
jjessei'm getting weird power issues tonight at home as well01:18
jjessewrong channel sorry01:19
=== lotia_ is now known as lotia
locodir-userjust updating those who helped me (though it is likely you dont care). I was able to reset my password by pushing shift while booting and getting a root terminal. passwd $username and it would let you reset it. This seems very insecure, any way to change that?11:27
rick_h_locodir-user: if they can do that, they have to have access to your machine. If they've got that access, then they can just pull the hard drive anyway so it's kind of a moot point11:30
rick_h_locodir-user: however, yes, you can set passwords on the computer on boot, and on the grub menu I believe, as well as doing things like encrypting your hard drive11:30
rick_h_but honestly, it's a bit much for a new user to go through so I'd not suggest it until you get used to things a bit more11:31
brouschso tired11:57
brouschthe boy woke up at 3AM and thought it was morning. he went stomping around the house and then settled down to play with his computer11:57
brouschtime to get him a clock11:57
shakes808good morning12:09
shakes808I just realized that I left my backpack at home :(12:11
shakes808Good thing there is a lot of time :D12:12
brouschuse snap-l's12:12
shakes808HA HA12:13
shakes808It would give me a chance to try out a good computer ;)12:13
shakes808then again, almost anything is better than Dell12:13
locodir-userrick_h_: I would like to secure my computer from members of my family and while they wont take out a hard  drive of my laptop they will try to get the password that is why i as.12:16
rick_h_locodir-user: lots of ways of disabling/locking down single user mode12:18
rick_h_but again, remember that it helped you get back into your machine. I don't know you family is going to be google'ing single user mode linux12:18
rick_h_but understand12:18
locodir-usertrue so you advise that i leave it until i am more familiar with linux?12:21
rick_h_I would personally12:22
rick_h_but it's up to you12:23
locodir-userwell looking through that link it looks like editing files that i would have trouble finding (that is not how windows is) so i will leave it12:24
locodir-userthank you for all your help :)12:26
rick_h_locodir-user: no problem, welcome to linux/ubuntu and hope you find it useful12:26
snap-lGood morning13:06
rick_h_morning snap-l13:12
shakes808I know this is a Ubuntu chat, but...13:13
shakes808Has anyone heard about the new Windows Server?13:13
rick_h_I try hard not to13:13
shakes808Well I guess they are going to make the server look like Win 8 which is stupid because a PC shouldn't look like a phone and phone apps.13:14
snap-lshakes808: I for one welcome Metro13:15
snap-lI think Microsoft Bob's time has come13:15
shakes808Microsoft Bob's?13:16
shakes808What are you talking about snap-l13:16
brouschmetro is the win8 UI13:17
brouschmicrosoft bob was the greatest piece of software ever produced by MS13:17
shakes808Alright. Thank you brousch13:17
shakes808snap-l: Why do you like the phone UI for a PC idea?13:18
brouscha touchscreen interface on the server will save the cost and space required by a keyboard13:20
brouschthis is valuable space that couple be used for more servers in the rack13:20
shakes8081. A rack mounted computer takes up 1U13:21
shakes8082. You can SSH into it13:21
shakes8083. You can Serial into it13:21
shakes808The space saved isn't really an issue13:21
brouschthe touchscreen interface will be preferred when you no longer have a desktop or laptop. you will remote in from your wintablet13:22
shakes808I know my knowledge of server happenings is limited, but I don't think that it would be beneficial to put a technical person on a dumbed down UI13:22
brouschever tried using VNC on a tablet to access windows?13:23
brouschnot fun13:23
snap-lBut Judge Alsup wasn’t convinced. He told the court he had learned to code in Java for the trial — implying that he knew other languages as well — and he said that he had written some of the infringing code at least a hundred times since Oracle filed its suit in August 2010. “I can do it. You can do it. It’s so simple,” he said, adding that it takes less than five minutes. Then looked13:23
snap-ldirectly at Boies. “You’re one of the best lawyers in America — how can you make that argument?” he demanded.13:23
snap-l<3 <3 <313:23
shakes808brousch: like I mentioned, I haven't had that much experience but the experience I do have would tell me that I don't think I would like it.13:32
shakes808I will have my buddy set it up on his server and I will try it ;)13:32
brouschlinux admins and windows admins think differently13:33
rick_h_gah, I'm going to kill someone13:47
* brousch hopes rick_h_ is at the coffee shop today13:48
rick_h_I am...but heading home soon so I can turn tihs REST discussion into a google handout where it'll be harder to hide my cranky face13:48
brouschwell kill someone before you leave13:49
rick_h_oh good grief this just gets worse and worse13:52
jrwrenshakes808: windows server always follows desktop linux.15:34
jrwren09:22  shakes80| I know my knowledge of server happenings is limited, but I don't think that it would be beneficial to put a technical person  on a dumbed down UI15:34
jrwrenyou've heard of microsoft windows, right? :)15:34
shakes808jrwren: lol yes15:35
shakes808If Win follows Linux, where is there a Linux that looks like that?15:36
jrwrenit is by definition a dumbed down UI for technical people.15:36
jrwrenjrwren: lol, that was a total brain mistake.15:36
jrwrenshakes808: windows server always follows desktop windows.15:36
shakes808talking to your self again? lol15:37
shakes808As long as you don't answer back ;)15:38
jrwrenyou realize that metro is just a replacement for the start menu on desktop windows and server windows ?15:41
jrwrenas soon as you run a desktop app e.g. server manager, it won't be metro.15:42
jjessemetro won't be on windows server will it?15:42
jjesseif so that is news to me15:42
snap-ljjesse: They're threatening to do it.15:43
jjessereally that seems odd15:43
snap-ljjesse: Not really. I think they're looking for interface parity across all of Windows15:43
snap-lwhich will be interesting15:43
snap-lreminds me a bit of the administration utilities on HP-UX15:44
snap-lAnything to make administration that much easier.15:45
jjessea quick google shows that it might be possible to build a "control panel" w/ quick links to frequently used tools + build a "dashboard" to show stats etc15:45
nixternalhttp://main.diabetes.org/goto/nixternal - yeah buddy, I just spammed your channel. NOW DONATE! :)  <3  if snap-l helped last year, the rest of you can help this year!15:47
jrwrenits simple.15:48
brouschnixternal: you just ride a bike and i pay you?15:48
nixternalyou know it15:48
jrwrenwindows server and desktop have the same explorer.exe15:48
jrwrenthe start menu part of explorer.exe IS metro.15:48
brouschi'll need more than that15:48
nixternali will ride naked15:48
jrwrenserver gets metro because tehre is no more start menu in desktop15:48
brouschcan i opt out of the photo tier?15:48
snap-lnixternal: I will pay to keep you clothed.15:48
nixternali just spit a lil coffee damnit15:49
brouschhopefully you are clothed now15:49
nixternali mass emailed the people at my mom's company she retired from last year. they paid up big time, and i had a few rich friends pitch in, though most of my rich friends donated $5, and my broke friends did $25-$10015:49
jjessejrwren, i think its just a registry entry/chagne to make it non-metro15:50
brouschnixternal: i think the donation would depend partly on whther diabetes affects you or your loved ones15:51
snap-lnixternal: When is it?15:51
nixternaldamn brousch that was fast15:55
nixternalsnap-l: 25 days from today15:55
nixternali started my donation plea a little late this year15:55
brouschif i don't do it now i will forget15:55
nixternalyeah, i am the last one to donate, make sure i hit my goal15:55
snap-lnixternal: I've added it to my GTD lists. I'll get something in next paycheck.15:56
nixternallast year, wow, i set my goal at $150. i emailed my mom and in 5 minutes I raised my goal to $500. then i emailed one friend, and she emailed her friends & family, and I was up to $1,00015:56
nixternalsnap-l: thanks duders15:57
nixternalhaha, on my Fundraising Honor Roll, it is just "Ben Rousch" all by himself scrolling over & over :D15:57
brouschi feel lonely16:00
brouschnow i wish i'd added a "personal message"16:01
nixternalI don't know if the personal message scrolls too. I can't remember. No it doesn't, because I received some nasty messages from Chicago GLUG members last year & it didn't show up16:02
jrwrenjjesse: SHUSH! :)16:05
jrwrencan you assure me that noen of the money will go to type2 diabetes?16:06
snap-ljrwren: As much as we can assure you that none of your tax dollars will fund stupid shitt16:08
snap-lie: none16:08
snap-ljrwren: But, a rising tide lifts all boats16:08
jrwrenever since that pink ribbon cancer bitch ruined charitable organizations, I don't give to anyone.16:08
snap-lIf they cure type 2, maybe they can cure the other forms16:09
snap-lI don't pretend to know how charities deal with my money16:09
jrwrentype 2 is curable, its just that no one wants to actually do what it takes to live their life that way.16:09
snap-lI just get pissed off when they spend it all to make more money16:09
snap-lUnited Way16:09
jrwren"oh you mean i have to change my lifestyle? well fuck that" <-- I do not like this16:10
AaronThulHow should someone put a complex data structure into RabbitMQ?  Say I have text stings, internets and multiple images?16:59
rick_h_you don't want to put that into rabbit if you can help it16:59
rick_h_the best way to run rabbit is as a pure in memory, leave disk out of things16:59
rick_h_that means your data going into the queue has to fit into memory16:59
rick_h_and if the queue backs up...16:59
rick_h_so you want to store things you need into something like a database, and only put the record ids/etc you want into the rabbit queue itself17:00
AaronThulhmm I wanted to put everything my worker needs to do its work in the Q17:01
rick_h_you can, but it's generally not the best idea17:01
AaronThulI don't like the idea of giving workers access to the DBs and all the NFS shares17:01
rick_h_think of disaster recovery, resource usages, etc17:01
AaronThulalso WAN over NFS has not worked for us in the past17:01
rick_h_hmmm, well then can you expose it via a simple service?17:01
rick_h_well, depending on the sizes of the images/etc this can get messy17:02
rick_h_but basically normally your library helps you get data into rabbit, yuou'd have to basically hex encode the images as strings and decode them on the outside17:03
AaronThulhmm, that seems yucky17:03
rick_h_yea, well you're doing yucky things :P17:03
AaronThulthat would be the technical term, yucky :-)17:03
brouschhah, awesome, apparently i've helped 2 people already http://clusterbleep.net/blog/2012/05/09/ubuntu-12-04-splash-screen-lockup-with-livecd/17:11
brouschthough i didn't expect it on an ibook G4 circa 2006? the machine i had it on was circa 200917:16
brouschno, ibooks ended in 200517:16
brouschso weird that the same chipset is in both17:17
jrwrenanyone other than me sick of reading about ubuntu ackomplishments?17:25
jrwrenI might actually unsubscribe from jono's blog17:25
* rick_h_ whistles17:26
rick_h_the issue is that it's on his blog, planet ubuntu, and voices of canonical17:26
rick_h_I feel like its17:26
rick_h_it's a TPS report in triplicate17:26
jrwreni only read his blog.17:27
jrwrenif there is one next time, it get the unsub :)17:27
nixternalwhat, you don't want to hear about getting a pat on the back for filing a bug report?18:09
snap-lI killed Kobo on my Android for it's annoying recommendations18:10
snap-land getting a badge for starting a book is stupid18:10
snap-l(and yes, I think Ubuntu Accomplishments is misguided)18:10
snap-land I still have planet Ubuntu on pause18:10
nixternali feel that if people start contributing to ubuntu in order to get a trophy, they aren't doing it for the right reason18:12
nixternali know it will happen, it always happens. when karma was introduced on LP, the same thing happened18:12
nixternalpeople started spamming bug reports just to raise their karma18:12
nixternalor someone who has never compiled the kernel themselves, would respond with some nonsense on a kernel bug18:13
MilyardoIt comes down to the flawed expectation that you can summerize merit with a few statistics18:13
nixternalthough, like other projects, i don't see this one lasting18:14
snap-lnixternal: That's it's only saving grace.18:16
nixternalsomething community related, that I feel is a bit more important, some sort of merger between the forums & askubuntu. get rid of the support forums and have it link to askubuntu instead18:17
nixternalhelp.ubuntu.com, askubuntu, ubuntuforums, local documentation. so much fragmentation & rewriting going on18:17
snap-lnixternal: Every time someone mentions getting rid of the forums, someone releases the flying forum monkeys and all hell breaks loose.18:17
snap-lPersonally, if the forums disappeared tomorrow, I'd be happy18:18
nixternalthey don't have to get rid of it totally, keep the discussions, but the support is nuts18:18
snap-lIf NNTP replaced every web forum out there, I'd be happy.18:18
nixternali haven't logged in to the forums in at least 2 years18:18
snap-lI asked them to delete my account18:18
nixternali really enjoy askubuntu, even if i am not searching for support. i learn new shit damn near every day just scrolling through18:18
snap-lnixternal: ++18:18
snap-lWhat I love are the posts that don't get accepted as the answer, but have even better information18:19
nixternalhas better juju info than juju.ubuntu.com :)18:20
shakes808WOW... WOW18:27
shakes808I can see where that could have been decent ... and that is by not getting it in the first place18:28
krondorthis forums versus other things debate must be universal across geekdom.  i3 mailing list erupts into this 'keep/drop the forums' debate twice a year at least.18:30
brouschug, i hate forums18:32
snap-lThey're internet cesspools18:39
snap-lThe interfaces are terrible, every one requires a different account, and whomever decided animated signatures that take up half of a page needs to be dragged through a pile of razorblades by their testicles18:40
brouschseems a little bit harsh18:41
brouschsnap-l: you should give a pygame talk at pyohio18:43
snap-lbrousch: I'll consider it.18:44
greg-gand use your IRC language18:44
brouschmake it so18:44
brouschirc language?18:44
greg-ghis colorful IRC language18:45
snap-lgreg-g: You're just jealous that you don't have a stash of razor blades to make it so18:45
* greg-g shudders and kinda feels sick now18:45
brouschyou feel sick because you do have a stash of razor blades?18:47
* greg-g walks away18:48
brouschor is it because you know who created the monstrosity and he is a good friend of yours?18:54
krondorwhenever I think of forums this song gets stuck in my head http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTLwiccIOxI19:03
jrwren+1 i'll never understand the popularity of web forums.19:04
brouschkrondor: awesome19:06
greg-gdid someone make the "oh my god why does the phone ROM community use forums for software releases?!?!?!! so #fail" comment yet?19:16
greg-gif not, consider it made19:16
snap-lgreg-g: I'll never understand the whole "Here's our new (album|rom|book) and then present me with a megaupload or other filesharing site" mentality.19:18
snap-lseriously, you want me to do to a site that has rai4fuuKeelahj8b as the identifier?19:19
snap-lTalk about the lady or the tiger.19:19
krondora lot of the phone devs have moved to goo.im for files if they're not on their own infrastructure.  Maybe megaupload takedown forced some of that.19:26
snap-lkrondor: So they transferred the problem to someone else.19:28
krondoryep, which is a huge step up over the download parker ad fests they used before19:29
greg-gbut still, using a forum topic to release software, with a thousand comments on it, is not helpful19:33
greg-gsoftware development is a solved problem, all we're doing now is working on efficiency/prettiness. Use what we know, damnit.19:33
brouschespecially when you have to start at the end of page 27 and work backwards to find out the newest tweak and issues19:33
greg-gs/software development/software development infrastructure/19:33
snap-lgo, the Squeezebox folks do that as well19:33
MilyardoIf you're legitmately doing open source phone development what's wrong with a github account or something similar, like I'd figure rom developers would need revision control and issue tracking right?19:40
jrwrenalright pythonistas, how do you deal with reindenting when you add/remove a block?19:42
jrwreni just removed a try: and reformating that was a load of b.s.19:42
Milyardo^ hoppe that mage rick_h_  smile19:43
rick_h_jrwren: v)<< perhaps?19:44
jrwrenI'll try it.19:45
rick_h_jrwren: basically just using )} to quickly grab code blocks and << to deindent19:46
jrwrenzomg RICH!!!!19:46
jrwrenrick_h_: ++19:46
snap-lHe was saying that it made him RICH with excitement19:48
snap-lhe would never ever make that mistake. ;)19:48
snap-l(blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall have to talk out of their asses more than once)19:48
shakes808snap-l: +1 lol19:49
Blazeixhm, bad sign: this api supports two formats: "JSON" and "REST"19:50
krondorMilyardo:  yeah, so a lot of phone roms are just minor tweaks on other roms done by one guy or so.. they don't invest in the infrastructure19:50
Blazeixeven better, their endpoint is /service/rest/?method=foo, which will invoke the 'foo' operation.19:50
krondorwhen you look at larger roms they're doing things like github, or in the case of CM they run their own git and use gerrit I think19:51
snap-lBlazeix: I'm sure it supports all of the REST API calls, GET, POST, and OTHER19:51
Blazeixi think everything is GET, but i'm not sure, since the documentation doesn't specify :(19:51
Blazeixlol http verbs whats that19:51
snap-lBlazeix: maybe it can return XML too19:54
snap-llike the POS REST API at $lastjob19:55
Blazeixoh, it does return xml, don't worry20:00
Blazeixthough i'm fine with that. it isn't ideal, but it also isn't blatantly wrong.20:01
Blazeixjust means i need to use the xml parsing lib rather than the json parsing lib20:01
_stink_Blazeix: hah, our web team's "REST" api has a ?method=foo just like that.  i have chosen not to discuss this with them.20:06
rick_h_Blazeix: hah, so xmlrpc via query params ?20:06
rick_h__stink_: ugh, I am all for peace in the REST world, wasted too many hours debating20:06
rick_h_but that is one thing that is most definitely not REST20:06
_stink_no kidding20:07
Blazeixyeah, i guess i'm lucky to have an API, but i'll still bitch in IRC about it :)20:07
_stink_then they wrote a php class as a client to call their own api.  so they don't even see the URIs.20:07
shakes808see you soon, have a good one21:00
jrwrenhahahaha https://ciaranm.wordpress.com/2009/11/15/this-week-in-python-stupidity-os-stat-os-utime-and-sub-second-timestamps/21:42
jrwrenok, python is starting to piss me off.21:57
jrwrenopen('dne') raises IOError21:57
jrwrenos.stat('dne') raises OSError21:57
jrwrenI thought python was supposed to be consistent?21:57
rick_h_well, you'll find that one thing in py3.3 (I think it is) is 'fixing the exception levels'22:01
rick_h_jrwren: ^^22:01
rick_h_jrwren: and they are doing different things22:01
rick_h_open is an IO op, stat not so much :P22:02
rick_h_jrwren: http://docs.python.org/dev/whatsnew/3.3.html#pep-3151-reworking-the-os-and-io-exception-hierarchy22:04
shakes808Was trying my rooted phone's tether. Didn't work :(22:50
greg-gso, on my non rooted LG Optimus V, all I did was install this crappy "10+ utilities for UR FONE!" app (it moves apps to the SD card that allow it, kills processes, etc)22:54
greg-gon the "save battery" tab, it has "turn on/off tethering" and when I tap it, it lets me turn on tethering through the standard Android setting for it, even though my stock rom won't let me get there from the normal settings menu22:55
greg-gnice little work around22:55

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