
=== Resistance is now known as LordOfTime
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dpmI'm getting quite a lot of timeouts while translating right now. Is some maintenance going on, or something that could be causing it?10:19
czajkowskidpm: let me go ask the wise ones10:23
wgrantdpm: It should improve over the next half hour, maybe.10:25
wgrantdpm: We've just switched to a new master database, so the caches are cold.10:25
dpmok, thanks10:27
rocket16Hello guys10:31
rocket16I joined launchpad, and am an user of Ubuntu 12.04. I would sincerely like to contribute the little I can, and as first of those, I would sincerely welcome the opportunity to report bugs (as those can be the easiest for a noob like me). So, can anyone please point me to some guide for reporting bugs nicely? Thanks.10:33
rocket16And additionally, do I need to be the member of any team or such to report bugs? Or can I do that independently10:33
czajkowskirocket16: no anyone can report bugs10:33
rocket16Oh, ok. Thanks czajkowski10:34
czajkowskirocket16: thanks for taking part all bug reports do help, where are you based?10:34
rocket16czajkowski: You mean, my location?10:34
mgz<https://dev.launchpad.net/BugHandling> has a... not-so helpful section on how to report launchpad bugs10:35
* rocket16 feels sorry for sounding so stupid (sorry, I am kinda new to formal talks on web :( )10:35
rocket16Hm, I hope the first section will get completed soon. Thanks anyway, mgz10:36
czajkowskirocket16: please dont feel stupid, we all started somewhere, yes location, we have a thinkg called loco.ubuntu.com10:36
czajkowskirocket16: so there could be others in your area who can help you also10:36
rocket16czajkowski: I am from Calcutta, India. And thanks for your words, they definitely helped. :) As for local communities, I have heard of them, but didn't yet take part in any. I guess I will soon join one10:37
czajkowskirocket16: so the indian loco is good and you can get involve with them nigelb is one of their members10:38
rocket16Ok, I will feel most honoured to be, czajkowski. :) Many thanks.10:39
czajkowskirocket16: no problem10:41
rocket16Oh, guys. I found this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs which might give me a headstart. I guess I should try my best to start contributing as soon as possible.10:43
rocket16Ok, so I read the guide and it seems I can finally return the little I can to the Ubuntu community, for their great help and support, and most importantly this wonderful distro itself. :) Thanks everyone for your kind help and cooperation, it really helped. :) I'll be off now, and see you soon.10:50
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dpmhi, could someone take care of this question? It's just a matter of changing the team owner: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/19531811:56
yofelhi, could someone please abort all recipe builds on https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/soprano please? They're stuck12:02
yofel(and prevent any newer builds from happening)12:02
yofelacutally nevermind, I just re-created the recipe12:07
StevenKczajkowski: I didn't know you had a cat ...12:34
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
lauraczajkowskiI may have to kill skynet12:42
lauraczajkowskimrevell: can you pm me the G+ link when you;'re due to start12:42
mrevelllauraczajkowski, matthewrevell says yes12:43
bdmurrayczajkowski: I'm having a hard time with the API and bug attachments14:58
bdmurraythat happens regularly with different attachments on a bug14:59
czajkowskibdmurray: let me go an ask ok14:59
bdmurrayczajkowski: okay, thanks14:59
bdmurraythe server name seems to change too15:00
czajkowskibdmurray: nods, I know they were doing stuff earlier on but not sure if this was being effected15:01
bdmurrayits been on going for a week or so15:01
czajkowskiwell if I dont hear back from webops - we can file a bug and get it looked at ok15:03
joeyoy czajkowski15:14
czajkowskijoey: herrrro15:14
joeyczajkowski: can you tell me if there is an open bug that pertains to "owners of a team, who have been deactivated in +members, getting email as if they were active members" ?15:15
joeyczajkowski: I'm getting spammed now from LP15:15
czajkowskinever heard that lemmie look and see15:16
czajkowskijoey: you getting mail from what team though?15:18
joeyczajkowski: in Linaro to help clean up a bunch of stuff we changed the owners of all official teams to ~linaro-sysadmins15:18
mrevellmatsubara, Do you know about joey's issue?15:18
joeyczajkowski: and in most of the teams we deactivated ~linaro-sysadmins from +members so they don't get email or show up on api calls15:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 816196 in Launchpad itself "new / deactivated admins of teams are not notified to the owner" [Low,Triaged]15:19
joeyczajkowski: however in most cases we're still getting email15:19
czajkowskiis the one I can find15:19
joeyit's basically a rubber duck work-around to self-manage15:19
joeyand so far it's been WONDERFUL except for the email spam15:19
joeywell maybe I'll file a bug and see what triaging does :-)15:22
bdmurrayczajkowski: I reported bug 100080515:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1000805 in Launchpad itself "server errors accessing attachments of private bug reports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100080515:22
czajkowskibdmurray: thanks15:23
matsubaramrevell, looking. hi joey15:24
joeyhowdy matsubara15:24
czajkowskibdmurray: thanks and passed it on15:24
matsubarajoey, maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/795141?15:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 795141 in Launchpad itself "Former team members still get MP notification e-mails" [High,Triaged]15:25
joeymatsubara: I bet that's related but not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing bug mail presently15:25
matsubarajoey, this seems related too bug 31556315:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 315563 in Launchpad itself "can't unsubscribe from team-related bug-activity emails" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31556315:27
joeymatsubara: yeah that's getting closer15:29
joeymatsubara: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/100080815:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1000808 in Launchpad itself "Owners who are deactivated in +members still receive bugmail " [Undecided,New]15:29
joeybtw Hi mrevell! Good to see15:33
joeymatsubara: obviously that's a PITA for the linaro sysadmins but there is a work around.15:33
mrevelljoey, Hey man, good to see you too :) Looking forward to HK?15:34
joeymrevell: the event will be fun but I'm dreading the flights :-)15:34
joeymrevell: I've been to HK before but technically this time we're outside of the main city15:34
joeymrevell: on a beach15:34
czajkowskijoey: oh a holiday :p15:35
mrevellYeah, flights are not fun. But a beach sounds good :) We all know you'll have plenty of time for that, right? :)15:35
matsubarajoey, could you add a copy of one of the emails you received to the bug report?15:37
czajkowskijoey: mind if I duplicate yours to the main one and add content to it there15:38
joeythere's a main one?15:41
joeymatsubara: there is nothing special but yeah let me find a few15:41
czajkowskijoey: https://launchpad.net/bugs/31556315:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 315563 in Launchpad itself "can't unsubscribe from team-related bug-activity emails" [High,Triaged]15:42
matsubarajoey, just to make sure, the deactivated owner is not set as the bug supervisor/security contact for the project, right?15:43
joeymatsubara: from what I can see so far, that's correct. You want full headers?15:45
joeymatsubara: maybe a pastebin would be better15:45
joeyczajkowski: I don't know that it's the same bug15:47
joeymatsubara: I also found this for BPs as well. I put 3 pastes into https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/100080815:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 315563 in Launchpad itself "duplicate for #1000808 can't unsubscribe from team-related bug-activity emails" [High,Triaged]15:49
matsubarajoey, looking at the emails you pasted, seems bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/781729 is related15:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 781729 in Launchpad itself "Direct subscription controls are (mostly) ineffectual if subscribed via a team with a contact address" [High,Triaged]15:57
joeymatsubara: but the teams are not subscribed :-)15:57
joeymatsubara: they are just the owner15:57
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GeorgeJetsonit would be nice to be able to delete a project you created18:34
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
psusiI got an email half an hour ago about a private bug ( it shouldn't be private, I was going to make it public ) filed against grub2, yet when I try to open the bug, it tells me it doesn't exist or I don't have access.  What gives?  It is bug #100095920:35
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1000959 could not be found20:35
dobeypsusi: didn't we explain this to you the other day? :)20:36
psusino ;)20:36
psusithere was some wild conjecture that some bugs may have been private and reassigned without telling me, but I find it hard to believe that keeps happening, and going by the email I did get about this bug, there is no reason it should be private, nor a reason it should have been reassigned20:37
psusiand it was only filed half an hour ago20:38
psusiit seems very unlikely that in that time someone incorrectly reassigned it to another package, so if someone could actually look at it and see, that would be helpful20:39
kikopsusi, if that's the case, then a) the bug was made private between the time your email was sent and the time you looked at the bug or b) there's a bug20:39
kikoI used to be able to See All bugs20:39
kikobut now it needs to be escalated to IS20:39
dobeyit's more likely that whatever team you're on, that /could/ see the bug, got removed from the bug20:39
psusikiko: that's what I'm thinking.. bug... the email I got did mention that it was filed as a private bug, but it shouldn't be20:40
dobeyor there's a bug in the new sharing stuff, and that's how you're actually seeing anything at all; but i deal with private bugs all the time and haven't noticed any issues, either20:40
psusidobey: again, it seems rather unlikely that the bug was reassigned in that short time when there is no evidence that it was incorrectly assigned in the first place20:41
dobeypsusi: reassigned?20:42
dobeyi didn't say anything about assignment :)20:42
psusidobey: since I'm a member of ubuntu-bugcontrol, and subscribed to grub2, I should have access to bugs assigned to ubuntu/grub2, right?  unless someone assigned it to another package/distribution20:43
dobeypsusi: if you open the e-mail for that bug, and look at the headers, what does the one for "X-Launchpad-reason" (or whatever is appropriately similar to that meaning) say?20:43
dobeypsusi: unless the team was unsubscribed from a private bug20:43
psusiX-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Subscriber (grub2 in Ubuntu)20:44
dobeythen the team wouldn't be able to see it20:44
psusiwhich team?  ubuntu-bugcontrol?20:44
dobeyyes, and/or you specifically20:44
dobeyi can't see the bug, so i can't say either20:44
psusiyou can unsubscribe ubuntu-bugcontrol from bugs in ubuntu?  that seems... broken...20:45
psusihrm... I got a second email about the bug also that just has a line with "-- =" and the normal footer20:47
dobeywell if it's any consolation, i also can't see the bug, and i'm also in ubuntu-bug-control and ubuntu-crashes-universe20:52
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