=== scientes_ is now known as scientes [06:43] I compiled android for pandaboard , but i cant find /dev/ion ? [10:42] Hello, is anyone there? I want to make a small tablet like pc, as a hobby electronics project, running Ubuntu. I was wondering that since it is portable , i should go with ARM Architecture Processors, for power efficiency. I don't wan't to buy a pandaboard or a beagle board, i want to make my own motherboard, right from the start.I was wondering, which type of ARM Processor should i use?? [10:42] What should be the minimum frequency of the processor? [10:43] From what i read, i gathered that the processor should comply to the ARMv7 Architecture. [11:08] hello [11:08] I used ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4.img.gz to put ubuntu on my pandaboard ES and then I followed this tutorial http://www.omappedia.com/wiki/Ubuntu_PPA to install omap4 addons (via command line) [11:09] when I play a video with totem i got no sound and video is very (very) slow. [11:09] not jerky, only slow (1 second of movie => about 2 real seconds) [11:09] I tried this: http://groups.google.com/group/pandaboard/browse_thread/thread/6aa2cbe99c36919d/36e13de7719f4b0b =====> alsaucm -c PandaES set _verb HiFi set _enadev Headset.0 but the result is "Failed to set verb=Hifi: Invalid argument" [11:09] does anybody knows something about this? [11:12] update to 12.04 [11:12] I tried and then I coulnd not install omap4-addons [11:12] pandaboard ES is younger than image you are using [11:12] iirc [11:13] s/not// [11:14] when I did the update, ubuntu-omap4-extras was not available any more [11:17] hard to tell for me - I use panda headless [11:23] :-( [11:23] I'll try again maybe i did something wrong === rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti === Nikropht_ is now known as Nikropht === trelane` is now known as trelane === Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha === charles_ is now known as charles