
=== Resistance is now known as LordOfTime
InHisNamedoes your Tardis look like an English Police Box ?03:36
rmg51Morning JonathanD09:28
JonathanDHey rmg5109:28
JonathanDHey InHisName09:31
InHisNameHi there, JonathanD09:31
JonathanDWhats up?09:32
InHisNameThe sky09:43
InHisNameand real soon, the sun09:43
JonathanDYes it is.09:43
JonathanDit looks sort of sunish now.09:43
JonathanDGoin for a run.09:44
JonathanDInHisName: give a talk at fosscon.09:45
JonathanDMorning cosmicpizza10:15
cosmicpizzamornin' all10:15
JonathanDWhats new?10:20
cosmicpizzaa new prez10:20
cosmicpizzaand you'll have new one too i think10:21
cosmicpizzaa new one10:21
JonathanDSounds good.10:23
InHisNameis fosscon this week?   am I able to join online and listen?12:32
JonathanDits aug 1112:33
InHisNameOh, I thought you meant you were giving a talk today.  Still a couple of months to prepare.12:37
JonathanDno, I want you to give a talk ;)12:50
teddy-dbearJonathanD: is so desperate for speakers I'm just waiting for him to ask me 8-)13:08
JonathanDteddy-dbear: speak at fosscon.13:12
JonathanDteddy-dbear: I'm proactive, not desperate :)13:13
teddy-dbearnot yet ;-)13:17
JonathanDWe have a good number coming in already, imo.13:18
JonathanDmaybe half a dozen right now, including keynote, and we haven't sent the call yet. Hopefully doing that today :)13:19
JonathanDjedijf: know what we need?13:20
JonathanDnm, other channel.13:20
InHisNametalking about what's up:  the sky and the sun    --- is WAY too dull of a subject to stick people with that I wont do that, JonathanD13:22
JonathanDInHisName: you can do the ubuntu installfest.13:23
InHisNamebesides its not related enough to linux subject.13:23
MutantTurkeyyess goodness15:25
MutantTurkeyX11 networking is great15:25
MutantTurkeysitting here with my Mac, using the mac monitor, with my lappy next to me, using my lappy over x1115:25
MutantTurkeyi don't want to fud wayland, but it's a killer feature15:26
JonathanDMutantTurkey: so, in other words, you would like to give a talk on it at fosscon.15:26
MutantTurkeywhen's that?15:26
JonathanDaug 1115:27
MutantTurkeythe one day i go to the beach....15:27
MutantTurkey"The facility is not handicap accessible"15:27
JonathanDskip beach15:27
MutantTurkeyit's two weeks15:28
JonathanDthats wrong actually, it is now15:28
MutantTurkeyI leave the 7th or something15:28
MutantTurkeyyou'll have to go all lame man on me and drop me through the ceiling15:28
MutantTurkeywaltman: I upgraded my machine from the old G5 macs to this new hot thang15:28
waltmanMutantTurkey: You know, plug is looking for speakers too :)15:30
MutantTurkeyI wouldn't even know what to speak  about15:30
MutantTurkey"the effects of systematic repression and psychological warfare"15:30
waltmansounds great to me :)15:31
MutantTurkeyhow do you change your X cursor?15:33
InHisNametrade your "X" key cap with the "Y" key cap15:34

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