
MaynardWatershey, I have ardour open and Jack Audio Connection kit.  I hit activate, and now I cant get the mic turned off01:13
MaynardWatersits creating a great hiss of nausty feedback when I dont have my headphones plugged in01:13
MaynardWatersany suggestions01:13
MaynardWatersok, its still live like that but, I have been able to get hydrogen recording directly into ardour.... yessss01:26
MaynardWaterswhen installing new software is it best to have jack running, or not, or doesnt matter?01:47
MaynardWatersevery recording is at least the mic and then other things too.... urg02:14
holsteinMaynardWaters: you want to start JACK first.. then start the other software02:48
holsteinMaynardWaters: internal sound cards are a challenge02:48
holsteini would try looking in alsamixer and see if you can mute the mic02:49
jumpyhi there10:59
jumpyis there a way to netinstall the ubuntu studio?11:00
jumpyso i can use a small (100mb ) image on usb and grab the packages I want from the *net?11:00
jumpyor should i be looking at another distro if that's my preferred way of installing11:00
MaynardWatersholstein: I have gotten to a point where I have had 5 things recognized with jack... it appears that manually seetting up the connections each time I open/close a program is the best way to interact with jack, but I have not been able to isolate the mic feedback that I have been gettting12:26
MaynardWatersI'll check the alsamixer and see if I can kill the mic there, thanks for the suggestions12:27
MaynardWatersthanks!/j #rosegarden13:55
holsteinMaynardWaters: the internal sound card will show up as one big device14:09
holsteinall the ins14:09
holsteinthats by design14:09
holsteinits not intended for the use case you are presenting14:09
holsteinsometimes, you can mute the mic, sometimes, its just all in on 2 channels14:09
holsteini say, get *any* little USB device and enjoy all of the improvements that brings14:10
qheoletpeople do you have samples wht you do with ubuntu Studio audio, images, web dev, movies stc stc stc14:16
holsteinqheolet: i use ubuntu... so everything i do is with ubuntu14:17
holsteinhttp://holstein.bandcamp.com/ is some of the stuff with just me14:17
MaynardWatersholstein: I have a tascam us -122 are you saying that any external sound card will improve preformance?14:24
MaynardWatersholstein: nice bass!14:25
holsteinMaynardWaters: thanks14:26
holsteini have a US-122 as well... that should work great14:26
MaynardWatersI use it with a desktop, and ardour...my housemate set that up, and I dont think jack is used in that situation14:27
holsteinJACK is usually overkill for most folk14:27
MaynardWatersdo you think If I mess with the settings in jack I can make thigns work better with my internal sound card?14:27
holsteinMaynardWaters: no14:29
holsteinMaynardWaters: thats a hardware limitation... nothing to do with JACK at all14:29
holsteinthe card is presented to JACK, and JACK does what it does14:29
holsteinyou might hack alsa somehow to lose that mic14:29
holsteininternal cards are awful though14:30
MaynardWatersthe alsamixer allowed me to turn down/off the mic14:30
MaynardWatersnow im trying to get rosegarden to output some sound14:30
holsteinthat has nothing to do with JACK for example14:30
holsteinMaynardWaters: RG makes no sound14:30
MaynardWatersso there are multiple sound systems at work at the same time?14:30
holsteinRG is a sequencer... you point it to a sound module14:31
MaynardWatersif I load up a midi file, it should make some sound14:31
MaynardWatersI can see the meter in rosegarden and it really looks like it wants to output some sound14:31
holsteinMaynardWaters: nope... that midi file is just telling RG to play a virtual instrument you have not specified yet14:31
holsteinyup.. you'll see meters moving and hear no sound14:31
holsteinRG makes no sounds14:32
MaynardWatersso i have to have something like qsynth open to actually create the sounds14:32
holsteinMaynardWaters: RG is just a sequencer14:32
holsteinMaynardWaters: to hear sounds, you need something that makes sounds... something that RG uses as a sound modules14:32
MaynardWaterswhat sythn do you recommend works best with rosegarden?14:32
holsteinMaynardWaters: i use whatever i need, sound wise14:33
holsteinMaynardWaters: zynaddsubfx? or the new fork, yoshimi14:33
holsteinMaynardWaters: or, some external hardware unit14:33
MaynardWatersyep thats installed14:33
holsteinthey all work best with RG14:34
holsteinJACK lets you route whatever you want14:34
MaynardWatersok got jack, rosegarden and yoshimi open... now Im going to try to connect them with jack14:35
MaynardWatersI need to figure out the difference between the "connections" box in jack and the patchbay14:36
holsteinMaynardWaters: just dont use the patchbay14:36
holstein"connections" is the patchbay14:36
holsteinthere are other GUI alternatice to qjackctl as well14:36
holsteinas in #opensourcemusicians ...i just use qjack and manually connect each time14:37
MaynardWatersok, one thing at a time, im still with the default jack gui14:39
MaynardWatersjoshimi has shown up in the readable clients, but not the writeable clients14:39
MaynardWatersso it looks to me like I can output things from yoshimi to rosegarden, but not the other way around14:39
holsteinMaynardWaters: you might need to use a2jmidid14:39
holsteinMaynardWaters: i assure you it'll work14:40
holsteinMaynardWaters: again, those guys in #opensourcemusicians are the ones that really know14:40
holsteini dont do much midi14:40
MaynardWatersok, ill move my chatter over then for now then, got a2jmidid14:42
qheoletHolstein add you in G+  Nice music!14:42
holsteinqheolet: thanks!... i need to get more active there in g+14:43
holsteinOK folks.. im out... im taking lunch to my girlfriend, then im taking my bass to the lake where its quiet... going to work on some bach and try and finish making some charts14:44
holsteinMaynardWaters: feel free and chatter up in here all you want.. im just trying to point you to where you might find more appropriate help :)14:44
qheoletsee you!!14:45
MaynardWatersholstein: enjoy the lake and bass14:50
astraljavaRebel bass? http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/rebel_bass.jpg14:52
qheoletpeople do you have samples what you do with ubuntu Studio audio, images, web dev, movies stc stc stc15:19
holsteinastraljava: lol15:37
len-dtastraljava, i'd prolly hurt myself on that bass.19:06
tgm4883Just a quick note, there appears to be a broken image in the top middle on the website. Also, 12.04 isn't listed on http://ubuntustudio.org/downloads (although it is on the front page)22:46
len-dttgm4883, there is a whole new website coming soon. Sorry for the delay.22:49
tgm4883len-dt, no worries, I was actually just checking what your recommended ISO arch was22:49
tgm4883we (mythbuntu) just changed to 64-bit22:49
len-dtWe have both 32 and 64 bit ISOs22:49
tgm4883right I was just checking if you recommended one22:50
len-dtIt depends on your needs.22:56
len-dtIf 32bit apps are used a lot... like wine 32bit has to be used. I think the guys with 64bit systems tend to use the amd64 ISO though.22:57
len-dtI have 32bit systems and so use the i386 ISO.22:57

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