
pleia2bramwelt: sorry for the delay in mirror thing, the Ubuntu Developer Summit was last week so I've been pretty snowed under (and so has everyone I've tried to talk to :)), we do appreciate the offer and I hope to have a response soon00:01
knomehey pleia2 - the new plugin is in at xubuntu.org, so people on -team can now edit all not-yet-published posts and pages as well as upload images00:03
knomegot to sleep00:05
knomecatch you later00:05
bramweltpleia2: No worries, we just want to help you guys out! I appreciate you getting back to me, and I completely understand being overloaded. Thanks for the help! :)00:31
laiteochosi: \o/07:23
ochosilaite: welcome! :)07:23
ochosilaite: we're currently putting together our roadmap for xubuntu 12.1007:24
ochosithis is kinda instructive: http://xubuntu.org/news/brainstorming-the-12-10-release/07:24
ochosiyou can easily see in the graph how our release process works07:24
ochosicurrently we're in the "roadmap brainstorming > finding assignee" part07:25
ochosiyou can also check the link to the actual roadmap to see what has been added there so far07:25
ochosiwe're a pretty small team, so there aren't too many items07:26
laiteI've actually begin to think about getting more involved with distro developing, as it's nice to give something back :)07:28
ochosiwhat kind of contributions would you be interested in?07:28
laiteWell, I'm not much of an artis but I could help with theming if needed07:30
ochosioh yes :)07:31
laiteI really don't know what kind of tasks are involved in xubuntu07:31
ochosithat would in fact be swell07:31
laiteI mean, how much come straight from ubuntu07:31
ochosimost of it07:31
ochosithe xfce part mostly comes straight from debian07:31
ochosithen there is a small group of packages that we touch a lot ourselves07:32
ochosimuch of that is artwork07:32
ochosiand settings07:32
ochosi(and a few distro-specific patches)07:32
ochosibut generally we try to keep the delta with debian/upstream at a minimum07:32
laiteI guess xfce 4.10 is coming to 12.10?07:32
ochosiyeah, there is a ppa for 12.04 though07:33
ochosiand it works really well, for as much as i've tested/used it so far07:33
ochosiyup, thank mr_pouit ;)07:33
ochosihe and micahg are doing the packaging for xubuntu07:34
laiteI gotta take a better look at roadmap a bit later, but I'll start idling here in the meanwhile =)07:34
ochosiok cool07:34
ochosiif you need any pointers always feel free to ping me07:34
ochosii'm (remotely) always here, if i'm away i'll read the backlog and reply when you're back07:35
baizonochosi: the window border is broken07:59
ochosibaizon: you have to switch the window-manager theme to blackbird as well08:04
ochosiyou're obviously still using greybird there...08:04
baizona ok08:05
ochosiactually the same is true for notifications, but i haven't changed them yet08:05
ochosiso they're the same in blackbird and greybird08:05
ochosi(considering to make them bright in blackbird though)08:06
baizonok there is one thing i dont liek08:06
baizonwhen you select an item it is too dark08:07
ochosiyou mean in the new settings-manager?08:09
ochosiyes, i agree, i haven't found time to fix that yet08:09
baizonand update manager is broken08:09
baizonthe font color08:10
ochosiupdate-manager is gtk308:10
ochosii haven't really touched gtk3 yet08:10
ochosiif you have the time/energy, put your current issues on a list somewhere08:10
ochosimaybe a piratepad or something we can follow up on08:10
laiteone thing I would really like to see in Xubuntu 12.10 is a proper dual monitor-setup GUI - that caused me some problems before I learned how to set it up08:19
laitedoes xfce 4.10 have anything better that 4.8?08:19
baizonlaite, arandr08:20
laitebaizon: yep, but imho it should be installed by default08:21
baizonlaite: it will be08:22
laitegreat :)08:22
ochosii'm working on a better display-dialog with mr_pouit 08:49
ochosisee here: https://wiki.xfce.org/design/xfce4-settings/display08:49
ochosilaite, baizon ^08:50
ochosiinput is appreciated08:50
baizonvery nice08:50
baizonplanned for 4.12? 08:51
baizonthe 1. mockup looks better imo08:52
ochosii guess08:53
ochosiwell yes, but it's also far more complex to implement08:53
baizonyes, because of the preview 08:53
ochosihopefully much of that can be taken from ristretto's wallpaper-dialog08:54
laiteochosi: looks really nice09:06
knomebaizon, again, please note that things on the roadmap doesn't mean they will be included.09:07
baizonknome: i know :(09:07
baizonim sorry09:07
knomebaizon, i told you this once, please try to remember09:07
baizonwill do :)09:07
baizoni promise09:07
knomeit just confuses people..09:07
baizonyes, your right09:11
baizonhmm, ochosi blackbird is problematic with libreoffice, its hard to recognize the top icons 09:13
ochosibaizon: i know, it's also problematic with some qt apps09:13
ochosinot sure whether that's fixable09:13
baizonbut the window border are awesome09:13
ochosithanks :)09:13
baizonwill use them as default from now on09:13
laiteabout the terminal theme: I find it a bit odd to have gray background, black is so much more 'traditional'09:14
ochosilaite: it's supposed to create a flat terminal in combination with greybird09:14
mr_pouitochosi: yeah, 1 is better, but I don't know gtk/cairo enough to do it (volunteers welcome :P)09:21
ochosimr_pouit: check ristretto09:21
ochosimr_pouit: i mean specifically the wallpaper-dialog, pretty much all you need is there i think09:22
ochosiit even adjusts the ratio of the rectangles to the screen resolutions09:22
ochosibaizon: mind to post a screenshot of your libreoffice problems?09:23
baizonochosi: yep09:24
baizonochosi: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cwT-kuOe3Lxxam0peOMi2enZdgKYZqlWV_pIsKkiFS4/edit09:24
ochosibaizon: which ones are hard to see? the greyed-out ones?09:25
baizonat the bottom09:25
ochosiah, in that case you should specify that you mean the statusbar09:26
ochosiand it's in fact the text that isn't readable09:26
ochosinot the icons09:26
ochosimind to make that doc open so i can edit as well?09:28
baizonochosi: yep will do, sec09:28
baizonok, alacarte isnt working with xfce 4.10 :(09:30
mr_pouitwhat's the issue?09:31
mr_pouit(also check that you have the latest xfce4-session from the ppa~)09:31
baizonwhen i try to add an item it crashes09:31
baizonmr_pouit: yes i have09:32
baizonbut i'll check right away09:32
baizonhmm your right09:34
baizongot the old one09:34
mr_pouitI updated it this morning, so that's not surprising ;-)09:35
baizonochosi: added an example09:40
baizonbtw. the font is broken within USC09:41
ochosiUSC is also gtk309:42
ochosiyou have to check the gtk-version for the apps, otherwise adding bugs doesn't make sense09:43
baizonochosi: yes yes i know, thats why i just added "an example", not a new bug09:43
ochosioh, ok09:43
baizonbrb restart09:45
baizonyep working again09:50
baizonthanks mr_pouit 09:50
baizonnot perfect, but working09:51
baizonmtpaint isnt bad10:07
baizonbut no 3.40 version10:14
laiteochosi: I've been reading all things concerning xubuntu-developing, roadmap etc. but I'm not really sure what I could do to help ...I mean, it is already an excellent distro :)12:44
ochosilaite: ooh, there are _so_ many projects in my head12:45
ochosialso, if you want to help with artwork, you're always more than welcome12:45
ochosiand bugfixing/testing or writing docs is also an endless task12:46
laiteI guess from earlier in channel you're building new, dark theme for xubuntu12:46
ochosiwon't be default, but yeah, i'm workin on it12:46
laiteBtw, I gotta say that xubuntu is one of the most beautiful distros I've tried12:46
ochosithanks :)12:47
laitegood work12:47
ochosiif you wanna take a look at the dark theme (it's WIP), you can find it here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Blackbird12:47
laiteI installed xfce 4.10 and it's really nice12:48
laitegotta love that new application launcher12:48
ochosiyup, it's great12:49
ochosialso the new settings-manager12:49
ochosiit's so easy now to plug in external dialogs/launchers12:49
laiteis 'selected item' going to be that light blue in final blackbird12:50
laiteit's a bit light for my taste12:50
ochosiwell that's the current plan12:51
laiteother than that, looks really good12:51
ochosiah, colors aren't finalized, if you mean that12:51
ochosiatm these are "general directions"12:51
ochosia starting point12:51
laiteIt's a bit inconvinient that one has to change appearance and window title from different places, but I can see why they are grouped like that in xfce12:52
laiteI've been using bluebird since installing xubuntu, it's somehow refreshing theme =)12:53
ochosiactually there is already a branch in xfce-git with these dialogs merged12:54
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon
ochosii mean a real "appearance" dialog that has gtk-theme, icons and wm-theme12:54
ochosiit wasn't finished in time for 4.1012:54
laiteoh, that would be welcome12:55
ochosilaite: if you wanna work on bluebird btw, that'd be great12:55
ochosii haven't had enough time to take good enough care of it12:55
ochosi(the gtk3 port is somewhat sloppy)12:55
laitesure, I could do that12:55
laiteIs the purpose of gtk3 to mimic gtk2 as well as possible?12:56
ochosiyes, i'd say so12:56
ochosibut you can also fiddle with the gtk2 if you want12:56
ochosii don't see myself having enough time to work on bluebird for real in the future12:56
laitedo you have recommendations with testing/modifying themes, applications-wise etc.12:58
ochosilaite: hmm, what do you mean exactly?13:03
laitefor example something that'll show all gtk-elements for selected theme etc., preferably for both gtk2/313:04
ochosioh right13:04
ochosiwell there is "the-widget-factory"13:04
ochosiyou can find a gtk3 version on launchpad or elsewhere13:04
ochosiand you can install the gtk2 version from the repos13:04
ochosibe aware though that the gtk3 version doesn't show all widgets13:04
ochosi(at least most likely)13:04
ochosithe gtk-switch usually isn't there13:04
laiteCool, thanks13:04
ochosiand: there are lots of special cases that you can't see with twf13:05
ochosiyou might also wanna take a look at gtkparasite13:06
ochosithere's a gtk2 version and i think the gtk3 version is in progress13:06
ochosion github13:06
ochosiwith gtkparasite you can find out widget-names and hierarchies13:06
baizoncanonical should switch to git :)13:06
ochosiespecially useful if _one_ app is borked13:06
ochosior for application specific theming13:06
laiteaww, I love gtkparasite already13:07
laiteso cute13:07
ochosiand practical13:08
ochosivery practical13:08
ochosiok, i gotta go home now, be back in ~2hrs13:10
GridCubeknome, ping14:38
laiteochosi: have you tried awf (A Widget factory), it can show both gtk2 and gtk3 in separate windows and select theme from menu: https://github.com/valr/awf14:45
ochosilaite: no, i haven't, sounds promising!15:32
ochosilaite: cool, i just installed the oneiric-package in precise, works great15:37
ochosii'll copy that package to the shimmer ppa for ease of installation15:37
laiteochosi: I'm thinking of changing Bluebird's close-button to simple cross like in graybird, do you have any objections?17:09
laiteinstead of 'cross within a filled circle'17:09
ochosidon't think i have objections, no17:10
bluesabreknome: I think I saw that Ubuntu Q is going to try to ship python3 only.  Are there similar plans for Xubuntu?19:07
micahgunless I missed a blueprint :)19:12
bluesabreI didn't think there were, just checking19:14
micahgit'll be enough work to get transitioned to 4.10 and maybe a gtk3 panel19:14
ochosilaite: i guess you need commit/push rights to bluebird-github19:30
ochosilaite: you're now in the bluebird-group so you can push to that repo. would be nice if you develop in branches, so we can review and then merge the stuff19:32
laiteochosi: ok, thanks - just to be sure, I should create a new branch in shimmerproject/Bluebird where I push my modifications?19:43
GridCubeknome, ping21:01
* scott-work is wondering what work awaits the ubuntu studio team for xfce 4.10 and gtk3 Oo21:21
micahgscott-work: you'll get most of it for free21:25
micahgscott-work: and if you can point out any duplicated effort you need that shouldn't exist, we can try to consolidate it21:26
scott-workmicahg: defintely! (point out duplicate effort and try to consolidate)21:26
scott-workmicahg: the email between you and alessio for backporting has been very intriguing, the backport tools have greatly improved21:27
scott-workgoing home :)21:31
ochosilaite: yup, something like that22:30
ochosiGridCube: i think knome is away till friday or so22:35
ochosiat least iirc22:36
GridCubei have a website questioning22:36
ochosiwhat kind of?22:36
GridCubei have to include images on the tutorial im making and i dont know how to do it properly22:37
GridCubethey are A LOT of screenshots22:37
ochosido you want a gallery with next|previous buttons or just post them in a row?22:37
GridCubei dont know22:39
ochosibut is it for the xubuntu site or somewhere else?22:48
ochosifor the x.org there should be a plugin that does the slideshow (like on the frontpage)22:48
ochosihaven't looked into it though22:48
GridCubeochosi, is for the xubuntu.org22:55
ochosiwell anyway, friday is not that late, maybe best to wait for knome :)22:55
pleia2GridCube: slide show like on the current front page?22:56
pleia2that one is knome's photoslider plugin: https://github.com/knomepasi/WordPress-plugins/tree/master/photoslider22:57
GridCubeor maybe i should add an image after each point22:57
GridCubethats what i wanted to ask knome 22:58
pleia2is this for an article, or..?22:58
GridCubean article, the alternate ISO installing guide22:58
pleia2ah, gotcha22:58
pleia2is it a lot different from the ubuntu one?22:58
GridCubei don't think so22:59
pleia2why have our own docs for it?22:59
pleia2I'm wondering why we'd want to write our own alternate install directions if it's similar to the existing ones for Ubuntu (and Debian)23:00
GridCubei don't know23:00
GridCubei never found one that was good enough23:00
pleia2seems like the time is better spent contributing to the wider docs23:00
ochosiwell, if GridCube has already done it then i don't see any harm putting this up23:01
pleia2and they are working next cycle to do away with the alternate installer entirely, bundling an ncurses one into the regular CD23:01
pleia2(it's a real pain to spin up and maintain whole separate isos just for a separate ncurses installer)23:02
pleia2ochosi: yeah, I'm just wondering if it would be better on help.ubuntu.com/community/23:03
ochosipleia2: hmm, i agree23:03
pleia2and maybe add a https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall/Xubuntu too while we're at it (Kubuntu has one!)23:04
GridCube:P yes i understand23:04
pleia2GridCube: sorry, I don't mean to be discouraging, just want to make sure our docs and help resources don't end up getting all scattered like our dev-wiki-website stuff has23:04
pleia2half on the website, half on the wiki, no one can ever find anything ;)23:05
GridCubeim not discouraged23:05
GridCubei do think stuff should be on the help 23:05
pleia2maybe put it on help.ubuntu.com and then do an article on the website advertising that it's now there and updated?23:05
pleia2I can help write a GraphicalInstall/Xubuntu too so we can announce both!23:06
pleia2docs improvements are on our roadmap this cycle, we should probably be fleshing out a comprehensive strategy for all this (maybe someone is, I don't really know all that much about how xubuntu docs are managed :))23:09
ochosipleia2: hummyeah, thing is, xfce-docs are now online-only23:20
ochosiso either we pull their wiki into an offline resource or help will only be available for those with internet access23:21
ochosi(not sure about the size of the wiki btw)23:21
pleia2http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-xubuntu-12.04 is interesting (adds a bunch of tools to make it a "full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop")23:48

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