
n1ckn4me09876543hey, do I need firewall in linux like with lubuntu to keep unauthorized access to my pc? I'm mainly talking about home/public network00:02
n1ckn4me09876543or will I know it if someone is trying to break into my lubuntu00:03
will_You should00:03
n1ckn4me09876543I'm new to linux I normally use comodo firewall in windows00:04
n1ckn4me09876543nice link will_ ty00:05
will_You'd generally want to default to deny all incoming connections by default. For a desktop, you rarely will want to allow anything incoming00:07
n1ckn4me09876543I'm newb to networking, but if I deny all incoming connection, I wont be able to go to internet? or is that different to home/public network?00:11
will_It denies new connections00:13
will_new incoming connections00:13
kanliotubuntu and lubuntu have a built in firewall00:16
kanliotenabled by default00:16
stlsaintkanliot: ??00:21
stlsaintkanliot: firewall?00:21
stlsaintkanliot: you refering to iptables?00:21
stlsaintn1ckn4me09876543: try a scan on your network ;)00:22
kanliotstlsaint, yes00:25
will_ufw isn't installed by default though :(00:26
n1ckn4me09876543stlsaint: how do I scan my network and see who's connected? what's the command line00:30
Resistancekanliot:  iptables is included by default, not enabled by default00:44
Resistancejust to clarify00:44
Resistanceon installation its defaults are to ALLOW everything00:45
Resistanceyou can use ufw to set up a firewall easily00:45
CaseyI need some help with installing some packages00:51
Caseywhat is the command to install packages00:51
kanliotwait, if "ubuntu ships with no open ports by default"  this doesn't mean the firewall is on?  just means there's no kind of thing running?  Resistance?00:51
kanliotsynaptic package manager00:51
kanliotsudo synaptic00:51
Resistancekanliot:  ubuntu ships with iptables installed, but there's no rules on it by default00:52
Resistanceconfirmed with clean Ubuntu 12.0400:52
Caseywelli'm starting with the minial install00:52
Resistanceso ports are "open" then00:52
Resistancebut there's nothing listening on them00:52
kanliotcasey new users might be better off using the alternate installer00:52
Resistanceof course, since i back up my iptables rules remotely, i just downloaded the rules and put iptables-persistent on :P  so my rules are restored00:53
Caseyi just need to know the commands00:53
Caseywell how do i put in synaptic package manager00:53
kanliotsudo apt-get install synaptic00:53
kanliotresistance, what do you use for backups?00:54
Resistancekanliot:  of...?00:54
Caseychromo is jsut chromo00:54
Resistancekanliot:  on shutdown i have an rsync to a remote server of the iptables rules00:55
kanlioti guess stuff under 100M00:55
Resistancekanliot:  ahh00:55
Resistancekanliot:  i back up my non-critical information manually to an external drive00:55
Resistancebut my firewall is 100% critical, so i rsync that offsite00:55
kanliotchrome is a game00:56
kanliotor i mean chromium is a game00:56
kanliotgoogle-chrome-stable is what you want00:57
kanliotbut i think its in the ubuntu partners repository00:57
kanliot@ casey00:57
Caseyok what is the update mangure00:58
kanliotcasey seriously. no offense but you should try the alternate cd01:01
kanliotunless you really need the minimal01:01
Caseyyes i just need a few things as its going to be used as a server with gui01:01
will_It's a bit unsafe to run a GUI on a server01:02
Caseythen why is ther one on windows server hehe01:03
will_That's a whole different story01:03
kanlioti don't think theres any difference in ram use between lubuntu and lubuntu minimal, but i could be wrong01:03
will_You can hardly compare the two01:03
kanliotor cpu either01:03
will_Casey: I think you should use the Ubuntu-server edition01:04
Caseyanyway what i need is update-manager right?01:04
kanliotthere's a how-to on the wiki on how to install remote desktop on lubuntu01:04
kanliotbut please don't use minimal01:04
Caseywhat do you think ishould use?01:05
kanliotlubuntu desktop 64bit... then install remote desktop01:06
Caseyi don't need remote desktop01:07
Caseyand its not a 64bit cpu01:07
kanliothow much ram01:07
kanliotuse alternate01:07
Caseyi did have 10.04 running on it01:08
kanliotyou said you needed a gui01:08
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Caseywhy don't i want minimal?01:10
kanlioti thought it would help ya out since you are only now learning how to install packages01:12
kanliotsynaptic is great for new users, and minimal has it01:12
Caseywell i have been use linux soem  but i haven't istall that many packages01:13
kanliotdo you use ssh?01:13
Caseysom e01:14
kanliotwell i really don't know what you need01:15
kanliotits bad form to try and help people by guessing what you need01:15
Caseyok what version of lubuntu should i use the new version or 10.04?01:17
kanliotbut that's a guess :)01:18
Caseywhy woulkd i want 10.0401:19
kanliotyou wouldn't if 12.04 is working well01:19
Caseyi was thinking of puting in the minimal and then add the browers and updater and notpad01:21
kanliotwell you might try just plain lubuntu alternate01:22
kanliotit will save you time01:22
pibarnaskanliot, what's this alternate?01:34
kanliotits a simple installer for low ram01:37
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal01:37
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:38
pibarnasinteresting. thanks.01:38
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=== Resistance is now known as LordOfTime
arbolwhahineHmm, not seeing any activity yet . . . newbie, here02:30
LordOfTimearbolwhahine:  patience :P02:31
LordOfTimeyou've only been here a minute :P02:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:31
arbolwhahineDang, didn't realize patience would be necessary :).  Ok, just inlled Lubuntu (had been using Ubuntu Lucid Lynx).  The look was all funky, so I decided to start by changing the wallpaper, which I did.  Apparently, though what I've been looking at wasn't the wallpaper?  It's this tabbed menu thing with a blue background.  When I shut down or start up, the wallpaper I configured flashes on the screen for a moment, but then all I g02:35
Unit193You got cutoff, but sounds like you're using the "Netbook" login.02:36
arbolwhahineUnit193:  Yes!  Ok, the standard login will give me different results?02:36
Unit193Yep, that's basically a test interface.02:37
arbolwhahineRight on!  Many thanks - I would have spent hours trying to figure this out and who knows if that would have even occurred to me!02:37
Unit193Heh, welcome.02:37
arbolwhahineI will display my gratitude by taking my IRC ineptitude and exiting, stage left.  May your good deed and patience be rewarded many times over.02:39
Unit193Heh, have a great evening.02:39
uvtcdpkg -l | grep gnome | wc -l02:52
uvtcDo others have about that many?02:52
uvtcI can't recall if I installed something that pulled them in, or if lubuntu simply comes with a number of gnome packages. Anyone?02:52
YosI have 5002:53
uvtcthanks, Yos. Do you think it's normal for Lubuntu to have that many?02:53
YosI'm new to all this so I wouldn't know02:54
uvtcOk, thanks, Yos.02:54
uvtcI'm curious to know how much Gnome that Lubuntu actually uses.02:55
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »02:56
Yosuvtc, ^^02:57
Unit193And I only have 2602:57
uvtcthanks, ubottu. My hunch is that I do in fact like the ease-of-use that Ubuntu brings. I'm not sure what I'd be doing without if I were to go pure-lxde.02:58
uvtcubottu, but those lists of packages on that page are interesting...02:59
ubottuuvtc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:59
uvtcOh my, I seem to have failed a turing test. :)02:59
uvtcInteresting that there are so many gnomish items in that list.03:03
uvtcThanks for the link, Yos.03:03
IdleOne.!purelubuntu has been added and can now be used03:08
IdleOneGood night.03:08
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »03:09
Unit193Good night, IdleOne.03:11
uvtcUnit193, funny that you only have 26 packages on your system. Are you running Lubuntu?03:13
uvtcUnit193, s/packages/gnome packages/03:14
uvtcor, at least, packages with "gnome" in the name.03:14
uvtcIf I take that list of lubuntu packages at <http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu>, put them one on each line, then grep gnome | wc -l, I get 46.03:15
Unit193uvtc: Yes, and mainly libs.03:18
Unit193That doesn't get you back to fresh Lubuntu install either.03:19
uvtcYeah, I don't think I'd try it.03:19
uvtcBut I do find it interesting how much gnome Lubuntu uses. I've used Gnome a lot in the past, I'm just not crazy about the new direction they've gone in wrt the UI. Maybe I'd like it if I spent more time with it. Dunno.03:20
kantoquadhello, I am installing lubuntu on an old nc6000 laptop, it see the wireless networks, but refuses to connect05:53
kantoquadI tried wicd, no good either05:53
kantoquadstuck a usb wifi stick on, same thing05:54
kantoquadany idea05:55
kantoquadit works with Bodhi withou a hitch05:55
kantoquadonly problem is, I like lubuntu better than Bohdi05:55
Homely_GirlHello, Am I tio early07:38
Unit193For what?07:38
Homely_GirlMy word, Batman, dont u ever sleep??07:39
Unit193Oooh, that's a new thought! Considering it'z 03:40, might be a good one too.07:40
Homely_GirlIt's with regret I ask this......to have a dual bit windows and Linux pc....07:40
Homely_GirlSky sod lol07:41
Homely_Girlno silly!!07:41
Unit193So what's the question bit?07:41
Homely_GirlBear with me, am on my phone07:42
Homely_GirlSip I have to instal windows first then do I boot from Linux cd and instal it next to doze??07:43
Homely_Girlsip =so07:43
Unit193Yes, you install windows first then linux, unless you've already done otherwise.07:43
Homely_GirlWell I have no data on the machine, and vaguely recall someone saying better to do it that way???07:44
Homely_GirlI doing really wanna but need to Skype with cam07:46
Homely_GirlHow do I instal webcam on Lubuntu?07:46
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows Should have the rest if you'd like that as well.07:46
Unit193Don't have one, but there is a program called "cheese"(?) that works with them.07:47
Homely_GirlI know cheese, but it didn't work.  All my family are in Africa, so regretably gonna have to dual boot!!07:48
Homely_GirlThink it's time to get up and face the dual boot. , Sleep well Batman. :-)07:49
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murpleI have installed Ubuntu 12.04 Server + LXDE and I'm having trouble getting my webcam to work. It worked in my previously installation of Ubuntu Desktop (I believe I had upgraded it to Natty).14:30
murpleI think it's a UVC driver problem but I'm not sure and I'm having difficulties troubleshooting.14:31
murpleOr rather, troubleshooting is going great, I just can't get the darn thing to work anymore.14:31
holsteinmurple: i would look in lscpi and/or lsusb ..see if the device is showing up there14:31
murpleI see the webcam listed in Cheese and similar programs, but I cannot select uit.14:31
murpleholstein: I will, I don't believe it is.14:31
murpleholstein: The webcam I'm trying to make work is not listed, however the built-in iSight webcam is showing (I have an old iMac) . I can't get that to work either though.14:33
holsteinmurple: the imac? or the isight?14:33
murpleThere must be some component/driver/thinamagig that Ubuntu Desktop installs by default and Ubuntu Server does not install by default.14:33
holsteinyou have several "unknowns" that i see.. the USB ports on the device its self need to be tested, both hardware and software14:33
murpleThe old iMac is working as well as can be expected, much thanks to LXDE.14:34
murpleThe iSight doesn't work.14:34
holsteinmurple: ubuntuserver *is* ubuntu.. if you installed LXDE, you might not have gotten something... but lubuntu-desktop would be the same14:34
murpleWell... possibly but everything was working in my previous install of Ubuntu Desktop.14:34
holsteinmurple: on that hardware?14:34
holsteinmurple: that was a different kernel *if* it was 11.1014:35
murplethe same webcam, the same iMac, the same iSight. Everything was working with a previous installation of Ubuntu Desktop.14:35
murpleI believe so, Natty Narwhal I think it was.14:35
holsteinmurple: right.. you need to *know*14:35
murpleI feel like there is something that is not installed/activated by default in Ubuntu Server, which is installed/activated by default in Ubuntu Desktop.14:35
holsteinthat would be the likely cause though... kernel version.. the DE really doesnt atter14:35
holsteinmurple: grab a 12.04 live CD and try it14:36
murpleDesktop .Environment.14:36
holsteinDE = desktop envirnment14:36
holsteinthat what you are proposing, and grabbing an ubuntu 12.04 live CD will tell you that14:36
holsteinif it works with the 12.04 live CD, then you are missing a package14:37
murpleIf this were a driver issue would the USB webcam still show up in lsusb or not?14:37
holsteinmurple: the kernel has the drivers14:37
holsteinif the drivers are there, it shows up.. thats a good first step14:38
murpleBut only the iSight webcam is showing up, not the other webcam I need to have working.14:38
holsteinmurple: cool14:38
murpleso "all drivers" are included in the kernel?14:38
holsteinmurple: and the 11.10 kernel could have supported the device14:39
murplebut not the 12.04 kernel?14:39
holsteinmurple: not all.. thats how support gets dropped14:39
holsteindoesnt mean you cant add it back14:39
murpleright, but how would I go about finding and installing what I need?14:39
holsteinmurple: i would try a 12.04 live CD14:39
murpleI'm sorry if you have to repeat yourself, I'm still something of a Linux noob.14:39
holsteinmurple: `i would get out the 11.10 live CD and poke around14:40
murpleBut I don't understand why, I'm already running 12.04??14:40
murpleThat makes more sense.14:40
holsteinmurple: sure, but you think you are missing a package14:40
murpleNo point in using a 12.04 live CD when I'm already running 12.04 right?14:40
holsteinmurple: and if you try the 12.04 live CD, then you'll know for sure14:40
murpleI understand, but downloading and testing both 11.10 and 12.04 involves a whole lot of time and effort and I thought there was a better/faster approach to troubloot.14:41
holsteinwell, you will need to take some time and spend some effort somewhere14:42
holsteinits up to you how you want to spend that time14:42
murpleOther than bugging you on IRC? : )14:42
holsteinhehe.. i dont mind.. i just dont know without having the hardware in front of me14:42
holsteinand, i typically use the live CD's as a tool14:42
holsteinif you think its the DE, or a missing package, fire up a live CD and confirm.. could be the case14:43
murpleIn Windows I would just google my hardware, find the appropriate driver and install it.14:43
holsteinmurple: you cant compare that14:43
murpleI don't think it's the DE, I never meant that.14:43
holsteinmurple: you can ask the manufacturer to supply you a driver as they did for you in windows14:43
murpleI meant the Server edition as opposed to the Desktop edition of Ubuntu might have something to do with it.14:44
holstein"windows" didnt have anything to do with that driver14:44
murpleThere are two downloads of 12.04 Desktop and Server and that's what I was referring to earlier.14:44
holsteinmurple: sure.. and i say, open the desktop edition up and confirm that14:44
holsteinmurple: this is PPC as well correct?14:44
murpleNot sure what that is, it's an old Intel iMac.14:44
murplePower PC? Don't think so.14:45
holsteinPPC is not officially supported anymore either.. i might just stick with 11.10 if its working, or 10.0414:45
holsteinmurple: you need to *know* that too14:45
holsteinif its intel, then its not PPC14:45
kanlioti thought it was supported14:45
murpleOkay, then it's not a PPC. This was the first iMac with an Intel in it.14:45
holsteinkanliot: official support was dropped in 10.10, right?.. im not sure14:45
kanliotwe dropped k5 or something in 10.1014:46
kanliotit's on the download wiki page if you need 2 check14:46
murpleI suppose I'm going to take a break from this and continue later.14:46
murpleholstein: Thank you very much for your time and assistance.14:46
murplemuch appreciated14:46
murple(although entirely fruitless!)14:47
holsteinmurple: lol... anytime14:47
raphaellehello @ll, is that natural that during 11.10 to 12.04 upgrade nothing appears on screen ?15:24
smilehi :)15:41
smileraphaelle: I don't think so? :)15:42
smileraphaelle: did you try a clean install?15:44
raphaellesmile, sorry I've been out, I did not try a clean install yet, since my lubuntu 11.10 is fine. Though, trying to upgrade to 12.10 through update manager, I entered my root password and now there is a "precise" task running background and consumming 70-80 % of CPU... but no update message on screen ! Should this happen ?16:11
raphaellesorry, of course I'm upgrading to 12.04, not 12.10 :-)16:12
smileraphaelle: it shouldn't ;)16:12
smilebut it seems to be on the upgrade way :p16:12
smileso, my advice: hands off :p16:13
raphaelleOK, wait and see...16:14
bodhi_zazen'lo all16:26
smileraphaelle: good luck16:29
stiltzkinHi all, I just installed Lubuntu 12.04 on my desktop, but it refuses to boot. Graphical boot just shows a black screen, and if I do recovery mode it hangs on a line that says just "hostname stop/waiting." Any idea what could cause this?16:36
holsteinstiltzkin: graphics card driver.. bad hardware... somethine with the network16:37
holsteinstiltzkin: were you able to get to the live desktop?16:37
stiltzkinholstein, yeah I was able to get to the live desktop16:38
stiltzkinthis has an Nvidia GeForce 5800, old card. Bad hardware is certainly not out of the question, this is an old machine16:38
stiltzkinI was actually able to get it to boot, but just once...I had to do recovery mode and then it let me continue a normal boot. Restarted to install wireless drivers and now it's back to this error16:39
holsteinstiltzkin: if you are able to get to the live desktop without any tricks, then it shouldnt be the graphics driver.. i would test the hard drive and ram and go from there16:40
stiltzkinAlready ran Memtest86+, RAM should be OK. And 768MB should be enough for LXDE I think. Hard drive should be alright too, I wiped it entirely for this install16:41
stiltzkinI'm installing Lubuntu on this machine because when it had Windows XP on it, it would just randomly freeze up. Like entirely without warning, the entire OS would just freeze. And this is after several clean installs of Windows. So I figured either it was a software problem with Windows or a hardware problem with the computer itself. With Lubuntu failing to work I'm starting to think it's the latter, but I'm not sure what e16:42
stiltzkinxactly could be broken16:42
holsteinstiltzkin: if you didnt test the hard drive, then i would16:43
holsteinubuntu/lubuntu is not magic.. if you had a hardware issue causing freezing, you should expect the same in linux16:44
stiltzkinProbably not a bad idea. I could just throw a different drive in there too and see if the problem persists16:44
holsteinyou can load the live CD... use if for a while.. if it doesnt freeze, could be the hard drive16:44
stiltzkinOf course, I didn't expect it to...but the message "hostname stop/waiting" didn't seem like a hard drive type problem16:45
stiltzkinActually it's not booting the LiveCD now either. Something else must be broken...definitely hardware related :/16:47
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holsteinstiltzkin: you can always test the memory til you are *sure*... remove the physical hard drive... boot the live cd til you get a desktop... turn things off in the bios, or remove hardware til you are sure what is the issue16:50
stiltzkinYeah trying to boot with the drive disconnected now.16:53
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as C0nfus3d
stiltzkinholstein, Yeah fails to boot even with the drive disconnected...but Memtest86+ passes the RAM...something else is up17:02
holsteingraphics card driver.. you can hit shift on boot, and F6 and pass some kernel options such as "nomodeset"17:03
stiltzkinholstein, successfully booted the livecd with nomodeset, interesting...17:12
holsteinstiltzkin: if its a desktop, i might just go and put another graphics card in... you can use nomodeset to install.. its likely you can add that option to the kernel easy enough and just boot what you have installed17:17
razvan986hy there17:19
razvan986anyone can help me?17:19
holsteinrazvan986: you'll need to just ask, and see17:19
razvan986why radio tray crashes after i switch radio channels17:19
holsteinrazvan986: with what software?17:20
razvan986it gives me an error report17:20
holsteinrazvan986: what operating system?17:20
holsteinlubuntu 12.04?17:20
holsteinwhat software?17:20
razvan986radio tray17:20
holsteinim not familiar with that.. is that in one of the music players?17:20
razvan986just an internet radio streamer17:21
holsteinrazvan986: sure.. what software?17:21
holsteinrazvan986: i would say, if you can start it from the terminal and see any helpful output, note that output17:23
holsteini would try and either upgrade or downgrade radiotray in synaptic or the package manager of your chioce17:23
razvan986how to start it from terminal?17:23
holsteinrazvan986: i typically just type the command that starts the application.. maybe that is "radiotray"17:24
stiltzkinholstein, thanks for your help...looks like my problem is a known issue with the card: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/geforce-fx-5200-ubuntu-whenever-i-try-to-boot-into-graphical-mode-it-freezes-808071/17:28
holsteinstiltzkin: you can use the vesa driver though.. thats what just work (or so i assume)17:29
stiltzkinholstein, isn't there a proprietary nvidia driver I can install for this card? There's not really much point in me having it in the machine if I only use the vesa driver17:29
holsteinstiltzkin: you can check with nvidia17:30
stiltzkinjockey-gtk reports no available proprietary drivers17:30
holsteinstiltzkin: i would use the vesa one... or put in another card17:31
razvan986(radiotray:9012): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Translation has an invalid value 'st-dr' for default text direction.  Defaulting to left-to-right.17:33
razvan986Gnome Media Keys, Controls Radio Tray through keyboard multimedia keys, GnomeMediaKeysPlugin.py, Carlos Ribeiro17:33
razvan986Sleep Timer, Stops playing after a predefined time, SleepTimerPlugin.py, Carlos Ribeiro17:33
razvan986Notifications, Shows message notifications on the desktop, NotificationPlugin.py, Carlos Ribeiro17:33
razvan986HelloWorld, This is a test plugin, HelloWorld.py, Carlos Ribeiro17:33
razvan986History, Shows song history, HistoryPlugin.py, Carlos Ribeiro17:33
razvan986i started radio tray from terminal17:34
holsteinrazvan986: you can paste output like that to pastebin17:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:34
holsteinrazvan986: i would likely just try and contact the maintainer.. the maintainer will suggest you use the package from the site instead of the repacakged version from ubuntu17:35
holsteinrazvan986: you can try upgrading or downgrading the package in synaptic or the package manager of your choice17:35
kristian-T61pUnit193, how  are you today?17:53
* kristian-T61p kids17:53
kristian-T61pI just had a crash and sent an error rapport via Apport17:53
Unit193Did it also give a bug number?17:53
kristian-T61pah, wait... how do I check?17:53
kristian-T61pI rebooted in the mean time17:53
kanliotbug 100000017:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold." [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000017:53
Unit193I have gotten a few crashes, but apport never works. :P17:54
kristian-T61phttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 <--- this is still my fave17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]17:55
Unit193Meh, it's not a real bug, so....17:55
kristian-T61pI love the idea of sending bugs automatically, though17:55
kristian-T61pUnit193, Shuttleworth himself submitted it, I think it is real ;)17:56
kanliotactually i just read a debian guys blog who says he hates launchpad for all the clutter17:56
Unit193Nope, still not a real bug, doesn't change with who does it.17:56
kristian-T61pcan I somehow increase the logging and sending of reports?17:56
kanliotyeah debug builds17:56
kristian-T61pah, sorry... I meant automatically17:57
kristian-T61psign up for some program... install a package17:57
kanliotwell apport tells you if your bug was already reported right?17:58
kristian-T61pactually, Apport kept restarting17:59
kanliothuh that sounds bad17:59
arbolwhahineI want to configure my VPN.  I click on the Network Manager icon --> VPN Connections --> Configure VPN.  The little box pops up, but when I go to the VPN tab, the "Add" button is greyed out and I can't select it.18:13
zleapdoes ubuntu customisation kit work for lubntu18:17
zleaptrying to create custom 12.04 cd have archives frm netboot apt cache archive folder so can i add those to the cd18:17
kanliotthis is an old thread but it might work for u18:18
arbolwhahineThanks Kanliot.  I'll give it a try.18:19
smilebye :)18:29
=== len is now known as Guest95465
raphaellehello @ll,  " upgrade monitor" disapeared once I clicked on "upgrade to 12.04", and now "precise" is running in the background, and I could "strace" a lot of "no such file or directory" see  http://pastebin.com/ABmyft0a Should I let this "precise" stuff carry on ?19:39
Unit193Well, you may have to fix your sources.list, and I have no idea if that's what it's supposed to do as I always use the terminal method. :/19:45
raphaelleUnit193, I finally killed "precise" and launched sudo apt-get upgrade wiche works fine. thanks anyway !20:02
Unit193upgrade won't update to precise, just update current oneiric.20:03
submanI'm having a problem with my hard drive filling up very fast.  I noticed while troubleshooting that every directory shows, for example, 1 MB of size, but size on disk is 8 MB.  Every directory shows the same, 8x's actual space taken up on the disk.  I have a fairly plain, new installation and it is showing 5.02 GB of space taken up on my 8GB hard drive.  Any ideas?20:26
wxlsubman: that's a real stumper. have you tried a re-install? what processes are running? is this directories on / as well as within ~? what sort of drive? have you had similar problems on any other os?20:36
will_Has anyone measured how much power is actually saved by running Lubuntu?22:01
kristian-T61pwill_, this was up some time ago22:23
kristian-T61psome researcher, I think...22:23
will_Oh hey, you have a T61p? :) I just bought one22:23
will_Was it a significant amount of power savings?22:23
kristian-T61pwill_, I don't remember22:26
kristian-T61pand yes, I have a T61p ;)22:27
will_Do you like it? I just bought one with a 1920x1200 screen, yesterday22:27
will_Everything on it compatible with Lubuntu?22:27
kristian-T61pyes, I like it pretty much22:28
kristian-T61pit is a bit heavy to drag around, is my sole complaint22:28
kristian-T61peverything works with 12.04... or everything I have tested22:28
kristian-T61pLXPanel crashes often, it will be interesting to see if this happens to you also22:29
will_Ok. yeah, I've had some stability problems with openbox on 12.04. It restarts nicely, but just a pain22:30
will_(This is on an R60)22:30
kristian-T61pactually, the only distro where I've had success with the wifi is Lubuntu...22:33
will_Ubuntu gave you problems?22:33
will_This was with the built in wifi?22:33
kristian-T61pI have not tried "Vanilla" Ubuntu22:34
kristian-T61pthose that failed shall remain unnamed ;)22:35

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