
soreaulaunchpad's millionth bug?00:11
soreautime to party00:11
shaunohah, someone had to I guess .. bug 100000000:31
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1000000 in Ubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000000:31
grogoreoafter upgrading to Gnome 3.4 with the new ubuntu, my title buttons have gone back to the right after setting them to the left in button_layout. Any idea why it won't change?00:44
C-S-BAnyone around01:11
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=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Testing and Instrumentation - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/05/16/testing-and-instrumentation/05:05
AlanBellbug 100000005:38
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000005:38
brobostigongood morning everyone.07:37
diploMorning brobostigon, bit quiet here this morning :)07:39
brobostigonmorning diplo , it is quite early.07:39
* brobostigon was playing with blenders proper 3d modelling last night, and thinks he could get the hang of it.07:43
brobostigonmorning MooDoo07:44
=== brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon
TheOpenSourcererha, ha, ha bug 100000008:11
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000008:11
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MooDooquiet in here again today08:56
=== david is now known as soulnafein
* AlanBell tickles MooDoo 08:58
MooDoothanks AlanBell just what i needed09:00
MooDoocough cough nutter cough cough09:01
MooDoojoin #libertus09:01
MooDoooops just curious :)09:01
diploWe all busy today then ?09:08
MooDoodiplo: yes [read that as fedup.com] lol09:09
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:09
MooDoomorning bigcalm09:09
diploI'm updating CV/Linkedin/everything else.09:10
diploReally ought to start working now09:10
MooDoodiplo: looking for something else?09:10
diploYep, want to get back to sysadmin from developing09:11
bigcalmI want to get back to bed from developing09:11
MooDoodiplo: where are you again?09:11
diploNear Bath09:13
diploOur Headoffice at the mo is up near nottingham09:13
MooDoodiplo: that's what i thought......was going to suggest this - http://jobs.heartinternet.co.uk/#job409:13
diploReally not feeling happy about work and it's one thing i've decided over the last 2 years is I need to be happy09:13
bigcalmHappiness is key09:14
diploheh I'm gutted, I've been emailed about that job as well09:14
diploAlso one in Leicester for EasyInternet09:14
diploSod all around this area, need to be fairly local because of my kids09:15
diploI'd be fine if i was still married, would take stuff in Bristol/Swindon but that's an hour each way and if i need to get kids from School in a rush it could be a problem09:15
MooDoodiplo: contracting?  create you're own startup.com?09:19
diploI've been told to do that a few times09:20
diploBut I have a house that as a married couple we could barely afford ( she spent to much it seems ) and I now run it on my own, to worried about contracting and not earning enough to keep a house over my kids heads09:20
diploI should do it, quite a few friends do but I think I'm just to chicken :)09:21
diploI'm debating about doing a lot more private work and actually actively find some work outside of work hours09:22
diploOr even totally leave the IT field09:22
MooDoodiplo: i'm the same, i want to startup.com but i'm too chicken, why do't we all go work for AlanBell :)09:22
diploNow that sounds great!09:23
MooDoowe're all coming to work for you AlanBell especially seeing as you've got a nice new shiney office ;)09:24
DJonesMooDoo: Don't forget the high speed fibre internet connection at their office09:25
MooDooDJones: oooo minecraft on speekd09:25
MooDoodiplo: you can startup ubuntu-uk support services ltd ;)09:31
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks he might need to talk to AlanBell about recruitment.09:31
TheOpenSourcererMooDoo: diplo: we ain't ready yet but do feel free to send us your CV ;-)09:32
diploWill do squire!09:32
MooDoookey cokey.09:32
diploHow is life for everyone now we have some conversation going09:36
diploHad blue skys earlier, but clouding over now :(09:36
diploI wanted a nice bright day today09:36
DJonesWe've just had heavy rain after blue sky and now back to blue sky09:37
diploReally screwed up weather this year aint it09:38
diploGod, getting old! talking about weather :(09:38
MooDooit's nice and blue here, just waiting for the clouds :)09:41
diploOooh oooh sun is a coming back!09:43
MooDoodiplo: you're asleep....WAKE UP09:44
diploYou had to spoil it, it's gone away now09:44
s-foxHello o/09:56
MooDoos-fox: hello :D09:56
s-foxpopey,  i see you are logged into the forums. What do you think of the look?09:56
s-foxHello MooDoo  :)09:56
MooDoos-fox: how are you09:57
MooDoolo daubers09:57
davmor2morning all10:00
davmor2bigcalm: steak and beer tonight dude10:00
bigcalmI bloomin' well need it10:02
MooDoohello davmor210:02
s-foxdI am okay thank you MooDoo10:03
s-fox How are you doing??10:03
davmor2MooDoo: Morning me owld mucka10:03
bigcalmJust moved two mattresses about. Now smells like ionised air around here10:03
MooDoodavmor2: how's it going?10:03
davmor2MooDoo: round in circles of ever decreasing suffering :D  who needs automated functionality test anyway10:06
MooDoodavmor2: prod czajkowski, you'll feel better10:07
davmor2czajkowski: PRODDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:07
davmor2MooDoo: nope this helps though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-7bQezFZ4410:07
MooDoodavmor2: yeah seen that, very funny10:08
s-foxMooDoo,  are you feeling any better?10:08
MooDoomust be nice to have a mobile phone :S10:08
MooDoos-fox: will at 5:30.....:)10:08
DJonesIs anybody here using powerline ethernet devices? Just wondering if you have a couple of devices to connect, do the adapters have more than one connection, or do you just use a spare router/switch10:11
gordi do, and mine at least have one port per adapter10:12
DJonesThat was what I thought, the ones I'd looked at only seemed to have one port, I was hoping to run a connection to a sky receiver and plug a wifi extender into it10:13
JamesTai1Morning all!10:20
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
DJonesI guess I could just get something like http://www.amazon.co.uk/7dayshop-200Mbps-HomePlug-Powerline-Ethernet/dp/B004I6AK7A/ref=sr_1_5?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1337163252&sr=1-5 and plug an extender into one of them10:21
gordwhen they say "blisteringly fast", they are lying10:21
DJonesReading the reviews, it doesn't read to good, requires Windows XP to cinfigure them10:22
diploI keep debating about them, and then think I'll just pull some cat5e round the house instead10:23
DJonesgord: What would you expect for blisteringly fast? the 500Mbs versions10:24
davmor2gord I don't know mine isn't too bad I went for the tplink, the only problem with mine is they are both plugged into extension cables which is a big no no10:26
czajkowskiMooDoo: davmor2 herrro10:27
diploDo these power network plugs come with a socket built into them so you can carry on using the sockets guys ?10:28
* MooDoo hugs czajkowski :)10:28
davmor2diplo: the expensive ones do10:28
MooDooczajkowski: oggcamp hotel booked, looks like you get that beer i owe you after all :D10:29
gordDJones, you'll get lots of noise on the line, at least in my experience, packet loss is through the roof10:29
diploah so I need to spend money then :) I think I'll stick to cat5e then...10:30
diploNot enough sockets in my house as it is10:30
diploand a few boxes of cat5e in my garage10:30
MooDoodiplo: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_jM0PTDwWArQ/Rpj0G07YrAI/AAAAAAAAANk/ZV-gX4z_SV0/s400/cat5.JPG10:30
DJonesdavmor2: Assuming I got this http://goo.gl/b9HYL (which is the TP AV500), do you just connect one to the broadband router and one somehwere else within the house, they're not just receivers & you have to buy a seperate transmitter10:31
diploheh MooDoo10:31
diploI wired my back office/kids play room now, and to save going through walls and stuff i ran it around the outside wall ( standard cat5e ), was told that it wouldn't last because of rain/sun/snow/cold etc10:32
diploIt's been 5 years now10:32
davmor2DJones: so you need to click on a button to sync them to each other and plug in the cables and that's it10:32
MooDoodiplo: yeah i did that to my garage where my servers are, and that's been a few years10:32
diploSo good enough for me, will do other rooms the same now, ready for kids wanting PCs/media centres in there rooms10:32
DJonesdavmor2: Thanks, sounds easy enough10:33
davmor2gord: you need to get your electrics checked dude10:33
=== kvarley is now known as Guest79666
diploAny of you guys use or develop with the likes of drupal or some other cms ?10:53
diploGot a charity here where I work, done a little web work for them but they are stuck on a PR News companies free hosting and want to prep to move or think about it10:53
diploReckon Drupal or something like it could be layed out like that ?10:54
dogmatic69what is the easiest way to convert wifi to normal wired? Say I have wifi from downstairs to upstairs, then want to use normal cable to various pc's10:56
directhexdogmatic69, AP in bridge mode, plug into switch?10:57
bigcalmdiplo: my experience shows to avoid Drupal unless you have a lot of time to work everything out. And don't mind modules breaking between releases10:58
dogmatic69directhex: thanks10:58
* bigcalm scuttles off for lunch10:58
AlanBellhttp://openstandardsroundtable6.eventbrite.co.uk/ rerun of the microsoft corrupted first round table consultation on open standards10:59
* davmor2 pictures bigcalm as zoidburg11:00
TheOpenSourcererdiplo - Joomla! would probably be easier to do that11:00
diploAh that's the other one I was going to try with.. totally forgotten it11:00
diploCheers bigcalm11:00
diploNot promising I'll do it for them, was going to download/template it and see how I got on... then say yes or no11:01
diploAny other recommendations will be welcome11:01
diploJoomla just installing \o/11:03
diploLunch time job to have a play11:03
AlanBellcould be done in wordpress too11:03
bigcalmWoop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop11:03
AlanBellbut I would probably go for joomla11:04
diployeah I did think wordpress as well AlanBell, not if it would be suitable.. not a full on cms really is it11:04
diploWell that's two people, so I approve :)11:04
AlanBellyou can do quite a bit more CMSish stuff in wordpress than you might expect11:05
diploMain thing for me is I don't want to have to support it to much, especially as I'll probably do it for free11:06
AlanBelldepends a bit on who will be making the content and whether they prefer the back end of workdpress or the back end of joomla!11:06
diployeah, well if you saw what they used now11:08
diploAnything would be better11:09
diploIt is god awful!11:09
diploI had to do some horrible hacks to get things to work11:09
bigcalmMy vote would be for Wordpress as I have no experience of Joomla11:10
* bigcalm grabs that sub!11:10
MooDoowordpress o/11:11
diploRight, going to try both and show them.. Joomla looks nice for a start11:12
diploJust got installed, see what the themeing is like first11:13
davmor2diplo: there is django too11:13
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: Creating templates for Joomla! is fairly easy - easier than for Wordpress.11:13
TheOpenSourcererAnd there are thousands of free ones you can use a base and modify.11:14
diploI was going to use your wordpress how to later TheOpenSourcerer or your example anyhoo11:14
diplodjango python based davmor211:14
diploHeard the name, not looked into it11:14
davmor2diplo: yeap11:15
davmor2diplo: https://www.djangoproject.com/11:15
TheOpenSourcererI built lots of Joomla! sites.11:15
diploMy Python knowledge is basic at the moment, so will take a look but it has a lower score from my proficiency point of view :)11:16
diploWill take a look though thanks!11:16
diploWell so far so good TheOpenSourcerer , creating a template already11:16
diploDocs seem quite good11:16
diploThe company I work for have wrote there own code rather than using one of these projects ( stoopid ) so my only exposure is Wordpress for personal use11:17
* TheOpenSourcerer disappears under the weight of eclipse to work on porting a customer's vtiger system...11:18
davmor2diplo: the way it was explained to me, wordpress is ideal for a personal blog/small site if you tinker with it you can get some useful features,  django, drupal and joomla are for creating a site from the ground up that is intended to do anything and everything11:23
dogmatic69anyone seen / used one of these? http://uk.level1.com/product_d.php?id=28311:24
dogmatic69Thinking of getting one11:24
SuperMattooohkay, I have a libvirt kvm in precise, but I can't select virtio as the diskbus. any ideas?11:32
diploWell the latter is more what I think I need to work to davmor2, will grab django tonight and have a look11:32
diploTemplating joomla now and see how it works11:32
diplodogmatic69, Looked at buying the dell equivalent but never did11:33
diploBut basically it's a 1u/2u rack sserver from what i read before but made specifically for nas11:34
oimonin facebook, if i comment on a public page, it shows up on my timeline. how do i hide that without deleting the comment?11:54
davmor2oimon: I didn't think you could other than deleting it11:55
oimondavmor2, i think that's the case. :( you used to be able to hide the notification on other people's feeds11:57
* bigcalm flumps12:02
bigcalmOr is that flops?12:03
davmor2bigcalm: you are eating marshmellow sweets now12:04
bigcalmMakes for a good lunch12:04
bigcalmdavmor2: shouldn't you be at a wedding ceremony?12:06
davmor2bigcalm: step-dad to be's lungs are full of fluid so it got postponed till they sort that out12:07
bigcalmOh poop12:07
bigcalmSorry about that man12:07
davmor2bigcalm: yeah I said something similar although not so family friendly12:07
bigcalmWhat's the choice FTP server these days?12:09
SuperMattI'd like to avoid FTP, but wordpress seems to rely on it :(12:10
SuperMattalthough... if you ftp to localhost, is someone likely to be able to sniff passwords?12:11
jpdsbigcalm: openssh sftp ?12:12
jpdsSuperMatt: If they have root, yes.12:12
bigcalmjpds: I have sftp setup, I need to organise ftp as well12:12
jpdsbigcalm: Don't?12:13
bigcalmjpds: doesn't answer my original question :)12:13
diploI always used to use vsftpd12:13
diploBut I've stopped using any now12:13
diploCan see what my webhost uses if you like ?12:14
davmor2bigcalm: proftpd but to be honest if you have sftp in place why bother12:15
directhexSuperMatt, ftp is totally sniffable. it's insecure by design12:17
directhexSuperMatt, only by using basic-level FTPS (encrypted control channel, unencrypted data channel) can you do safe password exchange12:18
SuperMattbugs me, it does12:20
SuperMattstupid wordpress12:20
bigcalmI've set up sftp for a client but something is odd with routing at the moment so that they can't connect. The alternative is to use FTP over the VPN they have with my client's server12:21
bigcalmI'd rather they could use SFTP. It's down to Rackspace sorting out their routing troubles12:23
TheOpenSourcererAnyone else getting 12.04 moving windows about randomly? I was sure I had a terminal window open in workspace 3 then it made a re-appearance in #2 !12:35
TheOpenSourcererOf course clicking on the terminal icon in the launcher didn't help to find it either :-(12:36
diploStopped using workspaces, so sorry don't know.. can try and replicate if you want ?12:43
diploMy biggest issue is compiz using lots of CPU all the time with Precise ( Unity really )12:45
diploI'm going to grab Cinnamon again now actually12:46
bigcalmI'm now up to 8 work spaces on my laptop :D12:58
bigcalmmrevell: good afternoon. Joining us tomorrow?13:00
mrevellbigcalm, Errrrrrm. Not sure yet.13:00
mrevellI hope to.13:00
bigcalmI've decided to drive in. So if you want to stick around for the whole day, happy to give you a lift13:01
diploI just use dual screens and terminator13:02
diploI don't seem to have the user case13:02
diplo+ have a laptop dual screen setup on the go13:02
KnightwiseHmm. i just ordered a solid state drive for my 2009 macbook air.13:06
Knightwisehoping that it will be fast enough to run precise smoothly13:07
SuperMattis the global application menu optional in precise?13:09
TheOpenSourcererSuperMatt: As long as you don't complain when it breaks probably ;-)13:10
SuperMattah, it didn't land in precise13:11
SuperMattI'm still not sure where I stand on it13:11
bigcalmdiplo: dual screens doesn't work on my laptop sadly, hence the abundance of workspaces. The laptop is only for out of office work. So in the office I have 6 work spaces on each of my 3 monitors. I'm a greedy bugger13:12
diploWhat do you use them all for?!?!?13:12
SuperMattpersonally, I think that the menu should have options (global - always visible, global - mouse over, standard)13:13
diploI thought I was bad for having stuff open13:13
bigcalmI'll admit that the central monitor never changes from the 1st workspace - has my IDE on it13:13
bigcalmBut I have multiple browsers, email, terminals, spotify, etc on the others13:13
hamitronTheOpenSourcerer, did you fix your nvida issue?13:30
TheOpenSourcererI haven't even looked at it today and *I* am not certain it is nvidia anyway.13:31
TheOpenSourcererThat was MartijnVdS who suspected it was nvidia's problem.13:31
hamitronwell, I saw nvidia have confirmed a bug in 295.4013:32
hamitronthey've released a new version to solve it, so thought I'd let you know what I'd read13:33
agoodmregarding the sip jitter buffer; does anyone know how to see its 'settings' ie the current buffer size, max possible size etc?13:53
TheOpenSourcererAnyone know where a user's VPN configs for network manager are stored in ~ ?14:02
TheOpenSourcererCan I just copy them back from a backup of my old home dir?14:03
DJonesHeh http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3patjo/ I think I've seen that shirt in a picture recently14:06
gordDJones, was it a magic eye?14:07
DJonesIt was something14:07
* bigcalm shakes his head14:10
AlanBellafternoon nap time again14:12
directhexmmmmm nap time...14:12
christelAlanBell: do you have a bed at your new office?14:13
AlanBellI am not there today14:14
AlanBelland no ;)14:14
bigcalmJust remembered that we're seeing Stewart Francis do stand-up a week today. A nice surprise to cheer up my afternoon14:19
bigcalm3 hours until beer o'clock15:25
bigcalmTime is slowing down15:25
diplobigcalm, I have just been advised the same thing \o/15:25
bigcalmAttending the LUG is my excuse for a drink15:26
bigcalmOh, and steak15:26
bigcalmLong live LUG meetings in pubs!15:26
diploheh, friend telling me I need to have food/pint is good enough for me :)15:26
diploTwo local lugs to me are 50 min drives away15:27
bigcalmThat's a good friend indeed :)15:27
bigcalmMine is a 40ish min drive15:27
diplooh, so a pint is it then15:27
diploI have a mile/ mile and a half walk into town15:27
bigcalmWell, the local one (Shropshire) would be about 20 mins. But I prefer attending Wolves LUG instead15:28
diploCan't drink too much anyhoo15:29
diploGot to get up early and pick my parents up from Heathrow :(15:30
dogmatic69Settings -> Display -> stick edges... most annoying feature ever15:45
TheOpenSourcerernah... Most annoying is not being able to find windows easily without using keyboard commands...15:50
diploJust moved back to cinnamon, I'm happier already15:50
diploWill give Unity a go again start of next month.15:51
TheOpenSourcererI am tempted to install the gnome-fallback jobby and try that.15:51
diplonot tried it yet15:52
TheOpenSourcererThe other annoying this is those stupid pop-up sliders. Why oh why...15:53
ali1234because not enough people complained about it when it was introduced a year ago15:54
ali1234remember, when you go to complain on launchpad and mailing lists, that feature is called overlay scrollbar15:56
diploRight off home. Catch you laters.15:57
dogmatic69anyone know how to adjust the workspaces?15:58
dogmatic69I have done this http://askubuntu.com/questions/59559/how-to-configure-workspace-layout15:58
dogmatic69compiz settings manager, but cant find it15:58
TheOpenSourcererCCSM->General->General Options->Desktop Size16:00
keith__can anybody help with a technical problem?16:00
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:00
ali1234is it a really technical problem?16:00
* DJones watches as the channel quickly empties16:01
dogmatic69TheOpenSourcerer: ah... its General -> General options...16:01
DJonesdogmatic69: The number of workspaces?16:01
dogmatic69DJones: its normally 2x2, I got 2x screens so just want 2x116:01
ali1234on a scale of 1 to 10, how technical is it?16:02
DJonesI installed myunity that does the job brilliantly16:02
DJonesfrom the normal repo's16:02
DJonesVarious settings for changing Unity16:02
keith__well I can't load 12.01 on my lap top so I guess 1016:02
bigcalmI suggest you try 12.04 instead then ;)16:03
ali1234why can't you load it?16:03
ali1234no CD drive?16:04
DJoneskeith__: Can you give us a bit more detail, laptop model, specifications and what happens when you try to load/install it16:04
dogmatic69ali1234: he's missing disk 4216:04
keith__sorry meant 12.04 - used to run 11.11 through winds 7 tried updating to 12.04 - now nothing16:05
dogmatic69keith__: a little more detailed description than 'nothing' would help anyone trying to help you16:06
DJonesdammed locked screen16:07
keith__Yeah OK. having selected Ubuntu off the grub / laoder menu the start up just freezes16:07
DJoneskeith__: Is this a full install, or was it done via windows using Wubi? (With you saying you used to run 11.10 through Win 7 makes me wonder about wubi16:08
keith__Yeah it was wubi, obviously I could re-install but do not want to loose my files16:09
dogmatic69keith__: you can use the live cd to backup everything16:10
DJonesI've never used wubi, I don't know whether that makes any difference to how ubuntu starts up16:10
keith__Ok I will try that first - Thanks for the advice16:10
DJonesDo you just get a black screen after you select ubuntu from the grub menu16:11
ali1234wubi changes everything about how ubuntu starts up16:11
ali1234also you can't access it with a livecd16:11
keith__Not what i would call a black screen, it attemps to load but just freezes on the multi coloured screen16:12
dogmatic69keith__: multi coloured... is that something that flashes different colours?16:13
dogmatic69I have that on my server when booting sometimes16:13
keith__Yes, but no flashing16:14
ali1234who wants to help me hunt bugs in gnome classic session?16:15
ali1234TheOpenSourcerer: i just found compiz has a preference for viewport switching to make the monitors independent16:24
hamitrongnome classic?16:24
ali1234it just doesn't work with nvidia, but it should do with others16:24
hamitronhas anyone got a beginners guide to unity?16:25
* hamitron is struggling16:25
TheOpenSourcererhmm - ali1234 I thought I tried that the other day on my lappy without success.16:25
ali1234maybe it doesn't work at all16:25
davmor2hamitron: what are you trying to accomplish16:27
hamitronI want to see what apps are installed16:27
hamitronis there not a menu somewhere?16:29
ali1234you have to open the dash then go to the application lens then open the filter menu then select all the filters, then it gives you a huge unordered list of everything that is installed16:29
ali1234it's basically worse than useless16:29
ali1234and extremely difficult to find and use16:30
hamitronI think I'll have to change how I work16:30
hamitronbut could be interesting16:30
hamitronapplication lens?16:31
hamitronah, I see16:32
bigcalmYeah, lenses are the icons along the bottom of the dashboard. Sadly none of them have names16:32
ali1234actually they all have names16:33
ali1234you are supposed to just know what they are called16:33
hamitronthe 2nd one? ;/16:33
bigcalm"visible" names :P16:33
ali1234the one that looks like a bookshelf or something16:33
bigcalmhamitron: correct16:33
ali1234visible names are bad!16:33
hamitronbigcalm, I'm a fast learner ;)16:33
ali1234indescribable abstract shapes are much better16:34
bigcalm2 hours to beer o'clock16:34
bigcalmTime _has_ slowed down :(16:35
davmor2bigcalm: I blame you for that, you're the the talking beer clock16:35
ali1234which package provides the classic style menu?16:36
hamitronbbl, gonna need to feed myself before learning this :)16:36
davmor2hamitron: if you want a nice shortcut for things hold down the windows key and it pops up an overlay of shortcuts to get through things with keypresses16:36
davmor2hamitron: also if you have a plain desktop in view if you go to the top there is a menu and there is a help section that acts as a fairly good manual16:38
ali1234bug 100032316:57
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1000323 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "moving panels is very slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100032316:57
ali1234bug 100034316:57
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1000343 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "no icon for ubuntu one in gnome classic session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100034316:57
hamitrondavmor2, thanks16:57
davmor2hamitron: pleasure16:58
czajkowskisome tweet love or rehsaring would be great on https://plus.google.com/109129028036222996031/posts/RaCZ1wTP2Rd16:58
hambuntuis there a trick to resizing a window?17:03
davmor2hambuntu: bottom righthand corner17:04
hambuntuleft mouse button?17:04
hambuntuthe icon changes like it should resize17:05
hambuntuand changes back when I click17:05
davmor2hambuntu: yeap you hold the left mouse and then move to where ever17:05
davmor2hambuntu: or you can drag to the side and have it fill one side of the screen or the top and have it fill the page17:06
hambuntuI wish it did17:06
hambuntuthe top right works17:07
hambuntusides and bottom right just aren't working17:07
* hambuntu is lacking mouse control badly?17:08
bigcalmBit of an unfortunate host name you're connecting from17:08
hambuntuit is cool ;/17:08
hambuntutry a restart I suppose17:14
dogmatic69\o/ 12.04 remembers what apps where open in which workspace17:45
bigcalmJust in case anybody had forgotten how wonderfully silly the internet can be, an old video from Cryiak Harris: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WQO-aOdJLiw17:46
dogmatic69ye, that was one of my reasons for not using them.17:46
dogmatic69also like having the unity bar in all screens. on windows and ubuntu 10.10 etc it only showed the main bar on the main screen17:47
hamitronalt and middle button to resize \o/17:47
hamitronproblem solved17:47
ali1234alt+middle button works in gnome too17:50
ali1234you know why no one knows this? because given the choice it's a sub-optimal way to resize windows17:50
hamitronyeh, but the borders where not too small before, so never needed to know ;)17:50
hamitronso it wasn't just me been a newb? unable to hit them :D17:50
ali1234it's a known bug that has been fixed several times, but just keeps coming back17:51
hamitronah, k17:51
hamitroncan it be fixed with a chunky theme?17:51
ali1234no, because no such theme exists17:51
ali1234gtk3 only has 3 themes17:51
ali1234ambiance, radiance, and whatever gnome shell uses17:52
hamitronI'd have looked, only I can't find anything atm17:52
ali1234you need to install gnome-tweak-tool to configure themes17:52
ali1234which is why gtk3 has no themes: there's no way to change it anyway17:52
hamitronwell, it has to work with default settings, or unity "gets it"17:53
hamitronbut I gotta give it a chance17:54
hamitrongotta say, it feels easier to work with apps on different desktops17:54
hamitroncool, the unity panel on the left went invisible18:04
hamitronnow to work out how I did that18:05
hamitronoh, the whole thing is gone18:05
ali1234probably crashed18:05
* hamitron sighs18:05
hamitronreminds me of windows 9518:06
ali1234ctrl-alt-f1, login, export DISPLAY=:0, metacity --replace && gnome-panel18:06
hamitrondidn't get there18:11
hamitronseems easier to drag borders with 3d working18:44
AlanBellhamitron: it is, the shadow is draggable18:56
hamitronah :)18:56
AlanBell3d working is the way forward18:56
hamitronwell, I got other issues to fix with 3d18:56
hamitronlike how slow it is18:57
hamitronI read it should just work in vmware workstation 818:57
AlanBellon lots of machines it is faster18:57
AlanBellbecause it actually uses the bit the graphics card is good at18:57
hamitronI assume when it isn't 3d, it is using unity-2d?18:58
AlanBelldunno about vmware, but in virtualbox it works fine if you install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 in the guest18:58
AlanBelland check the checkbox in the VM settings to allow accellerated 3d18:58
hamitronyeh, done that18:58
hamitronit has got 3d now18:59
hamitronjust slow18:59
AlanBellthis time it is using unity2d if it can't do 3d, but in Quetzal it will use 3d via a software renderer18:59
hamitronah, I see18:59
AlanBellllvm pipes or something18:59
hamitronmy next question was.... "why is unity-2d been removed?"18:59
AlanBelltwo codepaths to maintain18:59
hamitronyeh, but I was wondering about the comps that can't do 3d19:00
hamitronbut you answered that19:00
AlanBellit wasn't clear at the time which was the way to go so they paid to back both horses for a while19:00
TheOpenSourcererMy kids machine is dire after the upgrade - I ask it to load hardware drivers but it doesn't see the gpu - it's quite an old nvidia board on a standard PCI19:00
ahayzen... what is going to happen to ARM and Ubuntu TV? as i thought these were going to be based on Unity-2D ?19:01
AlanBell:( I just have Intel on all machines in the house and they just work19:01
hamitronI read the open source drivers are faster than nvidia drivers on old cards19:01
AlanBellahayzen: they get the 3d awesomeness19:01
hamitronnot tried it yet19:01
ahayzenvia the llvm pipes?19:01
hamitronI would have, only you dropped support for my cpu ;)19:01
AlanBellsome of the unity2d QML niceness will be added to stuff in 3d I think19:01
AlanBellahayzen: ARM GPUs can generally do the openGL ES stuff (I think I got that right)19:02
AlanBellso most of it will be accellerated19:02
ahayzenok :)... its just older hardware that is the issue now19:03
AlanBellreally old hardware19:03
ahayzenbring on Wayland :)19:04
AlanBellanything with an Atom chip is basically fine19:04
* hamitron comforts his VIA C319:04
* AlanBell has an OLPC with an unsupported CPU19:04
andylockran any recommendations on a CMS platform that's easy to theme?19:04
andylockranjust needs pages, categories, tags and news.19:05
andylockrancontemplating wordpress.19:05
andylockranbut would ideally like a template system lke twig19:05
TheOpenSourcererandylockran Joomla! is my fave.19:06
MartijnVdSpoor you19:06
ali1234yeah he said easy though19:06
ali1234so wordpress19:06
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: don't tell any sysadmins :)19:06
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: or dbas19:06
AlanBelljoomla is easy to theme19:07
AlanBellwordpress is slightly easier to use19:07
AlanBellboth must be updated constantly or bad things will happen due to the architectural failure of PHP19:08
ali1234it's not an architectural failure of php19:08
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Joomla retrieves all database contents twice and filters client-side instead of using proper queries19:08
MartijnVdSAlanBell: by default19:08
MartijnVdSAlanBell: hence crying DBAs as the site gets bigger19:09
ali1234there are plenty of other languages that have "better" architecture19:09
ali1234but nobody uses them19:09
ali1234this is a failure of web developers19:09
oimon1evning all. what's the process for getting openvpn client to show under the network manager in 12.04 please?19:10
MartijnVdSoimon1: network-manager-openvpn-gnome19:10
MartijnVdSoimon1: install that & it'll show up19:10
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: Does that apply in Joomla! 2.519:10
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: All versions19:11
oimon1MartijnVdS: fantastic. thanks. wonder why it doesn't show in the ubuntu software centre under "openvpn"19:11
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: according to him, his patches to fix it keep getting rejected because "that's not what the database is for" or something19:11
andylockran-laptali1234: what other language would you recommend?19:11
ali1234andylockran-lapt: any, except perl19:11
andylockran-laptwhat's wrong with perl?19:12
oimon1oh, it does, i just have to remember to click "technical items" :-\19:12
oimon1that thing gets me every time19:12
MartijnVdSandylockran-lapt: Nothing is wrong with Perl19:12
ali1234where to start19:12
ali1234firstly, the lack of named arguments to function19:12
MartijnVdSandylockran-lapt: just pass a hash19:12
ali1234this is the biggest cause of perl code being unreadable19:12
MartijnVdStoo many A<tab> :)19:12
ali1234when every function takes a single argument, which is an array of all the arguments that the function takes19:13
MartijnVdSali1234: At work, we've made hash-of-arguments mandatory19:13
MartijnVdSso %args = @_; \o/ unpacked19:13
ali1234that actually does't help at all19:13
MartijnVdSit does actuall19:13
MartijnVdSwe also use a library to validate input for that19:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234the next biggest problem with perl is that perl programmers abuse regular expressions for everything19:14
TheOpenSourcererAnyone have any bright ideas why Thunderbird is automatically marking emails as read in one of my Inboxes? It's really getting on my nerves.19:14
MartijnVdSali1234: also a policy/best practices thing19:14
ali1234another problem with perl is that you can redefine the language too much19:15
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: you have another client (web mail?) open on that mailbox19:15
MartijnVdSali1234: same with python19:15
TheOpenSourcererI have checked the obvious settings...19:15
TheOpenSourcererNot to my knowledge no.19:15
ali1234so some person like me doesn't like lack of named arguments to function - ok, well i can just redefine the language so that functions have named arguments19:15
MartijnVdSali1234: that's what shared libraries are for19:15
ali1234and now i'm no longer writing perl code, i'm writing some butchered language that nobody in the whole world but me can understand19:15
MartijnVdS\o/ libraries19:15
ali1234this isn't actually all that different from writing perl code to start with, which is why this reason only comes in at number 3 n my list rather than number 119:16
MartijnVdSali1234: yeah because foo(bar => 'baz') isn't like any other perl AT ALL19:16
MartijnVdSoh wait19:16
ali1234number 4 - use strict19:17
ali1234why does every perl program begin with this line? it's like some prayer to the perl gods19:17
MartijnVdSali1234: it's because they made a mistake in earlier Perl versions19:19
MartijnVdSali1234: theyre considering making it default in 5.16-1819:19
andylockran-laptok, so perl is out...19:19
MartijnVdSandylockran-lapt: nah, Perl isn't out.19:19
AlanBellyou should never ever be in a position where you are wondering what language to use19:19
AlanBellthis should be dictated by the thing that you want to work on/add to19:20
MartijnVdSali1234: also, using Moose implies strict and warnings, so you can just "use Moose;" and be done :)19:20
andylockran-laptAlanBell: valid point.19:20
ali1234i find it is more motivated by how much you respect the client :)19:20
MartijnVdSali1234: http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/blob/HEAD:/pod/perldelta.pod19:20
AlanBellif you are starting a new major project from scratch then you should already *know* what the best language is, and know that everyone else is wrong19:20
ali1234if you are on good terms with the client, use python. if you don't care, use php, and if you actively want to destroy their business, use perl19:21
MartijnVdSali1234: I'd swap Perl and PHP in that19:21
jacobwphp /o\19:22
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: I think you are being rather too cynical. Millions of web-sites run PHP without major issue.19:22
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: ?-s19:22
TheOpenSourcererI suggest it is more likely down to poor sysadmin/maintenance19:23
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Millions of PCs run on WIndows without major issue :)19:23
AlanBelland it is basically the same as ASP in terms of mixing code and html19:23
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: Just because it's popular, doesn't make it good19:23
TheOpenSourcererNever heard that one before.19:23
ali1234no, but popularity makes it cheap19:23
TheOpenSourcererI never said it was good or bad. Just that it is used happily by many.19:23
ali1234if you write some broken php code then there are a million developers out there who will fix it19:24
ali1234if you write some broken perl code, nobody in the world can fix it except you19:24
TheOpenSourcererI know a Perl bloke. Lives near here. Runs the Jobsite site.19:24
TheOpenSourcererSenior Architect.19:24
ali1234aaaaand another thing19:25
ali1234this conversation started because someone wanted an easily themeable CMS right?19:25
TheOpenSourcererPlone :-)19:25
ali1234well, what does programming language have to do with it? you won't be writing any php code in the process of theming a wordpress19:26
TheOpenSourcererHmm, not too sure about that - I had to do quite a bit to write a WP theme.19:26
TheOpenSourcererMore than with Joomla!19:26
AlanBellthe theme is a PHP loop19:27
AlanBellit isn't hard, and the language itself is OK19:27
AlanBellthe bit I don't like is that everything lives in a comment in an HTML page19:27
ali1234that's not actually got much to do with theming19:28
ali1234theme templates - yes19:28
ali1234but when you come to make your own theme, you start with an existing one and just modify the css19:28
Azelphurali1234: there is PHP in the process of theming wordpress19:28
Azelphurjust not a lot of it19:28
AlanBelltrue, and there are several zillion themes out there to use19:29
ali1234if you really need some kind of complex template system for theming i'm sure you could write one, if you wanted. it isn't necessary to do it though19:29
TheOpenSourcererHere's a good one: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/open-sourcerer ;-)19:30
ali1234how do you make gtk themes?19:33
ali1234all the documentation i can find is for gtk 219:33
mrevellbigcalm, Turns out, no car for me, so no co-work19:37
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonsvn: OPTIONS of 'https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender': Certificate verification error: signed using insecure algorithm (https://svn.blender.org)20:25
daftykinsneat! :)20:26
brobostigonany one know how to resolve that ? thwn i try anc checkout. according to the blender site.?20:26
matttmove to git20:36
andylockran-laptwell tonight has been a fail20:36
matttbrobostigon: http://linux-knowledgebase.com/en/Tip_of_the_day/December/Certificate_verification_error%253A_signed_using_insecure_algorithm20:39
matttbrobostigon: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?254565-Certificate-verification-error-(https-svn.blender.org)20:39
brobostigonmattt: i just found a thread on the blender forums also.20:39
matttprobably same one20:40
AlanBellgord: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-accessibility/2012-May/006096.html20:40
brobostigonmattt: it is the same.20:42
matttbrobostigon: did it work?20:47
brobostigonmattt: yes, adding that entry, into ~/.subversion/servers20:47
brobostigonblender should be fairly quick to compile, it is quite small.21:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
dogmatic69is there something like htop for I/O22:06
matttyeh, iotop22:10
dogmatic69I should have guessed that one22:10
dogmatic69not quite as advanced as htop22:12
dogmatic69ever since I plugged in my second monitor and started using twinview windows are opening up tiny22:21
dogmatic69eg: http://i.imgur.com/AtF9V.png22:24
dogmatic69its only windows inside apps, not the apps themselves.22:24
dogmatic69seems to happen with most / all apps22:24

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