
jyojtatum: Yeah. Caught him on Gchat yesterday. Email him?00:57
philipballewslightly funny ^00:59
philipballewTime for some more Mineral Water!01:58
=== greg-g is now known as NinetiesLinuxUse
=== NinetiesLinuxUse is now known as greg-g
philipballewThird Mineral water today!04:47
greg-gI should get something good to drink, I've only had 2 beers since lunch time05:04
=== scientes_ is now known as scientes
=== wiretapp1d is now known as wiretapped
philipballewbkerensa, so were you givin any information about these hp cloud servers they gave you?06:37
epikvisionhey guy06:54
philipballewepikvision, hello!06:54
epikvisionhey philipballew06:55
epikvisiongrantbow, are you present?06:55
philipballewso if you want to install linux desktops in school there are many benifits, but you just have to convince the admins to see them06:55
philipballewepikvision, I assume people are gone as its midnight06:55
epikvisioni should've brought this up earlier06:56
philipballewI said ask him, because he gave the talk you saw at uds. however he is not here now most likely06:56
pleia2philipballew: I don't know context in this case, but it's not just about "the admins"06:58
philipballewwhy the rush?06:58
philipballewhaha, well good luck dude06:58
pleia2there are a lot of funding, district-level stuff and other complications in public schools which are pretty much impossible to get around06:58
philipballewyeah epikvision06:59
pleia2partimus only works in public charter schools06:59
epikvisioncharter schools, ahh06:59
pleia2we're in the library of one unified school district school, but they literally sneak us in the back door06:59
philipballewthats true06:59
pleia2I spoke to several people at SCALE who were putting linux in schools, their experiences mirrored that of Partimus - even people who have worked for public schools07:00
philipballewprobably in the middle of the night and you wear all black07:00
pleia2they all either moved to charter schools, or only target charter schools (like we do), to succeed07:00
epikvisionpleia2: can you tell me about Partimus?07:01
epikvisionwhat is it exactly07:01
pleia2it's a non-profit which takes in hardware donations and coordinates volunteers to take the hardware donations and build and maintain labs in a few bay area schools07:01
philipballewyeah, linux is not established on the desktop07:01
pleia2philipballew: it's more complicated than that :(07:02
pleia2there are funding things tied to technology (they need to spend their tech budget or they lose it), approvals for software, requirements for software and what needs to be supported07:02
philipballewI know pleia2 . I was just trying to simplify it down. Its near impossible to do so.07:02
epikvisionbut at least i'm getting it07:02
pleia2even if it was established on the desktop it would be a hard sell (it took a decade or longer for Windows to make it in to schools after Apple took over, in some schools Apple still dominates)07:03
pleia2once Windows was a success in the consumer market07:03
epikvisionnow, it's a hag in the school market07:04
pleia2well, they are making progress again with the ipads in schools (shudder)07:04
epikvisionoh my07:04
pleia2did you see bug 1000000? :)07:05
epikvisiondoes ubuntu have its own gradepro softwre?07:05
philipballewwindows desktops are used 100 at my school, yet about 70 percent of students use osx07:05
philipballewI thiught that was a good bug pleia207:05
epikvisiongrade inputting app07:05
epikvisionapplication for teachers07:06
pleia2there is very little consumer-level software released for linux07:06
pleia2there may be some you can get working on ubuntu, particularly if it's web-based07:06
philipballewweve seen that lately07:07
epikvisionsounds nice07:07
scientesphilipballew, "70 percent of students use osx"07:07
pleia2yeah, the partimus schools all use a lot of web software, so we need to make sure their java and flash packages work well07:07
scientesrich kid school?07:07
scientespleia2, i havn't used java for years07:08
pleia2scientes: neither have I, but a lot of web-based games and educational tools still do (we're talking elementary to middle)07:08
scienteswell, scratch that, usgs has a "earth now" applet that is pretty cool--live streams of landsats---but that works fine with the openjdk applet07:08
pleia2I don't have it installed anywhere07:08
epikvisionmaybe, I'm too ambitious.07:09
scientespleia2, http://earthnow.usgs.gov/07:09
epikvisionbut i don't think it hurts to give it a shot07:09
pleia2epikvision: what are you trying to do?07:09
scientesanyways i'm going to go to sleep, pleia2 where is this edu project mailing list?07:09
pleia2scientes: for partimus? or ubuntu in education in general? or edubuntu dev?07:10
scientespartimus i believe07:10
philipballewscientes, around there. might be 60. It definitely is. I have a scholership so I hang out with rich OC kids all day. Really interesting to see the socio-political differences between a rich socal kid and a poor norcal kid07:10
epikvisionpleia2: i'm planning to raise school attention to make Linux the main os07:10
epikvisionxp has been around too long.07:10
pleia2epikvision: ah, awareness is always good :)07:11
scientesepikvision, except that vista, and vista 7  suck07:11
pleia2if you make progress in a california public school I'd be interested to hear about it07:11
epikvisionI'm pretty revved u07:11
philipballewSpread the loco epikvision !07:11
philipballewa ubuntu high?07:12
* epikvision nods in earnest07:12
epikvisionsleep deprivation won't stop me now!  woot07:12
* epikvision was just kidding07:12
philipballewthat speach my jono at uds really reved you up at the end?07:12
epikvisionit was magnifique07:12
* philipballew wore jono's shirt yesterday07:13
pleia2me too actually (to a balug meeting)07:13
* epikvision feels jealous07:13
pleia2I hope you washed it first :)07:13
philipballewWhy would I wash it?07:13
epikvisionpleia2: before I leave, can you suggest some good arguments to present?07:14
epikvisionabout adopting open source?07:14
philipballewYeah, Made sure to make it not smell like  old spice07:14
pleia2epikvision: don't talk about cost, it doesn't matter07:14
pleia2epikvision: talk about freedom in the sense of open data and the free availability of the source code to make changes to the software without paying huge expensive fees to a vendor who locks you in07:15
philipballewpeople dont really care about open source, only that it works07:15
epikvisiongotcha, i need to fill up some gaps.07:15
scientesand teaching kids to be self-suficient07:15
scientescause only with free software can they learn about the system07:15
pleia2philipballew: vendor lock-in is a serious problem :(07:15
philipballewpleia2, How so?07:16
epikvisionwhat's vendor lockin07:16
pleia2schools, companies, government organizations, everyone gets locked into a format and all their data is trapped, they have to keep paying the vendor forever07:16
philipballewI see many people happly buy the software and love the propitery companies?07:16
scientesphilipballew, open your eyes, half of your technical problems are caused by market pie cutting for mega-conglomerates07:16
pleia2if the vendor goes out of business, they're in trouble, if they want to leave, they pay mega expensive migration costs07:16
scientesepikvision, vendor treadmill07:17
pleia2with open source at least you have the option of figuring out how your data went in, so if there is no easy export tool you can typically get it out without too much trouble07:17
pleia2still may not be cheap, but at least you're not at the mercy of a black box vendor holding you hostage07:17
philipballewI know scientes I just dont always think others see i.07:17
philipballewmy college I go to has to have windows 2000 servers running still that controll the locks for the doors07:17
scienteswtf there is a ubuntu icon character!!!!07:19
pleia2epikvision: even if you don't succeed, getting people to start thinking about these things, or remembering pains in the past (I assure you many have had trouble with vendor lock in), they may be more open in the future07:19
philipballewi agree that cost is not an issue, people always bring up that point, but its not that big of a deal to get a giant reuseable windows licance key07:19
scientesphilipballew, and the first thing microsoft does is offer them a DRASTICALLY reduced license to keep ppl from switching07:20
pleia2philipballew: schools tend to get pretty deep discounts from microsoft07:20
philipballewI have one for work that I never use07:20
* epikvision chuckles07:20
epikvisionwhy not just install ubuntu there as well?07:20
scientesBill Gates: "Although about three million computers get sold every year in China, people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though. And as long as they're going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade. "07:21
pleia2epikvision: you're local to the bay area, right?07:21
pleia2how'd you get to UDS? :)07:21
philipballewi get free coppies if I want as I am a computer informations student07:21
epikvisionI live in Los Angeles07:22
epikvisionXD my dad was really nice to bring me there07:22
pleia2your dad rocks :)07:22
philipballewhi five for dad07:22
scientesphilipballew, I get free copies of Ubuntu , on nice pressed CDs, at UDS :))07:22
epikvisionthanks!  And I sacrificed ap week to check out the Ubuntu community07:22
epikvisionnow, from my dormancy, I arose with newfound purpose.07:22
pleia2epikvision: might want to check out http://www.komputers4rkids.com/07:22
philipballewscientes, as did I. I took like 50 of them!07:23
pleia2epikvision: if you get even a single teacher interested who can put a computer in their classroom, k4rk can probably hook you up07:23
philipballewepikvision, you know dave (iheartubuntu) has a small buissness he runs where he installs ubuntu on desktops07:23
epikvisionfunny, I don't see him at ubuntu hour at pasadena often07:24
pleia2he's been mega busy lately :\07:24
philipballewI think so, he used to. he has a lot of small business that he actually never does anything with but still owns them07:24
philipballewI talked stalks with him for a good hour today07:25
philipballewpleia2, He was able to run those open weel sessions though07:26
pleia2yeah, can do those from home :)07:26
pleia2he wasn't able to make it out to scale this year, was sad07:27
philipballewtrue. i was hoping to see him as uds. but only richard came07:27
pleia2and he was only around for a couple days07:27
philipballewI was sad I wanted to see him there07:27
philipballewyeah, had to go back to la. hes a professional dev for his own small company07:28
* pleia2 nods07:28
philipballewhe is going to be working this year writting docs for peoople porting apps to ubuntu iirc07:28
pleia2yeah, and trying to get app dev stuff out to the broader programming communities07:28
pleia2we're very good at talking to our choir ;)07:29
philipballewexactly. the problem is that the people who write the app portal only know ubuntu, so windows devs have a hard time coming to join.07:29
epikvisionwe need people with the best of both worlds, huh07:30
philipballewim a horrible programmer07:30
scientesas are most windows programmers ;)07:30
philipballewthe only thing I have close to a windows install around me is a reactos vm07:31
scientesI guess they help wine07:32
philipballewmaybe that counts07:32
philipballewits open source07:33
philipballewscientes, whats wrong with reactos?07:34
pleia2it's kind of a joke ;)07:36
pleia2even if it ran well, it can never be a serious OS, Microsoft would shut them down (and be well within their intellectual property rights to do so)07:37
epikvisionpleia2: thanks very much for helping me out07:39
epikvisioni've teamed up with another senior from my school who's into this cause as well07:40
scientespleia2, "IP" as a word only causes confusion07:40
pleia2you're welcome :) feel free to nudge if you have other questions, particularly about the technologies we use and such, I'm happy to help07:40
epikvisionpleia2: alright, have a good night!  tomorrow's the last day of standard testing.07:42
epikvisionyou too scientes07:43
pleia2epikvision: night, good luck!07:43
* pleia2 sleep &07:48
scientessleep[1]: terminated07:53
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
jyojtatum: ping22:41
jtatumhi jyo22:58

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