[00:18] Hello. I am fairly new to Ubuntu. I plan on formatting my computer and setting it up to duel-boot with Ubunti 12.04 & Windows 7. With my current duel-boot setup, I cannot access the ubuntu-related partitions with Windows (however I can access Windows related partitions with Ubuntu). Is it possible / is a bad idea to have my /home folder on a NTSF format partition? Is there other options? [00:54] hey, we dont' know each other and you got a good idea. but let me say this, i find it easier to install ubuntu plainly and then use vbox. libvirt/kvm is a choice too but it's harder. this way you can access files easier [00:55] i don't want to detract from what your doing, but this is the way i prefer to do it. [00:55] with vbox, you can run windows in a virtual machine. [00:55] virtualbox makes it easy to access files in ubuntu from windows. [00:56] if you don't have enough horsepower in your machine, i can see this as a reason not to do what i'm talking about. but dual booting is kind of a pain. [00:57] Curt`, that make sense? [00:57] guess i responded a bit late [01:17] I'm sorry. I went afk for a bit there. [01:17] I also asked in the #ubuntu channel and got some responses. [01:17] There is a crappy driver for Windows, but I wouldn't use it. [01:18] Hehe I found the 'drivers' (requires a program semi-in the background; seen in the tray); may require user input every startup (need to play with it more :P). [01:19] Called 'Ext2Fsd' [01:20] andygraybeal I understand what you are saying. Something about doing stuff in a virtual machine just isn't the same (hehe). Also, not everything is perfect in a virtual machine and I wanted to avoid unforseen complications. [01:21] Curt`, that's cool man. i probably never do the things your doing, i end up using it for activex or something i can't get done with linux. i guess games would be something i didn't think about.. i'm sure there i smore. [01:22] oh yea, i would probably stream the netflix with it too if i had tht account [01:23] Gaming I can see may act weird; netflix I'm not sure; may work either case. [01:23] did you end up running samba in ubuntu to solve your issue? [01:23] er wait i'm an idiot [01:24] i'm stil thinking virtual machine [01:24] netflix works fine inside virtualbox. [01:24] Cool. [01:25] or if you implement DRM decoders in moonlight [01:26] paultag, is it easy? [01:26] andygraybeal_: nope :) [01:26] did you do it? [01:28] nope :) [01:31] I'm surprised there isn't an 'elegant' solution out there that I've seen so far. [01:35] Curt`, Alot of things run funky cause windows is still developers choice [01:40] ah ext2fsd .. nice to learn about that [01:40] i just understood what you guys were talking about [01:41] http://www.troublefixers.com/4-ways-to-open-linux-or-ubuntu-ext-drive-partitions-in-windows/ - The first option seems the most elegant, however it does not work on Widnows 7 appearntly... [01:44] grrr [01:46] I need to decide how much space to allocate for Windows & Ubuntu :/ a problem that always puts off the task of reformatting. [01:49] 30 GB for Windows 7, 20 GB for Ubuntu /, and remainder (about 230 GB) for Ubuntu /home... [01:50] what do you run in windows if you dont' mind me prying? [01:51] I'm trying to transition over to Ubuntu more heavily, but I know there will be some things which will only be available for Windows; specifically, netflix is the only thing I can think of right this moment tbh but I'm sure there is more :P (oh, plus 6 GB for Ubuntu, uhh, I forget what it is called...) [01:54] cool [01:54] ah swap. [01:55] I want to be certain this is the partition size I want before I actually format :P [01:58] Oh; I read I should install Windows first.. Hm okay.. [02:01] see what i mean, i would go nuts already :) [02:03] i got kvm/libvirt running at work on a quad core xeon box, it ain't much but it's something pretty decent, it's got 8GB in it.. i run a few linux machines and one windows box cause a website we order from twice a week runs activex [02:29] Hehe. [02:37] Hehe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes has an example for a 2 TB hd. [02:50] What a great website: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning [11:38] aye aye aye [13:46] heyya all [14:02] hi paul [14:12] what's new andygraybeal [14:13] nada, getting some metrics into my monitor server for my walk-in freezer + fridge and server cabinet [14:14] here at work [14:15] specifically fightging with command defs in nagios.. something i've done before.. but since have forgotten :) [14:27] so you guise are nagios ninjas eh... [14:27] can i get some opinions? [14:28] I've been meaning to set up monitoring at work for...well since i've been here [14:28] just never get enough time [14:28] i recently was working with shinken at home, and it uses nagios config files [14:29] so i remembered how much I didn't realy hate nagios configs.... [14:29] But I also realize that lots of people do/would hate them [14:29] so now to the questions part :) [14:30] :) [14:30] I'm not planning on working here for that much longer... [14:30] my company doesn't recognize the time i spend on monitoring as 'productive' and i hate them for it. [14:30] Do I just say screw it, and use something that uses nagios config files, cause I know enough to do that [14:31] or do i try to find a mickey mouse solution that has shiny buttons to hopefully make the next person's life easier [14:31] i can't garauntee that the next person won't be an idiot [14:31] and i hate leaving some place only to find out how much the next person bad mouthed all I had setup [14:32] you know, nagios is awesome and great and all that.. and i use it dearly. [14:32] but i have been considering opennms. [14:32] does it have shiny buttons for configuring it? can a non-sysadmin, or a winblows admin figure it out? [14:33] oh.. and don't use nagios, use 'icinga' [14:33] oh.. no no.. i think there is a steeper curve with opennms [14:33] yeah, well i would either setup icinga or shinken ;) [14:33] ah, i've never heard of shinken [14:33] is it like icinga? [14:33] icinga is a nagios fork, shinken is written from scratch (a new implementation) [14:34] both use nagios' config files and plugins [14:34] i went to the colug meeting about that 'zen' monitoring software, i forget what it's called now..and that looks hella slick.. but more for huge enterprises. [14:34] thafreak, i need to check out shinken then! [14:34] it's written in python [14:34] but, just to warn you, if you run all the parts on one box, it does use a bit of ram [14:35] but i think that's the problem with most of the monitoring systems...they're all pretty resource hungry [14:35] the 'zen' one was all web interface based and searched out all the devices for you! cataloged everything. it was a mamoth. i (for maybe reasons of insanity) prefer the down-home feel of 'nagios' [14:35] zenos or zennos or something? [14:35] thafreak, exactly [14:35] i think i tried that one [14:36] you know what's funny, the more "user friendly" something seems to strive for, the harder time I tend to have using it :( [14:36] nagios, and others before it (big brother, rrdtool+mrtg) is what i'm used to.. so i feel comfortable :) [14:36] thafreak, exactly my problem too. [14:36] like, cherokee web server...couldn't for the life of me get it to do what i already knew how to make nginx do... [14:37] nginx looks bad ass and this reverse proxy thing sounds amazing, something i need to delve into. [14:37] it IS badass [14:37] nginx is great [14:37] kinda wish some one built a nagios replacement that was as kind on resources as nginx is [14:38] one of these days man, i got no time, and my biz is crunching me out of what i'm doing. [14:38] ok, unfair [14:38] nginx needs to be run with other webservers [14:38] nginx is light, but it's also not able to do a lot of things [14:38] but continue [14:39] ya, go on thafreak sorry for changing the subject [14:40] i have been impressed with opennms from reading about it. [14:40] and i have been thinknig about skipping icinga and going to opennms. [14:40] at first i was going to move from nagios to icinga. [14:42] you know, i'm not a wiz at this.. i went through mrtg+rrdtool, cricket, big brother, then nagios... and i still love mrtg+rrdtool!!! [14:42] the most [14:42] that was the first one i got my hands on [14:42] it was very simple [14:42] there might have been a few more in that lineup. [14:45] oh and i still like vim but respect emacs. [14:45] and.. i know tmux kicks screen's ass. .but i'm getting old.. so i'm used to screen. [14:46] and i'm only 32 :) [14:47] I'm just as kranky as you with my screen love [14:51] :) [14:53] logfile log/screen-log-%H-%t-%n-%Y%m%d-%c:%s [14:53] thafreak, 'shinken' looks good [14:54] (that's a screen command to set the logfile name to match the details of the screen window, date, etc) [14:54] nice [14:57] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrfHLOo8kjE&feature=related [14:57] if anyone wants to jam [15:07] sorry boss came in to see where i am with the irc server [15:07] it's better when she's out at conferences [15:07] but on the other hand, i probably don't get anything accomplished at times :) [15:08] and taggy, what can't nginx do? :) [15:08] run applications inside itself...a webserver shouldn't need to do that ;) [15:08] thafreak, your boss wants you to run an irc server? awesome. [15:08] is she hot? [15:08] she's older than my mom...no [15:09] does she know what irc is? [15:09] or did you make somethign up again? [15:09] barely [15:09] no, one of our collaborators at carnegie mellon requested it [15:09] hahahahah awesome [15:10] at first, i was pushing to have us just use freenode, and create a cname in our domain to point at it [15:10] that sounds like a great way to run an irc server.. *at work* :) [15:10] then i decided, well I'll have a bit more control over it...so... [15:12] why does someone at cmu want to use irc? [15:12] i mena, i use irc constantly, so i understand. [15:12] but i'm curious! [15:12] group collab [15:12] i try to get people to use irc around here and everyone scoffs [15:12] students will be doing research...and I think the one prof uses irc [15:13] they scoff at forums too.. i'm like.. wtf. y our all idiots [15:13] i thought you worked at a resturaunt? [15:13] thafreak, i do :) [15:13] you mean in their off time? [15:13] well i'm trying to ramp these people up to learn html and other things. [15:13] it's hard going. [15:14] like they want a training program, and a survey [15:14] as two examples. [15:14] just to improve them selves, or for the betterment of the resturaunt? [15:14] so i'm like..well moodle and limesurvey.. lets learn them! [15:14] bettermetn of the restaurant. [15:14] so you're refering to management i guess? [15:15] so i set up servers with moodle and limesurvey and set these people down with some examples i came up with and gave them a bunch of resources, like books and urls.. and taught them irc to ask questions and they don't want to use any of it. they just complain about how hard it is. [15:15] well.. we co-own the restaurant. [15:15] so yes, management, but not in the same sense as what you meant. [15:15] it's a cooperative. [15:15] all of us have a share. [15:16] it's like socialism. [15:16] well, it is socialism [15:17] maybe i'm going about it wrong, and feel free to critique [15:17] but it's like.. i have to come up with the training material in moodle and the surveys in limesurvey and i don't have tha tmuch time.. like right now i'm fighting nagios :) [15:17] and i thought i was winning, but i'm losing at this point. and i'm about ready for a break. [15:18] they want a new pos, so i set up a new pos for them to play with but no one even bothered messing with it. [15:18] same with human resource stuff.. i setup orangehrm [15:18] i even got a lot of this stuff tied to our directory! [15:18] ldap [15:19] i'm like.. doods this is the shit, you just gotta learn it. [15:19] so eventually, i'll learn it myself and then do it all myself.. but i could use some help along the way. [15:20] i think they just expect that the thing will do what they want without any effort on their part. [15:20] it's kind of crappy. [15:24] it takes a bit of time to get people use to the idea of working i guess. [15:24] working on the computer i mean, they work hard in the restaurant. [15:25] oh canthus13, re: chromium...when you said you regularly have 6-7 tabs open http://i.imgur.com/BweUZ.png [15:26] thats how many I typically have open...for that browser (I typically have atleast firefox and sometimes midori also running) [15:26] > is she hot? [15:26] http://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/05/15/straight-white-male-the-lowest-difficulty-setting-there-is/ [15:26] dzho: i just saw that posted by some one on plus....was going to read it [15:29] andygraybeal: i see...yes, that's how 99% of people seem to feel about technology [15:29] it should work all by iteself and read their minds [15:34] was it queru who posted a rather lengthy "this is what happens when you do $X with a computer" [15:34] basically digging down into each of the various layers of how things work, and how complicated they are [16:22] what'd I miss...my connection got screwed up some how [16:22] you guys see this: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-releases-open-hardware-VGA-Switch-1570668.html [16:23] i wish more companies made open hardware [16:23] or designed open hardware I should say [16:31] thafreak, nothing, just a quit and rejion [16:33] thafreak, wow, i hope ubuntu keeps making more hardware!! [20:32] dzho, uhoh, are you calling me out :) [20:33] i got some vodka and green waiting for me at home [20:34] ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ [20:36] eeh man. [20:36] yea, going home though, i won't make it home till 7pm :) [20:36] my nerves might be shot by then, we'll see. [20:41] andygraybeal: "if you see something, say something" ;-) [20:42] i feel like i'm being psychoanalyzed and thrown into a movie like Brazil all the sudden... [20:42] i guess i have to read this article [20:44] lots of gamer talk i'm like so sick of gamer talk [20:44] but i get the analogy [20:44] yeah, it might not be the metaphor for you [20:44] dunno [20:44] in general, I like the idea of finding ways to talk about this stuff without getting people's backs up so much, you know? [20:46] what is this "if you see something, say something" ? [20:46] i understand your slant [20:46] i like it too [20:50] that phrase is more often used in the context of scare-everybody big brother anti-terrorism watchout posters and stuff [20:50] I'm ripping it off here and repurposing it. [20:51] yea, that is why i mentioned 'brazil' :) [20:51] i mean the big bro stuff [20:51] haha, ok [20:51] so explain a little better, your offended by me? [20:51] er.. rather, did i offend you? [20:52] I'm not that easily offended, but in general, like to see the stuff like "is she hot" left out. [20:52] http://xkcd.com/322/ <- other literature reference [20:53] nice ;) [20:53] i'm not the brightest, so it was a stretch for me to get from a to b as you had drawn it. i needed the extended version :) [20:54] anywya, thank you. [20:54] also, I'm old enough, strictly speaking, to be a grandfather, so the idea that someone can't be hot because they are "older than my mom" does not agree with my view of the world :-) [20:54] ah well, leave me out of that, i had nothing to do with that statement :) [20:55] haha, true [20:55] * dzho glares at thafreak [20:55] granted, I don't know how old thafreak's parents might be [21:06] dzho, if you've already told me, i dont' remember, where are you located? [21:08] i live in beautiful southeastern ohio :) [21:09] western New York, currently [21:09] ah cool [21:10] I've got family from SEO, friends from NEO, lived for a while in west-central Ohio and worked a little in Cinci [21:10] i tried out NYC for a half a year or so when i was younger, i mowed lawns and ran cat5 in skyscrapers :) [21:10] and, went to my first OLF last fall [21:10] went to NYC for only my second time last month [21:10] ah, i will go to OLF this year for sure. [21:10] man, I should make plans to be at OLF as well [21:14] mowing lawns on stattan island was pretty posh :) [21:14] everyone has a postage stamp sized lawn and pays way too much for service :) [21:15] running cat5 was pretty awesome in the skyscrapers was pretty fun too.. looking out the windows :) [21:17] that was in 1999 :) [21:17] or 98 [21:35] dzho: generally speaking, doesn't matter how old my parents are, I'm not about to hit on anyone older then them... [21:37] haha, fair enough [21:37] so say we all [21:38] i hate the msn/bing commercials... [21:38] they did one where everyone was talking about honeybadgers, and all but one woman [21:39] and she looks at her phone, and bing says "honey badger don't quit"... [21:39] get it right msn, it's honey badger don't give a shit... [21:41] http://theoatmeal.com/comics/tesla [21:41] wish i could name my future son after tesla [21:50] " Originally Tesla wanted to be a poet, but after getting zapped by static electricity from his kitty he was inspired to study the effects of electricity. One could vaguely construe that Tesla's cat was responsible for the second industrial revolution, which arguably makes it the most awesome cat who ever lived." [22:21] nice :)