
muellieh. my bad.00:00
muelliMc2992: just ask your question...00:00
KXTwoDmole: this is kkrauss on my other system.  I just checked, and I have more than enough beyond the minimum system requirements, but I still seem to be running slow00:00
KXTwoDmole: I also have received a few internal errors00:00
Mc2992I am trying to install my video drivers but it doesn't work.  When I try to run the fgl_grxgears thing it says it doesnt' work.  I know I have an ATI Mobile Radeon x600 but I can't get the drivers to install right.00:01
Mc2992or something00:01
Sheldon23Mc2992, What is the output of (from terminal): sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a00:03
TomatoKetchupyeah printing CDs in linux is a mess00:03
Sheldon23Mc2992, Let me put that in quotes.  Type in terminal, and let us know the output: "sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a"00:03
TomatoKetchupLunar_Lander_, what are you trying to do?00:05
Mc2992  *-display UNCLAIMED00:05
Mc2992       description: VGA compatible controller00:05
Mc2992       product: M24 1P [Radeon Mobility X600]00:05
Mc2992       vendor: Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics)00:05
Mc2992       physical id: 000:05
Mc2992       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.000:05
Mc2992       version: 0000:05
FloodBot1Mc2992: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:05
Dmolewhat's a CD?00:05
Lunar_Lander_TomatoKetchup,when I switched to linux I still had my canon pixma ip3600 printer00:06
Sheldon23Mc2992, Looks like you have ATI drivers already installed.  If you're referring to the one under "Additional Drivers", there is none.00:06
Lunar_Lander_I then read up what needs to be done to install the printer on ubuntu and IIRC I tried to download the appropiate driver from Canon00:06
TomatoKetchupyou found a driver from Canon?00:06
Mc2992So you think I'm good??00:06
Lunar_Lander_but any attempt to print led to the printing symbols showing for a minute and then simply disappearing00:06
Mc2992I guess I will load up my fps and see what happens.  Sorry for the flood.00:06
Lunar_Lander_yea, I think on Canon's website was a driver00:07
Lunar_Lander_.deb was the file I think00:07
malkauns_why do flash video's on 12.04 sometimes play fast?00:07
TomatoKetchupLunar_Lander_, I'd use whatever ubuntu has when you go to add the printer, assuming yours is listed.00:07
muellimalkauns_: network packets travelling uphill (use a carrier pigeon)00:08
malkauns_muelli, huh?00:08
malkauns_is that some kind of nerdy joke?00:09
TomatoKetchupLunar_Lander_, I don't see a linux driver at all on Canon's site... (the US site at least) for iP3600.00:10
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sirriffsalotHello! I have a wine-related question, but apparently I need an invite to join #wine...?00:10
muellisirriffsalot: is it #wine-hq ?00:11
sirriffsalotmuelli: no, should it?:)00:11
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sirriffsalotmuelli: #wine-hq doesn't exist..00:11
anilhey guys i am new to ubuntu. i have  a 64 bit processor 4 GB RAM 500 GB hard disk    i am going to use ubuntu ..no other OS.. cud u tell me the mount point for the partition in which OS ll be installed and how much swap space should i assign..00:11
muellisirriffsalot: #winehq ?00:12
Sheldon23anil, Swap Space: 2GB should suffice.00:12
sirriffsalotmuelli: winehq seems to be the one, cheers mate!00:12
anilwhat bout mount point?00:12
alusionmy firefox and chromium browsers are being extremely slow and unresponsive this morning, can anyone help?00:12
muellianil: well. the installer does everything for you, no? You really shouldn't need to answer those question (but you can of course if you want to...)00:13
Sheldon23anil, If you're installing it entirely on the disk (no other OS) then let it do the partitioning automatically.00:13
escottanil, if you want to hibernate the system the swap space must be at least as large as the used RAM. so having swap=RAM is a good idea.00:14
TomatoKetchupwon't ubuntu pick / as mount point?00:14
luciferis_alusion ,slow internet?00:14
anilok thanx guys00:14
stiv2khow do i sudo if i don't have a password?00:14
alusionluciferis_, no, because I have fios and usually my internet is up to par with the speeds. right now it wont load any page as it will stay just loading half way00:15
escottstiv2k, how do you not have a password00:15
N4rcHello everyone, I'm having a hard time trying to boot Ubuntu from a USB stick on a friend's damned iMac. I tried several tricks but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions ? Thanks.00:15
muellistiv2k: read "man sudoers"00:15
stiv2kescott its a pc i'm using as a media center, so it just logs in as soon as i turn it on00:15
jayarwhen i add aliases, do i need to logout/in again to make em work?00:15
escottstiv2k, you still had to establish a password when you installed the system00:15
TomatoKetchupthought it still required a password...00:15
stiv2kmuelli so are you hinting at setting sudo to not ask for one00:15
stiv2kescott and then i removed it by going to users and groups00:16
luciferis_i'm begginner00:16
bohemian9485stiv2k: do you mean the current user account does not have the sudo privilege?00:16
luciferis_somkind of restricion? firewwall...00:16
escottstiv2k, no you didnt remove the password. you just said "log me in dont ask for the password" that different from saying "disable the password"00:16
stiv2kbohemian9485 he does have priviledge but the user has no password, so when i use sudo it asks me for a password that doesn't exist and a blank input won't work00:16
stiv2kescott no, i removed the password00:16
Curt`Hello. I am fairly new to Ubuntu. I plan on formatting my computer and setting it up to duel-boot with Ubunti 12.04 & Windows 7. With my current duel-boot setup, I cannot access the ubuntu-related partitions with Windows (however I can access Windows related partitions with Ubuntu). Is it possible / is a bad idea to have my /home folder on a NTSF format partition? Is there other options?00:16
muellijayar: that's the very safe method. But you don't *need* to. Depending on where you defined the aliases. You could, f.e. source that file from other shells. Or do smth like "bash --login".00:16
escottstiv2k, why would you do a d**n fool thing like that?00:17
stiv2kescott i went to edit my password, then i pressed backspace until all the characters were gone00:17
stiv2kescott i just told you why00:17
stiv2kescott media center pc logs in automatically upon boot up and resume00:17
jayarcool, thnx muelli00:17
escottstiv2k, now you are going to have to boot to recovery and set the password again, or boot a livecd and chroot in to set the password00:17
stiv2kescott are you on drugs?00:17
stiv2ki can just go to users and groups and set it again if i want00:18
TomatoKetchupstiv2k, why do you feel the need to not have a password? the system can still login without asking for it... I see no reason to remove it entirely00:18
muelliCurt`: I think there were some ext3 drivers for windows. you might want to use them.00:18
stiv2kthis is the only way i can use the system without the screen being locked upon suspend and resume00:18
escottstiv2k, im skeptical that "pressing backspace" in the password box actually removes the password.00:18
N4rcCurt`: I think you can install some drivers to be able to read ext2/ext3 on Windows.00:18
stiv2kTomatoKetchup this is the only way i can use the system without the screen being locked upon suspend and resume00:18
stiv2kescott i guess i can test it out00:19
escottstiv2k, just go into screensaver and disable the screen locking00:19
bohemian9485i remember that i messed up the sudoers file once (deleted it accidentally) and had to use the live cd to recreate it00:19
TomatoKetchupturn off the lock screen?00:19
stiv2kescott this is like, a machine i'm just playing around with, no sensitive data or anything00:19
stiv2kescott i did00:19
stiv2kits a bug00:19
Lunar_Lander_TomatoKetchup, sorry was disconnected00:19
TomatoKetchupLunar_Lander_, it's cool, I saw you ping out00:19
muellistiv2k: very likely :) Have you filed it? I.e. using "ubuntu-bug".00:19
Curt`muelli N4rc: Thanks. I'll take a look into that :)00:19
KXTwoI am having the worst problems with ubuntu 12.04.  It is sluggish, keeps locking up on me.  The system has more than enough to run it and I have no hardware problems wht the heck is going on.00:19
stiv2kmuelli should already be filed as i found it using google00:19
escottCurt`, / cannot be NTFS or FAT. it must be a posix compliant FS. you might setup a folder that is NTFS and then symlink folders in $HOME (like Documents, Music etc) to folders in that ntfs mount00:20
muellistiv2k: k. I hope you've clicked "this affects me" then. Mind sharing the bug with us for completeness?00:20
N4rcCurt`: I'm not sure they're compatible with Win7 though00:21
N4rcCurt`: Lookup Ext2Fsd00:22
stiv2kmuelli https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/87156000:22
Curt`escott symlinks are an option too thank you. N4rc you refering to the drivers?00:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871560 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "No way to disable screen locking after suspend in Gnome 3" [Low,Confirmed]00:22
N4rcCurt`: Yes, but I just checked and they are00:22
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escottCurt`, I would shy away from the windows ext drivers. you never hear about anyone using them, which is usually not a good sign00:23
Curt`Hehe I do plan on formatting my laptop in the near future. I could experiment with it a little.00:23
muelliCurt`: I would use the ext drivers as it's the technical appropriate way to access your files.00:23
stiv2kescott i see what you mean00:24
stiv2kescott i can't authenticate myself to set a new password :P00:24
stiv2kno biggie00:24
stiv2kits just a test rig00:24
muellistiv2k: another bug then? ;-) Already filed?00:25
escottstiv2k, its the old trick of putting "\n" into your password. goodluck trying to login after that00:25
stiv2kmuelli basically anywhere in the system expects me to still input a password even though i don't have one, when trying to do administrator tasks00:25
stiv2kescott maybe i can paste a unicode newline character into it00:25
Curt`Thank you all for your input. Im going to try Ext2Fsd. If I come unsuccessful, I'll see if there are other ext2 alternatives; otherwise I'll head towards the symlink approach.00:25
stiv2ki mean ascii newline*00:26
escottstiv2k, you could file that as another bug on the user-accounts thing. it should hopefully notice and prevent pastes that might include newline characters00:26
muellistiv2k: FWIW: it'd be interesting to obtain your /etc/shadow to check what the actual password is after you "deleted" it. So in case you have a chance to get it, keep it.00:26
KXTwoAnyone know why I am having performance problems with my clean install of 12.04, its sluggish, freezes has eratic behavior.00:27
stiv2kmuelli i can't read it :P00:27
muellistiv2k: sure. But you need to boot another system anyway. And maybe you can then get hold of the file.00:27
Mc2992KXTwo:  Running default video drivers??00:27
stiv2kescott i was going to upgrade to 12.04 anyway via fresh install since lirc doesn't seem to work on 11.1000:28
HelenTheMelonescott, That didn't fix it.00:28
escottstiv2k, echoing muelli. im curious what your shadow says00:28
HelenTheMelonI left my room for a short period of tim and came back and my screen had dulled.00:28
KXTwoMc2992: yes, I tried installing the proprietary nvidia drivers via addition drivers but it broke mys system so I removed it.00:28
HelenTheMelonnot dulled00:28
HelenTheMelongone off00:28
escottHelenTheMelon, hmmm. maybe some screensaver is running that is not named "*saver*"00:28
* HelenTheMelon sighs00:29
Mc2992Im a noob but almost guarantee that its the video drivers.  You might attempt to install them again or check the interweb for a how to there might be issues with the version you installed but a prior one might still work.00:29
KXTwoMc2992: muelli told me not not use any proprietary drivers00:29
Mc2992Kkk I would listen to him.00:29
muelliHelenTheMelon: do smth like "ps aux | pastebinit" or so and give us the link.00:30
shawnboyEver have one of those days where you shouldn't have even gotten out of bed?00:30
KXTwowell that still gives me a problem of performance00:30
KXTwoeverything is slow00:30
muellishawnboy: oh, I found a dead easy way to recover your important files: Restore from a backup.00:30
KXTwovista runs faster on this machine lol00:30
shawnboyI just uninstalled MythTV from my PC instead of in the remote window on a different PC. I used software center. Is there a way I can get the same version reinstalled or restored easily?00:31
shawnboymuelli, ha ha ha. thanks.00:31
shawnboymuelli, point taken00:31
muelliwell shawnboy. You can install the same things using software centre, no..?00:31
shawnboydid I mention it was on my WIFE'S pc?00:31
shawnboymuelli, I suppose, but figured it may install the latest. Not sure if there's a way to force reinstall of the version that is cached under var?00:32
muelliheh shawnboy. Do you have a cat? Maybe you can make it run over the keyboard and then blame it. Oh, and it would also accidentally buy the new 50" TV you always wanted ;-)00:32
HelenTheMelonescott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/989910/00:33
muellishawnboy: there is. but it's a hack. You can locate the .deb in /var/apt/archives (or the like, you'll figure out) and use dpkg -i on that deb. But mind you: it's a hack.00:33
shawnboyso... no suggestions on how to reinstall mythtv that is on my hdd already under var cache?00:33
shawnboymuelli, ok00:33
Jordan_U!undelete | shawnboy00:34
ubottushawnboy: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:34
shawnboyok. thanks, muelli00:34
KXTwomuelli: fyi I got my wireless working no problem00:34
_schism_anyone know of something that can edit a xlsm in ubuntu?00:34
muelliheh KXTwo. told you so ;-)00:34
shawnboyugh. I need to just call it a day.00:35
shawnboybye all.00:35
muelli_schism_: nano00:35
KXTwomuelli: you said I had crappy hardware and implied it was my fault! lol00:35
stiv2kKXTwo its your fault for buying crappy hardware00:35
KXTwomuelli: but nwo if you could help me figure out my performance problems i'd be a happy man :)00:35
KXTwostiv2k: that hurts, deeply :(00:35
_schism_muelli, thank you. looking for it now00:35
muelliKXTwo: I'd use "htop" to find out what's using up your CPU.00:36
escottHelenTheMelon, i have no idea what could be blanking your screen00:36
KXTwopsensors is running and my cpu hasnt broken 50 percent usage yet00:36
_schism_muelli, ummm wait isnt that nano a cli txt editor?00:36
muelli_schism_: sorry man. It's kind of a joke because nano is a simple (but very lovely) text editor and can edit any file...00:36
stiv2kmuelli meh, you motivated me to get off my ass, i'm gonna reboot the tv into 12.04 liveUSB and get you the shadow file00:36
TomatoKetchuphrm, p7zip says it works on DMG files, telling me unknown suffix when I try to decompress though00:36
_schism_muelli, lol yeah soon as I said thanks I looked up in guake and actually have a txt file open in it now :)00:36
muelli_schism_: but your question isn't really enlightening me anyway. Maybe you could ask for a program to edit a specific type of file and not the suffix...00:37
HelenTheMelonescott, Could my netbook have a hardware screensaver?00:37
escottHelenTheMelon, never heard of such a thing. but maybe00:37
HelenTheMelonokay :300:38
_schism_muelli, its a microsoft excel file of some sort i think.  I have no idea what ot os os why I am asking00:38
OerHelenTheMelon, maybe not a screensaver, ACPI can control a timer to turn your screen off00:38
KXTwowhat the hell is going on, I just did a reboot and have a system progarm problem detectecd00:39
escottOer, is that not the same as DPMS or is this in addition to DPMS00:39
escottHelenTheMelon, is it dimming going to full black, or just a dimming backlight?00:40
Oerescott, correct, DPMS it is.00:40
HelenTheMelonescott, Going to full black. lol00:40
OerS01 ~ S0400:40
escottHelenTheMelon, you could dig around in /sys maybe there is some acpi setting that is causing the display to turn off (or the backlight to go to zero)00:41
sirriffsalotNot getting any reply from winehq, would someone here happen to know if "inet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 10036" is simply my internet failing or something more?00:43
DaDaDOSPromptcame back to find my computer churning swiftly ?:[00:45
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a_b0ywhat program do you use to open rar files?00:55
CoJaBoa_b0y: 7zip00:56
a_b0yokay i'll search for it00:56
escott!info unrar | a_b0y01:01
ubottua_b0y: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.0.3-1 (precise), package size 104 kB, installed size 260 kB01:01
a_b0yCoJaBo is that a command line program because i can't find it in the start menu01:02
EvilResistancea_b07: "start menu"?01:03
EvilResistancea_b0y:  ^01:03
* EvilResistance beats his keyboard01:03
trisma_b0y: installing unrar adds the functionality to nautilus, so you can just right click and extract here rar files01:03
EvilResistancea_b0y:  installing 'unrar' allow syou to unrar a file that is a .rar archive01:04
CoJaBoa_b0y: Huh.. yeh, the GUI is windows only it seems- i haven't used a GUI extractor in two years lol, never noticed01:04
ickefeshi guys. do you know why samba on the windows machine creates a duplicate file that ends with a "~"? For example a cue file had a duplicate that ended with .cue~instead.01:04
a_b0yso what is 7zip?01:04
Boohbaha_b0y: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Zip01:05
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CoJaBoa_b0y:  The Linux virgin is command line only- which, really, isn't that hard to learn and is faster01:05
a_b0yso what is the command line01:06
CoJaBoterminal. bash. thingy-that-bears-a-passing-resemblance-to-a-DOS-prompt?01:07
a_b0yi mean what do i type to use 7zip to extract the files01:07
CoJaBo7z x archive.rar01:08
bob921msg NickServ identify 3216701:09
prpplaguebob921: time to change the password01:10
tking0036cant you put your pass in your irc client so it will identify for you?01:10
a_b0yCoJaBo it says unsupported method01:11
CoJaBoa_b0y:  You need unrar then; that happens with some 1% of encrypted rars..01:12
tking0036a_b0y: just do sudo apt-get install unrar-free01:12
Boohbahtking0036: yes01:12
CoJaBotking0036:  the free version doesn't work either01:12
CheloHi All01:13
tking0036you could just get rar off of the winrar website http://rarlab.com01:13
CheloDoes anybody knows if Ubuntu 12 works fine with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6XXXM ?01:13
a_b0yokay it works, thanks tking003601:14
tking0036a_boy: np01:14
N4rcHello everyone, I'm having a hard time trying to boot the Ubuntu install from a USB stick on a friend's damned iMac. I tried the wiki and a lot of other things but nothing seems to work, the mac doesn't even see the USB drive at boot. Any suggestions ? Thanks.01:14
tking0036N4rc: use unetbootin01:14
tking0036N4rc: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/01:15
N4rctking0036: I thought the resulting USB drive was not compatible with Mac OS... I'll try then, thanks01:16
tking0036N4rc: you can then plug in the usb drive and hold down option01:17
tking0036N4rc: and it will open the bootloader and select the usb drive01:17
N4rctking0036: What about : "Note that resulting USB drives are bootable only on PCs (not on Macs)."01:18
tking0036where does it say that01:18
tking0036oh.. i see it now...01:18
N4rctking0036: On the unetbootin homepage01:19
N4rctking0036: Yes, that's why I didn't try01:19
tking0036i guess try this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick01:19
tamarosanyone know why the gnome-shell for pangolin was deleted from the repository today?01:19
tamarosfrom the gnome-team/gnome3 ppa repostory that is01:19
N4rctking0036: Yeah, I tried that too. I came here because I'm running out of options. Thanks for helping me anyway :)01:21
tking0036sorry... my bad...01:21
N4rctking0036: Nothing to be sorry about. Except the mac maybe.01:22
ASiD_K00Lany1 here can pm about BT5 armitage01:23
xidwould it prevent your boot from completing if an init.d script fails and prompts you to overwrite a file?01:24
BoohbahASiD_K00L: /join #backtrack-linux01:25
xidi mean, will it stop subsequent init.d scripts from loading?01:25
xidit does doesn't it?01:25
mh512hi, I am on ubuntu 12.04 and I am having display related problems on my laptop. brightness control does not work, xrandr gives "Failed to get size of gamma for output default". setting xorg does not seem to help.01:28
KXTwotyler_d: whats up man, was hoping to see you on here01:28
mh512I have a separate partition running 10.10 and I did not have such display issues.01:29
harushimodoes django work with the current version of ubuntu01:29
mh512harushimo: why not?01:30
xidwill la failed init.d script that prompts for command line input cause subsequent init.d scripts from being called?01:30
KXTwoany thoughts on my my 12.04 system is running so slow.  Even just isntalling something through software center is taking forever.01:30
harushimoI don't know01:30
a_b0ycan someone check a weblink for me?01:30
mh512harushimo: are u having errors?01:30
harushimoI'm going to do apt-get install django01:30
mh512harushimo: i recommend the01:31
harushimosource file?01:31
xiddon't do it... apt-get install rails instead01:31
mh512harushimo: dont do apt-get01:31
sarya_b0y: sure go ahead , in /query sary01:32
harushimooh okay01:32
harushimoinstall it from the source file?01:32
mh512yeah. thats always the freshest01:32
mcdoncharushimo: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-virtualenv01:32
Mc2992Anyone ever had problems loading the steam client on ubuntu??01:32
harushimothat is exactly  what I was thinking01:32
harushimothank you01:33
mcdoncthen: cd ~/; virtualenv dj; cd dj; bin/easy_install Django01:33
harushimooh okay01:33
harushimoI will do that01:34
mh512yeah that way is better01:34
harushimoI remember doing the upgrade django on the previous verison of ubuntu through the setup tools for python01:34
harushimoI forgot about that way01:34
harushimothank you01:34
neo_how do I unsend a bug report?01:35
harushimopython is heavily integrated in ubuntu right?01:35
harushimothat is what I thought. I was going to upgrade python too01:35
mcdoncpython is used for almost every canonical gui app01:35
escottneo_, find the bug report and close it01:35
stiv2kwhere did he go01:35
harushimoyou are right01:35
escottstiv2k, yes?01:36
stiv2khang around for another minute01:36
stiv2ki had to burn 12.04 to a CD i forgot this laptop didnt have usb booting support01:36
stiv2kso i can get the shadow file01:36
mcdonci wouldn't bother upgrading python if you're on 12.04.. it's a pretty recent version01:36
neo_I dont know how to close a bug report, Its located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9cdceebd9ad1381f5138000aac53968b9086efb5 It was fixed by installing hda-jack-retask01:37
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=== Boohbii is now known as Boohbah
Lunar_Lander_good night!01:38
neo_any idea why 'sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop' doesnt stop audio?01:40
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Mc2992Any ideas on why Steam client won't start??  IT downloads and when I click the icon it acts like it will start but then just stops nothing happens01:41
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ResolutionHDI need help setting configuring my external HDD a perminant mouting point01:41
stiv2ki hope lirc works on 12.0401:41
neo_I would guess Steam wouldnt work because of wine01:41
stiv2ki'd like to get my remote to do cool things01:41
escottResolutionHD, what location do you want? what kind of filesystem is it?01:41
ResolutionHDI formated it is a ex401:41
Mc2992Suggestions on how to fix that??01:42
escottMc2992, check the winehq database01:42
ResolutionHDI want to set a point where i an access it from my home directory01:42
Mc2992I had it working on my previos install but then I had to re install same version 12.04 and now it won't start.01:42
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=== Aliv3 is now known as Announcemiint
escottResolutionHD, you mean you want it inside you $HOME? thats moderately unusual, but possible01:43
ResolutionHDOkay I can set it anywhere it doesnt matter01:43
ResolutionHDI just want it to be the same everytime I hook it up01:44
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escottResolutionHD, basically all you need to do is the following: 1) run sudo blkid and identify the UUID that is associated with the device (you cannot trust /dev/sdb to always be sdb sometimes it might be sdc or other device labels so use the UUID)01:44
ResolutionHDOkay then how can I make it mount to a perminant position with that?01:45
escottResolutionHD, then run "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" and add a line that says "UUID=????? /whatever/mountpoint/you/want ext4 defaults 0 2" (the last column could be 0 if you dont want it fscked, but 2 will check it for errors periodically01:45
stiv2kescott shit... liveCD does kernel panic....01:45
stiv2kescott what do i do :S01:45
escottstiv2k, can't remember what your problem was01:46
escottstiv2k, the password right01:46
stiv2kescott i had a passwordless user and you want to see the shadow file01:46
escottstiv2k, odd that you are getting a panic. can't you boot whatever you used to do the original install01:46
stiv2kbut i want to wipe it and install 12.04 anyway01:46
escottstiv2k, or can you just boot the rescue mode?01:46
stiv2kinstead of 11.1001:46
escottstiv2k, so you have a 12.04 panic. what is the nature of the panice?01:47
MischinkaLol i have a 12.04 panic too01:47
neo_I had one too, I just reinstalled01:47
ResolutionHDescott, Could you give me an example? I dont wanna get the syntax wrong01:47
stiv2kescott it just panics before i can get logged in01:47
stiv2kwhile booting up01:47
MischinkaMine has to do with properly upgrading my apache server.01:47
stiv2kescott maybe i should do nomodeset01:47
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escottResolutionHD, the existing fstab should have entries for the / filesystem. yours should be similar to that but with a "2" instead of a "1" in the last column, and a different UUID and the mountpoint is /whatever instead of /01:48
escottResolutionHD, given that this is a removable I would put it under either /media or /mnt01:48
escottResolutionHD, If you want to have something like "files in $HOME/Music" are actually on the removable drive you can symlink Music to /media/removable/Music01:49
ResolutionHDThats what I wanna do how can i do that01:49
escottResolutionHD, well first get the removable drive mounted in a good location. /mnt/something or /media/something so that you can identify it01:50
stiv2kescott if i boot with nomodeset is it going to create the installation using the vesa video driver or something01:50
escottResolutionHD, so create the fstab entry and then paste that line in here01:50
ResolutionHDescott UUID=d3b5b6f4-7ae3-4667-8199-33347aa919d6 /mnt/HDD ext4 defaults 0 201:51
escottstiv2k, its not going to use kernel modesetting, that might mean that X falls back to vesa or it might mean that X does its user space modesetting01:51
escottResolutionHD, ok. then you would "sudo mkdir /mnt/HDD; sudo chmod 777 /mnt/HDD; sudo mount /mnt/HDD;"01:51
stiv2kescott is that going to change configuration when i install to the hard drive though?01:52
escottstiv2k, you might install the proprietary drivers01:52
ResolutionHDescott okay now what01:53
escottResolutionHD, type "mount" to verify that the /mnt/HDD is listed as one of the mounted filesystems, and "ls /mnt/HDD" to see what is currently in the folder01:53
stiv2kescott its still crashing with nomodeset01:54
escottstiv2k, what is the panic? what does it say?01:54
stiv2kjust a long back trace01:54
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KXTwothis is seriously driving me to the poitn of insanity01:56
KXTwoevery document01:56
stiv2kescott i think its b4301:56
stiv2khow do i prevent b43 from loading01:56
KXTwoever article I can find online, says that my problem is using the default ddriver for my nvida card01:56
ResolutionHDokay it is01:56
KXTwoso it tells me to install the proprietary one01:56
stiv2kpart of the backtrace says b43 in it01:56
escottResolutionHD, assuming those two give the results you want. and suppose you wanted the "~/Music" folder to actually be /mnt/HDD/Music then you would issue the following commands (note that sudo is NOT used) "rmdir ~/Music; mkdir /mnt/HDD/Music; ln -s /mnt/HDD/Music ~/Music"01:56
KXTwobut as soon as i do it breaks my fucking system!01:56
escottResolutionHD, rmdir only removes empty directories so if you have files in ~/Music you need to move those first01:57
TakyojiAnyone know how to resolve the issue of CDs/DVDs not showing up sometimes in Nautilus?01:57
KXTwoits amazing that in two days and with all the people that come in here I cant figure this out01:58
stiv2kescott how do i prevent the livecd from loading b4301:58
ASiD_K00Lany1 use BT5 can give me help in pm... no help in other chan01:58
escottstiv2k, module_name.blacklist=yes as a kernel parameter https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/sparc/boot-parms.html01:58
ResolutionHDsweet ty01:58
stiv2kescott sparc?01:58
stiv2kescott 8.04?01:59
ResolutionHDescott Thanks just what I wanted01:59
KXTwoI think i am done with ubuntu this is absurd01:59
escottResolutionHD, then if you "touch ~/Music/testfile" you should see it if you "ls /mnt/HDD/Music"01:59
thisisjetHello. I bought a laptop which came with windows. Then I burned my windows recovery DVD's via the provided wizard. This is good as I no longer have to worry about loosing my windows install/license while installing linux.02:00
thisisjetSo now I am running Ubuntu, and have these recovery DVD's, but I am thinking it would be great if I could make disk images of the DVDs and save them to an external hdd. Then I'd not need to keep track of the physical disks. So What I am asking is: What is the best way to make an image of a windows recovery dvd so I can recreate the dvds later if I ever need?02:00
Ben64KXTwo: which video card02:00
escottKXTwo, nvidia is a bit of a pain02:00
ResolutionHDEscott yes it works perfect thanks again02:00
escottResolutionHD, you might give it a reboot to make sure it gets mounted properly on boot. there is a risk that a USB device might cause the boot to fail (if usb enumeration occurs after mount all)02:01
KXTwoBen64: escott I am about over this though.  I have followed exaclty what every person/article says to do.  I install the right driver.  I was going to not install it at lal but I am having peformance issue and everyone says its because im not using the right video driver.  Yet despite following instructions to a T AND using the drive that is suposedly tested BY ubuntu teams as soon as I install it, I no longer have access to my external mo02:01
KXTwonitor and cant doa nything on the primary02:01
KXTwofrankly its a fucking joke, i am in a lose lose situation, crappy performance, or broken video card.02:01
trevorjHello all, is there any way to allow dd to skip= over a pipe/stream?02:01
escottKXTwo, thats the downside of proprietary drivers. we don't know what nvidia put in them02:02
KXTwoBen64: it is a geforce go 6100.02:02
trevorjescott: 100% agreed sir02:02
escottKXTwo, also please keep in mind this is a volunteer supported channel. so try to keep the attitude positive02:02
trevorjATI's drivers are fantastic these days now that they are open sourced02:02
KXTwoescott: i understand that but it says tested, also there are no documents indicating to do it the other way. the binary driver site all says to just do iot through additional drivers.02:03
escotttrevorj, what do you mean skip?02:03
trevorjescott: as in seek past X blocks of input data02:03
trevorjescott: it works with a standard file, but not with a pipe in my tests02:03
trevorjescott: If it doesn't work I'll just have to modify dd but I was making sure I'm just not doing something wrong here02:03
KXTwoso far not a single driver that I have used via the additional drivers option has worked.  I ahd to use a workaround for my wireless card.  and had another nvidia problem with a different system.  But I can find no workaround for this02:04
escotttrevorj, skip=??02:04
trevorjescott: yep02:04
Ben64KXTwo: you could try a newer driver via https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates02:04
escotttrevorj, so the skip=BLOCKS argument doesn't work02:04
trevorjescott: dd: `standard input': cannot skip to specified offset02:05
KXTwomy system is so jacked right now I think only a reinstall will fix it02:05
KXTwoeven booting an older version is being silly02:05
escotttrevorj, you could use tail +bytes to jump a number of bytes in the stream and then send to dd02:05
trevorjKXTwo: beware of ppas, they are not magic fixes; ie you must use someting ala ppa-purge to remove them02:05
KXTwothis is all beyond me at this point anyway02:06
KXTwoI think I have no choice but to reinstall02:06
KXTwoim going to try a different distro I think02:06
KXTwowindows vista ran better on this laptop02:06
trevorjKXTwo: That won't help02:06
Ben64what exactly is it doing after you install the driver that you aren't liking02:06
stiv2ktrevorj sup02:06
trevorjsup stiv2k02:06
stiv2kescott i'm in02:06
stiv2klet me get you the shadow file02:06
stiv2klooks like b43 was causing it to panic02:06
trevorjstiv2k: b43 is rather carpy02:07
trevorjstiv2k: not the dev's fault I imagine, but lack of docs, etc, etc you know02:07
KXTwoBen64: I installed this on my old laptop that has a broken monitor.  i have it hooekd up to an external one.  once I instal the driver, it will no longer display to the external monitor.  And even when i can manage a signal to the broken one I cannot do anything, the desktop doesnt finish loading.  I can topen a terminal or switch to a console, virtually nothing other than creating a new docoument or folder02:07
stiv2ktrevorj its fun to blame the devs though :P02:07
escotttrevorj, some carp are nice. koi are particularly pretty02:08
Anacranomhere's he bottom line, if you use the vendor's driver, you're fine- until there's a kernel update, then you have to re-install it again --- if you use the distro's driver, it will survive a kernel update, but- what are you losing?...02:08
trevorjescott: yes, yes they are ;)02:08
ResolutionHDEscott, How do I make it where I can run a command on any terminal without having to go to the directory?02:08
Ben64KXTwo: try installing a remote desktop thing (vnc or whatever you prefer) open up nvidia-settings and tell it to display to the external monitor only02:08
stiv2ktrevorj remember our channel #gentoo-noob02:08
KXTwoBen64: I would be fine just using the dfault driver and staying away from nvida drivers, but my system is sluggish and people suggest its the driver02:08
trevorjstiv2k: yes!02:08
stiv2ktrevorj like a decade ago02:09
KXTwoBen64: thats not going to work when the desktop doesnt even finish loading02:09
escottResolutionHD, you mean add a program to you path?02:09
trevorjstiv2k: funny that was that long ago02:09
trevorjstiv2k: we're old these days02:09
Ben64KXTwo: maybe it finishes loading on the main monitor?02:09
ResolutionHDNvm I figured it out yes that was it02:09
KXTwoBen64: that doesnt even make sense, its a software issue, not a display issue02:09
trevorjKXTwo: it's a driver issue**02:09
escottResolutionHD, if you have a custom program just for yourself, the best place to put it is in ~/bin, on your next login ~/bin will be added to your path02:09
KXTwotrevorj: pretty sure drivers are software :)02:09
garanyone good with postfix that could please help ?02:10
trevorjgar: I am sir02:10
Ben64KXTwo: the main monitor doesn't work.. it usually expects it to work, so it likely is displaying everything on it02:10
trevorjgar: fire away02:10
KXTwoi'm removing the driver now while booted into an older version02:10
KXTwoBen64: I don't think I explained it to you in a way that makes you understand02:10
Ben64<KXTwo> Ben64: I installed this on my old laptop that has a broken monitor.  i have it hooekd up to an external one.02:10
Ben64pretty clear cut02:10
KXTwoBen64: even if it was displaying to the external monitor, my system is still broken02:10
gartrevorj: Okay. I try to do ehlo and I get temporary lookup failure02:10
gartrevorj: just trying to send out to the internet02:10
trevorjgar: transport maps?02:11
KXTwoBen64: the lack of displaying to external monitor was simply another symptom02:11
Ben64KXTwo: how can you tell it's broken when you can't see what is on the main screen?02:11
trevorjgar: do you have anything odd in your postfix config?02:11
trevorjgar: specifically main.cf?02:11
trevorjgar: or are you just getting DNS lookup failures02:11
KXTwoBen64: ok Im goin to go for a run before my frustration explodes02:11
KXTwoBen64: I told you i can see the old monitor, its just in shotty condition02:11
trevorjKXTwo: make sure the monitors are set to dupe the display02:11
trevorjKXTwo: this is not default02:11
KXTwoBen64: there is a bad connection in it so I have to basicaly squeeze it, I can see the mouse move, I can see what I am doing02:11
gartrevorj: nothing special...i can lookup the hostnames on the box02:12
trevorjgar: can you pastebin me your main.cf and the last 50 lines of your mail.log?02:12
KXTwoBen64: the desktop does not finish loading, no display bar, simply my psensors.  when i switch to console it is black screen, when I open terminal either nothing happens or it completely freezes02:12
KXTwoBen64: the only thing I can do is right click to get a new...02:12
KXTwotrevorj: I literaly can do nothing, I cannot get into any settings02:12
gartrevorj: will do02:12
Ben64KXTwo: have you tried Ubuntu 2D or gnome fallback?02:12
trevorjKXTwo: ssh!02:12
KXTwotrevorj: the only thing I can do is boot older version, remove driver then reboot02:13
trevorjKXTwo: ctrl+alt+F1 gets to a tty02:13
Ben64and yeah, ssh02:13
trevorjKXTwo: actually vty02:13
gartrevorj: where is mail.log :)02:13
stiv2kescott wtf02:13
trevorjgar: tail -n 50 /var/log/mail.log02:13
stiv2kescott why does it say shadow is binary02:13
KXTwotrevorj: I know this, I cant do that either02:13
KXTwotrevorj: this si what I am trying to tell you, its not just effecting the video, its broken the system!02:13
trevorjKXTwo: thank nvidia for that02:13
Ben64KXTwo: gnome-fallback, ssh02:14
escottstiv2k, /etc/shadow???02:14
trevorjKXTwo: remove all ppas, reinstall latest drivers from offical ubuntu nvidia latest driver ppa02:14
trevorjKXTwo: by remove, I mean literally use ppa-purge02:14
stiv2kescott nvm02:14
KXTwoI am unfarmilir with ppa02:14
stiv2kescott i don't have read permission yet02:14
KXTwoI am a basic noob to this02:14
KXTwoon my oler systems I just sued additional drivers02:14
KXTwoand everything was fine02:14
trevorjKXTwo: ppas are additional apt repos02:14
KXTwoalso 10.10 on my older system runs faster than 12.04 on this one02:15
trevorjKXTwo: here's the easy way to diagnose this02:15
trevorjKXTwo: setup openssh server and a static IP in /etc/network/interfaces for your ethernet device02:15
trevorjKXTwo: then when you boot it you'll actually have access to it through ssh and you can try things02:15
trevorjKXTwo: otherwise you're shooting nasty fish in a barrel02:15
KXTwogod damn it02:16
KXTwothis tiem when I removed the driver02:16
Ben64and install gnome fallback02:16
KXTwonow my resolution is all jacked up02:16
trevorjKXTwo: did you create an xorg.conf?02:16
KXTwoyes and I ran nvidia-xconfig etc02:16
trevorjKXTwo: you need to tell us what exactly you have done so far or it's very hard for us to help =(02:16
KXTwobut it fixed itself02:16
trevorjKXTwo: ok great02:16
stiv2kescott ok got it02:16
KXTwotrevorj: I have done what anyone else would ahve done02:17
KXTwoI followed the binary driver guide02:17
KXTwodid exactly what youa re supposed to02:17
trevorjKXTwo: ok, so you followed a guide02:17
trevorjKXTwo: which guide02:17
KXTwoI honestly dont even want to mess with the nvida driver anymore02:17
KXTwoso I just want to figure out why my system is running so sluggish02:17
trevorjKXTwo: I did the same thing after nvidia screwed me enough times02:17
Ben64KXTwo: what is sluggish02:17
trevorjKXTwo: binary blobs are really, really lame02:17
KXTwoso I have my system back02:17
KXTwoI open up firefox it takes almost 10 seconds to open02:18
trevorjescott: did you try dd skip through a pipe?02:18
trevorjescott: if so, did it work for you and I'm just an idiot?02:18
trevorjescott: =)02:18
KXTwobasically anything I open is slow02:18
stiv2kescott http://pastebin.com/T4KB3NT802:18
Ben64KXTwo: could be slow hard drive?02:18
escotttrevorj, never had a reason to do so. why do you need dd for this? why not a simple cat?02:18
KXTwovista runs faster than this on here02:18
Anacranomcould be nouveau...02:18
Ben64KXTwo: try this - "sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda" and paste result02:18
stiv2kescott my user is owner02:19
trevorjescott: can you offset a cat ?02:19
KXTwoAnacranom: I know thats why I tried the nvidia driver but thast a hell hole02:19
trevorjescott: ie, skip x bytes?02:19
trevorjescott: you can't that I'm aware of02:19
escotttrevorj, tail +bytes02:19
trevorjescott: oh snap02:19
trevorjescott: but, that doesn't wait until it gets to the end does it?02:19
IpsilonHow do I center a client run via xinit?02:20
trevorjescott: I can't fit this into ram, that's why I ask02:20
escotttrevorj, technically something | tail -c +bytes >output02:20
trevorjIpsilon: use a window manager02:20
KXTwocached readers 744.84 mb/sec02:20
KXTwodisk reads 43.8502:20
MischinkaI made a failed attempt to install apache 2.4.2 and now my website is not coming up.. I have an apache,mysql,php site and had apache 2.2.22 previously. Does anyone have an idea of how I can now complete the task to get the site back up and running?02:20
trevorjescott: I'll test it out real quick02:21
Ipsilontrevorj, I'm running on a separate "server" (I might be using this word wrong).02:21
RalliasMischinka did you try /etc/init.d/httpd restart?02:21
escotttrevorj, it doesnt need to skip to the end. the weird +bytes argument format means start at bytes02:21
Ipsiloni.e. Ctrl-Alt-F802:21
trevorjescott: I understand that, but tailing with lines as a +02:21
trevorjescott: makes it fit it all into ram first02:21
MischinkaRallias: -bash: /etc/init.d/httpd: No such file or directory02:21
escottstiv2k, thats a crazy stupid bug. it actually did null out your password02:21
trevorjescott: nasty coding imo02:21
KXTwoI don't see how it could be the harddrive if vista actually ran faster lol02:21
KXTwothats what it came with02:21
Ben64yeah that speed isn't too bad02:21
escottstiv2k, is that even a valid shadow file anymore?02:22
RalliasMischinka My bad, /etc/init.d/apache2 restart02:22
Ben64i'd still install nvidia driver, but i know you don't like it02:22
KXTwoBen64: everyone says its nouvea and that I should sue the nvidia driver but I cant get it to work02:22
KXTwoBen64: I would love to but cant get it to work, it breaks my system02:22
MischinkaRallias: http://pastebin.com/thWM5kK902:22
escottstiv2k, ok. i see "some applications that read the shadow file *may* decide not to permit access"02:23
RalliasMischinka The probable change is you used a different MPM. Put a # infront of line 100 in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf02:23
Ben64KXTwo: i would suggest that you install gnome fallback, install ssh server, remove the xorg.conf, and install the nvidia driver02:23
escottstiv2k, this might do what you want with some modifications to your /etc/pam.conf02:23
stiv2kescott eh?02:24
KXTwowhat is gnomefall back?02:24
stiv2kescott its ok.. i'm reinstalling with 12.0402:24
escottstiv2k, you had wanted things to not prompt for the password. so maybe by nulling out the password, and then also modifying pam.conf you could get programs to respect the null'ed password. my guess is that sudo is configured to ignore the fact that your password is nulled02:25
KXTwoeven if it was the nouvea driver would that make say software center run slow, even installing through there is slow02:25
Ben64KXTwo: gnome fallback is like the old version of gnome02:25
KXTwowhy do you want me to intall that?02:25
Ben64because unity uses accelerated graphics02:26
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KXTwoso you want me to get rid of unity and use gnome?02:26
Ben64it might speed up your system even with noveau02:26
Ralliaseurgh stupid VPS with apache2 installed by default...02:26
MischinkaRallias: good news it had me comment out a few other lines and the site is up, but now i did apache2 -v and it says im still using apache 2.2.2202:26
Ben64KXTwo: you'd get the option of what to start when your system comes up02:26
stiv2kescott well02:26
KXTwook I dont see gnomefall back just regular gnome, is that ok/02:26
stiv2kescott i won't need to do that anymore, because i think the "locked screen after suspend" bug is fixed02:27
stiv2kescott in 12.0402:27
RalliasMischinka At this point, I'd like to refer you to #ubuntu-server02:27
Ben64!info gnome-session-fallback02:27
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu8 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 157 kB02:27
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MischinkaThanks Rallias!02:27
mosnofor some reason i don't see my Nautilus window in the alt-tab list of GNOME Shell, what gives?02:27
MaynardWatershow would you guys set up a restore state, where it will automatically load a bunch of specific programs in specific locations on the desktop?02:27
mosnowait, there it is... that was weird... it took like 10seconds for it to appear02:27
KXTwook I have no idea02:27
KXTwoso guess Im giving up for now02:28
KXTwosince I have no idea what you are trying to get across to me02:28
KXTwoturning into # c all over again lol02:30
MischinkaRallias: you wouldnt happen to know why i had to comment it out would you?02:32
RalliasMischinka Its most likely you switched MPM's somehow. In all reality, you really aught to look into getting nignx working instead of working on the beast they call apache02:33
trevorjI'm a fan of both apache and nginx02:33
trevorjThey are not of the same kind of beast02:33
RalliasFor 99.9% of purposes, nginx preforms equal to or better than apache.02:33
Ralliasin my experience.02:34
trevorjRallias: I'm not denying that ;)02:34
trevorjRallias: mine as well02:34
trevorjRallias: but nginx can be too restrictive at times02:34
Ralliastrevorj, all nginx restrictions can be alieviated with perl and fastcgi02:34
trevorjRallias: I started using it when it first came out OSS and there was no english docs or site02:34
trevorjRallias: Babelfish was horrible at translating code comments btw02:35
RalliasI started using it when my blog started taking 25-30 seconds to load.02:35
trevorjRallias: Glad it worked =)02:35
Ralliaswhat's the best, low resource http proxy?02:37
athulHey, everybody When I try installing Ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop I get an error saying ubi-partman failed with code 14102:38
athulWhen i install ubuntu02:38
athuli get an error code 14102:39
athulcan anyone help me ?02:39
Ralliasathul no need to repeat the question over multiple lines.02:39
trevorjRallias: how low resource02:39
trevorjRallias: http only?02:39
athulohh srry it didnt come in my client02:39
trevorjRallias: how many concurrent reqs do you need02:39
malkauns_why does my shotwell not have a slideshow option?02:39
Ralliastrevorj, Mostly just like 1 request per hour, maybe 202:40
Ralliasand it needs to fit in 42 mb of ram or less.02:41
BoohbahRallias: nginx02:42
Ralliasboohbah forward, not reverse.02:42
OerHeksathul, sounds like bug 956531 and bug 94502702:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956531 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "ubi-partman failed with exit code 141 ubi-partman.py line 2064, in run os.rmdir(mount_path) - OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95653102:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 945027 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubi-partman failed with exit code 141" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94502702:50
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Guest72970Hey i tried to install flashplugin. I did sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree then it says it has no candidate what do i do?02:52
RalliasGuest72970, Try flashplugin-installer02:52
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Guest72970I tried that it says i haev it installed but when i go on youtube02:52
Guest72970it says im missing02:53
RalliasThat's your reason.02:53
RalliasI'm not sure if its implemented yet, but flash stated they won't support firefox anymore02:53
mongosudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:53
Guest72970i haev chrome as well02:53
Guest72970will it work on chrome?02:53
Guest72970k ill try02:54
anonymous_r u guys using anonymous-os....?02:54
bandit5432they are not going to have any new versions of flash for linux they will how ever still provide security updates02:54
Guest72970its the saem for chrome02:54
Guest72970not working02:55
Ralliasanonymous_, If you are, select a different os FAST, it is infected last I checked.02:55
Guest72970i just recently updated to 12.0402:55
Guest72970before that it worked fine02:55
anonymous_ok thx02:55
mongothey wont' to flash on firfox on windows RT IIRC02:55
Ralliastry apt-get remove gnash gnash-*02:55
mongothey have not stated they will drop it on firefox yet02:55
OerHeksGuest72970, did you restart firefox after install?02:56
Guest72970yes many times02:56
mongoGuest72970: are you behind a proxy?02:56
Guest72970whats the candidate for flashplugin-nonfree02:56
Guest72970Im not sure02:57
RalliasGuest72970 Go to adobe's website02:57
mongoGuest72970: open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"02:57
RalliasThey have a working link I believe02:57
Guest72970this website here?02:57
RalliasMake sure to choose ubuntu 9.10+ (apt)02:57
mongoGuest72970: don't install it from ther02:58
mongoinstall it from the command line, so that you get updates02:58
Ralliasmongo all it does is links to the ubuntu repository02:58
OerHeksGuest72970, do not take it from the website, you won't get updates.02:58
Ralliasthe ubuntu software center02:58
Guest72970 sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer02:58
Guest72970Reading package lists... Done02:58
Guest72970Building dependency tree02:58
Guest72970Reading state information... Done02:58
Guest72970flashplugin-installer is already the newest version.02:58
FloodBot1Guest72970: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
Guest72970The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:02:58
mongouse pastebin02:58
RalliasOerHeks mongo you DO get updates because they simply link "apt://whatever" instead of have you download a deb02:59
RalliasIts been that way since 9.1002:59
APCCPROis need for speed world available for Ubuntu?02:59
Guest72970ok when i do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:59
mongoRallias: it has changed lately, they no longer host the files in apt, thus the change to flashplugin-installer02:59
Guest72970it say si need a candidate02:59
Guest72970So how am i going to get flash?03:00
mongoGuest72970: run dpkg -l | grep flash03:00
mongoon the flashplugin-intaller does it have an ii?03:00
APCPROis need for speed world available for Ubuntu?03:01
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
Ralliasmongo I don't knwo about you, but "Flash Player 11 for Ubuntu (apt)" looks like it uses deb repositories, which allows for automatic updates.03:01
mongoRallias: what is the package name?03:01
mongoflashplugin-nonfree is now a virtual package that points at flashplugin-installer03:02
Guest72970Wait are u talking to me?03:02
RalliasI believe its adobe-flashplayer but I could be wrong... I'm on a diff os atm03:02
gr33n7007hAPCPRO, no03:02
OerHeksGuest72970, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade first03:02
mongoGuest72970: adobe-flashplayer does not exist in 12.0403:02
Guest72970ok its doing something03:03
Guest72970so what do i do?03:03
APCPROgr33n7007h: oh can i run it throgh wine?03:03
mongowait for it to do something03:03
Guest72970how do i get youtube?03:03
Guest72970you mean the terminal?03:03
RalliasGuest72970 youtube.com/html503:03
mongoGuest72970: wait for that upgrade to finish03:03
Guest72970oh ok03:03
reflexrgdoes anybody here know of an app that detects duplicates of all files on selecting a hard drive or folder for purpose of deleting and organizing files03:03
jribreflexrg: fdupes03:04
OerHeks!info fslint03:04
ubottufslint (source: fslint): Utility collection to find and fix common errors in file storage. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.42-2 (precise), package size 125 kB, installed size 746 kB03:04
Guest72970E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:05
cryospherehi everyone I'm having some linking woes: http://ideone.com/1BxE203:05
gr33n7007hAPCPRO, probably better through virtualbox03:05
Boohbahreflexrg: find03:05
Guest72970well the upgrade thing is done03:05
cryospherethanks for any advice you can offer03:05
Guest72970what do i do now?03:05
Guest72970mongo: What do i do now?03:06
mongoGuest72970: did it have any errors?03:06
Guest72970it did03:06
mongopost them to pastepin03:06
Guest72970i think03:06
mongoerr pastebin03:06
vfw!paste Guest7297003:07
APCPROgr33n7007h: i don't really understand how to create a disk or something like that03:07
vfw!paste|  Guest7297003:07
mongogo up to the edit menu, and click on "select all" then go to copy03:07
ubottuGuest72970: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:07
vfw!pastebinit | Guest7297003:07
ubottuGuest72970: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:07
gr33n7007hAPCPRO, have you got a windows cd03:08
APCPROgr33n7007h: no03:09
mongooh you need to get rid of those PPAs03:09
Guest72970oh ok03:09
Guest72970Ho do i do that?03:09
gr33n7007hAPCPRO, linux is no good for gaming03:10
mongoGuest72970: I have to commute, others here will be able to help you03:10
Guest72970Please i need this done now03:11
reflexrgthanks OerHeks and jrib I appreciate your help03:11
Guest72970can someone help me install flash plugin03:12
Guest72970please look at this03:12
Guest72970and tell me hat i haev to do03:12
Guest72970i am on ubuntu 12.0403:12
mongoGuest72970: you will need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the lines with "ppa" in them03:12
Guest72970How do i do that?03:12
Guest72970can i do it using terminal?03:12
mongoyou will also need to run "dpkg -l | grep flash" and find the unstandard flash packages you have installed03:13
Dannyhello i would like to install ubuntu along side windows but would like to keep 250 gigs of my 300 gigs on my windows side can i store all of my files on my windows side and just use everything from there ?03:13
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SolarisBoyDanny: you can use the files on your windows partition from ubuntu03:13
OerHeksGuest72970, go into software sources, and remove at least sevenmachines .. and removing backports is also a good idea03:13
mongoGuest72970: some time before you installed a 3rd party version of flash, it is probably blocking the install but I have been at work for 14 hours I have to bail.03:14
SolarisBoyDanny: like music/pictures/etc + you can't run the programs like on windows though03:14
Guest72970Will you be on tomorow?03:14
cc11rocksIs there any way someone could help me find Linux (free preferred) equivalents to these Windows software? I am trying to come up with software to convince my school/school district to switch to Linux > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/53278421/NeedConversionToLinuxFromWindows.PNG03:15
Guest72970Do i go into ubuntu software centre?03:15
reflexrgalso Boohbah03:16
krababbelDanny: do you have windows 7?03:16
Guest72970mongo: Do i go into ubuntu software center?03:16
cc11rocksIt is Win XP...I took a screenshot of the software available to students (should be the same as teachers though)03:17
Dannykrababbel: yes03:17
Pyrosquirrellanybody got a second to help me out? I installed the amd ati drivers and my sound stopped working. I looked for hours on google with no avail. I uninstalled the ati driver and it still continued to not work. Any suggestions? I've seen several people with this problem, but no solution that worked03:17
A2GJeffdoes anyone know of a utility that will bind my IP range to my server instead of adding them individually? I'm using 12.0403:17
A2GJeffI need to add 250+ IPs, and its going to be like 3000 lines of code03:17
A2GJeffthis is for the network interfaces file03:17
DannySolarisBoy: but ryhtmbox will work just fine with the stuff and same with movies03:17
=== AndrewH is now known as Andrew2
krababbelDanny: you can shrink your windows partition to make room in computer managment in windows03:18
=== EnkiduAFK is now known as Enkidu
Dannykrababbel: i get that but i wanna keepthe biggest partition i can but access everything and since i cant see ubuntu files on ubuntu i figured i should just make my windows file huge03:19
krababbelDanny: you want to play movies from the windows partition? best is to mount the partition read only, but your player shouldn't want to write to the directory your movies are in.03:19
krababbelDanny: what? you can see ubuntu files in windows and vice versa without a problem. writing is risky a bit.03:20
APCPROgr33n7007h: i realize that the other day03:20
krababbelreading is no problem03:20
gr33n7007hAPCPRO, never as never will03:21
APCPROgr33n7007h: well i haven't seen any good games on it that look or have the feeling of a windows game03:22
gr33n7007hAPCPRO, You won't03:23
APCPROgr33n7007h: yeah i guess not03:25
gr33n7007hHave you got windows03:25
cc11rocksEmail me at cc11rocks@yahoo.com if you want to help me convert that software03:28
TimStarlingwhy is this in chinese? https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/index.html03:35
reflexrgbecause chinese is the new english03:35
reflexrgand that the chinese government want to rule the world!03:36
reflexrgubuntu is part of their secret agenda03:36
reflexrgjust jk... :)03:36
reflexrgTimStarling I just checked that link its in english for me you probably have your browser language settings setup to pick chinese if available03:37
TimStarlingnope, I double checked with curl from a server03:38
TimStarlingin the US03:38
TimStarlingand I checked my outbound request headers with Live03:38
reflexrghmm maybe it is 12.04 bug03:38
reflexrgI am still using 11.1003:38
reflexrghaving upgraded yet03:38
TimStarlingthe server is 10.0403:38
TimStarlingand it's curl03:38
TimStarlingit's not like curl has secret options to convert things to chinese03:39
reflexrgbut for me with firefox on 11.10 when I go to that link it is in english03:39
waxstonein 12.10 is there a way to clear/reset recently used items(files/aps/etc) ?03:39
TimStarlingis it sending Accept-Language?03:39
TimStarlingah yes, that is curious03:39
TimStarlingif I send "Accept-Language: en", it gives it in english03:40
TimStarlingif I send no AL header, it gives it in chinese03:40
reflexrgare you connecting via a proxy or using tor to connect to the website?03:40
reflexrgsometimes that can change the language defualts03:40
TimStarlingno I'm not using a proxy03:40
reflexrgcause the webpage sees you are connecting from germany or china ec....03:40
reflexrgsome sites do this03:41
TimStarlingusing geolocation to select page language, with no way to override, is stupid if that's what it's doing03:41
TimStarlingif I travel to Germany it doesn't mean I want the web in german03:41
TimStarlinganyway if it is geolocation, the database must be very broken, or there is a bug in the relevant code03:42
TimStarlingbecause the server IP address I am using has been in the US since forever03:42
reflexrgyou can usually over ride it TimStarling in the sites settings03:42
=== RallyOne is now known as Eichmann
=== Eichmann is now known as AdolfoEichmann
Zyclopsis it possible to add groups to groups?03:43
TimStarlingit's also chinese from another server03:43
Zyclopsi.e. all the memembers  of this group are in this group?03:43
TimStarlinglet's try from europe03:44
trevorjRallias: sorry, I got side tracked03:44
reflexrgsorry TimStarling that is far as I know on the subject you'll have to do research and make do with what I have told you thus far because I don't have any further experience with anything beyond that information on that subject03:44
trevorjRallias: try haproxy03:44
trevorjRallias: really, really light ;)03:44
trevorjRallias: oh, forward03:45
waxstonein 12.10 is there a way to clear/reset recently used items(files/aps/etc) ?03:45
trevorjRallias: polipo03:45
trevorjRallias: I an personally a huge fan of squid however03:45
trevorjRallias: s/an/am/03:46
jribwaxstone: 12.10 hasn't been released03:46
KXTwook dumb question time03:46
TimStarlingok, from a server in the netherlands, also chinese03:46
waxstonesry 12.0403:46
KXTwoI just downloaded a linux 64 bit driver from nvidia03:46
KXTwono intstructions03:46
=== AdolfoEichmann is now known as DanFrederiksson
KXTwohwo do I install that?03:46
waxstonejrib, 12.04 i mean03:47
TimStarlingI guess the whole world gets chinese unless their browser is configured to send Accept-Language03:47
waxstoneKXTwo,  sudo sh filename.run03:47
hashso i have a computer tht wont let me install antix its giving me a bunch of errors about the drive not existing it has debian installed could i just run sudo mkfs.ext3 then install it03:47
=== DanFrederiksson is now known as AndersBehringBre
=== AndersBehringBre is now known as AndersBreivik
=== glu3_ is now known as glu3
KXTwoahh never heard of sh, thanks!03:48
waxstoneKXTwo, no problem ;)03:49
wolfcoreKXTwo: sh means the sh shell03:49
=== TheOtherBucket is now known as VunKruz
wolfcoreKXTwo: that command means to run filename.run with the sh shell using sudo03:49
KXTwook and another dumb question03:49
KXTwoI guess X has to be not running to do this03:49
KXTwohow do I close X?03:49
razvan86is android the same on all android mobiles ?03:49
wolfcoreeach provider adds branding and useless crap (like the sprint nfl app)03:50
razvan86what splits are there? and which facilitate better the integration of contacts from all social hubs unto the gsm contact agenda ?03:50
razvan86a ...03:51
waxstoneI normally CTRL+ALT+1 then for 12.04 type sudo service lightdm stop03:51
waxstoneKXTwo, ^^03:51
ind3ntedCharhey all...anyone know how to fix java applet missing in chrome ?03:51
bohemian9485waxstone: isn't that CTRL+ALT+F1?03:51
Logan_ind3ntedChar: sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin03:52
waxstonebohemian9485, KXTwo  you are correct Ctrl+ALt+F103:52
KXTwook for more noob questions03:53
KXTwoI knew how to switch to a console just wasnt sure how to stop x03:53
waxstoneKXTwo, type sudo service lightdm start after driver installs03:53
KXTwowhat is lightdm?03:53
bohemian9485KXTwo: lightdm is the default desktop manager used by 12.0403:54
escottKXTwo, the new display manager03:54
KXTwook now we are learning03:54
KXTwonow I am reading the howto on installing this driver03:54
tamarosis there a way to remove only specific users form the login list (i.e. not interested in setting `greeter-hide-users=true` in lightdm.conf)?03:54
KXTwocrap i setn myself the wrong link03:54
TimStarlingI filed a bug03:54
waxstoneAnyone know in 12.04 if there a way to clear/reset recently used items(files/aps/etc) ?03:55
KXTwoit wasnt me to disable nouveau and make it so my system will boot to a vga console?03:55
ind3ntedCharLogan_, cool...do I need to add a specific repository...its not finding it in what i have now03:55
jribtamaros: does /etc/lightdm/users.conf not do what you want?03:55
=== AndersBreivik is now known as ABB
=== ABB is now known as Breiviksen
escottjrib, its usually ignored in favor of the extremely well documented AccountsService daemon03:56
tamarosjrib: in my googling I didn't come across mention of it.  What can I do with it to hide users?03:56
jribtamaros: read it, but it mentions accountsservice which escott says is what's used by default03:57
Logan_ind3ntedChar: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?03:57
reflexrgwhere is there an app to list all install GUI graphical applications only?03:57
ind3ntedChar10.04...oldie but goodie :-)03:57
bohemian9485waxstone: i'm using gnome-classic on my 12.04 box and it has a clear recent documents on the menu, have not used unity much so don't know how to do it there03:58
Logan_ind3ntedChar: Ah, that explains it. Sec.03:58
reflexrgto save this list is most important03:58
Logan_ind3ntedChar: Do you already have Sun Java installed?03:59
Logan_ind3ntedChar: If not, then run:03:59
malkauns_waxstone, too much porn?03:59
Logan_ind3ntedChar: sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin03:59
ind3ntedCharLogan_, yea I have sun java1.6 installed04:00
ind3ntedCharlet me try the second one04:00
waxstonemalkauns_, i plead the 5th04:00
Logan_ind3ntedChar: I'd remove Sun Java before running that command.04:01
KXTwook more noob questions04:01
jribtamaros: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/857651 may be related04:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857651 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Unable to hide users from login screen / user switcher" [High,Triaged]04:01
KXTwohow do I get my system to boot into console and not start X?04:01
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Logan_ind3ntedChar: Although you can do it afterward, I guess.04:01
waxstoneKXTwo, when booting up pres tab or maybe Esc you will enter grub menu04:02
KXTwoshit enters grub menu04:02
KXTwobut grub has no option for straight to console04:02
KXTwounless I go into recovery mode04:02
waxstoneKXTwo, yes recovery mode04:03
Logan_KXTwo: set the variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to "text" in the file /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub04:03
=== Breiviksen is now known as RallyOne
Logan_KXTwo: recovery mode works, too, on a temporary basis04:03
KXTwowaxstone: I do not wish to do recovery mode because when I did, I could do nothing as it was listed as a read o nly file system04:03
waxstoneKXTwo,  true or press E to edit kernel line adding text04:03
ind3ntedCharLogan_, cool...thanks boss04:03
KXTwoLogan_: I only need to do this long enough to isntall a driver04:04
Logan_ind3ntedChar: No problem. Working now?04:04
KXTwoLogan_: but last time I ran recovery mode and dropped to shell, i could do nothing even with sudo.04:04
waxstoneKXTwo, at grub menu press E to edit kernal line04:04
waxstoneadd the word --->text<--- near quiet nomodeset etc04:04
ind3ntedCharyea...i just need to remove the old java04:04
waxstonemaybe no splash you will see04:05
KXTwogod i hope this works04:05
KXTwook where do I add 'text'?  I dont see04:06
stiv2kwhy is my second display turning off when i close the laptop lid04:06
karthick87How to apply domain wallpapers in all linux systems ?04:06
waxstoneKXTwo,  did you press e?04:06
KXTwothe cloest line is04:06
KXTwoquiet splash $vt_handoff04:07
MrPocketsI'm going over seas04:07
waxstonemake it quiet splash text $vt_handoff04:07
MrPocketsI'd like to DBAN my laptop and put a fresh install down before i leave04:07
dr_willistry  noquiet nosplash text04:07
MrPocketsbut i also wanna image it before i leave, so i can restoer when i get back04:07
MrPocketswould CloneZilla work well enough with Ubuntu?04:07
KXTwowas that edit perm or just this boot?04:08
jahonHey everyone04:08
dr_willisgrub menu edits are one time04:08
dr_willisnot perm. editing the /etc/ files is perm'04:08
IsmAvatarHey guys. Anyone know why 7z is not included in Ubuntu by default?04:09
KXTwolearnign so freaking much04:09
dr_willisIsmAvatar:  disk space lim its04:09
jahonHow can I set a secondary internet connection (4g usb device) to turn on when the primary connection is disconnected?04:09
KXTwoive gone through 4 groups of people ive asked for help04:09
tamarosjrib: seems to be the answer i'm looking for if not the answer I wanted, thanks for the help04:09
IsmAvatardr_willis: fair enough. Just checking that there wasn't some sort of philosophical reasoning04:09
wolfcoreIsmAvatar: why would you need that? there's gzip, tar, etc04:09
jahonI'm looking to have the backup connection kick in automatically when the main connection goes down...04:10
KXTwook should I be concerned04:10
KXTwoit says dstro provded pre-install script failed, continue installation anyway?04:10
IsmAvatarwolfcore: one of my developers insists on distributing stuff in 7z because it's so small. I wasn't sure if I should just install 7z and bear it, or yell at him to use another format.04:10
dr_willisdistributr to who?04:11
dr_willisdistribute what.. ;)04:11
jahonanyone have any ideas?04:11
stiv2khow come my screen is blanking when i close the lid even though its set to do nothing in power settings???04:11
IsmAvatardr_willis: primarily other developers, and distributing binaries required to make our project runnable from a fresh repository checkout04:11
KXTwoyour screen still shuts off04:12
KXTwohey I know one!04:12
KXTwoonly if you have an external monitor does it stay on04:12
dr_willison a unix/linux systems the use of 7z would be.. odd...04:12
KXTwodo nothing means, dont suspend or hibernate etc04:12
stiv2kKXTwo no the external one shuts off too04:12
jahonugh. this channel fails04:12
karthick87How to apply domain wallpapers in all linux systems ?04:12
IsmAvatardr_willis: it's cross platform04:12
KXTwoStivk aww I thought I was being helpful04:12
KXTwostiv2k: try shutting off the primary monitor first, THEN shuting the lid?04:12
KXTwostiv2k: it will be a function combo with one of the f keys04:13
WhinesOnIRCHoly God, this is a huge channel.04:14
KXTwook I officialy give up04:14
WhinesOnIRCThis is the biggest channel I've ever seen on a server, seriously.04:14
KXTwoeven doing the nvidia install this way04:14
KXTwoit still breaks my system04:14
dr_willisWhinesOnIRC:  actually its a slow day04:14
stiv2kKXTwo ubuntu 12.04 is very buggy04:14
KXTwostiv2k: I have tried everything04:15
dr_willisWhinesOnIRC:  seen 3000+ in here befor04:15
KXTwoI cannot get the nvidia driver to work04:15
KXTwoas soon as I install it04:15
WhinesOnIRCI didn't realize a channel could hold that many people.04:15
KXTwomy external montitor stops working04:15
KXTwooh but wait!04:15
dr_willisKXTwo:  you enqbled twinview from the nvidia-settimgs tool?04:15
KXTwosomethign different this time04:15
KXTwodr_willis: ok before when I had done this, mys ystem wouldnt even boot all the way, this time it did, so I am in the displays tab and it shows laptop it doesnt show my external monitor?04:17
dr_willisKXTwo:  if using nvidia drivers. use the nvidia-settings tool to configure the monitors04:17
KXTwoim there but having difficulty seeing what to change04:19
dr_willisi normally enable twinview, move monitors around, save changes to xorg.conf then reboot04:19
KXTwoim playing with it but still nothing04:20
KXTwothe exteranl monitor was disabled but I enabled it and hit apply04:20
dr_williswith laptops you may  need to play with the monitor toggle fn keys04:21
dr_willisi normally use desktop machines04:21
KXTwoI didnt ahve to before04:21
KXTwothe pro lem is04:21
KXTwothe monitor is broken on the laptop04:21
KXTwoand its a fucking nightmare to make it visible04:21
FloodBot1KXTwo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
bazhangKXTwo, no cursing here04:22
KXTwoI think I finally have it!04:23
KXTwoomg I finally have it!04:24
KXTwoive been in here for two days04:24
KXTwotryin to get this04:24
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
dr_willisnormallytakes me  2 min. on a new install...'04:25
stiv2kalso i can't get lirc to work in 12.04 or 11.1004:26
stiv2kwhy? it should work out of the box04:26
KXTwowow that was kind of a dick move04:26
AeryndaarHey guys, is there still a minimize-all-window quick key?04:27
AeryndaarI just got 12.0404:28
AeryndaarI heard from before it was SUPER+D04:28
bazhangAeryndaar, in unity-2d there is iirc04:28
DerpametricHuh. I guess this channel WAS on Freenode.04:29
KXTwook so for no reason whatsoever x restarted on me04:29
KXTwoand I got a system problem04:30
KXTwowtf, why would my system not have enough free memory04:30
KXTwook im seriously about to give up on ubuntu04:31
KXTwoI just had this working now it doesnt want to04:31
Aeryndaarbazhang: I am in Unity-2d, Super+D doesn't work.04:31
bazhangAeryndaar, clicking the workspaces icon did that if I recall correctly, unless I am misunderstanding what you wish to accomplish04:32
KXTwohe wants a shortcut to minimize all windows04:32
KXTwoit used to be super d04:32
KXTwosame as super m on windows04:32
KXTwoI noticed atl f10 doesnt do the maximize terminal window either04:33
=== macmartine_ is now known as macmartine
yhyhlep,     can`t connect to MySQL server on "host_name" ?04:33
selig5Aeryndaar: try ctrl+alt 004:34
pROTOkomubuntu is pretty impressive from the looks of things.  Will convert soon.04:35
Aeryndaarbazhang & selig5: I'm trying to do what WindowsLogoKey + D does in Win704:35
AeryndaarMinimize all windows04:35
AeryndaarBasically showing desktop04:36
AeryndaarOr minimize-all, similarly works too04:36
Synackalanybody here using lunbuntu?04:36
Synackalor xubuntu04:36
selig5Aeryndaar: try ctrl+alt+0 (zero on the number pad)04:36
Synackalomnibus, multipass04:36
AeryndaarClicking on the Workspace button brings me to Desktop Wall; Ctrl+Alt+0(numpad) minimizes ONE window04:37
AeryndaarI guess there isn't that shortcut :|04:37
Aeryndaarin 12.04?04:37
Synackaldoes anybody know why utorrent is not available from inside the softeware center and i have to get it myself and install it?04:38
bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/763230 Aeryndaar is it this? there is a ppa that fixes the issue04:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 733349 in unity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #763230 Minimize Application's Windows upon clicking its Launcher Icon" [Undecided,Won't fix]04:38
KXTwoAeryndaar: I dont remember how but youc an map your own keys04:38
JP_FranksAnyone know what port besides 22 openSSH could need? I can connect if I DMZ the IP but just allowing port 22 into the machine doesn't work.04:39
Synackalno other port should be needed JP_Franks04:40
Synackaldid you look into passive versus active issues?04:40
JP_FranksYou mean yell at it?04:41
selig5Aeryndaar: on Unity 3d alt+tab offers the desktop as one of the choices04:41
Aeryndaarbazhang: That's not really exactly what I'm looking for, but thanks.04:41
AeryndaarKXTwo: Yeah, in System Settings/Keyboard, I think, but I don't really see minimize-all-windows (I mean for all programs, or basically show desktop) as an option04:42
SynackalJP_Franks something is wrong with your port forwarding, is this NAT and what are you using to make a DMZ, your router?04:42
AeryndaarSelig5: I got Unity-2d. Is there a way to 'upgrade' to unity 3d?04:42
Synackalmake sure you local firewall is allowing port 2204:42
AeryndaarSorry guys, I just got this new laptop 3 days ago. Very new to Ubuntu, but loving it so far.04:43
Synackalideally only to certain subnets of course04:43
selig5Aeryndaar: you might have to get a better video card...04:43
bazhanghttp://iloveubuntu.net/new-keyboard-shortcuts-landed-precise-pangolin  Aeryndaar this then?04:43
JP_Frankssyn: Yeah it the router.. the sshd isn't doing anything to trigger any NAT rules.. but opening the port in this manner works for all other things (RDP, Web, Minecraft, etc.. :) )04:43
Aeryndaarselig5: I have nVIDIA GeForce 540M? Wouldn't say that's crap, is it? Of course not video-game grade, but still :|04:44
Synackalso if you nc or telnet to the WAN IP on port 22, what happens?04:44
Synackalis it shown as closed?04:44
Synackaltry going to grc.com shieldsup and see if port 22 shows as open on the WAN IP04:45
JP_FranksYEah putty gets a quick hand slap.. Then I DMZ the whole IP and I'm in..04:45
Synackali see04:45
Aeryndaarbazhang: Yes, the Control+Super+D is the exact thing I wanted, but doesn't work O_O04:45
JP_FranksSo I was guessing it's some sort of discovery port I'd never heard of?04:45
Aeryndaarbazhang: OH nevermind, I got it.04:45
Aeryndaarlibreoffice was loading04:45
selig5Aeryndaar: maybe you need the proprietary drivers for that card?04:46
Synackalafaik there are no other ports needed for SSH, i have set it up dozens of times and port 22 is all you need for SSH and SFTP04:46
Synackali would want to see what is happening with that router04:46
Aeryndaarbazhang: Thanks a lot :)04:46
Synackalanybody else have a suggestion for JP_Franks ?04:47
Aeryndaarselig5: How do I do that? (I admit I'm noob :|)04:47
SynackalJP_Franks - make sure your router does not have its own SSH port open?04:47
icerootJP_Franks: nmap -p 22 hostname04:47
icerootJP_Franks: you only need port 22 for ssh, sftp, scp04:48
Synackalscp = sftp afaik, its all part of openssh but yea, that should work, dmz should allow port 22 on the DMZ IP04:48
Synackalmust be missing something04:48
selig5Aeryndaar: not sure, look at the nVidia website for linux drivers for that card?04:49
Aeryndaarselig5: f^^k, I bet they don't have one :(04:49
AeryndaarI'll check04:49
xdarkhello iceroot i am new here sup04:49
saryJP_Franks: This might by of help ,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring04:50
kkraussanyone know what this is all about:04:50
AeryndaarWelcome, xdark04:50
kkraussnone of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:04:50
kkraussTrying modes for CRTC 43404:50
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 0)04:50
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 1)04:50
FloodBot1kkrauss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:50
saryAeryndaar: What chipset you are using !04:50
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saryAeryndaar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video04:51
xdarksup all ubuntu chat users whats the info on ubuntu 12.04 aerymdaar04:52
AeryndaarI'll take a look at that link first.04:53
xdarkwiindows 7 who04:53
AeryndaarWhat you mean what's the info?04:54
AeryndaarPrecise Pangolin?04:54
xdarkyes is it better than 11.10 lts04:54
Aeryndaar@sary: What you mean chipset?04:54
icerootxdark: 11.10 is not an lts release04:54
iceroot!lts | xdark04:54
ubottuxdark: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)04:54
selig5Aeryndaar: found this: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-275.19-driver.html04:55
Aeryndaar@xdark: there's no LTS 11.10. That comes every 3 years I think?04:55
icerootAeryndaar: every 204:55
Aeryndaar@xdark: I never used 11.10. I am a VERY NEW Ubuntu user: 3 days!04:55
Aeryndaar@iceroot, thanks.04:55
xdarkcool need to upgrade then04:55
Aeryndaar@selig5: All right, thanks man. I'll take a look at that.04:55
Aeryndaar@xdark: in ter, type sudo apt-get upgrade04:56
selig5that was for 54 bit04:56
xdarkwhich release are you using04:56
gr33n7007his there a channel for food recepies04:56
AeryndaarI am using 64bit04:56
AeryndaarMan, I love you guys. This is the most helpful channel I've ever been to.04:57
xdarkdo you guys like windows 704:57
iceroot!ot | xdark04:57
ubottuxdark: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:57
Aeryndaarxdark: Generally I used Win7 before, but I switched to Ubuntu for reasons04:58
xdarkjust joking04:58
AeryndaarIt's much more powerful04:58
AeryndaarEspecially the terminal, which I'm RTFM a lot recently04:58
xdarkya ubuntu is great04:58
bazhangxdark, actual support question?04:58
Aeryndaarselig5: thanks, I'm downloading this04:58
selig5Aeryndaar: no prob04:58
bazhangxdark, this is NOT The chat channel. try #ubuntu-offtopic for that04:59
Aeryndaarselig5: So I just finished downloading it (the .run file)05:00
AeryndaarDouble-clicked it to Open and run05:00
AeryndaarI got a white screen...05:00
xdarkhow do you do penetration testing with ubuntu05:00
ahmedwaleedelkotWHAT PENETRATION TESTING ?05:00
mc1I'd like to ask a tech question regarding upgrading05:01
ahmedwaleedelkotask mc105:01
gr33n7007hxdark, years of experience need there son05:02
mc1When I try to upgrade mi Ubuntu version I get this message: E: Unable to stat the mount point /media/cdrom/ - stat (2: No such05:02
mc1file or directory)05:02
mc1E: Unable to stat the mount point /media/cdrom/ - stat (2: No such05:02
mc1file or directory)05:02
mc1E: Failed to mount the cdrom.05:02
FloodBot1mc1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
xdarkis there a super command for everything05:03
Aeryndaarmc1, try type 'sudo apt-get upgrade' in terminal05:03
Aeryndaarthat's upgrade05:03
KXTwowhat is plymouth, I kep getting errors from plymouth05:03
Aeryndaarselig5: Okay, so do you know what's up with the white screen? I'll upload an image to imgur.com05:03
xdarkhow about android on desktop ubuntu tv how to install them05:04
mc1I've already tried that command05:04
Aeryndaarselig5: http://i.imgur.com/7bgd9.png this is what I'm getting (screenshot)05:04
AeryndaarJust nothing happening.05:04
mc1I've typed: sudo dpkg --configure -a  ----- and then: sudo apt-get install -f05:05
xdarkwho is using a classic release of ubuntu05:06
bazhangxdark, please no polls here05:06
selig5Aeryndaar: that is gedit, not a white screen05:06
bazhangxdark, do you have an actual support question05:06
Mischinkaon a ubuntu install i dont need http proxy information do i?05:07
gridbagwhich XServer does ubuntu use? Where is the source code for that?05:07
xdarkyes how do you stream a podcast from the web05:07
DerpametricUhh... I'm a Wubi installer using Ubuntu for the first time. How do I install ZSNES on said install?05:07
Aeryndaarselig5: What am I suppose to do with that?05:07
bazhangDerpametric, find the zsnes package and install it05:08
AeryndaarYeah I know nothing about these thangs :(05:08
KXTwonow I have the same problem, when I close my lid the external monitor turns off lol05:08
KXTwoaqnd despite all this effort to get my nvidia driving working, the system still runs slow05:08
selig5Aeryndaar: right click the driver file and mark it as executable and then try to run it, I'm not an expert myself...05:09
DerpametricBazhang : When I searched for it in the Software Catalog, it gives me a button for "More Info", then it gives me a "This page does not exist" error.05:10
KXTwodays ive been working on this, I just cant get this thikng to run right :(05:10
KXTwomaybe its time to go to mint05:10
DerpametricI have the tar.gz file downloaded from the sourceforge page, but I have no idea what to do with it.05:10
bazhangDerpametric, let me search for the proper package name. best to install from ubuntu sources. just a moment05:10
xangua!info zsnes | Derpametric05:11
ubottuDerpametric: zsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.2ubuntu5 (precise), package size 893 kB, installed size 4108 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:11
DerpametricI'll be right back, I'll reboot in Linux.05:11
bazhangDerpametric, you dont want to install from some 3rd party source like that05:11
Aeryndaarselig5: How do I do that :|  There isn't such option in the right-click menu05:12
KXTwoso I started up system monitor05:13
KXTwoand im using 70 percent of my memory05:13
KXTwoand it says swap not available05:13
KXTwowhats that all about?05:13
MischinkaWhen installing a ubuntu server should i have automatic updates or canonical landscape service or none?05:13
KXTwonow my cpu usage is high too and Im not running anyhting05:14
bazhangMischinka, you may wish to ask that in #ubuntu-server if you dont get a response here05:15
bazhangKXTwo, open a terminal and type top to see what is using up resources05:15
KXTwocompiz seems to be using the most memory and processor05:16
KXTwothen firefox05:16
KXTwo104 megs for firefox jeez05:16
bazhangKXTwo, how much ram does your machine have05:16
KXTwoit has 1 gig but fore some reason says I have 75605:17
KXTwo742.6 in system monitor05:17
KXTwoand for some reason swap is not available05:17
KXTwoI have a few gig swap partition05:17
selig5Aeryndaar: right click, then choose 'Permissions', there is an option to 'Allow executing file as program': check that box.05:17
Aeryndaarselig5: Thanks!05:18
selig5Aeryndaar: good luck05:19
mongoany opinions on what to replace a echo -n 0x00043fff > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/iwlwifi/debug/debug_level05:19
mongoeek sorry bad paste05:19
indianany one using 12.0405:19
KXTwoI just dont understand why this thing is running like this, every problem I fix creates a new one05:19
_jon180_how do i update a package from -proposed ?05:19
indianI have blank screen when I try to switch to console mode05:19
Aeryndaarselig5: http://i.imgur.com/zsbI5.png (screenshot) So is that what it should look like?05:20
mongoKXTwo: your video card uses some of the system ram05:20
mongoKXTwo: adding more ram would help a lot05:21
KXTwowell I am well above the system requirements to run 12.04, should I use an older version?05:22
KXTwoI also only set my video card to use 64megs of my system ram05:22
KXTwoand have no idea why my swap partition is not available05:22
mongotry swapon /path/to/swap05:23
_xan_anyone here have experience getting blu-ray support working?  I'm trying to do it using VLC, but not having a lot of success.05:24
mongoKXTwo: what kind of laptop?  also not when you look at the system monitor some ram will be taken up by cache and buffers, that is still free for programs linux is just using it to cache files etc...05:24
KXTwoacer 930005:24
KXTwoI figure dout the swap problem05:24
KXTwoI changed it05:24
KXTwoand fstab isnt pointing to the rightp lace05:24
_jon180_how do i update nvidia driver to use the version in precise-proposed?05:24
windbuntucan my intel onboard graphics be changed so that i can give ubuntu even more ram?05:24
KXTwoI take it swapon will fix that05:24
mongothat machine has "NVIDIA® GeForce® Go 6100 integrated graphics with up to 128 MB of shared system memory05:25
mongothus your ~176M of ram05:25
mongoerr 75605:25
KXTwoactually up 28405:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
JP_FranksSo the 'firewall' problem is that I was in the ruleset for services and it doesn't say "default IP" it just gives you an ip. So theres another panel you can add the allow rule and pick the 'service' I made.. :P I R DUM05:25
windbuntucan i make it so more system ram is given to video/graphics i meant?05:26
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KXTwomongo: in my bios there is an option that I thought reduced the amount of ram it used05:26
visoredI have an ubuntu computer I used as a media server, with an ntfs drived shared via samba. Sometimes, randomly, all computers connecting to it are really slow for some reason.05:26
visoredalso when I connect to it with RDP, it is slow05:27
KXTwomongo: frame buffer size05:27
visorednothing I do fixes it, not even restarting05:27
visoredbut if i leave it alone it seems to go away within a few hours05:27
KXTwomongo: I just turned it from 256 to 6405:27
mongoKXTwo: that often doesn't change anything, that may just be the apature size05:28
KXTwomy laptop says its up to 384 which is kind of weird05:29
KXTwomongo: yah after I changed it I now have 930 megs05:29
KXTwomongo: after reboot I lost my swap partition again though, swapon wasnt perm?05:29
_xan_anyone got bluray working under Ubuntu?05:31
Mike9863How can I set a window to minimize by a mouse button press on the title bar?05:31
mongoKXTwo: no make sure it is pointed to the right place in /etc/fstab05:31
AeryndaarMike9863: Minimize one window or minimize all window?05:32
Mike9863Aeryndaar: I want to minimize the window that had the mouse button applied on its title bar05:33
KXTwomongo: I think I fixed that, I am rebooting now.  the system just seems to be way sower than it should be.  Should I just use an older version of ubuntu?05:34
mongoKXTwo: try unity 2d05:34
KXTwomongo: why?  Whats the difference?05:35
KXTwomongo: I kind fo dont like unity so far, I miss gnome lol, but if youw ant me to use unity 2d I honestly dont know how or whats the difference05:35
mongoKXTwo: one uses less graphics, it may be quicker05:35
mongoyou could try the mate UI05:35
AeryndaarMike9863, doesn't it already have it?05:35
AeryndaarNext to the X and the maximize?05:36
AeryndaarShould be in top-left corner? It only shows up when you put your mouse there...05:36
KXTwomongo: how do I switch to it?  and will it effect all the driver fussing I did with my nvidia card?  after  fresh reboot my swap file works now, and Im using about 500 megs of memory does that sound right?05:36
Mike9863Aeryndaar: I don't want a button. I want to be able to minimize it with the click of a mouse anywhere on the title bar.05:36
AeryndaarThat little hyphen button, is that what you want?05:36
mongoKXTwo: google mint linux, they have simple instructions05:37
AeryndaarNever done that before, sorry :(05:37
mongoKXTwo: or just log out and select unity 2d05:37
mongoto test it out05:37
KXTwomongo: mint is what is on my main laptop05:37
Mike9863It's already set to do it with Button 2, however I'd rather scroll than middle click05:37
KXTwomongo: is there a huge difference in the quality of the graphics?05:37
KXTwoalso when I log out I do not see an option to use unity 2d05:38
KXTwomongo:  found it05:38
KXTwomongo: dude this is WAY faster but using about the same memory, whats the deal?05:39
mongoKXTwo: unity 3d expects quit a bit of hardware accelerated graphics05:39
mongoquite even05:39
KXTwomongo: thank you thank you so much, there are so many knowledeable people here but you are the first to realize that was my problem05:40
KXTwomongo: alt tab is working properly now05:40
KXTwomongo: i might just cry05:40
KXTwomongo: is 64 megs enough for unity 2d or shoudl I up that a little bit on the gpu?05:40
calmpitbullhow come i cant get new 2.8 gimp05:41
mongoKXTwo: for 2D you should be fine05:41
xangua!latest | calmpitbull05:41
ubottucalmpitbull: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:41
xanguathere are very few exceptions like firefox05:42
calmpitbullubottu: thx05:42
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:42
calmpitbullubottu: no you are not05:42
ubottucalmpitbull: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:42
calmpitbullubottu: but u are :)05:42
ubottucalmpitbull: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:42
KXTwomongo: is there anything else I can do to get this to run more efficiently other than dropping a gui all together.  Is unity 2d where I should stay at?  Also is there a way to make it default to unity 2d?05:43
calmpitbullKXTwo: u can do that in login screen05:43
KXTwocalmpitbull: yah thats how i got in this tiem but it was an option I had to switch to will it default to 2d each time now?05:44
calmpitbullKXTwo: u do it once and that is it05:45
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kkraussI have a dumb question too.  what exacty IS unity?  I thought it was another desktop environment but apparantly im actually running gnome 3.4.1?05:45
kkrausssorry if my questions are annoying but I am more about understanding the details not just accomplishing my goals05:46
xanguakkrauss: unity is a shell for gnome, like the official gnome shell: gnome-shell05:46
kkraussok so its just the front end?  So far Im not a huge fan, should I continue with it?  What is the general consensus on it?  How hard is it to switch back to gnome shell? I think my mint machine uses the gnome shell.05:47
calmpitbullunity is the best...faster than gnome and kde05:48
calmpitbullu need to learn about shortcuts05:48
kkrausscalmpitbull, as in?05:48
calmpitbullwin keys and numbers05:48
kkraussI like my gnome-shell on my other laptop, the super key menu is mo better05:48
kkrausscalmpitbull, I do not know them all but im familiar with many, how is that relevant?05:49
visoredanyone have a guess as to why my network connection on my ubuntu file server randomly becomes slow? RDP connections are badly lagged, and file transfers take like 10 times as long05:49
visoredit randomly fixes itself after a few hours05:49
visoredand it seems to happen every so often05:49
calmpitbullkkrauss: for me is faster cuz i dont use mouse05:49
kkrausscalmpitbull, I do a little bit, but the average person will.  Remember what ubuntu s goal is, linux for average people05:49
kkrausscalmpitbull, is unity really all that faster, I cant fairly compare since my other laptop ihas better hardware, but linux mint smokes on there05:50
Aeryndaarselig5: so I got this after I tried to execute/install the driver, should I just 'edit anyway'?05:50
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kkraussI dont even need a swap on that one05:50
JZApplesIf I want to use ATI proprietary drivers in 12.04 do I still modify /etc/x11/xorg.conf?  It doesn't appear to exist.05:50
calmpitbullkkrauss: yes i know but after a while ull get to the point where ull just be in terminal window :)05:50
kkraussbtw guys I am KXTwo for those of you who didnt figure that out05:50
kkraussiin school thats all I used was a terminal05:51
kkraussI like both depending on what im doing05:51
calmpitbullwell for me 70% is terminal05:51
kkraussi notice that in unity when you maximize a window it actually maximises it to the window bar, and window icons are on the left05:51
kkrausscalmpitbull, I like both, but I like a GUI for the most part05:52
Aaron_`Getting quite desperate for help here.  I have a FTP server set up under windows at location A.  I have a windows AND a linux box set up at location B.  The windows box at location B can connect and use the FTP server, however the Lunix box at location B will let me log in, however when I issue a command, put or ls for example, it times out.05:52
jorges23hola de mexico05:52
kkrausscalmpitbull, do you do this for a living or for fun or both/05:52
calmpitbullboth...but mostly fun05:52
kkrausscalmpitbull, the next thing I want to do is use an older machine I have as a server05:54
kkrausscalmpitbull, at the ver least I want a web server where I can host a dokuwiki05:54
calmpitbullkkrauss: when u maximize window in unity u lose windows icons...05:54
kkrausscalmpitbull, obviously I dont want a GUI on that one, so alllll shell baby.05:54
calmpitbulli love shell05:54
kkrausscalmpitbull, my question to you is, what is your opinion, should I just install ubuntu server05:54
kkrausscalmpitbull, OR should I install a virtual server, then have multiple VM's, one for web server, one for DNS, one for File server etc?05:55
jorges23hello good nite05:55
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calmpitbullthat is a good idea too05:56
kkrausscalmpitbull, I have some experience with vm's but not much, though a colleague of mine suggest I do it that way, and have separate VM's for each thing I want to do05:56
calmpitbullthan do it like that05:56
kkrausscalmpitbull, you think VM's are better?  May I ask why, are there pro's and con's?05:57
calmpitbullmaybe i should do that to my old machine05:57
kkrausscalmpitbull, I doubt some one of your level would needa ny help but I have a wiki on how to set up a virtual server and vm's lol05:57
calmpitbulldont know man but now i am thinking to do that to my old machine05:57
calmpitbullim noob at server too05:58
calmpitbulljust installed ubuntu server but never used it, no time05:58
kkrausshave you set up virtual servers before?05:58
JZApplesCan someone help me install ATI's proprietary drivers for my radeon 9600?05:58
kkraussoh shit05:58
kkraussmaybe I can be of use05:58
calmpitbulldo it man :)05:58
kkraussI just graduated with a degree in comp sci and hpc, but I have a LOT to learn.  that is how I set up my vm server using squeeze05:59
kkraussanother thing I want to be able to do is isntalling an OS over the network.06:00
jorges23hola alguien de mexico o al menos que habla espa ol06:00
kkraussThe setup at my school is what made me want to do what im doing.  I set up my spare room and want to continue my doku wiki from school.06:00
calmpitbullkkrauss: good06:01
kkraussthe only thing that sucks about the other system I have is that it dos not support usb boot, so ill have to burn a cd when I decide how to do it.06:02
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calmpitbullthat should not be a problem06:03
kkraussI dont know if you looked at my wiki but I used squeeze for that project06:04
calmpitbulljust glanced06:05
kkraussI think squeeze is just a distro, I think it can be done with any distro06:05
calmpitbulldont know man like i sad noob at that06:06
uwhi performance issue when viewing pictures.  in a folder with a bunch of pictures, each about 4-6MB in size.  scrolling through fine but when I come to a picture that is vertical, takes Eye of GNOME about 4-10seconds to view picture.  Has anyone seen this before?  Using Eye of GNOME 2.30.006:06
kkrausswell tomorrow I will start playing with this06:06
kkraussnow that this system is up and running06:06
kkraussthis will be the work machine for the office06:06
kkraussnow to get the server up and running06:06
calmpitbullill make my old comp a cloud :)06:07
kkrausswhat do you mean?06:07
kkraussto me the cloud is the internet lol06:08
kkraussas you can see i'm no dummy but have holes in my knowledge, as until I went back to school I only learned hwat i was immediately interested in to accomplish something.06:08
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lekuwhat is a good text based audio player?06:12
Ben64leku: mplayer?06:13
beejuwhere can I easily find the bugs  filed on Launchpad by myself?06:14
crizisbeeju: click on your username at top right corner -> bugs06:14
beejucrizis, thanx, now I got it.06:15
aeon-ltdleku: look into mpd and its frontends, i personally recommend mpd+ncmpcpp06:15
kkraussanyone know why when I tried to generate a key my terminal just hung?06:16
dr_williswhat kind of key06:16
dr_willisand the exact command you are using?06:17
kkraussive done this before its just hanging06:17
kkraussssh keygen -t rsa06:17
lekuwhat about an IM client, like naim?06:17
lekubut that works with gtalk?06:17
JMichael|workis there a reason why, for example, PPA repos and us.archive.ubuntu.com are just death-defyingly slow right now?06:18
kkraussnvm im an idiot06:18
dr_williskkrauss:  missing a dash?06:18
kkraussyes sir06:19
dr_willis;) thought that was a typo...  i was about to say i alwsya use ssh-keygen myself06:19
kkraussdr_willis, heres a question06:20
kkrausswhenever ive done this in the past I have been one of many users on a system, this is my first tiem doing it on my own system06:20
kkraussthe default for the key files is /root/.ssh06:20
kkraussive always done it /home/user/.ssh06:20
kkraussdoes it matter?06:20
dr_willisthe root user has his own key. as does each user06:21
dr_willisnot surew you need a key for root.06:21
virtuapostahi everybody... need li'l help here :-/06:21
dr_willisyou shouldent be sshing in as root anyway06:21
lekutru dat06:21
kkraussI cant even get into /root06:21
kkraussso that won't work06:21
virtuapostait is showing /usr 100% full but utilized 9.2 GB of space out of 9.7 GB.. even I removed some logs measuring 2 GB but the changes are not getting reflected... when I do du -h over /usr it shows 5.2 GB of total utilized space... any thoughts over this?06:21
kkraussnot sure why thats the default06:21
lekuyou shouldn't be ssh'ing AS 'root', or INTO a box as 'root'06:22
dr_willisyou ran keygen as root? its not the default here06:22
kkraussI had to su into my log in06:22
kkraussfor it to default to my home directory06:22
dr_willissounds weird....06:23
kkraussoh shoot now to copy that key06:24
StavaHow do I restart (stop and start) the unity dash/menu?06:25
dr_willisStava:  unity --replace     normally06:25
Stavadr_willis: Seems I have a unity menu on both my monitors, and I thought restarting unity would help but it seems it didnt06:26
Stavanormally there's only one menu06:26
kkraussdr_willis, how would you copy the pub key file from one machine on one network to one on another?06:27
dr_williskkrauss:  i tend to use ssh-copy-id06:27
Stavadr_willis: Also "The program 'unity' is not installed". I'm using unity 2d06:27
dr_willisStava:   tru unityd --replace perhaps..  i dont use u2d.06:28
dr_willisunity2d --replace06:28
kkraussdr_willis, out of curiosity will that automatically append?06:28
dr_williskkrauss:  never noticed. im just a home lan user06:29
Stavadr_willis: seems i have none of those programs06:29
kkrausshm not sure if I did this right or not06:30
trijntjeHi all, ever since I tried to install 'lord of ultima' I keep getting an error when updating:W: Fetching https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/commercial-ppa-uploaders/lordofultima/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages failed.  The requested URL returned error: 40306:31
trijntje 06:31
trijntjehow can I fix this anoying error?06:31
kkraussaha it worked!06:31
kkraussI was using scp before06:31
kkraussdr_willis, in other version of ubuntu I could move the window control buttons back to the right side, can that be done with unity/06:32
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263306:33
rexhey anyone know what pkg lets you drag your window to the far right edge of desktop to move it to another desktop,rather than pin it to the current?06:35
kkraussdr_willis, Why dont they just make it an option you can access easily instead of using terminal lol06:36
dr_willisrex that used to be a compiz feature i recall.06:36
kkraussalso the current work around doesnt change it for when maximized06:36
dr_williskkrauss:  its a per theme setting. some themes do move them to the right hand side06:36
kapzanyone knows of laptop-hardware channel?06:36
crizisrex: i guess disabling 'snap' plugin with compizconfig could help06:36
crizisthat's the beast doing the edge snapping at least06:37
kkraussalright well I have learned enough for today, I will be back tomorrow to syphon what I can from the channel06:37
kinichIf I install a package using dpkg -i , will apt-get recognize that package as installed and won't try to install it again?06:37
dr_williskkrauss:  because when mazed tthey are not part of the window any more06:37
kinichsay if I do 'apt-get -d install openssh-server'06:37
kkrausstomorrow hopefully starts my virtual server setup06:37
kinichcopy the .deb somewhere else06:37
kinichinstall it using dpkg, will apt-get recognize it as installed if I do 'apt-get install openssh-server' ?06:37
kkrauss 06:38
dr_williskinich:  dpkg and apt know what eath other did06:38
kkraussby chance you arent using xchat are you?06:38
kinichkkrauss: me?06:38
kinichirssi here06:39
kkraussI cant figure out how to get it to connect automatically06:39
kinichthanks dr_willis !06:39
kkraussI dont see anything in the options06:39
dr_williskkrauss:  under the server settings. a autoconnect checkbox06:39
kkraussonce where we thought but got it figure dout06:42
kkraussok im out for real guys06:42
kkraussthanks to all who help, see you tomorrow06:42
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skulltipanyone else have a problem with 12.04 and QT Creator?  I can't drag and drop widgets to the client area, they disappear when i release the mouse06:52
ubuntui just installed ubuntu06:53
skulltipahah!..  http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-48761.html06:53
ubuntuit's cool i guess06:53
xkillTitle: QT Upgraded - Can't add Widgets to UI [Archive] - Qt Centre Forum (at www.qtcentre.org)06:53
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belgianguyis there a way to find out what caused a "hard lockup"?06:54
belgianguyof two CPUs06:55
Jordan_Uxkill: Please disable that script.06:55
xkillJordan_U: Error: "Please" is not a valid command.06:55
skulltipgoing to try a reboot, seems that may be an answer06:55
belgianguyor perhaps why I get a warped screen between login screen and actual desktop?06:57
belgianguycould that have to do with my ATI card?06:57
belgianguyor because at one point in time there was Plymouth installed?06:57
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noneVIZORS are a threat to soul society07:05
Jordan_U!ot | none07:05
ubottunone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:05
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chrongenany redhat helpers?07:09
Jordan_Uchrongen: Possibly in #rhel07:10
chrongencan't go there, jordan07:11
linuxfreakerI have .zip format file but dont have unzip command. How shall I use tar to unzip it?07:12
linuxfreakerI ran that command couple of months back but forgot07:12
tnmhellow! is there any program that sends my email everytime IP of computer changes?07:12
linuxfreakertnm: You need to write a scriot07:13
linuxfreakertnm: script07:13
wylde!zip | linuxfreaker07:13
ubottulinuxfreaker: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression07:13
Jordan_U!register | chrongen07:13
ubottuchrongen: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:13
linuxfreakerwylde: No Zip command07:13
chrongenis there a redhat chan? Can't jump to #rhel like Jordan proposed.07:13
linuxfreakerwylde: No GUI07:13
tnmlinuxfreaker, i'm not very good at that.... :S07:14
Jordan_Uchrongen: The redhat channel is #rhel, you probably need to be registered to join it. For more help on using freenode please join #freenode (this is #ubuntu, for Ubuntu support discussion only).07:14
Aritzhi everybody07:14
wyldelinuxfreaker: apt-cache search unzip ?07:14
linuxfreakerwylde: Not showing anything07:15
chrongencheers jordan....i mis mirc07:15
Aritzanyone familiar how to monitor the ip stack buffer(or queue) in linux07:15
linuxfreakerAritz: strace07:15
Aritzim new in this field, any good reference is appreciated07:15
wyldelinuxfreaker: really that's odd http://paste.ubuntu.com/990249/07:16
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linuxfreakerwylde: -z, --gzip, --gunzip, --ungzip07:16
linuxfreakerwylde: man tar07:16
linuxfreaker-z shud work07:16
linuxfreakerwylde: I will try it07:16
linuxfreakertar -gunzip shud work..i guess07:17
mardraumyou guess wrong07:18
wylde!find unzip | linuxfreaker07:19
ubottulinuxfreaker: Found: unzip, lunzip, lunzip-dbg07:19
n00bguyhi fellow ubuntu brethren :)07:19
wylde!info unzip | linuxfreaker07:19
ubottulinuxfreaker: unzip (source: unzip): De-archiver for .zip files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0-4ubuntu1 (precise), package size 173 kB, installed size 412 kB07:19
n00bguyeverytime i try to upgrade my ubuntu 12.0407:19
AeryndaarHey guys. I have a question. I'm trying to install the proprietary driver for NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M. Downloaded the driver already as a .run file, tried to run it as an executable but that met with encoding issues. Apparently since it's a video card driver, I need to turn off x11 first (get out of GUI). What should I do to get this thing installed?07:19
n00bguyi get this error on terminal07:19
newbiedemon1how are you07:20
wilee-nileen00bguy, is 12.04 your only install?07:20
richtroyearitz if Ubuntu distributes iftop, you might like to try that out for monitoring your ip stack07:20
Aritzrichtroye: thank you very much =)07:21
richtroyeYou're welcome!  It's quite nifty.07:21
n00bguy@wilee-nilee here is a screenshot07:22
Aeryndaar(continued from above...) I tried to edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf and change RUN_LEVE = 1 by running in command-only mode, but when I was trying to access the folder where my file is located, it is apparently encripted, and I get a message that says "keyctl_search: Required key not available     Perhaps try the interactive 'encryptfs-mount-private'". What should I do to have things be decrypted?07:22
wilee-nileen00bguy, 12.10 is in development upgrading if you have stuff there you can't loose is not really advised07:22
wyldeAeryndaar: ctrl+alt+f1 ---> Login ---> sudo lightdm stop ---> sudo ./blahblah.run07:23
Aritzrichtroye: its sth that is not native in ubuntu right? i have to download the iftop then?07:23
wilee-nileen00bguy, you mean a update upgrade not a upgrade to 12.10 right?07:24
wilee-nileen00bguy, it is telling you to try this,  sudo apt-get -f install07:25
Aeryndaarwylde (lol sorry im noob just got ubuntu 3 days ago) how would i get out of that virtual command-only environment later?07:25
n00bguyi tried running sudo apt-get -f install, but it still complains http://i.imgur.com/HvMzV.png07:26
n00bguyplz help me ppl...cant figure this out :(07:26
wyldeAeryndaar: after it's installed start lightdm again ( sudo service lightdm start ). Although, I don't recall if it will want to reboot or not. If it does it should start as normal using the new driver.07:26
wilee-nileen00bguy, Do you have synaptic installed?07:27
n00bguyi think so07:27
wilee-nileen00bguy, go there and look in custom filters and at broken packages07:28
n00bguy@wilee-nilee, how can i force apt to libwbcclient0 & samb-common the versions it wants07:28
wilee-nileen00bguy, Don't know really I have never had to do a force07:29
n00bguy@wilee-nilee, found 2 broken pkgs in synaptic, what next ?07:30
n00bguyremove them ?07:30
n00bguywinbind & libpam-winbind07:30
wilee-nileen00bguy, might just need to be installed from there or removed, hard to say from here.07:30
wilee-nileen00bguy, I have had upgrades blocked by a broken package that when just installed cleared up the problem.07:33
rex_anyone install ubuntu or know of installing ubuntu on the new 27 inch imac?07:33
n00bguy@wilee-nilee, winbind & libpam-winbind, both of which have unmet dependencies, they want libwbclient0 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2 (instead of 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1 ); & samba-common 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2 (instead of 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.1)07:33
Aeryndaarwylde: thanks. I'm going to apt-get update first, then possibly I may need to sign on here on another PC while this get ctrl+alt+F1'd07:34
n00bguy@wilee-nilee, do i have a newer version than what it wants to satisfy dependencies ?07:34
wilee-nileen00bguy, Not sure really I don't think I can really definitively answer that, a bit outside my pay range. :)07:35
n00bguy@wilee-nilee, in my case how to really install a particular version of those 2 dep packages,  libwbclient & samba-common07:35
wilee-nileen00bguy, not sure like I said not really an area I know, per-say.07:36
richtroyearag0rn__ You can do 'sudo apt-get install iftop'07:37
n00bguy@wilee-nilee, thanks buddy, will try removing, upgrading & then reinstalling07:37
richtroyeAritz  You can do 'sudo apt-get install iftop'07:38
n00bguythanks @wilee-nilee, upgrade now seems to be working after removing the 2 broken packages from synaptic....i need to learn more cmd line fu :)07:45
wilee-nileen00bguy, you figured it out though, the broken package area is where I always look first. :)07:45
Lathahow r u07:50
fidel_hi Latha - this is a support-channel. so general chat isnt that usual inhere. #ubuntu-offtopic might be interesting for you for general chat07:51
fidel_focus inhere is support/troubleshooting07:51
AeryndaarHey guys07:54
AeryndaarSo I just did ctrl+alt+F107:54
Aeryndaarthen tried sudo lightdm stop07:54
Aeryndaarapparently the command-only environment crashed?07:54
Aeryndaarand lightdm is still on07:55
Aeryndaarnow im back to the normal interphase07:55
auronandacesudo service lightdm stop07:55
Aeryndaarctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work now.07:55
AeryndaarThat's what I typed after ctrl+alt+f1 earlier (after logging in my own account of course)07:55
Aeryndaarand that's what caused the crash07:55
AeryndaarI'm trying to install a proprietary video driver07:56
maximb I've mounted a windows share and it's currently owned by a root /mnt/share - even if I try to change ownership to me via sudo chown -r username , it won't change it - why ?07:57
krababbelAeryndaar: can't you login to desktop?07:57
Aeryndaarkrababbel I am in desktop right now07:57
AeryndaarLike the NORMAL desktop07:57
krababbelwhy do you want to stop lighdm? just install the driver07:58
AeryndaarI tried that earlier07:58
AeryndaarI thought I need to stop the x server07:58
Aeryndaarbecause when I tried to run the .run file as an executable earlier07:59
Aeryndaarin the end I got an encoding error or some sort07:59
Aeryndaarkrababbel: this is a screenshot08:00
krababbelAeryndaar: what driver?08:00
krababbelit's in the official packages08:00
AeryndaarNVIDIA-Linux-x86_64.275.19.run for NVIDIA GeForce 540M08:01
krababbeldon't use that08:01
AeryndaarI downloaded it from nvidia's website08:01
AeryndaarThen what should I use for installing that proprietary nvidia driver?08:01
krababbelrestriced driver option in system settings08:02
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:03
AeryndaarI also tried to do a bunch of other things earlier and they didn't work. Not sure if you seen my post from earlier: Hey guys. I have a question. I'm trying to install the proprietary driver for NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M. Downloaded the driver already as a .run file, tried to run it as an executable but that met with encoding issues. Apparently since it's a video card driver, I need to turn off x11 first (get out of GUI). What should I do to08:03
Aeryndaarget this thing installed? I tried to edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf and change RUN_LEVE = 1 by running in command-only mode, but when I was trying to access the folder where my file is located, it is apparently encripted, and I get a message that says "keyctl_search: Required key not available     Perhaps try the interactive 'encryptfs-mount-private'". What should I do to have things be decrypted?08:03
Aeryndaarkrababber so yeah that's what I've tried to do...08:04
Aeryndaarkrababbel * typo08:04
TomatoKetchupdamn, just got rhythmbox to crash twice08:05
Aeryndaar_PC2computer switch :}08:08
=== Aeryndaar_PC2 is now known as Aeryndaar
linuxfreakermaximb: tar -Z works08:11
maximblinuxfreaker: how would tar help me "write/delete" files in that share as "me" ?08:12
* nikolja dobar dan08:15
fidel_!en > nikolja08:16
ubottunikolja, please see my private message08:16
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DJones!hr | nikolja08:18
ubottunikolja: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr08:18
nikoljait's a serbian, but never mind :)08:19
DJonesnikolja: Sorry about that08:20
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stiv2kany idea how to get lirc working in ubuntu 12.0408:25
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vuokkowhat's the topic?08:38
DJones!ubuntu | vuokko08:39
ubottuvuokko: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:39
dr_willisubuntu support ;008:39
sveinseHi. Is there a PPA with subversion 1.7 somewhere (for Precise)?08:39
dr_willisand cool 12.04 features08:39
dr_willistheres a ppa search site/tools i recall sveinse08:40
dr_willis!find  ppasearch08:40
ubottuPackage/file ppasearch does not exist in precise08:40
dr_willishmm. may not be in the  defaul.t repos08:40
=== william is now known as Guest6778
killerhi guys..........can u help me how to add wikipedia lens to ubuntu08:41
AziLdo it your self08:41
dr_williskiller i used the webupd8 ppa for it i think08:41
dr_willisneat lens. very well done and handy08:42
killerdr_willis : can u give me the ppa08:43
dr_williskiller check the webupd8 site for the commands to add/install it08:43
ChristopherNgdr bruce willis what are you talking about?08:44
TBarthhello, on Ubuntu 12 Java Webstart doesnt work anymore. It doesnt load all the java archive to get the java application startet. I always get an exception ! Can you help me?08:45
dr_willistry the other java versions TBarth ?08:46
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:46
TBarthdr_willis, I only use the oracle version08:46
TBarthI ve installed it correctly as described in this docu wiki http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Java/Installation/Oracle_Java08:50
TBarthJava 7 JDK08:51
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dr_willisid say check askubuntu.com TBarth  see if others  have same issue08:54
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glosoliIs there any way to use themes terminal in reminna ?08:55
glosoliI mean the one I use in my system to be used in Remmina08:55
glosoliI want white background08:55
mashtonHi All. I have a question regarding Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop. I am using alt-tab to switch between applications. If I have more than one instance of a particular app open (e.g. 3 instances of nautilus), then pausing over that icon opens up a view of those open windows (then I can use the arrow keys to pick a specific instance). Is there a way of closing a selected instance from that alt-tab view?08:56
dr_willisyou  could run different terminal apps with different settings i guess glosoli08:56
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glosolidr_willis: so it depends on my ssh config ?08:57
glosoliI mean Terminal in ssh08:57
dr_willisglosoli:  not sure what you mean.08:57
glosoliin Reminna08:57
glosoliwhen I connect to ssh08:57
glosoliMy terminal is black08:58
glosoliin my sys its white08:58
dr_willisi normally just ssh from a gnome-terminal08:58
dr_willisdifferent terminal apps can have different color settings08:59
dr_willisi think gnome-terminal can even do different color schemes on a per tab basis09:00
glosolidr_willis: in Reminna09:03
subb1hello all !09:03
glosolidr_willis: you can't adjust terminal colors, reminna has embedded terminal dunno which one or what even09:03
subb1like yahoo messenger for win, what are other video supported chat IMs for linux ( other than skype)...09:03
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin09:04
subb1I require IM clients which support video calls.09:06
jenenliuhello guys09:06
subb1any idea guys?09:07
anoshi dudes, how can i set oracle linux repositories during installation?09:07
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dr_willisoracle has linux repos? never noticed09:08
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
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intoreHi, i can't mount the users home directory from a ldap-samba server on the clients at login time. i installed pam_mount but the configuration is not correct i think. I want that the user home directory in /users/username on the server will be mount on the client on /home/username. this is the command-output and the pam_mount.conf.: http://paste.debian.net/169030/09:12
AeryndaarAh sweet. I just figured out how to finally enable backspace key to back 1 page on Firefox09:13
VictorCLI once installed a  email server to work in my ubuntu machine to be use with an gmail account, but I dont remember what I did .. how can I check?09:13
gabyhello everybody - please iam looking for email grabber for ubuntu and  i dont know any - i even search on google - and i didnt reach any thing - any help ?09:15
mosnoright, i'm getting strange glitches where HTML fields and my address bar in firefox goes black09:15
mosnowhat is up with this?09:15
mosnodoesn't happen under debian or centos09:16
killerhi guys...can u help me how to install this:"http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/UbuntuLogo.2?content=61835"09:16
mosnoam in a gnome shell session09:16
gabyhello everybody - please iam looking for email grabber for ubuntu and  i dont know any - i even search on google - and i didnt reach any thing - any help ?09:17
JacruthHi there. I need help. I have this error: ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction. And this is my log: http://seduccioncientifica.com/foro/kern.log09:17
Aeryndaargaby: thunderbird?09:18
Aeryndaaruse the ubuntu software center09:18
gabythis is not a grabber Aeryndaar09:18
gabyAeryndaar -- i  need to get emails of companies to send them offers09:19
Aeryndaargaby: oh oops I read that wrong. my bad09:19
sirriffsalotAnyone know how wine sound can be fed through JACK?09:19
wilee-nileegaby, I use a firefox addon that will  let you list multiple email accounts.09:19
Wiz_KeeDhey guys how do i find out if i have disabled my wired network interface?09:20
Aeryndaargaby: like this? http://www.emailextrator.org/Download/download.html linux version09:20
dr_willisso you are  basically wanting to manage a mailing list?09:20
Wiz_KeeDi have the cable connected but still it shows nothing09:20
sirriffsalotWiz_KeeD: Are you on unity?09:20
wilee-nileeWiz_KeeD, right click the network manager09:20
Aeryndaargaby: see if that's what you wanted09:21
gabythe link is not working aeryndaar09:21
Wiz_KeeDi see the wired connection09:21
Wiz_KeeDAuto eth0 Last used Never...wtf09:21
gabywilee-nilee - i dont want multible email accounts , i want to grab or extract emails of websites09:22
Aeryndaargaby: http://www.emailextractor.org/Download/download.html oops09:22
Aeryndaargaby: missed a c lol09:22
Aeryndaargaby: I had to type it from another computer09:22
gabyAeryndaar : but this is a bin file - how can i install it09:24
msquarmehow to configure wireless network in ubuntu 10.04 Lts?09:24
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Aeryndaargaby: http://www.digitalfacts.net/2011/04/how-to-install-bin-file-in-ubuntu.html09:25
Aeryndaarthat walks you through quite well :)09:25
Aeryndaarhopefully it helps09:25
Aeryndaar+x makes it an executable file09:26
gabyAeryndaar : also this is to send multiple mails ..... i need a soft ware that allows me to GRAB emails09:26
TBarthIs GTK still used in Ubuntu LTS 12???09:26
AeryndaarI'm out of ideas :( Sorry09:26
AeryndaarI tried.09:26
dr_willisTBarth: gtk3 i belive09:27
Anomie21Is this proper syntax for a cronjob? ::: 30 * * * * "/etc/mysql -u root -p cpub456852 -e "update wp_postmeta set meta_value = replace(meta_value, '<img src="', '') where meta_key='image';"\""09:27
hawkeyeGTK 3 lol09:27
dr_willis!info gtk09:27
ubottuPackage gtk does not exist in precise09:27
dr_willis!find gtk09:28
ubottuFound: appmenu-gtk, appmenu-gtk3, checkbox-gtk, emacs23, emacs23-nox, empathy-common, gftp-gtk, gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk-0.4, gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4, gir1.2-gtk-2.0 (and 495 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gtk&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all09:28
damarianyone know why archive.ubuntu.com is down?09:28
damaricant apt-get update atm hrm09:28
dr_willisdamari:  been having issues for a day or  now09:29
hawkeye@damari ; get main server09:29
damariim trying to figure out main server =)09:29
damariits not eu.arc.. or us.arch ... :)09:29
hawkeyelook software repos09:29
damariahh thx. not used with GUI T_T09:30
damarisweet thx yet again09:32
virparahow to enable/disable mobile broadband?09:32
aQuteI have created a live usb for ubuntu 12.04 now I am trying to install it with windows 7 the problem is whenever I select install ubuntu inside windows 7 the setup exits can anybody hep me her e?09:32
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
dr_willisaQute:  you really want to use wubi? it can be problematic09:33
virparathrough terminal09:34
aQuteI tried with boot menu also same thing heppens09:34
JacruthHello, I'm using the latest release and I need to set  acpi=off in my menu.lst. As far as I know, since Grub2, it doesn't exist. So, where could I set it?09:34
dr_willisJacruth:  /etc/default/grub the rerun update-grub09:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:35
aQutedr_willis: I am using unetbootin to create  the disk09:35
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dr_willisaQute:  for a wubi install you just need the iso and the wubi exe in the same dir. no need to put it on a usb09:36
dr_willisi dont like or reccomend using wubi09:36
aQutedr_willis: i tried using boot installer also09:37
aQutesame results :( , are you sure we can install with windows 7 using a live cd ??09:37
dr_willisif you want to test out ubuntu, id do it in virtualbox09:37
Jacruthey dr_willis, do you know what differences are between setting acpi=off in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT or GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX?09:37
indierossim trying to add a startup command i need to run 2 commands in the same entry, xbmx-wiiremote and then just xbmc. whats the proper way to add that in09:37
dr_willisaQute:  most people install along side windows from cd/usb09:38
indierossthere need to be a slight pause after running xbmx-wiiremote09:38
aQutedr_willis: I have already tested it and its awesome :) the only problem is i can t play games in ubuntu properly ;)09:38
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
dr_willisindieross:  make a script, put it in the .config/autorun dir  it will run when you login09:39
killercan anyone help me to change system sounds in 12.0409:39
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot09:39
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dr_willisi mthink that factoid is outdated09:40
JensenDananyone knows a sms gateway not hard to setup, and working so that i can send sms by mysql ?09:40
archboxmandr_willis: little off if using another windows enviroment ;{09:41
indierossdr_willis, what would be my syntax though09:41
dr_willisarchboxman:  that autostart dir works for most of them these days09:41
virparahello can anyone help me with terminal commands?09:41
dr_willisindieross:  details needed..    scripting guides are out there.09:42
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/09:42
archboxmandr_willis: running unity... not openbox or lubuntu, xubuntu or other flavors09:42
archboxmandont forget cron jobs..09:43
dr_willisarchboxman:  that .confug/autostart thing works with unity, gnome, kde, and xfce  and lxde i think09:43
indierossdr_willis, i was thinking xbmc-wiiremote && sleep 2 && xbmc09:43
archboxmandr_willis: would have to install ubuntu to find out09:43
dr_willisone commqnd per line with a & after them. except for the sleep one09:44
dr_willisfoo &09:44
dr_willissleep 609:44
dr_willisfoo &09:44
Neo84Hi all Need help09:44
indierossso then xbmc-wiiremote & sleep 6 && xbmc09:44
Neo84I want  to remove side panel in 12.0409:45
Neo84how todo that09:45
dr_willisNeo84:  use some other desktop09:45
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:45
Neo84How to do that ?09:45
indierossNeo84 install gnome-fallback-session09:45
indierosssudo apt-get install gnome-fallback-session09:45
Neo84While loggin it's not giving me classic option09:45
dr_willisi perfer unity09:45
Neo84yeah but's it's to process expensive and I have an old laptop09:46
indierossunity is a pain to open apps if you dont know what ur looking for09:46
indierosshttp://i.imgur.com/0GnZs.png eres my ubuntu desktop09:47
dr_willisuse unity2d or lubuntu on low end hardware09:47
indierossgnome-fallback-session with compiz09:47
indierossand awn09:47
dr_willisi have a gnome classic menu in my unity..   ;)09:47
archboxmandr_willis: want to play with unity and new search feature will have to destroy my linux mint distro and install lubuntu for low ress even though good enough to handle most ..09:48
vltHello. What pkg do I need to be able to run add-apt-repository?09:49
indierossits already installed by default09:49
dr_willis!find add-app-repository09:49
ubottuPackage/file add-app-repository does not exist in precise09:49
vltindieross: No, it isn't in my debootstrapped install of 12.0409:50
indierossjust run it as sudo09:50
vltThe binary ships with pkg python-software-properties.09:51
virparahello how to enable/disable mobile broadband from terminal?09:52
Neo84indieross it is saying gnome-fallback-session09:57
=== adv_ is now known as adv__
ecolitani would like to prepare for a release upgrade 10.04-12.04, but want to just download all the packages. Is it possible to stop at this step?10:04
dr_willisecolitan:  i think the alternative installer cd can sort of upgrade that way10:04
SharkMuttleworthYes... you need to watch really carefully, and hit cancel at the exact moment10:05
dr_willisthe cd can work as  local repo10:05
zoozhi people10:05
zoozwow so many of you10:05
sirriffsalotecolitan: if you want to avoid not being able to use your computer for a day, wait a month or two before using 12.0410:05
sirriffsalotecolitan: unless of course you need 12.0410:05
zoozwhat is the difference between server and desktop editions?10:05
dr_willisserv3rs have been slow the last few days10:05
ecolitanits a remove vm machine, there is no way I can sit and wait to hit cancel10:05
dr_williszooz:  server has no desktop gui10:05
zoozdr_willis, and no way to install a gui?10:06
Neo84Hi all how to go to classic mode in 12.04. 'gnome-fallback-session' is not working10:06
dr_williszooz:  of course you can install whatever you want10:06
=== xxx is now known as Guest72898
NarcHello everyone. I'm trying to install Ubuntu from a USB key on a friend's damned iMac. I followed the wiki and a lot of other howtos to no avail, the mac doesn't even see the USB drive. Now I installed rEFIt and I'm trying to boot the install CD from a partition. Any suggestions on how to succeed ? Thanks10:21
adv__Narc: done that on PC no idea for MAC10:22
adv__using Vbox to run it along side win10:22
SharkMuttleworthNarc: But the iMac already has a nice operating system...10:23
ikoniaNarc: if the mac isn't seeing the usb drive either there is a problem with that pen drive, or it wasn't created properly10:23
NarcSharkMuttleworth: It's not mine, no sarcasm please :-D10:24
ikoniaNarc: is there a reason you are not just burning a CD and booting from it ?10:24
adv__Narc: wht is the format of fs ext2~3~4??10:24
Narcikonia: The superdrive DVD drive in the iMac is dead10:24
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Narcikonia: It sees Mac OS X install on that same pen drive but not Linux install10:25
adv__Narc: Make bootable USB on win, via Vbox and try it on Mac10:25
Narcadv__: I used every possible filesystem available in disk utility on Mac OS, mac os extended with GUID partition table, and FAT10:26
ikoniaNarc: so it's more realistic that the usb pen drive has not had the linux component put on it correctly to boot10:26
Narcikonia: I followed the wiki to the letter 5 times... I tried creating it manually, I used Startup Disk Creator on Ubuntu, I tried cloning the ISO... Any suggestions ?10:27
ikoniaNarc: not really, I've never had a problem (apart from if I've made a mistake creating the usb boot image)10:28
ikoniaNarc: tried booting it on another machine (non-mac / mac)10:28
Narcikonia: Ok, so chances are I'm doing something wrong10:29
Narcikonia: I'll try again and check on my laptop10:29
ikoniaNarc: annoyingly it does sound that way10:29
usuario_in spain coño10:29
usuario_fuck you10:29
Narcikonia: Thanks for your help, it must be user error again...10:30
ikoniaNarc: it does sound that way annoyingly, although debugging it will be tedious10:30
adv__Narc, does MAC have Virtualbox?10:31
adv__try that10:31
Russel-Athletichiho, i have a problem with some of my computers:10:32
Narcadv__: I will if I really can't get the installer to boot10:32
Russel-Athleticthey just crash at randomly, no response and no tty, they are new machines and it happens with latest lts and 2 versions before that10:32
Russel-Athletic/var/log/syslog doesn't tell me anything and i don't know where else to look10:32
adv__There is virtualbox for ubuntu if u have access to any other ubuntu system try it on that...10:33
adv__btw which ubuntu ver?10:33
Russel-Athleticthey are in a nis with /home over nfs if this matters10:33
SharkMuttleworthI'd recommend VMWare over Virtualbox10:34
adv__Have no idea of VMWare....got to try that too10:35
adv__ok bye, laters10:35
=== onats_ is now known as onats
karniHi folks! Another question - Pidgin IM tray icon does not blink (the blue envelope on Unity). Any way to turn on blinking?10:37
karniI think this depends on the system really, so it's not a Pidgin bug in itself.10:38
karniBut is pretty frustrating for my friend using ubuntu. Static blue envelope does not catch your attention as a blinking one.10:38
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=== ubuntu is now known as Guest37316
Fudgeanyone built vmware on precise successfully,  vmplayer 4.0.310:41
ritzhi any suggestion for h/w ( cheap and small footprint  ) wrt building a settop box, and video game console10:42
Fudgekarni  does this package help, pidgin-libnotify - display notification bubbles in pidgin10:42
karniFudge: it's installed. still, if you miss it, and come back to your laptop, it's not as easy to notice a static blue envelope than a blinking icon in the tray (old Ubuntu+Pidgin behavior).10:43
karniThanks for trying, though :)10:44
duppyhi! ubuntu noob here10:44
duppyneed help anyone?10:44
duppyi need help anyone?10:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:45
Fudgekarni  np mate10:45
Fudgeduppy , ask your question10:45
SDdfsEREyis it safe to use proprietary driver for 12.04?10:46
duppy!ask why is that when i play flash games on facebook, why CPU spikes to 100% and usually hangs up? i just installed ubuntu 12.04. i came from windows xp and didn't experience this. thanks!10:47
ikoniaduppy: you don't need to do !ask to ask a question10:47
crizissounds like usual flash activity... :)10:47
duppyoh ok. hehehe.10:47
crizisduppy: you might wanna try chromium/chrome10:48
crizisduppy: it's a bit better with flash in linux10:48
Guest48305duppy: flash is crap and not really supported anymore on linux10:48
Guest48305duppy: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTA2MDc10:48
=== Guest48305 is now known as vega_
duppyso playing flash games here in linux sucks?10:48
crizisGuest48305: it is supported, but for the future releases only through chromes ppapi or whatever it was10:48
crizisduppy: try in chrome (or chromium)10:49
duppyok gonna try it now10:49
Battaglinhmm howto set nameserver in 12.04  I can see that /etc/resolv.conf gets flushed now and then ?10:50
crizisBattaglin: system settings > network > options on your network connection10:51
crizisipv4settings tab10:51
crizisselect Automatic (DHCP addresses only)10:51
crizisno idea about that, sorry :)10:52
crizishave you checked server documentation?10:52
crizisBattaglin: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html this is good link to bookmark :)10:52
Battaglinjust didnt expect a basic setting to be changed.. thats all10:56
BattaglinI guess you cant count on that anymore hehe10:56
oxothukдобрый день, камрады10:58
oxothukподскажите как ограничить пропускную способность на интерфейсе по количеству пакетов10:58
oxothukнапример 1000 пакетов в секунду10:58
=== svip_ is now known as svip
LjL!ru | oxothuk10:59
ubottuoxothuk: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:59
duppyit hanged up again. need to restart my laptop. still hangs when playing flash on facebook. i already used chromium.10:59
mikelis there a way to disable the notifications for who joins and leaves in xchat?10:59
bazhangmikel, right click channel name is one11:00
mikelexcellent, thank you11:00
sirriffsalotI figured out why youtube refuses to play... whenever JACK is active it won't play and the flash plugin for jack doesn't work, not even showing up in the connections tab.. any ideas?11:00
duppyany idea what the problem might be? playing flash games on facebook hangs up my laptop.11:01
ikoniaduppy: it's not uncommon, flash support in linux is very hit and miss for users11:02
ikoniaduppy: I assumed you installed flash from the ubuntu repos11:02
duppyikonia: yes11:02
ikoniaduppy: not much you can do then11:03
duppycan i install  it any other way?11:03
mikelthere's three diff versions for linux on flash website... dunno if they differ11:04
duppymikel: what website?11:04
crizishangs up? like X crashes?11:04
crizisthat's a driver bug then11:04
crizisflash generally works just fine on my installations11:05
duppycrizis: hangs up - like need to turn off you computer.11:06
crizisgfx driver bug then for sure11:06
crizisthat should not happen :)11:06
codekKhello all, can anyone help me? i have a continuos errors when i update to ubuntu 12.04 from 10.04, Ubuntu-classic with effects dont start and some apps crashes.. :S11:06
duppycrizis: did you try playing on facebook games?11:06
crizisno, but all video services work fine11:06
duppyno problems when playing youtube11:07
morsnowskiis 11.10 still a supported version ?11:07
morsnowskiand 11.04 for that matter11:07
crizisboth are11:07
crizis11.10 will be supported for another full one year11:08
crizis11.04 for another 6 months11:08
sirriffsalotSupported here that is?11:08
sirriffsalotOr anywhere?11:08
duppyso what should i do? do i need to upgrade anything or what?11:09
DJonesduppy: My wife plays facebook games on 12.04 using chrome/chromium and doesn't have any speed problems11:09
crizisduppy: did you try chrome? i assume firefox was one crashing?11:09
sirriffsalotDJones: No offence, but perhaps do without?:D11:09
johnmDJones: chrome (not the case for chromium) ships with a built-in flash player as I recall, even on linux.11:09
duppyDJones: so you think its maybe a driver failure?11:09
duppycrizis: both11:09
codekKhello all, can anyone help me? i have a continuos errors when i update to ubuntu 12.04 from 10.04, Ubuntu-classic with effects dont start and some apps crashes.. :S11:09
johnmcrizis: check what version of the flash plugin you're using, the one from the repo is almost certainly using ndiswrapper11:10
johnmcrizis: 32 or 64 bit install?11:10
crizisjohnm: whatever 12.04 ships, and 64bit11:10
mecoHow can a scan an image file to render the text on it (OTC)? Is there such an application available with ubuntu?11:10
crizisgot laptop with intel 3000 and desktop with radeon hd6870+proprietary driver, both work fine with flash11:10
johnmcrizis: try removing the current plugin (from the repo) andf check its removed in about:plugins then install it from the adobe site directly - there is a native 64bit plugin11:11
crizisjohnm: i'm not having any problems, duppy is :)11:11
* morsnowski can't wait for flash to go away11:11
johnmif you wish, you can do it through the intall prompt in the browser11:11
johnmcrizis: ah, not reading much of te backlog! duppy ^11:11
Churchwhatever plugin is used, be it 32bit or 64bit, they both will suck11:11
duppyso what plugin to use?32bit or 64bit?11:11
DJonesduppy: She had an issue about 2 months ago where it slowed down to a dead stop, I ended up deleting the flash cached data folder & since then its worked fine11:11
johnmif you're on a 64bit install with a 64bit browder, then 64bit11:11
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johnmusually, it installs the 32bit plugin using ndiswrapper for 64bit compat in 64bit browsers11:12
crizisduppy: if you wanna try one more "easy" way, try chrome from googles repos (not chromium)11:12
johnmit used to be required, it no longer is11:12
duppyDjones: how to delete that?11:12
crizisduppy: i assume you thried chromium from software centre now?11:12
duppycrizis: yup chromiom from software center.11:12
crizisduppy: https://www.google.com/chrome/index.html try "real" chrome :) it ships with its own flash player11:13
crizisduppy: no need to uninstall current one11:13
* Church has gave up on lagless flash video. old flash versions were capable of that, but back then audio often got out of sync or skipped/lagged. now it's video often lagging + announcement of no new linux flash versions usable in FF.11:13
GupHow do i spread application windows in 12.04?  I used to just click the active app icon in the launcher a second time in 11.10, this seems to no longer work!?11:13
DJonesduppy: I followed this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1495138 which went to the .macromedia folder in the home folder and then deleted the #Shared Objects folder11:13
duppyok guys thanks11:14
duppygonna try both11:14
saryChurch: ever heard of Gnash ! ..11:15
saryGup: there are new interfaces now , Unity and Gnome-shell .11:16
Churchsary: free implementation? last time i tried it wasn't mature enough11:16
Churchit was some time ago, haven't tried since11:16
Church+ i wonder if it will work together with flashblock extention11:16
codekKhello all, can anyone help me? i have a continuos errors when i update to ubuntu 12.04 from 10.04, Ubuntu-classic with effects dont start and some apps crashes.. :S11:17
codekKi only can loggin at gnome-classic without effects11:17
Gupsary, so how do i use it?11:17
ChurchcodekK: i always used without effects, so haven't even tried with them. do you really need those 3d effects?11:18
codekKbut without effects run too slowly11:18
codekKand some apps crashes11:18
Churchsounds like something fscked up. i'd suggest clean install.11:19
codekKim writing at gedit and in few min crashes11:19
sarycodekK: perhaps the upgrade process got interrupted somehow .. and your graphic card should be activated for those 3d effects.11:19
* Church has upgraded from 11.04>11.10>12.04, and have no problems with gnome-classic without effects.11:20
Churchintel integrated video though, no amd/nvidia11:20
codekKmy graph is nvidia11:21
Churchhave you installed proprietary driver?11:21
Church(after upgrade to 12.04?)11:21
sarycodekK: switch to a real console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 .. then login with your user name and password . execute the commands sudo apt-get update11:23
Churchhmm, i'd try changing initlevel to without gui dm, just console, run X session with startx and after crash check ~/.xsession-errors & /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:23
bhearsumdoes gnome-settings-daemon implicitly launch gnome-keyring-daemon?11:23
sarycodekK: you can always go back to the X session with Ctrl+Alt+F7 ..11:23
codekKsary, yes i know it11:25
codekKbut no updates to install11:25
codekKi have two possible drivers for my nvidia card, 1. current version (recommend) or 2. update post-release (version current-updates)11:27
codekKwhat is the aproppiate11:27
sarycodekK: Right , sudo apt-get autoclean , sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get autoremove , sudo dpkg -reconfigure -a , sudo apt-get --fix-missing install11:28
codekKi go to do it11:28
sarycodekK: sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:28
sarycodekK: the recommand one is .11:28
yeehawcodekK: Make it sudo apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y11:28
morsnowskinow this maybe a stupid question but what exactly is the difference between gnome classical with and without effects and what effects are these11:28
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
codekKmorsnowski, compiz i think11:29
morsnowskihow does it manifest itself11:29
codekKsudo dpkg -reconfigure -a <-- dont runt11:30
codekKyeehaw, and upgarde/dist-upgrade dont take effect, all packages is update11:31
codekKAt details of my system the Graphics = Unknown11:33
morsnowskiok so cube is installed and activated but how do i make it do this cube rotation thing11:38
=== 14WAAAAAX is now known as thyri0n
steveccccan anyone recommend a distro / piece of software to create a linux based firewall/proxy server11:41
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.11:41
bohemian9485steveccc: you can use damn small linux (dsl)11:41
shomoncan anyone recommend some software to run a survey, like you'd do with google docs forms?11:42
shomonin ubuntu though11:42
morsnowskishomon as in setup a survey on your webserver?11:42
WonderOneCan anyone please help me to execute this file on Ubuntu 11.10: http://hackquest.com/modules/HackQuest/hacking/92745/stegano.zip11:43
vfwWonderOne: Unzip it first.11:43
saryGup: i'd look at the document/wiki on how to use the new interface , for example i use Gnome-shell .. so i'll find more about it in http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet11:43
WonderOneIts giving a shared library error11:43
WonderOneAlready unzipped.11:43
vfwWonderOne: What is it supposed to be?11:43
WonderOnevfw: Its a decoder for a certain steganography challenge from a challenge site HackQuest.com.11:44
WonderOnevfw: Its giving the following error: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:45
=== yougg_ is now known as yougg
nesusvetHello everyone. How I can see text boot mode instead of GUI text mode when I am starting boot installation menu?11:47
nesusvetShould I recreate an ubuntu image?11:47
WonderOnevfw: The original challenge page is here: http://hackquest.com/modules/HackQuest/hacking/92745/92745.php11:47
shomonmorsnowski, yes, set up a survey on the web11:47
shomonis there a better place to ask this kind of thing?11:47
WonderOnevfw: Can you please help me?11:48
morsnowskishomon, what about survey monkey11:48
vfwWonderOne: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151786311:48
nvznhow can I get these plugin-containers to stop eating my cpu when using flash?11:49
e2b04836stop using flash11:50
WonderOnevfw: The link on the page is a dead link. I've already tried it.11:50
vfwYou might want to do a search:11:51
vfwsudo find / -name libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.311:51
nvzne2b04836: are there better alternatives?11:52
e2b04836nvzn: i assume you're using firefox, try chrome it has slightly better flash support11:53
Dr_willisnvzn,  youtube can use html511:53
WonderOnevfw: sudo find / -name libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 returns me to WonderOne@ubuntu:~$11:53
nvznDr_willis: what about games?11:53
MonkeyDustah games11:53
Dr_willisnvzn,  good luck with that.11:53
nvzne2b04836: I will try chrome, thanks11:53
vfwWonderOne: Ok.  You have verified that the file does not exist on your system.11:54
WonderOnevfw: No output.11:54
vfwWonderOne: sudo aptitude install build-essential11:54
vfwTry that  ^^^^^^11:54
NarcOk, hello everyone, I need some help here, I can't for the life of me get a Ubuntu Install USB Key to boot on a friend's iMac... I tried a lot of howtos, to no avail. The best I achieved was to get rEFIt to see a Windows partition on which I copied the whole USB stick, but booting from it gives me a "Non system disk" message. Any help ? Thanks a lot11:54
vfwWonderOne: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:54
Dr_willislast i looked. aptitude was not installed by default. and i think its slowly getting deprecated...11:54
WonderOnevfw: sudo aptitude install build-essential11:55
Dr_willisNarc,  how did you make the USB key?11:55
WonderOneNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.11:55
WonderOne0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 377 not upgraded.11:55
WonderOneNeed to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.11:55
WonderOneE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:55
WonderOneE: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?11:55
vfwDr_willis: I know.. was typo.  Slip of the mind.11:55
FloodBot1WonderOne: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:55
furegeri have an issue with encrypted home directories and .pam_environment settings11:55
furegerapparently the file is not read11:55
morsnowskiNarc, did you try to dd the image onto the stick?11:55
vfwWonderOne:  You already have apt running11:55
vfwWonderOne: Close the package manager and try again11:56
NarcDr_willis: I tried with Startup Disk Creator on Ubuntu, I tried manually cloning the iso on Mac OS, I tried dd-ing the USB to the partition...11:56
Narcmorsnowski: Yes I did11:56
=== MartinS is now known as Guest76060
morsnowskiok so cube is installed and activated but how do i make it do this cube rotation thing11:57
vfwWonderOne: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95277211:57
vfwWonderOne: "I decided to run pSX with wine and it works very well, no need to install libraries"11:57
ldz420hi I just installed some unity packages and now the interface seems to be lacking visual affects11:58
WonderOnevfw: I only have X-Chat, Terminal and Firefox running. Nothing else. Still the same error. Do I need to close something else?11:58
ldz420does anyone know what which package it could be.. I can give a list of the unity packages that have been recently installed11:59
WonderOnevfw: pSX with wine? How can I get that. Sorry if I'm asking childish questions. Am absolutely new to LINUX.11:59
Dr_willisNarc,  odd that dd dident work. sounds almost like its not booting the right device. tried it on other pcs yet?12:00
furegerdoes anyone have a solution for the ecryptfs/.pam_environment issue?12:00
lasher__WonderOne, look for linux emu12:00
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NarcDr_willis: I checked on my laptop and it boots without any problem...12:00
Dr_willismorsnowski,  unity and the cube can cause issues..   i dont recall the cube activation hotkeys. the ccsm tool would show you.12:00
Dr_willisNarc,  id check the forums and askubuntu.com - could be some quirk/setting/tweak you need to do on the hardware side12:01
WonderOnevfw: In software center?12:01
ikoniaNarc: this is a stupid suggestion, so I apologise in advance, but you are using the right key sequence on the mac to boot from usb,12:01
NarcDr_willis: The best I get is a "Non system disk" or "No removable media" message12:01
furegerwhat settings in /etc/pam.d apply to the graphical login? I have checked /etc/pam.d/login and there the pam_environment module is required.12:01
Narcikonia: I use rEFIt so I get to choose what to boot at each startup12:02
=== w3bgeek is now known as w3bg33k
ikoniaNarc: ok, suggestion, use the apple key sequence to boot directly from USB - just to see if you get any more interesting error messages12:03
w3bg33kI have a ubuntu server that is a VM (from turnkey linux) that currently has 2 CPU's.  I want to add another CPU, but can it handle 3 CPU's, or does it have to be 4?12:03
NarcDr_willis: I tried a lot of these tweaks and howtos, I'm running out of options, that's why I'm here I guess :)12:03
ikoniaw3bg33k: it can use 312:03
WonderOnevfw: Cannot find Linux Emu in software center.12:03
Narcikonia: The Apple key sequence doesn't show my USB key at all12:03
Narcikonia: Except if it contains a Mac OS X install...12:04
vfwWonderOne: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:04
Dr_willisWonderOne,  try apt-cache search emulator12:04
ldz420never mind it look like something got messed up with my 3d acceleration.. I check it out later12:04
furegerApparently my issue is known: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/95218512:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 952185 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "~/.pam_environment not parsed when HOME is encrypted" [High,Triaged]12:04
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:05
furegerbut it has not been resolved...12:05
nvzne2b04836: is chromium-browser good enough?12:06
WonderOnevfw: sudo apt-get install build-essential  ----- Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done  Reading package lists... Done  Reading package lists... Done12:06
MonkeyDustnvzn  it's my default browser, i'm happy with it12:06
WonderOnevfw: build-essential is already the newest version.12:07
WonderOne0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 377 not upgraded.12:07
=== CoM`oFF|Disconn is now known as CoM|Disconn
nvznMonkeyDust: does flash make your computer overheat?12:07
MonkeyDustnvzn  no idea, so guess not12:07
e2b04836nvzn: chromium might do however you can get chrome at http://google.com/chrome12:07
vfwWonderOne: find / -name libstdc++-libc6*12:08
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest81299
nvzne2b04836: i'd like to keep it OSS if possible12:08
nvzni realize flash isnt12:08
vfwWonderOne: Run the above command and see what you have.  It is possible that you will be able to symlink to the version that is required.12:09
vfwWonderOne: Show me what you have12:09
WonderOnevfw: find / -name libstdc++-libc6*  --------------- find: `/proc/790/task/790/ns': Permission denied12:09
nvznoh my fans are dying12:09
vfwWonderOne: sudo find / -name libstdc++-libc6*12:09
MonkeyDustnvzn  http://www.youtube.com/html512:09
firefox88Is there a wat to configure ubuntu tom use a Soundblaster X-fi notebook sound card instead of the crummy internal intel hda sound card?12:10
Dr_willisnvzn,  i belive Googles chrome has its own flash..  chromoim does not.12:10
WonderOnevfw: Returned me back to WonderOne@ubuntu:~$12:11
WonderOnevfw: sudo find / -name libstdc++-libc6* --------------- Returned me back to WonderOne@ubuntu:~$12:11
Dr_willisWonderOne,  so it dident find it..12:11
=== Guest81299 is now known as cryptfu_
MonkeyDustWonderOne  try less characters, like libstdc* or so12:12
nvznDr_willis: o ok12:12
vfwWonderOne: sudo find / -name libstdc++-libc6*12:12
vfwWonderOne: sudo find / -name libstdc++-libc*12:13
WonderOnevfw: find / -name libstdc++-libc6* --------- Permission Denied again.12:13
* Dr_willis has no idea why we are looking for libstdc....12:13
vfwWonderOne: sudo12:13
Dr_willisand locate would be faster. ;)12:13
nvzni can't concentrate with this fan rattling12:13
vfwWonderOne: find libstdc++-libc12:14
Dr_willis$ locate libstdc12:14
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WonderOnevfw: find: `libstdc++-libc': No such file or directory12:16
vfwWonderOne: is gettting "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3"12:17
MonkeyDustWonderOne  why are you looking for libstdc?12:17
vfwDr_willis: Do you have any advise?12:17
steveccccan anyone recommend the best tool to burn a .dsk file to a usb stick12:17
vfwDr_willis: WonderOne has downloaded http://hackquest.com/modules/HackQuest/hacking/92745/stegano.zip12:18
WonderOneMonkeyDust: Need to execute a certain .ELF file on Ubuntu 11.1012:18
MonkeyDustwhat's a .elf file?12:18
Dr_willisif a game wants an older version of libstdc++ id say its not looking good for that game.12:18
WonderOneMonkeyDust: The file is giving shared library error.12:18
Dr_williswhat version is it asking for anyway?12:19
WonderOneMonkeyDust & vfw: The readme of the file says ist been compiled under Slackware.12:19
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Dr_willisI cant even get it to run on my 64bit system. ;)12:20
Dr_willistheres other stenograph type apps out there i belive12:21
Dr_willis steghide - a steganography program12:21
Dr_willis!info steghide12:22
ubottusteghide (source: steghide): A steganography hiding tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-9build2 (precise), package size 162 kB, installed size 486 kB12:22
killtracedid any1 tested Backtrack 5 R2?12:22
Dr_williskilltrace,  this is not the BT channel.12:22
WonderOneThere are. And I'v already tried most of them. But none worked for this challenge. This fils has been made by the developer of this challenge itself and is ment for this specific challenge.12:22
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* Dr_willis wonders how this is ubuntu support related.. :) 12:24
Dr_willisWonderOne,  look at the list of them. see what you want to play with, install it..12:24
WonderOneShall I download Linux Emu from Google? Will it work for me?12:25
Dr_willisYou could put slackware in a vbox install...12:25
Dr_willisNo idea what 'linux emu from google' is...12:25
=== yougg_ is now known as yougg
alo21hi all12:28
alo21I have a problem editing my ISO with Ubuntu Customizatio Kit12:28
alo21Can someone help me?12:28
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yeehawalo21: What seems to be the problem?12:29
captinehi all.  quick one.  connecting ext2 formatted external drive to ubuntu 12.04 machine and i cannot create any folders on it.  it is freshly formated but mounts as root12:29
captineis there a dumb user way to not have it mount as root12:29
vfwWonderOne: "I decided to run pSX with wine and it works very well, no need to install libraries" From:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95277212:29
alo21yeehaw: look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/990566/12:30
eutheriais there a way to remove the show desktop from alt-tab?12:30
yeehawcaptine: chown -R user:user /mnt/mountpoint12:30
WonderOnevfw: Thanks for the link. Will try it now.12:30
captineyeehaw.. thanks will try12:30
yeehawalo21: Apperently you've created a symlink to a file that does not exist anymore12:31
yeehawalo21: Your missing resolv.conf12:31
yeehawalo21: What happens if you do: `cat /home/alo21/tmp/remaster-root/etc/resolv.conf'12:31
yeehawalo21: brb12:32
alo21yeehaw: what should thi command do?12:33
captineyeehaw, worked.  thanks.  i was hoping for a non-terminal way.  difficult to get my wife to use ubuntu if terminal is needed at times12:33
alo21yeehaw: I did what here the answer says: https://answers.launchpad.net/uck/+question/19520212:33
alo21but I still have the problem12:34
alo21if I do: cat /home/alo21/tmp/remaster-root/etc/resolv.conf , the cursor goes a head12:35
alo21yeehaw: what do you suggest=12:35
ARTSIOMhere is my full conf file placed in /etc/init folder http://paste.org/49317 , but the app is still not starting on boot (but starting fine with "start app"). Am I missing smth?12:37
killerhi guys...i wanted my own login tune...so i replace desktop-login.ogg in "/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo" but sounds still not changed12:39
killerlogin sound i mean12:39
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ttl-i recently run into a problem with 12.0412:44
e2b04836!ask | ttl-12:45
ubottuttl-: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:45
ttl-after recent updates i cannot set my bluetooth headset as input devive for12:45
ttl-the sound settings crash if i select my bluetooth headset12:45
ttl-After recent updates i'm not able anymore te select my blue-tooth headset as input device, sound settings crash if i select it12:47
ttl-After recent updates i'm not able anymore te select my blue-tooth headset as input device, sound settings crash if i select it, in /var/log/messages i see "gnome-control-c[3456]: segfault at 0"12:50
ohadit seems that my 12.04 is suffering from this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/918906 altought I use a 64bit version of ubuntu. I see that it's a duplicate of a problem that was in  11.10 and  in 8.10 ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/280878 ). how come it keeps returning. and can I fix it in my laptop?12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857702 in bluez (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #918906 bluetoothd crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Medium,Confirmed]12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280878 in bluez (Ubuntu) "bluetoothd crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Medium,Fix released]12:56
NarcSorry to ask again but I need some help here, I can't for the life of me get a Ubuntu Install USB Key to boot on a friend's iMac... I tried a lot of howtos, to no avail. The best I achieved was to get rEFIt to see a Windows partition on which I copied the whole USB stick, but booting from it gives me a "Non system disk" message. Any help ? Thanks a lot12:57
psypher246hi all, I have several issues that cause my entire desktop to crash and loose data frequently (almosts every day), I have logged 2 bugs about this 3 and 4 months ago respectively, during the precise alpha/beta stage and no one has even acknowledged that these bugs exist. How do I get developer attention to my bugs because as far as I am concerned they have fallen through the cracks. this is all related to the NEW multimonitor software designed by ca12:58
ubottubimic: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:59
* Sidewinder Sighs..12:59
yandex8932How does using !list imply warez... ubottu has daft message sometimes13:01
DJonesyandex8932: Thats the normal irc command thats used in warez channels on other networks13:02
w3bg33kI need to copy files from my local linux system over to a windows share...but whenever I run "cp \\path\to\the\share -Rf", it ends up creating a local directory...how can I set this up so that I can move these files over to the share?13:02
Ralliasw3bg33k you have to mount the share first13:03
yandex8932w3bg33k: read the samba manual13:03
ubottudanix94: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:04
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=== ubuntu is now known as Guest98679
trond-probably a faq on this: Is there a way to stop network-manager to overwrite resolv.conf, or to set the values that I want in some config-file. Ubuntu 10.04.13:05
llutztrond-: edit your nm-connection and set dns there13:05
trond-llutz, except that it then also get some other dns servers and domain-search parameters. I can't see where those are coming from though.13:06
sqwawqq regarding networking in 12.04 server. My networking doesn't seem to get configured on boot and I have to manually 'sudo dhclient eth0 eth1'. How can I make this happen on boot?13:07
llutztrond-: check /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/*  and maybe your dhclient.conf13:07
trond-sqwaw, you don't want dhcp on a server do you?13:08
sqwawno my switch runs dhcp13:08
sqwawas a hacky workaround, i've put dhclient in my bashrc, but obviously thats no good for non-interactive logins13:08
trond-sqwaw, try - in /etc/network/interfaces file: iface eth0 inet dhcp13:09
AethelredUpgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 (Lucid), x86_64. Having video issues. Running Nvidia 8800GTS. Symptoms: resizing some things (a terminal window, for example) results in a temporary hang. Once app windows are up I can click in one to select it, but alt-tabbing to switch results in another short (5-15 second) hang - mouse won't move, etc. It seems to happen with anything that involves animation. Lots of screen-redraws are wonky. I get weird fra13:09
yandex8932Aethelred: Did you have the properietary drivers installed before your upgrade?13:10
w3bg33kRallias - tyvm13:10
sqwawtrond-: ahhh yes, it was configured static, thanks!13:10
Aethelredyandex8932: I believe so, but (and this is embarrassing) I can't be sure.13:11
Aethelredyandex8932: The driver is listed in repos. Synaptic shows it.13:11
=== NotTooDumb3 is now known as Guest72472
BlueWolfHello please could some one tell me what the support channel is for Ubuntu OpenOffice.org ( Word Processor )?13:12
yandex8932Is it listed in the proprietary drivers manager? If so, I'd try uninstalling it, then re-installing the latest driver once you've rebooted13:12
razvan86hi guys13:12
Guest72472Hi all, i am trying to build kermit from source, can anyone tell me why i get this error http://pastebin.com/VwEmsxct13:13
yandex8932Guest72472: You need to install Miss Piggy13:13
Aethelredyandex8932: ok. How do I go about uninstalling it? Should I do that via Synaptic?13:13
razvan86i use ubuntu 12 with gnome 3.4.1 ... but i couldn't integrate pidgin and i am sick of the useless "message tray" so i am reverting to Unity ...13:13
razvan86but i like the evolution applet13:13
Guest72472yandex8932, what?13:13
razvan86how can i get it in unity ?13:13
yandex8932Aethelred: Not sure if that will reconfigure your x.org appropriately if you do it that way. I'd look in the proprietary drivers manager (under admin->system or something I think) first13:14
sqwawtrond-: doesn't seem to configure the interfaces still :( are there other places i should be looking?13:14
yandex8932Guest72472: It was a joke. Kermit the frog. Miss piggy.13:14
Guest72472ok..why do i get that crypt error?13:14
trond-sqwaw, are they up, or are they not up - and are they getting some values, or no values?13:15
yandex8932Guest72472: At a guess, you don't have the appropriate libraries installed which it's expected, hence "undefined reference" blah blah13:15
=== vincent is now known as Guest69913
razvan86i need unity and evolution ...13:16
Aethelredyandex8932: I can't find a proprietary drivers manager. There is an "NVIDIA X Server Settings" tool in system->admin. That shows the driver version that is also shown in Synaptic13:16
yandex8932Guest72472: Do you have the curses library installed for example13:16
Guest72472but where do i get those libraries?13:16
BlueWolfHello please could some one tell me what the support channel is for Ubuntu OpenOffice.org ( Word Processor )?13:16
yandex8932Guest72472: Install via synaptic. You can see from the make file it's linking to curses for example, so you need the "dev" package of curses to get the library files I think13:17
fidel_geduo: hell or help? ;)13:18
Aethelredyandex8932: How can I tell for sure which driver is being used?13:18
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yandex8932Aethelred: Sorry, it's called System->admin->hardware drivers in the menu, that's where your installed graphics driver might be listed13:19
MrKeunerhello, synaptic suggests auto-removal of several packages. Can I trust it?13:19
OerHeksBlueWolf, you are in Ubuntu support, and for open office  join #openoffice.org here on freenode13:19
MrKeunerprecise here13:19
razvan86hi ... does anyone know how to integrate evolution in the unity desktop environment ?13:20
Aethelredyandex8932: thanks. Looking now.13:20
razvan86i am thinking about the calendar applet present in gnome13:20
yandex8932MrKeuner: Yes, if the package was still being used by another bit of software, it wouldn't be able to remove it13:20
BlueWolfOerHeks: I know where I am :D I just wanted to know the #openoffice.org13:20
MrKeuneryandex8932, thank you13:20
fidel_MrKeuner: usually yes13:20
BlueWolfOerHeks: Thank you kind soul13:20
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
yandex8932razvan86: No idea. Gnome Shell integrates with Evolution through the calendar though...13:21
razvan86i know ... i am using that now ... but in gnome-shell i don't have rhythmbox and pidgin integration13:21
razvan86and the "message tray" bar is useless13:21
yandex8932razvan86: Lol, you want everything :P Have you tried the gnome shell extensions website?13:22
yandex8932razvan86: I think there's a pidgin extension13:22
razvan86i tried the tweaks ..13:22
razvan86yeah ... but it still does not behave like unity ...13:22
fidel_razvan86: what are you looking for?13:22
razvan86the tray of unity is brilliant13:23
yandex8932razvan86: It's fairly simple to write an extension if it doesn't do what you want, only a few hundred lines often13:23
razvan86it only misses evolution-PIM integration into the calendar applet13:23
razvan86but i just migrated from windows 2 weeks ago :-s ....13:23
Aethelredyandex8932: ok, that was helpful. That also has a "remove" option. What can I expect to happen when I remove it? Specifically, will I get a desktop when I reboot?13:24
razvan86my greatest achievement is trying to compile a patch ...13:24
razvan86and fail ...13:24
yandex8932Aethelred: It should cleanly remove the driver and reconfigure your x.org. But yes, it is a little worrying...13:24
Guest72472yandex8932, yes it is installed13:24
MrKeunerfidel_, yandex8932 there are like 175 packages listed under autoremove which made me scared13:25
yandex8932MrKeuner: Could you put the list in a pastebin?13:25
yandex8932MrKeuner: Did you remove something which left trailing files or something? Or have you upgraded?13:25
MrKeuneryandex8932, how can I list them?13:25
Aethelredyandex8932: "a little worrying"   Well, no hand-holding I guess. I'm off to jump into the deep end.13:26
MrKeuneryandex8932, installed precise beta then anly did dist-upgrade since couple weeks13:26
fidel_MrKeuner: 175 isnt that much - basically it depends on what you added & removed in the past & how often you clean up13:26
yandex8932MrKeuner: If you're worried, just leave them. It's not going to have any ill effect on your computer besides taking up a little space13:26
fidel_i.e. i do run: 'sudo apt-get autoremove' from time to time13:26
fidel_yep - there is no need to do so - on the other had - there is usually really no need to worry as long as you dont remove packages accidently and answer dependcies question without knowing the answer13:27
yandex8932Aethelred: As always, make sure you have anything important backed up :P13:27
MrKeuneryandex8932, fidel_ all right, thank you for the insight13:28
Aethelredyandex8932: thanks  :)13:28
fidel_MrKeuner: in case you are new to linux & apt & willing to play more with it without having to much fear -> consider setting up a small linux vm inside your linux box to have a playground13:29
fidel_helps usualy pretty well fighting starter-fears13:29
spottedhi ppl13:32
MrKeuneryandex8932, fidel_ here is hte list for your information: http://pastebin.com/3jUV4TjC13:32
cesarstafehi people, my Ubuntu 12.04 sometimes complains agains a Python complement that is not present to support some streaming sound. In fact, I can't hear some online radio that I used to listen frequently before... this is the error message 'Python (v2.7) necesita instalar complementos para permitir la siguiente característica multimedia: Elemento typefind de GStreamer'13:32
spottedsomeone here are using the neu version of ubuntu?13:32
fidel_spotted: 12.04?13:33
fidel_MrKeuner: tons of libs - but without knowing what you do & use in detail on that box such a list isnt that helpful13:33
cesarstafebut this complement is not present in repositories maybe because allways this makes a try to download the complement and nothing happens13:33
fidel_spotted: 12.04 is stable since some weeks - several inhere are using it13:34
fidel_!anyone > spotted13:34
ubottuspotted, please see my private message13:34
cesarstafeany idea about how to solve that?13:34
=== q-rban is now known as q0rban
MrKeunerfidel_, yeah I was also puzzled seeing these libraries but trusted apt. I'll see what happens soon :)13:35
spottedi have a problem with my usb ports in new ubuntu13:35
dewwhey guys. i just upgraded to 12.04 and noticed that the Launcher (the vertical bar?) shows up on both of my monitors. Is there a way to disable on one of them completely?13:36
dewwwhen i move my mouse across monitors, it "sticks" for a bit on the second and it's really annoying13:36
spottedyou can hide them13:36
MrKeunerfidel_, thought may be ubuntu decided to change a major component such as from alsa to something else13:36
fidel_!pt > spotted13:36
ubottuspotted, please see my private message13:36
cesarstafemy question again if somebody can help me with that... 'my Ubuntu 12.04 sometimes complains agains a Python complement that is not present to support some streaming sound. In fact, I can't hear some online radio that I used to listen frequently before... this is the error message 'Python (v2.7) necesita instalar complementos para permitir la siguiente característica multimedia: Elemento typefind de GStreamer', but this complement is not present in repos13:37
BluesKajspotted, run , sudo update-usbids13:37
fidel_MrKeuner: as mentioned above - learning apt is pretty helpful - having a playground for it to test/play/learn can help13:37
kurtwp_deww: Goto your display and look for Sticky edges and turn it off13:38
cesarstafehow can I get those GStreamer complements?13:38
fidel_thats why i avoid gui-based app-interfaces as well13:38
seiryu89Someone know if a trackpad of a computer can do multitouch gestures with uTouch?13:38
Ralliasfidel_, that's why I still have synaptic installed :D13:38
dewwkurtwp_: the Displays control panel or is it somewhere else?13:38
kurtwp_deww: yes13:39
fidel_Rallias: for not learning it? ;)13:39
dewwi dont see it :/13:39
MrKeunerfidel_, I was assuming synaptic is pretty is decent. And apt-get autoremove removed the same number of packages as synaptic listed.13:39
BluesKajspotted, then run lsusb to confirm all your usb ports are enabled13:39
kurtwp_deww: you went to system setting -> displays13:39
Ralliasfidel_, I've learned how to use apt-get for the most part, I just prefer synaptic because it provides a graphical way for me to hunt down bogus packages I don't need.13:39
dewwyep. and it's showing up as "Laptop" for the display mode.13:40
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VictorCLI keep receiving an email with this on the body : [: 15: Illegal number: 60 * 60 * 1213:40
dewwkurtwp_: i see it now. doh. thanks :D13:40
VictorCLCron <root@tresipunt-opencms>   [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -depth -mindepth 113:40
spottedi'm using the stable version of ubuntu 12.04, but i have problems with my usb ports13:40
BluesKajRallias, bogus packages ?13:41
MrKeunerspotted, are you sure your hardware works?13:41
designbybeckWhere might fonts be stored other than /usr/share/fonts and /home/username/.fonts ?13:41
RalliasBluesKaj Well, not a case where I would use synaptic, but too often I get a VPS and sendmail/apache2 are preinstalled.13:41
spottedin windows don't have any problems13:41
designbybeckI move over from Kubuntu to Ubuntu and I am missing some fonts?13:41
MrKeunerspotted, usb system died first in my last two laptops13:41
ryshHi, i just installed a few programs and they were automatically added to the left unity bar, but hovering over them shows "waiting to install" ... who knows what they are waiting for? :-) (i can just start them so they are already installed)13:41
spottedbut with ubuntu13:41
intorehi, i've problems using pam_mount. i can't mount the user home directory from the server to client at login time. Someone knows about this argument please?13:41
spottedfor example i'm using a mouse and in one moment all the ports turned off13:42
spottedand i cannot put nothing there because don't detect13:42
MrKeunerspotted, windows usually does not warn that much as Linux does13:42
BluesKajspotted, did you see my post in reply to your question ?13:42
spottedoh no13:42
spottedcan you put again plz13:43
BluesKajspotted, run , sudo update-usbids13:43
BluesKajspotted, then run lsusb to confirm all your usb ports are enabled13:43
spottednow is working but this don't appear all times13:43
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spottedblueskaj this thing are normal?13:45
BluesKajspotted, check your usb cable to the mouse ...it may be defective13:45
OerHeksspotted do you have Usb2 and Usb3 on your machine?13:46
spottedis a laptop13:46
spottedToshiba Satellite P750-10313:46
spottedall ports for example the mouse don't work and pendrives to13:46
designbybeckoh. I might have found a clue.... I do have other fonts I have download to the download folder, but when I install them from there by opening and clicking install. where does it save those?13:47
ram19890How to configure Conky ?13:48
spotteddesignbybeck search in home directory13:48
designbybecki did copy over all the /usr/share/fonts and /home/username/.fonts spotted13:49
ceed^ram19890: http://www.wikihow.com/Configure-Conky13:49
Ralliasram19890 in the home directory, create a .conkyrc file. Google for example configurations.13:49
designbybecki am just trying to figure out then I "Installed" these others, where did it put them so that I can make sure they get backed up and put back in the system next time?13:49
ram19890thanks guys13:50
yandex8932designbybeck: in .fonts or /usr/share/fonts I'd think. Just do a grep for fonts on your system to find other font directories if you're missing certain ones13:53
designbybeckThank you yandex8932 I did find it and installed it, but I just don't know why when I copied it over those didn't come as well13:54
CyonxMay be an odd question for this channel, but I honestly like unity, and I don't understand why it gets such a bad reputation. 12.04 is the first time I've used it however, was it really bad in 11.10? Have I just not run into it's problems yet? I'm honestly curious.13:54
designbybecklike when you open a font in the font viewer and click Install....where does that install to? and/or what all else happens? likes to a file or indexes it?13:55
fidel_Cyonx: its partly a historic thing -as unity is replacing the well-known gnome and breaks some ways how i (the deskop) worked in the past13:55
OerHeksCyonx, you are one of the lot without problems, congrat! ( *me too)13:55
fidel_the unity-approach works for some of us - not for others13:55
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fidel_as always -changes are not welcome to everyone ;)13:56
CyonxI wouldn't say i'm entirely without problems. I've had to fix a few things, and I still can't figure out why some programs will show up on the unity launcher bar the first 5 or 6 times I launch them, and then never again until I reboot (gotta use superkey-w to find the running program)13:56
Cyonxbut overall the interface structure is quite pleasant imo13:56
lrojashi all, i want to install vim on ubuntu 12.04, i have googled but have not found the answer to my question, what is the basic diference between the diferent flavors of vim available on the repository and wich one should i install to be used with unity?13:57
fidel_Cyonx: well then - enjoy it and skip the useless discussion others might do over that topic ;)13:57
MrKeunerfidel_, I am sure unity is a good program, but I like going with the standard. I won't always use ubuntu. I may change to Debian at some point, or to redhat. I would prefer to be able to use the same tools accross different distributiouns13:57
Cyonxbut then, I had even worse problems with cinnamon on LM, and just as many problems with gnome2 under 9.0413:57
fidel_Cyonx: the nice part is still: everyone can choose what he is using13:57
yeehawlrojas: Just install vim13:57
fidel_MrKeuner: i dont use it either - but i dont see a point in discussing user-specific preferences in detail - as it will most likely not help or change something ;)13:58
yeehawlrojas: If you're used to that there will not be a different vi clone that will work as you expect13:58
intoreanyone can help me?13:59
CyonxIsn't unity based on gnome? shouldn't gnome programs run under unity and vice-versa? are they different enough that you need to compile seperate versions of programs/tools?13:59
fidel_!aynone > intore13:59
NarcSorry to ask again but I need some help here, I can't for the life of me get a Ubuntu Install USB Key to boot on a friend's iMac... I tried a lot of howtos, to no avail. The best I achieved was to get rEFIt to see a Windows partition on which I copied the whole USB stick, but booting from it gives me a "Non system disk" message. Any help ? Thanks a lot13:59
lrojassudo apt-get install vim, just installs vim.basic13:59
fidel_!anyone > intore13:59
ubottuintore, please see my private message13:59
OerHeksCyonx, unity runs under Gnome313:59
Cyonxsee that's what I thought. I've recently played with several different distros, all running either gnome2 or gnome3, and the tools look virtually identical in my experience.14:00
OerHeksCyonx, you can try ubuntu + gnome-shell too14:01
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:01
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phunyguyo.O all of my applications are missing from the unity Dash...14:01
phunyguyand when i hit alt-f2, it cant find any executables14:02
phunyguyi swear i didnt do anything to cause this14:02
phunyguylittle help?14:02
Qalqiyo peoples, if i have to remote login on my desktop, should i logout on my system before?14:03
Qalqii am using xrdp protocol?14:03
yeehawphunyguy: If you open a terminal and type an application name does it start?14:03
phunyguyjust unity is confused for some reason.14:04
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yeehawphunyguy: What happens if you run: unity --reset-icons in terminal14:05
phunyguywhat does --reset-icons do before I do it?14:05
phunyguysounds dangerous.14:06
yeehawphunyguy: reset the Unity Launcher icons to default14:06
phunyguyits not a launcher iddue.14:06
yeehawphunyguy: You might need to rearrange them a bit14:06
phunyguyits a daashboard issue.14:06
phunyguythe launcher icons are perfect.14:06
yeehawphunyguy: aah14:06
intorefidel_, am sorry, i wrote my question before and i was asking if anyone knows something about14:07
yeehawphunyguy: Could you check if unity-place-applications and unity-place-files are installed?14:07
intorefidel_, this is my question: hi, i've problems using pam_mount. i can't mount the user home directory from the server to client at login time.14:08
onatsis there a good gui manager for xen on ubuntu?14:09
Qalqithis channel is shit14:09
Qalqino one replies at all14:09
fidel_elaborate > intore14:09
chuQalqi: Just have some patience man. Not everyone knows your exact problem, wait til someone comes online who can help.14:09
phunyguyQalgi, language, and also the channel is always very full.14:09
fidel_!elaborate > intore14:10
phunyguy!patience | Qalqi14:10
ubottuQalqi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:10
ubottuintore, please see my private message14:10
chuBreaking the channel's rules is not a smart way of getting help in any case.14:10
DJonesQalqi: I never used to logout of my desktop when I using vncviewer to log into the desktop14:10
fidel_in case you ever see issues getting help in irc-  consider reading this howto: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html Qalqi - its pretty helpful to be honest14:11
NarcSorry to ask again but I need some help here, I can't for the life of me get a Ubuntu Install USB Key to boot on a friend's iMac... I tried a lot of things, to no avail. The best I achieved was to get rEFIt to see a Windows partition on which I dd the whole USB stick, but booting from it gives me a "Non system disk" or "isonlinux.bin missing" message. How can I copy the install image to a partition to boot from ? Any help ? Thanks a lot14:13
intorefidel_, am sorry again. i can't mount the user's home directories from the ldap-samba server (amahoro) on the clients at login time. I installed pam_mount but the configuration is not correct i think or something about directory permissions. I want that the user home directory in /users/username on the server will be mount on the client on /home/username. this is pam_mount.conf: http://paste.debian.net/169091/ and this is the command-output after login: ht14:14
phunyguyyeehaw: fwiw, rm ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite fixed my issue.  zeitgeist was out to lunch.  Just ran that and "unity --replace" and it's golden.14:14
yeehawphunyguy: ok, good to know14:15
J11_Is it possible to apt-get install as non-root in a local directory?14:16
yandex8932J11_: Yes, Ubuntu has root disabled by default14:18
sunbirdhey folks. i need to nuke my evolution user files in 12.04 because i can't delete any messages (program freezes). i've tried removing the folder in .config/ and .cache and .local but it still has my account setup on startup.14:18
LjLJ11_: not really, i don't think. you can unpack the .deb manually if you want to have it in a dir14:18
sunbird(used to just delete ~/.evolution but they moved the files in 12.04)14:18
yandex8932sunbird: I think synaptic tells you all the locations a bit of software stores its config files14:19
waaaaaaaaaaaaahis there a gui for update-rc.d?14:19
yeehawsunbird: Can't you just apt-get purge evolution14:20
J11_LjL: when I ./configure a package it says i need gtk+2... if i download those sources it needs 5 more packages...14:20
intorefidel_, is it more clear now? have you never seen a similar scenario?14:20
sunbirdyeehaw: tried that. doesn't work. or, the problem remains on reinstall.14:21
LjLJ11_: uh, tried "apt-get build-dep packagename" to get the dependencies it wants?14:21
sunbirdvery annoying as i cannot delete any messages.14:21
J11_I was hoping you could run apt-get like cpan in a local folder and skip the dependacy hell14:21
kriestofHi my printer (HP laserjet 1018) had stopped printing after dist-upgrade. I get error - "/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp failed".14:21
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zoozis it possible to disable the behaviour which for example after "ssh-server" package is installed it starts the service automatically?14:22
J11_LjL: it also says permission denied14:22
sunbirdyandex8932: that will show me the files installed by the package. i'm looking for the config files for my user.14:22
LjLJ11_: yes, you need root for it. but it will install the needed packages without you having to hunt them one by one... not sure if that's what you want, i don't entirely get your goal14:23
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smeehey guys and girls, anyone here having issues with flash not working ? i've tried every trick i can think of and flash is still not working. i've reinstalled it, removed it completely, reinstalled it with flash helper, daily updates for last month... etc .... any last ideas before i wipe / reinstall the os?14:23
J11_LjL: installing all dependacies but tied in with prefix and path together14:24
LjLJ11_: apt cannot do that14:24
J11_what about aptitude?14:25
LjLJ11_: i just don't think the way .deb packages are set up allows that14:25
esmirlincómo puedo abrir "aplicaciones al inicio" desde la terminal¿?14:26
LjL!es | esmirlin14:26
ubottuesmirlin: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:26
esmirlinupps sorry14:26
esmirlinI was thinking it was the spanish group14:26
esmirlinhow can i launch (startup applications) from the terminal?14:27
VirtualBlacknesssmee I have never had a problem with apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer14:27
quixotedonesmirlin: type sudo name of application (in short)14:27
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smeei've done that with cold boots between14:27
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craigbass1976https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/+bug/987212  Where can I get more info on this?  I'm having the same problem, except that it didn't start until yesterday and this box got 12.04 a couple weeks ago.14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987212 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) "Wireless printer "Processing - Unable to locate printer."" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:27
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VirtualBlacknesswhere is flash failing?14:28
esmirlinquixotedon: this is the problem, i don't know how is it called :S14:28
quixotedonesmirlin: example sudo firefox14:28
smeeflash items embedded in webpages just don't load.14:28
LjLquixotedon: err, what?14:28
smeeusing ubuntu.14:28
smeeor rather firefox on ubuntu.14:28
kriestofcraigbass1976: I have same on my hp laserjet 101814:28
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VirtualBlacknesssmee: did you have firefox open when you reinstalled? Because that causes problems.14:29
craigbass1976kriestof, did it start as soon as you got 12.04, or wait a while?14:29
LjLquixotedon: that's not the way you start an application from the terminal, unless it actually needs to be root - and firefox certainly doesn't. you just type the name of the command, with no "sudo".14:29
smee<VirtualBlackness>: i may have originally.14:29
K1rk|WorkI am currently running Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS, on System > Administration > Printing, if I go to Server > Connect I can enter in a remote cups server, and all the printers appear there.  Is there any way to make this connection permanent, and enable applications to print to these remote printers?  I would like to avoid a situation where printer management becomes a local problem, I'd love to have one CUPS server that everyone connects to, so printers are centrall14:29
esmirlinquixotedon: don't find it :(14:29
kriestofcraigbass1976: Yes, after dist-upgrade it says all the time it's 'processing'.14:29
quixotedonLjL: hahaha the sudo is already in my first word :)14:29
VirtualBlacknesssmee: Once more, just for grins, close everything down, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get instlall --reinstall flashplugin-installer14:30
esmirlini'm in a spanish ubuntu, can you please chek it in yours if you have the enlgish version?14:30
smeei'll try it. i'll try anything at this point. my woman isn't happy the media box isn't working.14:30
OerHeksbug 100000014:30
quixotedonLjL: maybe you can give esmirlin a list of some most used apps name in short?14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold." [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000014:30
craigbass1976kriestof, huh...  That makes more sense than it working for a while, then stopping for no apparent reason.  I don't remember doing an update Monday, and it quit yesterday while I was gone.14:30
VirtualBlacknessVery familiar problem smee... very.14:31
LjLquixotedon: to be honest i'm not sure i understand what esmirlin actually wants to do14:31
smeeVirtualBlackness: brb 2 secs. i should be able to keep xchat open, right?14:31
quixotedonLjL: doesn't esmirlin want to open an app through terminal? That's what i can think of.. :)14:31
esmirlinLjL: i want to launch "startup applications" from the console14:31
VirtualBlacknessI don't believe it is flash based, but have never used so I do not know smee.14:32
smeeVirtualBlackness: gotcha... closing everything down. brb14:32
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LjLesmirlin: type "gnome-session-properties"14:33
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Aranelafter 12.04 upgrade now my plasma-desktop crashes with "Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "14:36
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sirriffsalotHey! Whenever JACK is active youtube videos refuse to play, and I have the libflashsupport-jack set up... Any ideas?14:37
action09hi #ubuntu :)14:37
action09here a paste of my sources.list, http://paste.ubuntu.com/990764/, when i try do do an upgrade it say that installing packages from repo not authenticated... i dunno why .. virtualbox is the only repo i added..14:38
action09is it that one you think ?14:38
sirriffsalotaction09: sudo apt-get update?14:39
MonkeyDustaction09  execute that command with -v precise so we can see other distro's sources14:40
MarKsaitishttps://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/postgresql.html states tha twhen u install postgresql from official repos, config files are in /etc/postgresql/ . Its all empty!!!!! The guide is wrong14:40
action09sirriffsalot  1st time of my life that i do updates with the gnome icon system parameter on the upper right corner.. let's see if it's the same with manual : aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade14:40
ikoniaMarKsaitis: screaming "HELP" won't really get you anything but ignored14:41
action09sirriffsalot obviously manual update don't display the same error.. :)14:41
craigbass1976kriestof, going through cups (in a browser, http://localhost:631) and picking different URI seems to have fixed it.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/87795814:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 877958 in cups (Ubuntu Oneiric) "After every single page on ipp: Unable to get print job status" [High,Fix released]14:41
sirriffsalotaction09: pretty new to linux myself, probably understood the question wrong:)14:41
kriestofcraigbass1976: Thanks, I'll try in minutes.14:42
action09sirriffsalot no pb: just got an alert with the graphical update and no more alert with text-based ... weird .. thanks anyway :)14:42
MarKsaitiswell, I explained the issue didnt I14:42
MarKsaitishow can it be14:42
action09MarKsaitis https://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/funny-pictures-cat-needs-help.jpg14:42
craigbass1976kriestof, I was trying to change it in the GUI, but it seemed to get changed back14:42
sirriffsalotaction09: okay!14:42
MarKsaitisanyways, the guide is wrong.... and what do I do next14:43
MonkeyDustaction09  MarKsaitis please, no such links in this channel14:43
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sirriffsalotWas there a irc channel for the JACK audio server?14:43
w3bg33kI just mounted a windows share, but it came up as read-only.  how an I change that to read/write?14:43
sirriffsalotaudio connection kit* rather14:43
MarKsaitisMonkeyDust, clean the dust from ur eyes and you will notice that I didnt post any links14:43
action09MonkeyDust lolcat is not relevant so ok sorry didn't knew that humour was banned :)14:44
bingtanIs anyone there?14:44
VirtualBlacknessw3bg33k: I would unmount it, and run chkdsk windows side... see that the volume is clean.14:44
MarKsaitishelp is banned here as well14:45
quixotedonaction09: better send it as a pm not in public14:45
pablo_how can u tell upstart to not start cupsd anymory, i tired update-rc.d but it didn't work?14:45
bingtanIs anyone able to help me with a deleted partition problem I'm having?14:45
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sirriffsalotWhenever there is talk of XXXXX development libraries, in this case ALSA and JACK development libraries, will this always mean "jack-dev" or "alsa-dev"?14:46
VirtualBlacknesspablo you tried: update-rc.d -f <cups script> remove    ?14:47
mneptokaction09: may i PM?14:47
sirriffsalotOr "libjack-dev"?14:47
sirriffsalotbingtan: oh sure14:47
sirriffsalotbingtan: don't ask to ask is the rule here I think, just ask:)14:47
sirriffsalotbingtan: I've burned myself so many times with partitioning, I'll try to help. what's the problem?14:47
pablo_VirtualBlackness, i did "sudo update-rc.d cups remove"14:48
pablo_it keeps stating anyway14:48
MonkeyDust!recover| bingtan14:48
ubottubingtan: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:48
pablo_the same thing with mysqld14:48
VirtualBlacknesspablo_: throw the -f in there and do again14:48
bingtanHi, thanks for replying. Just installed Ubuntu on my friends laptop, using the alternative installation. Was assuming it would partition the hard disk, but it hasn't and has wiped the entire hard disk to just leave Ubuntu. Is there any way of recovering data from the WIndows 7 install, even though it doesn't exist now?14:48
pablo_did ubuntu move away form sys-v ?14:49
ikoniabingtan: it's gone14:49
a_c_m_anyone a wizard at working how how init files work. Trying to set config options for "stud", but there is 0 docuemntation14:49
ikoniabingtan: it only wiped the disk because you told it to use the whole disk / didn't select partition options14:49
K1rk|Workbingtan: Not really any way that's worth the effort.14:49
ikoniapablo_: a long time ago, it moved to upstart14:49
Captain_Protonanyone know of a good opensource it manage software? One that has Vendor phone book, it system password, and ticket system.14:50
pablo_i though upstart worked with the same commands as sys-v14:50
VirtualBlacknessbingtan: I would use windows tools to recover the partition.14:50
ikoniapablo_: no, it's a different init system14:50
action09mneptok sure14:50
pablo_ikonia, how do u use it?14:50
MarKsaitisWHERE DO I TELL TO SAY THAT UBUNTU OFFICIAL SERVER GUIDE FOR 12.04 IS WRONG?! It even refers to 8.4, whereas 12.04 uses 9.1 . The guide is absolutelly useless. Whoom do I tell?14:50
AethelredI need Compiz help. Recently upgraded to 10.04 (Lucid) x86_64. I have 4 desktops. I was previously able to switch desktops by driving my mouse to the right side of the monitor and moving the mouse wheel forward (or back) to move to a different desktop. That no longer works. Where are the settings to control this behaviour?14:50
pablo_ikonia, i'm just tring to stop startng a service and i can't14:51
bingtaneven if the partition was wiped essentially?14:51
ikoniapablo_: how are you trying to do that ?14:51
sirriffsalotbingtan: ouch, you're in trouble14:51
ikonia!upstart > pablo_14:51
ubottupablo_, please see my private message14:51
pablo_ikonia,  "sudo update-rc.d cups remove"14:51
VirtualBlacknessbingtan: Yes... try Active Partition Recovery14:51
sirriffsalotbingtan: only thing you can do now is deliver the hard disk to companies that get payed well to try and recover data14:51
MarKsaitiswhat on earth are you thinking?! U didnt warn me. Come down. I am trying to tell somebody that the guide is wrong14:52
ikoniapablo_: so that should remove the the service from startup,14:52
MarKsaitisand I thin kthat is good14:52
bingtanit's a shame as ubuntu was meant to be a positive experience, but loosing the files has caused more problems than anything14:52
Captain_ProtonAethelred, you need to install ccsm and add that option in there14:52
pablo_VictorCL, i tried -f, doeesn't work eitgher14:52
sirriffsalotbingtan: did you read carefully? I bet you didn't mate14:52
ikoniaMarKsaitis: if you have found a bug with a document, log a bug in launchpad.net detailing it14:52
ikoniaMarKsaitis: it will get assigned to the documentation / web docs team and get resolved once it's been validated14:52
pablo_ikonia, it doesn't work14:52
VirtualBlacknessbingtan: the installer only does what you tell it to do. Don't blame the OS because you overwrote your partition.14:52
sirriffsalotbingtan: it comprehensively informs you with huge buttons what is going to be done:)14:52
ikoniapablo_: define doesn't work14:52
pablo_it keeps starting anyway14:52
sirriffsalotbingtan: but I understand your anger mate, let it out, haha:)14:52
ikoniapablo_: I see, I wonder if there is anything in the guide on this14:53
MarKsaitiswhy cant I log it thru irc? why does it need to be so painful? is that not good enough I checked it and found it? I dont know anything about launchpad14:53
bingtanHaha, in the alternative installer it doesn't really make it clear, from a newb's point of view ;)14:53
ikoniapablo_: https://help.ubuntu.com - worth checking if something has changed in the service14:53
AethelredCaptain_Proton: What is ccsm? Did I have it in 9.04 (Karmic) and have now lost it? I don't mind installing something new, but I'm skeptical that I need a new thing to retain behaviour I already had.14:53
ikoniaMarKsaitis: that is the process, please follow it14:53
ikoniaMarKsaitis: visit launchpad.net create an account, log the bug14:53
pablo_ikonia, it so frustrating if the changed something so basic14:53
sirriffsalotbingtan: alternative installer?14:53
MarKsaitisikonia, how long will it take for such bug to be fixed?14:54
ikoniapablo_: the init system has been progressing/developing since the initial change14:54
DeathKnighthi, how can i add other input methods in precise? I dont see options like I used to see in Lucid!14:54
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis  there are procedures to follow14:54
bingtani mean the alternative disk, i used the ubuntu daily image14:54
ikoniaMarKsaitis: depends on the attention it gets and the quality of the information you put in the bug14:54
ikoniabingtan: why did you do that14:54
ikoniabingtan: the daily image is an unstable build14:54
w3bg33kVirtualBlackness - the volume's definitely clean...I was using an account that has domain admin rights, and when that didn't work, i opened the directory up to everyone w/ full control (I know, bad security, but just testing).14:54
bingtani thought with 12.04 out of the door the daily build would of stabalised... :(14:55
sirriffsalotbingtan: Once again you failed to read carefully, always backup before partitioning anyway14:55
Captain_ProtonAethelred, compizconfig-settings-manager Something must have install or change the setting in it14:55
pablo_ikonia, anyway i want to do somehing so basic as don't start cupds anymore14:55
DeathKnightI cn't see any input methods except chinese in "keyboard input methods" :(14:55
pablo_and i can't14:55
sirriffsalotbingtan: well now you know better:D How much data have you lost anyway?14:55
sk1specialokay. i accidently hit one of the f keys when looking at something online and my ff windows now goes like..super full screen and the menu bar and all that goes away. how do i turn that back off?14:55
pablo_and aparently nobody else does14:55
VirtualBlacknessw3bg33k: chkdsk doesnt take a long time. Try it.14:55
ikoniapablo_: check the docs I linked to, see if something has changed14:55
pablo_how the hell that happend14:55
ikoniapablo_: it happens as the distribution moves on / develops14:55
VirtualBlacknessw3bg33k: it is by far the most common reason.14:55
AethelredCaptain_Proton: Thank you for explaining. How can I tell if I already have it?14:56
pablo_ikonia, the is not much documentation at the link u gave me, i very basic if u are an admin, do i have to unistall it to stop it?????14:56
AethelredCaptain_Proton: I see that I do have CCSM14:57
sirriffsalotA guide on getting libflash working through jack tells me I need "basic software development package"... what is this more precisely?14:57
AethelredCaptain_Proton: Which particular settings am I looking for?14:57
missuseanyone can explain this ? Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14:57
ikoniapablo_: there is a ton of information on that page, and it's not basic if you are an admin and know how to read / search for the information you want14:57
Captain_ProtonAethelred, I beleive that setting in desktop wall or desktop cube14:57
ikoniamissuse: in what way explain it ?14:57
* Aethelred checks14:57
missusewhy windows nt 6.1 and applewebkit14:57
Captain_ProtonAthanasius, it been awhile since I play with that stuff thou14:57
sontekin ubntu LTS in icons mode of nautilus I can't click on directories or files14:58
sontekI have to be in list view14:58
MonkeyDustmissuse  where does that line come from?14:58
sk1specialcaptain didnt they disable the cube?14:58
lusuhardhello to anyone, i have a working kernel for a ubuntu 11.10. can I inject it into a Xubuntu or ubuntu 9.10?14:58
lusuhardor 10.1014:58
missusemonkeydust , from a visitor14:58
Captain_Protonsk1special, in 11 and on yes but you can enable it if you like14:59
MonkeyDustlusuhard  if you don't know, then you shouldnt14:59
ikoniamissuse: it's just a html user agent tag14:59
MarKsaitisikonia, on registration confirmation launchpad.net says Invalid OpenID transaction14:59
ikonialusuhard: you can't do that14:59
MarKsaitisin a big white page..... ftw is wrong with all this clutter14:59
sk1specialahh. is it stable tho? ive got the screen saver as a backgroun d thing working thru xscreensaver ..and i wanted to do a cube version..but it took forever to get my nvidia working correctly15:00
ikoniaMarKsaitis: create an account and login to that account15:00
MonkeyDustmissuse  apparently it was a visitpr who uses win NT15:00
MarKsaitisikonia, i did create and then tried to bverify and this is what I got15:00
missuseikonia why windos and applewebkit go togther  ?15:00
ikoniamissuse: it's nothing to do with ubuntu15:00
ikoniamissuse: so nothing to do with this channel15:00
ikoniaMarKsaitis: have you got an email confirming your account has been created ?15:00
MarKsaitisikonia, anyways, managed to get thru somehow15:00
MonkeyDustmissuse  better ask in ##windows15:01
MarKsaitisI did. Its fine now, ehn I did manual login instead of this automatic redir15:01
MarKsaitisikonia, when im in, where do I create this bug15:01
missuse99 percent of freenode chatroom are lock15:01
Captain_Protonsk1special, I think so Ubuntu employs the only compiz dev. But I do not use so.. give it a try if you don't like it disable again15:01
AethelredCaptain_Proton: I see it now. Desktop Wall is enabled (Cube is not enabled). My bindings seem to already be set correctly (Move Left - <RightEdge>button4). But the behaviour isn't working.15:02
MonkeyDustmissuse  you have to register your nickname15:02
ikonia!bug | MarKsaitis15:02
ubottuMarKsaitis: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:02
ikoniaMarKsaitis: sorry, that was the wrong factoid15:02
Captain_ProtonAethelred, what is button 4?15:03
ikoniaMarKsaitis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs15:03
AethelredCaptain_Proton: I believe that to be Mouse Button 4 (wheel-up and wheel-down are 4 and 5)15:04
ikoniaMarKsaitis: there you go, that's the right url, sorry15:04
Captain_ProtonAethelred, so basicly you are saying when I am it @ the right edge and hit button4 += move left15:05
Aranelafter 12.04 upgrade now I'm unable to start plasma-desktop, could anyone help me?15:05
luweijoin #backtrack-linux15:05
Captain_ProtonAethelred, i would reset the binding that are givein you problem and see if that helps15:05
AethelredCaptain_Proton: Yes. Move to the next desktop (viewport?) left ... or next right for mousewheel the other way.15:06
AethelredCaptain_Proton: Will try. Thank you.15:06
morsnowskiif i hold down the mouse wheel i get to rotate 'the window' but it is like turning a sheet rather than a cube, how do i make it a cube ?15:06
sirriffsalotCould someone tell me what the exact name of the current alsa development libraries is?15:06
Captain_Protonmorsnowski, install compizconfig-settings-manager and change the setting in there15:08
morsnowskiwhat setting, i've turned on the cube, dektop cube and cube gears15:09
MonkeyDustsirriffsalot  fastest is if you looked in synaptic, search for alsa15:09
sirriffsalotMonkeyDust: I have, for so many different things.. but I get confused as to what is what, and I can't find the alsa package either...15:09
Captain_Protonmorsnowski, did you assign key bindings?15:09
sirriffsalotIs it the "alsa-lib" or "alsa-dev"? Either way I can't find them15:09
morsnowskiwell no  but like said i get it to turn, but it shows as a flat pane with two sides15:10
Captain_Protonmorsnowski, sorry misunderstood you need to add two more desktops. you running 12.0415:12
morsnowskiyes i do, i have now 4 workspaces activated15:13
Captain_Protonmorsnowski, strange it flips like a piece of paper when only there 2 desktops. do you have dual monitors?15:15
morsnowskinope just single one15:16
MonkeyDustluwei  go ahead, help how?15:16
sk1specialdoes dual monitors affect that somehow?15:17
Captain_Protonmorsnowski, well if it was me, I would remove the two desktops and read them. Maybe something in gconf messed up.15:18
sirriffsalotAny ideas on this error message? W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/artfwo/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found15:19
knowjAnyone a bit of a wizard with SSH keys/logins got what should be simple new user/auth setup driving me insane?15:19
Captain_Protonnot really but it make it look really funky. also in 11 & 12 people may think they have 4 desktop because the way the screen is layout. Just ruling that out.15:20
biebI have heard I can do a session rollback to use the old desktop instead of unity, how does it work?15:21
bazhang!notunity | bieb15:21
ubottubieb: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:21
knowjI created a new user, generated a new RSA key, appended the PUK to /home/<user>/authorized_keys, downloaded the PK chmod 600 then get the following error when I try to login at the new user (Clean Ubuntu 12.04 installation): http://pastebin.com/nas7xzhZ15:22
MacroManHow can I connect to a VPN via the command line? I can connect fine from the network manager applet, but I want to be able to open the connection via a bash script.15:22
biebbazhang: is it the same for 12.04? I thought I has seen somewhere that you apt-get gnome-session-fallback  I haven't been able to confirm that though15:23
MacroManI've been googling for a solution, but all I can find is out of date stuff that worked on Ubuntu 8 and 9, but doesn't work on 10.0415:24
OerHekssirriffsalot, delete that PPA, there are no PP 12.04 packages >>> https://launchpad.net/~artfwo/+archive/ppa15:24
sirriffsalotOerHeks: PP packages?15:24
OerHekssirriffsalot, yes PP 12.0415:24
sirriffsalotOerHeks: how can this be? I haven't added any repositories...15:24
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity15:25
OerHekssirriffsalot, you did.15:25
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:25
MacroManDoes anyone know the terminal command to open a VPN connection?15:27
qubuntuUbuntu always has a blank black screen whenever I "Log out". If I move the mouse it doesn't do anything, I have to force shutdown and restart. It's pretty annoying, anyone know why it does that? I don't ever log off anymore, I just shutdown. But I want to fix this problem!15:28
llutzMacroMan: read "man nmcli"15:28
Captain_ProtonMacroMan, openvpn or pptp?15:28
Hans_Henrikdoes ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit livecd system contain both libntfs (or something to read ntfs filesystems) and truecrypt?15:29
MacroManCaptain_Proton: PPTP.15:29
Dr_willisHans_Henrik,  it has ntfs support.15:29
Dr_willisHans_Henrik,  no idea on truecrypt.15:29
Hans_Henrikthanks Dr_Willis15:29
MacroManllutz: I've tried nmcli, but I get nmcli: command not found15:30
llutz!find bin/nmcli15:30
ubottuFile bin/nmcli found in network-manager, network-manager-dbg15:30
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llutzMacroMan: should be installed with network-manager15:30
MacroManI already have network-mamanger because I've managed to set up the VPN in the first place15:30
Captain_ProtonMacroMan, have you look at this http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-ubuntu.phtml15:31
llutzMacroMan: thats why i pointed you to nmcli, it can handle those connections (nmcli con     to list all connections available)  check your installation why nmcli isn't found.15:32
MacroManCaptain_Proton, that's for Ubuntu 7.1!15:32
llutzMacroMan: "lsb_release -sc"15:32
Captain_ProtonMacroMan, still the same15:32
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MacroManllutz: That gives me 'lucid'15:33
Bill-Buchananhey, I got a question, I installed Xubuntu, switched to Unity and now my notifications are in XFCE-style and won't hide automatically - how do I reset them?15:33
MacroManCaptain_Proton: I've read something similar, it talks about configuration, but I've already configured it, i just need the command to open the connection, which it doesn't say what it is15:34
xapelI have a virtual machine running windows 98 on ubuntu 12.04 host. I use the vm for a game that I want to play in multiplayer against someone else over the internet. If I run two virtual machines on the same host I can do it, but how do I do it with other virtual machines running on other hosts over the internet. Do I need a VPN? If so, how do I go about setting that up?15:34
llutzMacroMan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167825615:34
Captain_ProtonMacroMan, in the Configuration, by hand part half way down the page pon is the command15:35
MacroManI've tried pon, but it keeps telling me that it can't find a config file. Do I really need to configure the VPN again via terminal only?15:36
Captain_ProtonMacroMan, yes the gui holds it info in sqllite db I think or seahorse I can not remember15:36
MacroManCaptain_Proton: Ah OK. I'm just checking out this link about nmcli that lutz gave me15:37
nydeli've a laptop & a hdmi out - is there a way to make them behave as two different workspaces rather than as one long workspace?15:38
Dr_willisnydel,  you can run 2 seperate X sessions, one per each monitor.. but ive never really needed to do that.  why do you want to?15:42
Dr_willisnydel,  its not the same as 2 workspaces.. its 2 'desktop sessions;15:42
nydelDr_willis: i'm watching tv on one & working on the computer on the other15:43
Dr_willisnydel,  with a tv program on the pc?15:43
nydelmedia files in vlc fullscreen15:43
Dr_willisnydel,  so... why not just drag it over to the 2nd monitor?15:43
nydelbut all my windows keep popping up in the middle of the combined space so it's super inconvenient15:43
duckxxso this is getting anonying... i have to constantly do cd ../../../../../  is there a way where i can just click on the path and it will just goto the directory without all those cd's15:44
Dr_willisYou got nvidia gfx card?15:44
nydeli don't even know, it's some hp laptop i inherited15:44
Dr_willisMi dialogs/windows pop up in the middle of my primary monitor. using nvidia+Twinview enabled.15:44
nydelthat's what i want to happen Dr_willis15:44
xapelI have a virtual machine running windows 98 on ubuntu 12.04 host. I use the vm for a game that I want to play in multiplayer against someone else over the internet. If I run two virtual machines on the same host I can do it, but how do I do it with other virtual machines running on other hosts over the internet. Do I need a VPN? If so, how do I go about setting that up?15:45
nydelin fact that's the only problem, dialogs & programs popping up in the middle of the workspace, not the middle of the primary display15:45
Dr_willisxapel,  what virtual machine you using?15:45
VadtecWkI have a lenovo desktop with an on-board intel video card running the i915 driver... the box is hard locking and I suspect its the video driver, none of my google foo has lead to anything useful, has anyone in here had a problem with on-board intel video hard locking a box when running 12.04?15:45
alayolahi, when installing ubuntu on my netbook i had to go with the minimal install (not by choice but because of a 3 year old ubuntu bug i win't bother tou with), now which packet do i have to get in order to have a basic inity desktop with regualr funnctunalityes like sound, print and autologin? I believe i could go with ubuntu-desktop, but frankly i dont really need the whoel default install15:45
Dr_willisalayola,  if you have a low end machine. you may want to use lubuntu/lxde15:46
obelusalayola: ubuntu-desktop should bring it all in if you want unity.15:46
wendicohello, what nice alternative to dreamweaver do i have for ubuntu?15:46
MonkeyDustwendico  kompozer is the closest, but in my experience, it does not even come *close* to dreamweaver15:47
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Dr_willisbet it dosent come close in price either. ;)15:47
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alayolano the machine is fine, but i do have network linitations, is there any way to install only a basic desktop envirenment, without thunderbird/office/etc, a but like th businees remix ?15:47
wendicothank you15:47
Dr_willisalayola,  you could alwyas start installing packages  till you are happy..  or go lazy and install one of the whatever-desktop meta packages15:48
duckxxso this is getting anonying... i have to constantly do cd ../../../../../  is there a way where i can just click on the path and it will just goto the directory without all those cd's15:48
obelusI'd probably start with ubuntu-desktop and then just remove thunderbird and libre-office15:49
wendicowhat about just a nice simpler code editor for harder coding html5, php and scripting?15:49
duckxxhow is ubuntu web server vs others ?15:49
Onixsany good burning app?15:49
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Tjololo12I have to make a VM that's as small as possible. No real data to store, just needs to be able to run a lightweight program...How large should I make the disk? IE How much space does ubuntu take up?15:50
DJones!burning | Onixs A few to chose from here,15:50
ubottuOnixs A few to chose from here,: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:50
GabrieleVHello, I'm having troubles with package installing. Bad signature mismatching like this http://pastebin.com/DzWf1ikS. Is is a my own issue, or someone else is suffering it in italy ?15:51
sogeking99hey guys. I clicked the upgrade button for 12.04 and it did all the steps, up to the actual installation, before clean up and restart. It crashed during install15:51
Captain_Protonduckxx, Night commander. apache vrs apache is the same15:51
obelusTjololo12: If you don't want to run anything else except one program, I'm pretty sure Ubuntu fits fine in a 5Gb with a bit of room to spare, but I'd usually go with 8. Most VM software lets you have 'dynamic disks' though, so you could set it large (16+GB) and it would only expand for the space it needed15:51
sogeking99I rebooted and now I can't boot Linux at all. it takes me to a black screen and I have to press CTRL + D to go back to the boot select.  I tried recovery mode and tried repairing broken packages and fail safe mode.15:51
duckxxCaptain_Proton, how do i search for night commander in the command line15:51
Tjololo12Thanks obelus15:51
duckxxapt-get search ?15:51
intoreHi, hope someone could help me. i rewrite my question. i can't mount the user's home directories from the ldap-samba server (amahoro) on the clients at login time. I installed pam_mount but the configuration is not correct i think or something about directory permissions. I want that the user home directory in /users/username on the server will be mount on the client on /home/username. this is pam_mount.conf: http://paste.debian.net/169091/ and this is the15:52
intore command-output after login: http://paste.debian.net/16908915:52
alayolaDr_willis:  ok thanks, thats what I'll be doing then, but if anybody know if there is something like ubuntu-desktop-minimal or ubuntu-businees-desktop by another name that i've missed let me know please15:52
Captain_Protonduckxx, yes15:52
crappycomputerowhi can anyone help me with making a startup disk?15:52
Captain_Protonduckxx, it like and old DOS menu system15:52
GabrieleVcrappycomputerow, What's the problem ?15:52
VirtualBlacknessintore: check out autofs515:52
xapelDr_WIllis: Virtualbox15:53
obelusTjololo12: I usually use Oracle's VirtualBox, it's pretty good and it has dynamic disks. VMWare does too, but virtualbox is free.15:53
intoream using pam_mount, do you think is better using pam_mount?15:53
obelusSorry. Cat stood on my keyboard.15:53
Dr_willisxapel,  virtualbox has network settings where your vm gets an ip on the local lan just like a real machine could. You can then port forward or watever to it.15:53
Captain_Protonduckxx, sorry it midnight commander15:53
duckxxCaptain_Proton, oh but thats not wat i want.. i dont want a gui replacment of the terminal. but i just want to find a faster way to navigate thru folders without having to do cd ../../../15:53
crappycomputerowthe problem is i have downloaded the iso using transmission when i got to make the disk and put the iso on the usb from the downloads folder it wont go15:53
sirriffsalotflashsupport.c:184:28: fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.        What does this tell me to do...?15:54
Dr_willismidnight commander - is handy. :)15:54
intoreVirtualBlackness, am sorry, autofs?15:54
Tjololo12obelus: yeah, but virtualbox needs some major fenangling to make virtual machines that are compatible with vmware products. And, my work gives me vmware license XD It was just a PITA to install and get running.15:54
Dr_willissirriffsalot,  you may need some videodev 'dev' packages.  but that may be a kernel dev package also.. hard to tell/15:54
Dr_willis!find videodev.h15:54
ubottuFile videodev.h found in libv4l-dev, linux-doc15:54
VirtualBlacknessintore: I prefer mounting things on the fly as needed. autofs mounts at i/o request. Look into it.15:55
Dr_willissirriffsalot,  try libv4l-dev ;)15:55
sirriffsalotGuess I'll try and remove try and remove15:55
obelusTjololo12: Ah, lucky. Anyway, yeah, you can just use dynamic disks, so you shouldnt have to worry about getting the space just right, just leave it at the default size VMWare has for ubuntu and you should be fine15:55
crappycomputerowi dont have to extract the file or anything first do i , or program rather15:55
sirriffsalotAlready have libv4l-dev hehe15:55
obelusAnyway, I'm going to sleep. 4 hours till I have to get up lol. Good luck!15:55
sogeking99can anyone help me?15:55
crappycomputerowhow to get iso on usb ?15:55
MonkeyDustsogeking99  start with a question15:55
VirtualBlackness!usb | crappycomputerow15:56
ubottucrappycomputerow: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:56
sogeking99I did, but i'll post again15:56
sogeking99hey guys. I clicked the upgrade button for 12.04 and it did all the steps, up to the actual installation, before clean up and restart. It crashed during install15:56
MacroManOK. I've managed to get nmcli installed and working. I've tried connecting by doing 'nmcli con up VPN1', but it says I need to use the id or uuid of the connection. How do I find out what the id or uuid of the connection is?15:56
sogeking99I rebooted and now I can't boot Linux at all. it takes me to a black screen and I have to press CTRL + D to go back to the boot select.  I tried recovery mode and tried repairing broken packages and fail safe mode.15:56
ikoniasogeking99: re-install15:56
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:56
Tjololo12obelus: mmk cool, thanks. I had forgotten about the dynamic disks...My boss wanted it to be 1GB, but I wasn't sure if ubuntu could do that.15:56
llutzMacroMan: nmcli con up id VPN115:57
sogeking99ikonia: you mean like a clean install?15:57
ikoniasogeking99: correct15:57
sogeking99ikonia: but I have a lot on the drive to lose15:57
llutzMacroMan: "id" is the name of the connection, uid the long hex-string15:57
Dr_williscrappycomputerow,  the pendrivelinux web site has alternative tools and guides on gettingthe iso to boot from a usb.15:58
obelusTjololo12: ... uh.... I don't think it can install that small. Even my lucid VM which I've installed almost nothing on is 2.8GB15:58
MacroManllutz: Ah, genius. Works perfect. Thank you so much15:58
llutzMacroMan: np15:58
Captain_Protonduckxx, olny other way I can think of learn short cuts http://www.skorks.com/2009/09/bash-shortcuts-for-maximum-productivity/ or script some shorthand stuff http://eriwen.com/bash/effective-shorthand/15:58
VirtualBlacknesssogeking99: boot to live disk, move the data you need to another source, reinstall15:58
sogeking99ok thanks15:59
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glebaronHaving a problem removing freenx-server. Everything is gone except for freenx-session-launcher, but when I type "apt-get remove --purge freenx-session-launcher," it fails with the following error:chmod: cannot access `/usr/bin/nx-session-launcher-suid': No such file or directory  dpkg: error processing freenx-session-launcher (--purge):16:00
Dr_willisdata worth having.. is worth backing up :)16:00
Tjololo12obelus: yeah, I kinda figured that lol...that's why I came in here to figure out how small is the smallest...but I had forgotten about the dynamic disks16:01
kyubutsuhow could you have so much data in it when it was a 'fresh install' so quickly, where this data came from anyway...16:01
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JonEdneyThis is going to sound noobish, but I'm still a noob for this advanced Linux stuff.  How do I install a program?  It came in a .tar.gz and is full of .so files.16:05
ikoniaJonEdney: what are you trying to install ?16:06
JonEdneyFor work.16:06
sirriffsalotJonEdney: Go to ubuntu software center and install unzip, or do sudo apt-get install unzip16:06
JonEdneyI already have that.16:07
sirriffsalotJonEdney: Once you've done that you can right-click the file and open something called "archive manager" and click "extract"16:07
ikoniaJonEdney: there should be a "README" or INSTALL file within the tar file16:07
akshayJonEdney: there must be an install or make file along in it right?16:07
ikoniaJonEdney: the INSTALL or README file will detail how to install it16:07
ikoniaif it's coming with .so files already, it's precompiled, so it should just be a matter of moving them into the right places16:07
sirriffsalotLet's see if he can extract the files first:d16:07
ikoniasirriffsalot: he's already said he can, that's how he knows there are .so files in there16:08
sirriffsalotOh lol16:08
sirriffsalotAah install16:08
sirriffsalotGeez, my bad16:08
kyubutsuprograms in compressed format as such usually only need unzipping, no?16:10
Dr_willisNormally one dosent use precompiled binaries from archives. :)16:10
Dr_willisits an archive. yoy extract all the files to a directory, then run the app from that dir. normally.16:10
* kyubutsu nods16:10
g3orgehey guys. I just wanna install Ubuntu in my MBP (w/o Mac OS X) and I want to know if I need a special edition or something, for that weird EFI bootloader... thanks.16:10
qubuntuUbuntu always has a blank black screen whenever I "Log out". If I move the mouse it doesn't do anything, I have to force shutdown and restart. It's pretty annoying, anyone know why it does that? I don't ever log off anymore, I just shutdown. But I want to fix this problem!16:11
* european-guy hi16:11
Dr_willisqubuntu,  next time - try alt-ctrl-f1 and see if you can get to the console. :) - i recall a simile rissue ages ago with some drivers. I recall using a 'always restart x server' setting in GDM. not sure if lightdm has the same setting.16:12
morsnowskiwho can help me make my pane into a cube ?16:12
kyubutsuqubuntu: does it behave like this on every reinstall attempt?16:12
JonEdneyThere is no readme or install file, all .so files16:13
Dr_willismorsnowski,  if you are trying to get unity working with the compiz cube. i recall the webupd8 or omgubuntu! blog site having a guide on that topic once.16:13
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Dr_willisJonEdney,  so extract everything to a dir. run the binary.. hope it works.16:13
kyubutsuisn't .so linux drivers? there should be a .sh file [executable] in there if it is a complete program16:14
phunyguyis there a way using network-manager to keep a vpn connection connected when the network becomes active? I see there is an option to "Automatically connect" but it is obviously ignored because I always have to connect manually.16:14
Dr_willis.so are library files.16:14
Dr_willisand there could be an actual executable binary16:14
morsnowskiwell i got it working to a degree, i now have a pane with two sides that i can look at from all sides and it turns quite nicely but like said like sheet of paper with two sides but not a cube16:14
Dr_willismorsnowski,  use ccsm to make more desktops perhaps.16:15
Dr_willisunder the general tab in ccsm i belive is the # of desktop settings16:15
morsnowskiyes done that but i set it 4 and 6 byt no joy either16:15
morsnowskilet me have another look16:15
Dr_willismorsnowski,  id say check the forums and askubuntu.com then. perhaps set the # then log out/back in. Ive seen ccsm not take some changes on the fly.16:15
Dr_willisCUBE - the eyecandy plugin you use to impress your windows friends.. then turn off when they leave so you can get real work done......16:16
morsnowskiDr_willis, yes you are right I'm bored16:16
Dr_willisthe Cube plugin has been known to break unity badly16:17
Dr_willissome ccsm settings can also break unity16:17
tomasm-hi, is there a way to utilize 'drawers' on the sidebar tray in unity, so related apps can be grouped together and not clutter up the top level so much?16:18
kyubutsu"keep it simple..." all i need is alt-tab16:18
qubuntuDr_willis I did alt-ctrl-f1 while i was logged in and that brought up a dark blank screen. i had to force restart! when i logged off this time, the log off screen appeared. apparently everything is fixed now! :)16:18
Dr_willistomasm-,   You could make some quicklists.. but no drawer applet that ive ever seen.16:18
Dr_willisqubuntu,  you scared it.. ;)16:19
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kyubutsulinux voodoo16:19
qubuntuDr_willis now the only thing that i don't understand is, whenever I do alt-ctrl-f1 the whole computer will go black and i have to force restart. -_-16:19
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morsnowskiDr_willis, that's ok it can brake unity all it's want. it's disabled anyway :)16:19
Dr_willistomasm-,  right now i got unity  and awn going. with awn at the bottom for the fancy stuff.16:19
Dr_willisqubuntu,  ive seen some video drivers mess with the framebuffer console and make it unuseable. i had to disable the framebuffer in ages past to get around that.16:20
Dr_willisqubuntu,  if you alt-ctrl-f7 it should go back to the X display.16:20
kyubutsui just use dash for everything and alt-tab for app switching , works16:20
makerbreaker_spyI have a master ISO, it is written to a thumbdrive, the thubdrive is bootable16:20
makerbreaker_spyhow would you guys write the thumbdrive ot the hard drive of the server, so the server boots up correctly16:21
makerbreaker_spyw/o using dd?16:21
Dr_willismakerbreaker_spy,  you did a full install to the thumb drive?16:21
qubuntuDr_willis i just did alt-ctrl-f1 and then a black screen appeared, after doing alt-ctrl-f7 it went away. wow. thanks!16:21
morsnowskino logging in again didn't fix it either, i'll trail the forums for a while16:21
makerbreaker_spydr_willis, yes16:21
makerbreaker_spyit is a "live" workable system16:21
Dr_willisqubuntu,  f1-f6 = consoles f7 = X.16:21
Dr_willismakerbreaker_spy,  live is not the same as a normal 'full' install.16:22
makerbreaker_spyits ubuntu 12 server edition16:22
makerbreaker_spysorry, full install16:22
qubuntuso i'll never be able to us a console for some reason. :|16:22
makerbreaker_spyI just need to image the USB drive, to the hard drive, in the simplest way possible16:22
Dr_willisi just used dd last time to clone a 16gb usb flash to several other pcs hds makerbreaker_spy , then used gparted to resize the filesystems.16:22
VirtualBlacknessqubuntu: sounds like a driver issue. What is the gpu16:22
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makerbreaker_spydr_willis, I need to avoid using dd the techs I hae doing the insallations are dubm16:23
Dr_willisboot flash.. use dd to clone to hd.. reboot.16:23
makerbreaker_spydr_willis, that is what I have been doing16:23
Dr_willismakerbreaker_spy,  worse case they erase the flash? so make a backup of it...16:23
tomasm-Dr_willis, so you need to use a totally separate dock/tray because unity's doesn't allow customize anything?16:23
Dr_willisor make a script on the flash for them to run.16:23
makerbreaker_spyya, right, they erased the flash, but I need to ship out new ones16:23
Dr_willistomasm-,  i just like awn.  for my task changer..16:23
makerbreaker_spywoudl you just parse the output of fdisk -l in the script?16:23
Dr_willisplus i got tons-o-moitor space. ;)16:24
qubuntuVirtualBlackness I'm using Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) version rather than the recommended one.16:24
makerbreaker_spyor is there an easier mechanism to figure out wich is the USB and which is the HD?16:24
phunyguymakerbreaker_spy: ddrescue16:24
Dr_williswonder if they make  usb flsh with write protect switches.. ;)16:24
Dr_willisI bet someone does..16:24
makerbreaker_spydr_willis, they are out there, but microcenter doesnt have htem16:25
Dr_willisive seen some pcs switch sda to be whatever flash they booted from.. seen others not do that.. so it can get complex.16:25
kyubutsu3.5 floppies have it16:25
Dr_williskyubutsu,  i bought a usb flash that was write protected.. with no switch.. :) had to take it back. it was defective16:26
makerbreaker_spydr_willis, right, thats my issue, I wrote directions that said "run fdisk -l" figure out which is the smaller drive, and put that after the if=16:26
makerbreaker_spy.....that didnt work tooo well16:26
pibarnas1makerbreaker_spy: dmesg | fgrep USB | tail -10 's too hard?16:26
Dr_willisblkid may be a better tool then fdisk -l16:26
phunyguymakerbreaker_spy: hire new techs.  If they are working with linux, then they need to be worth the money you pay.16:26
kyubutsuDr_willis: thats so government-like anyway16:27
makerbreaker_spyI dont have controll over that16:27
VirtualBlacknessmakerbreaker_spy: I guess you could... use clonezilla to make an image to be dropped on the server drive, and install bootable clonezilla to the USB key with the image.16:27
Dr_willisblkid may be easier for the script to parse also.. if you use a spefific label for the flash.16:27
VirtualBlacknessThen there is no messing anything up, and you have idiot windows asking questions...16:27
Dr_willisVirtualBlackness,  thats fancy ;)16:27
Dr_willisi need to look into clonezilla someday16:28
VirtualBlacknessmakerbreaker_spy: you could also do distributed installs that way :)16:28
qubuntuVirtualBlackness do you think the problem is that i should be using the recommended Nvidia driver instead of the post-release driver?16:28
Dr_willisqubuntu,  ive never had the post-release driver work. ;)16:28
VirtualBlacknessDr_willis: Yes. Clonezilla is magic. Have no idea how much time it has saved me.16:28
VirtualBlacknessqubuntu: very likely.16:29
phunyguyis post-release the beta? and if so, why dont they just call it Beta?16:29
qubuntuok Dr_willis and VirtualBlackness i'll just install the other one then.16:29
kyubutsuqubuntu: dont overthink it. you say it working now. let it be16:29
qubuntukyubutsu but the console doesn't come up and i really want to figure out why.16:29
Dr_willisqubuntu,  you could disable the framebuffer for the console i think you use the 'nofb' option in /etc/default/grub16:30
Dr_willisbut ive noticed the framebuffer acting differntly in 12.04 then earlier relasees here.16:30
kyubutsuwell.. curiosity kills cat. but, i bet you know this16:30
NarcSorry to ask again but I need some help here, I can't for the life of me get a Ubuntu Install USB Key to boot on a friend's iMac... I tried a lot of things, to no avail. The best I achieved was to get rEFIt to see a Windows partition on which I dd the whole USB stick, but booting from it gives me a "Non system disk" or "isonlinux.bin missing" message. How can I copy the install image to a partition to boot from ? Any help ? Thanks a lot16:30
Dr_willisthe console is not filling out my whole monitor like it used to16:30
qubuntuokay Dr_willis i'll try that after switching to the other Nvidia driver. thanks.16:30
phunyguyNarc, not sure that is a supported configuration.16:31
isabelhi, i have ubuntu 12.04 installed on my laptop with 512mb ram and 502mb swap space. The problem is my swap space is just getting fuller and fuller, eg memory usage is at 40% and swap space is at 60%, is there a way of tweaking this?16:31
phunyguyisabel, sounds like it is working as it should.16:32
Dr_willisisabel,  ive found it best to let linux handle memory.... it knows best.16:32
Dr_willismoar ram would defiantly help your system16:32
Narcphunyguy: The Ubuntu wiki says it is I think. Install from USB seems to be compatible with Intel Macs..16:32
phunyguydefiantly... lol.16:32
phunyguyNarc, but use at your own risk16:33
isabeli hear you guys, but after a while swap space is 100% and it looks like ubuntu is hanging16:33
xapelDr_Willis: Thanx, will look into it16:33
kyubutsu512mb of memory! a pocket calculator has more ram than that!16:33
VirtualBlacknessNarc there is a mac specific iso... I dont know if that is for PPC or what... though. Might investigate16:33
phunyguyisabel, try a lighter distro.16:33
phunyguylubuntu, or xubuntu16:33
kyubutsuam kinda surprised 12.04 can work with that even16:34
isabelthanks maybe i must do that16:34
Dr_willisLubuntu is very nice. :)16:34
kyubutsuyes you must16:34
phunyguyisabel I would try xubuntu first16:34
phunyguybut lubuntu is definitely lighter.16:34
isabelwhy wat is the dif16:34
kyubutsuxfce or lxde16:35
phunyguytry each one out.  Lubuntu definitely lacks features that regular ubuntu brings, and Xubuntu has most features without all the eye candy.16:35
isabel12.04 is running not bad in the laptop, for 512mb mem16:35
VirtualBlacknessone is a sportscar one is a motorcyle.16:35
qubuntuokay Dr_willis changing to recommended driver didn't work. i'll try disabling framebuffer. i'm in terminal right now, so what do i enter?16:35
isabelall i need is libre office, internet, skype, thats it16:36
phunyguyVirtualBlackness: ubuntu = sports car, xubuntu = motorcycle, lubuntu = moped.16:36
kyubutsuif you are used to gnome, xubuntu will feel more like it imo16:36
NarcVirtualBlackness: I think there isn't any mac specific ISO, since they use Intel. The wiki don't mention any.16:36
phunyguyNarc, the issue lies with the mac, and not ubuntu.16:36
* VirtualBlackness thinks of ubuntu/unity more of a station waggon... but to each their own16:36
phunyguywhich is probably beyond the scope of this channel16:36
VirtualBlacknessone second narc16:37
kyubutsuVirtualBlackness: vans are quite useful actually16:37
Narcphunyguy: I supposed so... I think EFI is to blame, among other16:37
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skraps /nickserv identify method5116:37
NarcVirtualBlackness: No problem16:37
Dr_willisqubuntu,  nofb option in the /etc/default/grub file, then rerun update-grub, then reboot.. but im not sure how well that works in 12.0416:37
phunyguyVirtualBlackness: I actually like it.  Works very well for me, but like you said, to each their own.  and Kubuntu = 18 wheeler.16:37
phunyguyhahaha skraps.16:38
phunyguywe can help you scroll the screen16:38
skrapsit was phunny wasnt it16:38
qubuntuok Dr_willis but i'm not sure what to enter in terminal. how would i do that?16:38
isabellaptop spec is 1 cpu 1.73hz, 512 ram, 80G hdd, and it runs ubuntu 12.048-)16:38
Dr_willis!grub2 | qubuntu16:38
ubottuqubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:38
VirtualBlacknessnarc: first of all did you see this? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx16:39
Dr_willisqubuntu,  use whatever text editor you like.  you need to edit the file as root.16:39
Dr_willisbbl. wife needs me.16:39
qubuntualright thanks Dr_willis.16:39
isabelproblem is new ram is more expensive now for this model16:39
qubuntulunch time. bye!16:39
NarcVirtualBlackness: Yes I did, I did it at least 6 times, to no avail16:39
VirtualBlacknessjust for the record Narc: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/   I knew I had seen mac specific ones, but as suspected, they are for PPC16:42
Alex__where can I go to ask a question about how javascript works in firefox?16:42
VirtualBlacknesseither mac PPC or intel PPC16:42
VirtualBlacknessJavascript is javascript... what is the question Alex__?16:42
VirtualBlacknessNot sure it can or should be answered here, but I am curious what your question is/.16:43
NarcVirtualBlackness: Ok, thanks. But the iMac is an Intel one. Any other suggestion, it's really getting on my nerves16:43
VirtualBlacknesswhat version imac Narc?16:45
Alex__when I declare visibility using css declaring it hidden and then access the document.getElementById(theId).sylte.visibility it returns undefined.  But the actual element is hidden16:45
NarcVirtualBlackness: iMac6.1 from late 2007 I think16:45
VirtualBlacknessNarc: that is PPC. Grab an iso from the link I gave you.16:46
Alex__then when I assign hidden or visible through javascript the same code will return the expected value16:46
VirtualBlacknessor maybe not16:46
VirtualBlacknessone second...16:46
tomasm-hi, is there any way to change ubuntu (12.04 unity) to NOT place the menu bar of an app at the top of the screen? I really need them on the app windows, especially for small app windows16:46
NarcVirtualBlackness: No, it's Intel16:47
OerHekstomasm-, yes, disable global menu16:47
morsnowskiI can see it now I will die without that cube, what a shame16:47
VirtualBlacknessNarc: Intel made the latter portion of their PPCs16:47
goudkovhi guys. i'm on lucid, trying to mount samsung galaxy tab via mtp. i want to use libmtp but it looks like gnome uses libgphoto2 to lock the  device. i tried looking into udev, hal, dbus, without any success. any ideas on how to make ubuntu not try to mount mtp device automatically?16:47
VirtualBlacknessIt changed over somewhere around there though...16:48
tomasm-OerHeks, how?16:48
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NarcVirtualBlackness: It's an Intel Core 2 Duo processor16:49
OerHekstomasm-,  " sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt indicator-appmenu "  found @ http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html16:49
tomasm-OerHeks, thanks16:50
phunyguyyeah normal iso should work.  do you have a USB CD drive?16:50
phunyguyor a CD drive on the mac?16:50
Catbus_hmm when did my background switch from solid purple to solid black?  Ubuntu does the cutest little things16:51
Narcphunyguy: The Superdrive or so called on the iMac is dead, and I figured it won't boot from an USB DVD Drive either, maybe I'm wrong16:51
tomasm-also, anyone here have dual monitors and notice that when moving the mouse from one monitor to the other, that the mouse often gets 'stuck' on the 2nd monitor's dock and wont move past (unless you do some weird 'yanking' trick)? is this a bug? or some supposed feature?16:51
VirtualBlacknesstomasm-: I would expect that is GPU specific.16:52
tomasm-the mouse wont move to the 'other' monitor if I'm moving the cursor slowly. it only works if i move the cursor quickly16:52
=== ext3_nfs is now known as Xpl01t
Xpl01tguys, what file system should i use?? ext3 or ext4?16:52
tomasm-VirtualBlackness, GPU? i don't know how it could be related to my graphics card, it's quite consistent, and doesn't visually appear to be a bug16:53
StepNjumpHi guys, I like back in time much better than deja dup. However, it doesn't offer encryption. Would anyone know any work around I could use to manually password protect my files?\16:53
OerHeksXpl01t, i would choose ext416:53
VirtualBlacknesstomasm-: it would be related to the driver specific to the gpu which allows multiple monitor setups. Nothing to do with the OS itself16:54
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Xpl01tOerHeks: but what are the basic differences between them?16:54
tomasm-VirtualBlackness, but this is very specific to unity, not gnome or cinnamon, which I've also used.... it has something to do with the mouse getting sticky onto the dock when moving slowly across it16:55
OerHeksXpl01t, newer is better.16:55
phunyguyNarc, doesnt hurt to try16:55
Xpl01tdoes anybody still uses reiserFS, after Hans Reiser get arrested by killing his wife?16:55
phunyguyXpl01t: nope.16:55
Xpl01twhy not?16:56
phunyguyXpl01t: not me anyway16:56
tomasm-VirtualBlackness, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1188249416:56
OerHeksXpl01t, some love it, i do not support it.16:56
phunyguyXpl01t: never felt a need.16:56
Xpl01toh ok16:56
Xpl01tthank you :)16:56
OerHeksZFS would be my next choice.16:56
tomasm-VirtualBlackness, "sticky edges", under Display Settings, apparently. (not related to the graphics card)16:57
StepNjumpCrazy guy!16:57
StepNjumpWow, she was beautiful!16:58
phunyguyStepNjump: do you have a question?16:59
Alex__VirtualBlackness: any ideas on my javascript question?16:59
StepNjumpNina Reiser16:59
phunyguy!offtopic | StepNjump16:59
ubottuStepNjump: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:59
VirtualBlacknesstomasm-: it appears you have your answer... it is a compiz setting issue.17:00
VirtualBlacknessAlex__: no.   /join ##javascript17:01
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adv__  Hi17:07
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sirriffsalotadv__: hey:P17:09
hawkal1How can I increase my "ulimit -l" memory or change it to unlimited?17:09
sirriffsalotI accidentally dropped my "Downloads" directory on the top panel of classic gnome in 12.04, and there seems to be no way to get rid of it...?17:09
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morsnowskisirriffsalot, press alt-windows than right click the icon17:12
sirriffsalotmorsnowski: wow, where'd you get that from?17:12
morsnowskigoogle ?17:13
morsnowskihad that issue before17:13
sirriffsalotAnd how come there  isn't a "Panels" option of some kind in system settings?!:P17:13
Mike9863Ubuntu no longer automatically changes the connector from Speakers to Headphones under the sound settings when I plug in headphones. How can I enable this?17:14
morsnowskisirriffsalot, that's to ensure I can answer a question in here every now and then17:14
sirriffsalotmorsnowski: haha..17:15
Welagorhello, i need help please, i have two gateway in two different subnet and when I try ping from my second network, i get destination not unreachable but i have the good route..17:15
Monigotefuck you17:18
FloodBot1Monigote: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:18
sirriffsalotMonigote: hi asshole:P17:19
FloodBot1Monigote: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
Monigoteque te calles coño17:20
lelamalcan anyone kick him out please?17:20
Dr_willisHmm. got a directory with like 200 videos in it.. need to basically shuffle them, so the wife has a 'random' order to play them all in when she does a play all with her media player.. dont suppose someones seen a renamer-tool that can make that task easier?17:21
fidel_lelamal: therei s a trigger afaik to notice the ops in case you really bother just ignoring ;)17:21
lelamalfidel_: ok thanks :)17:21
FloodBot1Monigote: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!17:22
FloodBot1Monigote: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
akshaydixiDr_willis: souldnt playing them all with shuffle mode work as well?17:25
Dr_willisakshaydixi,  the player she has - dosent do that. Its a TV-Video box that just plays from flash/usb.17:26
Dr_willisactually it wold be best if i could keep some order to the videos. not totally random. otherwise part2 of a show may appear befor part1.. (not that it matters much)17:26
eli0_hey ppl. can i ask u how to join php channel? because it requires invitation, how can i get it?17:26
kyubutsumake playlist sort by date17:26
LutsenI've successfully mounted /home on a separate primary partition using the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving .  But I just tried it again and noticed something odd (to me) as it is copying /home to /media/home.  It spends a lot of time telling me that countless ecryptfs files have "vanished".  I don't remeber if it did this when I moved /home several months ago so I don't know if this is a bad thing.  I a17:26
Dr_williseli0_,  you sure it dosent say 'regiestered' nicks only?17:27
Dr_williskyubutsu,  shes got an O-Play media player on the tv. it dosent do Playlists. :)17:27
escottLutsen, if you have ecryptfs I would recommend rebooting the livecd and performing the copy there17:27
Dr_willisbut for a 3 yr+ old media player. it plays most every file i cen throw at it.. it even plays dvd iso files.17:28
eli0_Dr_willis sure, it says Cannot join to channel #php (You must be invited)17:28
LutsenFollow the same instructions but from within the live cd?17:28
Dr_williseli0_,  i imagone thats not  ment to be a php support channel then. you my want to ask in #freenode ans check out  the alis bot.17:29
Dr_willis!alis | eli0_17:29
ubottueli0_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:29
Myrttieli0_: you're already on ##php then17:29
kyubutsueli0_: look in the channel list see who admin and ask17:29
escottLutsen, basically. important thing is to get your ecryptfs user logged off the computer before performing the copy17:29
truemovegood rewiew of unity :D17:30
eli0_ok thanks guys i'll try all ur advices17:31
kyubutsuthe advice was same in three different ways though17:32
kyubutsulinux voodoo17:32
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LutsenOh, I get it.  Thanks.  Another question.  Right now /home is on a primary partition.  Can it be mounted in an extended partition instead?  And would it have to be owned by a particular user (such as root)?  I'm trying to do this because I have reached the limit on how many primary partitions I can have and want to install a second distro to dual boot with.  (Or perhaps can the second distro boot from within an extended partition and just use t17:32
Dr_willisLutsen,  you could have made the /home/ parton a logical partion Inside an extended...17:33
LutsenThat's what I'm asking about.  It will mount just fine from there?17:34
Dr_willisLutsen,  the files/dirs in /home/USERNAME  are owned by the user in question.17:34
Qalqithis world would have been a been a better place if only irc people were more sympathetic17:34
Dr_willisLutsen,  you can use primary or logicals howefer you want.17:34
LutsenCool, thanks ya'll!17:34
kyubutsuit just a matter of creating the new partition. data wont mind what you call it17:35
Dr_willisrember however.. 4 primary partions MAX.. one of which can be an extended, that holds more logicals.17:35
killtracecan u delete swap partition and I have 4 Gb ram mmemory17:35
Dr_williskilltrace,  you could.. but i wouldent suggest it.17:36
kyubutsukilltrace: yes, but, highly not recommended17:36
escottLutsen, /home itself should be owned by root17:36
killtraceok, i wanna buy 8gb and ssd .. what about wear level?17:37
killtraceof ssd?17:37
kapzI need help choosing a laptop...where can I look?17:37
Dr_williskapz,  check out the various linux laptop sales web sites - and see what they got. :)17:38
kyubutsuprobably online too17:38
kapzDr_willis, in my country there are no special linux laptops marketed...so need major brands..17:38
Dr_williskapz,  i belive system76 ships worldwide.. and you can see what brands they are rebranding...17:39
kapzI acyually just need a laptop with dedicated GPU..unlike nvidia optimus17:39
kapzis that so...will check now!17:39
jameslordhi all17:39
jameslordwhy u guys choose ubuntu?17:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:39
kyubutsujameslord: you can try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic , more suited17:41
kapzoh well system76 does not offer any dedicated GPU... :(17:42
schultzaim having problems installing a printer to cups... i think it's a driver issue. i have a MFC-8690DW17:43
LutsenMore than one partition can be set to boot, right?  If a second OS is in a logical partition, do I just set it to boot and it will show up alongside the original one on the grub menu?17:45
Dr_willisLutsen,  linux can boot from extended/logicals.. windows7 can also i belive.. older windows.. i think needs primary17:46
Dr_willisLutsen,  grub will scan and show all the os's that os-prober can detect17:46
LutsenThanks, you folks have been very helpful (and prompt!).17:47
coder2how to disable the launch of orca at login in 10.04??17:47
paopaohow to install win7+ubuntu+debian, I have installed win7+ubuntu on my computer, I want to install debian through hard disc, but when I installed it, I was told that no .iso file was detected17:49
pgibHello.  I'm trying out Unity, but there is something that really pisses me off about it.  Whenever I maximize a window, the window is ALWAYS maximized to my second monitor.  It doesn't matter which monitor the window originally resided on.  I think it would be a lot better if the window would expand to the monitor it currently lies on. Any ideas on how to change this behavior?17:50
Dr_willispaopao,  'throgh hard disk' meaning what exactly?17:50
Dr_willispgib,  whats your vdeo card?17:50
kapzokay can someone tell me how is the ati gpu support on linux?17:51
kyubutsupaopao: burn your debian version to CD and install as usual, easy17:51
Dr_willispgib,  mine expands to whatever monitor its on. Using nvidia+twinview17:51
coder2How to disable orca in ubuntu 10.04  at login???17:51
Dr_williskapz,  id suggest going Nvidia or Intel over ati.17:51
paopaokyubutsu, I have no CD17:51
pgibNvidia Quadro NVS 420.  I am also using TwinView17:51
vg-lochelp me17:51
mosnovolume status icon disappearing in gnome shell17:52
pgibadditionally - new windows are always started on the second monitor first - regardless of free real estate or mouse position17:52
Dr_willispgib,  you did reboot/restart the X server after enabling twinview?17:52
kyubutsupaopao: where is this debian .iso ?17:52
e2b04836!patience | mosno17:52
ubottumosno: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:52
Dr_willispgib,  set the other monitor as the primary monitor perhaps?17:52
kapzDr_willis, yeah well nvidia has only optimus cards which are not supported on linux...17:52
vg-loccan any one help me i'm new to linux (ubuntu)17:52
pgibyes. I've been stopping lightdm, making sure X isn't running, then restarting lightdm17:52
kkraussAfternoon all17:52
Dr_williskapz,  nvidia has more then 'only optimus' cards i imagine...17:52
e2b04836!ask |vg-loc17:52
ubottuvg-loc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:52
ceed^There were some GL/Intel updates today and after that I keep getting system error. This is what is pointed to: /usr/share/apport-gpu-error-intel.py  Ideas?17:52
mosnoe2b04836, i added that because i didn't add a question mark, and i thought i'd be funny.17:53
paopaokyubutsu, in the C partion of windows17:53
Dr_willispgib,  other then setting the primary monitor. i got no other ideas17:53
vg-locive just installed m ubuntu what r the thing i need and give me some help tutorials !117:53
kkraussAfter a couple of days of playing around, I finally got my system running just about where I need it to, but I am getting an error message on x boot up related to my monitor, and I do not see anything related to it in the xorg.conf file, the error is:17:53
kapzDr_willis, nope...not the new ones, there are tesla and quadro cards...but very expensive for my needs17:53
kkraussnone of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:17:54
kkraussTrying modes for CRTC 43417:54
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 0)17:54
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 1)17:54
FloodBot1kkrauss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
vg-locwhat ever i do ends up in error !!17:54
vg-loccan any one plzz resolve this problem17:54
kyubutsupaopao: you need to burn .iso to disc or make a bootable USB with it . cannot install otherwise17:54
fidel_!ask vg-loc17:54
fidel_!ask | vg-loc17:55
ubottuvg-loc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:55
pgibok... I'll try a full restart now that I've made one of the monitor primary. but still - I'd like the window to maximize into which ever screen is currently housing it - not just "Always my middle screen"17:55
vg-locwhat do ineed to resolve the error problem ??17:55
fidel_!elaborate | vg-loc17:55
ubottuvg-loc: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:55
vg-loci really want to learn all abt ubuntu17:55
paopaoi think it can be installed like that, because i installed ubuntu just in that way, it's much easier than installing debian, really...17:55
vg-locwhen i start wine it ends up in error17:55
kkraussANy thoughts on whats causing my error?17:56
e2b04836vg-loc: that doesn't help, what is the error?17:56
vg-locwhen i update it is not updating and always shows error17:56
kkraussvg-loc, what is the error, you have to be more specific17:57
paopaokyubutsu, i used easybcd17:57
kkrausslike my error is : none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:17:57
kkraussTrying modes for CRTC 43417:57
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 0)17:57
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 1)17:57
vg-locguys plz give me some help and tips17:57
vg-loci'm not able to log in as a su17:57
locoguanoI need to make a color change in a theme. I need to change the slider color. Its a black theme and the sliders cannot be seen.17:57
coder2Dr_willis, how to disable the launch of orca at login in 10.04??Can you help me??17:57
Dr_willisvg-loc,  you dont use su to get to root on ubuntu.17:57
vg-locit just simly asks password !!17:57
Dr_williscoder2,  no idea. i never use it.. check askubuntu.com perhaps17:58
Dr_willisvg-loc,  you use sudo as needed to get root access.. not 'su'17:58
coder2Dr_willis, okay thanks17:58
kkraussvg-loc, when you type su it logs you in as root, you do not have a root password17:58
kkraussvg-loc, you need to type 'su then your admin account name'17:58
phunyguydoes anyone have ubuntu installed on a mac with the thunderbolt interface?17:58
kkraussvg-loc, for example 'su vg-loc' then hit enter, then you will be prompted for the apssword17:58
fidel_i am still wondering what vg-loc is trying to do in the first place17:59
OerHekssu ?17:59
kkraussDr_willis, you have any thoughts on my error?17:59
vg-locthanks guys17:59
Dr_willisfidel_,  yea. :) i was wondering that also.17:59
phunyguyif so, how did you do it?17:59
fidel_there wasnt any real problem description or similar17:59
kyubutsuwhat's that method of installing ubuntu within Windows?17:59
rsrshello folks!17:59
vg-locdo u have any suggestions for me like tips and tricks for what ive have to learn ?17:59
kkraussvg-loc, but also its rare you need to just use su, you typiecally do sudo17:59
e2b04836!wubi |kyubutsu17:59
ubottukyubutsu: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe17:59
Dr_willis!manual | vg-loc18:00
ubottuvg-loc: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:00
vg-locsudo and my name ??18:00
=== SETKEHS-CAT is now known as setkeh
kkraussvg-loc, when you use sudo you dont need to use your name18:00
vg-locsudo what is it used for ?18:00
phunyguyvg-loc: it stands for super-user-do18:00
kkraussvg-loc, alot of your desktop applications will just prompt you, so if you are a noob you will probably not use terminal a ton, but as you get better sudo will become common place18:00
vg-locand what abt apt ?18:00
rsrs have this annoying little problem in precise, wonder if you guys have come across it. It's not a show stopper by any means but is annoying enough. after i log in, i'm unable to select a vpn connection from the nmapplet dropdown18:01
lelamalkyubutsu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto18:01
phunyguyso you type that, then the command and it runs with elevated priveleges18:01
fidel_vg-loc: consider reading this - http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html - and be sure you'll get much easier help afterwards. right now its pretty difficult to help18:01
kkraussvg-loc, sudo stands for super user do, it raises your permissions so that you can do things you need admin access to do18:01
kyubutsuvg-loc: gives a program or command superuser priviledges , use with care18:01
=== Zowszx is now known as new_nickname
locoguanoI need to change the slider (not scrollbar) color of a gtk-3 theme. Any ideas what line to look for?18:01
vg-locthank u guys18:01
=== new_nickname is now known as Zowsz_
paperbagbluesIm trying to install airecrack-ng suite. i run sudo apt-get install build-essential and it tells me 'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120423)'18:01
paperbagbluesin the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter18:01
kkraussvg-loc, lets say I want to edit my .bashrc file so I an add an alias, if I just open it up and edit, when I try to save it will say I dont have priviledges18:02
vg-loccan i ask any question when i'm stuck or have any doubts ??18:02
fidel_paperbagblues: your package-management still has the install cd as source defined18:02
pgibDr_willis, just tried changing the primary screen.  Same stupid issue.  I also tried "Ubuntu 2D" but in this mode - maximizing causes the window to span the entire twinview area (as if it was just a single monitor).  I guess no Unity for me :(18:02
fidel_so - it does not queries the internet for package informations but prefers the maybe not existing install-medium18:02
kkraussvg-loc, but if I type sudo pico .bashrc, with pico being an editor, I will be prompted for a password and have permissions to write to it.18:02
OsakasaHello, slightly of topic but www.ubuntu.com advertises ubuntu on android. Is there already a working version or is this future feature and still working on it?18:02
paperbagbluesbut i installed with a usb, i don't have a cd18:02
vg-locso what password do u type ?18:03
Dr_willispgib,   only time ive seen spaning both monitors was with badly written java apps.  but ive not done 2 monitos in ages18:03
buttons1question: trying to insert into cron to run every day at 3PM will this work: * 15 * * * root comand?18:03
fidel_kkrauss: there is no need for editing the owns users -.bashrc with sudo in the first place18:03
kkraussvg-loc, yes but take it from personal experience sometimes it takes a while to find the right person with the right answers,  I am not that far ahead of you, and have been on here for days fixing small fires with my system18:03
Dr_willisvg-loc,  sudo will want the users lasswprd.18:03
pgibthis is gnome-terminal, I think it should behave properly18:03
Dr_willispgib,  check askubuntu.com see of others have similer issue.18:03
Dr_willisI dont have a dual monitor setup handy to check.  try in a simple window manager like icewm perhaps?18:04
vg-locso r u guys always online ??18:04
kyubutsuvg-loc: in other words, sudo asks YOUR user password18:04
kkraussfidel_, I was giving him an example that if he tried to repeat would cause him no harm18:04
kkraussfidel_, the point was made :)18:04
pgibman.. I've wasted almost two days on this.  I've tried just about everything people mention on the forums.  I think I'm just going to use fluxbox or something until gnome or unity get their act in gear18:04
kkraussvg-loc, there is always some one in here since ive been coming the last few days18:04
escottbuttons1, you dont want * 15 you want 0 1518:04
vg-loclike the password with which i login18:04
buttons1I saw that after reading more thanks18:05
kyubutsu!sudo > vg-loc18:05
ubottuvg-loc, please see my private message18:05
fidel_vg-loc: for what specific action do you need sudo permissions right now in the first place if i may ask?18:05
kkraussbut there is also a ton of people at times so your question might get unintentionally ignored for a while or no one will know the answers.  I am still waiting in hopes some one can tell me whats causing my x boot up error18:05
fidel_is it about understanding sudo in general - or about doing something in specific?18:05
vg-locfor installing some stuff18:05
vg-loclike xchatt for an instance18:05
paperbagbluesFidel_ so how do i change  your package-management to something besides the cd18:06
fAz4what's the Unity IRC ?18:06
kyubutsuyou dont need sudo for that18:06
kkraussvg-loc, if you are using a desktop environment18:06
kkraussvg-loc, what distor of ubuntu are you using?  12.04?18:06
fidel_vg-loc: using the major account - in terminal: sudo apt-get install xchat18:06
vg-loci'm using ubuntu 12.0418:06
kkraussam I the only one who prevers aptitude over apt-get18:06
fidel_this will tell the application 'apt' to get & install the package 'xchat' using admin privileges18:06
kkraussvg-loc ok well guess what ubuntu has simplified things18:07
Dr_williskkrauss,  not really.. aptitude is slowly getting deperciated and has issues i hear.18:07
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.18:07
fidel_it will ask for the user-password - your user you created while install has the permission to run 'sudo' actions18:07
Welagorhello, i need help please, i have two gateway in two different subnet and when I try ping from my second network, i get destination not unreachable but i have the good route..18:07
fidel_so the cmd above will ask for the password of your current user most likely18:07
fAz4where to report Unity Bugs  ?18:07
vg-locbut after u type sudo apt-get install xchat what should i do to save the app ?18:07
kkraussvg-loc, just use ubuntu's software cente,r type xchat then install it, it will prompt you for your password, then let it install; and you are done18:07
fidel_paperbagblues: edit your apt sources file18:07
fidel_paperbagblues: either manual via cli - or using a fronted for it18:08
kkraussvg-loc, hold on man, fidel is right but you are totally new to this, do i through the desktop environment, you will have plenty of time to learn the terminal18:08
fidel_paperbagblues: basic file is: /etc/apt/sources.list most likely18:08
paperbagbluesfidel_ would i change the source to the usb flah drive?18:08
fidel_paperbagblues: you should use online sources18:08
fidel_to get always the latest versions18:08
kyubutsuvg-loc: use Software Center for installing applications18:08
fidel_at least if you have a working internet-connection18:09
vg-locso is it installed all by itself ?18:09
vg-locbut i dont fin it anywhere and i have to download it from software center18:09
kkraussvg-loc, you are using the unity shell, on the left hand side of yours creen you should see a bunch of icons, one of them is a gear with a wrench over it, above that should be like a bag with things coming out of the top of it that is the software center.  click on that, type in xchat and search, and bam18:09
leto_newbie question: say there is a new point release of a software obtained from the ubuntu software center. does the app get updated automatically? or would i have to download the new version again?18:09
fidel_vg-loc: running the cmd mentioned above: sudo apt-get install chat'  will do everything you need. download the app & install it - done -> ready to use18:09
paperbagbluesfidel_: should i jjust emove this line deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120423)]/ prec$18:09
kkraussDr_willis, whats funny is I know how to use aptitude better than apt-get, I should remedy that.  Do you have any thoughts on my error i've posted?18:10
fidel_paperbagblues: depends inf it is the only source right now18:10
fidel_paperbagblues: first action is disabling  - which method have youchoosen?18:10
fidel_any gu?18:10
vg-locbut when i downloaded crome from fire fox it is not getting installed18:10
fidel_any gui?18:10
vg-locwhat sould i do for that ?18:10
paperbagbluesi just typed edit /etc/apt/sources.list  interminal18:10
paperbagblueserr pico /etc/apt/sources.list18:10
fidel_vg-loc: you should use your package-managent18:10
kkraussvg-loc, there is no downloading from firefox, you arent listening18:10
fidel_not download things manually18:10
kyubutsuvg-loc: firefox is installed by default in ubuntu18:11
kkraussvg-loc, I just gave you step by stpe instructions on how to do it through unity18:11
fidel_paperbagblues: well - used to commenting conf files?18:11
vg-locsry i did not follow u can u list it again18:11
paperbagbluesfidel_: not really should i just add a # in front of the cdrom line18:11
fidel_paperbagblues: yes18:12
kyubutsuvg-loc: scroll up18:12
pratzhey guys how can i display the beep sound in ubuntu 12.0418:12
kkraussvg-loc, on the let hand side of your desktop, you have a series if icons, one of them looks like a gear with a wrench over it, above that is a bag with a handle and thigns coming out the top, that is the software center, click on that18:12
fidel_paperbagblues: now copy the entire content of this file to an online service like poastebin18:12
fidel_lets check together if you have any other sources defined18:12
vg-locso even for crome i have to surf at software center ??18:12
kkraussI thought you wanted to get xchat18:13
kkraussone step at a time18:13
fidel_vg-loc: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html18:13
fidel_read that please ;)18:13
Dr_williscrawl, walk, run,, and in linux.... fly.....18:13
kkraussthe software center is like a graphical front end for apt-get, it just simplifies thigns for you, this is one of ubuntus selling points.18:13
fidel_paperbagblues: ?18:13
paperbagbluesfidel i saved it and ran the  sudo apt-get install build-essential18:13
kkraussfidel_, a little mean, but spot on lol18:14
paperbagblues again it worked18:14
wookey_since I upgrade to 12.04 I've had several keyboard freezes. It's just done it for 2nd time today18:14
wookey_mouse still works18:14
Dr_willissoftware center => android (or other os's market)   They are stealing our ideas! ;P18:14
fidel_kkrauss: its helpful at the end18:14
wookey_loggin out of xsession seems to fix it18:14
kkraussvg-loc, i am trying to show you the software center, because most of any programs you would want you can get in there in a very simplified manner.  As you get better and learn more there will be exceptions of course but like Dr_willis just sayd, crawl, walk, run then fly.  Stop trying to fly.18:14
fidel_paperbagblues: could you still show us the sources file?18:14
wookey_anyone know how to poke keyboard (sshing in from another machine) or what might be wrong?18:15
fidel_just to make sure it's somehow right18:15
paperbagbluesyeah as soon a si fig out how to copy all the txt18:15
Dr_williswookey_,  check dmesg output, ive never heard of a keyboard freezing up.18:15
fidel_paperbagblues: you could open it in a visual editor18:15
paperbagbluesfidel_ kk18:15
pratzhey guys how can i disable the beep sound in ubuntu 12.0418:15
Dr_willispratz,  i thought it was disabled by default.. which beep do you mean?18:15
pratzDr_willis: open up the terminal and press backspace18:16
kkraussI have a noob question about unity myself.  Two actually.  First what happend to alt f10, it doesnt maximize windows anymore.  And is there a way to prevent maximized windows from docking with the menu bar?18:16
wookey_there are a lot of "nit: ureadahead-other main process (32345) terminated with status 12718:16
wookey_messages. no idea if that's relevent18:16
Dr_willispratz,  no beeping here..18:16
fidel_paperbagblues: i.e. using: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:17
pratzDr_willis: opps , then how am i getting that18:17
JC617Anyone running a fully binded NIS Client to a remote NIS Server (just need two things checked)?18:17
fr33loaderis /etc/resolv.conf deprecated in 12.04?  I am making settings in network manager and they are not propogating to the resolv.conf18:17
Dr_willispratz,  no idea - gnome-terminal itself has a 'bell' setting..18:17
fidel_paperbagblues: this will open the texteditor gedit with the apt sources.list file18:17
pratzDr_willis: something like duuup duuup18:17
=== James is now known as Guest30601
kyubutsupratz: check profile preferences , check off 'terminal bell'18:17
pratzDr_willis: it's not only gnome terminal18:17
paperbagbluesfidel_: http://pastebin.com/3cSE2ZF5 this is ti after i commeting the cdrom line18:17
fidel_using sudo permissions to give permissions to edit the system relevant file18:17
kkraussalso still hoping for a solution to: none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:18:17
vg-loci get something into my head now !!18:18
vg-locok i am trying to crawl now !!18:18
vg-locso i have to read all the links to start to use ubuntu is it ?18:18
fidel_paperbagblues: looks good on thefirst quick look18:18
kkraussTrying modes for CRTC 43418:18
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 0)18:18
kkraussCRTC 434: trying mode 1280x1024@50Hz with output at 1440x900@50Hz (pass 1)18:18
=== eid is now known as eid_
vg-loci have a 12.04 distro somebody plz give me a manual for this !18:18
Dr_willispratz,  theres the gnome 'system bell' then theres the system pcspkr beep..18:18
Guest30601I cannot download ubuntu thru the wubi app because my UK ISP has blocked torrenting any ideas on how to get the system?18:18
paperbagbluesfidel_ thank you18:18
fidel_paperbagblues: so to finish that up - run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:18
Dr_willisvg-loc,  theres online guides on most of it.18:18
Dr_willis!manual | vg-loc  THis May be outdated18:18
ubottuvg-loc  THis May be outdated: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:18
fidel_this willupdate all package informations - and install all outstanding packages/updates18:19
kkraussvg-loc, google is your friend, if you are waiting to get help in here and no one is immediately answering, use google18:19
fidel_and like that apt has an uptodate state18:19
pratzDr_willis: where are these options ?18:19
ceed^After some updates today I keep getting this error: /usr/share/apport/apport-gpu-error-intel.py My system still works fine, but it keeps popping up. What could be wrong?18:19
fidel_hf ;)18:19
Dr_willispratz,  ive not looked for them lately. never needed to.18:19
JC617Guest: Encrypt Torrent data, dont allow incomming legacy connections18:19
fr33loader is /etc/resolv.conf deprecated in 12.04?  I am making settings in network manager and they are not propogating to the resolv.conf18:19
arturstraczynskiPróbuje czata18:19
JC617Guest: force encryption18:19
pratzDr_willis: cool, i guess i can figure it out18:19
fidel_!en > arturstraczynski18:19
ubottuarturstraczynski, please see my private message18:19
fidel_arturstraczynski: what language are you looking for?18:20
mneptokfr33loader: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/18:20
paperbagbluesfidel_ thank you i was updated already everthing worked though18:20
JC617anyone familiar with NIS?18:20
fidel_paperbagblues: perfect ;)18:21
vg-locthanks guys for the help !!18:21
kkraussbrb all18:21
fr33loadermneptok: muchas gracias18:21
pratzDr_willis: i guess i am using yeahconsole and that's the reason18:21
Guest30601JC617: I am using forced encryption it still doesn't connect18:21
pratzDr_willis: from gnome-termial i disabled it18:22
JC617guest  did u disbale incomming legacy connections?18:22
Dr_willispratz,  each termal app can have its own setting. :) in gnome-termianl its disabled here by default. in the default profile.18:22
pratzDr_willis: but can not find a way to disable it from system entirely18:22
fr33loaderi was trying to branch out from arch linux but these "improvements" are making it frustrating18:22
hankenkayehi guys just installed my first ubuntu os. last night just want to know if we do have mmorpg for ubuntu that we can download for free18:22
Dr_willispratz,  is it the pc spkr beep, or the pulse audio beep.. is the main question.18:22
nimbioticswhere should I go for problems with xserver?18:23
Dr_willispratz,  does entering ctrl-g in a terminal make a beep?18:23
pratzDr_willis: yes18:23
Dr_willispratz,  try the beep command.. is it the same sound?18:23
pratzDr_willis: Dr_willis it is the pc speakers18:23
JC617Recently had same problem with Metropcs blocking legal (Linux Distro ISOs), they blocked the .torrent file(well throttled it to years ETA) and completely blcked all unencrypted torrent traffic even if it was legal18:24
Dr_willispratz,  blacklist the pcspkr module.. but thats the default also i thought18:24
pratzDr_willis: yes, those are the pc speakers18:24
kurtwp_who had a question about resolv.comf18:24
Dr_willissudo rmmod pcspkr18:24
Dr_willisi dont even get a beep with pcspkr loaded..  wonder why..18:24
JC617guest: even if ur encrypting ur traffic if someone sending to u is unencrypted then it was still blocked, once i changed those two settings in utorrent i was able to download the distro's iso18:25
kurtwp_fr33loader:  did you get an answer about resolv.conf18:25
Dr_willispratz,  for a fun trick --> http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/8275/grub2-set-super-mario-as-startup-tune18:25
JC617guest : and im sure ubunut has direct http download of there isos...18:25
fr33loaderkurtwp_: indeed I did18:25
fr33loaderkurtwp_: not happy with it but its an answer nonetheless18:26
fr33loaderkurtwp_: i may quickly be switching back to Arch if i run into any more such "improvements"18:26
pratz_Dr_willis: ERROR: Module pcspkr does not exist in /proc/modules18:26
Dr_willispratz,  that is weird..  wonder if somehow its compiled into your kernel.18:27
pratz_Dr_willis: when i fire this command "sudo rmmod pcspkr"18:27
Dr_willis sudo rmmod pcspkr18:27
kkrausssee I figured out my problem myself lol18:27
prabuinethi, I got a problem after installing ubuntu on macbook, can anybody help me?18:27
Dr_willisNo error here. :)18:27
kkraussprabuinet, just ask the question18:28
kkraussAnyone in here have experience with virtual servers?18:28
prabuineti'm getting "operating system not found" error18:28
Dr_willisalso no error --> sudo modprobe pcspkr18:28
kyubutsuwhoa.. you run as root, Dr_willis , or thats just a cool username of yours?18:28
kkraussoh does your macbook have that weird boot loader on the harddrive maybe18:28
pratz_Dr_willis: sudo modprobe pcspkr did not give error18:28
Dr_williskyubutsu,  that was from a root shell i had open.18:29
prabuinetpossible to change the boot loader on mac?18:29
Dr_willispratz,  i dont recall grub giving me the pc spkr beeps either.. wonder if my speaker broke. :)18:29
kkraussprabuinet, I remember a friend having problems with it, I forget what is called but it was a pain18:29
isabelhi, my internal mike does not work?18:29
* Dr_willis recalls years ago using special 'tools' to remove pc speakers from the mb.. ;)18:29
L3topprabuinet: you can look at usplash18:29
pratz_Dr_willis: guess you are a music lover18:29
isabelwhen running alsamixer, it looks like the Mic is "off"18:30
Dr_williswonder if the fact i got a HDMI moitor with audio causing issues...18:30
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Dr_willisbe back in a few.18:30
isabelhow do i adjust the volume in alsamixer?18:30
kkraussAnyone experienced with virtual servers/  Looking for some opinions.18:30
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kkraussI have used debian squeeze with Xen but was wondering if there were other alternatives18:31
phunyguykkrauss: virtualbox18:31
kkraussphunyguy, ok whats your reasoning?18:31
fosser_joshi just installed ubuntu 12.04, feels refresh!!! i have problem with google chrome, when i start google chrome and switch to any other application. google chrome window will get dissappear but process still run in background. Anyone getting similar problem? Does anyone know solution on this?18:31
phunyguykkrauss: performance, and ease of setup.18:32
kkraussphunyguy, xen was really easy too, but I cant speak on performance18:32
paperbagbluesfosser_josh - does it but a button in the menu bar18:32
phunyguyits quirky if the server is headless, but other than that its good18:32
kkraussfosser_josh, its not vanishing its just locked to the unity dash bar18:32
deadopsarcadehahhello ^^18:32
pgibugh.. Looks like nVidia TwinView is always treated as a huge monitor by any WM I use.  so, I'm back to fucking xinerama.  But of course, I can't do any rotation now!  Holy crap.  Why is it so hard, I've spent two days trying use use 3 monitors.  I've been using Linux since 2004, but this is the first time I want to switch to windows18:32
kkraussphunyguy, what I want to do is I have an older system I want to turn into a server, I want web server, possibly a file server, maybe dns etc18:32
kkrausspgib, I know two other guys trying to do triview, its not joke and takes time to figure it out18:33
phunyguyvirtualbox then, kkrauss.18:33
L3top!language | pgib18:33
ubottupgib: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:33
vitor-brhow to hide disabled accounts in login screen?18:33
kkraussphunyguy, should I still use debian squeeze?18:33
L3topIs there a question pgib?18:33
phunyguykkrauss, i wouldnt18:33
kkraussphunyguy, what do you recommend?18:34
phunyguyif you want to go the headless route, use ubuntu server18:34
fosser_joshkkrauss: but when i try to switch back to google chrome using alt-tab it doesnot show, and even there is nothing on vanity bar, i have to click on google chrome icon again to start, which start new window18:34
kyubutsupratz: see that sound icon on top bar? click and select 'sound settings', go to sound effect tab and turn down that slider , try that18:34
phunyguyif not, use something like lubuntu or xubuntu for lightweight18:34
kkraussphunyguy, I do not know what you mean by headless route18:34
nimbioticswhere should I go for help  with xserver?18:34
phunyguykkrauss, text based install with no monitor, and ssh access to the box18:34
pgibL3top, kkrauss, the closest I could get is using TwinView on two monitors, and another monitor as a standalone X screen. This was _tolerable_ however - all the window managers treat the "twinviewed" monitors as a single screen - so things like window maximization and positioning just plain don't work.18:34
kkraussphunyguy, eventually yes, I will sipmly ssh in18:34
kkrausshold on bathroom break ill be back18:34
pgibL3top, kkrauss: the next best was to use 3 separate screens under xinerama - but in this mode, I cannot rotate any of the screens :-/18:35
kurtwp_pgib:  I had the same problem when using the NVIDIA drivers supplied by ubuntu18:35
pgibI've tried both proprietary nvidia and the free nouveau ones.  nvidia gets be the closest.  nouveau is never able to use more than a single output18:36
OerHeksvitor-br, here is a howto hide , warning: step 1 should be: sudo -i >>> http://www.tejasbarot.com/2012/04/25/howto-hide-users-list-from-login-screen-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-linux/18:36
kurtwp_pgib: but once I reformatted and re-installed 12.04 I now use the DIPLAY found in SYSTEM SETTINGS18:36
kurtwp_pgib: I can rotate if I choose too18:36
kkraussphunyguy, ok back, I am getting different opinions here.  the most common is to use debian squeeze with xen because its easy to set up(I also already know how to do it) and it stays out of your way as my professor quoted, but ou are the second person to say use ubuntu server18:37
L3top!poll | kkrauss18:37
ubottukkrauss: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:37
pgibkurtwp_, yes. I tried that (I'm using 12.04).  If I set the two screens which are on the same GPU through Gnome's DISPLAY utility, then it doesn't do maximization and such correctly18:37
phunyguykkrauss: its my opinion18:38
kkrausswow can't ask peoples opinions in here, kind of silly.18:38
phunyguyi had bad luck with xen18:38
vitor-brOerHeks, I need just hide a disabled account, not all.18:38
OerHeksvitor-br, i wonder why disabled accounts appear..18:38
kkraussphunyguy, ok well ignoring xen for a moment, what about squeeze vs ubuntu server?18:38
duckxx"though I use M-b and M-f to move by words"  .. what is M ??? iknow C-a .. tats ctrl18:38
L3topthere are over a thousand people in here kkrauss. It is a support channel... not a chat room. Your discussion makes it more difficult to help people. Its very simple.18:38
pgibduckxx, meta (alt)18:38
duckxxi just installed screen and its interfering with my  bash line editing .. ctrl-a goes hom18:39
pgibscreen will do that18:39
wilee-nileevitor-br, what keeps you from just removing it?18:39
wilee-nileethe account18:39
SetiAmonSo ubuntu keeps freezing up and requiring a cold boot since 12.04 upgrade18:39
vitor-brOerHeks, me too..18:39
SetiAmonI am not the only one having this problem here I imagine,anyway to fix this?18:39
kkraussSetiAmon, did you upgrade or do a clean install?18:39
OerHeksvitor-br, oke, then i assume this as a bug?18:40
SetiAmonupgraded kkrauss18:40
L3topSetiAmon: Have you looked in any of the logs to see what is crashing?18:40
SetiAmonit isn't crashing it just freezes up totally,i have to cold boot it18:40
kkraussSetiAmon, I would do a clean install18:40
kkraussSetiAmon, also I had similar problems but by switching to unity 2d solved everything18:40
L3topSetiAmon: something is crashing, causing the freeze. Figure out what that is.18:40
smeeany tips on getting flash to work? i've removed it, reinstalled it, updated it, installed the alpha, tried the firefox flash helper, tried 3rd party flash players and still even a simple youtube video will either crash my browser (firefox,chrome,opera) or it'll just have a big empty space where the flash applet should be...18:40
SetiAmonWere are the logs at l3top18:40
phunyguykkrauss: never used squeeze18:41
vitor-brwilee-nilee, I need some files from this account .. but I can not allow it to be logged in from it ..18:41
smeerunning 12.0418:41
pgibkurtwp_, I also saw that the nvidia drivers have some xorg.conf options for "simulating" the display information that would have been provided by xinerama.  That is, the driver will say "There are two displays, their areas are x,y,w,h etc.." but, in my case, the values are never set (as confirmed by  xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA)18:41
L3topSetiAmon: /var/log   dmesg is a good place to start18:41
vitor-brOerHeks, I don't know.. maybe...18:41
alphanumThank God this chan is active18:42
vitor-brOerHeks, can be expected behavior, I do not know if it has some place that says that ...18:42
alphanumAnyone geeky here?18:42
OerHeksvitor-br, if you came here yesterday, you would have filed bug 100000018:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold." [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000018:42
smeei think most people here would be18:42
phunyguy!ask | alphanum18:42
ubottualphanum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:42
L3topdo you have a support question alphanum18:43
Resistancealphanum:  do you have a support question?18:43
alphanumBut not about Ubuntu18:43
Resistance!offtopic | alphanum18:43
ubottualphanum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:43
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SetiAmonL3top: which log is it18:43
L3topSetiAmon: I am not sure... I would start with dmesg18:44
Resistancealphanum:  then there's either the offtopic channel, or a better channel elsewhere on freenode or some other network.  just saying18:44
kkraussphunyguy, you wouldn't happen to be familiar with how to do a network install would you?  This older machine I have doesnt support usb booting so was wondering if I could some how boot it off my laptop and install from there?18:44
OerHeksvitor-br, i am looking for simular bugreports, all i find is : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/980843 also odd18:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980843 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "cannot disable autologin on disabled accounts" [Low,Confirmed]18:44
alphanumI have a question about why my Geo Ip script doesn't work correctly w/ IE?18:44
phunyguykkrauss: sorry, not really...18:44
alphanumI guess i will try offtopic18:45
Resistancealphanum:  not the channel here18:45
phunyguykkrauss: maybe you can attach the HDD to the laptop somehow, and install that way, then just plug the drive into the server18:45
kkraussalphanum, depending on the time of day there are people in here that will help you with such questions, but thats usually at night when its less active and people are less anal.  for now try offtop18:45
miturnHi. I am trying to install Ubuntu from USB stick. Antivirus blocked writing AUTORUN.INF. Can this have influence on the boot process?18:45
phunyguymiturn: no.18:46
wilee-nileemiturn, this a wubi install?18:46
Resistancekkrauss:  wondows questions are offtopic here regardless18:46
Resistancekkrauss:  other than dualbooting questions, or something18:46
miturnwilee-nilee: no, the USB pendrivelinux install18:46
phunyguymiturn: it will be fine18:47
vitor-brOerHeks, Thanks, I'll search some more...18:47
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wilee-nileemiturn, pendrive has multiple thumb loaders both windows and linux.18:48
SetiAmonseems like multipul have reported this bug and I imagine it will bre resolved soon enough.18:48
kkrausshey phunyguy, you know what this is all a learning experince for me so im going to go outside my shell and try ubuntu server.  have you used 12.04 server?  should I use an older version?18:48
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Resistancekkrauss:  i use 12.04 server, got any specific questions?18:49
smeeany tips on getting flash to work? i've removed it, reinstalled it, updated it, installed the alpha, tried the firefox flash helper, tried 3rd party flash players and still even a simple youtube video will either crash my browser (firefox,chrome,opera) or it'll just have a big empty space where the flash applet should be...18:50
L3topSetiAmon: any number of things can crash on any number of systems. It could be any combination of things which cause this problem. MOST people have 0 issue with what you are experiencing, but in order for people to identify bugs with specific combinations of hardware/software, we need logs. Figure out what crashed.18:50
kkraussResistance, im using it on an older machine and plan on setting up a virtual server with vm's for web server, file server, possibly dns if I can figure it all out.  Just curious if I should go with a lighter version or stick with 12.0418:50
jsd_I have an AMD Phenom 9950BE and I'm wondering if U12 needs an AMD power now driver, wondering what apps you'd recommend for monitoring and forcing lower power mode and full power mode for cpu18:50
Resistancekkrauss:  you can do all of those things on a single item (web server, file server, DNS, all on the same server)18:50
Resistancekkrauss:  i use it in a low-RAM environment, i subsitituted Apache for nginx, but it works okayish18:51
zyxonsmee: no idea really, worked for me OOTB. Did you do a clean install or an upgrade?18:51
Resistancei just dont run my own DNS18:51
Resistanceactually that's a lie... but...18:51
L3top!conky | jsd_18:51
L3top!info conky18:51
Osakasasmee, doesn't help you with flash but youtube html5 works fine18:51
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-6 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 59 kB18:51
jsd_thanks L3top18:51
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jsd_and ubottu18:52
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miturnwilee-nilee: cool, thanks18:52
JoshDreamlandWhy's the power button instantly shutting down my machine all of a sudden?18:52
kkraussResistance, I was told to use virtual machines by a few different people on here, not really sure why18:52
JoshDreamlanddoesn't give mate a chance to ask18:52
kkraussResistance, one guy did say use ubuntu server with apache2 sql and php though18:52
Resistancekkrauss:  i meant you could use one or two18:52
smeei'm looking for any final recommendations before i reinstall... it'll be a big hassle for me... this is out media box in the living room... the wife is... impatient.18:53
kkraussResistance, one or two servers?18:53
Resistancekkrauss:  that's a base setup, i used nginx in place of Apache because APache is resource-intensive18:53
SetiAmonthe bug i am experiencing is reported on launchpad already confirmed.I don't know what to look for on the logs.anyhow it seems like it maybe related to nvidia drivers but i can't switch terminal or anything when it freezes up18:53
Resistancekkrauss:  no, that came out wrong18:53
Resistancekkrauss:  i meant one or two VMs for those three services18:53
kkraussResistance, ok so we do agree I want a virtual server then18:53
kkraussResistance, now back to the ubuntu question, is 12.04 ok for me to use or should I use an older version?18:54
L3top!details | smee18:54
ubottusmee: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:54
Resistancekkrauss:  i didnt necessarily say that, but if you are in the mood to use VMs, then you will have to set one up18:54
madwillAnybody is good with pulse audio under ubuntu 12 ? i'm doing screen capture, it use to offer me a way of capturing audio by selecting it from the recording input18:54
Resistancekkrauss:  12.04 should be fine, the difference between, say, Oneiric and Precise is marginal (difference between Natty and PRecise is a bit bigger, but...)18:54
kkraussResistance, well I know its outside the realm of what you like to talk about but I am trying to figure out if I should use VM's or not.  Many people say to do so but without giving reason, and there is nothing on the net i can find.18:54
smeeubuntu 12.04. problem running flash of any type. regardless of browser or flash version..18:55
Resistancekkrauss:  i dont forsee any real issues using 12.04 in a VM on your machine, but personally i dont see any real reason18:55
Resistancekkrauss:  to use a VM if you have a spare system lying around18:55
kkraussResistance, well if there is no rason to set up a vmserver, what would you do?18:55
Resistancekkrauss:  FYI, i've got 6-year-old Dell desktops running Ubuntu Server 11.10, no problems, but those're old salvaged systems18:55
Resistancekkrauss:  i'd install directly to the drive, but if you have a Desktop environment, you can install server packages right on that18:55
Resistancekkrauss:  take for example my laptop here18:56
Resistancekkrauss:  i do a lot of PHP work, so its running nginx + sql + php in addition to Ubuntu Desktop software18:56
Resistancefor testing18:56
L3topsmee: are you using unity 3d?18:56
Resistanceits not internet-facing, but i can run Desktop and webserverstuffs18:56
smeestandard install.. no special apps running.18:56
Resistancekkrauss:  but this system's only 4 years old, so it can still handle that.  i'm unsure of your specs18:56
L3topthere is a problem with that. Drop to 2d and it shouldnt be an issue smee.18:56
Resistancekkrauss:  if in yoru case your system is too old to install 12.04 directly, then try a VM18:57
smeehow do i do that?18:57
kkraussResistance, I think you misunderstand18:57
sw0rdfishhow do I restart the DE/GUI from tty218:57
Resistancekkrauss:  probably, you're  not being 100% precise (afaict)18:57
sw0rdfishtty7 has frozen and given me a black screen18:57
kkraussResistance, I dont know how to reword this18:57
L3topsmee: Someone else will have to answer, I don't use unity.18:57
Resistancekkrauss:  your question is: SHould I use a VM to run an Ubuntu Server instance, or should I do something else.  right?18:57
smeei'll look it up... thanks l3top18:57
zyxonL3top: flash is running flawlessly using unity3d on 12.04 amd6418:57
L3topsw0rdfish: service lightdm restart         would be my guess18:57
smeei'm using amd320018:58
Resistance(or am i even close)18:58
L3topzyxon: interesting. I have seen a lot of issues in here with the two.18:58
kkraussResistance, I have an older dell desktop I want to turn into a server.  I want it to eventaully have dokuwiki on it that can be accessed from outside the network, I want a file server so any machine on my network can access files on another etc.  DNS just for fun maybe things like that18:58
L3topsmee: can I get the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA18:58
zyxonL3top: imma consider myself lucky then... :D18:58
Resistancekkrauss:  you mean like my setup :P18:58
kkraussResistance, so I was going to set up a virtual server.  I have done this with squeeze before, then start a couple of vm's, one for the web server, one for the file server, and again maybe one for the dns.18:59
Resistancekkrauss:  you can run each of those services on the same server, only open the ports you need to the outside world18:59
L3topsmee: are you using the native radeon driver or the proprietary fglrx?18:59
Resistancekkrauss:  hmm, my question then:18:59
sw0rdfishL3top, ok18:59
smeel3top : native18:59
kkraussand thats where the question is, do I even need virtualization and if not why do so many people keep telling me I do lol18:59
Resistancekkrauss:  that'd be overkill, if they're all going to be Ubuntu.  why do you want to run multiple VMs for that?18:59
L3topOk, can I get the output of the lspci above?18:59
Resistancekkrauss:  the question is what you'd rather do:  run multiple servers and multiple VMs for each service, or have a single box running one instance of Ubuntu Server, with all the services at the same place19:00
Resistancekkrauss:  personally, i dont see the necessity for multiple VMs19:00
Resistancethat's overkill, IMO19:00
smeel3top : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV570 [Radeon X1950 Pro] [1002:7280] (rev 9a)19:00
kkraussResistance, and to me that makes more sense I agree with you but being a novice I doubt my self, and many peopel are telling me to use VM's19:00
Resistancekkrauss:  which "people" :P19:00
L3topI am afraid you are stuck with that driver smee.19:00
kkraussother people from here, I cant remember names19:00
kkraussalso an old college professor who knows what the hell he is talking about, but he isnt answring me right now in irssi and I could have just misunderstood him19:01
smeel3top : is there a work around? flash was working just fine up till an update i did one day...19:01
Resistancekkrauss:  i think the question is what you'd rather do: set up each VM and its networking right, or run an isntall yourself19:01
kkraussResistance, " I would do it in a set of VMs, only because I am typically running many services, and that can lead to confusing19:01
kkrauss              problems in the event of problems. By keeping services isolated, I can better work with configurations and know there19:01
kkrauss              are no weird indirect dependencies."19:01
Resistance!privmsg | kkrauss19:01
ubottukkrauss: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:01
sirriffsalotIs there some command for disabling login notifications in KVIrc?19:01
Resistance!pastebin | kkrauss19:01
ubottukkrauss: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:01
fosser_joshon minimize google chrome window dissapear in ubuntu 12.04, not even display on unity bar or not able to find using alt-tab. any solution?19:02
sirriffsalotIs there some command for disabling login notifications in KVIrc?19:02
sw0rdfishthat did it thanks L3top .... when the DE/GUI started it showed some message about the battery in a black screen.... any idea how i can get that now?19:02
Resistancekkrauss:  i understand what they're saying, but they have different reasons19:02
sw0rdfishthink it continued on the set of messages when the OS is first booting cuz I saw some network-related messages above it.19:02
Resistancethe hell?19:02
Resistancekkrauss:  wrong button?19:02
L3topsmee: I would look at your logs, see what updated...19:02
kkraussand I used the wrong command to leave private chat lol19:03
kkraussResistance, yes sir! lol19:03
L3topsw0rdfish: I am not sure sorry19:03
Resistancekkrauss:  in any case, lemme tell you what my interpretation is of their statement:19:03
L3topkkrauss: make sure that you explain to them you are using crap equipment with few resources as well.19:03
Resistancekkrauss:  my interpretation is they've got one box that has other services on it already, and for their sake they split up other services into VMs so as not to confuse themselves19:03
kkraussResistance, he is old school though, all self taught, still uses aptitude, hates any graphical interface.  Loves debian but not a fan of ubuntu since it gets in his way lol19:03
Resistancekkrauss:  virtualization isnt a low-resource thing19:03
jsd_dumb question I'm sure, conky installed thru software center on ubuntu 12, couldn't find it in dash, didnt auto start either.  Removed it, then did the sudo install thru terminal, not sure where the program is to start it, like I said, dumb question19:03
smeel3top : i'm too much of a noob to get that done... i think i'm going too have to reinstall.19:03
Resistancekkrauss:  if you've got an old crap system (several-year-old Dell), dont go with the virtualization optiion19:04
L3topsmee: poke around in /var/log19:04
Resistancekkrauss:  since you're not going to be running a ton of services, installing directly to the system's drive would probably be all you need, then install/configure the services you need19:04
kkraussok Resistance that is what I was looking for, I am downloading 32 bit server 12.04 now19:04
zyxonsmee: try installing the proprietrary driver first19:04
Resistancekkrauss:  :P19:04
L3topsmee: wait... out of curiosity, please apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Installed19:04
kkraussResistance, ive never done anything outside of a virtual server and vm's though so this will all be new to me, also having to do everything through console with now gui is going to be interesting19:05
smeel3top : Installed: (none)19:05
L3topsmee: I would not listen to zyxon. your chipset is specifically not supported.19:05
Resistancekkrauss:  well...19:05
Resistancekkrauss:  you could do what i did, install Ubuntu Desktop, then install server packages in that19:05
Resistancethen you still get the GUI19:05
L3topsmee:  I would expect no display on return, and a lot of purging has to happen to get back19:05
Resistance(that's how most of my systems are set up_19:05
smeel3top : crap :-/19:06
ixionhi, can anyone tell me how to install Ubuntu.. from inside Ubuntu ?19:06
kkraussResistance, now again my mentors preferences are seeping into me, he strongly urged against using desktops as they ate up resources, but couldnt I simply not start X after everything si setup the way I want?19:06
ixion(not a live CD)19:06
Resistancekkrauss:  ubuntu server doesnt install X automatically19:06
zyxonixion: in a virtual machine, or what?19:07
Resistancekkrauss:  you'd have to install an environment after the fact19:07
L3topnothing personal zyxon. This is just an area I deal in daily. I handle automatic detection/install for gpus and generate custom xorgs for our project. That driver will cause problems on that gpu.19:07
kkraussResistance, no option for it during install?19:07
Resistancenope, not on the Server CD19:07
wcchandleri installed a package that had a broken .postrm in the deb.  it's been updated in the repo, but I can't re-install it as it complains about being in a failed state.  what's the best way out of this?19:07
kkraussResistance, that was something else I was hoping to be able to do, network booting with OS install options, but my professor said that takes mirroring of the distros19:07
ixionZyxon. I dont have a CD drive, or a USB stick. I have a ubuntu installation which I am in at the moment and I wish to install Ubuntu onto another partition/disk etc19:07
auronandace!info ubiquity | ixion19:07
ubottuixion: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.16 (precise), package size 4061 kB, installed size 14193 kB19:07
ixionso I want to install Ubuntu, from inside Ubuntu19:07
kkraussResistance, is there no real difference betwen ubuntu desktop with server packages and ubuntu server?19:08
wcchandlerixion: look into debootstrap19:08
Resistancekkrauss:  only on what's installed19:08
auronandacekkrauss: they use the same repos19:08
* Resistance has to disappear19:08
zyxonL3top: no offense taken. I didnt see the part where he mentioned his lspci :P19:08
gionnicocan someone help me to recover a mdadm / IMSM RAID 0 ?19:09
gionnicoone drive of the 2 was faulty. so i created an image of it. and removed the drive.19:09
ixionwow ubiquity has a lot of dependencies (240mb) . I will try that though, thanks19:09
gionnicoi loop mounted the image to /dev/loop1 : losetup /dev/loop1 /mnt/backup/image.img19:09
gionnicobut mdadm doesn't seem to accept /dev/loop1 as the missing device of the array19:09
kkrausshmm So Resistance so burn 12.04 desktop instead, download necessary packages set everything up then just kill X?19:09
gionnico# mdadm /dev/md/imsm0 --add /dev/loop119:09
gionnicomdadm: /dev/loop1 is not attached to Intel(R) RAID controller.19:09
prpplaguegreetings all, anyone have experience getting 12.04 up and running on the cranky toshiba C655?19:10
ixioncan I boot into the ISO while stored on my HDD? loop mount?19:10
kkraussno we are almost back to what I was originally going to do but tyler in here told me not to, I was going to do this: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/build-linux-web-server-computer-part-1/19:11
auronandaceixion: grub2 can do that, never tried it though so i wouldn't know how19:11
gionnicoixion, exactly. # mount -o loop -t iso9660 /mnt/image.iso /mnt/cdrom19:11
gionnicoyou'll need # modprobe loop before that if you dont have loop module loaded already19:11
ixiongionnico, I need to run the Ubuntu installer from HDD not just mount the ISO19:12
gionnicoixion, no that's not possible unless you want to install within a virtual environment19:12
kkraussResistance, I guess that is my last question and I'll leave you alone you have been more than helpful, albeit a little short lol, the howto I was orignally going to used said to use 10.10, do you agree with that or should I use 12.04, maybe something different?19:13
ixionso from inside a full ubuntu installation (not live) I cannot install Ubuntu onto another HDD / Partition ?19:13
gionnicoixion, you really could but the ubuntu iso is not the way to do that.19:14
auronandaceixion: http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2009/05/25/boot-an-iso-via-grub2/19:14
gionnicoyou should create the filesystem alone, then copy rootfs contents, then chroot19:14
gionnicoand install grub to that disk mbr19:14
L3top1204 will have more hw support, which probably wont matter for your older equipment. I wasn't being short with you, I did not invent the factoid, it was an offtopic discussion you insisted on having in main channel, creating a lot of crap for me to read past in order to try and help people. I am sorry if you do not understand the reason for the guideline kkrauss.19:14
ixion!info uniquity19:15
ubottuPackage uniquity does not exist in precise19:15
ixion!info ubiquity19:15
gionnicoauronandace, that's a trick. he asked to do that within ubuntu. if he can boot from grub then its bios will also boot !19:15
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.16 (precise), package size 4061 kB, installed size 14193 kB19:15
jarekwhere should I place Gtk3 themes?19:15
jarekif I put them into ~/.themes/ then they are not showing in "Appearance" panel19:15
NiamorGclvs93Hello, i'm new, i'm french teen and I LOOOVE Ubuntu, i use every dat !! But here, there is a channel french ? PS : Sorry for my mistakes but i'm french :$19:15
NiamorGclvs93every day*19:16
miturnOMG it's long time I've been using linux, and now I see "Inside Windows Install" ?  Is it full featured option?19:16
OerHeks!fr | NiamorGclvs9319:16
paulehoffmanI think I'm missing something obvious. If I attach a pluggable SATA device to the system after it is booted, how do I get Ubutu to rescan the devices and see it?19:16
ubottuNiamorGclvs93: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:16
ixionmiturn, yeah... Im using it now19:16
kkraussL3top, you are a wound a little tight my friend.  I was showing my appreciation and joking around with you, its all good.19:16
locoguanoneed "Advanced Settings" for custom themes19:16
auronandacegionnico: he asked if he can load a livecd just using the iso on the harddrive to19:16
miturnixion: what is filesystem then?19:16
kkraussL3top, again i sincerely appreciate your help.19:16
trismjarek: the themes in System Settings/Appearance are hardcoded in 11.10-12.04, install gnome-tweak-tool to change the themes19:17
L3topThats why we are here kkrauss, to help... not be anal.19:17
kkraussmy final question is do newer versions actually run more efficiently?  Like with windows, sometimes its better to run older versions as they will run better, si that the same with ubuntu?19:17
wawowemiturn: it's a large dummy file on the ntfs partition formatted to ext4 or whatever fs you choose19:17
ixionmiturn, tbh I havent looked to see what it does, but I presume it stores everything in a single file on the NTFS FS19:18
Cedric2Usually new ubuntu vers have improved performance19:18
OerHekskkrauss old versions, old kernels19:18
L3topkkrauss: in the case of unity, I would say absolutely not. This opinion does not make me popular.19:18
ixionkkrauss, recent versions of Ubuntu have targeted boot performance etc and are much faster to boot19:18
kkrausswell I doubt unity will even run on my older machine, I will more than likely have to run 2d just like this laptop which is better hardware19:19
Cedric2Unity? CHILDREN DONT WATCH THIS! (f*ck that sh*t) YOU WATCHED D:19:19
kkraussbut once my services are set up and running19:19
PapamattiI have a problem with the software-center and purchased software19:19
kkraussI am going to shutX off anywya19:19
Cedric2I like gnome classic WAY more19:19
L3topkkrauss: then I would go with the newer kernel.19:19
Jordan_U!language | Cedric219:19
ubottuCedric2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:19
kkraussSo I guess all this babbling has led me to this, install 12.04 desktop to old machine, download server packages, soemthing happens, shut off x, profit.19:19
Cedric2: )19:19
paulehoffmanBump: I think I'm missing something obvious. If I attach a pluggable SATA device to the system after it is booted, how do I get Ubutu to rescan the devices and see it?19:19
OerHeksThis is my bootchart, i think i shouldn't tweak more >> http://picpaste.com/oerpc-precise-20120516-1-0cFYcLY8.png19:20
Cedric2So, the reason I came here:19:20
L3toppaulehoffman: define pluggable SATA device19:20
Cedric2Is there a way to like... have a full-screen application running, but not covering the whole screen? (Small app in middle, black on the sides)19:21
kkraussL3top, out of curiosity are you familiar with how to set up network installs using ubuntu?19:21
ixion!info mirrors19:21
ubottuPackage mirrors does not exist in precise19:21
paulehoffmanL3top: External SATA drive connected to a SATA connector on the motherboard. drop in a drive, turn it on.19:21
ixionanyone know the URL to get list of mirrors19:21
paulehoffmanWorks on reboot, but I don't want to reboot.19:21
L3toppaulehoffman: that sounds like an awesome way to blow things up.19:21
L3topkkrauss: distributed installs? or setting up complicated networking?19:22
ixionooh https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors19:22
OerHekspaulehoffman works only with a hotswap bay19:22
paulehoffmanL3top: that sounds sad. I was hoping there was a "rescan /sdx" style command.19:22
L3topwhat OerHeks said19:22
paulehoffmanOerHeks: it is a hotswap bay, but there was nothing in the bay when I booted.19:22
kkraussL3top, in my lap at my university, we were able to boot off the network and install a plethora of operating systems19:22
chipotle_how do i enter a shell and always have root privlieges? i am tired of entering sudo for each command...19:23
kkraussL3top, if I could set that up for myself that would be pretty cool but something tells me its not easy task19:23
PapamattiI have a problem with reinstalling purchased software with the software-center after an upgrade from ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 !!!19:23
kkraussL3top, well for you maybe, bu not for me19:23
L3topkkrauss: We do a lot of PXE booting, slim clients... but they have no HDs and we do not install... so none I am afraid.19:23
wawowepaulehoffman: could try loading the kernel module for the drive19:23
Jordan_Upaulehoffman: Is this hotplugging working in another OS? Generally you shouldn't need to do anything to get a new device to show up.19:23
wylde!netboot | kkrauss19:23
ubottukkrauss: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:23
keithbchipotle_: sudo -s19:24
paulehoffmanwawowe: sounds OK. How?19:24
kkraussthanks wylde !19:24
chipotle_keithb: thanks!19:24
wawowepaulehoffman: or maybe check the init scripts and see how it's scanned in the first place on booting19:24
kkraussL3top, I see a minor problem with 12.04 desktop, its requires a gig of ram19:24
pino33quasi amici19:24
L3topkkrauss: as I said... I am not particularly fond. Try kubuntu. SOMEHOW it has become the lightweight alternative.19:25
wawowepaulehoffman: boot up with it plugged in then do lsmod > plugged19:25
wyldekkrauss: np, I run an LTSP here I use the lubuntu-desktop for the client machines :)19:25
paulehoffmanBasicially, I would love "rescan /dev/sdx and don't touch /dev/sdax, which are already running"19:25
OerHekspaulehoffman, oke, i understood it was just a regular sata port , see > sudo partprobe  ( found @ http://serverfault.com/questions/5336/how-do-i-make-linux-recognize-a-new-sata-dev-sda-drive-i-hot-swapped-in-without  )19:25
wawowepaulehoffman: then reboot with it unplugged and do lsmod > unplugged & diff plugged unplugged19:25
=== sins-_j is now known as sins-
stars69hi guys, how can i make desktop sharing application start on startup mode?19:26
paulehoffmanOerHeks: <reading>19:26
kkraussahh overwhelmed again19:26
kkraussso I should ust kubuntu instead for my server?19:26
wawowepaulehoffman: altho the module is probably built into the kernel so you may have to compile your own19:26
miturnHow is home folder encryption done? I was unable to select it during installation because of the underlaying tool crashes19:26
wawowepaulehoffman: then again it ubuntu uses initramfs so maybe not19:27
L3tophard to say definitively, I can only tell you that this is what I have done kkrauss19:27
Griz64brother just updated his machine and now it refuses to boot, dropping him at a grub prompt. is there a good 'rescue URL' anyone can recommend that i use to help him over the phone?19:27
kkrausswhat is kubuntu exactly? im not familiar with it19:27
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde19:27
zyxonmiturn: Wow, really? It didn't crash using the first issue CD19:27
L3topsame backend, different front end kkrauss.19:28
wyldekkrauss: it's ubuntu with the KDE desktop environment and toolsets.19:28
kkraussthe front end is what makes it run more efficiently right?19:28
kkraussits nto going to matter once I turn x off19:28
zonettiHow can I "cat" a file into a variable in bash script?19:28
zyxoncat 'filename' > $trololo iirc19:29
wyldezonetti: doesn't sound like the proper method, but I don't really know. I bet the folks over in #bash would have some good ideas/tips for you.19:29
wawoweGriz64: boot from the ubuntu installer and chroot, then run apt-get -f install19:29
zonettiwylde, okay (meme face)19:29
kkrausswylde, at this piont I am wondering if i am better off just using ubuntu server and learning how to do everything through the shell19:30
ericPwithout adding indicator to the panel, i have controls for wifi and bluetooth (in fact, two for bluetooth) but no volume control.19:30
ericPrunning gnome-control-center gives me five buttons: Language Support, Ubuntu One, Additional drivers, Bluetooth, Printing.19:30
zyxonzonetti: ^19:30
ericPadding indicator gives me a button which mostly successfully runs `gnome-control-center sound`.19:30
zonettizyxon, ?19:30
Griz64wawowe, got a good url for chroot'ing a ubuntu machine?19:30
ericPi can't run that from the command line (could not find panel "sound").19:30
=== EnkiduEnkita is now known as EnkiduAFK
zyxonzonetti: cat 'filename' > $trololo iirc19:30
wyldekkrauss: that's what I used to do, now I have a thin-client setup next to this machine I use for connecting to my "server" heh19:30
yeehawzyxon: Something like: for i in `cat file`; do something with $i; done;19:31
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
kkrausswylde, thinclient?19:31
ericPwhen i'm in that indicator-spawned control panel, i have the full complement of panels19:31
ondra ChickenCutlass run test Mike, but files are created with system user and group19:31
wyldekkrauss: old pc that boots over the network from the server box.19:31
wawoweGriz64: no but, from the boot disc: passwd && sudo su19:31
yeehawzyxon: Or in a script you could do: i=`cat filename`19:31
ericPi'm using xfwm4 (though i recall it happening with other wms), with a fresh 12.04 install and an old home directory with old dot files from a 10.0419:31
paulehoffmanNope, no happiness here. I'll give up and reboot. Thanks for the suggestions, though!19:31
kkrausswylde, once my server is set up im going to plug it right into my router and leave it alone, anything Ill need to do will be via ssh, so I should learn how to do everything through command line19:32
Jordan_Uzyxon: That will copy contents of "filename" to the file whose name is stored in $trololo.19:32
ericPi can't run indicator all the time 'cause it gets in the way of my network controls (its network controles are impotent)19:32
wawoweGriz64: no but, from the boot disc: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev; mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc; chroot /mnt19:32
wyldekkrauss: absolutely, it's actually not that bad.19:33
=== jackbrownhf is now known as jackiechan0
kkraussI have definitely been overwhelmed by the knowledge people in here possess.  I am going to go to gym and then come back and try t his19:33
=== duke_afk is now known as Duke
kkrausswylde, I saved the site you gave me, does that give me a simple way to install server off off one of my other pc's via the network so I dont have to burn a cd?19:33
kkrausswylde, you should have been here a while ago and seen waht my original plan was, I was going to install a virtual server then have vm's for each service I wanted lol19:34
wyldekkrauss: it should cover it. My advice is to take your time, do a bit of research then work at implementing it.19:34
kkrausswylde, well if it is something complex I can simply burn a cd its not a huge deal19:35
=== Guest56118 is now known as Aranel
wyldekkrauss: it's not overly complex. (once you understand the process) :)19:36
kkraussheres an odd ball question, I finally got my nvidia driver working in 12.04 and it has a temperature censor.  my core temps dont go above 50c but my gpu temp is hovering at around 70c is that normal?  This is a laptop .19:36
eugenio_buona sera mi occorre un consiglio su xubuntu a chi poso chiedere? grazie19:37
wylde!it | eugenio_19:38
ubottueugenio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:38
yeehawkkrauss: What kind of videocard is it?19:38
kkraussnvidia geforce go 610019:38
kkraussnightmare card to get working in ubuntu19:38
yeehawkkrauss: Since it's dedicated and in a laptop it should not be a problem19:39
L3topnot really... you just need to apt-get install nvidia-glx-175 for it19:39
kkraussjust seemed odd to me it was so much higher than my cpus19:39
kkraussok gym time, be back to try and berak things!19:39
L3topI believe... kkrauss if you can get me the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA   on it19:39
ubunlexsome help to share files between os thanks19:39
L3topI can tell you exactly what to do.19:40
yeehawL3top: He already has it working19:40
L3topBut I work with PCI Id's... not models...19:40
Griz64wawowe, ran the "apt-get -f install" in the chroot'd environ and nada.19:40
L3topoh... my bad.19:40
Edlerhey guys19:40
L3topty yeehaw19:40
yeehawL3top: :-)19:40
Edlerwhat's the default Mail Transfer Agent that comes in ubuntu 10.04lts19:40
ubunlexhey guys new guy needs help19:40
ubunlexwith network please help19:40
wylde!details | ubunlex19:41
ubottuubunlex: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:41
ddnhello, anybody has solved modem problems with ZTE usb mobile broadband?19:41
Sheldon42ubunlex, What's the problem?19:41
wawoweGriz64: check /var/log/dmesg19:41
guntbertEdler: I don't think there is a default one, postfix is recommendable19:41
Edlerwell i rented a cloud server19:42
Edlerinstalled php19:42
Griz64wawowe, how would he go about just reinstalling grub2 ?19:42
Edlertried mail() and it worked19:42
ubunlexi installed samba, i  am emulating w7 on virtual machine, also i have a laptop but they dont see each other and not themself19:42
Edleri'm assuming they had postfix already on ?19:42
guntbertddn: what kind of problems? what model?19:42
Griz64wawowe, or would he want to do a dpkg-configure on it?19:42
wylde!grub | Griz6419:42
ubottuGriz64: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:42
yeehawEdler: Check if sendmail is installed19:42
wawoweGriz64: from outside chroot: cat /etc/mtab /mnt/etc/mtab19:43
L3topubunlex: what VM19:43
wawoweGriz64: from inside chroot: grub-install /dev/sda19:43
ubunlexoracle vbox19:43
L3topubunlex: How did you setup the nic in setup?19:43
ubunlexbut i have two physical computers19:44
L3topI thought the issue was making the vm install communicate with the others19:44
Kyle__Anyone here used the webupd8team java ppa?  Just looking for experiences before adding it.19:44
L3topI will re-read19:44
guntbert!enter | ubunlex19:44
ubottuubunlex: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:44
L3top!ppa | Kyle__19:45
ubottuKyle__: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:45
ubunlexno actually i could transfer files once but then all disappear19:45
Kyle__L3top: I know that part :) was just hoping someone here would have experience with it, positive or negative.19:45
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:45
guntbertKyle__: I've read some not too happy comments about webupd819:46
ubottuchiara: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:46
PatatePlop ! =)19:46
L3topKyle__: you are breaking 3 guidelines in your query. This is a support channel, you are polling for opinions on unsupported repos in a support channel.19:46
ddnhello, anybody has solved modem problems with ZTE usb mobile broadband?19:46
Kyle__L3top: Sorry sorry.19:46
chiara /msg ubottu !bot19:47
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Kyle__psst chiara, we can hook you up with some 1337 copies of octave and gimp.  They don't even need a liscence key!  Think of it as pre-hacked.19:47
guntbertKyle__: no off topic comments please19:48
gdawg522hey what's going on19:48
=== cheese is now known as Guest95549
yeehawgdawg522: 21:49  up 4 days,  9:31, 4 users, load averages: 0,37 0,18 0,1619:49
bbbbbbbbhow do i update gimp to 2.8?19:49
gdawg522join #android-dev19:49
yeehawbbbbbbbb: sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get upgrade -y19:50
guntbertgdawg522: you need / as first character in the line19:50
bbbbbbbbyeehaw: thx19:50
gdawg522guntbert: thanks for the help19:50
gdawg522first time in IRC19:50
Kyle__bbbbbbbb: If it's in the repo, apt-get update;apt-get upgrade will update it.  if it's not in the repo yet, compile it, or find a PPA.19:51
gdawg522we have to sit in an IRC channel for 30 minutes and observe traffic19:51
guntbertddn: I ask once more: what kind of problems? what model?19:51
guntbert!ot | gdawg52219:51
ubottugdawg522: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:51
bbbbbbbbKyle__: I don't know how to compile, do you know a PPA for 2.8?19:51
gdawg522ubottu:  THnaks ill move there now19:52
ubottugdawg522: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:52
gdawg522i need a channel with a lot of traffic19:52
mnaserI have an ubuntu VM (12.04) that keeps losing network connectivity for no reason… I don't see any errors or anything, it just stops (the vm is still runinng fine)19:52
guntbertgdawg522: you are welcome to listen here - but restrict your comments to support19:53
ubunlexhelp, network configuration, i am running samba but i cant transfer files or see the others computers please some help19:53
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guntbertubunlex: are you talking about virtual machines?19:54
BlackMetalIvyI have ubuntu 10.10 set up on an acer aspire one but network will not work on an hp mini netbook series?19:54
scottsimHi all, I've just installed 12.04 on a desktop with a dual monitor config, and the display manager only detects one monitor, and claims that it's a laptop. This is only in X11, the virtual terminals appear mirrored on both monitors. Any ideas how to fix this?19:54
ubunlexno i have two physical machines desktop laptop19:54
Kyle__bbbbbbbb: I don't, haven't looked for one.  err, holdon19:54
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:54
T-GuyDo you believe that all muslims are terrorists?19:55
keithbscottsim: have you tried displays from system settings?19:55
Kyle__bbbbbbbb: Look on that launchpad page ubottu just posted.  I think you can search there19:55
yeehaw!offtopic > T-Guy19:56
ubottuT-Guy, please see my private message19:56
GalvatronTo safely revert the changes made by a PPA one must installed a program called "ppa-purge"19:56
scottsimkeithb: That's where I'm looking -- it just shows one of the monitors, and identifies it as a laptop.19:56
L3topubunlex: You have described 3 machines, one is running ubuntu (version?) with a win7 install in VM, and another machine, which you have not specified. You refer to all as one, or other. We need details to try and help you.19:56
bbbbbbbbKyle__: alright, thanks!19:56
irulehi, I am having trouble with a network that get internet from a cable company, all secured websites timeout their DNS, plus most non-secured wenbsites also timeout DNS, how may I fix this?19:56
xanguayeehaw: not really something for here of ot, don't feed the troll19:56
yeehawxangua: Point taken :-)19:56
iruleI tried but it is being blocked by the cable company19:56
keithbscottsim: so clicking on on detect displays doesn't help?19:57
kwixson_None of the online tutorials are making any sense to me... How do I bridge a wireless connection to an Ethernet connection?19:57
twister_Since upgrading to 12.04, I can't mount Windows shares -- even though I can access them through smbclient.19:57
yeehawscottsim: Did you install a Graphics driver19:57
scottsimkeithb: Nope :-(19:57
amikropHello. Is the auto-hide lancher option supposed to make the left column-like launcher disappear until you mouse-over it?19:57
amikropBecause it doesn't.19:57
amikropIt just makes its background somewhat transparent19:57
Kyle__Humm.  Do you need to recycle a box for apt-get remove to remove old versions of java?19:58
ubunlexi have two machines: desktop ubuntu 12.04 and laptop ubuntu 12.04 i want to transfer files between them principally, i can forget about virtual machine thats not important right now19:58
keithbscottsim: is it an Nvidia card? I have a machine with one and I have to use the Nvida display tool...19:58
amikropIt still gets in the way (it is over) of my maximized windows19:58
amikropHow can I make it disappear?19:58
scottsimyeehaw: Not explicitly, only the ones that come with the distro by default.19:58
amikropI mean, when I maximize a window I don't want the launcher to e over it19:58
scottsimkeithb: It is a nvidia card. I'll try the tool and let you know -- thanks!19:58
kwixson_I tried installing Firestarter as some sites suggested, but it didn't work.19:58
yeehawscottsim: Check 'Additional drivers' in prefernes19:59
amikropOr at least the window should maximize until the laucher and not under it19:59
Kyle__ubunlex: an easy way would be to install openssh-server on both, and scp the files between them.  It's not like mounting a network drive, but it's easy.19:59
amikropIf not over it19:59
ubunlexKyle_ thanks20:00
L3topKyle__: I would expect apt-get autoremove would work...20:00
twister_Using the same credentials file, I can use smbclient and it connects -- but mount.cifs or mount.smbfs fails with mount error 13 "Permission denied"20:00
scottsimkeithb, yeehaw: The nvidia tool did the trick. Thanks! :)20:00
yeehawamikrop: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9865/how-can-i-configure-unitys-launcher-auto-hide-behavior/106673#10667320:00
Kyle__L3top: Me too, but the javaws from openjdk-6-jre is still there.20:00
yeehawamikrop: Did you try the slider?20:00
keithbscottsim: np, glad it worked20:01
L3topinteresting Kyle__. I guess you should try purging it.20:01
yeehawtwister_: Also with sduo ?20:01
yeehawtwister_: sudo20:01
twister_I've also tried browsing in nautilus, using "connect to server", and configuring fusesmb and smbnetfs... all fail with "permission denied".20:02
twister_yeehaw, yes, I was using sudo as appropriate in each case.20:02
amikropyeehaw: I turned auto-hide on, but all it did was make the launcher's background transparent. It never makes it hide and it gets in the way of my maximized windows :S20:02
yeehawamikrop: Do you have the sensitivity on high?20:03
amikropyeehaw: no it's on default20:03
yeehawamikrop: Try putting it the highest20:03
ddnhi guntbert saw not your message20:03
Gardel_hi, since I upgraded to 12.04, the keyboard layout option to add the Esperanto circumflexes doesn't work anymore, do someone know something about this issue?20:04
amikropyeehaw: nothing, it never disappears20:04
ddnguntbert: used to work long time ago, now I am in 12.10 and is not recognized by network manager20:04
Kyle__L3top: Oooh.  Interesting.  icedtea-7-plugin requires icedtea-netx, which provides a copy of java-6 javaws.20:04
alphanumWhere would I go to ask a question related to Photoshop?20:05
Galvatronddn: What 12.10? Alpha 1 is not even released yet.20:05
guntbertddn: 12.10? then #ubuntu+120:05
yeehawamikrop: You could try this: http://askubuntu.com/a/4370820:05
ddnubuntu 12.04 sorry20:05
mnaserI am using 12.04 LTS VM and I am losing network connectivity for no reason at all.. it just disappears, any clues?  Syslog doesn't point to anything at all20:06
abcminiuserHey all20:06
L3topI remember that now that you mention it Kyle__. Good investigating.20:06
abcminiuserJust tried to run a app downloaded from a site under latest Ubuntu x86, but I get "unexpected reloc type in static binary"20:06
abcminiuserAny ideas?20:06
yeehawmnaser: What platform?20:06
mnaseryeehaw: The hypervisor used is Xen20:06
guntbertddn: what happens?20:06
mnaseryeehaw: Running latest everything, had the same issue with 2.x kernel and 3.x -- updating once again now20:07
yeehawmnaser: Do you have the same issue with a different VM?20:07
Kyle__L3top: I wonder if it makes a difference... I mean java6 is gone, so it'll be running java 6's webstart binary against java7.. Humm.20:07
amikropyeehaw: gconf-editor does not run. I just click on it and nothing happens20:07
ddnguntbert: the modem is not listed/recognized by network manager to connect20:07
mnaseryeehaw: yes, few other Ubuntu VMs facing the same exact issues, however CentOS/Windows ones don't lose anything20:07
L3topI don't know that it will... it may in fact be hardcoded to 6 due to some change.20:07
yeehawamikrop: In the terminal20:07
L3topI would investigate further.20:07
Galvatronabcminiuser: What app and from which website? A *.deb package from outside the official repos once erased my entire HDD (it had a certain script inside).20:07
* Kyle__ nods20:07
yeehawmnaser: So it's definitly Ubuntu or the combination of Xen and ubuntu20:08
abcminiuserGalvatron, it's the official Atmel AVR toolchain, a variant of GCC20:08
guntbertddn: is it shown by lsusb?20:08
ddnguntbert: yes20:08
mnaseryeehaw: aware of that, just don't know where to go, I've mostly used CentOS so i dont know :x20:08
* L3top is afk20:08
abcminiuserGalvatron, not a deb, but a gz I've extracted out and added to my path - I chmod +x'd the bin files20:09
ZaNeIuMwhat dose the -r in 'cp -r file.sh .' do?20:09
abcminiuserZaNeIuM, recursive20:09
ddnguntbert: http://pastebin.com/TSaLiTKt20:09
guntbertddn: one simple solution I used:  after plugging it in it was recognized as a CD, so I typed     eject sr1, waited a little and could connect20:10
ZaNeIuMco it would copy eveything in a folder20:10
guntbertddn: if I remember correctly thats the same I did use20:11
amikropyeehaw: the laucher did not hide (and never does) but at least that started causing the auto-hide option when I get it to Off, to make maximized windows until the launcher, and not under it20:11
ddnguntbert: will try, however is not listed as a cd20:11
yeehawmnaser: I don't have hand ons experience with Xen, but I'll try a search. What's the type it emulates20:11
twister_Anyone on with Samba expertise?20:12
amikropyeehaw: so it didn't really fix the never hiding launcher problem, but at least I can see the whole of my maximized windows20:12
guntbertddn: you can open another terminal, type there   tailf /var/log/syslog     and watch what happens20:12
amikropyeehaw: should I file a bug then?20:12
ndeehi there, how can it be that the process "portmap" uses around 20% of the available memory? (16GB)20:12
xxiaoafter dd to a disk, it seems umount will not guarantee the write to the disk, instead sync will, correct?20:12
yeehawamikrop: You could, but you should reproduce it on a clean install first really20:12
xxiaoas dd bypasses the filesystem so umount might not work reliably?20:13
amikropyeehaw: I am on a clean install20:13
mnaseryeehaw: i believe it doesnt emulate something in specific, it uses the xen networking driver20:13
MischinkaThis is an odd question but does anyone know how to unlock a blackberry?20:13
twister_ndee: some versions of NFS utilize portmap.  Are you using NFS file shares?20:13
ikoniaMischinka: it's offtopic in here20:13
ikoniaplease don't ask20:13
farkerhaikuapologies for asking again, my laptop power died.  how would you go about adding the global menu if you decide to use a different window manager like fluxbox?  I've written a python app to read the entries supplied by the ubuntumenuproxy (like file, edit, help, etc), but I'm not seeing how to enable hiding the menu in applications.20:13
ndeetwister_: no.20:14
ddnguntbert: http://pastebin.com/5QR8QzEc20:14
Mischinkaikonia: sorry20:14
ikonianot a problem20:14
yeehawmnaser: This could be useful: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/72851920:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 728519 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bridged Guests losing network connectivity under non-ubuntu Xen after upgrade from 8.10 to 10.04" [Medium,Won't fix]20:14
twister_ndee: I don't know then, not sure what else uses it.  It's kinda outdated...20:14
=== sasa_ is now known as sasa_vu
mnaseryeehaw: read through that same post not long ago and wontfix and doesnt look like anything was created20:15
guntbertddn: I've seen that, thats why I said it is the same as mine :-)20:15
Kyle__twister_: ndee: I beleive nfsv3 over tcp doesn't need it.20:15
ndeetwister_: I'm running just a LAMP installation actually. Is there a way to see, what is exactly accessing portmap?20:16
yeehawmnaser: Did you read this too? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=631102 It's debian but that doesn't really matter20:16
ubottuDebian bug 631102 in xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64 "xen: Xen guests on Squeeze lose networking randomly" [Important,Open]20:16
ddnguntbert: http://pastebin.com/LeV8JLGE20:16
Z_GodI'm using unity for the first time and I get this: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-_jFNgoV2lZA/T7QKmWfk2OI/AAAAAAAAAy0/4a3BGqj8MLA/s902/Schermafdruk+van+2012-05-16+22%3A12%3A52.png20:16
amikropyeehaw: I cannot file a bug, ubuntu-bug says development for Precise is over so I should work this through with technical support. What should I do?20:16
Z_Goddoes anybody know why this stuff at the top is all duplicated?20:17
twister_ndee: Not sure.  That's not an area I'm familiar with.20:17
Z_GodI don't need it twice20:17
yeehawmnaser: Are using the free version or the Supported version?20:17
ndeeso strange, mysql is using 4GB, apache 2GB and portmap also 2GB20:17
mnaseryeehaw: using xen 3.4 but centos dom020:17
=== sasa_ is now known as sasa_vu
yeehawmnaser: I'm sorry, but since I have no experience with Xen (only VMWare and Hyperv), I can't really give any good advice on where too lok20:18
yeehawmnaser: look20:18
mnaseryeehaw: no problem.. I understand, I'll try to do some more research20:19
xanguaZ_God: this may help http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html20:19
yeehawmnaser: success!20:19
guntbertddn: I remember that part  too, but eventually it did "take" - I have not tried it in 12.04 though20:19
Z_Godxangua: thanks I tried it, it reloaded things but the double stuff is still there20:20
eFfeMhi, anyone any idea how i can get the insserv executable in precise? it is not in the package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/insserv/filelist20:20
mnaseryeehaw: ill let you know regardless20:20
ddnguntbert: it used to work long time ago, however I have updated and now...20:20
guntbertddn: sorry, then - I will have to try soon20:21
farkerhaikuhow would you go about adding the global menu if you decide to use a different window manager like fluxbox?  I've written a python app to read the entries supplied by the ubuntumenuproxy (like file, edit, help, etc), but I'm not seeing how to enable hiding the menu in applications (the menu shows up twice - once in my app and once in the app that was started)20:23
Peri_Hello, I have a late 2011 macbook pro 13 inch. I have installed ubuntu 12.04 and it tells me the firmware is missing for the wireless to work. can someone help me fix this/20:27
=== TDJACR is now known as TDJACRBot
L3topPeri_: is this the bcm 4133?20:28
guntbertddn: I have a slightly different one: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 19d2:0015 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM, and it still seems to work20:28
Peri_L3top: I am not sure what that means. How do I check?20:28
L3topPeri_: lspci | grep Wireless20:28
wilee-nileePeri_, run lspci in the terminal and tell us the card20:28
=== TDJACRBot is now known as TDJACR
wilee-nileePeri_, L3top command is more precise20:29
OerHeksPeri_, this guide should still work > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Oneiric20:29
Peri_03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 02) 04:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): LSI Corporation FW643 PCI Express 1394b Controller (PHY/Link) (rev 08)20:29
bonnymongo: Are you here?20:29
L3topcan I call em or can I call em?20:29
=== bonny is now known as Guest73757
yeehawL3top: nice20:30
Guest73757How do i install flashplugin on ubuntu 12.0420:30
=== EnkiduAFK is now known as Enkidu
=== Enkidu is now known as EnkiduEnkita
Peri_L3top: is that information correct?20:30
yeehawGuest73757: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flash-player20:30
L3topPeri_: that card does not claim to be supported by the bcm driver. I will try and google any answer to this, but most have given up before I  can get a working solution20:30
Peri_oh, okay. thanks L3top20:31
OerHeksL3top, Peri_ , the usr gives the mac info with ppa suited for your bcm >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Oneiric20:31
=== Kyle__ is now known as Kyle_changing
Guest73757Unable to locate flashplayer package20:31
Guest73757wait i didnt update20:31
yeehawGuest73757: sorry, I meant sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer20:31
L3topah... thanks OerHeks, I knew it involved a PPA, but didn't realize you had already given the link.20:32
kevin__Hi. have just installed 12.10 upgrade and thunderbird does not see and of my email configs, mint 10.12 etc are all fine any ideas20:32
Guest73757That wont work20:32
Guest73757someone told me i think it was mongo20:32
Guest73757said  i haev to get rid of some ppa20:32
yeehawGuest73757: What output does it give?20:32
xanguayeehaw: Guest73757: sudo apt-get instal flashplugin-installer20:32
Guest73757Im not sure..20:32
L3topGuest73757: Try and keep your replies to a single line... what version of ubuntu are you on?20:32
BurritoBazookaHi, my friend installed Ubuntu last night (he has Windows too on the same computer). He has a problem with GRUB - it says 'no such partition' and then goes to grub rescue. What would cause this? He says he set Ubuntu's partition as active after installing. Would that cause GRUB to become confused?20:33
xanguakevin__: mint is not supported here20:33
kevin__I am on gnome 12>10 upgrade20:33
Guest73757Can someone send me link for paste ubuntu20:33
L3top!info flashplugin-installer | Guest7375720:33
ubottuGuest73757: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)20:33
Guest73757so i can show u20:33
robin_debspaceHello everyone!20:33
L3top!pastebin | Guest7375720:34
ubottuGuest73757: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:34
Guest73757Thats it right there20:35
L3topwhy are you using a PPA for flash Guest73757?20:35
Guest73757It worked in earlier versions20:36
newbied3m0nalguno que controle backtrack20:36
robin_debspaceOK… So I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my MacBook Pro and got it dual booting with Mac OS just fine, and all seems to work… However, I'm having an issue with the wireless LAN chipset as it seems. It was identified as a Broadcom device, however the Network Manager and nm-tool indicate that there is no firmware. I already tried running sudo apt-get install fw-43-install which worked at first, but then stated that an unsupported chipset was found20:36
L3topFlash is in the main repo Guest73757.20:36
yeehawGuest73757: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install  flashplugin-installer20:36
xanguanewbied3m0n: /join #backtrack-linux20:36
Guest73757I did that already20:36
BurritoBazookaif I set a partition as active after the Ubuntu installer is complete, would it cause the UUID to change and then GRUB to be confused?20:36
Guest73757my youtube still said missing plugins..20:36
L3topGuest73757: as yeehaw said... but I would get rid of those ppas20:37
yeehawGuest73757: No you did not20:37
Guest73757How do i get rid of those?20:37
ddnguntbert: now this worked, but is a shame is not more transparent https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/891307 smiki comment20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 891307 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "usb_modeswitch does not recognize ZTE 19d2:0031 modem " [Undecided,Confirmed]20:37
OerHeksGuest73757, restart your browser after install20:37
yeehawGuest73757: You installed flash-player, not flashplugin-installer20:37
Galvatronrobin_debspace: Pastebin the output of "lspci" nad "lsusb"20:37
xanguaGuest73757: that ppa has not been maintained a long time, and it's no longer necesary (the PPA web itself says it...)20:37
Guest73757Trust me i haev tried20:37
yeehawGuest73757: flash-player does not exist20:37
Guest73757Mongo told me to get rid of ppa or something20:37
L3toprobin_debspace: seems to be the day for that problem. Check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Oneiric20:38
Guest73757My bad20:38
Guest73757It works now20:38
belgianguyhi, I have this odd screen distortion whenever I boot20:38
Guest73757How come it didnt work yesterday20:38
Guest73757He told me samething20:38
guntbertddn: I agree that it is tiresome - but an glad that you got it sorted :)20:38
L3top!enter | Guest7375720:38
ubottuGuest73757: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:38
belgianguyit happens between the login screen and the showing of the desktop20:39
robin_debspaceL3top: Oh, so I'm not the first? Cool :-) OK, will check that site, thanks!20:39
=== vega is now known as Guest15885
ddnguntbert: me too, really, good bye20:41
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newanit is possible to show the networkspeed in the thunar filebrowser on xubuntu 12.0420:41
Peri_I am not able to do this step: Create or edit the file /etc/pm/config.d/modules and make sure the wireless modules (b43 and bcma) are blacklisted:   SUSPEND_MODULES="b43 bcma"20:42
Peri_what do I do?20:42
stars69hi guys, I installed tcl8.4 packagr but missing some files, does someone have this files by change splite3/libtclsqlite3.so20:42
trismstars69: install libsqlite-tcl20:43
trismstars69: sorry libsqlite3-tcl20:43
dimitrii have a problem with winff with ubuntu 12.04 64.... the message is : Undefined constant or missing '(' in 'mv0'20:43
Peri_OerHeks I need your help20:44
stars69trism, thanks20:44
dimitrii installed only winff   ....some lib lost ?20:44
StFSHi. I just installed a package with apt-get and it went fine, however, when I open aptitude it notifies me of dependency issues. Is there an apt command that analyses the dependencies and reports what is broken?20:44
martianHow can I check what version of mod_autoindex is shipped with ubuntu's apache package?20:44
OerHeksPeri_, open terminal: gksudo gedit /etc/pm/config.d/modules20:45
robin_debspaceL3top: Thanks again for that link, I think this should help me to get it working! Just one thing, what backport do I have to use for Precise? Is it the same or a different one?20:45
OerHeksPeri_, look for those modules and put # in front of that/those lines20:45
Peri_What do you mean look for the modules20:46
Peri_where do I find them?20:46
OerHeksPeri_, if that file doesn't exist, make one and fill it with SUSPEND_MODULES="b43 bcma"20:47
stars69trism, libsqlite3-tcl is already the newest version.20:47
stars690 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 93 not upgraded.20:47
stars69I can't find that20:47
Peri_OerHeks: I have done that, am I supposed to install anything here? Then install the linux-backports-modules-cw-3.2-oneiric-generic or, if you have the pae kernel installed, the linux-backports-modules-cw-3.2-oneiric-generic-pae package.20:47
duckxxwhen apt-get install pear .. i get a 404 error:   http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/5375/croppercapture188.jpg   -- how do i go about resolving this? do i have to update my package index ?20:47
duckxxapt-get is like the apple app store right? just want to make sure..20:48
OerHeksPeri_, yes, according to that page20:48
Peri_OerHeks: How do I do that. I tried the sudo apt-get install command, but it failed20:48
trismstars69: then the library is at /usr/lib/tcltk/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so20:50
FrielIs it possible to play Steam games on Ubuntu that have been downloaded through Steam? Can only find guides that use an ISO or DVD.20:50
e2b04836Friel: do you have steam installed?20:51
Friele2b04836: yep20:52
OerHeksPeri_, ah, first enable backports in software sources20:52
whickey15Im interested in Squid Proxy. Does squid cache websites?20:52
mackneyeis there ever the problem of filenames being too long in ubuntu? (i know it happens in Windows)20:53
e2b04836whickey15: yes, squid can be configured to cache20:53
yeehawmackneye: nope20:53
Peri_OerHeks: I am in the software sources but i dont see anything called backports20:53
mackneyethanks yeehaw20:53
auronandace!backports | Peri_20:54
ubottuPeri_: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:54
wilee-nileePeri_, 3rd tab20:54
OerHeksPeri_, see the tab updates20:54
T-GuyI can't open torrent:// magnet links with my torrent client, Transmission ?!20:55
Peri_OerHeks:backport is already enabled20:55
Logan_!info whoopsie | aemaeth20:56
ubottuaemaeth: whoopsie (source: whoopsie-daisy): Ubuntu crash database submission daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.32 (precise), package size 25 kB, installed size 107 kB20:56
aemaethLogan_: thanks, that was unsettling to see20:56
T-GuyI can't open torrent:// magnet links with my torrent client, Transmission ?!20:56
whickey15e2b04386: thanks, Im looking through the config file, is there something that needs to be uncommented? or a section that needs config?20:56
e2b04836!patience | T-Guy20:57
ubottuT-Guy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:57
=== testBOT is now known as Guest63588
Xpl01t!ls $a in \mathbb{Z}^{*}_q \mbox{;  } T_A = g^a$20:58
ubottuXpl01t: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
Xpl01twtf ;(20:58
Xpl01t!l $a in \mathbb{Z}^{*}_q \mbox{;  } T_A = g^a$20:58
ubottuXpl01t: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
Logan_Xpl01t: Stop that, please.20:58
Xpl01t!l $a in \mathbb{Z}^{*} \mbox{;  } T_A = g^a$20:58
ubottuXpl01t: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
Xpl01t!l $a in \mathbb{Z}_q \mbox{;  } T_A = g^a$20:58
ubottuXpl01t: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
yeehawCould someone ban him?20:59
e2b04836whickey15: i'm not entirely sure try the squid wiki20:59
whickey15sure while I search, i just wanted to send out the question again: has anyone configured squid proxy to cache sites for their internal network?21:00
eFfeMguys any idea where I can find the insserv program? installed the package but it does not seem to be there any more; used to be in /sbin in 11.1021:01
eFfeMnot there in 12.0421:01
fully_humanHello.  In curl if I'm outputting to a file, how do I tell curl to update the file.  I only see an append option and I'm afraid that'll append the downloaded file all over again.21:01
fully_human*update the file?21:02
fully_humanLike if I'm curling "ABCDEFG," and I stop it after "F" and restart, will my downloaded file look like "ABCDEFABCDEFG?"21:03
e2b04836eFfeM: try 'which insserv'21:03
eFfeMe2b04836: which does not return anything, insserv package is installed, whereis insserv lists files21:04
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eFfeMe2b04836: package list: ./html/lib/platform.rb21:04
eFfeMoops wrong paste21:04
eFfeMe2b04836: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/insserv/filelist21:04
eFfeMoneiric filelist has /sbin/insserv: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/insserv/filelist21:05
=== arizona_bay is now known as XX
giga2is there anyone here that might help with a problem21:12
wawowewhat's the problem21:12
giga2I have downloaded and installed ubuntu 12.04 32 bit I have tried to install the game called five or more but when I click on it nothing happens21:14
OerHeksgiga2 oke, select the gameboard en go up to the top panel, and choose Game > New21:16
phy1729Is there an fairly easy way to make a ubuntu-desktop install a ubuntu-server install?21:16
OerHeksgiga2, it does not auto-start21:16
giga2It shows as being installed21:16
StreetBallhi phy1729, have you try to google for some meta-package?21:17
StreetBalli know that there are some meta-packages for "transform" from Ubuntu, to Xubuntu, to Kubuntu, but i never google for the analog for server21:17
phy1729StreetBall: there is a meta package iirc but how does one remove it?21:17
StreetBallin any case, might be an issue for disabling the ctrl+f7 desktop session, which provide graphical login.21:18
wawowephy1729: install which ever servers you need, openssh-server, mysql-server, apache21:18
wawowephy1729: and apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop; apt-get --purge autoremove21:18
phy1729Well I'd like to get rid of all the desktop cruft too21:18
StreetBalland also, wireless connections managed by the network control panel need to be set up via boot scripts21:18
phy1729StreetBall: it's all wired21:19
wawowe&& i mean21:19
phy1729wawowe: thanks will try tonight21:19
StreetBallthat saves a lot of fightin', phy172921:19
phy1729yep it's our gateway / other linux server things box but the previous admin decided to put desktop on it21:20
giga2OerHeks the game never opens from dash to even get to the game board21:21
StreetBallit's a pretty "neat and recent" pc? If the answer is "no", maybe it's time to get "trained" for configuring a better and more recent version..21:21
StreetBallin any case, phy1729, maybe a deep clean for packages can be done with aptitude21:22
phy1729trained mening?21:22
=== Dorito is now known as Guest47632
phy1729It's fairly old but I don't think I have another box handy that supports 3x1GE cards21:23
StreetBallmeans that maybe should be a nice idea to start with another pc for "replicate" services done from your gateway21:23
StreetBall3x1gb cards?21:23
StreetBallquite a lot of bandwith21:24
phy1729yep it's quite nice21:24
StreetBallhave you got faster-than-100mbps internet connection?21:24
phy1729well two are external one internal21:24
phy1729we do indeed21:24
phy1729being in college is nice like that21:25
* StreetBall thinks that italian ISP sucks...21:25
StreetBallin any case...21:25
StreetBalli linkd you the list of Ubuntu metaPackages21:25
StreetBallmaybe removing the one for your desktop version will remove also the "graphical crap"21:26
phy1729I'll try tonight to minimize user downtime21:26
StreetBallit's always a good advice... be careful and plan a lot of "moves" before doing them21:27
StreetBalland also: backup, sir!21:27
phy1729always always backup21:27
arno__Hi, Is it possible to install ubuntu from windows21:27
arno__I've read about wubi, but it looks like it does not remove windows.21:28
StreetBallarno__, you want to remove windows, are you sure?21:28
ikoniaarno__: no,21:28
arno__StreetBall: yep, I'm sure21:28
wawowearno__: you could use a wubi install to chainload tinycore or another toram system, then install from there21:29
StreetBallso, arno__, you need to boot from the CD or pendrive, than you have to delete existings partions on you hard drive, then you will remove windows and can install ubuntu/whatever you want into your hard drive21:29
arno__StreetBall: problem is I forgot my usb key21:30
StreetBalltry with a CD...21:30
arno__I don't have one21:30
StreetBallno way out, as far as i know, arno__21:30
StreetBallis your pc a laptop?21:31
StreetBallmaybe you can use an SD Card..21:31
=== think is now known as xiu21
wawowearno__: i've done what i just suggested, in a similar situation21:31
arno__wawowe: how would I install from tinycore ?21:31
StreetBallsome laptops can boot from the card reader21:31
arno__can I debootstrap or something ?21:31
wawowearno__: you would use gparted to resize the ntfs partition so you have about 5gb of space, then copy the filesystem from the wubi file into it after you format it21:32
arno__StreetBall: I have no device at all..21:32
wawowearno__: then change it a little and install grub21:33
wawowearno__: finally delete the windows partition and expand into21:33
StreetBallsorry, wawowe, but there's a little bug for me...21:33
StreetBallDoes wubi write the linux filesystem into an NTFS file or am I wrong?21:33
wawoweit writes it into a file that's on the ntfs partition, yeah21:34
ThePaRaDoX./j help21:34
StreetBallok... how can gParted safely resize the NTFS partition while Ubuntu is running from WUBI?21:34
wawowelike a virtual machine21:34
wawoweubuntu isn't running from wubi21:35
StreetBallbut from tinycore?21:35
wawoweor something similar that runs completely in ram21:35
wawoweyou'd extract the initramfs and the kernel from the iso and put them in the wubi install21:36
xiu21anybody good with figuring out why email might be getting rejected? :21:38
xiu21Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected. (state 13).21:38
StreetBallthe remote server don't accept email21:39
farkerhaikuusing a different window manager and trying to get the global menu to work: i figured out that the "gtk-shell-shows-menubar" signal returns different values when using fluxbox vs ubuntu's window manager, so i'm wondering if anyone knows where ubuntu sets that in the GtkSettings object... is it set when unity-2d-panel is started?21:40
ubuntunobodyhi, ubuntuone-installer hangs (python related?) is this normal for ubuntu 12.04 ?21:43
arno__will that not work instead https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows#The_netboot_approach ?21:43
lion22is anyone here running on anonymous-os21:45
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wawowelion22: haha that openbsd thing?21:45
Resistance!offtopic | lion22, that's not necessarily on-topic for this room21:46
wawoweprobably not, i don't think they ever worked on it again after the first release, plus it's a live cd21:46
ubottulion22, that's not necessarily on-topic for this room: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:46
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lion22ok i know i just wanted to know if one of u were21:48
stars69i just d/led thhis file what is the cmd to install it anyone libsqlite3-0_3.7.9-2ubuntu1_i386.deb?21:51
Resistancestars69:  that should be in the repos...21:52
StreetBallstars69, try to do sudo apt-get install libsqlite -f21:52
StreetBalllibsqlite3 -f21:52
Resistancestars69:  any reason you downloaded it instead of doing apt-get install on that?21:52
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
stars69is said i already has this installed, bit it wasn't21:53
beatiful_sorahello, can i ask a question21:54
stars69all i need is this file libtclsqlite3.so21:54
wawowebeatiful_sora: no21:54
beatiful_sorawawowe: why21:54
ikoniabeatiful_sora: of course you can21:54
wawowebeatiful_sora: :p21:54
beatiful_soraikonia: thank you very much21:54
ikoniawawowe: do not miss-lead people like that, it's a support channel21:54
stars69Resistance, can you check see if u have this file for me plz?21:54
beatiful_soraokay my question is: my son set me up ubuntu and i phoned him with a problem, he said, go on "irc link" he placed on my desktop21:55
beatiful_soraand ask the question there21:55
Resistancestars69:  try `sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-tcl` without the ` characters21:55
stars69Resistance,  Done21:55
stars69E: Unable to locate package libsqlite321:55
wawowebeatiful_sora: ask away :)21:55
Resistancestars69:  wrong package21:55
Resistancedo what i specifically said21:55
StreetBallwhat a piece of silly son, beatiful_sora ...21:56
indianany one please tell how to disable compiz in 12.0421:56
stars69Resistance,  yes what i did  sudo apt-get install libsqlite3 -f21:56
stars69Reading package lists... Done21:56
stars69Building dependency tree21:56
stars69Reading state information... Done21:56
stars69E: Unable to locate package libsqlite321:56
beatiful_soraso my question is: why when my other son has used the laptop, he has open a black screen he has typed 'sudo rm-rf', and now it won't go away21:56
FloodBot1stars69: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
Resistancestars69:  you didnt read21:57
StreetBallstars69, try with "sudo apt-get remove libsqlite3 && sudo apt-get install libsqlite3"21:57
beatiful_soraand he says he has done samething funny but won't tell me what it is, what is this and how do i get rid of it, it is annoying21:57
Resistancestars69:  try `sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-tcl` without the ` characters21:57
filwitI just installed Ubuntu 12.04, and am wondering if installing a .emerald theme is possible21:57
ResistanceStreetBall:  no, the package with that file is libsqlite3-tcl21:57
Resistanceon precise21:57
wawowebeatiful_sora: do you mean "sudo rm -rf /"21:57
Resistance!danger | wawowe21:57
ubottuwawowe: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:57
beatiful_sorawawowe: that is the correct one21:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:57
StreetBallokay Resistance, bench time for me :)21:58
wawowebeatiful_sora: that's bad21:58
stars69Resistance,  did that many time, it doens istall21:58
beatiful_sorawawowe: do you know how to get rid of it, the black screen won't go away. it has a flashing black line21:58
filwitcan I install a .emerald theme on Ubuntu 12.04?21:58
ResistanceIdleOne:  sorry, i misread what they said, seeing that command gets a... response... since its a dangerous command21:58
beatiful_sorawawowe: sorry if this is a silly question21:58
wawowebeatiful_sora: try hitting "ctrl+alt+f3"21:58
Resistancestars69:  what's the ***EXACT COMMAND*** you're using, and which ubuntu are you on21:59
Resistanceand what errors do you get21:59
ikoniabeatiful_sora: hang fire there for a moment please21:59
beatiful_soraikonia: hang fire?21:59
ikoniabeatiful_sora: hold on21:59
ikoniabeatiful_sora: you didn't type anyhing wawowe said did you ?21:59
stars6912.04 let me paste it to your PM21:59
beatiful_soraikonia: okay thank you :)21:59
beatiful_soraikonia: i have not21:59
filwit12.04 work with .emerald themes?21:59
Resistance!pastebin | stars6921:59
ubottustars69: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:59
Known_problemshow to enable the location bar in Nautilus, for manual insertion of paths ?22:00
ikoniabeatiful_sora: ok, great, I susgest getting helping but ignoreing wawowe he won't be in the channel any more22:00
filwitKnown_problems: Go(menu)>Location, or Ctrl-L22:00
wylde!emerald | filwit22:00
ubottufilwit: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.22:00
Known_problemsfilwit, thanks22:00
beatiful_soraikonia: okay where has wawowe gone?22:01
filwitubottu: okay, thank you for the info22:01
ubottufilwit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
filwitwylde: thank you for the info22:01
wyldefilwit: np :)22:01
beatiful_sorais anyone able to help me with my prolem?22:02
toxsterHi, i upgraded a box to 12.04 today, and moved my udev rules.d 70-persistent-usb.rules, basically its a FTDI adapter which should create a symlink, but its not working on 12.04, any changes i've missed?22:02
beatiful_sorais someone able to help me with my problem? i still have flashing white line, black 'window' with rm-rf, my son has done this and i do not know how to close22:03
beatiful_sorahe keeps laughing and saying it is a joke22:04
wawowebeatiful_sora: does ctrl+alt+f3 give you a new screen?22:04
toxsterbah! missed carriage return when i pasted22:04
beatiful_sorawawowe: i was told not to press crtl alt f 322:04
beatiful_sorawawowe: by ikonia22:04
wawowebeatiful_sora: that was a misunderstanding22:04
ikoniabeatiful_sora: it was my mistake, apologies22:05
beatiful_soraikonia: okay thank you22:05
beatiful_sorawawowe: what will this do?22:05
schultzahas bitchx been dropped from the packages list?22:05
wylde!find bitchx22:06
ubottuFile bitchx found in epic4-script-lice, xemacs21-basesupport22:06
wawowebeatiful_sora: it should open another tty that may allow you to login22:06
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay thank you, what it is a tty?22:06
wawowebeatiful_sora: a terminal22:06
beatiful_sorawawowe: ah okay thank you22:06
schultzaso it was remerged with the epic.. ok22:07
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay i have press this, no visible change, is this correct22:07
wawowebeatiful_sora: you said you see a white blinking line?22:07
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wawowebeatiful_sora: unless there was a ton of stuff in the home directory, the install is most likely destroyed22:08
MrKeunerwawowe, I would make him delete that command first22:08
wawowebeatiful_sora: try ctrl+c22:08
beatiful_sorawawowe: yes, the white blinking line, above it says, 'sudo rm -rf', then window is titled 'sora@sora-laptop'22:08
xiamxwhat should i do if i want to apply a mainstream patch to a package on my local machine?22:09
halakarhey guise - is there a quick way to disable the compositing effects in 12.04?  I fear that having compositing enabled might degrade the performance of games under WINE22:09
wawowebeatiful_sora: does it say "rm -rf" or "rm -rf /"22:09
MrKeunerxiamx, is patch applied to a newer version of the package by package maintainer?22:09
beatiful_sorawawowe: 'rm -rf /' with a slash22:09
moha85So I have a probleme: I have windows 7 in my pc and I installed ubuntu 12.04. So when I start the computer I don't see the windows partition in the grub menu. I need help, PLEASE!22:09
wyldehalakar: log in usind unity2D22:09
halakarwylde, I'm an Ubuntu n00b.  How do I do that?22:10
beatiful_sorawawowe: do you mean to press ctrl+c in the sora@sora-laptop?22:10
wawowebeatiful_sora: yes22:10
xiamxMrKeuner, no same as the current version maintained in precise22:10
wyldehalakar: at the ligin screen you click the ubuntu symbol and select unity2D22:10
wyldegeez, I have illiterate fingers today. >.<22:11
halakari shall try that now.  do you think that's a good practice for when i want to run games, especially using WINE?22:11
beatiful_sorawawowe: wawowe you have accomplished it! i have pressed ctrl+c in the sora@sora-laptop and now the line is gone, now it says 'sora@sora-laptop' and some symbols! thank you!22:11
wyldehalakar most likey22:11
wyldelikely* ...22:11
wawowebeatiful_sora: it's not over yet22:11
xiamxMrKeuner, any advise?22:11
beatiful_sorawawowe: how do you mean22:11
=== MeMeMe is now known as Spacy
e2b04836wawowe: do we know if the command was actually executed yet?22:11
MrKeunerxiamx, I would wait for the package maintainer to apply the mainstream patch and do apt-get dist-update. If urgent, you have to download the source for that package and apply the patch to the source and compile the package22:11
wawowebeatiful_sora: unless that the command was running on a timer before it happend or suspended22:12
wawowee2b04836: as far as i know yes22:12
beatiful_sorawawowe: i don't know what you mean by a timer22:12
Resistance!ftpd > stars6922:13
ubottustars69, please see my private message22:13
beatiful_sorawawowe: HELP MY FACEBOOK IS GONE!22:13
wawowee2b04836: like "sleep 500; clear && rm -rf"22:13
beatiful_sorawawowe: i clicked the icon for facebook, and it says about child process!22:13
wawowebeatiful_sora: your facebook?22:13
wawowebeatiful_sora: in that terminal: type sudo su22:14
wyldehas anoyone explained what that command does yet?22:14
e2b04836no, i was about to have a go22:14
beatiful_sorawawowe: is terminal the sora@sora-laptop window?22:14
wawowebeatiful_sora: yeah,22:15
xiamxMrKeuner, i've been waiting for package maintainer to do something for a month.. i guess i'll compile it myself.22:15
* Xpl01t not feeling that he is not welcome here!22:15
beatiful_sorawawowe: i have already closed this, how do i get it back up22:15
* Xpl01t feeling that he is not welcome here!22:15
wawowebeatiful_sora: i think the default keybinding is ctrl+alt+t22:15
MrKeunerxiamx, yeah it might take time if the update is not urgent, most maintainers have to do day jobs for a living22:15
wawoweor it's in accessories22:16
wawoweor if unity search for terminal22:16
Spacydoes anyone know if there is a implementation of PNRP for linux? if no, do we need one? i mean its a cool technology ("DNS" via distributed Hashtable)22:16
wawowebeatiful_sora: do you have the install disc?22:16
craigbass1976I'm trying to get an hp m1212nf working.  It worked ok in lucid, not so much in precise.  When did openprinting get useless, or am I just not seeing the printing part of that page?  I was hoping for a ppd file, but hp points at the linux site.22:17
beatiful_sorawawowe: my son set up my computer22:18
MrKeuneron fire?22:18
beatiful_sorawawowe: i pressed ctrl alt t, no change22:18
wawowebeatiful_sora: ctrl+alt+f322:18
beatiful_sorawawowe: no change22:19
wawowebeatiful_sora: are you talking from that computer right now?22:19
beatiful_sorawawowe: now everything i am pressing, it is saying, failed to execute child process!22:19
e2b04836what do you actually see right now?22:19
beatiful_sorawawowe: yes i am, my son set me up a link saying 'irc, click me for help, don't phone me again'22:20
MrKeunerbeatiful_sora, can we talk to your son?22:20
wyldebeatiful_sora: just for future reference. Don't let anyone have your password, and if kids are going to use the computer setup an account for them with no admin access.22:20
wawowebeatiful_sora: don't close anything22:20
beatiful_soraMrKeuner: my son lives in london22:21
zykotick9beatiful_sora: that's a funny link your son left.. sort of.  Good luck22:21
MrKeunerah you don't see him laughing then22:21
e2b04836beatiful_sora: i hope you didnt have anything important on that computer, your son has executed a pretty deadly command the chances are its wiped the hard drive22:21
wawowebeatiful_sora: do you have anything on there that you need to keep?22:21
beatiful_sorawawowe: i have all family photos and some info for childrens schools22:22
wawowebeatiful_sora: do you have access to another computer with a cd burner?22:23
beatiful_sorawawowe: this is my only computer22:23
beatiful_sorawawowe: do you mean that i should save my photos to a cd22:23
wawowebeatiful_sora: how about any kind of install disc?22:23
beatiful_sorawawowe: MY PHOTOS ARE GONE!22:23
=== KaKoS^VeZyRiS is now known as ThePaRaDoX
MrKeunerbeatiful_sora, what does ls -al / give you22:24
e2b04836beatiful_sora: i'd turn that pc off immediately if you want any chance of getting them back22:24
beatiful_sorawawowe: i cannot get to my photos, are they gone!22:24
beatiful_soraMrKeuner: where do i type this22:24
cheese1756beatiful_sora: Since the files aren't technically overwritten, you can use various tools to analyze the hard drive and get the files back22:25
cheese1756At least, I assume that would work22:25
abhinavmehtathere is some very popular tool, by which you can pretend that you are from some other country on the internet….which is that tool…not getting that name…anyone here know that..?22:25
wawowebeatiful_sora: you need to get a livecd like gparted22:25
MrKeunerbeatiful_sora, in the sora@sora-laptop window22:25
cheese1756abhinavmehta: Either a proxy or a VPN22:25
beatiful_soraMrKeuner: i have already closed this i am afraid, how can i get it back22:25
wawowebeatiful_sora: i think there's a utility called extrecover or something like that, but you'll have to run it from a livecd22:26
abhinavmehtathat tool routes your traffic by masking your nic and ip22:26
cheese1756I don't know if VPN's mask NIC's, but they do mask your IP22:26
cheese1756You could also use an SSH tunnel22:26
kkrausswylde, you still here22:26
wyldekkrauss: yep22:26
wawowebeatiful_sora: your current os is gone, when you reboot, you won't be able to come back22:26
cheese1756And if you really wanted to be secure, you could spoof your MAC address22:27
abhinavmehtamy NIC I mean IP…22:27
cheese1756abhinavmehta: Check the laws of your local country to make sure everything you are doing is legal, of coruse22:27
abhinavmehtamy mistake..22:27
MrKeunerbeatiful_sora, that's unfortunate. I wish you did not close it as people asked you not to close anything22:27
kkrausswylde, I just thought of something, that old system I have, it already has an older version of ubuntu on it that boots.  cant I install server from my usb drive that way without having to boot?22:27
wylde!ot | abhinavmehta cheese175622:27
ubottuabhinavmehta cheese1756: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:27
wawowebeatiful_sora: but there's still a chance to recover somethings at this point22:27
beatiful_soraMrKeuner: i am sorry i think i closed it before i was told not to close anything please forgive me :(22:28
wyldekkrauss: I'm not sure I'm following you.22:28
cheese1756Sorry wylde22:28
beatiful_sorawawowe: how can i do that?22:28
abhinavmehtacheese1756: hmm….I want some free IP masking tool.22:28
MrKeunerbeatiful_sora, don't worry you are forgiven22:28
Sheldon42abhinavmehta, Tor.22:28
abhinavmehtaSheldon42: correct…thats what I'm looking..22:28
e2b04836beatiful_sora: how on earth did you end up running that command?22:28
abhinavmehtathanks a ton.22:28
kkrausswylde, my old pc doesnt have usb boot support but has an OS on it currently, cant I boot into the current OS and run the isntall from the usb that way?  I would assume it will copy the boot and install fiels to the hard drive then reboot22:28
cheese1756e2b04836: sora says that their son ran it22:29
MrKeunerbeatiful_sora, please forgive your son. Obviously he needs some more attention from you22:29
abhinavmehtaSheldon42: thanks a ton….you end my search22:29
beatiful_sorae2b04836: my youngest son has run iit22:29
goawayhi! what traces are left behind when connecting to a wireless network?22:29
wyldekkrauss: oh I see.22:29
kkrausswylde, did that make more sense?22:29
meLonHow can I modify the available applications when selcting 'Default Application'.  I am not given the option of selecting a program like /usr/bin/program and the program I want to use is not on the list.22:29
wyldekkrauss: yep22:29
e2b04836thats very unfortunate22:30
gr33n7007hgoaway, MAC address22:30
kkrausswylde, so what do you think, think that will work?22:30
wyldekkrauss: I don't know what your were doing initially since I joined the convo after it started.22:30
goawaygr33n7007h: and how can that be traced back to me?22:30
wyldekkrauss: what OS is on this machine now?22:30
kkraussno wylde I just got back, we spoke earlier remember about network booting22:30
beatiful_soraMrKeuner: i will forgive my son, i do not know what he has done but he is better at computes than i am, so is my other son, i think they are very good with technology but i wish i was also!22:31
cheese1756goaway: It can't. It can trace all the traffic back to your computer, but not to your location22:31
wawowebeatiful_sora: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec22:31
cheese1756goaway: MAC addresses can be spoofed easily, though22:31
abhinavmehtagoaway: you can use tools like kismet etc..to trace back system based on MAC22:31
e2b04836beatiful: your son has deleted everything on your computer22:31
cheese1756With ifconfig22:31
wyldekkrauss: yes I recall, but I didn't get into your conversation before that is all I mean :) So I didn't really have any background info22:31
gr33n7007hgoaway, the ISP will no everything you been on and trace it back to your MAC address e.g facebook, twitter etc.22:31
goawaycheese1756: i know! i was just wondering if the MAC address is the only thing left behind22:31
goawayabhinavmehta: i know! thanks22:32
kkrausswylde, I gave you all the background info lol22:32
cheese1756goaway: Beyoudn your traffic, I'd assume so. I don't admin any networks, so I'm not really sure22:32
wyldekkrauss: hmmm I'm not sure that would work. I know now. It's baest to ask anyway lol22:32
goawaygr33n7007h: no, i'm not connected to my isp at all22:32
kkrausswylde, my old dell pc does not boot from usb, I dont have a blank cd currently.  I am trying to figure out ways to install22:32
gr33n7007hgoaway, MAC addr on router is the onlything left behind22:32
wawowebeatiful_sora: that's what you need22:32
beatiful_sorawawowe: it says failed to exceute child process22:33
goawaygr33n7007h: cool :p22:33
wyldekkrauss: yeah, I'm thinking. Smell the smoke? lol hmmm...22:33
kkrausswylde, there is an option on the link you gave me to i nstall from current linux but you have to mess with grub22:33
wawowebeatiful_sora: your entire operating system is gone, so loading new applications won't work22:34
wyldekkrauss: do you currently have a working ubuntu computer?22:34
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay, what is that link you sent me22:34
kkraussyah it has like 10 something on it, thats what I was originally going to use back in the day22:34
wawowebeatiful_sora: it's a link to a livecd that can help you recover some pictures22:34
wyldekkrauss: and does your old computer support PXE booting? Will it boot from the network card?22:34
kkraussbut it was a weird install and buggy22:34
kkraussyes it will boot from network just not usb, thats what im looking at now is pxe22:35
wawowebeatiful_sora: but you'll have to use another computer to download and burn it to a cd22:35
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay thank you, what is a livecd and how do i get it?22:35
beatiful_sorawawowe: oh okay thank you22:35
kkrausswylde, wow didnt expect to ahve to play with my router to do this22:35
wyldekkrauss: play with your router?22:35
beatiful_sorawawowe: i am afraid i don't have another computer! thank you so much for your help :(22:35
kkrausswylde, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet22:36
wyldekkrauss: oh dhcp22:36
kkrauss wylde network install looks petty intense lol22:36
wawowebeatiful_sora: you should turn your computer off soon, though, so it doesn't get worse22:36
wawowebeatiful_sora: you'll have to do it manually, by holding down the button. but write down that url22:37
goawaygr33n7007h: cheese1756: how about traces left behind on my computer? like a history of what networks i've been connected to?22:37
beatiful_sorawawowe: but the blinking line is gone22:37
gr33n7007hgoaway, you can manually remove them22:38
wyldekkrauss: moment. I've not done a PXE installer setup. But it's not exceptionally different from my LTSP setup. (I have 2 computers the have no hard disk and bott and run entirely off the server)22:38
wawowebeatiful_sora: your filesystem is journaled which means it's making records of changes22:38
goawaygr33n7007h: where can i find them?22:38
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay thank you what does that mean22:38
wyldewow, I think my fingers are drunk >.< I'm sure you get what I meant at least22:38
gr33n7007hwhat network manager are you using22:38
cheese1756goaway: Usually, yes22:39
cheese1756You could use something like TAILS, too22:39
cheese1756Or another LiveCD22:39
wawowebeatiful_sora: it means that some of the data will be more difficult to recover the longer that it's on22:39
kkrausswylde, well ill be back I have to take a shower then go to walmart then im good22:39
goawaygr33n7007h: whatever the default nm in bt5r2 is22:40
gr33n7007hgoaway, wicd then22:40
wyldekkrauss: no problem. I browse through that and see if I can make it a bit more straight forward for you.22:40
goawaycheese1756: where can i read about tails?22:40
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay thank you, will my facebook be back when i turn it back on22:40
cheese1756goaway: Distrowatch would be a good first start22:40
cheese1756Then check their website22:40
vltHello. How can I install a package (with apt or aptitude) without (re)starting any processes? (Similar to what `debootstrap --include` does.)22:40
cheese1756It's just a LiveCD, like an Ubuntu LiveCD22:40
wawowebeatiful_sora: your facebook is hosted online, so it won't be affected22:41
goawaycheese1756: oh, nevermind then :p22:41
wawowebeatiful_sora: if that's where your pictures are then you don't have to worry about it22:41
beatiful_sorawawowe: but when i click the icon for facebook, it says 'failed to excete child process'22:41
gr33n7007hgoaway, Is this someone elses network by any chance?22:41
beatiful_sorawawowe: no my pictures were in 'pictures' and now i can't open 'pictures' :(22:41
cheese1756goaway: Naturally, check the laws of your home country and make sure you aren't violating them22:41
wawowebeatiful_sora: the program you used to access facebook is gone, but facebook is still online22:41
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay are you sure22:42
wawowebeatiful_sora: you wouldn't happen to still have them on a camera or something would you?22:42
goawaygr33n7007h: i'm not doing anything malicious. just asking out of curiosity!22:42
lostogre_where is dlm_pcmk?22:42
lostogre_I need dlm_controld.pcmk and I cannot find it!22:42
wawowebeatiful_sora: yes, you can access facebook from any computer by going to facebook.com22:42
goawaycheese1756: it's an open wifi network :p22:43
gr33n7007hgoaway, ok no probs anyway22:43
beatiful_sorawawowe: no my son deleted the camera :(22:43
goawayi just don't like traces22:43
mneptokgoaway: Backtrack is not supported here.22:43
wawowebeatiful_sora: deleted the data on the camera? or the camera icon22:43
waxstoneim experiencing the bug mentioned here http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu im trying to fix by turning off "Enable hardware accelaration" in flash player but the checkbox cannot be unchecked22:43
mneptok!backtrack | goaway22:43
ubottugoaway: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition22:43
goawaymneptok: go away! nice people are already answering my questions...22:43
beatiful_sorawawowe: deleted the photos on my camera card, then he put lots of pictures of penis on it from the internet :(22:44
lostogre_What happened to the dlm-pcmk package in precise?22:44
mneptokgoaway: those are the rules that everyone must follow.22:44
goawayi'm not asking about backtrack22:44
beatiful_sorawawowe: he said it was a joke22:44
wawowebeatiful_sora: some of those may be recoverable too if it's not full22:44
wawowebeatiful_sora: the original pictures i mean22:45
beatiful_sorawawowe: the penis? i deleted them all22:45
beatiful_sorawawowe: because i had no space left on the camera for new photos, it said 'memory full' so i deleted all the penis, then it didn't say 'memory full' anymore22:46
goawaygr33n7007h: so the history can be accessed from within the network manager?22:46
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mneptokgoaway: 16:40 < goaway> gr33n7007h: whatever the default nm in bt5r2 is22:46
wawowebeatiful_sora: getting them off the computer will be easier than the camera, in that case22:46
mneptokgoaway: that looks like you're asking about Backtrack. please move your question to #backtrack-linux22:47
beatiful_sorawawowe: okay22:47
cheese1756beatiful_sora: I hope you disciplined your son pretty strongly for all this22:47
goawaymneptok: wow there must be a sale on high horses these days22:47
beatiful_soracheese1756: for the penis or the blinking line?22:48
cheese1756By blinking line, I assume you mean rm -rf /?22:48
mneptokgoaway: i am asking nicely. i do not want to actually saddle up.22:48
beatiful_soracheese1756: yes that22:48
wawowebeatiful_sora: you should consider getting a flash drive to store your pictures on in the future22:48
goawaymneptok: you already got your chaps on22:48
ikoniaok, I'm getting bored with this now22:48
wawowebeatiful_sora: that no one else knows about22:48
beatiful_soracheese1756: also the other day he set the microwave on fire! i am at a wits end!22:49
gr33n7007hgoaway, delete the wicd logs22:49
cheese1756beatiful_sora: Sorry if this was already asked, but do you have backups?22:49
beatiful_soracheese1756: i am afraid not :(22:49
cheese1756beatiful_sora: You might want to purchase an external USB drive in the future, about double your hard drive space should be fine. I learned that the hard way22:49
waxstoneHi need help. Im experiencing the bug mentioned here http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu im trying to fix by turning off "Enable hardware accelaration" in flash player but the checkbox cannot be unchecked22:50
lostogre_What happened to the dlm-pcmk package in precise?22:50
cheese1756waxstone: That happened to me too22:50
cheese1756When I restarted later on, the box was accessible22:50
lostogre_It says it was superseded by another package, but that package doesn't exist either.22:50
beatiful_soracheese1756: i have a usb stick, is this correct22:51
cheese1756beatiful_sora: What I typically do is I backup my most important files to Dropbox, a USB stick, and an external hard drive, then I'll back up the slightly less important stuff to the USB drive, then just about everything to the external one22:52
cheese1756In addition to syncing some folders between computers22:52
beatiful_soracheese1756: okay my usb stick also was filled with penis by my son :(22:53
waxstonein ubuntu 12.04 why is Abode Flash Player settings disabled?22:53
beatiful_soracheese1756: he has done this to my camera and usb and phone and digital photo frame!22:54
kkraussbeatiful_sora, wtf ware you talking about22:54
cheese1756beatiful_sora: You might want to password protect access to your computer, and maybe try to identify why your son is acting this way, taking him to help if necessary22:54
cheese1756If you haven't already22:54
beatiful_sorakkrauss: my son did it :(22:54
beatiful_soracheese1756: he said it was a joke :(22:54
kkraussyour usb stick was filled with male genitalia by your son?22:54
supadivawaxtone, it's not disabled, just glitch22:54
waxstonesupadiva, how to i kick this glitch in the nuts?22:55
beatiful_sorakkrauss: yes and my camera and phone and digital frame :(22:55
waxstone!topic beatiful_sora22:55
cheese1756waxstone: It worked for me later on22:55
waxstone!ot beatiful_sora22:55
kkrausshow old is your son?22:55
aleprovenciohello guys, can i map 'key to show the launcher' to any key combination which does not involve the <super> key?22:55
cheese1756After a reboot or two, the option was available22:55
beatiful_sorakkrauss: he is 1522:55
supadivawaxtone, there is a flash setting applet in your launchpad22:55
cheese1756Yeah, way too old to think that that is funny22:55
cheese1756And just a joke22:56
kkraussbeatiful_sora, so this is what you do, you go lock him and yourself in a room together, and tell him you are going to play a little joke on him.  Then you beat him to within an inch of his life, adn then ask him if that was funny.22:56
kkrauss!parenting :)22:56
supadivawaxtone, just type "flash" for search22:56
beatiful_sorakkrauss: i do not think he would find that funny :(22:57
kkraussbeatiful_sora, thats the point!!! beat that kids ass!22:57
waxstonesupadiva,  not seeing anything under flash or adobe for settings22:57
kkraussbeatiful_sora, if I did that to a parent, I would b e knocked out on a daily basis for more days than I'd remember22:58
gr33n7007hIs ubuntu more widespread than windows in the states??22:58
supadivawaxtone, there is a "dash" icon on the upper left of screen22:58
IdleOne!ot | gr33n7007h22:58
ubottugr33n7007h: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:58
beatiful_sorakkrauss: he also has deleted all the tv channels except 'gay chat and date'22:58
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waxstonesupadiva, just the plugin itself im in 12.0422:58
kkraussbeatiful_sora, I am starting to think you are just trolling22:58
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supadivawaxtone, O.o22:58
IdleOnebeatiful_sora: Please keep the comments in here support related, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please22:59
waxstone!ot beatiful_sora22:59
kkraussbeatiful_sora, actually I am sure of it, because you are being very explicit, and you arent in the middle of beating that kdis ass like a real parent would22:59
beatiful_sorakkrauss: i don't know what this means, sorry :(22:59
waxstone!ot | beatiful_sora22:59
ubottubeatiful_sora: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:59
supadivawaxtone, wow, my the last flash is installed by hand22:59
beatiful_sorakkrauss: oh no i have already told him off!22:59
gchristensenHi, is there a way with Upstart to run as an unpriveleged user? Or do I still need to hack it with  -s /bin/sh -c 'exec "$0" "$@"' username -- /path/to/command [parameters...]22:59
beatiful_soraubottu: sorry, i will talk about ubuntu22:59
ubottubeatiful_sora: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:59
vltIdleOne: gr33n7007h’s question was about bug #1 from the Ubuntu bugtracker ;-)22:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122:59
kkraussok well beatiful_sora telling a kid off is not the same as beating their ass22:59
IdleOnevlt: which is offtopic and not support related.23:00
kkraussid burn that kids face off with the kitchen stove for that23:00
IdleOnekkrauss: Please take the conversation elsewhere.23:00
waxstone!ot | kkrauss23:00
ubottukkrauss: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:00
beatiful_sorakkrauss: i don't think i should use physical force23:00
maheanuuI have a question, would I be better off downloading Ubuntu 12.XX the one that is most stable of the new ones and replacing my 10.04.4 64 bit LTS  that I have installed at present23:00
supadivawaxtone, i don't trust the flash install helper of 12.0423:00
cheese1756kkrauss: Violence is never the answer23:00
beatiful_sorakkrauss: but i will ground him very strongly23:00
kkrausswell good luck, I suggest you google how to password protect your data23:00
cheese1756What can be done with violence can be done with a more lasting effect with talking23:00
kkrausstell that to a 15 year old kid who just did what he claims23:00
waxstone!ops beatiful_sora  kkrauss23:00
kkraussthat is a falsehood23:00
ubottuwaxstone: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:00
kkraussa proven falshood23:00
waxstone!ops | beatiful_sora  kkrauss23:01
ikoniastop now23:01
ubottubeatiful_sora  kkrauss: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:01
kkraussbut the channel is getting way off topic so moving along23:01
beatiful_sorakkrauss: i just clicked the internet, but it says, failed to execute child process23:01
beatiful_sorasorry i will remain on topic!23:01
vltmaheanuu: Better than what?23:01
cheese1756beatiful_sora: Nothing will execute, since it has all been deleted23:01
cheese1756Do you have another computer available?23:02
beatiful_sorachees1756: okay, is there a way i can fix this?23:02
maheanuuBetter than 10.04.423:02
lorddeltaGreetings, I have severe pulseaudio problems; what is the procedure to follow to fix these days? By severe, I mean; pulseaudio and my hardware drivers don't get along all of a sudden, after working decently well in 10.04-11.10, running 12.04. I have sound cards, alsa is all set up correctly, as far as I can tell, it seems my issue is that I cannot select my sound card as the pulseaudio driver. Should I just23:02
lorddeltaget rid of this **** by the name of pulseaudio? Why do I need it?23:02
cheese1756By the way, do you want to salvage the data?23:02
cheese1756Or do you not care about it?23:02
kkraussbeatiful_sora, I suggest you first go and beat that kids ass, and then tell him to fix what he did.23:02
beatiful_soracheese1756: i am afraid not, but there is a laptop if that helps23:02
ikonialorddelta: drop the language23:02
maheanuuvit, the above was meant for you sorry I will get rite from now on23:02
cheese1756Yeah, a laptop will work23:02
lorddeltaikonia: I did. Self sensored.23:02
cheese1756For now, start downloading Ubuntu on that computer23:02
cheese1756Do you have a blank CD available?23:02
ikonialorddelta: if you have to star a word out - don't use it23:03
beatiful_soracheese1756: okay, how do i do that23:03
cheese1756Or a blank USB drive23:03
IdleOnelorddelta: if you need to * things out, don't say them.23:03
cheese1756Oh wait, yeah, you do have a blank USB drive23:03
beatiful_soracheese1756: yes, although my son has filled it with penis, does this matter?23:03
cheese1756You will need to format it anyway to install Ubuntu. Was there anything important on it?23:04
vlt!who | maheanuu23:04
ubottumaheanuu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv23:04
lorddelta...great, I guess I'll have to go fix it by myself, as usuall. I apologize for the language. If it helps anyone else though, I think there may be a kernel level issue...I don't know how. But I'm pretty sure whatever is messing with pulseaudio completely crashed the entire system. I had to reboot after it crashed.23:04
vltmaheanuu: Well, “better” as in newer or more stable or easier to use or more suited for older machines or older users …?23:05
cheese1756lorddelta: Do you want to set a card as default in Alsa?23:05
maheanuuvit, I am running 10.04.4 64 bit now on this notebook, but I am having sound and skype problems eversince the re install of 10.04.423:05
lorddeltacheese1756: No. I want to set it as default in pulseaudio...23:05
lorddeltacheese1756: its already default in alsa.23:05
cheese1756Oh, ok23:06
vltmaheanuu: My suggestion would be: Install 12.04 to a separate area of the disk and try whether it works better for your needs. (It’s “vlt”, btw.)23:06
maheanuuvit, I am running a Toshiba Satellite A355D 64 bit laptop and was running 9 and 10 on it before I had a major drive failure and had to do a complete reiinstall23:07
maheanuuvltOk, couldn't see it in the gold lettering looked like an i to me23:07
maheanuuI think that I will download the live version if they have it and drop it on a usb device and then do a live and see...   My problem is getting all the Flash and Audio/Video stuff working again....   So far with 10.04 I lose skype and audio regularly for no reason that I can determine23:09
lorddeltamaheanuu: Yay driver bugs.23:10
waxstonein ubuntu 12.04 why is Abode Flash Player settings disabled?23:11
maheanuulorddelta, exactly!!!23:11
waxstoneHi need help. Im experiencing the bug mentioned here http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu im trying to fix by turning off "Enable hardware accelaration" in flash player but the checkbox cannot be unchecked23:11
maheanuuDamn!!!  Here I am rapidly descending into my 2nd childhood, and I need more and more puzzles???23:11
maheanuuAt this rate, alzheimers will never have a chance23:12
HBXlubuntu 12.04 is amazingly fast23:12
maheanuuHBX, But does it play well with the outside stuffs?23:13
HBXas in?23:13
HBXruns fine for me23:14
maheanuuSkype, Flash Media,23:14
HBXi run it on my 12 inch netbook23:14
HBXruns amazingly well23:14
maheanuuI have had nothing but problems since I installed 10.04.4 LTS23:15
HBXthats ancient23:15
HBXinstall 12.0423:15
maheanuuYou are making a very good point and I am liking what I am hearing23:15
HBXyou can always later add the PPA for mediubuntu23:16
HBXand install all your media accessories23:16
maheanuuIs it possible to drop it over the 10.04 and not worry about having to reload all the stuff on the root that is there now23:16
xiamxhow long does it take for an uploaded ppa package to become available?23:16
ClientAlivedoes anyone know a way to make a vm boot from the hard drive? I'm using virt-manager and kvm but I'm cool with the command line if that's what works.23:16
ikoniaClientAlive: what do you mean, make it boot from the hard drive ?23:17
rile_brehello .avery boot ..have some problems . internal erorr.  avery time .( i do not give up on ubuntu yet .but is making me for simple task man still not there yet . and any one  can hellp me to watch netflix on ubuntu  thru wine or ...how can i make dumy silverlight .playere23:17
ikoniaClientAlive: you mean an existing partition with an OS on23:17
HBXhonestly maheanuu i'd just backup what you need and do a clean install23:18
DarwinSurvivorHBX: people still use medibuntu?23:18
HBXdon't see why not23:18
waxstoneNeed help with 12.04; Im experiencing the bug mentioned here http://www.wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu im trying to fix23:19
DarwinSurvivorHBX: what do they use it for? libdvdcss is available in the normal repos now, as is flashplayer. and the mp3 stuff can be pre-installed (just a checkbox)23:20
HBXwebup8.org has an updated ppa23:20
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: please provide details about what you did and any errors/problems you encountered23:21
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, I tried all the all the solutions listed none work. cannot chenge settings in flash player23:21
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor,  i.e. right clicking on video-->settings23:22
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: so you followed the instructions without getting any errors (appears to have been fixed), but the video is still blue?23:22
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DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: "cannot change" tells me nothing. did right-click not work, was the option not there (or grayed out), did it make no difference, etc?23:23
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, correct. all except the one for the flash player i tried without success23:23
skulltipsomehow, in both unity and unity 2d, 12.04  - the top menu went from the top bar of the screen back to the top bar of the application, being qtcreator.. wonder if i hit something23:23
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor,  the checkbox cannot be unchecked in the flash settings23:23
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DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: ok, so is the color fixed in everything except flash now?23:24
skulltipthe File, Edit, Build.. moved from the top panel to the top of the application as it normally would be.23:24
ClientAliveI got it. thx anway23:24
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, color has always worked in everthing except videos like on youtube23:24
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, red shows as blue23:25
krababbelwaxstone: google libvdpau1 flash blue23:25
ClientAliveikonia: sorry for the delay. I'm trying to install windows 7 as a kvm virtual machine (except it's the upgrade edition) - I know, pretty crazy eh??  :) I do have ubuntu 12.04 server as the host though so figured it was ok to ask here. It's a complicated mess but I think I've found a way - lol23:26
waxstoneThe workaround works for me on nvidia 295.40.23:27
waxstoneAlthough the flash player becomes very unstable as others have reported, and it crashes *very* often for me. Disabling hardware acceleration from inside the flash player is also a workaround, by right-clicking the flash player and selecting Settings -- if one wants to keep libvdpau1 for other purposes (like mplayer2/xbmc/etc), for example.23:27
waxstone^^ according to a post on the site23:27
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: ok, so it is the "blue flash" problem.23:28
wawowe<beatiful_sora> Is that dude with the Flash player issue still there? I just remembered, tell him to open a Flash video in full screen, THEN go into settings and disable hardware acceleration. I had the same problem once, that sorted it for me23:28
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, yes a flash issue . is there a stable solution?23:28
wawowethink that was for you waxstone23:29
ProdigalI'm running ubuntu on VirtualMachine - how do i turn on the wireless connection through my host?23:29
bobweaverProdigal,  go to settings _> network23:29
malkauns_u dont23:29
skulltiphere is what I mean:  http://inky.ws/g/1jk23:30
waxstonefullscreen worked!!!!23:30
skulltipand in unity 3d, i can't find xchat anywhere.. have to alt-tab to try to find it23:30
SeaPhorProdigal: thats a question to be asked in your VM app's irc23:30
waxstonewawowe, thank you23:30
waxstoneif anyone has this issue the solution in disabling hardware accelaration but htis can ONLY be done with the video at fullscreen23:31
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: only at fullscreen, interresting.23:32
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor,  definite bug. you cannot uncheck or access settings successfully unless at fullscreen23:32
ClientAlivethere is one annoying thing though that I haven't been able to solve. When I run an installation using virt-manager, after a while the computer goes into hybernation or something no matter if you move the mouse or press a key or what you do. When you come back out of hybernation virt-manager is no longer displayed on the screen (or even my window manager or x for that matter). Instead, a tty session is. The problem is that when this occur23:32
ClientAlives in the middle of installation there is no way that I know of to get back to virt-manager and the installation in order to continue with it.23:32
ClientAlivewhat do I do?23:32
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: well, good to hear it's fixed. as for the bug, only Adobe can fix that23:32
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, im going to test on another machine, it might be ubuntu's developer version of firefox23:34
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ClientAliveis there some way to dissable hybernation from the command line?23:34
gr33n7007hClientAlive, what ubuntu do you use23:38
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor,  not an issue on firefox for windows23:38
waxstoneis there a ubuntu developer channel?23:39
DarwinSurvivorClientAlive: do you mean "prevent any user from using it" or "prevent auto-hibernation while SSH'ing into the machine"?23:39
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: I'm sure it's not a firefox issue, but a flash issue (flash for windows is WAY different than flash for linux)23:39
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, ok cool23:40
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: I don't *know* of a developer channel, Canonical doesn't actually have very many developers, and those it does have usually use project-specific (ex: Unity) channels23:40
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: what did you want to talk to them about (I will be able to better direct you if I know the background of the question)23:40
fosburgwhat would be the reason 'draftsight' a drafting application won't load on version 12.04?23:41
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: unless I'm mistaken, isn't that a windows application?23:42
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: and a beta at that...?23:42
fosburgits for linux, windows and OS1023:42
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: could you provide a link? The only reference I see is for a windows version :(23:43
fosburgyes it is a bata23:43
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor, no issue in another version of linux(ubuntu Derivative). I just wanted to mention this solution in case it helps solve this bug for other users23:43
fosburggive me a minute23:43
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: oh, nvm, it's just the button that only says windows.23:43
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: the developers are well aware of the issue and there is nothing they can do about it since flash is 100% closed source. Only Adobe can fix it and they have been very clear that linux will only receive *security* updates from now on23:44
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: the reason you are only getting the problem in 12.04 is because 12.04 has the newer flash version (older ones have potential security holes anyways)23:45
fosburgwww.3ds.com/DownloadDraftSight  is where I did the update23:45
waxstoneDarwinSurvivor,  ok thanks for the information and for your help23:45
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: Did you install it from the repos, or the .deb file on their website?23:45
DarwinSurvivorwaxstone: no problem23:46
fosburgit was the .deb (was noted for Ubuntu) and I used the software center to install23:47
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: ok, looks like it's not in the repos, so you must have used the .deb from the site23:47
fosburgyes I did23:47
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: ok, can you please tell us *exactly* what error messages you are getting or what strange behaviour you are observing?23:47
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:47
fosburgI cant remember the error message I saw Once--but it would start to install and then just stop23:48
fosburgdo you think that the application has not been upgraded to 12.04?23:49
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: ok, so the issue is that it won't even install. Unfortunately, without knowing what the error message was, there's not much we can do. Can you try installing it again and record the error message?23:49
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: that's a question only the developers can answer unfortunately23:50
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: if you can poste the output, I may be able to determine if it is looking for 11.10 libraries23:50
fosburgThanks--I will try to install again and copy the air message23:50
DarwinSurvivorfosburg: can you install from the command line? It will provide a LOT more information23:51
DarwinSurvivor"sudo dpkg -i name_of_package.deb"23:51
fosburgI probably won't get back to you until tomorrow---about this time23:51
fosburgthanks again for the feed back23:52
jcao219my friend is having a curious problem with the installer23:53
jcao219i will show you a screenshot, but basically the installer does not show certain text, but when you take a screenshot of it, it will show it in the screenshot23:53
t-marthow can I replace 12.04 unity's shell interface with standard gdm (like back in 10.04-ish)? i've found information on removing all the unity packages, but i'm wondering if i actually need to do something so extreme. is there setting i can just toggle, etc?23:54
jcao219Here's the really curious screenshot:   http://i.imgur.com/GaEGg.jpg23:54
xangua!nounity | t-mart23:55
ubottut-mart: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:55
t-martsorry * like 11.0423:55
DarwinSurvivort-mart: if you are talking about gnome-2 (gdm is actually the login screen), then gnome-2 no longer exists (it was discontinued by its own developers in favor of gnome-shell)23:56
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Nod51_Problem: I bought a AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-75 / ATI RV710 laptop from a friend that will white screen (but still run fine) randomly in Linux or Windows(XP/7), but I decided to use it as a server. Everything was working fine till I tried to scp from from my current server over at shich point I get: "Corrupted MAC on input." "Disconnecting: Packet corrupt" "lost connection". Network wires are good, but if I run 1 or more CPU intensive tasks, say bur23:56
Nod51_nK7 or memtester, scp works fine. I tried: -running a 3 day memtest (all pass between the white screens) - changing the ram - disabled CPU scaling at 2200mhz (it's max) or 1ghz but no change. If I have it at 2200mhz and run 2 burnK7 it will shutdown in around a minute.23:56
t-martDarwinSurvivor, mmm. yea, i am talking about gnome-223:56
DarwinSurvivorjcao219: can you also post a screenshot (for comparison of to photo)?23:56
jcao219DarwinSurvivor, the screenshot is in the photo23:57
t-martand thanks xangua23:57
jcao219he pulls it up in the picture viewer23:57
BentFranklinInstalled Ubuntu Server on a machine.  It's repos don't know emacs.  Any reason I can't just teach it the normal ubuntu repos and go ahead and install emacs?23:57
DarwinSurvivort-mart: well, as I said, gnome-2 is dead. There are a couple forks, but they are not yet ready. Feel free to try gnome-shell, kde, xfce, or lmde (xfce and lmde are fairly traditional)23:57
DarwinSurvivorjcao219: so it is :P23:57
SeaPhoror try Mint23:58
ClientAliveDarwinSurvivor: sorry for the delay - was googling for answers  :)  My Ubuntu 12.04 installation is just the host system for virtualization. It should never, ever hybernate, suspend, do any kind of screensaver or any other thing like that. I'm not certain what the cause of my aformentioned symptoms are but I know any things like that should either not exist (preferably) or be off.23:58
jcao219very strange, he's going to restart and try again23:58
DarwinSurvivorjcao219: have him do that. If it happens again, *please* file a bug report as that's a fairly serious problem (especially for the installer)23:58
jcao219alright, i'll make sure to tell him that23:59
t-martDarwinSurvivor, ok. just really haven't gotten used to the apple-like application-menu-in-top-taskbar thing and what i consider awkward window resizing23:59
LoOoDHey all, have a question. So in ubuntu 10.04/lucid I have ldap working with ssh/sudo. But with ubuntu 12.04/precise, only ssh works. When I do a "getent group groupname" in precise, the group name/id displays but no members are lists. In lucid getent return the grouname/id and the members. ANy ideas what I'm missing?23:59
DarwinSurvivorClientAlive: if you just want to stop it from doing it automatically, just go into system settings -> power and turn it off :)23:59

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