
=== gridcube_ is now known as 17SAA5TYR
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* cjwatson fixes the broken lock file handling for quantal_probs et al11:38
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slangasekcjwatson, SpamapS: could I trouble one of you for an expedited SRU review of ia32-libs?14:50
slangasek(installing the fluendo package from partner is currently broken if you have ia32-libs installed)14:51
cjwatsonslangasek: yep, where is it?15:03
slangasekcjwatson: precise-proposed unapproved15:08
cjwatsonslangasek: accepted; do you want to go ahead and copy that to quantal once it's built?15:15
slangasekwill do, thanks15:15
slangasekwhich reminds me that there are a couple that RAOF processed this morning that are in the same boat (e.g., software-center) - copying15:16
slangasekcjwatson: do we have any report for "packages in -proposed newer than packages in devel"?15:16
slangaseker, correction, I processed software-center last night ;p15:17
slangasekI think I meant update-notifier15:17
cjwatsonslangasek: No report, but you can work it out easily with suite-diff.py15:23
cjwatsonfor x in main restricted universe multiverse; do suite-diff.py ubuntu/dists/{precise-proposed,quantal}/$x/source/Sources.gz gt; done15:24
cjwatsonQuite a few there that could do with copying up15:24
cjwatsonWell, some of those are unverified updates, in general I actually only copy from -updates except on request15:25
cjwatsonfor x in main restricted universe multiverse; do suite-diff.py ubuntu/dists/{precise-updates,quantal}/$x/source/Sources.gz gt; done  ->  615:25
slangaseklooks like it, doesn't it15:27
slangasekupdate-manager contains Arch: any packages... ought we require a re-upload?15:28
cjwatsonslangasek: perhaps a good idea, yes15:33
cjwatsonthough it's bound to be rebuilt at some point :)15:34
slangasek+ [cjwatson] Port ubiquity: DONE15:37
cjwatsons'in the archive and everything15:38
cjwatsonwhether it works for *other people* ;-)15:39
* slangasek grins15:39
* cjwatson sends an RT ticket: "Please remove archive admin access to lp_queue@cocoplum"15:48
cjwatsonSpeak now or forever etc.15:49
micahgoops :)15:55
* skaet_ watching to see what surprises pop up from that RT ticket15:58
slangasekit's the low-hanging fruit16:02
slangasekthe only reason I ever access ~lp_queue is to steal back my rejected uploads and reupload them ;)16:02
cjwatsonyeah, I'm fairly sure lp_queue is easy, just asking for the sake of paranoia16:07
cjwatsonin several months nobody came up with anything substantial except for syncs and backports, and those are migrated16:08
cjwatsonI cleaned up most of the old junk in its home directory today16:08
micahgcjwatson: what about overrides16:09
cjwatsonlp_queue is not involved in those16:09
cjwatsonalmost all the ordinary administrative operations (that aren't API/UI) are lp_archive16:10
cjwatsonlp_queue is just the user that runs the upload processor16:10
infinityslangasek: I use lp_queue to catch and reject uploads I'm to embarassed to let through. ;)16:13
infinitySomehow, I don't think anyone will see that as a valid use-case. :P16:13
cjwatsonafraid not really :)16:15
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=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
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=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
stgraberany sru team member around? I'd love to see lxc 0.7.4-0ubuntu7.3 currently in natty-proposed be moved to natty-updates. It's currently preventing a natty container from starting console/tty jobs, basically preventing the user from using it at all.23:02
stgraberthe fix was confirmed around a month ago but nobody changed the verification state on the bug. I confirmed the fix here too and changed the tag this afternoon.23:03
* infinity is too late.23:09
slangasekyou can have the next one :)23:10
infinityI'll do some binary new to make up for it.23:11
infinityAnd then go drown myself in chicken soup.23:13
RAOFBah.  I thought I checked for all the SRUs I approved yesterday that their version was less than that in quantal.  I should add an automated check to queuediff.23:13
slangasekRAOF: no harm done, it was on my radar anyway :)23:17

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