
=== Resistance is now known as LordOfTime
daxHowdy. Someone around with a launchpad account who feels like fixing IRC documentation for me?02:59
Unit193Feels like helping dax? Maybe, where at?02:59
daxUnit193: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks . mentions of ubuntu/member/other.cloak.nickname should be ubuntu/member/othercloak.nickname, and other/cloak/ubuntu.member.nickname should be other/cloak/ubuntu.nickname03:00
daxor, in general, combination cloaks do not have a role field for the secondary project03:00
daxit's not just the bit at the top, the text itself has those incorrect formats in it too03:01
daxlooks like just under "Member cloaks" though, the rest of the page discusses other topics03:01
Unit193Looks easy enough.03:02
Unit193All good?03:03
daxyes, thanks :)03:04
Unit193No problem!03:05
EmerlingHi i need put mootobot meetingology  in my loCo team channel, . how i can put into channel?03:51
AlanBellanyone know what channel Emerling is on about?08:36
popey#ubuntu-ve at a guess08:38
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
AlanBellhi all, we will be putting out a call for applications for a place on the IRC Council today17:57
Unit193AlanBell: By the header I'm guessing https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-members is the one to vote, if so, can I be added?21:56
AlanBellyes, done21:57
Unit193Thanks muchly!21:57
pleia2congrats! :)21:57
Unit193Heh, danke.21:58
FuchsAlanBell: sorry for the dumb question, where is the agenda for the next IRCC meetings?  (for ubuntu memberships)21:59
Fuchsthe next meeting is in the past22:00
* AlanBell will fixor22:00
Unit193So? Is your time machine broken again?22:00
FuchsUnit193: yes, used too much recently22:00
FuchsI can add myself to the list there, then?22:02
FuchsI hope I'll get the wiki syntax right, I have to admit I don't use the ubuntu wikis often as an editor22:07
Fuchsand "date added" would be today?22:08
AlanBellyeah, I have no idea why anyone ever thought that was important22:16
AlanBellit is a wiki, it has a dated history22:16
Fuchsright, added myself22:17
AlanBellyay \o/22:17
FuchsI'll check with my fellow ops to get a few more testimonials until then :)22:17
Fuchsand then I'll hope I'll pass :)22:17
AlanBellI heard they are quite tough22:18
Unit193...But if I can get past one, I'm sure you will.22:19

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