[07:22] hello there I can not seem to get unity-lens-video to install no matter what I do I mean it is like 1/2 way installed I can not start the daemon everything I try I get this error Failed to own name com.canonical.Unity.Lens.Video. Bailing out. I have gone and refreshed the everything that I could find but I still can not get any videos to show up. Not even the ones that come by default any help would be great thanks for your time [09:05] Saviq: Just added the patch to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672905 === rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti [20:15] Is there no working unity-lens-video for 12.04 ? I can not get the dang thing to install (correctly ) No matter how many times I install it. I get ERROR with DAEMON Failed to own name com.canonical.Unity.Lens.Video. Bailing out. [20:15] [20:16] I see the if statement in the file telling it to quit [20:16] I think that this is wrong BUS_NAME = "com.canonical.Unity.Lens.Video" [20:18] line 29 unity-lens-video-daemon [20:20] bobweaver: you're try to run Ubuntu TV on 12.04? [20:20] so I commented out lines of "if statement" (43-46 (daemon)) [20:20] I tried on 12.04 11.10 [20:20] 11.04 [20:20] right now I am on 12.04 [20:20] ok, the best results will be with 11.10 currently [20:21] it is either I can complie unity-2d and not get lens too work [20:21] or [20:21] I suggest posting to the mailing list as I won't be much help to you since I didn't write any of the demo code. [20:21] compile lens then unity 2d will not complie [20:22] I have tried almost all the branches that dont help [20:23] the trouble is that the lens will not connect to daemon or vise versea I keep reading this line [20:23] # The primary bus name we grab *must* match what we specify in our .lens file [20:24] where is this .lens file @o [20:24] not sure [20:24] my xbcd set awesome and correct [20:25] ok, you do realize that Ubuntu TV is only a demo at this point, right? [20:25] 12.04 ships with a unity-lens-video installed [20:25] yup [20:25] wrong lens ^^ [20:25] but not the tv stuff [20:26] bobweaver: you literally followed these steps, one by one, on 11.10? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Contributing [20:26] right, but I don't think any of the video stuff has really been hammered out for the tv lenses [20:26] Yes ^^ [20:26] on a fresh installation in a VM? [20:26] yes and also on metal [20:27] you shouldn't have any issues then if you followed those steps [20:27] it is the com.cacincal part [20:27] jhodapp, last time I followed those steps, I reported they were broken and popey told me those were completely wrong [20:27] the daemon can not connect to it and the make file fails [20:27] tgm4883: I've followed them twice now and succeeded [20:27] in the unity-lens-video/ [20:28] * tgm4883 shrugs [20:28] * popey wakes up [20:28] lol [20:28] i dont recall telling you they were wrong [20:29] bobweaver: your best bet is to ask your question on the mailing list [20:29] popey, I thought it was you. If not, I blame you anyway because you are British [20:30] of course [20:30] no, blame canada [20:30] you mean America's hat? [20:30] top hat [20:30] jhodapp, isn't it shaped more like a sombrero? [20:31] they still have the same head of state, officially [20:31] tgm4883: or maybe like a chef's hat! [20:31] jhodapp, a chef's hat for a chef that only cooks with maple syrup [20:31] ha! [20:31] lol [20:32] It's amazing any cooking gets done with all of the hockey games to attend [20:32] they also have curling, and we don't [20:33] DonkeyHotei, I don't see the down side of that [20:34] hockey may be their national sport, but it's also as universal as basketball [20:35] ok I am going to try this because I have followed the instructions 20 times and they do not work so I am going to install lens 1st then unity2-d and see if I can get away with it thanks for your time [20:35] bobweaver: sure, np...the man you want to ask is Saviq [20:36] yeah I am using his branch on 12.04 virt [20:36] ok, I had troubles with that branch [20:36] complied nice for me [20:36] * popey floats off again [20:36] later popey! [20:37] bobweaver: we seem to have opposite results :) [20:37] lol [20:44] if you look on my youtube channel you can see that I can get one or the other but not both at the same time. with lens & no unity 2d http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q1rWMnXTYw&feature=g-upl and here it is with both you can see then lens fail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AQf56vFNj4&feature=relmfu [20:46] bobweaver, hey, sorry just got the ping from xchat, can I help you somehow? what's the issue? [20:47] Hi there Saviq it is nice too meet you [20:47] hey [20:47] so I can not get lens daemon to work or install correctly for that matter [20:47] bobweaver, 11.10? not sure it'll work on 12.04 [20:47] know for a fact it works on 11.10 ;) [20:48] well it is either one or the other ) [20:48] trying to watch your videos but youtube errors out when I try to increase quality [20:48] tried both 11.10 .12.04 and .1104 [20:48] meaning? [20:48] no, 11.10 [20:48] that's your targe [20:48] t [20:48] cool I am reinstalling right now [20:48] 11.10 that is [20:49] 32 bit from Canonical the cd is [20:49] eh? what's "start-ubuntutv"? are you using the PPA? [20:49] nope that was script I wrote [20:50] like to stop all 2d stuff and too metacity & and then ./ubuntutv/shell/app/unity-2d blah blah [20:50] bobweaver, you should be able to run the video lens just fine with stocj unity [20:50] stock [20:51] yes sir on 12.04 [20:51] not on 12.04 [20:51] in virtual box [20:51] the video lens as shipped with 12.04 is something completely different [20:51] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q1rWMnXTYw&feature=g-upl <~~ 12.04 [20:51] I know I reved tha lens [20:51] ok got it [20:52] stock lens of unity-lens-video I purged and removed 1st [20:52] so that did work [20:52] yea but 2d would not complie [20:52] no, not on 12.04 [20:53] Saviq, 2d compiles great with your branch for me at least [20:53] 12.04 ^^ [20:53] but lens dont work :( [20:53] bobweaver, the merge_something branch? [20:53] bobweaver, that's not complete [20:53] let me find it was last branch pushed ther e [20:54] that's only a merge of current unity-2d into ubuntutv, but there's so much changed that stuff doesn't work as expected / designed [20:54] it wasn't fixed properly [20:54] so just go with 11.10 and lp:ubuntutv [20:55] ahh thanks will do for the next one that I am going to run [20:55] https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/ubuntutv/precise_merge yeah that's not ready [20:55] that i used for 12.04 [20:55] so the lens is actually probably working [20:55] but the shell does not work as supposed to [20:55] nope [20:55] what is .lens file ? [20:55] it's just a manifest for the lens [20:56] anyway, don't waste your time on 12.04 [20:56] that is where error is [20:56] yeah, APIs changed probably [20:56] between that and daemon [20:56] com.canicaol blah blah blah shoots errors [20:57] in virtualbox you'll need to install virtualbox-guest-additions, disable opengl (`gsettings set com.canonical.Unity2d use-opengl false`) and set the form factor (`gsettings set com.canonical.Unity2d form-factor tv`) [20:57] and disable OpenGL in virtualbox settings [20:57] Thanks a ton ^^ [20:57] on metal ERROR [20:57] joseph@joseph:/usr/libexec$ ./unity-video-daemon [20:57] Failed to own name com.canonical.Unity.Lens.Video. Bailing out. [20:58] I see the ifstatment that is making that happen [20:58] that means the other lens is actually working [20:58] you can check with d-feet [20:58] `ps aux | grep lens` ? [20:58] sure [21:00] $ ps aux | grep [u]nity-[l]ens- |awk '{print $11}' [21:00] /usr/lib/unity-lens-applications/unity-applications-daemon [21:00] /usr/bin/python [21:00] /usr/lib/unity-lens-music/unity-music-daemon [21:00] /usr/lib/unity-lens-files/unity-files-daemon [21:00] /usr/lib/unity-lens-music/unity-musicstore-daemon [21:02] the daemon can not start because of the api (i think) the address or something like that [21:03] no such file's /com/canonical/unity/lens/video error [21:04] from this line lens = Unity.Lens.new ("/com/canonical/unity/lens/video", "video") [21:05] on metal 12.04 picture http://imagebin.org/212771 [21:06] I have also refreshed it like 12 times lot's of bbc info :) [21:09] It is like the MAKE.am file is not getting all the info that it needs and causeing it not to build all the way IE gets to Helper Scripts and stops right after create_tmb.sh [21:11] anyho thanks a ton I am starting fresh again. Is the idea to make python scripts that connect to xbcd ? and use xbcd and ubuntu tv as one ? [21:42] S|mbcd|xbmc [21:42] er