
ubottuIn ubottu, Unit193 said: !purelubuntu is <alias> !purelxde02:57
IdleOne!purelubuntu is <alias> purelxde03:06
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne03:06
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »03:06
nonefor some unknown reason i was banned from ubuntu-offtopic03:31
noneits quite ironic because i was banned less than a minute before i logged off my computer for an hour or so03:32
nonean hour and thirty minutes to be exact03:32
noneso i didn't even notice it until i came back online 2-3 minutes ago03:32
nonethe reason given for me ban was "You have left channel #ubuntu-offtopic (requested by elky (you are banned because you were asked to stop but didn't.))"03:33
noneelky....... did not ask me to stop03:33
none  elky says ::  the  am i reading? ----------------------------------03:33
none2 minutes later without warning or notice he requests i am banned?03:34
elkyi saw plenty of people telling you to sto03:34
nonethats a lie.03:34
elkyI saw plenty of people warning you'd be kickbanned03:34
nonenot a single person warned me or asked me to stop.03:35
nonei have posted the log03:36
noneelky, maybe u can read better than i can... if u can find anywhere where i was told to stop, or said  kicked and banned03:36
nonenote........... that a custom script i wrote blocks out any cursewords of any sort.... thus elky's line is censored03:37
noneon further review lines 8603:38
noneL3top> Godwin arguments are a bit beneath me. I am not sure you have the chops to make it an entertaining argument though. I need to know if I have to be burdened with both winning and being entertaining... because that is a bit more of an investment.03:38
none<bazhang> L3top, better to just let him spiral into a /kb03:38
nonebazhang, does reference a /kb which i can only assume is a kickban03:39
nonebut it wasn't even directed at me so i really didn't read it at the time03:39
none.......... my words it seems fall on deaf ears :(03:40
nonei am disappointed....03:40
noneelky, !!! are you an admin?03:41
nonethis behavior of yours is not what i would have expected from a moderator of irc03:41
none..... i feel i am being treated very badly in this case03:42
nonei did nothing deserving of ban.... i insulted none..... i attacked none..... i merely had a fun conversation....... then i am banned i guess by elky without any warning...... and now i am in this channel and not as single person cares03:43
elkySorry, i had to take a phone call. You could do with learning some patience03:43
elkyYou "fun conversation" involved a whole lot of very inflammatory subjects. That's not fun.03:44
nonewhich inflamatory topic? mentioning a funny mustache from austria?03:45
noneromney used a horrible line "i am sorry if you are offended"......... but the only thing i was doing was poking fun of hitler03:46
elky<none> L3top, ............................ muslims are terrorists?????? how will banning him make his point incorrect??03:46
noneif you are offended by poking fun of hitler then ................ i do understand why u are so fast to ban me03:46
elkythe hitler topic was supplementary to that03:47
nonemuslims are terrorists????????????????????????????????????????????? was a question03:47
elky"how will banning him make his point incorrect??"03:47
nonehow will banning me for asking a sarcastic question ????????????????????????????? make anyone correct except maybe you?03:48
elkyIt certainly has the added benefit of reducing the punctuation abuse.03:48
elkyWhat exactly do you do? press a punctuation letter and count to 3?03:49
nonethe multiple ????? was added for sarcasm03:49
elkyand the million periods?03:50
nonewould u have really prefered people are terrorists?03:50
elkyi'd prefer you not engage on the subject03:50
none....... i do many periods often in writing... i will stop if that means being unbaned03:50
elkyyou could certainly hve done without bringing up Hitler.03:50
elkyyou were clearly trying to start an argument in there for your entertainment, then insisting on winning it for your ego03:51
elkyThat's very disruptive behaviour03:51
nonei am sorry for bring up hitler.. my purpose was to only entertain people and liven up the discussion03:51
elkyHitler is not entertainment.03:51
noneyes....... i wanted a fun argument.... thats why i said """03:52
none<none> i need support someone help me win this arguement with L3top03:52
none<L3top> I can argue whichever side you like.03:52
none<none> ...... then lets make it a fun discussion!03:52
none<none> these are the rules......... no cursing or bringing up hitler03:52
nonethe words are all there. i am kinda understanding u jumped to the end and perhaps rightfully wanted to prevent me from possibly upsetting people03:53
nonebut without seeing the first part , u really completely misunderstood the entire conversation03:53
elkyyou already _did_ upset people. By the time I removed you, people were already discussing how you were going to get banned for it03:54
noneyou are right.. i will not mention that topic again03:54
noneplease accept my apology03:54
elkynone, that channel isn't for you to jump into and start arguments for "fun". Do you understand that?03:54
noneif u could be generous and unban me i would be must grateful03:54
nonei did think that was the purpose of the channel?03:54
nonean offtopic fun place to chat?03:55
elkyarguments are not fun for many people03:55
nonebut i only do fun arguments03:55
elkyI'm pretty sure you were the only person having "fun"03:55
nonei think the topic was going to be which tastes better chicken or tuna03:55
elkyif you want a channel for such "fun", have you considered #defocus ?03:56
nonei wasn't trying to do a athiest vs christian argument.......... i wanted a fun argument .......... cat vs dog03:56
none.. i am again sorry for the periods lol it is a bad habit03:56
noneperhaps            spaces would be a improvement       no?03:57
elkynot really. it makes the lines virtually unreadable to people with information processing issues03:57
elky(eg, dyslexia)03:57
elkyso to get this straight. If you were allowed back in there, you would: a. Not start arguments for "fun" b. use less punctuation. Correct?04:00
nonecorrect. and i would be very grateful04:00
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:02
elkyplease also take the time to read that.04:02
elkyYou will need to tell me when you've finished.04:16
noneWhen we are unsure, we ask for help. is a good rule04:48
nonehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/ is favorite!04:48
noneDon't use public away messages - this makes me lol04:49
noneHow to ask questions04:49
nonein Linux IRC help channels -.   (for the people who cant ask questions... although i must admit a good question is half the answer)04:49
noneDo not expect answers that make simple and easy what is complex and difficult. - like trying to explain a bad driver how to parallel park lol04:51
noneDon't ask "anyone/someone knows" questions - i do this often04:51
noneDon't chat if the channel is busy - this one is pretty interesting i would have never guessed it before reading04:52
Tm_Tnone: you don't need to repeat rules here, elky was just asking you to tell that you have read them04:52
nonebut i am going through them as i read and pointing out good ones is this allowed?04:52
Tm_Tthat really isn't necessary04:53
noneYou can access the source code of all Ubuntu packages, as well as view which ones are available for a particular release of Ubuntu at http://packages.ubuntu.com.04:55
elkywhy are you doing that?04:56
nonereading still04:56
elkyYou're not reading the page I sent you to.04:57
nonei was reading recursively04:58
elkyI am not going to wait around for 3 hours... http://xkcd.com/214/04:59
nonelol what time is in new zealand05:00
noneok i finish reading ... lots of cool stuff... didn't know it took 12 months of core operatorness to be operator here or that lauchpad has all irc nicknames listed05:03
nonei read recusively i think in fast enough time .. 17 minutes about05:03
elkyI told you to read it an hour ago. Your math is faulty.05:04
elkySo tell me, what are the limitations of the offtopic channel?05:05
none.. i am not sure it was directly listed05:07
nonebut the core channel listing suggess that offtopic isn't offtopic -- it seems that ubuntu-offtopic is a discussion channel about ubuntu05:08
nonemore like ubuntu-discussions05:08
noneaka non-support05:08
elkyindeed. "Language and Subject" and "Don't be Annoying" are the key parts.05:09
noneCommunity related non-support discussion -https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:10
nonethe entire community related thing confused me.. when i read off-topic i immediately thought all topics are valid05:11
elkySo now that you know this, what would you say in there?05:12
noneubuntu is good ... but please make nomodeset easier to do at install05:13
nonemy nvidia card was soo hard to configure without a monitor :(05:13
elkyIt's not really a place to request stuff of developers who aren't even in there.05:14
nonethen u will keep me banned?05:15
nonei asked so many times and try to be reasonable ... i find this very cruel punishment :(05:15
nonei even read pages and pages and still u are toying with me :(05:16
elkyI'm not toying with you. Would you have preferred i let you think asking that was going to get you what you wanted?05:16
nonei am just begging to be unbanned05:17
noneand u just mock me05:17
nonei said i am sorry for talking about non-ubuntu things05:18
elkyAnd i'm just making sure you're not just going to go back in and do the same thing that got you banned. Especially considering you can already do those things elsewhere05:18
nonei read everything u told me to read and i did05:18
noneplease unban me i will talk about ubuntu and obey rules05:19
elkyYou're unbanned. Perhaps you would still prefer #defocus where there are less rules and more pointless arguments.05:21
nonethank you very much05:21
elkyThere's no need for you to stay here.05:24
none:( ok i will do as u want and leave05:27
Piciikonia: why the kick?13:00
ikoniabecause he kept going on about media streaming on blackbuntu13:00
ikoniabored of having to ask these guys multiple times13:00
Tm_Tis that that horrible ultimateubuntu-style thingy?13:01
ikoniaanother pointless re-spin13:01
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (Monigote)19:09
Unit193zee__, dedalux: Can we help you guys with anything?23:41
dedaluxI am not seeking help at least not right now because I am a member of the community of Ubuntu Venezuela23:45
Unit193Ah, then you should idle in #ubuntu-irc as this is for core channels, thank you.23:45
IdleOnededalux: Please part this channel unless you need help from the ubuntu ops.23:51

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