
ox1dewhere are the power save settings? i have power manager, but where is power save settings?00:08
RuediiXPower manager, that would likely be it.00:08
ox1dedoesnt seem towork in power manager00:10
ox1dewhat do i adjust in power manager?00:10
Marqeaux@ox1de: Check here: http://static.afbeeldinguploaden.nl/1205/10870/3GA0L.png00:10
RuediiXOK, there should be a little applet you can add to your panel to adjust it.    (Rightclick on panel, add applet to panel.)00:11
RuediiXOXLDE  It should say backlight on full when plugged in.00:11
RuediiXoxlde Check the box.  It may be a slider, in which case, you slide it to full.00:12
ox1destill dim...00:17
ox1dei'll reboot00:18
ox1deOk, its still dim d(>_<)b00:21
MarqeauxWhat about trying the "Fn" button (push it in!), and find the symbol "sun" on your keyboard. Does that respond?00:23
ox1dewait, yes that workd!!00:25
ox1dethank you00:25
ox1deok its bright agan00:26
MarqeauxAha! That did the trick! Nice....00:26
ox1dethanks again00:26
MarqeauxSometimes the solution is simpler than you'd expect. That's why I always start simple...00:26
MarqeauxAh... he's gone! I guess he's so happy, he'll dance around his living room! Lol....00:27
MarqeauxAnyway... good night everybody!00:29
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L3topHello. I have a laptop and the media controls (XF86Audio*) do not seem to be mapped to anything in alsa. Was hoping someone could tell me what I might look at to fix this to Master.02:24
Odd-rationaleL3top: Do you see the proper output when you press the key while running xev?02:29
L3topxev and HUD demonstrate they are working Odd-rationale02:30
Odd-rationaleWhat shorcuts are set in the Global Shortcuts for Kmix?02:30
L3tophmm... I cant seem to open kmix.02:31
L3topcycled for a while and just went away... no crash/debug window02:32
L3topsame again.02:33
Odd-rationalePerhaps you have this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdemultimedia/+bug/96389502:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963895 in kdemultimedia (Ubuntu) "kmix is crashing after multiple volume changes" [High,Confirmed]02:34
Odd-rationaleIt is listed as a known bug on the Kubuntu 12.04 release notes02:35
L3topNo... PEBKAC there... it was hiding.02:36
L3topGot it.02:41
L3topIt was clearly set to hdmi by default... ty Odd-rationale.02:41
Odd-rationaleOK. Cool. Glad you got it sorted out!02:42
mixolydhi :D03:29
mixolydcan someone help me out? I posted this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198150303:29
mixolydhaving trouble with booting kubuntu for the first time03:29
mixolydit works on ubuntu, but I don't wnat to use that03:29
Odd-rationalemixolyd: That is strange. Have you tried switching tty's? Ctrl+Alt+F703:33
mixolydi'm a nub03:33
mixolydwhat's ttys?03:34
mixolydI can try it03:34
mixolydwhen do I press it?03:34
Odd-rationaleTry switching from ctrl+alt+f1-f803:34
mixolydbtw i didn't menion that kubuntu works fine on live CD03:34
Odd-rationaleTry when you're stuck on the black screen after it booted up03:35
mixolydoh that was only when I did ACPI workaround on boot options03:35
Odd-rationaleYeah, I just reiewed your forum post.03:35
mixolydthank you03:35
mixolydit normally just goes to that loading screen with the dots and gets stuck there03:36
mixolydshould I press alt+ctrl+f1-f8 there?03:36
Odd-rationalemixolyd: If it is stuck there, then it probably won't work. But you can try.03:37
mixolydwhy do you think ubuntu works but kubuntu doesn't? aren't they essengtially the same03:37
mixolydworth a try03:38
Odd-rationalemixolyd: Well, the login managers are different. Ubuntu uses lightdm. Kubuntu uses KDM.03:38
Odd-rationaleKubuntu will be switching to lightdm-kde soon, so i hear.03:39
mixolydoh ic03:39
L3topOh noes.03:40
mixolydi did think it was a problem with login manager03:40
mixolydjust not sure what I can do03:40
mixolydit's strange that live CD works fine03:40
* mixolyd shrugs03:40
Odd-rationalemixolyd: Have you tried reinstalling?03:41
L3topmixolyd: afaik the live cd uses the fbdev driver...03:41
mixolydOdd-rationale, many times, tried both 32bit and 64bit03:41
L3topmixolyd: can you please give me the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA03:41
mixolydhow can I do that? i'm new sorry03:41
L3topsorry... in a terminal03:42
mixolydi can't get anywhere to type commands03:42
Odd-rationaleL3top: ^03:42
mixolydwow my thread is getting spammed lol03:42
L3topwow thats allotta spam03:43
Odd-rationaleJust reported the spammer. hopefully the mods will take care of it soo.03:43
mixolydspam is gone, wow that was fast!03:44
Odd-rationalemixolyd: I looked up the specs of your machine. Do you have the integrated Intel graphics card or the NVIDIA?03:50
mixolydintel 965 integrated03:50
Odd-rationalemixolyd: I'm rather at my wits end. But did you verify the iso file that you downloaded?03:54
mixolydWudi does that03:54
mixolydbut I did redownload too03:54
mixolydsigh oh well03:54
mixolydthanks anyway :) i'll try opensuse03:54
Odd-rationalemixolyd: No problem. openSUSE is a great KDE distro.03:55
L3topIt seems related to your broadcom wireless for some reason.03:55
Odd-rationalemixolyd: Don't have Wubi support though...03:55
L3topyou might try blacklisting that... I am not a big fan of wubi03:55
Odd-rationaleL3top: Why would Wubi Ubuntu work?03:56
mixolydL3 - ubuntu loads up fine without the broadcom driver.. makes me install firmware but still boots up03:56
L3topI understand... I am just looking at the screenshot, I don't have a clue why the one would go and the other wouldn't, esp not related to GPU... but I frankly wouldn't expect the intel to be a problem and indeed you hit that lack of firmware and everything starts stopping03:58
Odd-rationale"starts stopping" :)03:59
mixolydguess i'm SOl03:59
mixolydthank you though03:59
L3topwell... I am not sure you are SOL if you can use the normal install CD.04:01
L3topor usb04:01
Odd-rationalemixolyd: tried rebooting to windows then reboot again to Kubuntu?04:01
Odd-rationaleOK. I give up. I'll stop giving silly suggestions. :)04:02
mixolydits ok i'll just try another distro.. not a big deal :)04:02
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asobiany reason why dolphin doesn't auto refresh?04:24
JMichaelXi just installed kubuntu 12.04 on a dell mini 9 last night... much nicer than i had expected it to be.05:17
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TamagotonoAnyone here have any problems with Amarok scanning ALL folders even ones that were not selected?05:48
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lordievaderGood morning07:28
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lordievaderLukaM: Hey, how are you?07:29
LukaMDrinking first coffee of the day, readning eamil, getting ready to work07:30
LukaMand you?07:30
lordievaderMaking some tea, waking up...07:32
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jessyhey there, i'm new on linux, using kubuntu but i couldn't find my .login file where is it ?09:12
WizardWhat is .login? One of shell/login associated config files?09:14
jessyi'm trying to set my system variables09:14
jessyi used PATH=... and then export09:14
jessybut everytime when i restart my computer that variables also gone09:14
lordievaderjessy: Why are you trying to (re)set the system variables?09:16
jessyi'm trying to install qt-mobility09:16
Wizardjessy: It's in repo, I think.09:16
jessyIn .profile (if your Unix shell is bash,ksh,zsh or sh), add the following lines  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TARGET_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:16
lordievaderWizard: I don't see it in the repo.09:17
jessywhere i should add these lines :)09:17
Wizardjessy: ~/.bashrc is a good place.09:17
jessyWizard: let me investigate :p09:17
lordievaderjessy: Or you might mean ~/.bash_profile09:17
jessylordievader: ~/.bash_profile doesn't exist09:18
Wizardjessy: You can allways create it.09:18
lordievaderjessy: You could create it09:18
jessylordievader: so i created that file and then what i must to do :)09:20
jessyshould i just paste  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TARGET_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:20
Wizardjessy: This can mess things up.09:21
lordievaderjessy: No idea, I'm still not sure what you are trying to do...09:21
WizardMe neither.09:21
jessyMaking the libraries available on Unix09:22
lordievaderjessy: You downloaded the source?09:22
jessyi download and compiled09:23
jessybut i couldn't set that variables09:23
lordievaderjessy: So you did the ./configure; make; sudo make install?09:23
lordievaderjessy: Isn't it an dev thingie? Seems to be an api... *doesn't know QT*09:24
jessynope it's in my TARGET directory but i should set this folder as Making the libraries available on Unixsaid09:25
jessyi just wanna know where should i set these variables09:26
jessyIn .profile (if your Unix shell is bash,ksh,zsh or sh), add the following lines  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TARGET_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH where can i set this ?09:27
lordievaderjessy: http://tronprog.blogspot.com/2010/06/building-qt-mobility-in-ubuntu.html09:27
jessylordievader: thanks for the link it helps works like a charm atm, but i'm still wondering what does "In .profile (if your Unix shell is bash,ksh,zsh or sh), add the following lines  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TARGET_DIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH"09:36
lordievaderjessy: Perhaps that is more for unix systems (linux is unix like, not unix)09:38
lordievaderHello, how are you all?09:41
Ab3LDoes everybody speak in English here? Or is there other semiofficial idioms?09:41
lordievaderThis channel is English, there are other channels for different languages.09:43
andrew8665cenima 4D works well under wine as its coded in QT09:59
andrew8665KDE 4,8 like biting into a jucy sloppy cheese burger, Gnome like biting into a fat stack of crackers.10:02
lordievaderandrew8665: Gnome 2.x, 3.x or unity?10:03
andrew8665Gnome is like win9810:03
lordievaderandrew8665: 3.x/shell and unity are quite unlike win98...10:04
andrew8665As far as the GUI? yuck-10:04
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sky100 want to get the folder which was by default on my desktop after installing kubuntu 12.04 .. how to get it back ?10:54
sky100by mistake i removed it10:54
sky100pls help10:55
tsimpsonjust add the Folder View widget to the desktop11:01
mydogsnameisrudyadd widget  folderview11:01
sky100ok tsimpson11:02
sky100ty mydogsnameisrudy11:02
sky100gonna get it .. let me c11:03
sky100hi BluesKaj11:16
BluesKajHi all11:19
BluesKajhi sky10011:20
sky100i have been able to install Kubuntu12.04 on my other partions , BluesKaj11:20
BluesKajsky100, good to hear , / and /home and swap?11:21
sky100& /boot as well11:21
BluesKajwhy a /boot . not necessary11:22
sky100i was going through a tutorial which said  /boot is to be configured11:23
BluesKajwhich tutorial ..got a url ?11:23
sky100i gave / boot some 300 MB11:23
sky100just a min11:23
sky100BluesKaj, : here is the url : http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/05/12/manual-disk-partitioning-guide-for-kubuntu-11-04/11:25
BluesKajsky100, interesting , that the first time I've seen a /boot partition recommended in a tutorial . It may have to do with all the grub problems and windows mbr on dual boot setups11:29
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sky100i see BluesKaj11:31
sky100BluesKaj,  : I followed the tutorial in letters , & Kubuntu installed without a pinch of issue11:32
BluesKajsky100, it's not really necessary , but apparently it used to be common practice before grub2 was released11:38
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sky100BluesKaj, : i see11:40
BluesKajthe claim is to be able to boot a messed up system , but that's what most ppl use the tty for, and the live cd11:42
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sky100i see BluesKaj11:45
BluesKajanyway it's not a bad thing :)11:45
sky100ok , thanx for your confirmation11:46
sky100i was bit worried :|11:46
BluesKajit does take away a partition tho11:46
sky100yep , a small partition though11:47
BluesKajso if you need another partition for another OS , then you might have to sacrifice the swap or the boot11:48
sky100but i have 21Gb unallocated11:49
sky100though i dont need to install any other OS  than having 2 OS on my this system..11:50
sky100XP & kubuntu.. enough for this old machine to bear with11:50
sky100nowadays i bearly use MS11:51
sky100i want to get a empty folder on my desktop.. how could i ?11:52
BluesKaj4 primary partitions is the max , afaik11:53
sky100yeak BluesKaj11:55
BluesKajI use an older hdd for testing OSs ..got tired of the partitoning probs , altho grub likes to migrate to last linux OS installed11:57
sky100i see11:59
sky100yep .. its always advisable to stay away from partitioning .: BluesKaj11:59
BluesKajwhich I find odd , and not to my liking in case this old drive dies , then I have to reinstall grub on th other drive11:59
sky100better  is to have a seperate HDD & dedicate the same to kubuntu12:00
sky100no chance of messing up12:01
sky100u stay cler & safe :)12:01
BluesKajI use the main HDD for 12.04 , a WD3600 , and this older drive, a WD1600 for 12.10 testing ...so far so good12:05
sky100whats the size BluesKaj ?12:11
sky100arnd 320Gb or even more ?12:11
lordievaderHey BluesKaj, sky100. How are you both?12:11
sky100hey lordievader12:11
sky100im fine , ty lordievader , how abt you12:12
BluesKajthe WD3600 is 360G and the WD1600 is 160G , also i have 1TB external sata drive for media files12:12
BluesKajhi lordievader12:12
lordievaderI'm doing allright12:12
sky100lordievader,  .. u would be glad to note that  i habe been able to install Kubuntu 12.04 on my other partition12:12
lordievadersky100: Good for you :)12:13
sky100& so far it okay12:13
BluesKajfine thanks lordievader12:13
sky100yep .. im happy to get kubuntu back .. which i was missing badly12:13
lordievaderYeah, once you are familliar with the system it becomes a dream. And you wish, when you are using Windows, that it is more like linux XD12:14
WizardI use windows everyday!12:15
WizardMy cat likes them too.12:16
WizardFresh air is good for thinking ;]12:16
Wizard(Sorry, I had to do this)12:16
lordievaderLooking out into the world, dreaming, is good too!12:16
WizardEven my cat likes it!12:16
sky100now  have to install adobe flash & other stuffs12:17
lordievaderWow that is quite a feat for Windows :P12:17
Wizardsky100: apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras12:17
WizardPack of codecs, flashes, java plugins and so.12:17
BluesKajyes , periodically I decide to dual boot to catch up on windows and to help friends who have probs , to refamiliarize myself with windows so i can help them , but after 2 week or so I always get tired of the windows quirks and i wipe it12:18
lordievaderI have it installed for photo work and audio. That are the only things I use it for.12:18
sky100oh i find the you tube videos are running .. then adobe is installed ..12:18
sky100dunno how it got installed on its own !!12:18
Wizardsky100: Hmm. HTML5? :>12:18
BluesKajhaven't done any dual booting for a couple of yrs tho12:19
Wizardsky100: you can allways check it in package manager.12:19
sky100i installed apper12:19
Wizardsky100: fastest method is: dpkg -l | grep flash12:19
chachanguys, is there a backport or something to get a different phonon backend?. I'm not confortable with gstreamer nor vlc12:20
BluesKajsky100, flash gets installed by default with kubuntu12:20
Wizardsky100: solved :D12:20
sky100yeah Wizard12:20
chachanvlc doesn't allow me to set equalizer12:20
sky100thats the beauty of kbuntu12:20
WizardI still can't belive I returned to KDE and I don't want to change it again.12:21
sky100even i find that audio  is working ..12:21
lordievaderchachan: There is a pulse equalizer... You have to do some hacking since it is not available for 12.04. I'll get a link.12:21
* Wizard returns to coding.12:21
lordievader chachan http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/system-wide-pulseaudio-equalizer.html12:22
sky100did not have to do any thing to get sound working12:22
chachanlordievader, thanks!12:22
BluesKajchachan, the alsa eq ?12:22
lordievaderchachan: If you run into problem let me know.12:22
chachanBluesKaj, I tried to set the amarok eq, but it said that my backend doesn't have that feature or so12:23
sky100have to configure my xchat client  alot afterwards12:23
WizardCoding's boring.12:23
chachanlordievader, for sure12:23
Wizardsky100: Usually drivers come with kernel and most devices should work out of the box.12:24
chachanlordievader, is pulseaudio-equalizer and GUI app?, gtk-based or some non-KDE stlye?12:24
Wizardsky100: If the don't, it means either device is not supported at all, or serious hacks has to be made.12:24
BluesKajchachan, well either use the alasa equalizer orthe pulseaudio , but Ialways had good luck with the alsa-eq  ...it's your call12:25
lordievaderchachan: I think it is gtk but it looks allright here.12:25
chachanlordievader, ok let me check12:25
lordievaderBluesKaj: I've allways had good experience with pulse eq12:25
sky100Wizard, : xchat is fine so far ..12:26
WizardPersonally I prefer konversation, but xchat's OK.12:26
Wizardsky100: For how long have you been using Linux?12:26
sky100but i need to configure like posting audio player infos, system infos, etc12:26
sky100hmm for abt 2 months or so ...12:27
sky100then i had some probs last wekk itself .. & had to reinstall it12:27
BluesKajlordievader, Ididn't use pulse back then , only started using pulse for webaudio since I installed a pci soundcard12:27
WizardAh, that kind of cra^H^H^Hstuff.12:27
sky100 i was using 11.10 earlier12:27
WizardLinux is like love, after 2-3 months you get bored or you know that's it! ;P12:28
Tm_TWizard: that's not love12:29
sky100im not bored at all .. Wizard12:29
WizardTm_T: than what if not love?12:29
sky100im all eager to get into it in a deeper way12:29
WizardEh, just like me, when I was younger.12:30
WizardNah, "those were the days of good hunting and good sleeping".12:31
Tm_TWizard: love is what is left after that first month's infatuation12:31
sky100ok guys .. gotta go for now ..12:31
sky100ty you all12:32
WizardSee you.12:32
sky100cya soon12:32
WizardTm_T: I guess we could move it to offtopic channel ;]12:32
WizardBut yes, I agree.12:32
WizardThat's what I meant.12:32
oneadventhello I would like to make an icon that runs this command: echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope && wine /home/oneadvent/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Diablo\ III/Diablo\ III.exe12:40
oneadventhow can i do that? like what would run in the execution line?12:40
Picioneadvent: throw that into a script and then run the script12:40
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PiciAlthough, needing sudo access for that would be aproblem.12:41
oneadventPici: I did that: http://paste2.org/p/202619112:41
lordievaderMake it kdesudo, it'll give a gui asking for the password12:41
oneadventahh kdesudo, lemme try that.12:41
lordievadergksudo = gnome12:41
lordievaderBe sure to put the command you want sudoed in ""12:42
oneadventyea i tried that lol, been a while since i needed that command12:42
oneadventhmmm ok12:42
oneadventyea i dont think it is running still...no output on terminal and no program popping up. It does ask for the password now12:43
PiciDoes D3 even work under Wine? or are you trying to debug it?12:43
oneadventoh it works fine12:43
oneadventsomeone set up a ppa that is easy for people BUT it still has to have that tee command12:44
oneadventso i was trying to automate it so my kid can play (i can give him the password)12:44
oneadventhmm the quotations make it run if I ctrl-c after i put the "wine" line on a second line instead of &&12:45
HusarHi, how to get volume conmore sensibility? It this moment, volume have 20 scroll points, how to get 50 - for example?12:53
oneadventfor anyone following: I changed the line to 'kdesudo "echo 0 > /the/file/path"' and it works fine12:58
oneadventneed to really find a way to give my user permission to write to that file anyway then it would be 1 step better12:59
BluesKajHusar, open alsamixer in the terminal12:59
BluesKajmake sure the Master, PCM,12:59
BluesKaj Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'12:59
BluesKaj then turn those controls up to the max.12:59
Husarthx, will try12:59
lordievaderoneadvent: What file does the user need acces to?13:00
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HusarBluesKaj: this do not help me, in console i can increase volume with 1 point, but if scroling volume slider, 1 point = 5 point in console13:06
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Husari want to scroon 1 pint on mouse wheel, and get 1 pont on console, not 513:08
lordievaderIsn't there some alsa volume command you can bind to a key or something?13:08
BluesKajHusar, sorry I don't understand . alsmixer is in the konsole , use your speaker volume ctrl to turn the volume down if alsamixer is turned up too far13:10
JuJuBeeIs it possible to lock the desktop background and prevent users from changing it?13:16
simon___i'm sure there would be, im knew to kubuntu too though so not sure :(13:18
WizardProbably yes, but I've never did it. Try googling for KDE kiosk mode :]13:18
JuJuBeeKiosktool does not work with KDE4 according to google searching13:26
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aboudreaultI'm using Kubuntu oneiric since a while.... and at least 2 times per weak.  The GUI totally crash13:46
aboudreaultlike to color of the main menus are glicthing with lines and then I lose all KWIN and border then keyboard is dead.13:47
aboudreaultare you aware of that/13:47
BluesKajaboudreault, you might have an intermittent hardware problem13:48
BluesKajaboudreault, have you upgraded KDE to 4.8.2?13:49
aboudreaultyes, using 4.8.213:50
aboudreaultfrom the ppa13:50
BluesKajok , have you updated/upgraded/dist-upgraded since ?13:51
aboudreaultonly upgraded.13:51
aboudreaultstill using oneiric13:51
aboudreaultnot precise.13:51
BluesKajyes , dist-upgrade , only upgrades kde packages not the OS13:52
BluesKajdo-release-upgrade , upgrades onieric to precise13:53
aboudreaultI'm afraid of that ;)13:53
BluesKajjust showing you the difference between the commands13:54
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aboudreaultBluesKaj, a dist-upgrade tells me: 11 upgraded, 6 newly installed13:55
aboudreaultso I'm up-to-date13:55
aboudreault(talking oneiric)13:55
aboudreaultah, I see xserver-xorg-video-intel can be upgraded.13:56
BluesKajaboudreault, have you checked the logs for errors when the desktop/kwin crashes ?13:56
BluesKajahh, graphics driver needs updating13:57
aboudreaultin xorg.log13:57
aboudreaultdamn... [ 81475.564] (WW) intel(0): intel_uxa_prepare_access: bo map failed: Cannot allocate memory13:58
aboudreaultthat's strange...13:58
aboudreaultyes, that where I've found that13:59
aboudreaultBluesKaj, launchpad say: status: Confirmed → Fix Released14:02
aboudreaultso will reboot and try that driver.14:02
aboudreaultBluesKaj, thanks for pointed me that14:03
BluesKajaboudreault, good luck :)14:03
oneadventsorry lordievader i missed your comment. the user needs access to /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope14:03
oneadventneed write access14:03
aboudreaultBluesKaj, hey, quick question. I'm using intel driver... and there is no xorg.conf. How can I get something generated with my current setup?14:05
oneadventand lordievader I used this guide: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=65326.0 and so it shoudl not need that line at all now :)14:06
BluesKajaboudreault, sudo Xorg -configure14:06
aboudreaultBluesKaj, can't run that if my server is already running14:07
aboudreaultfatal: Server is already active for display 014:07
BluesKajabou yeah you need to drop to a TTY and stop kdem then run the command then startx14:08
BluesKajstop kdm14:09
aboudreaultBluesKaj, alright.14:09
BluesKajaboudreault, sudo service kdm stop14:10
BluesKajdrop to a TTY , ctl+alt+F1 or F2 , usually14:10
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lorddeltaHi. I've been having problems with my sound, with pulseaudio. Currently, its working, however it keeps on dying. Thankfully, I know why, and I know how to temporarily fix it...I might be able to dig around in the documentation before someone answers, but there's an issue with my speech dispatcher running pulseaudio, meaning I can't access my sound hardware or play anything. Its obviously a rights issue, and the guy in the pulseaudio chat was t15:15
OxymoronHi, I am basicly using this code in a network game: http://pastebin.com/QfcCALhx. For one strange reason, it works on Windows and other linux computers ... So its problem on my computer. I wondering, I get error "connect() failed (in trying to find out client ip): Permission denied". What could cause that in Kubuntu?15:55
L3topOxymoron: have you looked at iptables? It is hard to tell from just what is there what is going on... but my blind guess would be firewall related16:02
OxymoronL3top: Could it be because I use ports around 1000 that my firewall blocks? How to check? I havent done anything with my firewall in Linux before16:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.16:04
OxymoronL3top: How do I check ips and ports and if I can use them then?16:07
chachanOxymoron, netstat -patun | egrep ":80" # < Checks ports 8016:08
OxymoronL3top: Seems like my firewall ufw isnt even enabled ...?16:08
chachanOxymoron, you might want to sudo it to get processes non-owned by the current user16:10
Oxymoronchachan: Yes, but how to check if ports 1026-1200 is available in UDP? Thats random ports I use on my client to test game.16:10
chachanOxymoron, hold on16:10
OxymoronI wonder if it could be another problem as I am the ONLY one in my project that cannot run the game ... even Windows works xD16:11
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OxymoronI just want one IP, for instance loopback adress on my computer to allow all UDP connections on port 1026-120016:14
lorddelta...how long should I wait before reposting in this channel?16:14
Oxymoronchachan: ok :)16:15
lorddeltaThere should be a guideline in the irc guidelines on the exact number...16:16
chachanOxymoron, sudo netstat -patun | egrep "udp" | egrep ""16:19
chachanOxymoron, this is not the ideal since is not filtering by ports16:19
chachanbut filtering by ports looks that need more testing based on my low experience with regex16:20
chachanbut this is the guide http://www.regular-expressions.info/numericranges.html16:20
chachanenjoy :)16:20
Oxymoronchachan: That gives me UDP connections established only.16:21
OxymoronI just want to solve my problem.16:21
OxymoronNot introduce more problems, like learn how to use netstat.16:21
chachanHm, sorry for causing you problem while I'm trying to help you. My bad16:22
chachanOxymoron, then you might want to use this: google.com16:22
L3topOxymoron: take a look at guarddog.16:22
L3top!info guarddog | Oxymoron16:23
ubottuOxymoron: Package guarddog does not exist in precise16:23
L3topone second16:23
Oxymoronchachan: Yes I looked on google already, but I cannot find any solution on my problem.16:23
OxymoronThats why I ask here.16:23
chachanalso my bad16:23
L3topAre you on 1204 Oxymoron?16:24
Oxymoronchachan: I want to just solve my problem, to run the game. So each client can get its own IP-adress.16:24
OxymoronL3top: 1204?16:24
L3topyes... what release of kubuntu are you on16:25
L3toplsb_release -sc16:25
panneOxymoron: add "l" for listening ports to netstat options, so you'll see not only established connections16:26
panne...but also listening ports ;)16:26
OxymoronL3top: precise version release16:27
Oxymoronpanne: How? :)16:27
OxymoronPossible to check some kind of log on my system?16:27
OxymoronI get error: "connect(7, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(1025), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)" when debugging it on C.16:29
panne[18:19] <chachan> Oxymoron, sudo netstat -patun*l* | egrep "udp" | egrep ""  # without Asterisks, of course16:29
Oxymoronpanne: What insteead of * ?16:30
Fleg_Hi All! After upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04 I have stuck packages: ia32-libs-multiarch. Is it normal?16:30
panneonly add the l: [...] netstat -patunl [...]16:31
Oxymoronpanne: 1 or | ?16:32
BluesKajFleg_, have you finished upgrading and are running the OS ?16:32
Oxymoronpanne: Does not help at all.16:33
Fleg_BluesKaj: The upgrade was successful (except of not installed grub). After booting from live cd and reinstalling the grub the system boots normally and is running ok.16:34
panneOxymoron: well, I think it should (only) help with this question: [18:10] <Oxymoron> chachan: Yes, but how to check if ports 1026-1200 is available in UDP?16:35
Fleg_BluesKaj: but aptitude is showing packages to update: ia32-libs-multiarch. But a lot of packages are depending on it.16:35
Oxymoronpanne: Well it does not help my problem. I guess the ports are available. I freaking hate IRC get me into sidetracks debugging things I do not need to do, to make it work. I just want the magic line to paste into my terminal that solves my problem ... xD16:36
Fleg_BluesKaj: I'm not really familiar with debian package manager. On gentoo it's lot easier to solve. Just rebuild the whole dependent packages.16:36
BluesKajFleg_, ok , run sudo dpkg --configure -a , that should help either install or remove the broken ones16:36
panneOxymoron: it's to show the *L*istening ports... so it's a little L...16:36
panneOxymoron: wishing u luck... ^^16:37
chachanI've seen magic tricks but none of them retrieve udp ports :p16:37
BluesKajFleg_, if you get errors , sudo apt-get -f install16:38
Fleg_BluesKaj: dpkg --configure -a does no output.16:38
BluesKajok , no errors16:38
BluesKajtry updating/upgrading again16:38
Fleg_BluesKaj: what do you mean updating again? aptitude update && aptitude upgrade?16:39
L3topUnfortunately I am not finding a frontend point and click package for precise Oxymoron.16:40
Fleg_BluesKaj: Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found.16:40
Fleg_BluesKaj: I can send an output of --full-resolver16:41
BluesKajFleg_, sudo dpkg --clear-avail16:42
Fleg_BluesKaj: no effect.16:43
BluesKajupgrade ?16:43
OxymoronL3top: :( So freaking annoying is this. It blocks me from programming the game. Kubuntu sucks.16:44
Fleg_dpkg --clear-avail16:44
L3topand you make it so much fun to try and help you.16:45
BluesKajOxymoron, you have a habit of getting into jams without researching and then asking ppl to bail you out ..unfortunately you're not alone :(16:46
L3top"I want it secure, to not get hacked, I don't want viruses, and I don't want to have any idea how any of that works, I just want it to magically know what traffic is good or bad".16:46
OxymoronL3top: Sorry, but its so frustrating and weyre not getting anywhere to get the actual problem.16:47
L3topThat is because <Oxymoron> I just want to solve my problem. <Oxymoron> Not introduce more problems, like learn how to use netstat.16:48
L3topYou dont want to fix your problem, you want the problem not to exist, and do not seem to understand why it does... therefor "kubuntu sucks"16:48
OxymoronBluesKaj: I am ALWAYS researching. But forums, google etc is very bad at getting some useful problem cases that looks like mine. Usually it ends with I kill Google and browser because it cannot help me anyway. Then I get into IRC and get more and more mad, the more people point me in wrong direction. In the end I just hink computers sucs xD16:49
BluesKajFleg_, results?16:49
OxymoronL3top: Yes, the problem SHOULDNT exist thats my point :D I do not want to fix a problem someone else caused or because something has bad logics.16:50
BluesKajI have to go in a few mins ...lots of yardwork to do today ....bbl16:50
lorddelta(repost) Hi. I've been having problems with my sound, with pulseaudio. Currently, its working, however it keeps on dying. Thankfully, I know why, and I know how to temporarily fix it...I might be able to dig around in the documentation before someone answers, but there's an issue with my speech dispatcher running pulseaudio, meaning I can't access my sound hardware or play anything. Its obviously a rights issue, and the guy in the pulseaudio c16:50
Fleg_BluesKaj: I'm about to post an output of aptitude -s -y --full-resolver upgrade16:50
L3topPerhaps I am venting on you unfairly... and if so I apologize. I have poured thousands of hours into a project and about 15 minutes ago was told the project sucks because a piece of hardware did not work out of the box on a pre-alpha experimental install... so your attitude reminds me quite a bit of that.16:50
Fleg_BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/992673/16:50
BluesKajfleg use apt-get , aptitude is no longer supported afaik16:51
L3topOxymoron: it is not bad logic. Non standard ports are blocked by default.16:51
L3topIt is very much on purpose.16:51
OxymoronL3top: Well everything is done locally on my own computer, so nothing should be blocked.16:51
L3topDoes this local network connect to the internet?16:52
OxymoronL3top: Anyway, how to make all ports nonblocked temporarly in Kubuntu then? I dont care for the moment if its a seructiy risk, I just wnat the problem out of my way.16:52
L3topbecause network traffic is network traffic.16:52
L3topSo it absolutely should be blocked.16:52
OxymoronL3top: Yes my local network have internet connection.16:52
BluesKajFleg_, using aptitude may be what's causing the problem , it no longer resolves dependencies as well as apt-get16:52
OxymoronL3top: But internal network traffic on my own freaking computer, not between any other computers should work, right?16:53
OxymoronL3top: I connect clients that is on my ownn computer to a server which is on the same computer and both clients and server uses same ip, ie Then server and clients use port 1025 to listen. This havent been any problem earlier and I hell do not understand why it should now.16:54
L3topWhat is the server address16:54
OxymoronSo no traffic gets out of my own computer, its sent back and forth locally.16:54
Fleg_BluesKaj: here is the output of apt-get upgrade. http://paste.ubuntu.com/992680/16:54
L3topI dont need the exact address16:54
OxymoronL3top: Server adress is also I am using loopback.16:55
BluesKajFleg_, ok run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:55
L3topall addresses are
Fleg_BluesKaj: looks good.16:55
L3topThat makes no sense.16:56
Fleg_BluesKaj: I'll do the upgrade and see how it goes. But it looks good.16:57
OxymoronL3top: Well yes, because its tested in loopback. Oh crap, it does not have to make sense. It is for test purpose ONLY. It will not work like that in the end, when using the server. Then we will use differerently ips and ports.16:57
BluesKajFleg_, yeah , best to aptitude now , unfortunately .... I used it for many yrs , but since 11.04 apt-get has been upgraded to surpass do abetter job with dpkg than aptituide16:57
BluesKajdrop aptitude , Fleg_16:57
BluesKajok , gotta go ...16:58
Fleg_BluesKaj: thanks for help.16:59
OxymoronL3top: Just need test case to be able to try my game each time I reprogrammed it, so I can see my changes if they work.16:59
Fleg_BluesKaj: I will remove aptitude not to be confused.16:59
chachansince when testing ports with netstat is a wrong direction? heh17:01
BluesKajFleg_, YW17:02
Oxymoronchachan: Because it does not help me in this case as it seems the ports are available. So theres not the problem.17:04
Oxymoronis there any ports Kubuntu use that should work?17:05
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chachanOxymoron, if there are available through, then you won't be able to connect from an external host17:05
Oxymoronchachan: i shall not connect from external host ...17:06
chachanhm, you are watching ports available but you're unable to connect, is that right?17:08
Oxymoronchachan: I am unable to connect to loopback adress locally on my own computer. I do not use any external traffic or so whatever.17:09
OxymoronThe problem seems not to be the ports.17:10
OxymoronTried port 45000+ for the computer, which should be free ports. Not that either works.17:10
chachanOxymoron, I see, try making a telnet test: telnet 5000 # 5000 for instance17:11
Oxymoronchachan: I get: "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused"17:11
chachanok, through netstat check the state of that port17:12
Oxymoronchachan: Seems to be avilable17:14
chachanis it *listening*?17:14
Oxymoronchachan: nope17:16
chachanwhich state?17:16
Oxymoronno state?17:18
OxymoronCannot even find the state of that port?17:18
chachanthe commnad I sent you before, the one you said it but useless, remember?17:19
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chachanit was*17:19
Oxymoronchachan: I am using: "sudo netstat -patun | egrep ":5000" and it gives me nothing in return.17:21
chachan5000 was for instance...17:21
chachanI wrote that17:21
chachanchange it for a port useful for you17:22
JuJuBeeIs it possible to lock down a desktop so the user cannot change the background or desktop icons/widgets17:22
Oxymoronchachan: Tried different ports, same result everytime. netstat gives me blank, no result at all.17:22
Oxymoroncommand succeed, but not otput17:22
chachanOxymoron, then there's not port running17:22
chachanOxymoron, therefore your application is not doing what you're expecting17:23
Oxymoronchachan: Which mean?17:24
OxymoronHow to make the port "running"?17:24
chachanthe application must do that17:24
chachanand there is, magic!17:25
chachanOxymoron, makes sense?17:25
chachandoes the application has a log or something you can check?17:26
Oxymoronchachan: Well thats why I use connect(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server) in my application?17:26
chachanso you're the developer behind this17:27
chachanOxymoron, I guess that's on the client17:27
Oxymoronchachan: yes, or well both no and yes. I havent design the network protocol on the client side. I know how it works though. The strange thing is that it works no another Linux PC and even on Windows, exaclty the same code.17:29
* Wizard is back17:30
OxymoronSo it tries to start connection on the port, but it fails. Even telnet PORT fails.17:30
OxymoronPORT = 1025 in my case.17:30
BluesKajOxymoron, does your router have application/port support thru the router FW ?17:31
OxymoronBluesKaj: it shouldnt make any difference anyway, as I do not send anything to router anyway.17:32
OxymoronBluesKaj: But yes it has support for that.17:32
BluesKajare the other pcs  on your lan connected to the same router ?17:33
OxymoronCould it be soemthing in my /etc/hosts file?17:33
OxymoronBluesKaj: Doesnt matter, because I am only connect to myself on loopback adress
BluesKajnormally 2 pcs shouldn't be using
OxymoronBluesKaj: I know, but it doesnt matter in this case17:35
BluesKajhow do you know ?17:35
OxymoronI use locally on my own computer for both client and server application.17:35
obelus...what. It's loopback, the problem is obviously not the network.17:35
OxymoronBluesKaj: Because I am only use one PC in this case.17:35
Oxymoronobelus: I know ...17:35
obelusOxymoron: I can see you do, it's the paths BluesKaj is trying to follow that's got me confused17:36
OxymoronWorks to use telnet localhost 80 but not telnet localhost 25 for instance.17:36
obelusDo you have an SMTP daemon running?17:37
Oxymoronobelus: For some reason it seems all my ports are blocked on UDP.17:37
Oxymoronobelus: No SMTP17:37
obelusThen.. why would you connect to localhost/25? anyway. Do you have a firewall running that might be blocking your ports?17:37
lordievaderGood evening17:38
Oxymoronobelus: Just to test17:39
Oxymoronobelus: No firewall running it seems.17:39
Oxymoronobelus: Tried to start server, which listen on port 1025 on localhost, then try to make telnet localhost 1025. Doesnt work.17:39
obelusOxymoron: using `netstat -ln | grep 1025` does it show that it's listening?17:40
chachanOxymoron, my two cents is that the application is not doing its job for some reason (let's call it a bug)17:40
Oxymoronobelus: I get: "udp        0      0  *         " not sure if thats mean listeing?17:41
obelusOxymoron: it is listening fine17:41
Oxymoronchachan: Yes, but question is where as it works on other computers?17:41
obelusUh.. telnet is only TCP afaik though.17:42
chachanOxymoron, that's why is a bug, it should tell you :)17:42
obelusWhich would explain why it wont connect.17:42
WizardWhat is the best method of sharing files between Kubuntu machines?17:42
Oxymoronobelus: How to test through UDP then?17:42
chachanobelus, right17:43
obelusOxymoron: Use a client to connect is all I can suggest off the top of my head.17:43
obelusOxymoron: Sorry, have never had to try to connect to a UDP port like that.17:43
BluesKajWizard, nfs is good , but ssh works well too17:43
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WizardIs it easy to integrate NFS with KDE?17:44
WizardI mean, click to share, click to mount? :P17:44
Oxymoronobelus: I have a client that tries to connect to 1025 but fials.17:45
WizardActually, /etc/exports is acceptable, /etc/fstab - not.17:45
chachanobelus, the main point is that netstat doesn't throw the port, so it's not listen at all17:45
obelusOxymoron: All I can suggest right now is to make your code print debug messages whenever a client tries to connect to see what's happening.17:45
chachanthat's why is not a OS issue17:46
obelusIt is listening, as shown by netstat -ln17:46
obelusI didn't think it was an OS issue, I'm still allowed to try to help, aren't I?17:46
chachanOxymoron didn't say so17:46
chachanobelus, of course you are :)17:47
obelusOxymoron posted the output of netstat -ln, which showed me that it was listening.17:47
chachanOxymoron, hm, he told me something different, well in that case, yes, he must test that with the client17:47
chachanOxymoron, you were saying that you haven't design the client so far, right?17:48
BluesKajWizard,you have to have a fstab entry for the export file on nfs17:48
BluesKajer must have17:49
Oxymoronchachan: Well I design client code, but not network protocol.17:49
chachanok, I guess it doesn't work17:49
Oxymoronobelus: I try todo strace -f ./client but I do not get any useful info, just that connect() fails ...17:51
obelusOxymoron: I'd put mroe debug checks in the client to see what's happening, in its actual code17:53
obelusOxymoron: But I have to go to sleep for now or I won't have any for tomorrow =p, if you need any more help on this, I'd suggest ##programming. Anyway, night. Feel free to message me tomorrow if you want.17:54
Oxymoronobelus: Hmm it is not my fault. But the problem was that I needed to press enter and then escpae in a input field where I entred Ip adress. So the ip adress was not used at all by client, tried to connect to some random ip :D17:55
obelusSo it works now then?17:56
Oxymoronobelus: yes. So nothing wrong with netwovrk or client. Problem is the retarded C cannot handle strings porperly, OpenGL and SDL have no support for input fields ...18:03
OxymoronIn some mysterious way I had to press enter before the ip adress was sent to client from the graphics ...18:03
obelusRighteo. Sleepy time for me.18:03
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WizardBluesKaj: fish:// works ok :)18:16
* Wizard dream about dolphin/avahi/nfs integration18:16
Wizard*That* would be great.18:16
L3topSo whose fault is it Oxymoron?18:17
OxymoronL3top: The guy in my project group that programmed the graphic menu ...18:19
Oxymoronwhich is NOT me.18:19
BluesKajfish is alright ..prefer ssh , altho I did use nfs to share files to a client pc which died recently ..mobo went kaput :(18:19
L3topBut I thought it worked in windows?18:19
L3topand kubuntu sucked... and was buggy... et al.18:20
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lordievaderI like nfs's speed :)18:21
BluesKajnfs is basically a mounted drive . so it's fast18:21
lordievaderJup :D18:22
WizardL3top: What? :P18:23
WizardI agree Kubuntu sucks and it's buggy, but this is one of the best operating systems available on the market.18:23
WizardBluesKaj: Until "stale NFS lock", it's ok.18:24
WizardAfter, it'sa nightmare.18:24
L3top<Oxymoron> L3top: :( So freaking annoying is this. It blocks me from programming the game. Kubuntu sucks.18:24
L3top= PEBKAC18:24
WizardPebkac is a really important program, mostly caused by:18:25
Wizard1. There is *no* good documentation, Kubuntu help is terrible.18:25
OxymoronL3top: Well sorry, Kubuntu does not sucks but I am irritated :P Either it is Linux or Windows that does not work with our project, no matter if SDL, OpenGL, string handling, network handling etc.18:25
Wizard2. Even if there was, nobody would read it.18:25
OxymoronL3top: Well I would say rather that my group didnt tell me you need to press enter to make string data valid. If you do not, the end of string is not added. In other words C string handling sucks.18:26
WizardIn your app?18:28
L3topThat was all Oxymoron. Just a small mea culpa is nice when you pour your life into something, and it gets blamed for someone elses... issue.18:28
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WizardOxymoron: Do you port app from Windows to Linux?18:28
BluesKajOxymoron, I was advised yrs ago even when making entries into fsatb to use the enter key after completing a line , or the the entry doesn't stick.18:28
WizardMount warns if there is no newline after last line.18:29
BluesKajerr fstab18:29
WizardI bet some filesystems still cause problem with this ;P18:29
OxymoronWizard: Not really, the app is platform independent.18:30
WizardAnd you're Swedish?18:30
BluesKajWizard, are you using defaults or user, auto ?18:30
OxymoronBluesKaj: Well I stand corrected :P Really sucks.18:30
OxymoronWizard: Yes I am swedish18:30
WizardCurrently fish is OK, BluesKaj.18:30
WizardOxymoron: May I PM you?18:31
* BluesKaj is Finland-Svensk originally , but now a Canadian18:32
OxymoronWizard: Sure18:32
raymearshi everyone. quick question for you: has anybody been experiencing any issues with gwenview? i for one am unable to view regular jpegs (from my point and shoot camera) every once in a while. a restart of kde solves the issue...18:50
raymearsusing kubuntu 12.0418:50
Brustofski-Fanwhat are the names of some of the kde task manager replacements18:50
raymearsany idea what service i need to restart in order to avoid a kde restart?18:50
lordievaderraymears: Try running gwenview through the terminal to see if it points you to some errors when it happens again.18:51
raymearslordievader: oh. good idea. thanks.18:53
raymearsi get a bunch of : Warning: "" failed to compile! lines every time i try to open an image18:54
lordievaderraymears: I don't get such errors. Google it, perhaps others before you have had the problem and, hopefully, fixed it.18:56
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Brustofski-Fanwhat are the names of alternative task managers for kde ??18:57
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raymearslordievader: thanks. i really can't seem to brain today :) found something. it is related to the gpu shaders.18:59
raymearssome new nvidia drivers got pushed out recently and i installed them today but haven't restared the machine. i suppose it's that.19:00
raymearsdisabling opengl in gwenview from the settings dialogue solves the issue. there. done. thanks for the support!19:06
BluesKajraymears, you may want to switvk back to openGL once you reboot19:09
raymearsthe transitions are just as smooth using software rendering19:10
raymearsas far as i can tell.19:11
graftyo is there any way to get krunner to autocomplete file entries?19:21
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cancerwhere to download the right version of macchanger for kubuntu 11.1019:41
cancerWizard: Hey19:42
cancerubottu: where to download the right version of macchanger for kubuntu 11.1019:43
ubottucancer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:43
cancerubottu | macchanger19:44
canceranyone there?19:44
L3top!info macchanger oneiric19:45
ubottumacchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0-9 (oneiric), package size 162 kB, installed size 532 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:45
L3topapt-get install macchanger19:45
L3topsudo apt-get install macchanger           sorry19:45
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cancerl3top: i cannot download from kubuntu. i mush download it from the current os 'xp'19:46
cancerletop: i need a location of download.19:46
L3topJust curious19:47
L3topdo you have a kubuntu machine around?19:47
cancerl3top: i have installed kubuntu in same machine. i have two wireless adapters (usb and card). i was using usb and still have it. but just brought the card and want to use net on kubuntu. but can't do without changing mac. i do have and alternate and that's sure to switch to usb adapter.19:49
cancerl3top: but i want to use this card.19:49
L3topi386 = http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/i386/macchanger/download     64= http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/amd64/macchanger/download19:49
saheb37how do i use reliance netconnect+ with ubuntu 12.04?19:49
cancerl3top: how to differentiate i386/64?19:50
=== nick_ is now known as Guest61926
cancerl3top: have installed kubuntu from this 'kubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso'.19:51
Guest61926is this place where you can ask things about ubunutu 12.04 64bita?19:51
cancerl3top: i386 will work, right?19:51
Ab3Lgood night19:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:52
cancerl3top: will 'gdebi-kde' will help me to install the downloaded package.19:53
Guest61926i have a acer aspire 5336 laptop. i have 2 problems.. mainly i dont have any addional drivers installed.. and my laptop is getting quite warm (80-90 degrees celcius) any fixes for that? i allready tried LMsensors btw19:54
L3topcancer: once you have the package, sudo dpkg -i <package-name>.deb19:54
L3topin the directory you place it IN kubuntu19:54
=== Guest61926 is now known as Stroobach
cancerl3top: thanks alot.. brb with kubuntu. :)19:55
L3topGuest3350: lspci -nn | grep VGA19:56
Stroobachi have a acer aspire 5336 laptop. i have 2 problems.. mainly i dont have any addional drivers installed.. and my laptop is getting quite warm (80-90 degrees celcius) any fixes for that? i allready tried LMsensors btw19:59
L3topStroobach: lspci -nn | grep VGA20:00
Stroobachoutput nick@nick-Aspire-5336:~$ lspci -nn | grep VGA20:00
Stroobach00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2a42] (rev 07)20:00
BluesKajStroobach, you have no additonal drivers available?20:01
L3topStroobach: sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver20:01
L3topreboot and check your temps.20:02
Stroobachi will20:02
L3topbtw Stroobach, which desktop are you using?20:02
Stroobachubuntu 12.0420:02
L3topso Unity?20:03
Stroobachyeap ( have to say.. quite new to linux20:03
L3topNp... if it continues to give you grief, try KDE (kubuntu's front end)20:03
Stroobachi will come back to that in a sec. i will reboot20:04
=== bro_grammer is now known as hash_table
* L3top finds Unity makes quick fans of KDE20:05
Stroobachback again.  fan is speeding temp aroun 60-65 celsius20:08
Stroobachand lowering btw20:08
Stroobachthx alot20:08
BluesKajStroobach, if you intend to stay with unity/ubuntu then support for your desktop is best received at #ubuntu chat20:10
Stroobachi noticed that this is a kubuntu IRC so i will go to #ubuntu20:11
Stroobachagain thx for fixing my temp :)20:11
cancerl3top: thanks. i'm done with it. will i need to reset real mac manually or it will be automatically reset after a machine reboot.20:12
taninReally enjoy the switch from ubuntu to Kubuntu.  Sure I still have Ubuntu on asus, but on this machine it's holding it's own.20:13
L3topcancer: you could write a startup script or something I am sure... but can you explain your basic desire again...20:13
L3topnp Stroobach20:13
cancerl3top: i want to know about the original mac. i have replaced it. so will it reset when i'll restart machine or i have to change it back manually.20:15
cancerblueskaj: do you have any idea where to get perfect solution for nvidia quadro?20:16
BluesKajcancer, is that a new machine?20:18
cancerblueskaj: it's the same.20:18
BluesKajyes , but how old ?20:18
cancerblueskaj: machine's not much old, but maybe graphic card 'nvidia quadro'.20:19
L3topcancer: what is the problem with your nvidia?20:21
cancerl3top: ah, can't get resolution after installing driver. i have tried recommended '173' and post update'173' yesterday.20:22
L3toplspci -nn | grep VGA20:23
cancerl3top: no result20:24
L3topthen you mistyped20:25
L3topspelling counts :)20:25
L3toplspci -nn | grep -i vga20:25
L3topif you dont like caps20:25
cancerl3top: http://paste.kde.org/481112/20:26
cancerblueskaj: how to get machine specs? i have opened kinfo. but don't know how to get it as a text.20:28
BluesKajsudo lshw20:29
BluesKajcancer, copy and paste into the terminal , lspci -nn | grep VGA20:30
L3topIt definitely requires the nvidia-glx-17320:30
L3topBluesKaj: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV30GL [Quadro FX 1000] [10de:0309] (rev a2)20:30
cancerblueskaj: i did. here it come's again: http://paste.kde.org/481112/20:31
BluesKajL3top, cancer we did try the 173 yesterday but his res canonly do 640x480 max20:31
cancerblueskaj: without '-i' it won't show anything. (Referrence; l3top) :D20:31
L3topapt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri20:31
L3topcancer if you use caps it will20:32
L3toplinux does EXACTLY what you tell it. You were looking for vga instead of VGA. -i tells grep to ignore case20:32
L3topcancer: a sudo belongs before that20:33
L3topcancer: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core20:34
L3topassuming that you have nvidia-glx-175 already installed20:34
cancerl3top: do i have to first use this command 'apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri' and then the others. Will it bring black screen.20:34
L3topcancer is nvidia-glx-175 currently installed?20:35
cancerblueskaj: 'kinfocenter' showing two processors 0 and 1. does this means my sistem is dualcore?20:35
cancerl3top: i have removed the drivers i installed yesterday.20:36
L3topto answer your other question, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep cores20:37
L3topor just cat /proc/cpuinfo   for all sorts of processor details20:37
cancerl3top: how i'll know with that about 'dual core'?20:38
L3topcancer: we are going to want nvidia-glx-175 installed before running the long command, and that should be installed without x up20:38
cancerl3top: x up?20:38
L3topcancer: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model20:38
L3topor just, cat /porc/cpuinfo  and look at ALL detail about your processor20:39
cancerl3top: just want to know http://paste.kde.org/481130/20:39
L3topX is the visual environment.... basically the same things you did yesterday to install 173... then run:  sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core20:40
L3topNo cancer, you do not have a dual core20:40
L3topyou have a hyperthreading p420:40
BluesKajcancer, yes dual core20:41
BluesKajoh L3top ?20:41
Dan39hows everyone doing today20:41
cancerl3top: what if i didn't get back to the kubuntu after applying those commands?20:41
szalDan39: but no chit-chat here either, for that there's #kubuntu-offtopic20:42
L3topcancer: then you would uninstall nvidia-glx20:42
Dan39there is an offtopic for kubuntu o_O? couldnt just go into #ubuntu-offtopic? haha20:42
szalDan39: of course you could20:42
Dan39but anyways... here problem guyss: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx11/+bug/98520220:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 985202 in libx11 (Ubuntu) "libx11 causes kwin to crash on login (over NX protocol)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:42
Dan39wondering if anybody has any updates/advice20:43
cancerl3top: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx?20:43
L3topsudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-17320:43
cancerentering commands.20:44
BluesKajL3top, he has to drop to the tty to remove the graphics driver , and stop kdm first20:44
cancerl3top | blueskaj: hyperthreading p4 / dual core :)?20:44
BluesKajcancer did you run cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep cores ?20:45
cancerl3top: commands finished their work. so what know do i restart or need to know some commands for tty?20:45
cancerblueskaj: http://paste.kde.org/481136/20:46
L3topyou would restart...20:46
BluesKaj ok cancer, just one core then20:47
L3tophyperthreading single core20:47
cancerl3top: and what about that Kdm thing blues talking of.20:47
cancerlol :)20:47
cancerdo i have to stop kdm first? how?20:48
BluesKajkdm has to be stopped in order to install the driver anyway20:48
cancerWHAT, aren't those commands are to install drivers and i'm done with them.20:49
cancerOk, i'm restarting machine, anything happen then i'll run this command 'sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-173. OK?20:50
cancerblueskaj: i have run those commands with no drivers installed. is that ok?20:52
BluesKajcancer , drop to a virtual terminal by doing ctl+alt+f1 , then sudo service kdm stop , then , sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-173 , then sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-175 , then sudo nvidia-xconfig , then startx20:52
cancerblueskaj: what about these i have installed, 'sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core'20:53
L3top175 BluesKaj?20:55
L3top" then sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-175"20:55
BluesKajcancer , those aren't drivers they are libs required , I guess , L3top obviously has experience with this driver and trhe associated apps required by them20:55
L3topunfortunately :P20:55
BluesKajL3top, I was assuming you meant the 175 driver has to be installed with those libs you posted20:56
cancerl3top | blueskaj: there are no drivers installed yet. which drivers i should install now?20:57
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L3topBluesKaj: no, that mess just seems to make everything a lot happier. We do a media center in our project, and video autodetection/install has unfortunately fallen to me... so while I am not sure why that combination is magic in truth, it seems to do very well for everything requiring 173.20:58
L3topwe deal only with LTS and what exists in those repos.20:58
L3topwell... thats not completely true20:58
L3topbut still20:58
L3topfor that end20:58
BluesKajL3top, ok ,so he doesn't need the 175 driver if he installs those libs20:58
L3topsorry... I have to go afk for a min20:59
cancerl3top: sure, tyt21:00
cancerblueskaj: so what i need to do is a machine restart or xserver?21:00
JMichael|workanyone know what ubuntu's repos are so slow right now?21:00
JMichael|work[correction] anyone know why ubuntu's repos are so slow right now?21:01
BluesKajcancer , sorry for my misinterpretation , leave the 173 driver installed and follow L3top instruction above21:01
BluesKajcancer, you ran these commands ?  sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core'21:03
cancerblueskaj: it's ok, yes. i did and there is no driver installed.21:03
BluesKajJMichael|work, which server are you using , perhaps a different one will be faster21:04
BluesKajcancer, is the 173 driver in kmenu>applications>system>additonal drivers?21:05
JMichael|workBluesKaj: i am referring to the PPAs in particular. they are all really slow, but for the regular repos i do use a local mirror that is much faster21:06
cancerblueskaj: http://imagebin.org/21277321:08
JMichael|workBluesKaj: i did a kubuntu installation on a netbook a few nights ago, and made the mistake of telling it to download updated packages during the installation. it wound of taking well over an hour... all due to the repos being so slow21:08
BluesKajJMichael|work, well, ppas are being hammered i guess21:08
JMichael|workBluesKaj: like i said, it is not just the PPAs. it is all of the US ubuntu repo's as well. i was just curious whether anyone know whatthe issue might be.21:09
macoyou tried all of them?21:09
JMichael|workit wound up*21:09
BluesKajJMichael|work, slow during the install or slow later , probly would have taken long to update/upgrade after the install , anyway21:09
macoor just us.archive.ubuntu.com?21:10
macothere are 3 servers behind that one domain name iirc, but there are probably 50 public mirrors throughout the US21:10
JMichael|workBluesKaj: no, because after the installation a person can more easily switch mirrors21:10
cancerblueskaj: http://imagebin.org/21277321:10
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JMichael|workmaco: read what i said. i am talking about ubuntu's repos, and yes, i tried all of the us.archive.ubuntu.com repos....21:11
BluesKajkmi yeah i used a fast server here in Cnada , but it was 2 weeks behind21:11
BluesKajCanada , that is :)21:11
JMichael|workBluesKaj: yes. the US repos are having serious problems of some kind.21:11
macoJMichael|work: the ones that dont have ubuntu.com in their name are stil ubuntu repos21:11
macothere's a TON of them available from the dropdown in the configuration tool21:12
macoi'm not talking about manually editing config files to have some mirror you happen to know about in there21:12
macoall the hundred-ish ones in the dropdown ARE official repos21:12
JMichael|workmaco: i refer to those as mirrors.... and if you know how to switch which mirror you are using during installation, i'd like to know21:12
BluesKajI'm using waterloo university mirror in ontario that's relatively fast21:13
JMichael|workmaco: i just specified us.archive.ubuntu.com and the PPAs... so you know which i mean21:13
cancerblueskaj: ? i have posted the link here it's again. http://imagebin.org/21277321:13
macoyou should be able to change it in the package manager before you click the installation icon21:13
JMichael|workBluesKaj: i am using indiana univesity's repos, which are quite fast21:13
macoassuming you actually go to the desktop before starting your install21:13
maco(which is one of those things that if you care to change things, i figure youd do, and if you dont care to change things, you dont)21:13
JMichael|workmaco: a person does not normally expect the default repos to be so slow21:14
macoa week after release they do21:14
BluesKajcancer yes , use that driver21:14
macoday of release, it's worse21:14
macoday of release, i tend to be surprised if the ubuntu.com website is up21:14
cancerblueskaj: post release or Recommended?21:15
maco(it's also, of course, possible there's a bandwidth bottleneck somewhere on your end. i havent really noticed my updates being slow, for example, and i haven't changed from the default mirror)21:15
JMichael|workmaco: i've used ubuntu for years, and have rarely seen the repos perform as slowly as right now.... and it is well more than a week after release21:15
JMichael|workmaco: i don't think so. i can download an ubuntu ISO from IU bloomington in less that 40 seconds21:16
BluesKajpost-release , cancer ...remember the recommended one only gave you 640x480 resolution21:16
cancerblueskaj: i tried both yesterday and got same result.21:16
macoi'm getting 4MB/s when i try to install ubuntu-desktop21:17
BluesKajwell, the libs you installed may make the difference , cancer21:17
JMichael|workmaco: from which repos?21:17
maco http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/21:17
cancerblueskaj: so, i should go for post-release. ok21:17
maco(i ctrl+C'd it after checking the speed. bleh. who'd want unity?)21:18
JMichael|workmaco: that is interesting.... i have NEVER seen such speed from those repos ever21:18
macoive seen a bit faster before21:18
macoactually no...when ive seen faster it was from osuosl21:18
JMichael|workmaco: that is really puzzling21:18
macoand i was at a university, so i got internet2 speeds21:18
macobut anyway, i am on a high bandwidth connection at work right now21:19
BluesKajmaco, you guys are lucky , here in the boonies the best dsl speeds are 750-800kbs21:19
JMichael|workmaco: yes... i have never even anything close to 1MB/s down from us.archive.ubuntu.com.... ever21:19
macoi would be unsurprised if my office had a gigabit link21:20
JMichael|workBluesKaj: i have a gigabit connection here on campus, but at home i pay big money for 8MB/s21:20
maco....when our ISP isnt having issues, that is21:20
maco3% [1 pinyin-database 4,264 kB/14.1 MB 30%]  <-- last i checked, 4000 kilobytes were 4 megabytes21:21
AngelForgetwork in kubuntu drivers nvidia ?21:21
macooh wait maybe im not reading right21:21
macosorry, thats how much of the file is done21:21
macook now i cant figure out if it gives speeds21:21
* maco ponders21:22
macodownloading the linux deb with wget, i see between 300 and 700 K/s21:23
BluesKajJMichael|work, I can't imagine 8mbs , we do have fibre optic cable , but the ISP can't be bothered to offer faster service here , i could go cable but it's not worth the price either21:23
macoJMichael|work: ok, its not that ridiculously fast, but that seems like a reasonable download speed to me21:23
macoBluesKaj: how much would cable be where you are?21:24
macoi think its like $30/mo for 10Mbps here21:24
macowell $30/mo for the first year then $45/mo after that21:24
BluesKajmaco, hang on I'll take a look21:24
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cancerblueskaj: it's same. my graphic card have two DVI port, does it matter. or monitor drivers?21:27
cancerl3top: back?21:29
BluesKajmaco, 160mos for 100 Mbps21:29
macoBluesKaj: 100Mbps? i was asking about 10!21:30
BluesKajmaco $37.50 /mos for 1021:32
cancerblueskaj: it's same. my graphic card have two DVI port, does it matter. or monitor drivers?21:33
BluesKajdoes your monitor have dvi inputs or are you using vga , cancer ?21:34
cancerblueskaj: i think it's Vga, there are nothing other than power input.21:35
BluesKajmaco, that's stand alone service without any other bundled services21:35
cancerblueskaj: card only have DVI.21:35
BluesKajno vga on the card , how are connected , cancer ?21:36
cancerblueskaj: using VGA->DVI connecter.21:37
BluesKaj ok21:37
BluesKajhave you rebooted since installing those libs ?21:38
BluesKajand drivers21:38
BluesKajerr driver21:38
cancerdo i need to install monitor drivers?21:39
BluesKajwell, I've run out of ideas cancer ...sorry :(21:39
macoBluesKaj: thats about what i was paying then21:39
cancerblueskaj: it's ok. i still got ideas :)21:39
cancerblueskaj: can you please tell me how to install ibm E72 Drivers?21:40
BluesKajI have stuff to do , so i have to go21:40
canceranyone? how to install ibm E72 Drivers?21:41
L3topcancer one moment.21:48
cancerl3top: sure & Thanks :)21:49
L3topcancer: what happened when you ran the installs.21:56
cancerl3top: i have reboot after installing those libs and post-release drivers. but its same.21:57
L3topwhy post release drivers?21:57
cancerblueskaj told me.21:57
L3topI dont work with those. I deal only with what is in the repos...21:57
L3top<BluesKaj> cancer , sorry for my misinterpretation , leave the 173 driver installed and follow L3top instruction above21:58
cancer<BluesKaj> post-release , cancer ...remember the recommended one only gave you 640x480 resolution21:58
cancerwell, the libs you installed may make the difference , cancer21:58
cancer<cancer> blueskaj: post release or Recommended?21:59
L3top<BluesKaj> cancer , sorry for my misinterpretation , leave the 173 driver installed and follow L3top instruction above21:59
L3topnot important21:59
L3topjust saying...21:59
cancerl3top: Sorry, but i asked her about the instructions you mentioned. i only find those libs commands.21:59
L3tophe had corrected his statement...21:59
L3topnot important to assign blame22:00
L3topit was a misunderstanding22:00
canceri'm don't mean to blame him/her.22:00
cancerjust telling that i was confused.22:00
=== pete_ is now known as pete__
L3topIf you would like to get this going, I want you to do the following...22:01
canceras i remember you told to install those libs. and if nothing works then i have to use the command to remove nvidia glx.22:01
cancerbut i told that there was no drivers installed, when i run those commands.22:01
cancerl3top: sure i would like to follow.22:02
cancerl3top: proceed. Sorry again :|22:02
L3topsudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*; apt-get install nvidia-glx-173 libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core; sudo nvidia-settings; reboot22:03
L3topmaybe you can save that to a script and execute it when you get rid of X22:03
cancerletop: :D one more thing, I have uninstalled that post-release driver, but didn't restarted the maching.22:03
cancernow there are no drivers installed and i don't see any indicaitons to restart pc.22:05
cancerl3top: do i run these commands?    sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*; apt-get install nvidia-glx-173 libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core; sudo nvidia-settings; reboot22:06
cancerl3top: graphic card have only Dvi ports and my monitors doesn't have Dvi inputs.22:08
L3tophttp://pastebin.com/wXQNud6Y     save the RAW PASTE data there in a file on your hardrive, somplace you can find it. Say ~/nvidia-install.sh22:08
L3topthen: sudo chmod +x ~/nvidia-install.sh22:09
L3topdrop to tty 2 and run: sudo ~/nvidia-install.sh22:09
L3topIt will take a few minutes to complete. and then it will reboot22:10
cancerL3top: i am not good at cd command in linux. it does not work like xp.22:11
cancerdo i put that file in Rool22:12
L3topcancer: ~ is your home directory22:13
L3topfor instance /home/cancer22:13
L3topYou could put that into kate, and save it as /home/cancer/nvidia-install.sh22:14
L3topthen you can open a terminal22:14
L3topsudo chmod +x ~/nvidia-install.sh22:14
L3topthen you can drop to tty2 (ctrl+alt+f2) and type: sudo ~/nvidia-install.sh22:15
L3topkate is the text editor that comes with kubuntu22:15
cancerthere is no cancer in home :-S22:15
L3topI have to step away again22:16
L3topagain... that was an example22:16
L3topI dont know your installs user name22:16
L3topso it would be /home/$USER22:16
L3topwhatever username you set it up with22:16
L3topI used cancer because that is all I know you as22:16
cancerok, saving that in home.22:17
cancerthere is only publick22:17
L3topThink of /home/<user name> as your Documents and Settings folder22:17
L3tophow did you install this?22:17
cancerdesktop install22:17
L3topls /home22:18
L3topls   is like dir in dos22:18
L3topls /home22:18
canceri just burn an iso on cd and boot via it. then got options and next next next.... that's all22:19
L3topcancer: if there is not a user directory in22:19
L3topyou dont have an actual install"? You are booted live?22:19
cancerL3top: booted live?22:19
L3topThis will never work. Every time you reboot it will revert to the cd settings.22:20
L3topyou need to install to a hard drive22:20
cancersorry, i got that :D. i installed it via cd on a partion with EXT422:20
L3tophave you installed pastebinit yet?22:21
L3topsudo apt-get install pastebinit22:21
L3topfdisk -l | pastebinit22:21
L3topmount | pastebinit22:21
L3topboth of those will want sudo first22:22
* L3top is terrible at support, is always rooted for these sorts of things and constantly forget to add sudos22:22
L3topwhat on earth...22:24
L3topI take it you chose to manually partition22:24
L3topyeah... got that22:24
L3topyou have no swap file22:25
cancerchoose the same sda6 :d22:25
L3topyou have 3 NT partitions... this is a bit of a mess... unless you are running 4 OSes22:25
L3topIn the future, let the dvd do the work.22:26
L3topjust advice22:26
cancer:D just two os running. thanks for advice.22:26
L3topI do not see a dvd drive22:26
cancerinstalled a Super drive. :)22:26
* L3top begins crying22:27
L3topso... you do not have any optical medium atm22:27
L3topyou SHOULD have a user directory under /home22:28
L3topThe fact that you do not, is very bizarre22:28
L3topand your partitions are wonky22:28
* L3top hopes you see where this is going22:28
cancerwhy is that. i did the fine installation.22:28
L3topYou do not have a user directory.22:29
cancereven kubuntu asked for a user name.22:29
L3topbut something went terribly wrong22:29
canceris it running failsafe mode?22:29
L3topI would say no22:29
L3topsomething didnt populate from /etc/skel... or22:29
L3topI cant try and guess what didn22:29
L3topt happen22:29
L3topbut your install is goofy, and unless someone has better advice... I would recommend reinstalling.22:30
L3topthere is no telling what ELSE might have gone horribly wrong22:30
L3topls -la /home | pastebinit22:31
cancerl3top: there is 'Cancer'. is it because i have choosen the same path for swap...22:31
cancerl3top: there is 'Cancer'. is it because i have choosen the same path for swap...22:32
cancerL3top: kubuntu is new for me. i'm 98/Xp user22:32
L3top<cancer> there is no cancer in home :-S22:32
L3topthat is 20 min of my life I will never get back.22:33
cancerneither anyone can. :D22:33
cancerthis is a learning process.22:33
cancerfor me22:34
L3topback up to where this time loop began and follow the instructions on creating the script to save you time.22:34
=== JMichael|work is now known as JMichaelX
L3topcancer you do not have a swap22:45
L3topit is its own partition22:45
cancerah don't understand22:46
L3topcancer: it is similar to the swap file in windows, except it is its own partition22:46
cancerbut i have a user22:46
cancerwhat i got is cancer have a home. but no home have cancer :D22:46
cancerthere is cancer having home. i mean. i have done that process you asked for.22:47
L3top<L3top> ls -la /home | pastebinit   <cancer> http://paste.ubuntu.com/993262/22:47
L3topthat means you have /home/cancer22:47
L3topin windows it would be Documents and Settings\cancer22:48
cancerin windows22:48
L3topIn windows the pagefile = swap partition22:49
L3topyou have no swap partition22:49
cancercan i creat one now?22:49
L3topthis is like windows without a pagefile/swap file22:49
L3topcancer: If it were me, I would crush the install, delete the sda6 partition, and let the cd/dvd do a "side by side" install with windows. This is JUST my opinion, and if anyone disagrees with me, they are welcome to give you advice.22:51
cancerwhat about that .sh file. i run on command in terminal and there nothing in result. but tty showed much. in which something was uable to locate and blah blah. and sincerely i could not get those words. they were fast moving.22:51
L3topThe fact that you remained here the whole time means something was amis.22:52
cancerL3top: while installing it chosen sda/sda default. but then i changed it to sda6.22:52
L3topAs it attempted to shutdown kde22:52
L3topcancer: if you choose the "side by side" option, it will do everything it is supposed to... however you will want to destroy the sda6 partition before doing so.22:53
L3topI believe that is the verbiage22:54
canceri understand what all you explained.but i'm only facing this vga issue. everthing is fine now.22:54
L3topI have to make our dvd installer, so I am used to it as I do about 10 installs per day.22:54
L3topfine is a relative position22:54
L3topit is my humble opinion that running without a swap partition is a terribly poor idea22:55
cancercan't i make one now?22:55
L3topand if you were going to resize partitions and create your own and remanage your current one, I would use gparted, which is not kubuntu, and feel weird giving that advice here.22:56
L3topI would22:56
cancerdo i need to make a new partition for swap.22:56
L3topas I said22:56
L3topCrush it and let the dvd do the work22:56
L3topthat is my advice22:56
L3toptake it or leave it22:56
cancerwill that dvd hurt other stuff on partitions22:56
L3topabsolutely not.22:57
L3topIt can resize them... it can do all sorts of things... but unless you explicitly tell it to destroy them despite warnings, it will not.22:57
cancerit will creat a partition for swap, but from which partition.22:57
L3topHowever, unless you remove the ext4 fs you have created, it will try and make space for all of them.22:58
canceri have 40gb for kubuntu. what if i exclude 5gb from it for swap.22:58
L3topagain... if you remove the ext4 so that it is simply empty space, it will use that space to do everything22:58
L3topYou can do that22:59
L3topagain, this started because I thought you had no /home/$USER directory22:59
L3topthat would have meant bad things22:59
cancerbad things like, any example please.22:59
L3topand while I enjoy your company, I am running out of time. I have testers doing installs now, and must attend to them23:00
L3topso my advice is based partially in trying to get rid of you, not because you are not a wonderful person, but because I have other responsibilities to attend to, and the dvd will do things the "right way"23:00
cancerL3top: Thanks for all.23:01
cancerL3top: will see ya soon. :)23:01
L3topIf you are here in a few hours, I will be happy to help you do this manually.23:01
cancerwithout a new installation?:D23:01
L3topbut again, the dvd does it very well23:01
L3topwithout a new installation23:02
cancerafter how much hours?23:02
cancerL3top: do you come here daily?23:03
cancermaybe i'll do a fresh installation.23:03
syriaHi, how can i use global proxy please? socks proxy I want to apply it system wide.23:11
syriaplease help me guys :(23:21
syriaIs this channel emtpy or what? say something :(23:24
L3topI am typically in #ubuntu, though I use kubuntu exclusively. I will be here more often though..23:42
L3topoh... he left23:42
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Dan39how can you guys leave such a huge bug23:59

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