, would that be adding `multiverse universe` to the apt sources.list lines in the chroots?22:08
Resistanceindeed, just wanted to confirm22:09
brodertumbleweed: so should i just set the state on my blueprint to approved?22:11
broderthe...definition state, i guess?22:11
tumbleweedbroder: no, set a "series goal"22:11
tumbleweedat least that worked for the debian healthcheck fo rme22:12
* Laney wibbles22:16
Laneyalso, hello!22:16
* ajmitch takes Laney's shift & capslock keys away22:17
ajmitchLaney: I want to be a backporter pls show me how22:18
* Resistance raises an eyebrow22:18
Resistancefor a minute i thought there was a spammer in here22:19
ajmitchthere was22:19
Laneyi can spam if you want!22:19
* Resistance has autonotify scripts for multiple full-caps lines22:19
ResistanceLaney:  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES22:19
Laneyyou want a ghc upload yes yes? then i get to spam you with uploads22:19
* tumbleweed disables capslock. it serves NO PURPOSE22:19
* Laney has it as compose22:19
Laneythere's something satisfying about holding down shift22:20
* Resistance lights his capslock key on fire22:20
ajmitchLaney: oh we're so looking forward to another ghc transition22:20
broderLaney: docs should probably be updated, but i'm holding off on doing so until i get a tool for AAs to use to verify things in-queue22:20
Resistancebroder:  now that is spam, but i got that three hundred times yesterday...22:20
Laneyok then22:22
Laneywould you consider making backportpackage not remove the temporary directory if dput errors out?22:23
* micahg was about to ask what the preferred way to upload a backport is now :)22:23
* Laney had to download the widelands >100 meg orig a few times due to various -u fails22:23
tumbleweedLaney: seems fair22:23
micahgLaney: use backportpackage with the .dsc :)22:23
ajmitchmicahg: my preferred way is to ping Laney22:23
micahgajmitch: I'm a backporter :)22:24
ajmitchI'm not that special22:24
Resistanceand micahg and broder are my contacts for backport questions :P22:24
Laneyyeah, but it has this handly ability to download the package for me22:24
Laney-w . works too I suppose22:24
Laneywant to process python-leveldb and see how you get on with uploading it?22:24
micahgLaney: that's good the first time around :)22:24
Laneyi.e. if backportpackage does what you want22:25
micahgLaney: was about to, yes, just waiting for i386 to build in quadrispro's PPA22:25
* micahg likes the new bug in changelog feature22:26
micahghelps with the audit trail22:26
* ajmitch sees there's only one admin of the backporters team that's seen around here regularly22:27
bkerensamicahg: any thoughts on this http://paste.ubuntu.com/991459/22:27
Laneywe call him The Boss22:27
micahgbkerensa: a bug in setup.y?22:28
bkerensait seems to be defined though22:29
micahgbkerensa: no idea, maybe someone more versed in python can help22:30
* micahg wonders if the other 2 people in the backporters team should be removed22:30
micahgoh, nm, they're MOTUs still :)22:30
micahgwell, we don't want non-MOTUs/core-devs doing backports22:31
tumbleweedI thought that wasn't possible?22:31
micahgwhat's not possible22:32
ajmitchmicahg: there are a few people pending as backporters, what's the process for helping out?22:32
tumbleweednon-MOTU / core-devs doing backports22:32
Laneytriage some and get scott to review your work22:32
micahgtumbleweed: yeah, was worried about lapsed upload rights and what not22:33
eriduhey motus, I'm watching a critical security bug for the pidgin-otr package -- I'm not sure what the protocol here is, but there's a debdiff on the bug report and an upload about to go into debian -- how could I help the fix get into Ubuntu?22:43
eridulp bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin-otr/+bug/100036322:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000363 in pidgin-otr (Ubuntu Quantal) "CVE-2012-2369: Format string security vulnerability" [High,Confirmed]22:43
keeseridu: folks in #ubuntu-hardened should be able to guide you22:43
eridukees: thanks!22:43
jtayloreridu: looks like its already taken care of, its now in the hand of the security sponsors22:44
eriduoh, alright then22:44
jtaylorsame version in all releases makes it easy :)22:44
eriduhow were you able to tell that?22:45
eriduI remember putting my name on a wiki page as the bug monitor or something for the pidgin-otr package, so I felt obligated to do something22:46
jtaylordebfxs has posted a patch22:46
jtaylorand forwarded to debian and ack'ed thare22:47
Resistanceanyone able to help me figure out why the heck when i pbuilder --login to the chroot, and change the apt sources.list file, the changes dont take?22:49
ajmitchResistance: forgot --save-after-login ?22:49
jtayloruse --save-after-login22:49
Resistanceany way to tell pbuilder to automatically use that when i use the login command?22:50
jtayloryou shouldn't22:51
Resistanceokay then22:51
Resistancei wont :)22:51
jtaylorpbuild is supposed to provide the same (clean) environment each time22:51
Resistancejtaylor:  i had to enable universe / multiverse22:51
jtayloryou can do that during creation with COMPONENTS22:51
jtaylore.g. in pbuilderrc: COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse"22:52
Resistancethat's in my pbuilderrc22:53
Resistanceand its not listening each time i create the environment :/22:53
* Resistance smells a bug that's specific to his system22:53
Resistancehave the guidelines for requesting a backport changed much since Precise was released?23:29
micahgResistance: use requestbackport :)23:29
Resistancemicahg:  ugh, why the heck do i keep forgetting requestbackport23:29
Resistanceoh right, because it segv's on this system23:29
* Resistance has a slighitly-busted system23:30
* Resistance goes off to reinstall Precise23:30
* Resistance just reinstalls the program that was causing problems23:31
Resistanceanyways, micahg, i guess that if i'm waiting for a build to finish on a PPA (so I can test the backport), then the request will just sit there until i confirm it works?23:32
micahgResistance: yes, just note in the description what you're planning23:33
Resistancethe heck...?23:34
Resistancemicahg:  requestbackport doesnt run as a user that isnt the user running it, right?23:34
micahgAFAIK, runs as the current user in the shell23:34
Resistancethat's interesting23:34
Resistancethe system isnt unlocking my keyring (even though i've already unlocked it today)23:35
Resistanceand this system isnt auto-login23:35
Resistanceits as if its running as some other user23:35
Resistance(passcode isnt working)23:35
Resistanceoh, and apport is complaining because i cancelled23:35
Resistancehow wonderful23:35
tumbleweedit's a terminal in X? No ssh or screen or anything like that?23:35
Resistancetumbleweed:  gnome-terminal23:36
Resistancewithin Ubuntu 12.0423:36
* Resistance is confused23:36
Resistanceokay, lemme log out and log back in23:37
tumbleweedsounds sensible23:37
tumbleweedFWIW python-keyring (or something below it) does seem to be a bit buggy23:37
Resistancethat might be where the error is occuring23:38
Resistanceperhaps this needs a bug filed against python-keyring?23:38
tumbleweedwe know about the issue, just don't know what causes it23:39
tumbleweedsomething throws IOErrors when accessing the keyring every know and then23:39
Resistancewell then this sucks, because the error i'm having is authing LP API access from my system23:39
tumbleweedyou still having trouble?23:39
Resistancei cleared all the old auths, trying one last time before i shoot the auth system23:40
Resistanceyep, still having trouble23:40
Resistancewant the scrollbacks?23:40
Resistancei meant the trace23:41
tumbleweedyes please23:41
Resistancei could generate an apport if necessary, do yo uneed that, or no?23:41
tumbleweedlet's see the traceback first23:41
Resistancewhat the...?23:42
* Resistance ignores that error, and removes the package being the problem23:43
Resistanceanyways, that trace23:43
Resistancetumbleweed:  https://pastebin.com/Y1Sh0LEE23:47
Resistancewithout the https://, but with http://23:47
Resistancetumbleweed:  the "error" is a GUI one: it pops up a box asking for me to put the passcode in for the keyring, but...23:48
tumbleweedResistance: right, that traceback doesn't help much, but your description does shed some light23:48
tumbleweedis the keyring working for other things?23:48
tumbleweedsuch as network-manager23:48
Resistanceits error says the passcode for the keyring unlock is invalid, and needs to be reentered23:48
Resistanceand that point it does not worik23:48
Resistanceand yes, it works with network-manager, and packaging signing (GPG)23:48
Resistance(since my PGP key is in my keyring)23:49
tumbleweedpackage signing doesn't use the gnome-keyring23:49
Resistancenetwork-manager's working23:49
Resistanceand its unlocked and works at-login23:49
tumbleweedcan you browse the keys in seahorse (parsswords tab)23:49
Resistancewhat keys?23:49
Resistanceoh wait a minute23:50
Resistance*that* isnt unlocking...23:50
Resistancewhat the hell?23:50
Resistancehow do i fix that then23:51
tumbleweeddelete the keyring?23:51
tumbleweedit's in ~/.gnome2/keyrings/23:51
tumbleweed(back it up first, of course)23:51
Resistanceback it up, even though its empty?23:51
Resistancethis is a new installation of precise23:51
tumbleweedthen just delete it23:51
tumbleweedwhen you create a new one, use your login password and it should unlock automatically23:52
Resistanceah that worked23:53
Resistanceyeah, the passcode for the network i'm on right now in network-manager is available system-wide, so its pulling from the shared keyrings, not my local one23:53
Resistancetumbleweed:  are you a backporter, or should I stab micahg?23:58
* micahg puts on a suit of armor23:59
* tumbleweed is not a backporter. I just hang out with them :)23:59
Resistanceokay then23:59
Resistancemicahg:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/precise-backports/+bug/1000492  i can't test certain packages23:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000492 in Precise Backports "Please backport boinc 7.0.27+dfsg-3 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,New]23:59
Resistanceas the dependency for certain packages there is to have certain card architectures i dont have23:59
tumbleweedResistance: looks like you still have lots of testing to do23:59
Resistancenamely the nvidia-cuda one23:59
Resistancetumbleweed:  read the description / testing area23:59

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