
nathwilli'm already on 7.2.0-rm-stable-v1.100:01
bkerensano bleeding edge for u? :)00:01
bkerensano big deal if you brick... Just get a new phone :P00:01
nathwillgot an update for ubuntu one files app :)00:02
* bkerensa needs to consider getting premium U100:02
bkerensaidk though I have a huge box.net acct00:02
slangasekbkerensa: this week is the third Thursday of the month; any interest in colocating an Ubuntu Hour with the Debian beering this month?00:04
bkerensanathwill: ^00:05
bkerensanathwill: can you make it and possibly co-host?00:06
* bkerensa will try and make it for sure00:06
nathwillyeah, i'm totally down.00:07
nathwilli don't work thursdays, so that's perfect00:07
slangasekLucky Lab SE, 6pm for the Debian beering00:07
bkerensanathwill: k I will create event on loco.u.c. and calagator and send it to the interwebs00:07
nathwillokey doke.00:08
bkerensaand on mailing list00:16
bkerensablkperl: ^ you should invite some PSU Ubuntu/Debian folk :P00:16
bkerensabdmurray: do you know how many bugs per result page LP displays by default?00:49
bdmurraywell 75 is the max per page listing00:50
bkerensabdmurray: 11479575 fix released bugs in Ubuntu?00:50
nathwillthat's results, not pages00:54
nathwillso... that's the answer00:55
bkerensahmm ok00:55
blkperlbkerensa: most of us have a conflicting board game night on Thursday00:57
blkperlIll pass it along to the general student00:57
nathwillbye folks. headed home to fiddle w/ this proliant now00:58
blkperlbkerensa: calagator and the link you gave me conflict on the time01:13
blkperlbkerensa: also add a more useful describtion, nobody knows what Ubuntu/Debian beering means...01:14
bkerensablkperl: patches accepted for improvements on description01:24
blkperlbkerensa: is it git?01:24
blkperlin git?* :)01:24
bkerensabkerensa: Submission of patches accepted via mailing list only01:25
bkerensamake sure to sign off on it too01:25
blkperltelling yourself these things, counts as voluneteering01:25
nibalizerblkperl: git send-email01:48
* nibalizer finger pistols *01:48
nathwillwoot. got the extra nic and extra stick of ram installed... downloading 12.04 server now :)01:57
nathwillbeer break01:58
nathwillbkerensa: found us an extra 250G hdd :)01:59
nathwillmmmm... hoegaarden.04:09
cy1Has anyone used tmux? I'm finding a weird error...04:20
cy1if I redirect stderr to a log, it freezes while doing epoll on fd #3. If I don't redirect, it doesn't freeze. wtf04:21
cy1I did an strace on it, and it's like... the server treats the client differently depending if the client is connected to a...terminal?04:24
cy1i.e. the server loses the client and leaves it hanging if going to logs04:25
cy1nah, but when I leave stdout on the terminal and only redirect stderr it *still* freezes...04:26
cy1Ugh, it looks like a kernel bug.04:38
cy1         * On Linux, epoll doesn't work on /dev/null (yes, really).04:38
cy1>>> in the tmux source04:38
cy1I'm not redirecting stdin to dev/null, but stderr to a log file, but it's probably along the same lines...04:39
nathwilldamn it... this 4G ECC ram is DOA04:49
cy1Huh... so libevent and epoll can hang if they're trying to write to a filesystem file, but not a socket or a pipe.05:11
cy1i.e. offending-command 2>&1 | cat => no hanging.05:11
cy1even if it's cat > some/log/file.log05:12
bkerensanathwill: SATA for the 1U box?05:43
nathwillbkerensa, yessir :)05:43
nathwill250G came with my microserver, and i certainly don't need it05:44
bkerensanathwill: LOL? what are you going to use then?05:44
nathwillone of several 2TB i have here :)05:44
bkerensanathwill: let me guess your going to use the proliant as a Seedbox/Firewall/App box?05:46
nathwillfire up a debian lxc for working upstream05:47
nathwilland then fire up lxc containers for local apps, and keep the base install clean aside from the virt and networking stuff05:47
bkerensanathwill: I am going to get a Xi3 to run as my server05:48
bkerensait will sit by my router05:48
nathwillwell... i finally have something with dual nics, so i'm gonna go nuts05:48
nathwillbkerensa: that looks spiffy05:49
nathwilli'm assuming the little one, not the data center, right? ;)05:51
bkerensathe micro one yeah05:51
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek
bkerensanathwill: ikr ^16:44
nathwillbkerensa: so turns out that ram stick is bad :(16:46
nathwillbut i got everything else set up and rocking. (though still have to set up the hosts and routing)16:46
bkerensanathwill: did you buy it somewhere?16:46
bkerensaBug #99614018:23
lubotu1Launchpad bug 996140 in LoCo Team Portal "Google+ Post Aggregation via Javascript" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99614018:23
nathwillbkerensa: HP hardware through newegg18:50
bkerensaAhh hah21:30
bkerensaslangasek: might you look at output from this source package I am trying to build? http://paste.ubuntu.com/991412/21:38
slangasekbkerensa: lines 57-59 are the error and, seemingly, the solution21:39
bkerensaslangasek: could these be due to debuild trying to use the 4.2.0 orig tarball instead of the new upstream version?21:40
slangasekbkerensa: well, given what it says on line 8, yes :)21:41
slangasekyou have a wrong version number in debian/changelog, then21:41
bkerensaslangasek: and now with fixed version number in debian/changelog http://paste.ubuntu.com/991424/21:43
slangasekbkerensa: ok, so, what did you do to create this source package?  It doesn't look like the patches you have in the debian/patches directory apply cleanly against the new upstream version21:44
bkerensaslangasek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate21:44
* bkerensa pulled new upstream tarball21:45
bkerensapulled our stable21:45
bkerensathen merged our /debian into the extracted upstream source21:45
slangasekoh dear21:45
bkerensaadded new changelog entry and then debuild21:45
slangasekyeah, these instructions are all wrong21:45
bkerensaThey just updated them during UDS21:45
slangasekno, this page hasn't been updated since 2011-11-1421:46
slangasekbut it was wrong then, too :P21:46
slangasekso I'm not sure if this page should be fixed, or deleted / redirected somewhere else21:47
slangasekbut the right thing to do is21:47
bkerensaShow me the Debian way? :P21:47
slangasekapt-get source (or dget -xu) $package21:47
slangasekwget $new_upstream_tarball21:47
slangasekcd $package-$oldver21:47
slangasekuupdate ../$new_upstream_tarball $new_upstream_version_number21:48
slangasekhowever, neither of those methods will auto-fix the patches for you - that part has to be done by hand, and is entirely missing from this page21:49
* slangasek takes a peek at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-q-packaging-guide21:49
slangasekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide: "The Packaging Guides on this wiki are no longer being actively maintained. [...]"21:50
slangasekso yeah, I'll shoot that page in the head21:50
bkerensaslangasek: is there a guide to fixing patches by hand?21:59
bkerensaI have complete all the other steps ^21:59
slangasekexport QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches; while ! quilt push -a; do quilt push -f; edit things by hand; quilt refresh; done22:00
bkerensaYou just spoke Cantonese at me22:02
slangasekthere's a lot of Cantonese in packaging22:02
bkerensaRan ^ and its now doing some interesting looping in terminal22:03
slangasek^C ;)22:03
slangasekyou were meant to expand that loop mentally22:03
slangasekbecause "edit things by hand" is not a shell command22:03
slangasekbut everything /else/ there is a shell command22:07
slangasek export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches - tells quilt where to find the patch set22:07
slangasekquilt push -a - tries to apply all patches in the set22:07
slangasekwhen it fails, you do 'quilt push -f' to force-push the next patch22:08
slangasekthen go over everything that failed to apply, and when you're all done fixing it up, run 'quilt refresh' to regenerate the patch22:08
slangasekrepeat as needed22:08
bkerensanothing failed though22:08
slangasekoh, interesting22:08
bkerensajust this occurred: File series fully applied, ends at patch 02-use-webkit-by-default.diff22:08
slangasekthen you're done22:08
bkerensaahh now build?22:08
slangasekit may still fail if any of the patches were fuzzy22:09
slangasekbut that's easily fixed22:09
bkerensaslangasek: assuming everything builds fine what is the most appropriate process for getting the new package sponsored?22:12
slangasekbkerensa: given that you're doing a new upstream version, that's a good question22:14
slangaseklet me see22:14
slangasekI think it may be best for you to just attach the .diff.gz to a bug22:15
slangasek(no point in creating a debdiff, as that would just show all the upstream changes mixed in)22:15
slangasekor rather, the .debian.tar.gz since this is a 3.0 (quilt) package22:15
bkerensaslangasek: it would seem it failed to build http://paste.ubuntu.com/991451/22:16
slangasekstrange, why is there no error message shown?22:17
bkerensano idea22:17
slangasekdid you omit 2>&1 from your pastebin?22:17
bkerensa  sp = my_subProcess.subProcess("cp -f share/penguintv.glade.desktop share/penguintv.glade")22:18
bkerensaNameError: name 'my_subProcess' is not defined22:18
bkerensamake: *** [debian/python-module-stampdir/penguintv] Error 122:18
bkerensadpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 222:18
slangasekoh, well, no idea22:19
slangasekthat's not a generic message - seems to be something specific to that package22:19
* bkerensa will ping upstream author22:20
bkerensahe is the one who requested we update22:20
slangasekyou might want to double-check that the debian/patches aren't to blame22:20
bkerensais there a preferred way of doing such?22:21
bkerensa#this file is a catastrophe. I'm sorry.22:22
bkerensacomment from one of the patches22:22
slangasekbkerensa: preferred way> yes, read the patch and see if it's the source of this "my_subProcess" command :)22:35

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