
cjwatsonmicahg: Should be happier now.  outdate-report takes forever at the moment, though - need to work on that00:41
micahgcjwatson: thanks00:41
micahgcjwatson: I noticed component-mismatches also isn't running00:41
cjwatson(it was all stuck on a stale lock - I'll check again once this finishes to make sure it's really gone this time)00:41
cjwatsonhm, that'd be different I'm guessing00:41
micahgprobably, only stopped 5 days ago00:41
cjwatsonhaha, /me <- idiot00:42
cjwatsonI think that was a manual run, must have been00:42
cjwatsonoh, or not, what's going on00:42
cjwatsonwell, I bodged the bodge a bit harder, next attempt should work I think00:44
cjwatsonwet string and sticky tape00:44
cjwatsonoutdate-report should be a bit faster now too00:58
=== Guest8786 is now known as Ursinha
cjwatsonCould somebody review the pyicu binaries?  Then I can upload py3 ubiquity10:05
cjwatson(There's a Launchpad fastdowntime coming up, so it may bounce you temporarily)10:06
cjwatsonjamespage: I rejected samba due to a botched package split in Debian that would break upgrades, which I reported as http://bugs.debian.org/673122; I don't know whether you want to fix that in advance in Ubuntu, or wait for a fresh merge10:34
jamespagecjwatson, I think I'll fix it in advance (working on SRU for bug 970679) - thanks for letting me know10:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 970679 in samba "[SRU] winbind coredumps when encountering a group with over 1000 members" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97067910:39
cjwatsonLaney: testing this new backportpackage glue code in u-a-t now11:06
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
* Laney hopes opening a window for queuebot will reduce the noise12:03
Laneywell, redirect it away from my attention12:03
mdeslaurcan someone please denew transmission-remote-cli? (I assume that's needed...)12:10
cjwatsonmdeslaur: done12:11
mdeslaurcjwatson: thanks12:11
Laneybah, didn't work12:11
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
cjwatsonLaney: I used unknown-horizons as my test case, and it seems to have worked fine13:32
cjwatsonLaney: feel free to do widelands directly with backportpackage from ubuntu-dev-tools - I don't really fancy the download :)13:32
cjwatsonCould anyone review pyicu in binary NEW for me, please?14:20
pitticjwatson: looking14:31
pitti(while I was looking at binNMU anyway..)14:37
cjwatsonpitti: did that fix the missing Replaces trouble from earlier then?14:41
pitticjwatson: sorry, which replaces trouble?14:42
cjwatson11:34 <cjwatson> jamespage: I rejected samba due to a botched package split in Debian that would break upgrades, which I reported as http://bugs.debian.org/673122; I don't know whether you want to fix that in14:43
cjwatson                 advance in Ubuntu, or wait for a fresh merge14:43
cjwatson11:39 <jamespage> cjwatson, I think I'll fix it in advance (working on SRU for bug 970679) - thanks for letting me know14:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 970679 in samba "[SRU] winbind coredumps when encountering a group with over 1000 members" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97067914:43
jamespagecjwatson, it does yes14:43
pitticjwatson: ah, for samba14:43
pitticjwatson: the changelog said so14:43
cjwatsonok, cool14:44
cjwatsonhadn't had time to look yet14:44
* pitti removes the stale .run-britney.lock to get quantal_probs working again14:45
cjwatsonoh not again14:46
cjwatsonclearly my locking code is wrong14:46
cjwatsonwill look after this meeting ...14:47
mvocould someone please look at the software-center SRU ? it should fix some of the top bugs in errors.ubuntu.com15:11
evmvo: yay, it's proving useful then?15:52
mvoev: yes, *very* much so, its excellent16:04
seb128ev, it's very useful indeed ;-) (speaking as someone working on .1)16:04
infinityev: Yeah, don't let it go to your head, but it's something we've needed for 8 years.16:08
* cjwatson gets down to a single call to synclib.request in ubuntu-archive-tools16:22
cjwatsonunfortunately the last one requires exposing removals on the webservice before I can nuke it16:22
cjwatsonso close16:23
evmvo, seb128, infinity: thanks! I just want to keep soliciting input so it's best mapping to what people need without getting overwhelmed with feature creep16:23
seb128ev, if you want to improve things, my first request would be to fix the python matching, it still wrongly merge issues and launchpad bug reports16:24
seb128ev, i.e the "look at the signature but not the exception"16:24
seb128ev, it's quite misleading for some of the python issues listed there16:24
evseb128: it only matches on the signature generated by apport - is that not ideal?16:25
evit's definitely not hashing the python stacktrace or anything like that16:25
seb128ev, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/whoopsie-daisy/+bug/98981916:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 989819 in whoopsie-daisy "the signatures match code should probably consider the exception for python errors" [Undecided,New]16:25
infinityev: You can get the same trace of methods leading to different exceptions.16:25
seb128ev, did that get fixed?16:25
seb128DBusException: org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.PermissionDenied: Not authorized"16:25
seb128DBusException: org.freedesktop.Accounts.Error.Failed: 'bg_BG.UTF-8' is not a valid locale name"16:25
seb128 16:25
seb128those boths bugs are merged because they have the exact same functions in their signature16:26
seb128but they are different issues16:26
evright, this is why I raised the issue of whether or not the current signature generation was enough16:26
seb128well I guess it's not ;-)16:26
evI'll have a think16:27
seb128sorry if that was unclear when opened the bug16:27
seb128I though it was on your list16:27
evit definitely is on my list. It just landed on the list during release prep16:27
evso I didn't have a lot of time to dig at it then16:27
evI've given it a milestone and assigned it to myself16:28
evso it will definitely get handled16:28
seb128great, thank you16:28
stgraberskaet: http://iso.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/16088/testcases <-- does that look better?19:02
* skaet looks19:03
skaet:)  yup looks good.19:04
stgraberscript updated, needed a minor Drupal config change for it to render properly but that's already done on production19:05
skaetstgraber,  goodness.   Lets stick with this for now, and see how it works in practice.  :)19:06
stgraberskaet: looking at status.ubuntu.com, should I register a topic blueprint for Edubuntu or are you creating them all?19:10
skaetstgraber,  go ahead and register the topic for Edubuntu.  I'll take a pass next week at adding them for the flavors that don't have one already.19:11
skaetsyntax to use is topic-quantal-flavor-edubuntu for the name,  so it will sort correctly. :)19:11
stgraberskaet: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-quantal-flavor-edubuntu19:14
dobeyis adding ui/strings for additional error handling in an app, reasonably SRU-able?19:56
slangasekdobey: how is the error handled today, without the addition of the string?19:58
slangasek(it's a gray area, really - and ideally if we're going to add them, we give translators time to catch up19:58
dobeyit's not19:58
slangasekmeaning what, exactly? :)19:58
slangasekdoes the app crash?19:58
dobeypotentially, it crashes at a point where it would normally exit19:59
dobeyi'm fixing this, and trying to decide what the best way to handle the few error conditions that aren't currently handled, is20:00
* slangasek nods20:00
slangasekis there a bug # for that one?  hard to interpret the very-short backtrace20:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 853060 in ubuntuone-installer "ubuntuone-installer crashed with GError in function(): Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk" (No such file or directory)" [High,Confirmed]20:02
dobeybut same very short backtrace :)20:02
slangasekanyway, sorry to be wishy-washy, but I think it depends on what the error is... we might want to say that it's better to silently ignore the error than to add a new message20:03
slangasekso a sample diff might help20:03
dobeywell there isn't really any way to silently ignore the errors. one of them is if the apt cache updating fails. we can't then just ignore it and try to install, because installing will also almost certainly fail, and result in a secondary error. which if we ignore will result in the app just going away, or the current crash (which is arguably better, since it actually says something went wrong)20:04
dobeybut i don't know of any good solution to the error other than to say to the user there was an error, and to try again later, with a button that just closes the app20:05
slangasekhmmm, and there's no existing string for "apt-cache update failed" that could be copied over with all translations intact?20:05
slangasekaptdaemon uses 'Refreshing the software list failed'20:09
dobeyi'm sure we can get translated strinsg out of aptdaemon, but perhaps may be too technical (i haven't looked at those strings directly yet)20:09
dobeyand we still need to integrate it into the UI20:09
* slangasek nods20:09
slangasekI think the UI integration should be ok, SRU-wise20:09
dobeyi'll poke at it a bit deeper and see what we can do with that, then20:10
slangasekman, that software-center SRU is something massive23:16

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