
MarkDudeDoes anyone object to me responding to the doctoral student about *Looking for interviewees: Women in Free and Open Source  Development*? Im not sure there are any volunteers for the *unicorn interview* .Of course I would not be speaking for UW, and would only be offering my personal opinion16:06
pleia2meeting in 10 minutes :)17:50
meetingologyMeeting started Thu May 17 18:00:33 2012 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:00
pleia2who all is here for the meeting? :)18:00
pleia2#link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/Agenda18:01
pleia2#topic Quantal Blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-q-ubuntu-women-project-goals18:01
pleia2I think we may just breeze through this one since I haven't had a chance to update it yet, and instead just go on to what was discussed at UDS (since that will flesh out this blueprint)18:02
pleia2so that's where we will add our action items for the cycle once we're talked about them now :)18:02
pleia2#topic Discuss UDS and action items18:03
macowow i have good timing18:03
pleia2I've uploaded notes from our session here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/uds-q/4-community-q-ubuntu-women-project-goals18:03
Cheri703added career days to agenda18:03
pleia2Cheri703: need us to talk about that now?18:04
pleia2(I know you have a tight schedule today)18:04
Cheri703no, I have ~30ish minutes18:04
pleia2#link http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/uds-q/4-community-q-ubuntu-women-project-goals18:04
pleia2so this has a bunch of action items at the bottom that we will move to the blueprint18:04
pleia2too many of those have "lyz" on them :)18:05
Cheri703I can help with the search result research, with some parameters on what we're looking for/how to document18:06
pleia2Cheri703: great!18:06
pleia2#action Cheri703 to take  Look into visibility online (how high in search results for terms like "Ubuntu")18:07
meetingologyACTION: Cheri703 to take  Look into visibility online (how high in search results for terms like "Ubuntu")18:07
Cheri703now that google gives "custom" results, it is hard to gauge18:07
pleia2in addition to those tasks, we also need someone to take on leading up the redevelopment of the wordpress blog18:08
akkDo custom results differ much if you use a clean profile, or disallow cookies?18:08
pleia2akk: yeah, they are also location based18:08
Cheri703not sure akk, I'll play with it18:08
akksigh, google18:08
Cheri703I'd also be happy to work with others on the "promoting the project" task18:09
pleia2search results were just an example, we're looking for general visibility everywhere18:09
pleia2edubuntu.org now links to us :) yay them!18:09
AlanBellI am happy to assist someone else on whatever the Ada Lovelace thing turns out to be18:10
pleia2so http://findingada.com/ is going to be on October 16th this year18:10
pleia2thanks AlanBell, we do need a primary on this though if we want to do another competition or something18:11
pleia2last year we did the Month of Making: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/AdaLovelace18:11
pleia2we've also done in the past stories and photo competitions: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/InternationalWomensDay http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay18:12
pleia2we can follow up on this closer to the date I guess :)18:13
pleia2anyone else see anything on the tasks they may be able to contribute to?18:13
pleia2or questions about any of them?18:14
macoas to mentoring, while i'm not doing ubuntu dev anymore, i still remember how it goes, so if anyone wants to try it and you'd like your patches/packages to have a once-over before you send them to be sponsored, i'm happy to help18:15
pleia2maco: you rock :)18:16
MarkDude\o late for meeting18:16
pleia2the mentoring discussion was interesting at UDS18:16
pleia2last cycle akgraner did some research into a couple styles of mentoring, what we do today (more casual people ask questions and mentors are somewhat self-selected and help out as needed) vs matching people up on tables18:17
macoelky was asking me to once-over her patch and explain the SRU process last week, but nobody else in the group has poked me (including someone who says they want to get back into it *side-eyes pleia2*) so figured i'd put that out there18:18
pleia2she discovered the latter didn't work great, and certainly pans out based on our experience, I don't think anyone in the history of the project has found a mentor by adding themselves or picking someone from a table on our wiki :)18:18
pleia2maco: so much to do, so little time :)18:18
pleia2at our discussion at UDS, paulproteus mentioned a third type of mentoring: very specific projects put out there that people can volunteer to help with18:19
* paulproteus waves18:19
pleia2so "I have this task, and will mentor anyone who wants to do it"18:19
pleia2hi there :)18:19
paulproteusUh oh, I may be held accountable for my words18:19
* paulproteus hides18:19
pleia2this seems like a good direction for our mentoring program to go18:19
pleia2while at UDS, I was in an accessibility session where they said they needed more able folks to test accessibility features, so I think that would be a great place for us to start with this18:20
* pleia2 has an action item from them to create a page on our wiki :)18:20
pleia2so I figure we start there to get this rolling18:21
pleia2that's pretty much all I've got as far as UDS and our plans go18:22
pleia2my name is still next to a bunch of tasks, but I'll reach out to the list too with more details on items to see if I can muster further interest18:22
paulproteusOpenHatch would appreciate if you call your specific-task mentorship events "Starling Bounties" <https://openhatch.org/wiki/Starling>18:22
paulproteusThat way, the world can search the web for [starling bounty] in the future and find examples of this outreach strategy across a few projects18:23
pleia2paulproteus: once I have a draft page I'll be in touch to review18:24
paulproteus(thumbs up)18:24
paulproteusBTW, maco, and all others in the channel: you do in fact rock18:24
pleia2ok, anyone feel free to follow up with me after the meeting if you have any questions about anything from UDS18:25
pleia2#topic Career Days18:25
pleia2Cheri703: all yours!18:25
Cheri703So last month we had an awesome session by Emma Marshall (system76chick), and we need more volunteers!18:26
Cheri703I'm pretty much always looking for people, so definitely feel free to toss your name in the hat! Also, we had a successful mid-week session, so various times/days are possible, we can work around your schedule!18:26
pleia2Cheri703: I got at least one name at UDS, I'll forward over her contact details so you can follow-up18:27
Cheri703Men and Women are welcome to present a session as well, just as reference18:27
pleia2thanks Cheri70318:29
Cheri703ok, if no one has any questions/thoughts on it, I have about 10 minutes before I'm out the door for work, I'll check back in, but I have to get ready!18:29
pleia2#topic Comments, questions, anything else?18:29
pleia2(in general, before we wrap up the meeting)18:30
macoIt's that time of year again when I remind everyone in the Eastern / Mid-Western US that Ohio LinuxFest's call for proposals is open18:30
macoWendy Seltzer is keynoting. She's an awesome tech-lawyer18:30
macoand the Diversity in Open Source workshop is happening again this year18:30
pleia2thanks maco18:32
pleia2anything else, anyone?18:32
pleia2ok, thanks everyone :)18:35
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu May 17 18:35:46 2012 UTC.18:35
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2012/ubuntu-women-project.2012-05-17-18.00.moin.txt18:35
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-women-project/2012/ubuntu-women-project.2012-05-17-18.00.html18:35
Deindrethanks pleia2 :)18:39
elkymaco, it's in -proposed now btw :D21:15
macoelky: i saw21:15
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