
Jordan_UIt is a nice vid, but what I get out of it is "test your nackups".00:30
Jordan_UAnd your spelling, especially when IRCing from a phone. s/nackups/backups/00:31
IdleOnewhat vid?00:32
ubottuThe Unix 'rm' command removes files and directories from the filesystem. It is an extremly powerful tool, and you should not run 'rm' commands unless you fully understand them. Do not run arbitrary 'rm' commands you see online. For a beginning guide on using terminal commands, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and for a cautionary story about 'rm' see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL_g0tyaIeE00:35
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
bazhangSDdfsEREy, hi10:31
SDdfsEREythe top of my skull is hollow10:32
bazhangSDdfsEREy, did you need assistance from this channel?10:32
SDdfsEREywhen will you unban hoober10:32
bazhangSDdfsEREy, is that you?10:33
SDdfsEREyI am currently SDdfsEREy10:33
bazhangSDdfsEREy, yes, I can see that. why are you inquiring about hoober10:33
SDdfsEREyto know why he isn't unbanned. for example ops who abuse their power and may work with the council to never properly review appeal10:34
SDdfsEREyunless by appeal you mean delete message from inbox and never reply10:34
bazhangSDdfsEREy, if thats not you, then why would you ask on someone else's behalf. we wont discuss this with 3rd parties10:35
SDdfsEREyunfortunately for you its my claim that the 1st party was outright ignored.10:35
SDdfsEREythe burden of proof can be relinquished. just update me on the status of hoober10:36
bazhangSDdfsEREy, if you personally dont have an issue, there is nothing to discuss10:36
SDdfsEREya start would be what IPs are blacklisted10:36
SDdfsEREyif you can't find personal issue to wail on me over my own subjectivity its too hard to answer my questions10:36
SDdfsEREyam I wrong?10:37
SDdfsEREyworse to answer my questions you don't need a personal connection10:38
bazhangSDdfsEREy, 3rd parties will not be included in any such issue. Please exit the channel if you personally dont need assistance, thanks.10:40
SDdfsEREyExcuse me thats a strawman and you know it. Nothing I have said has affirmed I am a third party10:40
SDdfsEREyyou simply can't handle an honest discussion about facts, because they aren't in your favor10:41
bazhangSDdfsEREy, I asked if you were hoober. you failed to affirm that10:41
SDdfsEREyi hurt no one10:41
SDdfsEREyso now you can't affirm who I am without asking me?10:41
SDdfsEREyand I must say yes ?10:41
SDdfsEREyI declare the ban evasion a fraud.10:42
SDdfsEREythis is formal enough. what is your decision10:43
elkyFraud would be an accurate description of "changing host or ip to deceive one's way into a channel they are banned from." What's your point?10:43
SDdfsEREysimply posing disbelief doesn't make it so. I think my point is well take in your psyche10:43
SDdfsEREyif you need affirmation that I am hoober because of my IP10:44
elkyNot in the way you desire it to be.10:44
SDdfsEREythen you never had a case for ban evasion10:44
ikoniaSDdfsEREy: are you the user known as hoober yes/no10:44
SDdfsEREydon't simply state things you think are the case. its not speculation that you lack facts to support the ban evasion claim10:44
ubottuIn #ubuntu, duppy said: !ask why is that when i play flash games on facebook, why CPU spikes to 100% and usually hangs up? i just installed ubuntu 12.04. i came from windows xp and didn't experience this. thanks!10:47
elkyand now the PMs start: <SDdfsEREy> and at last she rests in her pitiful bed knowing the whole world unchanged by her presence. her existence. her being.10:47
elkyhe makes about as much sense as hoober10:47
knomei suppose if that would be a youth novel, it would sell well10:48
elkyIf twilight can sell, indeed.10:49
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
ubottupitti called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()14:04
mneptokcjwatsion dealt with it. an HFSPLUS sighting.14:16
* mneptok wonders if !staff is at the g: point with that user yet14:17
ikoniawhat's so bad about the nick HFSPLUS ?14:40
mneptokikonia: long history with that user.14:43
mneptokikonia: in your copious free time you could check bantracker history. ;)14:43
ikoniaI'm not that bothered, you've just summed it up fine with that simple sentence14:44
* mneptok DCCs ikonia an extra 2 hours for his Wednesday14:44
wyldeanyone able to pop on #ubuntu and deal with a troll please :)17:21
ubottuBlouBlou called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Monigote)17:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from kkrauss)17:54
Priceyikonia: I wish to discuss my removal! *grin*17:55
Fuchsyou deserved it.17:57
PriceyFuchs: No you!18:29
Fuchsokay :(18:30
ikoniaPricey: I'm sorry, I'm not interested in discussing with you due to your attitude, do you need anything else ?19:10
ikoniaPricey: sorry about the kick, it was just lag19:10
Priceyikonia: heh yeah no worries :)19:18
AmaranthIt seems we don't have a bot in #ubuntu+119:26
AmaranthOr it just isn't working19:26
AmaranthOr maybe it just ignored HFSPLUS...19:27
Fuchsikonia: sidenote: khaktoos, if you don't already know21:08
ikoniaahhh yes, you did say yesterday21:08
ikoniathank you for the prod21:08
Fuchsyou're welcome21:09
* Fuchs goes back to sleepmode21:09
MateoDeMateohello, all, can i talk to someone about why i was banned and ask if that ban be lifted.21:42
MateoDeMateodo i need to go before the high court and plead my case?21:42
ikoniahi mneptok21:42
ikoniahi MateoDeMateo21:42
ikoniawhere where you banned and when ?21:43
MateoDeMateohi ikonia21:43
MateoDeMateo#ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopics21:43
ikoniado you know why ?21:43
MateoDeMateoi think it is because one of the distros that i am learning is backtrack, and it was my understanding that backtrack is a derivative of ubuntu21:44
MateoDeMateoso i wanted to find out how i could tweak some settings that weren't really realted to backtrack's tools per se21:45
ikoniaand did I or did I not tell you where to get backtrack linux support ?21:45
MateoDeMateoso i was asking them in the ubuntu rooms...is that wrong?21:45
ikoniaand did I or did I not tell you where to get backtrack linux support ?21:45
MateoDeMateobut the backtack folks won't answer ubuntu questions21:45
ikoniayou're not using ubuntu21:45
ikoniayou are using backtrack21:45
ikoniathe backtrack support channels WILL support backtrack21:46
ikoniaas I told you clearly 2 times21:46
MateoDeMateobut when i run hardinfo, it says the OS is unbuntu 10.x21:46
MateoDeMateoubuntu 10.x21:46
ikoniadoesn't matter21:46
ikoniait IS backtrack as I told you21:46
ikoniait's based on ubuntu21:46
MateoDeMateoi'm sorry21:47
MateoDeMateofor my misunderstanding21:47
MateoDeMateoor ignorance21:47
ikoniagreat, so if you use the #backtrack-linux channel you'll be fine21:47
MateoDeMateonot really, because they don't answer basic questions21:47
ikoniathey do21:48
ikoniaand that's where you will get backtrack support21:48
MateoDeMateoso, are you saying you're going to keep me banned?21:48
ikoniathere is no reason to unban you at this time21:48
ikoniaas you are using backtrack you'll need to use #backtrack-linux for backtrack-support21:48
MateoDeMateookay, well, that seems silly, but you're in charge21:49
ikoniawell, as you are not using Ubuntu you have no use for #ubuntu at this time so it seems sensible21:49
ikoniaand as you are using backtrack and #backtrack-linux does not have you banned, it seems you should be covered for support at this time21:49
MateoDeMateothanks for considering my request.21:50
ikoniano problem21:50
ubottuResistance called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:57
Piciyou may want to read the scrollback there...22:00
ikoniaI'm trying to make sense of it22:01
Pici17:56:59 <?beatiful_sora> so my question is: why when my other son has used the laptop, he has open a black screen he has typed 'sudo rm-rf', and now it won't go away22:01
Pici17:57:24 <?beatiful_sora> and he says he has done samething funny but won't tell me what it is, what is this and how do i get rid of it, it is annoying22:01
Pici17:57:42 <wawowe> beatiful_sora: do you mean "sudo rm -rf /"22:01
ikoniaahh, I only see 17:57:42 <wawowe> beatiful_sora: do you mean "sudo rm -rf /"22:01
ikoniain the log22:01
IdleOneyeah, that was a false positive22:01
Piciwawowe: sorry about that, we're rectifying now22:02
ikoniaI don't see the earlier comment22:02
ikoniawawowe: apologies22:02
ikoniawawowe: I miss-read what was going on,22:02
wawowenp :P haha22:02
elkymoha85, can we help you?22:02
ikoniabased on your earlier joke and what I was reading I assumed you'd give that command22:02
ikoniaif you give me 30 seconds I'll have it fixed with my apologies22:02
ikoniawawowe: I've removed the ban forward in #ubuntu, you're welcome to rejoin with my scineer apologies22:03
wawowethanks :)22:03
ikoniasorry about that22:03
* Pici returns to lurking and playing his computer games ;)22:04
ikoniaPici: thanks for that,22:04
Piciikonia: np22:04
moha85yes I've a really problem, but I don't speak english well. So I'm going to say my problem22:04
IdleOnemoha85: what language do you speak?22:05
ikoniawawowe: you're welcome to /part this channel now that you're back in #ubuntu22:05
ikoniaJordan_U: ping22:05
IdleOnemoha85: vous pouvez joindre #ubuntu-fr pour du support22:06
moha85je viens de la-ba mais je pas eu de solution a mon probleme22:07
Fuchsmoha85: donc, ici c'est pas vraiement du support,22:07
moha85I have windows 7 in my pc and I installed ubuntu 12.04. So when I start the computer I don't see the windows partition in the grub menu. I need help, PLEASE!22:08
Fuchsmoha85: tu as déjà essaié les forums francophones?22:08
Fuchsmoha85: c'est channel ici c'est pour la coordination avec les operateurs de #ubuntu, et pas pour support. Malheureusement je pense que personne ici peut t'aider22:08
moha85je n'en connais pas beaucoup qui parlent d'ubuntu22:09
Fuchsmoha85: essaie #ubuntu-fr (il faut avoir patience), ou les forums francophones s'il te plait.22:09
IdleOnemoha85: Floodbot is unable to answer questions, it is a robot. Please use #ubuntu-fr and be patient, you can also try search the francophone forums22:12
IdleOneerr :P22:12
elkySo... cliff's notes?22:13
IdleOnethey needed help with grub and were not patient enough to wait for the answer in -fr22:15
Fuchsikonia: that kick message is a bit silly in here ;)22:20
ikoniayes, it is22:20
ikoniahowever I don't get the impression he was going to read it22:20
Fuchs(script / alias I assume, so yeah)22:20
IdleOneFuchs: you're a bit silly too :)22:23
MrChrisDruifFuchs; just remember "It takes a troll to know a troll"22:24
elkymoha85 now appears to be doing the rounds of every single channel22:33
marienzthanks for reporting, on it22:35
marienzelky: channels most recently spammed + timestamps? They're not hitting any I'm in22:36
elkyah correction, that was an hour ago. he tried in #ubuntu-au-chat22:36
Fuchsis he actually spamming, or just looking for help like here?22:36
marienzgrargh, I got him and sopr_m mixed up22:37
* Fuchs feels slightly guilty22:38
marienzwas entirely my fault, don't worry about it22:39
ubottuwaxstone called the ops in #ubuntu (beatiful_sora  kkrauss)23:01
ikoniahow many warnings did these guys need23:04
Jordan_Uikonia: pong.23:37

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