
DarwinSurvivort-mart: for easier resizing, hold Alt and drag with the middle-mouse-button :)00:00
ClientAliveI don't have a system settings - I'm running minimal, so cli and editing files is my only options I think00:00
ClientAliveI have awesome window manager on there but even it is something that one configures with files (lua is what it uses)00:01
aot2002I just loaded ubuntu 12.04 on my T410 lenovo but I have no mouse / trackpad. I tried plugging in a external mouse but that didn't work either. Any ideas what else I can do?00:02
DarwinSurvivorClientAlive: if you are running minimal then suspend and hibernate should never happen automatically (unless you install the gnome power manager or something00:02
phunyguywhat is the easiest way to burn a .dmg image to DVD that is bootable in Ubuntu?00:02
ClientAliveahh. I see. I saw something called xscreensaver while googling. I do have xorg and xdm...   ?00:02
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: first the simple stuff: Have you tried toggling ALL the Fn+etc combos for mice? Some lenovo systems actually have *2* mouse-disable hotkeys00:03
ClientAlivemaybe something like: "dpkg list | grep xscreensaver" would tell me if it's installed - is my command right tho?00:03
phunyguyor is it possible to make a bootable USB out of a .dmg00:03
aot2002Wait 2 mouse disable keys?00:03
n1ckn4me09876543hey, do I need firewall in linux like with ubuntu to keep unauthorized access to my pc? I'm mainly talking about home/public network, or will I know it if someone is trying to break into my ubuntu00:03
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: look up your model in http://www.thinkwiki.org/ I found this VERY, VERY informative when installing on my x22000:03
DarwinSurvivorClientAlive: yes, that should find it, but with minimal unless YOU installed it, it shouldn't be there :)00:04
DarwinSurvivorphunyguy: .dmg as in an Apple installer or .img as in a CD/USB image?00:05
phunyguy.dmg as an apple installer00:05
ClientAliveok. In that case, what would you look into next to isolate the source of the problem?00:05
phunyguyapple image anyway00:05
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: rare, but I do believe a couple models have it (one for touchpad, one for nib or something)00:05
bobweaverHello there fellow ubuntu'ers  Hope that you are having a wonderful night/day/whatever. I am looking for template's for Impress that are Ubuntu based or Canonical based any idea where to find. Or should I just make my own ? Thanks for your time. :)00:05
wawowen1ckn4me09876543: no00:05
ClientAlivethe awesome wm? But I though window managers had nothing to do with power saving or screen savers00:06
phunyguyhahaha, nice nickname, any relation to apple?00:06
aot2002Yes I don't see t410 with ubuntu 12.04 but I see ubuntu says all hardware is certified properly. I also noticed wifi is not working.00:06
t-martn1ckn4me09876543, are you behind a router? and if so, do you not trust your family?00:06
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: did you test the hardware with the pre-installed OS to rule out defective hardware?00:07
phunyguyaot2002: check your wireless switch on the side of the laptop00:07
aot2002Yes been working fine for over a year.00:07
phunyguy<--- t420 here00:07
aot2002Wifi is on00:07
DarwinSurvivorphunyguy: .dmg files are NOT bootable iso's. They are basically a glorified .zip file with some install instructions (sort of like a .deb actually). What is your objective with the .dmg file?00:08
aot2002I did install from a usb stick but maybe I need to try alternatives like redownloading.. I find it strange it would just not work.00:08
phunyguyaot2002: press function f500:08
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: did they work when using the live-USB session?00:08
ClientAliveI think it just did that crap to me again - I messes up my install00:09
n1ckn4me09876543wawowe: no..what?   t-mart: yes I'm behind a router. I'm new to linux and still trying to understand it, I normally use Comodo Firewall in windows and have it set to Paranoid Mode which tells me any connection going in and out my pc.00:09
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: yes, lenovo actually has TWO wireless enable functions. one is a switch, the other is Fn+F5 like phunyguy said00:09
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phunyguy<--- win  :)00:09
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krababbeln1ckn4me09876543: no, you don't need one if you trust everyone behind the router00:09
aot2002Yup both are enabled... Also dmesg does not report a mouse00:09
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: can you pastebin "lspci"?00:10
aot2002DarwinSurvivor: Since it's not on the net it's going to be a very rough time to get the output to pastebin.00:10
aot2002Also no mouse00:10
aot2002What are you looking for in lspci I can help find it.00:10
ooldirtyoh dear sweet jaysus.  this is like being at work.00:11
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: can you transport stuff via usb?00:11
aot2002Gigbit network connection from intel does show up00:11
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: any mention of the mouse or wireless card00:11
t-martn1ckn4me09876543, unless you're running a server of some kind which has been "port forwarded" to the external Internet, than I wouldn't worry. Let's get at a more important question though: have you ever found anyone breaking into your computer with that Windows firewall?00:11
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: ok, try using wired for the pastebin stuff00:11
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aot2002Okay I see 6200 N for intel wifi so it sees it00:12
phunyguyDarwinSurvivor: FYI, my lspci shows no mouse or keyboard00:12
phunyguynor does lsusb00:12
aot2002lsusb shows the mouse I have plugged into the computer00:13
aot2002If I can get the mouse working then I can at least use wired to continue to debug.00:13
DarwinSurvivorphunyguy: mice and keyboards typically don't show up. they are normally actually usb devices (internal usb) and should show up in lsusb00:13
DarwinSurvivorphunyguy: oops, missed your next comment :(00:13
phunyguyi would imagine the hardware is similar between our laptops, mine is a t420, just 1 year newer00:13
phunyguy410 was last years00:14
DarwinSurvivorphunyguy: actually, they don't show up in my lsusb either (lenovo x220), so that test probably means nothing00:14
aot2002It does show up on my machine00:14
phunyguybuncha lenovo lovers here00:14
phunyguyim a t420s actually.  the slim one00:14
aot2002Any other idea's?00:14
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phunyguyyou said no keyboard either?00:15
aot2002Keyboard works fine00:15
hbx_cant wait for the new AMD fusion a10 chips to come out00:15
phunyguyoh.. touchpad?00:15
aot2002I'm at a terminal and able to type00:15
aot2002Yup touchpad or track pointer both don't work. An external usb mouse doesn't work either. It's like the entire mouse is disabled.00:15
phunyguyUSB root hub seems to not be working00:16
phunyguybut you said wifi is dead too00:16
aot2002Yes wifi dead too00:16
phunyguywhich narrows it down to PCI bus00:16
n1ckn4me09876543t-mart, yea.. like home ip address like is me  i see something pops up like  or something like that,00:16
phunyguysomething really wonky going on with your laptop00:16
aot2002I wonder if the installation I used from this usb stick is crapped out?00:17
phunyguyit could be... try to recreate it...00:17
SeaPhorno. some lappys have a touchpad disable key/fn-key/or button00:17
phunyguymaybe try to redownload the iso, or make it with another method00:17
phunyguyunetbootn works well00:17
phunyguydont have to download the iso with it00:17
phunyguyyou just tell it you want it to make a USB stick with Ubuntu 12.04 on it00:17
t-martn1ckn4me09876543, everything* in 192.168.x.x is safe. it refers to other computers on your LAN.00:18
leto_anyone have a lenovo x1? how is it with ubuntu?00:19
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n1ckn4me09876543t-mart: yes, but when it tries to get into my computer doesnt it mean they trying to connect to mine?00:19
phunyguyn1ckn4me09876543: thta is acceptable00:19
DarwinSurvivoraot2002: if you reboot from the usb stick, chose the "Check disk for defects" that will tell you if the usb is bad00:20
phunyguycomputers do that..  like discovery.00:20
phunyguygood call.00:20
n1ckn4me09876543phunyguy: hmm ok00:20
t-martn1ckn4me09876543, not maliciously. it's likely network discovery chatter...other computers just trying to figure out what the network looks like00:20
OerHeksleto_, lenovo x1 is certified >> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201104-7945/00:20
dimholtHey guys. A new Linux user here who needs help formatting my drive. It doesn't work... Can someone help me?00:20
phunyguydimholt: need a specific error00:21
leto_oh, that's good, thanks OerHeks00:21
ActionParsnipdimholt: use gparted00:21
dimholtphunyguy: I've been following a guide using fdisk, creating partitions, filesystems etc, but when I reboot, the old table is still being read and my changes aren't made.00:22
escottdimholt, how big is the disk?00:22
dimholtActionParsnip: allright, I'll check that out =) Thanks.00:22
dimholtescott: it's 300gb.00:22
OerHeksleto_, awesome specs00:23
dimholtBeen following this guide: http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html00:23
leto_OerHeks: I'm looking at those new thinkpad x1 they just announced00:23
dimholtBut when I reboot, nothing has changed.00:24
Milos_SDis there a way to get my self a root access with rw on / partition in this new recovery console?00:24
escottdimholt, i'd certainly use the gui, or use "parted" instead of fdisk. if the computer is more or less brand new it might have gpt/uefi in which case fdisk is not the correct partitioning tool. you dont get any warnings messages from fdisk?00:24
escottMilos_SD, mount -o remount,rw /00:24
dimholtescott: Yeah, there was a warning, good you mentioned it. Problem is, everything fucked up when I tried to install new nVidia drivers. X broke completely. When I tried to fix it, I ended up with just a black screen with a blinking caret. Now running from bootUSB to reformat and redo everything.00:25
dimholtescott: one sec, I'll check the warning.00:26
psusidimholt, if you want to reinstall, then boot the installer... no need to use fdisk00:26
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Milos_SDescott, thanks ... now I can restore my /etc/group file, that I exidently messed up :D00:27
dimholtpsusi: thing is, the gui won't run, even from the boot disk. That's what's messed up. Seems everything is broken.00:27
Milos_SDand I don't have 64bit livecd/usb00:27
dimholtescott: error is "WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 22: Invalid argument. The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)"00:29
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escottdimholt, thats usually not a problem. just means you need to run the command partprobe to get the kernel to update the table, once you reboot the kernel will reread anyways00:29
dimholtescott: I figured, but it doesn't. I00:30
escottdimholt, so how old is the motherboard on this computer?00:30
dimholt'm trying to format the only HDD on the computer. It doesn't seem to be running the boot disk maybe. But I've done that many times and I know I'm doing it right.00:30
dimholtHmm, a few years.00:30
escottdimholt, that would likely rule out uefi (unless its a mac)00:31
dimholtOkay, don't know what uefi is =(00:31
dimholtI'ts not a Mac.00:31
dimholtGamin PC, few years old.00:31
dimholtAll I want to do is just erase everything and try again from the boot disk... If I can get the Ubuntu installer from the boot disk to work, then I can manage on my own.00:32
gr33n7007hdimholt, use dd00:34
escottdimholt, if the data on the disk can be trashed you could try a low level command to blow away the table. "dd bs=512 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1"00:34
dimholtJust "dd"?00:34
dimholtAight, I'll try that.00:34
escottdimholt, make sure /dev/sda is the correct device first00:35
dimholtYeah, it says "Device" on everything, makes me a bit confused.00:35
dimholtI have "/dev/sdb1"00:35
dimholtAnd I also have "/dev/sda1", "/dev/sda2" and "/dev/sda5"00:36
psusidimholt, what do you mean?  what happens when you boot the install disk?00:36
escottdimholt, sda is probably the internal hard drive and sdb is the probably the usb boot disk00:36
dimholtpsusi: Tbh, I'm not sure that it runs the boot disk, which confuses me a bit.00:36
dimholtI get the computer name as the user.00:37
psusidimholt, well you need to go into the bios and make sure it is set to boot from the install disk00:37
escottdimholt, are you removing the usb stick before trying to reboot?00:37
dimholtpsusi: Yeah, I'm sure I've got that right... Maybe I've accidentally formatted the boot disk?00:37
dimholtescott: no, it's there.00:38
psusidimholt, you have the bios set to boot from usb before the hard drive?00:38
dimholtIf it's not, I just get the black screen with the blinking caret, unable to type or anything.00:38
dimholtI've even deactivated the hard drive to test.00:38
psusidimholt, then rebuild the boot disk00:38
escottdimholt, when you say "boot disk" thats really confusing. the "boot disk" is whatever you boot from. it could be the internal hdd or the liveusb install device00:38
dimholtYeah, I better try that.00:38
dimholtOkay, sorry. I've been meaning the USB flash disk.00:39
dimholtI'll try rebuilding the USB booter.00:40
aot2002Phew new Live ubuntu 12 cd is working now.00:41
doktahcan someone help me with my ubuntu crashing?00:51
windbuntuwhat is the error message doktah ?00:52
doktahit just freezes... no error msg00:52
doktahusually in the screensaver00:52
windbuntuif you do not use the screensaver does it still crash?00:53
doktahit has00:53
doktahusually when moving windows00:53
dimholtescott: seems the bootable USB had been erased somehow. Maybe I did it myself accidentally =) Seems it's coming along now ^00:53
doktahdragging by the titlebar00:53
dimholtMany thanks for your help guys! Really appreciate it!00:53
escottdoktah, what kind of graphics card?00:54
windbuntuwhat hardware are you using doktah?00:54
L3topdoktah: what GPU?00:54
L3topdoktah: lspic -nn | grep VGA00:54
BentFranklinHow do I tell ubuntu server to look in, e.g.,  repo us.archive...main...i386_Packages?00:56
tyler_dL3top: you mean to say doktah: lspci -nn | grep -i vga00:56
L3topoops... doktah lspci -nn | grep VGA00:56
L3topyes tyler_d00:56
Icehawk78What's the standard practice for installing software that isn't manually (ie not via apt-get install) fin terms of "where to put the folder and the like?00:57
tyler_dIcehawk78: I stick with /opt00:57
doktah1:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RV670PRO [Radeon HD 3850] [1002:9505]00:57
t-martIcehawk78, well, are you building the software? i.e. ./configure, make, make install....00:58
BentFranklinIcehawk78: I use ~/Software00:58
escottIcehawk78, I follow the following set of rules (a) check for a ppa (b) use checkinstall (c) put it in /usr/local if it has a unix like structure of folders (d) put it in /opt if it is monolithic (Mathematica and the like)00:59
Germanaz0hello everybody00:59
windbuntudoktah have you tried using the open source driver instead of the ati driver?00:59
Germanaz0I have an error on the new ubuntu 12.0400:59
L3topdoktah: Which video driver are you using?00:59
Germanaz0ubuntu crash very often00:59
Germanaz0and don't know how to fix00:59
doktahhow would I go about that windbuntu?01:00
L3topThe fglrx driver wont work right on that card... so hopefully windbuntu01:00
L3topR*5|6|7 are not supported by the current driver.01:01
L3topdoktah: what driver are you currently using?01:01
doktahjust the ati one01:01
windbuntui know that on my system, ubuntu offered me a proprietay driver, but it would not work, so i left it as is and it works very nicely and i just checked and ubuntu 12.04 says i am using no proprietary drivers.01:02
wawoweGermanaz0: what's the error?01:02
Germanaz0don't know01:02
doktahnone of this was happening before I tried to use a TV as a secondary via the sviddy01:02
Germanaz0I cant read the problem01:02
Germanaz0it crash01:02
Germanaz0but for example, when I open software center01:03
Germanaz0it throws01:03
L3topdoktah: apt-cache policy fglrx01:03
BentFranklinHow do I add a repository to /var/lib/apt/lists?01:03
L3topWhat does the installed line say doktah? ( or you can just apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Installed  )01:04
doktah  Installed: (none)01:04
doktah  Candidate: 2:8.881-0ubuntu4.101:04
doktah  Version table:01:04
doktah     2:8.881-0ubuntu4.1 001:04
FloodBot1doktah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:04
doktah        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric-updates/restricted i386 Packages01:04
L3topok... then you are using the appropriate driver.01:05
doktahI figgered01:05
* L3top wouldn't expect much if anything to display on the proprietary one.01:06
HareyJI'm having a severe problem with 12.04 in graphical mode, I suspect it's the video drivers.  nvidia 8800m gts on my laptop.   The system just freezes after I login and toy around for about 60 seconds or so.  mouse will still move, but nothing else works, no keyboard, nothing.  Seen this error reported out on the net but I haven't seen any fixes for it yet.01:06
wawoweGermanaz0: download libapt-pkg4.12.deb and dpkg -i01:07
windbuntubefore 12.04, ubuntu would offer me a proprietayr ati driver and i always took it-now, since 12.04 when i try to install the ati driver it says a problem occured and i look and the ati driver is not installed? so i leave it as is and the stock ubuntu driver works good. i am not sure whats up with that but all my 12.04 computers are working good.01:08
HareyJoh, and 64 bit version too01:08
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L3topwindbuntu: it is the driver itself that changed, and the version offered in this release. They drop support like flies.01:08
HareyJI did try using 2d Unity, made zero difference, still locks up.01:09
wawoweHareyJ: does it lockup if you sit at the login manager?01:09
windbuntuvery possible ltop i have not researched it that far, as long as ubuntu comes thru i tend to let stuff like that go and report only what i cannot fix, i guess ultimately i prefer ti use the drivers ubuntu offers as stock drivers if at all possible.01:10
windbuntuthe 1st time i noticed this issue was on my asus laptop which uses the ati 5870 card, so i mentioned it when i saw doktak 's comment.01:11
HareyJwawowe:  Yes, it does in fact, the first time I turned it on it did that.01:11
wawoweHareyJ: can you ctrl+alt+f1 before it locks?01:11
HareyJwawowe: it takes somewhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to freeze up, not long enough for me to change the graphics driver.  Yes I can get to console, but I have to stay there, if I try to switch back after that time is up, it locks as before.01:12
wawoweHareyJ: switch to the console and do: tail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log > new01:13
HareyJwawowe: I was tailing the system logs, and did see something about the graphics driver at some point, but I haven't seriously used linux in ages so I'm at a loss here..01:13
wawoweHareyJ: then switch back and let it lockup then reboot01:13
wawoweHareyJ: are there any errors in the log?01:14
windbuntui am sure glad i am not a gamer01:14
L3topIf you were a gamer, you would have a different card.01:15
HareyJwawowe: Oh, I'm booted off the ubuntu 12.04 cd right now, I don't have a working stable OS on this laptop, sooo...   Yes, there was something about the graphics driver but I didn't fully catch it, an error it looked like... I'd have to reboot to the OS and install a console irc client to get you more01:15
windbuntuhaha maybe i would but i hear my 5870 is ok01:15
* Germanaz0 restarting pc01:16
windbuntuthis desktop doesnt even have a card in it01:16
L3topHareyJ: lspci -nn | grep VGA01:16
wawoweHareyJ: just mount your install01:16
L3topwas just joshin windbuntu01:16
HareyJit'll be a min, not used to this interface :)01:16
windbuntui have no clue l3top-never tried those type of games01:17
wawoweHareyJ: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt && cd /mnt/var/log01:17
HareyJL3top: VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation G92 [GeForce 8800M GTS] [10de:0609] (rev a2)01:17
wawoweHareyJ: if i had to guess what it was, i'd say lightdm01:19
L3topHareyJ: did you install the proprietary driver (nvidia-current) or are you using the default nouveau01:19
wawoweHareyJ: the login manager01:19
qubuntui connected my HP monitor to my Ubuntu laptop via VGA. but Ubuntu doesn't seem to detect my HP monitor as it's still on standby. how do i get Ubuntu to detect it?01:19
HareyJL3top: It was the nvidia one by default as far as I can tell, I didn't specifically install anything other than clicking "install 3d party software and drivers" at the install.01:19
L3topqubuntu: Have you used the fn + f key to change the output?01:20
L3topfn + f*01:20
krababbelHareyJ: then you need to insatll nvidia-current01:20
HareyJwhat's the default password for this cd booted version?01:20
qubuntuL3top i tried fn + f on the keyboard and that didn't do anything.01:20
L3topkrababbel: if HareyJ clickt install 3rd party then he has the nvidia-current01:20
HareyJkrababbel: I believe it said it was nvidia current, I could briefly get as far as that control panel01:20
krababbelI thought that was just mp301:21
L3topqubuntu: it isnt the f key, I mean whichever function key has the image of a monitor on it... fn + f4 on mine01:21
HareyJshoot, let me just reboot into it... I can irc from console, although it's been 10 years since I tried.  hopefully that won't hurt too much ;)01:22
wawoweHareyJ: does passwd ask you for the current password?01:22
HareyJhold, I'll be back in a minute.. I hope.01:22
wawoweHareyJ: apt-get install irssi01:22
HareyJand this is irc.freenode.com?  I hate this irc client.  can't find any real 'settings'.  it's too IMy.01:23
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LordOfTimeHareyJ:  irc.freenode.net01:23
HareyJgroovy, brb.01:23
krababbelharovali: chat.freenode.net01:23
qubuntul3top I just tried FN + monitor key (F7 on mine) but that didn't do anything. my monitor doesn't detect any signal.01:23
LordOfTimekrababbel:  tiny bit slow there :P  but irc.freenode.net and chat.freenode.net are synonymous01:24
L3topqubuntu: try it a couple of times, with some time between.01:24
L3topqubuntu: there are several configs possible01:24
wawowequbuntu: may have to add another screen in xorg.conf01:24
krababbelLordOfTime: ok, I just remembered it from their website, i use chat now, and it feels faster :)01:24
qubuntuthanks l3top it still doesn't work but i think i will restart my computer and see if that does anything.01:26
qubuntuwawowe i will look into that, thanks.01:26
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brett__how does wine work01:27
wawowebrett__: you type: wine windowsapp.exe01:27
BentFranklinOn Ubuntu Server 12.04, I edited sources.list, updated, and did apt-get install foo and it finds foo then stops with "Media change: please insert the disc labeled ...Pangolin... and press enter".  Why is that?01:29
hauxYou drink it, and you make bad decisions. That's how it works.01:29
wawoweBentFranklin: remove the "cd" source from sources.list01:30
bazhang!ot > haux01:30
ubottuhaux, please see my private message01:30
brett__i did and my screen flickered brought up blue screen and then said not found01:30
L3topBentFranklin: one of your sources.list is going to be file//cdrom or some such. Remove it. Or it can be unclicked from the update manager settings01:30
brett__funny haha01:30
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:30
BentFranklinL3top: wawowe: Thanks01:30
qubuntu!xorg.conf > qubuntu01:30
ubottuqubuntu, please see my private message01:31
wawowebrett__: if something wasn't found it was probably a dll, you'll have to download those when they're needed01:31
brett__im starting to get annoyed with ubuntu everything seems complicated its hard to get answers01:32
proxinixHow can I help you brett__01:32
bazhang!manual | brett__ have a read01:32
ubottubrett__ have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:32
bazhang!rute | brett__ and here01:32
ubottubrett__ and here: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:32
bazhangbrett__, another help forum for ubuntu is askubuntu.com01:33
wawowebrett__: if you want windows, use it. wine is an emulator and when things don't work you just have to live with it01:33
nmatrix9Hey guys screwed up my xserver tried to do a clean reinstall of my nvidia drivers with apt-get remove nvidia-* and then do apt-get install butI keep getting nvidia-96 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-10 but it is not installable01:34
qubuntuL3top I went to NVIDIA X Server Settings and I see the HP Display monitor there. but under configuration it says "disabled".  i have two options: seperatexscreen or twinview. what do i do?01:34
nmatrix9Anyone know how to reinstall nvidia drivers for 12.0401:35
L3topI guess you want to run twinview in clone mode01:35
brett__but my pc responds to ubuntu better thsn it ever did with win 7 it has never worked as smooth as it does now i just have trouble with some of the programs and i miss some things i could do01:35
LordOfTimenmatrix9:  `sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current`  ?01:35
nmatrix9Can't even boot into x with rescue cd01:35
L3topI guess you want to run twinview in clone mode qubuntu01:35
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nmatrix9I  will try that LordOfTime thanks01:36
qubuntuok i'll try that l3top01:37
sancassuper fail!! i run sudo rm -rf /opt/* and i dont know what i do :s01:38
sancasbut i have problems01:38
qubuntuit worked! thanks L3top ! :)01:38
qubuntualthough i'll be using right mode instead of clone since it has same screens in this mode.01:39
wawowebrett__: what do you miss?01:40
nmatrix9LordOfTime kinda weird though that I can't even get x with the ubuntu rescue cd01:41
brett__when you want to download something you just down load and install it now even when i download ubuntu stuff igoes to a file and i dont know how or if its installed01:41
L3tophappy that works out for you qubuntu01:42
escottbrett__, you generally should not be downloading programs. instead use apt-get install or synaptic or software center01:42
brett__so if i happen to find the file i still dont know what to to with it01:42
wawowebrett__: you can get pretty much any program you might want all from the same place01:43
brett__how do i get access to this01:43
Mike9863Ubuntu no longer automatically changes the connector from Speakers to Headphones under the sound settings when I plug in headphones. How can I enable this?01:43
krababbel_brett__: you use software center01:43
brett__yes i do01:44
nmatrix9LordOfTime it worked I have x session back thank you01:44
LordOfTimenmatrix9:  no problem :)01:44
wawowebrett__: if you find a program on the internet that you want and it's not for linux then don't get it01:44
wawowebrett__: find it's linux =01:44
brett__i see01:44
escottMike9863, does "sudo lshw -C sound" mention intel HDA (high def audio) and is this a laptop?01:45
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Mike9863escott: Nothing about intel; yes it's a laptop01:46
escottMike9863, what kind of soundcard is it?01:46
Mike9863escott: Nevermind that; it does say intel HDA. Sorry. Here's the output: http://pastebin.com/vRraZprN01:47
escottMike9863, the joys of HDA sound. so a little background is in order01:47
escottMike9863, intel HDA is a fairly general specification, but each laptop maker has the option of connecting the output ports (called PINS) with different physical jacks. as a result there are an exponential number of board configurations01:48
vltHello. A special chroot environment caused this msg: “invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of stop.” This is what I want for other chroots, too. How to achieve this?01:49
escottMike9863, most likely what has happened is that your kernel is picking the wrong board configuration and is either not detecting the fact that the headphone jack has been inserted, or is outputting sound to the wrong PIN01:49
wawowevlt: selinux, apparmor01:50
vltwawowe: hmmm, sounds complicated.01:51
escottMike9863, http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA describes some kernel module options you can try. another approach would be to boot the livecd of a version that works, and downloading the hda_analyzer python script and running it in monitor mode. then plug/unplug into the headphone jack and note what how the PIN configuration is changed in order to make output go to headphones, then you can replicate that on01:51
escottyour current system01:51
sjdhi all,各位早上好01:52
Mike9863escott: Thanks I'll look into it. I don't remember having this problem in 11.10. It used to change automatically.01:52
escottMike9863, this happened to me between 10.10 and 11.04. a patch got dropped somewhere in the kernel build. i waited a few months and it was back to working again01:53
escottMike9863, in the interim i just manually flipped the pins when I needed it01:53
Mike9863escott: I'm hoping I won't have to resort to that :P. Thanks for your help.01:54
trying2workHi, can anyone here help me with printing problems on ubuntu 12.04 ?01:56
menturiHello. I am getting a 'panic' when trying to boot off an Ubuntu cd and am not sure what to do at all. I'm very new to linux, and am unfamiliar with many things, so sorry in advance (hehe). If anybody can help me, what information do you need?01:56
naryfamenturi: try an alternate installation iso01:57
skulltipis it a bug that the menu of an app drops from the top of the hud down to the application you're running?01:57
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vltmenturi: First thing you could do is to check whether the CD image is fine. There’s an option in the boot menu.01:57
menturiI burned two CDs from the same iso, both with the same results. I also tried to do that 'verify contents of CD' once and it said it was successful. Do you think it is possible that the iso is bad?01:57
GeminiDominoThis is probably a dumb question, but I installed 32-bit since I didn't know this laptop had a 64bit processor. Is there some sort of metapackage or something that I can use to install the 64-bit packages without having to do a fresh reinstall?01:58
uwhi just want to see if this is possible.  I have a bunch of window open: brower (with tabs), natuatus windows, totem, ETC.  i need to reboot.  Is there a way i can save this setting of all the windows and positions and return to it upon reboot?01:58
vltGeminiDomino: I don’t think so.01:58
vltmenturi: Not very likely if you verified it already.01:59
GeminiDominoI was afraid of that. :P Thanks01:59
Pnoexzuw: sessions, your DE should have them01:59
escottmenturi, appears to be from b43 (broadcom wireless). try and boot the safe mode if that doesn't work you can try a b43.blacklist=yes option on the boot (assuming b43 is the module name)01:59
trying2workI have upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit). And now I cannot print anything. I am not sure what went wrong. I have all the correct drivers, but my printer priints out a blank page , and another page with some kinda error message. Is there anyone who can help me find out and fix the problem ?01:59
uwPnoexz, hi thanks for the response.  I'm kinda new, can you elaborate on "DE"02:00
wawowevlt: were you talking about chroot jailing a process or making an system unbreakable during a chroot02:00
=== Resistance is now known as LordOfTime
Pnoexzuw: Desktop Environment, gnome, KDE xfce, lxde, colorbox02:00
SomeGuy303-2Looking for a little help with an HDMI audio issue. When the TV is turned off, I lose the HDMI audio device, and only get it back with a reboot...02:02
escottSomeGuy303-2, have you tried rmmod and modprobe?02:03
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: does alsa mixer show the still show it?02:03
SomeGuy303-2gone from the mixer02:03
menturiescott:  excuse my unfamiliarity. How do I boot in safe mode? I found my way to this screen < http://dl.dropbox.com/u/53794511/Images/0516022202.jpg >.02:04
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: that shouln't happen, what about: aplay -l02:05
vltwawowe: I want to chroot and then run `aptitude install` w/o actually stopping or running any processes. Something like debootstrap does. There’s “ltsp-chroot” that seems to do this but it’s hard wired to chroot into one of its client image environments. I want to find out what it does to prevent messing up the “host” processes.02:05
escottmenturi, either F6 or F4 (I think modes means video modes)02:05
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: it drops it also02:05
wawowementuri: for single-user mode add -s to the grub boot line02:06
stars69hi guys how do you search for dir or file on ssh terminal?02:06
escottmenturi, see that line above the last one that says ubuntu.seed boot=casper etc etc.. if you can figure out the proper option to modify that (the kernel boot options) and can add b43.blacklist=yes that will hopefully get you booting02:06
schnufflestars69: locate or find02:06
stars69schnuffle, thanks02:06
vltstars69: Exactly like on an an ordinary terminal ;-)02:07
vltstars69: `find` for example02:07
menturiF4 lists: "Normal", "Use driver update disk", "OEM install (for manufacturers)". F6 lists: "acpi=off", "noapic", "no1apic", "edd=on", "nodmraid", "nomodeset", "Free software only"02:07
trying2workany one who can help me with printing problems on ubuntu 12.04 ?02:07
tucemiuxanyone knows how well ubuntu plays with video cards that have HDMI output?02:07
menturiAh maybe i can type text to it somehow...02:07
pibarnastucemiux, very well.02:08
skiz_I have a vid card with HDMI running 12.0402:08
skiz_runs great.02:08
L3toptucemiux: all of my outputs are HDMI02:08
locoguanoThe sliders (not scroll bar) can not be seen in the theme I am using. Anyone know the GTK-3.0 setting to change slider color?02:08
L3topwell... except the laptops...02:08
stars69hi, have anyone have this 2 files libtclsqlite3.so and curl?02:08
tucemiuxyou guys think an ivy bridge laptop with HDMI output will play with ubuntu?02:08
pibarnastucemiux, mine is linked to the LED tv. very good.02:08
skiz_btw, my name is Skiz, new ubuntu user... =/02:09
schnufflestars69: sudo apt-get install curl02:09
LordOfTimestars69:  curl can be installed by `sudo apt-get install curl`, the other one i told you about earlier02:09
Pnoexzhey, how do i clean the kernel log? due to a bug it went from a few lines to 6.6GB in a day02:09
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: use lsmod and check if a module disappears from the list after you unplug it02:09
escottmenturi, hit f6 then hit esc and it should put the cursor in the boot parameters line02:09
tucemiuxpibarnas, im going to get a monitor with HDMI inputs because I couldnt find a 32" TV that I could use for gaming  and part time TV use02:09
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escottmenturi, leave a space after the -- and add "b43.blacklist=yes"02:10
pibarnastucemiux, mine's 32''.02:10
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stars69LordOfTime, i must be missed your first msg can you repeat agaun plz02:10
tucemiuxpibarnas, how's your gaming on that rig?02:10
escottmenturi, so it should read "blah blah blah -- b43.blacklist=yes" and then press ENTER02:10
LordOfTimestars69:  you know me as Resistance.  but my last message was: <LordOfTime> stars69:  curl can be installed by `sudo apt-get install curl`, the other one i told you about earlier02:10
pibarnastucemiux, I don't game on that. sorry.02:10
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stars69LordOfTime, i tried all your suggestion none of those work02:11
tucemiuxpibarnas, yeah, like i was saying!  I'm looking for something I will use on a daily basis as a monitor and on the weekends watch games on it (TV)02:11
skiz_Odd question, but anyone know an offline MD5 Decrypter tool for 12.04?02:11
pibarnastucemiux, indeed I play a little of mupen64plus, but I think it's not what you talking about.02:11
LordOfTimestars69:  then file a bug against the FTPd you're using, because its looking in the wrong location02:11
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LordOfTimestars69:  you may have to manually create that directory structure wherever it needs it to be, then symlink the correct file to there02:12
tucemiuxpibarnas, dont know whats mupen, i mainly use UrbanTerror and going to start doing some COD once I get my rig set up good02:12
menturiescott:  thak ou b43.blacklist=yes seemed to work.02:12
menturithank you*02:12
stars69LordOfTime, well not that, those files are not on my system02:12
pibarnastucemiux, it's a nintendo 64 emulator X)02:12
escottmenturi, so you probably arent going to have wireless on this install. you'll need to plugin directly02:12
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: before and after lsmod are the same02:12
tucemiuxnintendo? LoL ok02:13
wawowevlt: here's what i got from google http://people.debian.org/~hmh/invokerc.d-policyrc.d-specification.txt https://www.debian-administration.org/article/426/Installing_new_Debian_systems_with_debootstrap may or may not be useful02:13
stars69LordOfTime, i can creat dir but i need those files02:13
LordOfTimestars69:  did you apt-get install libsqlite3-tcl ?02:14
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: what kind of card is it?02:14
stars69like i said it said i already has that apps installed, i did remove and re-install but not working02:14
LordOfTimestars69:  and then look at this location for the file: /usr/lib/tcltk/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so02:14
Pnoexzhey, how do i clean the kernel log? due to a bug it went from a few lines to 6.6GB in a day02:15
LordOfTimestars69:  because /usr/lib/tcltk/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so is where libsqlite3-tcl installs it02:15
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: snd_hda_intel02:15
lime_What package is the `qemu` binary in ubuntu?02:15
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: try reloading the module02:15
stars69LordOfTime,i did looked at dir, those file is not there02:15
stars69can someone plz help me with find this file plz libtclsqlite3.so02:16
LordOfTimestars69:  repeating won't help youi'02:16
wawowePnoexz: either use sed to delete everyline with the error or delete the kernel log02:16
elequI was wondering if someone could help me? I'm trying to install 'lamp-server' using either apt-get or tasksel02:17
elequbut it is not listed to install02:17
Pnoexzwawowe: thanks, ill go with deletion02:17
LordOfTimeelequ:  sudo apt-get install lamp-server ?02:17
menturiescott:  Okay. I'm going to continue to install Ubuntu and see then what options I have for internet. I have a question about partitioning. I currently have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2, both for winows, and some 'free space'. I'm a bit unclear on 'primary' vs 'logical' setup and what it means.02:17
elequcan anyone tell me where this list comes from? how I can add 'lamp-server' to apt-get as an option to install02:17
trying2work<LordOfTime>: Can you help me with printing problems on ubuntu 12.04 ?02:17
wawoweelequ: apt-cache search lamp02:17
elequLordOfTime, nothing happens :-/02:17
trying2workLordOfTime: Can you help me with printing problems on ubuntu 12.04 ?02:17
elequapt-cache search only give me three things02:18
escottmenturi, you can have it automatically install to the free space and it will setup an extended partition with two logical partitions inside. if you want manual partitioning then I would recommend creating an extended partition and putting logical partitions inside it. you are limited to 4 primary partitions (and an extended counts as 1 primary). by creating extended parts you can have hundreds of partitions instead of only 402:18
trying2workescott: can you help me resolve printing problem on ubuntu 12.04 ?02:19
elequI'm using a VPS for uni and think apt-get has been gutted a bit02:19
elequhow do I add package lists to apt-get?02:19
wawoweelequ: or apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5*02:19
escotttrying2work, details02:19
LordOfTimetrying2work:  no, i cant, but give the channels details02:19
wawoweelequ: if you mean adding repositories, it's in /etc/apt/sources.list.d02:20
skulltipsorry, i gave unity a month but it is either still buggy and not all there yet, or my upgrade didn't go as well as I thought it did.02:20
elequthanks wawowe! I'm going to try that but I'm actually interested to know where apt-get gets it's information from :)02:20
locoguanocan anyone tell me what gtk-3 property controls the color of a slider (not scrollbar)?02:20
elequpoo! yes that02:20
skulltipswitching to openbox or lxde02:20
phunyguyyeah lxde runs so much better...  :-/02:21
Logan_stars69: The package libsqlite3-0-dbg also appears to provide that file in /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/tcltk/sqlite3/.02:21
trying2workescott: I have upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 (64bit). Soon after that, I am not able to print anything from my printer. I tried 2-3 different printers, but none of them worked. When I issue a print command from adobe acrobat reader , there is no response form printer. Or when I issue the command from evince the printer starts to print something. But it gives out a blank page and another page with some error message printed on it.02:21
elequwawowe, thank you!!02:21
nydeli'm having some problems with dual monitors - i want applications to open on my primary monitor, or to remember where they were closed & open there, but often they don't. then they open halfway between the monitors, in the middle of the workspace. please help, i can't figure this out for the life of me! thank you02:21
Logan_stars69: Although the libsqlite3-tcl package should be providing that file already.02:22
TyropeGreetings. I'm trying to install 12.04server on a Windows Virtual PC (Don't have anything else available at school, grr). I recall having to run the parameters 'noreplace-paravirt vga=791' (not 100% on the number) for 11.10desktop, is this still required for 12.04server?02:22
escotttrying2work, what kind of printer is it? what does it say in the printers dialog?02:22
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: no chage with modprobe snd_hda_intel, or modprobe snd_hda_codec_hdmi02:22
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: rmmod02:23
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: then modprobe02:23
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trying2workescott: I have tried with HP 4050 and with Konika minolta c451 printers. The print queue does not give any error message, it shows that the command was processed and the printing was done. The printer prints this error message = "ERROR: invald access OFFENDING COMMAND: filter STACK: /SubFileDecode endstream 0  --nostringval-- "02:24
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use02:24
escotttrying2work, if you open your webbrowser and type in the location bar "localhost:631"02:25
escotttrying2work, you will get a web interface to the printer queue that may provide more debugging options02:25
HareyJThere we go..02:25
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: lsmod | grep snd02:26
nydeldoes the nvidia tweaker thing work on non-nvidia cards? mine is an intel built-in graphics board & i'm doing dual monitors, my laptop & an hdmi out02:26
trying2workescott: My printer was properly added. It was working before, and it works from another computer with ubuntu 11.10 (where I used exactly the same method for connecting to the printer)02:26
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: have to rmmod all of those on the left02:26
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: including soundcore02:26
HareyJwawowe: I did a quick re-installation as it turns out my partitions were all screwed up, and this time I didn't check the "install 3rd party software" box and the nvidia drivers are not installed.. and X is fine for the moment..02:27
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wawoweHareyJ: you could try getting the most recent nvidia driver, if it's a bug the the one in the repository02:29
menturiescott:  Does this look correct & reasonable to you? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/53794511/Images/0516022226.jpg02:29
trying2workescott: Here is my /var/log/cups/error_log file http://paste.ubuntu.com/991702/02:29
L3topAnybody know how to reassign media button controls (XF86Audio*) to alsa? My laptop controls don't seem to be tied to anything with a volume meter (in alsamixer). xev shows they are working (as expected due to HUD).02:29
HareyJwawowe: Yeah, I could see that there was an updated one, but obviously I couldn't get it to install from X without it crashing before the process hardly started..02:30
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: all report to be in use...02:30
wawoweL3top: xbindkeys02:30
L3topty wawowe.02:30
escottmenturi, not exactly02:30
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: they all depend on each other02:30
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: if you're playing music or something stop it, or: lsof | grep snd02:31
escottmenturi, this are no extended partitions. everything is primary. that would imply gpt. which would imply uefi? is this a uefi system?02:31
escotttrying2work, none of those errors would seem to be related to a print failure02:31
escotttrying2work, why dont you try and print something and then check what tail /var/log/cups/error_log says02:32
HareyJI am seeing odd errors in my console regarding sdc, which to my knowledge I don't have..02:32
trying2workescott: sure, lemme try that02:32
wawoweHareyJ: check your computer for flash drives haha02:33
HareyJoh wait, maybe that's my dvdrom drive, but it's not in use..02:33
HareyJnope, nothing plugged in02:33
menturiI thought I selected 'logical' instead of 'primary'. I wanted to do what you suggested before, with 'extended' and logical sub-partitions i guess you could call them. I am unsure what 'uefi' means.02:33
bluesnowHi, I'm having a DNS server problem. I can ping and my default route, but I can't ping any DNS servers.02:33
bluesnowI've turned off firewall/cleared DNS cache/turned off SELinux02:34
escottmenturi, is your system brand new? does the "bios" setup screen support the mouse, is it particularly colorful02:34
trying2workescott: this is what it gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/991709/02:34
escotttrying2work, nothing new or interesting there02:34
trying2workescott: by the way there are so many people who have had similar problems, but there is no solution found as yet02:35
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: do this: lsmod | grep snd | cut -c -18 | xargs rmmod02:35
escotttrying2work, im not much of an expert on printing. last time i printed something was a few years ago02:35
menturiescott:  No, I do not believe so.02:35
bluesnowany idea what could be the reason for being unable to ping dns servers?02:35
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: until all the modules are unloaded02:35
trying2workescott: anyway thanks for your time02:36
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: then rmmod soundcore02:36
escottmenturi, maybe they surpres the listing of the extended so as not to confuse people. im not familiar with that screen02:36
escottmenturi, i guess just go ahead02:37
HareyJI'm gonna try upgrading to the nvidia driver, but just in case, how do I downgrade back to this.. nouveau driver from the console?  apt-get install ?02:37
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: after that you can make a script that will run that as many times as needed, then modprobe  snd_hda_codec_hdmi snd_hda_intel02:38
menturiMy friend will be available soon. I will be talking to him in a bit. Thank you much for your assistance you were a great help :)02:38
HareyJTurns out my 'sdc' is the SD/MMC/MS/XD card reader slot, odd that it's doing things when there's not even a card in it.02:38
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: so you can just type revive whenever you need to revive your sound card02:38
escottHareyJ, those are fun devices you usually end up with sdc/sdd/sde/sdf...02:39
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: should add something for killing any process using the sound card too02:39
HareyJ[sdc] Asking for cache data failed02:39
HareyJ[sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through02:39
HareyJendlessly.  on my damn terminal windows!02:40
SomeGuy303-2wawowe: no love on the rmmod: ERROR: Module snd_hda_codec_hdmi is in use02:40
HareyJ[sdc] Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled02:41
SomeGuy303-2 wawowe: says that for all of the modules02:41
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: what does lsof | grep snd say02:41
wawoweHareyJ: apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau02:42
wawoweHareyJ: and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to use that driver02:43
SomeGuy303-2wawowe, about 9 lines02:43
cmecca_hi all --- is it possible to put unity 'dash home' top icon into the menubar instead of leaving it on the dock as i see in some screenshots, in unity 2D?  or is this a 3D only function..02:44
XXcan u open steam through ubuntu?02:44
HareyJwawowe: there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:45
L3topHareyJ: I would also recommend apt-get remove nvidia* as well if you are going back to nouveau02:45
Logan_XX: With Wine, yes.02:45
XXim trying to figure thsi out now02:45
XXis the new ubuntu worth it ?02:46
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: lsof | grep snd | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u | xargs kill -902:46
nydeli finally got things to open to my primary display if anyone wants to know how.02:46
L3topHareyJ: In fact I would purge.... those two fight for frame buffer.02:46
XXor do i keep the one i have?02:46
Logan_XX: Or PlayOnLinux.02:46
Logan_XX: Which version are you running?02:46
XXone oh thrix or something :p02:46
wawoweHareyJ: go to the console (ctrl+alt+f1) and type service lightdm stop02:46
XXwhat is playonlinux :O02:46
wawoweHareyJ: then Xorg -configure02:47
wawoweHareyJ: as root btw02:47
Logan_!playonlinux | XX02:47
wawoweHareyJ: then cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:47
lihongwuHi,all. May I ask which program provide the command "dpkg-depcheck", please?02:47
XXim downloading it now02:47
XXim checking how to run steam on li nxu02:47
HareyJwhich reminds me, how exactly does one login as root on this thing?  pure sudo all the way?  how annoying.02:47
Logan_lihongwu: sudo apt-get install devscripts02:48
L3topsudo -s or -i HareyJ02:48
lihongwuLogan_: Oh, thank you.02:48
cmecca_is it possible to put the 'dash home' ubuntu icon in the menubar in unity?  i see it in some screenshots02:48
Logan_lihongwu: No problem.02:48
cmecca_or must it remain a icon.02:49
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randomDudei have 10 12.04 desktop machines here at work which are using ldap login, user authentication suceeds however there is only a black screen with a cursor. i think i had this problem with 11.10 as well. but i can not remember how to solve it.02:49
Logan_!info playonlinux | bohemian948502:50
ubottubohemian9485: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.0.14-1 (precise), package size 2031 kB, installed size 3594 kB02:50
XX. After wine is done being installed, run wine iexplore http://winehq.org and install Gecko. Now copy over tahoma.ttf font from a Windows install or off the internet to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/.02:50
Logan_bohemian9485: http://www.playonlinux.com/en02:50
XXwhat does that mean?02:50
XXhow do i rune WINE iexplore http://winehq.org02:50
Logan_XX: Where are those instructions from?02:50
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:51
Logan_XX: You don't need to do that. Just download PlayOnLinux. There's a setup wizard for Steam.02:51
L3topXX sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts02:51
L3topXX I would think installing wine would have them as a depends though...02:51
XXwait i just downloaded playonlinux. And now, i do sudo apt-get install msttcorefronts?02:52
XXi worship u logan_02:54
L3topXX I would, again, think you already have them if you have wine... you can look in /usr/share/fonts/truetype02:54
Logan_XX: Haha.02:54
=== Guest28834 is now known as uw
upsetQuestion: Is emerald resource-intensive? Especially compared to Metacity panels02:54
wylde!emerald | upset02:55
ubottuupset: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.02:55
upsetwylde: Woah. Why do people keep writing Emerald themes then?02:55
upsetwylde: Especially incredibly attractive ones02:55
L3topupset: because it is use at your own risk doesn't mean it isn't going to work... just means... if you hit a problem, we can't help.02:56
XX logan_ http://pastebin.com/VH7Jm7xq02:56
=== scarneiro_ is now known as scarneiro
HareyJ*crosses fingers*02:57
Logan_XX: I wouldn't worry about the fonts.02:57
upsetOkay, none of your answers have anything to do with my original question.02:57
upsetIs it a resource-intensive window decorator as compared to metacity?02:57
L3topIt is not supported. That is the answer here.02:58
upsetL3top: That is a non-answer.02:58
L3topBecause it is a non-question in A SUPPORT ROOM02:58
upsetL3top: There's no need to be rude, at all.02:59
L3topI am not trying to be rude. I found your follow up rude.02:59
cmecca_Czar: thats my dogs name03:00
HareyJomg it's back to the days of windows, I need to restart my computer after installing a driver! ;)03:00
CzarHi..looking for help trying to install Graphic Driver...ubuntu 11.10  Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960  Sony Vaio VGN NR220E03:00
upsetL3top: Whether or not it's old and unmaintained has nothing to do with resource usage and I'm not concerned with whether or not Canonical supports it because this is not Canonical's channel.03:00
upsetL3top: If you don't know, you don't need to answer.03:00
HareyJupset: dude, he doesn't know the answer, and quite frankly who would?  just let it go.03:01
L3topYou are asking for a technical comparison in a support channel of a non supported manager addon. I don't see why you dont understand.03:01
XXI have to say logan_ that steam is working perfectly03:01
XXthank you so much again03:01
Logan_XX: Awesome. Glad I was able to help.03:01
L3topI know the answer... I reject the question on principal.03:01
L3topHareyJ: Like I said, they fight for framebuffer, that is why a reboot is required.03:02
upsetHareyJ: I don't know, that's why I asked. I don't need some trivial back and forth though. It's unhelpful and unproductive.03:02
wawoweSomeGuy303-2: http://pastebin.com/c2sCm7Yw there's your script03:02
Czarwhere i can find the right channel.. for graphic drivers support??????????????03:02
HareyJL3top: I recall, and I understand, just found it a little funny!  Thanks for the help.. I'll be back! (I hope)03:02
Anarhisthello, yesterday i gave live cd of the new version of ubuntu a try, i almost wanted to install it, but can somebody tell me this: will it be possible to make a panel on the left hide itself like it currently does for me... i'm on netbook and that little bit of space is very important03:02
L3topCzar: ask your question.03:03
divbyzerohello, is there any ncurses gui for iptables?03:03
cmecca_is it possible to put the 'dash home' ubuntu icon in the menubar in unity?  i see it in some screenshots03:03
cmecca_or must it remain a icon.03:03
wawoweAnarhist: i'm pretty sure that panel hides itself automatically03:03
upsetL3top: You're absolutely silly and you're not a Canonical employee and whether or not it is maintained has nothing to do with anything.03:04
Anarhistwawowe, on the live cd it remained shown all the time...03:04
Anarhistwawowe, perhaps it's a bug i should report then03:04
L3topIf you were polite you would have had your answer. I didn't claim authority, I just have no motivation whatsoever to help you.03:04
TheAncientGoatMan, I really, really wanted to like unity.. And I love the HUD.. But it keeps on freezing and giving me 99% CPU use with compiz03:04
upsetL3top: You don't even know what version of Ubuntu I'm using. For all you know I'm using a release for which Emerald works perfectly.03:04
CzarL3top the additional drivers doesnt recognizes any graphical dirver!!!03:04
wawoweAnarhist: i don't know about 12.04, but when i initially installed 11.10 it hid itself03:04
L3topCzar: lspci -nn | grep VGA03:05
TheAncientGoatAlso, it makes my GPU run at 80C and is a bit.. laggy for my 2007 laptop03:05
Anarhistwawowe, yes, on 11.* it does, but i tried 12.04 live cd... that's what i'm talking about03:05
HareyJupset: You're being a jerk is what you're doing. I've done more than enough support work myself to know that.03:05
TheAncientGoatSo, lets hope Gnome3 is less crashy..03:05
upsetL3top: Before it's principle, now it's a personal issue? Just don't answer if you don't know or don't want to help. I'm really offended by your conduct.03:05
wawoweAnarhist: i got rid of unity right away, so i don't know if it's like that in 12.04, but i'd assume, and if it's not i'm sure there's an easy way to enable it03:06
upsetHareyJ: If you're like this guy you're about as helpful as a doctor that smacks you when you talk.03:06
L3topThe principal is because of your attitude and sense of entitlement to an answer on an unsupported install in a support channel... yes... now shoo. I'm done with you.03:06
CzarL3top   Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL96003:06
=== adub is now known as foolove
omaci just updated to 12.04 and the left launcher bar auto-hides.03:07
upsetL3top: I will gladly get out of here. You're  so high up on that horse that you're hard to hear.03:07
L3topCzar, that is not the output of what I gave you... but regardless, what version of ubuntu are you on?03:07
bluesnowHi, I'm having internet connection problems03:08
bluesnowI can ping myself but can't ping any DNS servers, and nslookup is returning connection timed out, no servers could be reached03:08
omacupset what's yr question?03:08
L3topYes upset... that is why I spend countless hours in here helping people for absolutely nothing. Because I am... uppity.03:09
bluesnowAny idea how to fix this? I've turned off firewall, SELinux, etc, but still can't ping any DNS servers or other websites03:09
CzarL3top: 11.10  output: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) [8086:2a02] (rev 0c)03:09
omacyour ip isnt in the same subnet/mask as your router.03:09
randomDudeupset: 1. it is more resource intensive, 2. this is infact canonicals channel03:09
upsetomac: Thanks for offering help, but I think I'll search for the answer elsewhere.03:09
wawowebluesnow: try to ping your router03:10
Dannyso i just tried duel booting win 7 with ubuntu installation went fine but now i cant get to my ubuntu side grub or w.e is missing or something like i dont get that purple background thing that lets me choose wether i want to boot up windows or ubuntu03:10
randomDudei have 10 12.04 desktop machines here at work which are using ldap login, user authentication suceeds however there is only a black screen with a cursor. i think i had this problem with 11.10 as well. but i can not remember how to solve it.03:10
krababbelDanny: what do you get?03:10
upsetL3top: Wow, really? You're not going to argue your way into making me believe you're better than me.03:10
Dannykrababbel: just boots into windows everytime03:10
omacbluesnow: dhclient03:10
L3top!info i965-va-driver ocelot03:10
ubottu'ocelot' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable03:10
wawoweupset: i'm better than you03:11
krababbelDanny: you have to reinstall grub again03:11
Dannykrababbel: how do i do this ?03:11
upsetwawowe: Noted03:11
bluesnowping (default route) works for me03:11
L3topupset, If defending myself against your assault of character means to you that I think I am better than you, you have issues that cannot be supported in irc.03:11
krababbelDanny: ubuntu forum thread number 190236203:12
L3top!info i965-va-driver oneiric03:12
ubottui965-va-driver (source: libva): Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- i965 VA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12-2 (oneiric), package size 118 kB, installed size 616 kB03:12
wawowebluesnow: route add default gw
wawowebluesnow: ping
L3topCzar: sudo apt-get install i965-va-driver03:13
escott!grub | Danny03:13
ubottuDanny: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:13
bluesnowwawowe: ping returns destination host unreachable03:14
Emerlingo/ How put mootbot in my ubuntu channel03:14
CzarL3top: bash: !info: event not found...... ok installing driver03:14
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wawowebluesnow: but you can ping your router and you added that default gateway?03:14
L3topCzar: sorry that was just for the bot, wasnt sure in 11.10 if it was i965-va-driver or libva-driver-i96503:14
omacblues: ifconfig03:14
wawowebluesnow: can you ping anything else on your network?03:15
omacwhat router model brand doyou have?03:16
CzarL3top: so what i do ??? should i cont. with the driver installation?03:17
L3topomac: you can begin typing a nic and hit tab to complete it, or reuse the last one. Much easier.03:17
L3topCzar: yes03:17
bluesnowomac: what am I looking for under ifconfig?03:18
bluesnowwawowe: I can only ping now03:18
omacwlan0 or eth 003:18
L3topcan you pastebin the output bluesnow? (installing pastebinit might not be a bad idea)03:18
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bluesnowomac: it has a listing for both eth0 and wlan003:19
L3top!pastebinit | bluesnow03:19
ubottubluesnow: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:19
CzarL3top: install done03:19
omacpaste the resuot into pastebin03:20
L3topCzar then you have the intel driver and the accelleration driver enabled. Should have great experience.03:20
BoyoCan anyone help with an Ubuntu installation problem?  I can't event get the install DVD to boot03:20
CzarL3top: just installed the i965-va-driver! not the livba driver .. its that ok???03:20
bluesnowCan't paste because linux desktop doesn't have internet03:20
escottBoyo, details please03:20
omacboyo try f8 key03:21
BoyoI see the error message "error: prefix not set" and then garbled text03:21
wawowebluesnow: ifconfig eth0; route add default gw; echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf03:21
L3topCzar: yes... there is only one... it was renamed. I was just trying to get the bot to tell me which name it was in oneiric03:21
bohemian9485bluesnow: type ifconfig in a terminal window and check the inet addr part.03:21
BoyoI selected DVD drive from the BIOS boot menu, so it is attempting to boot from the install DVD03:21
omacor f12 key key to see boot menu and select cd/dvd drive03:21
Boyoomac: This happens after that03:22
bluesnowit gives inet addr:
dr_willissounds like a bad burn or messed up iso file.  Boyo . tried it on other pcs yet?03:22
bluesnowwait on top inet addr:
L3topbluesnow: DOH... sorry... of course you can't paste.03:22
wawowebluesnow: you're on a wired connection right?03:22
bohemian9485bluesnow: does your router has dhcp server capability?03:22
CzarL3top: ok so that is the best graphic driver for my card... should i restart the sys??03:22
BoyoThis is what I mean by garbled text: http://i.imgur.com/KZpXw.jpg03:23
dr_willisJunior:  dont yell.. and the system never comes back up? or what happens exactly.03:23
Boyodr_willis: No, I haven't tried it on another PC03:23
bluesnowBoth my wired and wireless connections aren't working. I've tried DCHP and manual.03:23
escottBoyo, there is a boot option for nomodeset use that03:23
Boyoescott: How do I use that03:23
L3topCzar: yes... I would expect you to have no problems going forward with video/etc03:23
Junioroh sorry, sorry i didnt notice my caps lock03:23
bluesnowThe DNS server I'm using on my windows desktop right now is working03:23
omacbluesnow:  what bran and model number is your ?03:23
Boyoescott: I believe I am having this problem before I would even have an opportunity to use a boot option03:23
wawoweJunior: hit esc a bunch just before the loading screen shows03:23
bluesnowit's ubuntu 11.1003:24
escottBoyo, on the menu where you select install or check memory there are things at the bottom I think you want F5 or F6 and then pick nomodeset from the menu03:24
wawoweJunior: edit the grub line and add -s to the end of it03:24
Boyoescott: I'm not getting that far03:24
dr_willis!nomodeset | Boyo03:24
ubottuBoyo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:24
wawoweJunior: then boot and it will bring you to a terminal03:24
CzarL3top: ok thank you i really appreciate your support and time...03:25
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
BoyoIt does look like a video mode problem, but I can't even see the install menu where I could use a boot option03:25
Juniorwawowe i have never edited the grub line before please instruct me03:25
dr_willisBoyo:  the boot options are befor the install menu03:25
bluesnowomac: it's an AT&T 2701HG-B Gateway03:25
omacbyo b patient it takes time to adjust for video03:26
L3topany time Czar :)03:26
wawoweJunior: it shows you commands at the bottom, but it's "e", then add -s to the end of it, hit enter, then type "b"03:26
wawoweJunior: for the kernel line (the longer one)03:27
Boyoomac: So you think waiting will fix the video?  I can tell that the text is some kind of menu.  There is a highlighted line that moves when I use the arrow keys03:27
omacboyo wait 3 minutes and press enter a few times now and then03:27
Boyoomac: I can try that, although I won't be able to read what I am selecting03:28
Juniorwawowe: i try to do the hitting ESC a bunch of time and nothing, i cant even get on a terminal, now please give me the commands i need to change that line on the grub you talking about, if you can and thanks wawowe03:28
omacbluesnow: r u thr?03:28
bluesnowomac: yes03:28
bluesnowomac: also, I've gotten the wireless to work with this router before. But it seems to randomly drop sometimes and stop working.03:29
omacroter make and modeel03:29
wawoweJunior: you hit esc right when you see the purple screen, before the loading bar03:29
bluesnowomac: router is a AT&T 2701hg-b gateway03:29
blackmatrix_nyis there a way to make seahorse request for password again when someone opens the console...i dont see any options03:29
bohemian9485bluesnow: i think your router is not giving out ip addresses to lease to client computers03:30
dr_willisblackmatrix_ny:  you mean the alt-ctrl-f1-f6 consoles?03:30
nonecan someone unban me from ubuntu-offtopic?03:30
omacflaky wifi dongl drvers smtimes,but not yet. focus router make modeo...what are they?03:30
Juniorwawowe thats the thing you dont even get to see the purple screen right after the BIOS screen, the monitor goes to power save mode03:30
bluesnowomac: AT&T 2701hg-b gateway03:31
wilee-nileenone, got to #ubuntu-ops03:31
blackmatrix_nydr_willis, i mean the seahorse gui for gnupg...is there a way to put password on it when it launches03:31
krababbelbluesnow: have you got this router from you isp?03:31
omacmake and model?03:31
wawoweJunior: boot the ubuntu install cd03:31
Juniorwawowe so i just kept hitting ESC to see if anything comes up, and nothing and i did it for a long time03:31
wawoweJunior: the framebuffer is what's causing it03:31
wawoweJunior: need to disable it03:32
omacnow google the user manual03:32
krababbelbluesnow: if yes, ask them how to fix it, ubuntu's dhcp client isn't the problem i guess03:32
Juniorwawowe ok im on it, i will boot from the ubuntu CD and we go from there, or i can acces the machine on SSH and tell me how to disablethe framebuffer03:32
bluesnowomac: the manual doesn't provide any other info about make and model03:32
omacfind out what is the ip ofvthe router.  it is usually on the stickeunder the router03:33
bluesnowI was able to use the wireless about seven hours earlier today03:33
omacwithe the user and passwd03:33
mixolydcan someone please help me get kubuntu up and running03:33
wawoweJunior: ssh would be faster if you've got it setup03:33
dr_willisJunior:  try tapping/holding the space key also.  very very early in the boot process theres a screen with a 'man=keyboard' image at the  bottom real real quickly shown. thats  when you tap the keys to get to the  option menmmus03:33
mixolydposted here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198150303:33
goddardI like arch because you never have to upgrade any way to do that with Ubuntu?03:34
Juniorwawowe i dont get to see none of that03:34
dr_willisits grub/gfx day today on#ubuntu03:34
dr_willisgoddard:  just never run the update tool...03:34
blackmatrix_nythis seahorse app has been quietly logging my passwords for almost everything...if i remove that and gnupg are there any adverse effects on the system ?03:34
omacbluesnow the make is at & t03:34
goddarddr_willis: then all my stuff is old03:34
Juniorwawowe im telling you right after the BIOS screen, the monitor goes to power save mode right after03:35
escottblackmatrix_ny, you wont have a gpg agent03:35
bluesnowomac: the router's IP is
dr_willisgoddard:  yiou said you dident want to upgrade.. so that imples you woule be running old stuff..03:35
omacthe model is 2701 blabla03:35
goddarddr_willis: wrong03:35
dr_willisgoddard:  you are saying things in a weird way then...03:35
kronomanhello, Im using a old pc (living in south america), should I use Ubuntu or Xubuntu? The PC is AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2100 mhz, 1,5 gb RAM, NVidia Geforce2 and 160 gb hard disk03:35
goddarddr_willis: i said i like arch cause i never have to "upgrade"03:36
Juniorwawowe sorry that was for dr_willis03:36
blackmatrix_nyescott, would I need a gpg agent to push/pull files into a git repository that requires encryption ?03:36
goddarddr_willis: no you are reading in a werid way03:36
bluesnowomac: I can't ping the router either03:36
Juniorwawowe im on ssh now what?03:36
escottblackmatrix_ny, do you want to be entering your passwords ALL the time03:36
omacbluesnow are you wired or wifi?03:36
blackmatrix_nyescott, yessss :-)03:36
blackmatrix_nyescott, the list of passwords on that app is just plain scary03:36
sunbirdanyone have wallpapers working on grub2? i _had_ it working under 10.04, but can't get it in 12.04.03:36
escottblackmatrix_ny, I would look into disabling your gpg and ssh agents then. should be fairly easy to do so03:37
blackmatrix_nyescott, i see it even saves pwds from chrome emails and stuff...does the browser use that to store passwords ?03:37
omacifconfig wlan0
goddarddr_willis: is there a way to always get the bleeding edge changes so you are technically always up to date without doing massive "upgrades"03:38
escottblackmatrix_ny, its a secure keystore. its a lot better than having those applications insecurely implementing their own keystore03:38
omacthen: dhcient03:38
bluesnowomac: done03:38
dr_willisgoddard:  the proper way in ubuntu to be as bleeding edge  without resorting to using source, would be to find PPA's for what you want to keep on the  bleeding-edge03:39
wawoweJunior: edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:39
blackmatrix_nyescott, but if you can't protect it with another layer of password when launching seahorse gui then it becomes a big liability03:39
bluesnowomac: I can ping it now03:39
omacping google.ca03:40
escottblackmatrix_ny, it is protected with another password. but its usually choosen to be your login password. you can change the gnome-keyring password if you want a different factor to unlock than to login03:40
bluesnowomac: ping google.ca returns ping: unknown host google.ca03:40
goddarddr_willis: im on 11.10 and i know if i switch to 12.04 its gonna break something03:41
blackmatrix_nyescott, but what's to stop a thief from viewing your list of pwds after you have logged into your pc ?03:41
dr_willis12.04 is working well for me. but ialways do clean installs03:41
escottblackmatrix_ny, whats to prevent them from dumping the contents of your processes to RAM and finding the password there? whats to prevent them from installing a keylogger on your user account? whats to stop them from ...03:42
omacgo to opendns.com and add rthe 2 dns ip addeses to /etc resolv.conf03:42
renodewhat is the command to check what wireless driver you are using?03:42
dr_willisescott:  from looking at the post-it note on your monitor with your passwords written on it.. ;)03:43
escottdr_willis, everyone knows that good security requires the post it note be placed UNDER the keyboard03:43
omacor scroll up to the other answer someone ttold u about resolv.conf03:43
goddarddr_willis: a clean install every 6 months sounds like a lot of work03:43
goddarddr_willis: what about all your settings03:44
dr_willisgoddard:  i find the process rather trivial with a seperate home partition.03:44
mr-richHello. trying to set up a Ubuntu virtual server on vbox. Can I install guest additions?03:44
dj_segfaultIf I see a ton of unexplained hard drive activity, is there a command to show what processes are accessing the disk?03:44
bluesnowomac: which two addresses on the site?03:44
goddarddr_willis: not everything is saved in the home partition though03:44
dr_willisgoddard:  all my users impornt stuff is.., rest i can easially restore if i have custome  configs in other system dirs03:45
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:45
omacgoogle opendns.com linux setup03:45
escottblackmatrix_ny, you are welcome to disable gnome-keyring, but then you dont have any kind of secure keystore. I don't think the existence of the secure keystore is such a great concern. giving someone access to a session under your UID is pretty much giving them whatever they want (if they know what they are doing). maybe if they don't know what they are doing then seahorse seems too easy but is that your adversary?03:45
goddarddr_willis: what about opt? and stuff you compile03:45
dr_willisgoddard:  i rarely compile stuff to opt, havent needed to in ages03:45
dr_willisyou can put /opt/ on its own partion if you wanted.. or back itup03:45
escottdj_segfault, iotop03:46
dj_segfaultescott: Thanks.  I'll try that oujt03:46
dr_willisi also betatest andinstall lots of stuff for testing from in here, so in 6 mo time i got tons of stuff ive installed tht ive ran once.. and dont need.03:46
goddarddr_willis: yeah a fresh install is good for that03:47
blackmatrix_nyescott...but it would be so easy for say a friend who wants to quickly check the game score or some site on my pc and to take a quick peek at your list of pwds...03:47
dr_willisBe neat if Ubuntu coould save/sync your users home settings to your ubuntu one account. ;)03:47
dr_willisseen ways to set that up. but seems a bit unreliable.03:48
escottblackmatrix_ny, if those are your friends i wonder who your enemies are.03:48
Piotr2hello there. good evening everyone.03:48
goddarddr_willis: back in time does a fine job and i have a seperate partition for home but last time all the versions of my software changed and broke stuff i was working on03:48
blackmatrix_nyescott, im actually going to try similar thing next time I sit on somebody elses ubuntu machine...that's just human nature03:49
escottblackmatrix_ny, i would think that using the fast-user-switching would be a better idea. switch them to a guest account if you dont trust them. you may also be able to configure seahorse to request the password before displaying anything (thats really just security through obscurity but...)03:49
escottblackmatrix_ny, the other problem with disabling the agents is it means typing your password in more frequently. i can imagine a modern smartphone app that records the sound of keypresses and identifies predictions on what the keypresses are based on timing between the key strokes03:50
blackmatrix_nyescott, yea, now we are talking...so how do I go about putting the pwd on that seahorse thingy everytime it launches03:50
=== puff_ is now known as Phukuup
keltushi, when I log into my newly installed Ubuntu 12.04 through the GUI login screen, it just turns black with a cursor. I can't do anything else. the non-UI stuff is working fine because when I do Ctrl-Alt-F1, I can log in and install stuff on the text-based console. any ideas what's wrong with the display manager?03:51
Piotr2Guys, I believe my hosts file is corrupted.03:51
menturiescott:  I have successfully installed Ubuntu onto the hd, however http://dl.dropbox.com/u/53794511/Images/0516022343.jpg I assume for the same reason as before. After restarting the computer from this point, this came up http://dl.dropbox.com/u/53794511/Images/0516022344.jpg . I suspect it is a list of options after a 'bad shutdown' (similar to Windows), but am not certain. Nothing is legible, and there are two, as you can see.03:51
menturiSelecting the first item in the list I would guess is normally starting Ubuntu, which resulted in the first image again.03:51
blackmatrix_nyescott, btw, i'm one of the minorities who prefer better security than simple conveniences like pwd saver03:51
escottblackmatrix_ny, so this would be the relevant bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/18977403:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 189774 in seahorse (Ubuntu) "seahorse shows passwords without verification" [Wishlist,Triaged]03:52
Piotr2My brother, somehow, blocked some websites here and I thought I'd fixed it, but still I can't connect to ThePirateBay.03:52
Piotr2Can you tell me how could him do that so I can fix it?03:52
escottblackmatrix_ny, another approach you might want to try (which would require some complex config) would be to put your master key on a usb stick (you could probably put the entire keyring on it) and then yank that usb stick prior to allowing anyone to use the computer (you would have to do something to tell gnome-keyring to lock the ring as well)03:53
blackmatrix_nyescott, so just to confirm, currently the seahorse app doesn't provide that feature (verification) right ?03:54
blackmatrix_nyescott, haven't wrote a bug/feature request for Ubuntu before...just making sure...and thanks for helping out03:54
escottmenturi, the first image appears to be the same panic (b43) as before and would require the same fix (b43.blacklist=yes) the second might be modesetting related so you could try "nomodeset"03:54
bohemian9485Piotr2: do you use a router?03:55
escottblackmatrix_ny, it was pushed upstream to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55103603:55
ubottuGnome bug 551036 in general "seahorse shows passwords without verification" [Normal,Unconfirmed]03:55
blackmatrix_nyescott, sorry...just seeing the link...somebody already has mentoned it :-)03:55
sarykeltus: I'd start looking at ~/.xsession-errors & /var/log/Xorg.0.log .. and you could always reconfigure xserver-org , and reconfigure the display manager . either from tty or recoery mode.03:57
escottblackmatrix_ny, this reminds me of a website i set up. http only (because we weren't going to pay for a cert) and it wasn't crucial for the purpose. so to discourage password reuse I put the password box as a normal textbox. and then people freaked out about that03:57
Flatlinedwireless question ! What does "iwconfig rate 1M auto" do ?03:58
blackmatrix_nyescott, hehe...you seem very liberal about pwds...Im really anal about it...if you worked for me and you came up with that idea I would have fired you on the spot :-)03:59
keltussary: I found this report, and I have the exact same computer (Dimension C521) and exact same Ubuntu install as that person, so I'll try and install the nvidia drivers [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1975140]04:00
Phukuupyou mean everyone does not use biometrics?04:00
dr_willisgotta love it  when some trivial site demands you  use a 12+special characters password... just to keep your angrybirds scores... while the bank is ok with a much less paranoid password system04:00
escottblackmatrix_ny, what seems liberal about that?04:00
blackmatrix_nyescott, pwd in plain sight...so everytime a person places in pwd they have to make sure nobody is watching the screen next to them hehe...or tell them to close their eyes04:02
escottdr_willis, my favorite is when the bank calls me (credit card purchase flags in back office) and asks ME for the answer to my secret phone question. last time I did that I cursed them out for 20 minutes04:02
escottblackmatrix_ny, when the password is for angrybirds scores thats fine with me. point was to discourage them from doings something stupid like sending their Bank password over http. but since some idiot complained I switched it to the **** format and im sure some other idiot was sending me their bank passwords04:03
blackmatrix_nyescott, it's funny that the seahorse issue I mentioned was raised three years ago and seems nothing has been done so far04:03
escottblackmatrix_ny, its a difference of opinion. i don't think you will see a solution. if you value security you should NOT be letting people use your account04:04
celthunderescott: i get asked for id every time i use my card now and used to never get asked and my cards all get deactivated due to fraud at least twice a month04:04
menturiescott:  im not sure how to start ubuntu modifying command line like i did previously off the cd.04:05
escottcelthunder, my point was getting a call from a number I do not recognize (and cannot confirm because caller id might be forged right?) and being asked for my password.04:05
escottmenturi, then menu will be different. should be listed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:05
celthunderescott: lol dont answer :) theyll make you call an automated system you cant verify thats even worse than the people04:06
Phukuupdo this arp -A see if ya got an unidentified ip showing in there04:06
escottblackmatrix_ny, but if you are ok with it, you could a server I'll setup which you can ssh into. I can personally vouch for the security of it ;)04:06
blackmatrix_nyescott, i use a common pwd for non sensitive accounts like my nytimes login etc...but I don't want that junk pwd to be known either...letting people use your account is different when seahorse is there and when passwd is stored in like tradional unix safe house /etc/shadow...04:07
sarykeltus: Do you happen to hae the same exact Graphic card chip as that person's machine.04:07
blackmatrix_nyescott, lol...ok04:07
celthunderblackmatrix_ny: because /etc/shadow cant be cracked right, that was done 20 years ago.04:07
blackmatrix_nycelthunder, which bit encryption you talking about being cracked ?04:08
blackmatrix_nycelthunder, $6$CwBddTop$bnSyhnkA0C/i7.QL65Ztwpu.I.BfkJhJT3rKAp1SxllJ.9I7rCwVzOA/JehMPA/yESj1ed7.A5yHU38sdMiQP    <----can you crack that, that's my root pwd :-)04:09
blackmatrix_nycelthunder, in /etc/shadow btw04:09
bluesnowhi, how could I change the subnet mask on ubuntu 11.10?04:10
celthunderbluesnow: ifconfig device netmask newsubnet04:10
sarykeltus: lspci | grep VGA .. will determine your video card make and model , and lshw -C video will show more details.04:10
bluesnowI think the subnet mask is stopping me from communicating with my router, so I can't get wireless :(04:10
bluesnowcelthunder: thanks04:10
celthunderbluesnow: or ip addr sholud be able to do it as well if yousing that04:11
riexHello, I got a little problem. How do i add a new MAC-address in linux? because i have just changed netcard in my server. I hope someone can help me..04:11
keltussary: I just did apt-get install nvidia-drivers and that seemed to fix it :)04:11
Phukuuplatest nvidiea is 17304:11
sarykeltus: Cool :) .04:12
Phukuupnvidia-173 sp04:12
celthunderblackmatrix_ny: if i had rainbow tables on my hdd with me i could probably04:12
celthunderFleck: the mac changes automatically with the hw,  unless you were spoofing it04:12
escottcelthunder, i thought the local salt made that near impossible04:13
celthunderescott: it makes it harder not impossible04:13
celthunderescott: salting only does so much and is /etc/shadow even salted? i dont think mine is04:14
escottcelthunder, thats going to be a huge table then. 8 ascii salt characters and a 40 character hash space.04:14
escottcelthunder, CwBddTop is his salt04:14
blackmatrix_nycelthunder, yea, after like maybe 20 years :-)04:15
escottcelthunder, if im doing the calculation right your rainbow table needs to have 2^(64+320) entries04:16
celthunderblackmatrix_ny: in 20 years we will have no privacy whatsoever thanks to morons, and if we do it will be using quantum physics (hopefully)04:16
blackmatrix_nycelthunder, the underground express will always be humming :-)04:17
bazhang!ot | blackmatrix_ny celthunder04:18
ubottublackmatrix_ny celthunder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:18
celthunderriex: my above mac address thing was for you btw i misread your name04:18
Phukuuppsycho telemetrics like telepathy will eliminate most of the current problems04:18
Phukuupas well as the need for ipv604:18
bazhangPhukuup, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic04:19
celthunderwe will run out of mac addresses before ipv604:19
blackmatrix_nygn all...lights out04:19
celthunderbazhang: what was your question04:19
bazhangcelthunder, take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic . there was no question04:19
Phukuup!ubuntu 20.04 LTS04:20
ubottuPhukuup: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:20
Phukuupstoopit bawt04:20
bazhangPhukuup, stop that04:20
=== EnkiduEnkita is now known as EnkiduZZZ
bluesnowI changed my IP address so I can ping my router now, but I still can't connect to sites for some reason04:21
=== Guest89051 is now known as aot2002
bluesnowHow can I get the value that the "gateway" should be set to for manual IPv4?04:22
aot2002bluesnow, What is your /etc/resolv.conf have in it for dns?04:22
Phukuupbluesnow default gateway?04:23
aot2002bluesnow, "route"04:23
Phukuupor route04:24
celthunderbluesnow:your gateway is the ip ut of your subnet check your router or layer 3 switch if you have one.04:24
personaprospekthow do i get the unity bar to only show up on one monitor and get the secondary monitor to automatically go to the side of the first instead of going to clone by default04:26
aot2002bluesnow, also see "route -n"04:27
bluesnowaot2002: route just gives me the gateway I assigned manually04:28
bluesnowaot2002: but I can't connect to any sites. I can only ping myself and my router04:28
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celthunderbluesnow: so you can ping the router? thats your gateway..04:29
Phukuupbluesnow does ifconfig show the same default gateway?04:29
dr_willispersonaprospekt:  whays your video card?  normally you enable xinerama for a 'wide' desktop spaning both monitors04:29
aot2002bluesnow, can you post what your /etc/resolv.conf file has in it for DNS servers?04:30
personaprospektdr_willis: ati radeon proprietary drivers i have it in multiple monitor mode with xinerama off.  it wont let me turn it on even.04:31
dr_willispersonaprospekt:  xinerama is what handles the wide desktop feaature. withotu it. i guess you are stuck with cloneing.04:31
dr_willisbut i thought ati had a similernammed feature with more special 'features' - i rarely use ati04:32
personaprospektdr_willis: even if i could turn it on it seems to reset all my graphics settings i have wide desktop working just it gives me 2 unity bars04:32
aot2002bluesnow, do a "cat /etc/resolv.conf" and let me know what's in it.04:32
bluesnowaot2002: /etc/resolve.conf has nameserver
dr_willispersonaprospekt:  this is in 12.04? i thought that was the default for a bar on each monitor. then they changed it befor final release.04:32
bttfim running this makefile but it cant find/read a file that works fine when read from manually04:32
personaprospektdr_willis: every time i plug in the second monitor it goes to cloning once more, and yes there are bars on both monitors04:32
bttfthe same command fails when in the makefile but succeeds whe ni do it04:33
personaprospektdr_willis: and yes 12.04.04:33
aot2002bluesnow, change that to your router ip which should handle dns for you.04:33
mr-richOk, I'm setting up an Ubuntu web server. What is the best free (GPL'd) web control pannel software?04:33
celthunderAthanasius: 4.2.2.* is valid04:33
celthunderer aot2002 thats valid its opendns and works fine04:33
menturiI am stuck. escott I was able to go to recovery mode menu item, and then get to the shell/terminal/command line/whatever it is called (hehe), however I now don't know what do at this point to get ubuntu booting (with b43.blacklist=yes)04:34
aot2002celthunder, I'm aware it is.04:34
celthunderwhy use your router for dns? thats not what its for its for routing, which is what he cant do anyway04:34
aot2002celthunder, the router should forward it off to the proper isp dns. I'm just seeing if there's an issue with the current dns settings.04:35
bluesnowaot2002: I changed the DNS server to my router's ip and it's still not working04:35
menturiOh escott is no longer with us. Maybe somebody else can help me out. How do I boot ubuntu from the shell (but with "b43.blacklist=yes" added)?04:35
dr_willisboot ubuntu from the 'shell' ?04:35
menturihehe sorry about my poor terms :P04:36
Phukuupsudo shutdown -r now04:36
celthundermenturi: shutdown -r now add that to your /etc/modprobe.d/ beforehand or add it to grub04:36
dr_willisat the grub menu, you can edit the boot line and append thsat b43.blabla  after the line - similer to 'quiet splash b43.xxxxxx'04:36
aot2002bluesnow, can you pastebin your ifconfig and "cat /etc/resolv.conf" output. I assume your chatting through the same internet connection that your attempting to run this on?04:36
bluesnowaot2002: Can't pastebin, I'm on a separate computer04:36
celthunderbluesnow: whats your subnet mask and gateway set to currently and ip04:37
celthunderbluesnow: and routers ip on the port you are connecting to04:37
aot2002bluesnow, I guess you can't type it?04:38
bluesnowcelthunder: my IP address is, netmask is, gateway is, DNS servers is
Phukuupthat should be working04:39
aot2002bluesnow, What's in your routing table?04:39
bluesnowaot2002: I can type it. it will take a bit. is there any specific part of the output I should type?04:39
aot2002bluesnow, no what you gave is fine that's what I wanted to see.04:39
bluesnowPhukuup: I manually assigned the IP address to myself. would that make it not work?04:39
Phukuupuh huh04:40
celthunderbluesnow: no unless you blacklisted the ip or put it in a vlan that cant route out04:40
wyldebluesnow: only if you have 2 devices trying to operate on the same ip04:40
Phukuupyup that would be my guess04:41
aot2002bluesnow, Just curious what is the ip address, subnet, and gateway of the computer your chatting with currently?04:41
menturidr_jesus:  unfortunately my grub menu is litterally unreadable due to some reason it displays incorrectly. How can I edit the boot line once I get to that menu?04:41
menturi( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/53794511/Images/0516022344.jpg )04:41
Phukuupmenturi: why can you not just reboot?04:41
menturiPhukuup:  the kernel goes into a panic.04:42
Phukuupmenturi: no 3rd party scsi involed is there?04:43
personaprospektdr_willis: ok that works.  now how to make the current settings default i changed and saved all the confiigs as root but every time i connect and disconnect the second display it resets to clone04:43
bluesnowcelthunder: my laptop is IP: subnet: IPv4 gateway: DHCP server: DNS
Phukuupwhoa different subnet04:43
bluesnowcelthunder: Okay, just noticed that this doesn't match up with the router's IP.04:44
menturithis is a fresh install. i was unable to even install ubuntu without adding the b43.blacklist=yes part.04:44
celthunderPhukuup: thats ok, i have different subnets...04:44
celthunderbluesnow: you can have multiple router ips...in fact you SHOULD have at least 204:44
Phukuupthe router is doing dhcp04:44
aot2002bluesnow, bingo04:44
celthundermenturi: just add the blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/ somewhere04:45
bluesnowPhukuup: I tried using DHCP auto for everything earlier, but it wasn't working04:45
celthunderbluesnow: interesting so it hands out invalid ips or  ?04:45
bluesnowmy ubuntu desktop had wireless about 7 hours earlier today, and then after a reboot it stopped working04:45
menturii guess it is time to learn how to open and edit a file via terminal :P04:46
Phukuupmenturi: something is bad wrong with your boot image04:46
bluesnowcelthunder: I'm not sure. I had everything on DHCP auto earlier and it worked. And then after a reboot it stopped working. I've rebooted multiple times since, and it hasn't worked again.04:46
celthundermenturi: vim or emacs preferred joe nano or ed are also usually around04:46
menturiPhukuup:  the drivers for the wireless card afaik is the cause... or something relating to the wireless... I don't fully understand what the issue is.04:46
Phukuupbluesnow because you set it to static maunally04:46
bluesnowPhukuup: I've set it back to DHCP a few times and rebooted, and it hasn't worked.04:47
Phukuupmm my upgrade seems to have stopped04:47
Phukuupmaybe it's just slow04:49
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest28998
bluesnowPhukuup: It's pretty fast when it works. But it's stopped working completely.04:49
aot2002bluesnow, Did you try "dhclient" from the command line?04:50
menturicelthunder:  silly question: is modprobe.d a directory or a file?04:50
bluesnowaot2002: I'll try that.04:50
PhukuupI wouldn't mess with the inits you got enough problems04:51
mitchellanyone compile ircd-hybrid to enable SSL here?04:51
doshthi, I have gnome shell on ubuntu 11.10. When I change proxy with gconf it does not reflect to the network settings and it does not change the proxy. I'm trying to use pac url04:52
Phukuupnod eye04:52
mitchell I'm looking for the series of steps to compile ircd-hybrid to INCLUDE SSL on a Ubuntu server04:52
Phukuupmake install04:52
bluesnowaot2002: dhclient doesn't fix it either04:53
Phukuupprolly got a arg for -SSL04:53
armenceHello all. Where can I download the netbook edition?04:53
mitchellanyone have a link to a SSL enabled hybrid-ircd server ubuntu compiled package?04:53
dr_willisarmence:  thats basically obsolete.04:53
menturicelthunder> menturi: just add the blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/ somewhere << nevermind my last question; i was using cd incorrectly. i see various files in here; where should i modify what?04:53
dr_willisarmence:  there may be some iso's of it still on the ubuntu servers.04:53
armencedr_willis, What's the recommended solution for ubuntu on netbooks then?04:54
TheHave any of you ever seen a spaceship?04:54
armencedr_willis, Just normal ubuntu?04:54
dr_willisarmence:  normal ubuntu 12.04 works fine on my netbook...04:54
mardraumground control to major tom04:54
dr_willisarmence:  the netbook edition and the regbular ubuntu  becvame the ssame thing about 3 releases back.04:54
bluesnowOh, it's working now04:54
armencedr_willis, Thanks04:54
mitchellPhukuup, there's a devious series of steps to include SSL when compiling the source code of hybrid-ircd with openssl04:55
bluesnowDHCP + dhclient did the trick I think04:55
mitchelljust wondering if anyone here has done it ?04:55
bluesnowthanks for the help :)04:55
mitchellanyone recommend a specific ircd SSL enabled server for me to try on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ?04:55
neo31hello folks, please I need some help to enable iptables service on ubuntu 12.04, I have installed the package iptables but I don't have anyservice to make it run04:55
dr_willisiptables service? thought that was part of the default firewalling features04:56
dr_willis!info iptables04:56
ubottuiptables (source: iptables): administration tools for packet filtering and NAT. In component main, is standard. Version 1.4.12-1ubuntu4 (precise), package size 352 kB, installed size 1237 kB04:56
neo31I had ufw and I have removed it to install iptables04:56
dr_willislast i looked ufw used the iptables tools.... but i dont do firewalling much04:57
celthundermitchell: anything but unreal should be fine04:57
dr_willisiptables 'is standard' - that means its installed by default?04:57
aot2002dr_willis, yup04:57
neo31I just need to have something like /etc/init.d/iptables04:57
aot2002ufw just adds rules in iptables04:58
aot2002neo31, Are you just trying to make sure it's running?04:58
dr_willisand iptables runs automatically if any rules exist... i thought04:58
dr_willismy router does all my firewalling these days. ;) im lazy04:58
aot2002dr_willis, you can take the firewall down04:58
neo31yes aot200204:59
dr_willissudo iptables --list        i recall shows any current firewall rules..04:59
mitchellI'm finding SSL is not easy to include nor setup for a Ubuntu based IRCD regardless of their ad's and descriptions celthunder04:59
celthunderdr_willis: iptables runs automatically it doesnt automatcially load any rules and for default there really isnt any answer to that you decide when you compile your kernel and add your packages05:00
neo31it's running already05:00
dr_willis'if iptables is running with no rules... is it really running..'  how 'zen' ;)05:00
celthundermitchell: ratbox ircu and ng probably support ssl05:01
Phukuupholy cr** it was stuck waiting for me to restart stuff05:01
celthunderdr_willis: it makes sense...do you really want your firewall to load rules on reboot?  once you define your rules its easy enough to make it use them on boot but nobody really wants that by default05:02
mitchellI haven't tried ratbox yet celthunder, setup celsomething but can't get the SSL to enable on it either :(05:02
celthundermitchell: ok where did you get your ssl cert from and whats the issue with it05:02
celthunderrather than saying it doesnt work what about it doesnt work05:03
mitchellcelthunder, sadly hybrid-ircd got into a 'discussion' over licensing with openssl and stopped compiling the packages with it enabled05:03
mitchellcelthunder it's a lot more than just compiling the cert's and keys but yes I've done those several times in different directorys celthunder05:03
Phukuupumm for future reference the upgrade for 12.04 does indeed stop at unpacking until you retart some services had I not opened the terminal to look I would not have seen that05:03
aot2002Phukuup, nice05:04
PhukuupI would still be waiting05:04
mitchellthe specific issue celthunder is no SSL working with any ircd server I have setup, regardless of my creating and setting up the certs, pub.key files05:04
celthundermitchell: what happens when you try whats the error05:05
celthundermitchell: make it listen with ssl and give the error05:05
mitchellsorry celthunder, I can't find the exact SSL error as I'm currently on another box05:07
PhukuupI hope all these errors I am seeing in terminal are fixed before restart or my goose is gonna be cooked05:09
celthunderPhukuup: lol errors for what? make/configure?05:11
celthunderPhukuup: i would be more worried at not seeing make/configure error.05:12
celthunderas long as its not fatal it probably isnt too important05:12
aot2002Phukuup, just make sure it's 180+ degrees before you eat it.05:13
=== jgt is now known as HareyJ
HareyJHey... what can I do about an Xorg -configure erroring out and saying "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices." ?05:18
Phukuuprevert to old xorg  cofiguration05:20
HareyJthere isn't one, it crashes when it tries to use the nvidia driver..05:21
mitchellanyone see/have any link to hybrid-ircd 7.3-SSL package for Ubuntu or .Deb ?05:21
HareyJI don't know X well at all, I don't even know where the original is.. I was just told to do the configure in here earlier to fix a freezing issue05:21
celthunderHareyJ: nvidia has its own config util use that05:23
celthunderXorg -configure is for open source drivers05:23
celthundernvidia-xconfig or something05:24
HareyJYes, I want to go back to nouveau drivers, the nvidia one is freezing my machine.05:25
od--Does anyone know why xorg-fbdev would only show contents on the screen after it has exited and display blank while running?05:29
nanananabatmanHow can I change the background of the login screen?05:30
bluesnowis there a way to change screen brightness in ubuntu 11.10? adjusting the brightness dial in screen is not working :(05:32
erealzcan some on please help me troubleshoot a problem with my router?05:32
erealzi think it the router anyways05:33
erealzrecently i notice i cant reach certin websites then wont load and i cant login to my shellaccount05:34
erealzbut if i vpn first then try and load page it loads up just fine?05:34
erealzwhy is this?05:34
erealzanyone ever run into this problem?05:35
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celthunderbluesnow: on the monitor or fn brightness buttons in a laptop05:40
=== Aeryndaar is now known as Silversong
alusionHow do I play .mkv on ubuntu?  What is the best converter program?05:55
alusionto convert mkv to avi on ubuntu05:56
wilee-nileealusion, try winff05:58
L3topmplayer will play .mkv05:59
L3topYou probably will need some codecs05:59
Syria_I connect to VPS via termial using this command ssh -D "port" @address, please help me to export this connection via ad-hoc wifi.05:59
L3topand vlc will play almost anything... there are some annoying changes in 2.X06:00
wilee-nileevlc will probably play a mkv which is just a container anyway06:00
adv__enhance performance of Ubuntu by disabling unwanted things?? awaiting Ideas ??06:04
dr_willisi doubt if you will see much differance adv__  unless yoiu have very low end hardware06:05
dr_willisin which case. yoiiu may as well use lubuntu for the lightest desktop06:05
adv__I wish to run it from usb on Vbox06:05
adv__but certain programs dont run in light desktop06:06
dr_willisfrom usb on vbox?  You mean have vbox access a actual usb device? why not use a virtual hd:06:06
dr_willisadv__:  ive not noticed anything not working in lubuntu.06:06
adv__yep have usb3 11.10 was blazing 12.04 is slow...06:06
adv__will give lubuntu a try.06:07
adv__I wanted to run jfire server was not able to...06:07
dr_willisif you want the best vbox speeds. use a virtual hd image file. not a real device.06:07
dr_willisno idea what 'jfire' is.06:07
wylde!mini | adv__: Install minimal and install only what you need?06:07
ubottuadv__: Install minimal and install only what you need?: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:07
dr_willis!info jfire06:08
ubottuPackage jfire does not exist in precise06:08
adv__ok thanks dr_willis , ubottu06:08
adv__never mind abt jfire..06:08
adv__wow havent seen minimal cd.... only 27MB06:09
adv__ought to try that06:09
dr_willisheh a full tinycorelinux cd = 10mb. ;)06:09
adv__does to give gui?06:10
dr_willisMultiCoreLinux = 35mb.06:10
adv__dont want to leave ubuntu...06:10
dr_willisboth come with X and a minimal desktop06:10
dr_willisUbuntu Minimal cd = just the basics - you then install what you want06:10
adv__have been with ubuntu since 6. something06:10
dr_willisbasics as in - you get a shell...06:10
dr_willistinycore/multicore - is too handy to overlook ;)06:11
adv__will try it too06:11
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alusionwinFF doesn't even work..06:12
adv__dr, what is the craziest thing u have done with ubuntu?06:13
bohemian9485!info bluetooth module v2.106:13
ubottu'module' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable06:13
dr_willisi  belive winff needed me to tweak the terminal setting it used. for some reason it needed to be set to use 'xterm -e' instead of the x-terminam-application06:13
dr_willisi have been using winff for the last 2 weeks on and off in 12.04 - so it does work06:13
dr_willisarista is a nice alternative to winff also.06:14
alusionThanks I will try that out06:14
alusiondr_willis do you help people with IT as part of your profession btw?06:15
wolf35who here06:15
dr_willisalusion:  nope. just a hobby06:15
dr_willisi dont use computers much at all.. in my normal job.06:15
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alusionVery cool, I respect that. What is your normal job if I may ask?06:15
dr_willisI work for Chrysler - in a factory fixing machines...06:16
alusionI try not to get the two involved myself as I intended to use ubuntu for a more stable machine that I feel I have more control / ownership / manipulability and flexibility towards but I work mainly in the arts .. now I find myself obsessing over the OS more than I originally intended06:17
dr_willisi am seeing linux used in some of the CNC machines i work on. :) embeded in the controllers06:17
alusionVery cool, I was thinking about building a CNC machine myself. I always wanted to have a sort of "Creation station" since the technologies have brought it closer to a consumer market06:17
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alusionWhat kind of preset should I use for converting mkv to something I can watch on the comp / android tablet?06:19
alusionsomething that plays friendly with either ?06:20
dr_williswith the right player - my android phone/fire can play most anything i throw at it.06:20
dr_willisarista has several  presets for android, as does winff06:20
WotWhereneed help troubleshooting Ubuntu 12.04 installed on System, Bulldozer fx-8120 + msi 990fxa-gd65 mobo, driver problems i suspect, the realtek HD Audio driver was not installed, but worst the System hangs on clicking some links06:20
dr_willismoboplayer, or rockplayer on android plays most everything here.06:20
dr_willistheres even vlc for android now.06:21
lmaowafflehi guys. Are any of you familiar with setxkbmap - more specifically, remapping capslock as control key? my .xinitrc directives had previously worked (months ago) and I'm assuming that there has since been a change in xorg. My .xinitrc had setxkbmap -layout us -model evdev -rules xorg -option ctrl:nocaps06:21
alusionyup I got the VLC, ima just load up the files on a external and try playing from there then06:21
lmaowafflethe command works manually after X starts at a terminal06:22
lmaowafflethe rest of .xinitrc loads fine at X startup06:22
dr_willisi thought the .xinitrc only  gotr read if you  used  the 'custom' X session from lightdm06:22
lmaowaffledr_willis: I have symlinks setup06:23
dr_willissetup for what. You could use the .config/autostart (or was it autorun) directory06:23
lmaowafflei forget the symlink.. .xsession perhaps?06:24
dr_willisi thought the gnome keyboard config tool had settings for those also. could be its overrideing them06:24
lmaowafflesomething I gleaned from an ubuntu tut06:24
lmaowafflei'll investigate that06:24
dr_willisI thought that.. .xsession/.xinitrc ONLY got ran when you used the custome X session from lightdm. they dont get ran when you use 'ubuntu' or 'gnome' or other sessions,06:25
dr_willisie:  they dont get ran 'in in addation to' the normal desktop06:25
lmaowafflei neglected to mention that I'm using slim (again, from tut)06:28
lmaowafflethat might make it easier for you to digest ;)06:28
dr_willisif you are going the .xinitrc route.. then you may want to controll everything from .xinitrc  have it do your commands, then start the window manavger/desktop you want06:29
dr_willisi imagine slim works the same way... if you select the ubuntu session, it runs the stuff defined in the ubuntu.desktop session file. it doent run that AND stuff from .xinitrc06:30
dr_willis the .config/autostart directory has stuff that can get ran automatically for ubuntu, kubuntu, and gnome-shell. i think lubuntu and xubuntu also make use of the .config/autostart dir06:31
adv__recently observed mintos on distowatch, how is it?06:33
dr_willisMint is not Ubuntu. :)  I dont see much need for me to use mint.06:34
dr_willisnever really noticed much it did - thts normal ubuntu dosent do. perhasp a few tweaks or other defaults.06:34
issriis there any place where i can find initrd.gz and vmlinuz images of both amd64 and i386 versions separately?06:35
issrii mean without getting the whole iso image06:36
dr_willisthe mini iso is like  a few dozen mb. may hav them06:36
HeartUbuntujust installed 12.04, the information window during the install, the gorgeous purple one with the twitter feeds, is there an application with that same theme for live twitter feeds? looked awesome!06:38
issridr_willis: thanks. could you please provide me with a link address too?06:41
dr_willisi think that was just a special feature they did for the installer.06:41
HeartUbuntuis there an app in the base system to test my 3d?06:41
HeartUbuntuaww, ty willis06:41
dr_willisissri:  samew place the  normal iso files would be at. Ive neverreally used the mini iso06:41
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:41
dr_willisive never gotten into twitter.. ;) just more mindless spammage from what i see on the twitter feedd on my phone06:42
HeartUbuntuthe latest installer is so freaking sleak, and letting you do the customizations during install, beats playing freecell during install, lol06:42
dr_willisi get enough of that on IRC.    ;P06:42
HeartUbuntulol, but i'd follow random people just to have that theme on my second monitor, lol06:43
HeartUbuntui love the color scheme for 12.0406:43
dr_willisi always change to blue/grayish colors...06:43
HeartUbuntunothing wrong with classic clean06:43
dr_willisHot Pink and Lilac! ;))06:44
brianpWinsI've got ubuntu 10.04 and have logged in with a user that should be in the admin group. I logged in via ssh key so i didn't need the p/w and should have sudo priv's. I don't for the life of me remember what my password is06:44
dr_willisalways amuseing when new features  list 'differnt themes'06:44
llutz_dr_willis: people just like eye-candy, the won't use a linux-system to work with it06:45
brianpWinshow can i verify I'm in the admin group and do something about the password issue?06:45
dr_willisid rather see more time spend in fixing little things.. then making a new icon set.06:45
llutz_brianpWins: "id" tells you06:45
HeartUbuntuhey, i use terminal too! good thing nowadays, i only need to use it minimally06:45
MarkiteNdr_willis: how to change the colors?06:45
dr_willisMarkiteN:  depends on  what colors you mean.06:45
HeartUbuntui remember back in the day of redhat/mandrake, bah... installing my graphic drivers were a b****06:45
brianpWinsllutz_: sweet i am in admin thanks06:46
MarkiteNdr_willis: the colors of panel, dashboard, and title bar..06:46
dr_willisMarkiteN:  i just use differnt themes from the webupd8 ppa and  so forth till i get the mixx i like06:47
WotWhereneed help troubleshooting Ubuntu 12.04 installed on System, Bulldozer fx-8120 + msi 990fxa-gd65 mobo, driver problems i suspect, the realtek HD Audio driver was not installed, but worst the System hangs on clicking some links06:47
WotWhereWhere can i check if the drivers are working correctly06:47
HeartUbuntuthis time, i'm gonna try to use unity, but... things aren't categorized as efficiently as gnome2 classic mode, and i still feel like the dock that's all the rage isn't that efficient, just cleaner looking06:47
dr_willisi got a classic-menu-indicator applet for Unity that lets me use theold menus ;)06:48
dr_willisbut i use the hud more and more to launch things.06:48
HeartUbuntuyou get an icon in the top right asking for you to install proprietary drivers wotwhere?06:48
MarkiteNdr_willis: thank you06:48
HeartUbuntuya, i'm gonna try to just stick with it and get used to it, if not, log into classic mode06:49
WotWhereHeartUbuntu: thanx06:49
dr_willisunity in 12.04 has some real neat features once you learn them.06:49
HeartUbuntuinterface seems very much like osx, just not as good06:50
dr_willisicons on a panel...  gee.. thats been around befor OS-x ;)06:51
HeartUbuntuomg, doesn't let you move launcher from the left?06:51
dr_willisbut i haventused apple in ages.. got rid of my PPC imac a few months back06:51
dr_willisHeartUbuntu:  not at this time.06:51
HeartUbuntui have an old grape g3 in the closet06:51
dr_willistheres some unofficial hacks to move the launcher to the bottom. but thats not supported here.. and can cause issues.06:52
dr_willisHeartUbuntu:  it make an ok  'ssh' terminal box. ;)06:52
HeartUbuntuthat was my turn off first time i used it, because i move to the left a lot, and launcher kept getting in my way, not to mention it wouldn't pop up right, sometimes get stuck, etc06:52
SilversongHey guys, I got a quick question (new Ubuntu user here). I am trying to download Java from java.com to run Java Applets06:52
SilversongI downloaded the .rpm file and extracted everything, I see the Java folder06:53
dr_willisLeft launcher panel is set to not auto hide by default any more.06:53
dr_willis!java | Silversong06:53
ubottuSilversong: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:53
SilversongBut the applets still don't load like I don't even have Java06:53
dr_willisdont use the rpm Silversong  thats not for ubuntu06:53
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SilversongAll right. Thanks dr_willis. I shall delete that06:53
HeartUbuntui always try to google the proper apt-get commands for installing stuff rather than downloading packages, less of a headache06:53
dr_willisrpm = mandrake/redhat06:53
dr_willisdeb = ubuntu, debian06:54
dr_willisthe open soruced javais in the repos.. oraccles java needs extra work06:54
HeartUbuntuor... run synaptic package manager, search for something like "java" and read the descriptions of the packages06:54
dr_willisthats the open sourced java. in synaptic. which may not run all the java apps ... it depends on what you are runnijg06:55
SilversongThanks dr06:55
Silversong:) Thanks06:56
dr_willisThank Oracle for the added work we have to do now for java..06:56
HeartUbuntuany reason to run 64 bit other than utilizing more ram?06:56
dr_williswhat a ...wonderfull... company06:56
dr_willisIf your hardware supports 64bit -  i say use 64bit06:57
dr_willisnot much reason to not go 64bit these days06:57
HeartUbuntumy pc supports 64 bit, just figured i won't get much of a boost and less headaches with 32 bit06:57
dr_willisi dont think the 'less headaches with 32bit' applys any more these days06:58
HeartUbuntui'll try 64 bit next time06:58
Silversongdr_willis Do I need both JDK and JRE?06:58
intorehi, i have a debian server and ubuntu clients. The debian server has been installed in textual mode and the users on the client have their home directories on the server. After login on the clients using gdm appears the error "could not update iceauthority file". What must be installed on the server?06:58
dr_willisSilversong:  no idea.. do you need the java developers kit? :)06:58
SilversongI already have Eclipse06:59
SilversongI use that06:59
SilversongI just need something to RUN java right now for java applets in Firefox06:59
dr_willisIf you are developing in java.. then you know more about java development then i do. ;)06:59
dr_willisjre = runtime enviroment06:59
Silversongfair enough, lol06:59
SilversongI'm still learning about java development. taking a class on that right now xD07:00
dr_willisi rarely code in anything these days07:00
adv__bye all07:01
HeartUbuntugl silver, i did awesome in the most basic java classes, but bah, i'm too ADD for object oriented languages07:01
HeartUbuntui envy programmers07:01
SilversongLol, I'm learning Java, OOP and Web Applications07:01
SilversongIn this ONE course07:01
SilversongMy university has this course that focuses all of them, and I'm taking it over a summer session07:02
HeartUbuntucan't wait til html5 is the default over flash, this is the reason i'm reinstalling ubuntu, flash causes software problems with my windows internet, makes me get client side lag and disconnects07:02
MarzataSilversong: what uni?07:02
SilversongMarzata: Penn State07:02
HeartUbuntusounds fun silver07:02
knowjAnyone have any idea what's happening with this SSH login (RSA key) http://pastebin.com/TBNUafxT (Ubuntu 12.04 clean install, newuser, ssh-keygen)?07:03
SilversongYeah. Just one the first class yesterday. I'm really excited. Lmao, still a very nooby programmer, but chipping my way there.07:03
SilversongFor the FIRST TIME I finally learned about how to make a GUI. Hahaha07:03
SilversongAnd I just got Ubuntu what, 4 days ago?07:03
HeartUbuntunice to just focus in all of the during one semester, but hope they don't cheat you over the summer like my college did. prof gave us all the answers the to midterm and final, and all our coding, we had prewritten code to edit, i learned nothing07:04
MarzataSilversong: how much cost a year in psu?07:04
SilversongMarzata: I have student loans, so about 30K?07:05
SilversongIt's very expensive, lol, but I see it as a form of investment. Learning a lot.07:05
MarzataSilversong: ah, 30 K USD / year?07:06
MarzataSilversong: ah, 30 K USD / year? for a state uni?07:06
HeartUbuntuif i had to do it over, i'd do first two years in community first07:06
SilversongYeah it's the most costly state university in the country lol.07:06
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SilversongBut it's the best State University (not including those University Of... universities)07:06
MarzataSilversong: in Scandinavia Unis are free.07:06
SilversongYeah I know. My friend's from Stockholm.07:07
HeartUbuntui hope someday, there will be open source education as online universities get more popular, and you can just pay for rigorous tests to get a degree07:07
MarzataSilversong: isn't it OSU better than PSU?07:07
HeartUbuntugnome3 installed in ubuntu by default?07:09
mitchellGenerating pairs of strong Public and Private RSA encrypted key-pairs for your SSH Server/Client http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=97505&start=2007:09
dr_willisHeartUbuntu:  unity runs on top of gnome-3 yes. its a shell on top of it07:09
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity07:10
SilversongMarzata: Depends on majors. School of Engineering (for Computer Science and Computer Engineering, they're not, generally they're lower ranked, too)07:11
mitchellanyone running a ircd server under a Ubuntu server here ?07:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:11
SilversongI can't get my Unity to run 3d. It's been Unity-2d. I'm trying to install the proprietary graphic driver. May need you guys' help later after I install Java07:12
somethinginteresI have bind DNS installed to tweak behaviour for specific sites. I want to make sure that my ISPs DNS is being used for everything else. /etc/resolv.conf shows Does this mean I am correct in assuming it's using my BIND server for ALL dns queries?07:12
llutz_somethinginteres: if theres no other entry, yes07:12
AlkanTürkiye'den kimse var mı arkadaşlar?07:13
llutz_!tr | Alkan07:13
ubottuAlkan: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.07:13
wabbiraI'm trying to install Ubuntu from a disk I bought through OSDisk. Does anyone know how long "Installing system" should appear for? It's not making any noise, and the bar has been stuck at 80% full for a couple minutes now (I tried once before and waited 10 minutes).07:14
MarzataSilversong: so, for a B.Sc. you have to pay 90 K USD?07:15
Silversong120K. It's 4 years here07:15
HeartUbuntushouldn't get stuck like that unless maybe you enabled updates through internet07:15
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dr_williswabbira:  if downloading updates was checked.. it can take some time07:16
somethinginteresllutz: Damn. That may be fine if I can confirm that my BIND server is using my ISPs DNS to answer the queries. Dunno how else it could answer them since I have not specified a ton of info for sites only a few07:16
wabbiraOh - I unchecked "install 3rd party software" this time, but selected enable updates for flash07:16
dr_willisi alwyas check both :)07:16
HeartUbuntuyou have a thumbdrive with at least 1 gig? you can try to download the iso and use LiLi to create a live usb boot installer07:16
wabbirai googled and they said uncheck 3rd party if it hangs07:16
dr_willisservers being slow - is not the same as hanging. ;) but it dosent matter a lot.07:17
wabbiraoh god, please no - i spent 16 hours trying to get that to work, ended up shelling out for the disk.07:17
dr_willisuncheck both for fastesst install. and update later07:17
wabbirais it normal that it's not making any noise?07:17
dr_willis16 hrs making a bootable usb? should take 4 min..07:17
wabbirano, kept running into problem after problem07:17
wabbiraeventually got it to boot from the usb, but couldn't install07:18
dr_willisopen a temrinal, ccheck 'dmesg' output. or the log files..  i guess07:18
somethinginteresllutz_, : Damn. That may be fine if I can confirm that my BIND server is using my ISPs DNS to answer the queries. Dunno how else it could answer them since I have not specified a ton of info for sites only a few.07:18
dr_willisi had 12.04 downloaded and installed in less then an hr on release day. ;)07:18
dr_willistorrents were real real fast that day07:18
WotWhereHi All07:19
WotWhereon bootup.. before login screen appears...  i get errors07:19
WotWhererebooted the comp to try ur suggestion.. No I do not get an Icon asking fro installation of propreitary drivers07:19
WotWhereI used jockey.. it says No Propreitary drivers are installed07:19
WotWherewhile i was doing this.. i get .. Ubuntu has an internal error.. try restarting07:19
FloodBot1WotWhere: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:19
WotWhereIn the Scroll window that appears07:19
Miscnimorning all07:20
dr_willisWotWhere:  id  do a update and upgrade to make sure system is up to daate, then try jockey again07:20
SilversongNeed a bit help here again. I downloaded that .tar.gz07:21
Silversongextracted it to usr/lib/jvm07:21
dr_willisSilversong:  what tar.gz? we have short memorys here...07:21
Silversongthe java file07:21
Silversongthe JRE07:21
dr_willisI think i just used the ppa from the webup8 site. ;)  i dont recall what the java wiki page said to do..07:21
Silversongblah. i think i'll keep working on this tomorrow. it's 3:22 am here. too tired lol07:22
dr_willistheres scripts out that automate setting up oraccle java07:22
SilversongI'll see the tomorrow. Thanks.07:22
dr_willis3:22 here and i got another 3+ hrs of work...07:23
WotWheredr_willis : dont have network access... have downloaded drivers for graphics will transfer to USB.. thanx07:23
backyards01what connector or card do i need to hook up a cisco 2600 to  WAN coming from a time warner cable modem with a RJ-45....   just got one to play around with...  ?07:25
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dr_willisrj45 - isent that a normal network cable? or am my  getting my #'s wrong07:26
MarzataSilversong: how will it take you to pay back 90 K USD loans?07:26
MarzataSilversong: how long I meant ...07:27
wabbirayay! it's working.07:30
krababbelbackyards01: what comes out of the modem?07:32
backyards01An Rj-4507:32
krababbelbackyards01: oh, ethernet? get an expansion card, from ebay for example. however those routers don't do pppoa or pppoe if you need it.07:33
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krababbelbackyards01: so it won't be able to connect to the isp, though i have dsl, maybe cable is different07:33
VPBesides being root by sudo -i, I can't change the permissions of an NTFS partition. Pl guide:)07:34
Anarhisthi, i've just tried installing 12.04, i knew it would be bad, but not this bad. the panel on the left side refuses to hide and stays open (it's a serious issue on netbook), upper left corner of the screen closes the program rather than starts the menu choser, and of course when i search for an application in unity it finds nothing07:35
krababbelbackyards01: don't expect speed I heard too, throughput is said to be low. Nicely stable for sure.07:35
llutz_VP  ntfs is a non-unix filesyste, it cannot handle unix permissions. use mount options to adjust permissions (man mount)07:35
backyards01thanks krabbel. i had one fall into my lap and wanted to play around with it.07:36
rtabhuhello ubuntu07:36
LarsNwhat's the "proper" method of managing which services start on boot these days?07:36
VP llutz_:Ok & thanks07:36
VP llutz_: will try07:36
LarsNsince both "service" and "init" both appear to be valid solutions.07:36
backyards01looks like i need to do a little more research and a little money for a card or something07:36
dr_willisAnarhist:  the left side panel hideing is set to not hide by default. its setable. and i have no issues with it showing on my netbook,  as for the rest. not sure. i dont have the same issues  here.07:37
Anarhistdr_willis, where's the setting?07:37
nibalizerAnarhist: in appearcance07:37
krababbelbackyards01: if you have a router for the modem and if you can put that into bridge mode, knock yourself off. :) The card yes, plus a rollover cable for the serial port.07:37
dr_willisAnarhist:  no idea. i always set mine to always show. I do use 'myunity' to shrink the icon size down to 32.07:38
dr_willisor was that in appearances also..07:38
dr_willisbe nice if the 'hud' could show speific settings/tabs also.. will have to try tht later to see if  it does07:38
Anarhistok, thanks, i'll give that a try, after i figure out why i can't start find any application07:39
backyards01thanks again krababbel07:41
sk1specialis there a * help me fix my gay wireless settings channel * ?07:42
sk1specialor is anyone here familiar with motorola n dual band cable modem/routers07:44
dr_Willistime to try a new irc client on my phone, ;)07:46
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knowjCan anyone see any issue with this ssh-keygen (apart from it not working): http://pastebin.com/4PyiWARg07:52
mitchellI think I posted the link for you to refer to sometime ago in reply knowj07:56
mitchellwant me to look it up again for you knowj ?07:56
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
sh0ck_waveHi peer07:58
mitchellRefer to this knowj Generating pairs of strong Public and Private RSA encrypted key-pairs for your SSH Server/Client http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=97505&start=2007:58
Hounddogsomehow my flash is still going mad... crashing and so on... disabled hardware acceleration and used flash aid...07:59
mitchellReaders should refer to that forum article if you are unaware of the massive spying scheme in the US via the ISP's starting July 12th.07:59
Kalidarnis there any way in Ubuntu to resize a window to 1/4th of the screen, ie like in KDE when you drag to a corner07:59
mitchellwhy do you have flash enabled Hounddog, a glutten for punishment?07:59
Hounddogto watch some videos at time :p07:59
mitchellperhaps use a D.E. which supports that, Kalidarn ?07:59
KalidarnI'm aware that it has the 1/2 snap but that's not so useful on large screens07:59
Hounddogbut yeah... whish they would throw out flash now that we can use the media tags in html08:00
Kalidarnmitchell: yeah i was wondering if that feature had been added to unity/metacity/gnome what have you08:00
Kalidarni know that it was possible in KDE08:00
Hounddogwebgl is running better then this darn flash08:00
Hounddogmitchell: and on top of it... i have a optimus card...08:01
mitchellKDE is the heaviest D.E. that I know of regarding everything + the kitchen sink thou, Kalidarn08:01
knowjmitchell: I don't understand why it's not working when the same method works fine in ubuntu 11.08:01
mitchelldid you read that article I posted for you knowj ?08:01
mitchellcould be it's installed in another directory or there's a ownership, chown and chmod problem, knowj ?08:02
Kalidarnyes i know mitchell but i was wondering if it was possible to do that in any other environments08:02
* L3top thinks KDE looks thin in contrast to unity08:02
cristenHi everyone, I need help with Nvidia drivers. I downloaded them for the GT 540M. But when I start the .run script it says that it didn't find the kernel-devel or kernel-source. I tried to add --kernel-source-path "/usr/src/linuxXXX" path but didn't work either. Any help ?08:02
Hounddogunity... i somehow did not like it whatsoever...08:03
mitchellI would think so with Gnome 3.x Kalidarn however this box's graphic chips don't like Gnome 3.x so I can't help ya on that08:03
L3topcristen: you shouldnt need to download the drivers from nvidia. The nvidia-current driver is 195.40 which supports your card08:03
mitchellknowj have you checked the ownership of your public and key RSA files ?08:04
knowjmitchell: I'm in the process of reading it now. I've chmod and chown all the correct directories..08:04
Hounddogmitchell: got any more advises on flash maybe? beside cursing it :p08:04
cristenL3top, I need proprietary drivers to play Heroes of Newerth08:04
L3top!info nvidia-current08:04
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 32650 kB, installed size 96032 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)08:04
L3topcristen that is the proprietary driver08:04
cristenhow can I check if I have this one ?08:05
mitchellHounddog, I prefer noscript in firefox if you want to play with flash video's08:05
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L3topwhatever you downloaded is also going to be in the 295 range. cristen apt-cache policy nvidia-current08:05
Kalidarnhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TRIyqLrwXVY#t=4s that's what I'm trying to do in GNOME08:06
mitchellit's a free firefox addon which allows you to carefully fine tune java script and flash code Hounddog08:06
L3topwait... cristen... sorry what version ubuntu are you on?08:06
Hounddoglet me have a look at it, thx08:06
mitchellanyone compile hybrid-ircd to enable SSL ?08:06
L3topthen yeah...08:06
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mitchellanyone setup a SSL enabled ircd server on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS here ?08:07
cristenwell the game launches, but when I try to launch a private game it crashes, so I tried with bumblebee (because I'm running on an Optimus system) I get the following error : Cannot access secondary GPU08:08
vidbI want to copy a folder from a server to an other one using ftp, how can I do that please?08:10
dr_Willisvidb: with a ftp client would be the normal way. best to use ssh/scp  if you can08:11
dr_Willisnautilus file manager has a ftp client feature08:11
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd08:12
vidbdr_Willis: I don't have a graphic interface in the server, is there any way to copy using command lines?08:12
codekKhi, anyone can help me? i install ubuntu 12.04 and i have problems with my nvidia graphic... I solved it but now my "shutdown" button is like a updates need reboot... but i restart a lot of times and button cotinue.. :S:S08:12
dr_Willisi use 'mc' as my cli ftp client.. when i need one.. which has not been for years08:13
mitchellftps or ftp over ssl tunnel/shell08:13
dr_Willisor setup that fuse-ftp tool and use the normal file copy commands08:13
vidbfuse-ftp ?08:14
dr_Willisbut if the servers can do ssh/scp    then scp makes it muuch easier.08:14
vidbwhat is that?08:14
dr_Willis!info fuse08:14
ubottufuse (source: fuse): Filesystem in Userspace. In component main, is standard. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu2 (precise), package size 27 kB, installed size 145 kB08:14
smwvidb, the way I would do that is ssh to one and lftp from one to the other08:14
dr_Willisfuse = lets you have all sorts of neat 'special' filesystems08:14
vidbwell I already found a way to connect to a distant server using ftp, but I cannot copy folders, I can only copy file by file08:15
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dr_Willisthat would be a feature of your ftp client,08:15
mitchellpure-ftp is one of the widest used, it support ftp via SSL which fillezilla and many other ftp clients support TLS/SSL encryption08:15
mitchellafter July 11th. plain text file sharing is a open invite to show some stranger your end user agreement to have that file or face serious charges08:16
mitchellin the USA08:16
dr_Willis!info curlftpfs08:17
ubottucurlftpfs (source: curlftpfs): filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-5 (precise), package size 31 kB, installed size 101 kB08:17
LarsNmitchell: as if people still use plain text for anything important anyway. ;)08:17
dr_Willistheres wget and wput also i recall for moving things about ftp servers08:18
mitchellmany open anonymous FTP's are not encrypted LarsN08:18
dr_Willis!info wput08:18
ubottuwput (source: wput): A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2build1 (precise), package size 56 kB, installed size 144 kB08:18
LarsNmitchell: do people use anon FTP for anything important?  I haven't for at least a decade.08:18
LarsNI don't count pulling down an Ubuntu ISO as "important"08:18
mitchellLarsN 'didn't know' is not a execuse which works in a USA courtroom regarding that file you accidently got08:18
llutz_LarsN: ask the "common user" if he encrypted his cloud-contents...08:18
codekKAnyone can help me? My "power" button looks like a gear, as when the system updates and asked to restart ... But I've rebooted a ten or more times and nothing08:19
HeartUbuntudead drops are the future of file sharing :p08:19
dr_Willisrebirth of sneakernet08:19
mitchellhow secure is 168bit blowfish ?08:19
LarsNmitchell: reasonably.08:19
mitchellmost 128bit encryptions are broken which is why it's ok to export them overseas out of USA08:20
mitchellI don't think OpenSSL supports twofish nor serpent, LarsN ?08:20
ryannathansI installed esound, what's the equivilent of 'esdplay' ?08:20
mitchell'If' I can get hybrid-ircd to enable SSL, it looks like blow-fish 168 is the best it offers :(08:21
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ryannathanswhy doesn't esdplay exist anymore?08:23
dr_Willis!find esdplay08:25
ubottuFile esdplay found in libroar-compat108:25
codekKAnyone can help me? My "power" button looks like a gear, as when the system updates and asked to restart ... But I've rebooted a ten or more times and nothing08:25
dr_WilliscodekK:  so   the only issue is just the look of one icon?08:26
LarsNmitchell: http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html#TLS_v1_0_cipher_suites_08:26
dr_Willisbe curious if a new user has the same icon...08:26
mitchellthanks LarsN I'll take a look see08:27
LarsNmitchell: sorry, took a bit to figure the right search term.  Ciphers not mechanisms :)08:27
ryannathanshow can I send audio over the network? What's the easiest way?08:27
codekKHm now yes, after fighting for nvidia drivers issues...08:27
LarsNmitchell: some of those are non-terrible.08:27
mitchellno problem, ty for searching that for me, I've checked the ciphers I have already and they are missing08:27
dr_Willis ryannathans  send to what exactly? another linux box?08:28
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: the icon is *supposed* to be a gear, because it also contains all the system settings/etc stuff in it08:28
DarwinSurvivordr_Willis: I use a combination of NFS (for the linux boxes) and mediatomb (for the PS3) but you could accomplish the linux part a little easier using sshfs08:29
LarsNmitchell: I wouldn't expect it to be readily easy to break a DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA cipher08:30
DarwinSurvivordr_Willis: there is also xbmc which can stream just about anything (my server is headless, so setting up xbmc would be a PITA for me)08:30
dr_Willistheres linux players for dlna (meditomb)  if you wanted.08:30
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: please see my last to comments (sent to dr_Willis by accident)08:30
krylhi, what's the best way to check mails in backdround or with gnome compliant encapsulation ? does evolution have such features ?08:30
mitchellCalomel has some really fine how to in regards to bringing Firefox up to 2020 encryption standards08:30
LarsNmitchell: nginx makes it trivial to make that the only available cipherset.08:30
LarsNon the server side.08:31
ryannathansDarwinSurvivor: does it make it more interesting if I say the client is windows?08:31
LarsNit also allows you to forcer server side ciphers.08:31
mitchellwhichone LarsN ?08:31
HeartUbuntutake it easy everyone, later08:31
mitchellI still don't find twofish nor serpent 256 in those library's even thou they were both AES finalists :(08:31
dr_Willisryannathans:  what sort of client are you refering to? theres a dozen ways to stream audio to a windows bvox08:31
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: yes, that rules out NFS and SSHFS and leaves you with dlna (mediatomb/ushare) or samba08:31
edgarsyo man!08:31
hironakamurahey anyone here messed around with ircd-hybrid?08:32
mitchellyes I try to force AES 256 when I can but not sure if overseas users can use that08:32
mitchellI'm trying to recompile ircd-hybrid to allow SSL, hironakamura08:32
LarsNmitchell: blowfish, twofish, serpent and whilrpool aren't regularly used outside of ssh.08:32
hironakamurai changed the config file to listen in on port 6667 - but for some reason no matter what i do i still can't connect to my irc server08:32
edgarswhere do i need to copy application to be able it to find through winkey quick search?08:32
DarwinSurvivorhironakamura: did you check the firewall...?08:33
LarsNhironakamura: iptables open on 6667?08:33
hironakamurayeah it is open08:33
ryannathansdr_Willis: I want to watch youtube videos for example on linux and have sound come from windows computer08:33
hironakamuraill double check tho08:33
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: OH, *that* kind of audio streaming!08:33
dr_Willisryannathans:  then you may want to look into that pulseaudio port for windows. it lets you reroute sound from one pc to a differnt one.08:33
sh0ck_wavehi people08:34
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: *IF* you get it to work, I'm 99% sure you will never get tracking correctly. streaming audio in real time between ANY computers and getting it to track to a separate video feed is nearly impossible08:34
LarsNhironakamura: does:  sudo netstat -natu  show anythying listening on 666708:34
hironakamurahold on im still a but of an ubuntu noob08:34
mitchellSSL that I have appears to have blowfish along with aes-256 modes, not serpent nor twofish thou :(08:34
ryannathansDarwinSurvivor: I got my mouse and keyboard working on two computers at once ;)08:34
hironakamurahow can i check this without exiting irssi?08:35
DarwinSurvivorhironakamura: can you paste "nmap name_of_server" (run from ANOTHER computer) and put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com?08:35
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: using synergy?08:35
LarsNhironakamura: running X or no?08:35
mitchellit seemed to me acouple days ago that setting up plain hybrid-ircd was a breeze, hironakamura, not with SSL enabled thou :(08:35
ryannathansDarwinSurvivor: yeah08:35
hironakamuranot running X08:35
hironakamurapure command line08:35
dr_Willishironakamura:  for using the console a lot. you may want to learn how to use screen, or tmux08:35
LarsNhironakamura: local access to the box?08:35
DarwinSurvivorhironakamura: are you using a TTY-only system?08:35
dr_Willishironakamura:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 = extra consoles08:36
LarsNhironakamura: alt+F2 should bring up another terminal you can log into08:36
mitchellhironakamura are you hitting it with or ?08:36
DarwinSurvivorhironakamura: just use another virtual terminal08:36
DarwinSurvivor!tty | hironakamura08:36
ubottuhironakamura: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.08:36
hironakamuraim using putty08:36
dr_Willisso start up another putty  session ;008:36
LarsNhironakamura: in that case ssh to the host again.08:36
mitchelldo you have XChat there hironakamura ?08:36
LarsNand put on your "todo" list "READ ABOUT SCREEN" :)08:36
hironakamuracreated a new session hold on08:36
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen08:37
DarwinSurvivorhironakamura: then just open a second copy of putty :)08:37
hironakamurayeah just did so08:37
hironakamuraso now netstat ?08:37
LarsNnetstat -natu08:37
mitchellI logged into mine via XCHAT set for no problem, hironakamura08:37
hironakamuraso now what do you want me to paste here08:37
ryannathanshow do I set up linux to stream audio somewhere?08:38
LarsNlet's make it a little more pointed...08:38
LarsNuse:  netstat -natu |grep 666708:38
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samba35can i boot ubuntu with pxe /boot rom  ,diskless ubuntu ?08:38
LarsNand paste it to a pastebin like "http://pastie.org"08:38
mitchellryannathans you'd need a media server wouldn't you, running under Ubuntu?08:38
DarwinSurvivor!pastebinit | hironakamura08:38
ubottuhironakamura: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com08:38
edgarswhere do i need to copy an application to be able it to find/run through winkey quick search? (unity desktop)08:39
mitchellhave you looked at firefly perhaps ryannathans ?08:39
LarsNryannathans: see icecast/darkice/ices08:39
hironakamuratcp        0      0*               LISTEN08:39
hironakamuratcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED08:39
ryannathansI want to stream whatever audio played from the ubuntu machine to come out of windows speakers08:39
anandjeyaharcan anyone guide me through configuring apache to use AD server. I have used an example  from online blogs, but keep getting Invalid Credentials error.08:39
DarwinSurvivorLarsN: he is trying to stream the audio portion of youtube videos08:39
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: do you want ALL audio to be streamed, or just some applications?08:39
LarsNDarwinSurvivor: those apps will stream whatever normally leaves the speakers on the *nix host over the network.08:40
hironakamuranot sure if that was helpful08:40
DarwinSurvivorLarsN: Oh, didn't know that. I've only used them with mpd :P08:40
hironakamuraim trying to connect externally to the server08:40
ryannathansLarsN: what's the latency like?08:40
llutz_hironakamura: its bound to localhost only, change config08:40
LarsNhironakamura: it looks like it's listening on as well as localhost:666708:40
ryannathansI have a 10 gigabit/s connection between machines08:40
LarsNis that your public address?08:40
codekKnah i make new user and same, the power button is like a mechanism08:40
hironakamuraso edit the ircd-hybrid conf file?08:40
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: what is the physical distance between them?08:41
llutz_LarsN: "..       ESTABLISHED"  is an OUTBOUND conenction (his freenode coneection i guess)08:41
anandjeyaharhere's the config file http://dpaste.com/749257/08:41
llutz_hironakamura: yes08:41
LarsNllutz_: yeah, your right.08:41
mitchellthat's via his router isn't it llutz_ ?08:41
hironakamurallutz_ ok08:41
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: I think the easiest method would be to go to the dollar store and by a $8 male-male audio cable and hook the linux machine's line out to the windows machine's line-in :D08:41
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: that will also eliminate lagg due to buffering!08:42
ryannathansDarwinSurvivor: you can do that?08:42
llutz_mitchell: why?08:42
LarsNmitchell: so correcting myself I think your ircd is only listening on localhost from what I saw.08:42
ryannathansDarwinSurvivor: hmm, do like.08:42
ryannathansbrb, finding one08:42
LarsNryannathans: I don't remember it being fantastic latency wise.08:42
codekKWhy my power button is like a mechanism???????08:42
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: yes. alteratively, you could buy a mixer, but that will probably cost more08:42
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: make sure you use the line-in and not the microphone port!08:42
LarsNryannathans: did someone just suggest taking the line out on ubuntu, and running a male to male stereo 1/8" to the line in on windows?08:42
hironakamurawhcih file should i be editing08:42
LarsNbecause ^^ would be my solution08:42
hironakamurasudo nano /etc/ ????08:43
ryannathansLarsN: now it has been said08:43
* ryannathans pulls out the cable08:43
DarwinSurvivorLarsN: o/08:43
LarsNDarwinSurvivor: I was asking if someone beat me to it.08:43
llutz_hironakamura: _you_ are running a service, so _you_ have to know where the configs are08:43
edgarsHeeeeeelpppppp!!!! :)08:43
LarsNDarwinSurvivor: it appears you got it, while I was looking at irdc :)08:43
edgarswhere do i need to copy an application to be able it to find/run through winkey quick search? (unity desktop)08:43
hironakamurallutz ok thanks08:44
Heartbeatsare there actually people here who work on the dev of ubuntu?08:44
DarwinSurvivorHeartbeats: there may be a few that work on some *parts* of ubuntu. Ubuntu is just a collection of other projects and some creative "glue" to hold it together08:45
LarsNHeartbeats:  I'm sure the answer is yes.  IIRC I contributed a one line patch about 8 years ago, that counts technically speaking08:45
ryannathansbrb, need to relog08:45
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: ok08:45
Heartbeatsi see08:45
DarwinSurvivorHeartbeats: do you have a specific question?08:46
HeartbeatsSo, i converted over to ubuntu a few months ago08:46
Heartbeatsmy camera is not supported08:46
Heartbeatsim working on an hp laptop08:46
yossi1hello, I'm trying to get ubuntu server to work with a network printer i have. the printer itself has wifi, its not connected to any computer directly. i got this printer to work with ubuntu desktop using some .deb files i found, and then adding the printer through the GUI. i got those .debs installed on the server too now, but im stuck when it comes to adding the printer without the benefit of a GUI08:46
Heartbeatsthere are no linux drivers for it on the hp websit08:46
Heartbeatsso i'm wondering who to speak to08:47
Heartbeatsand what buttons to push08:47
DarwinSurvivorHeartbeats: can you use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the outputs of "lspci" and "lsusb"?08:47
yossi1i can compare settings files between the 2 computers if i just knew what files those were08:47
L3top!enter | Heartbeats08:47
ubottuHeartbeats: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:47
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: have you tried the cups web interface? *absolutely* amazingly useful for headless servers!08:48
LarsNHeartbeats: what's lsusb tell you the device is?08:48
LarsNHeartbeats:  mine for instance is " Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd " which I admit to have never bothered messing with because I find webcams silly :)08:48
yossi1DarwinSurvivor, how can i do that if the machine is headless?08:48
LarsNbut I understand folks who want them to work.08:48
Heartbeatsright okay srry bought that DarwinSurvivor, and, LarsN, lemme check08:49
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: you use *another* computer to connect to the server's web interface.08:49
codekKWhy my power button is like a mechanism??????? i try with other users and same problem :s08:49
yossi1so <ipofserver>:631 ?08:50
yossi1that does not work08:50
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: example = if server = , then use your desktop to connect to ""08:50
llutz_yossi1: cups listens to localhost only by default, so either change the config to let it listen on external ifaces too or just use a ssh-tunnel to connect08:50
sk1specialr kid with this problem yesterday. my cube is flat..like..its a rotating page. how do i make it a actual cube08:50
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: you may need to enable it (or it may be bound to localhost only)08:50
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: stupid question, but why do you need to use a server to print to a network printer...?08:51
ziptwice a year an ubuntu update means tice a year a destroyed printer config for me :l08:51
yossi1llutz, is that config part of cups or some firewall?08:51
llutz_yossi1: ssh -L 8631:localhost:631 user@yourhostwithcups08:51
llutz_yossi1: cups config08:51
LarsNzip: in part, blame apple.  That always makes me feel better.08:51
yossi1DarwinSurvivor, because i want the server to run a cronjob that grabs print jobs that get emailed to it08:51
llutz_yossi1: after establishing tunnel, "browse localhost:8631"08:52
ryannathansgreat success08:52
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: if you just want to be able to print remotely using your server as a gateway, use port forwarding "ssh -Lprinter_port:printer_ip:printer_port username@server_ip" and then print to localhost!08:52
LarsNryannathans: DarwinSurvivor gets the credit.  he came up with the idea first :)08:52
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: oh, ok08:53
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: what type of printer is it?08:53
LarsNryannathans: is the problem you just solved "I have two computers, but only one set of speakers?"08:53
yossi1canon mx80008:53
ryannathansLarsN: well, almots08:53
DarwinSurvivorryannathans: nothing like solving a software problem with hardware :D08:53
ryannathansLarsN: two computers, linux one runs my raid array via infiniband directly into the windows machine. I got multidesktopping workin with synergy08:54
LarsNDarwinSurvivor: almost as good as solving a hardware problem with software.08:54
ryannathansnow I have audio \o/08:54
yossi1oh good. i got to the CUPS web panel thing.08:54
ryannathansonly one problem left08:54
ryannathansstupid broken packages I can't fix when installing any media player08:55
LarsNryannathans:  one of the computers runs windows?08:55
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: can you send a link to the product page? I can't even find it on canon's website!08:55
ryannathansLarsN: I'm force to. Astrophotography processing software only works on windows08:55
LarsNI have a work issued windows 7 machine.  which wouldn't be terrible if I didn't work for a large OpenStack based public cloud company08:56
yossi1DarwinSurvivor, http://usa.canon.com/cusa/support/consumer/printers_multifunction/pixma_mx_series/pixma_mx882?selectedName=DriversAndSoftware08:57
LarsN"I use windows, to manage a metric $#$@ load of ubuntu nodes"08:57
yossi1something like that08:57
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: just for fun, can you run "nmap ip_of_printer"?08:58
sk1specialanyone know how to make my compiz cube a cube instead of a flat page?08:58
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: my HP printer at home (ethernet) accepts document printing via ftp, that may be easier if your printer supports it08:58
LarsNme doesn't have anything with enough graphics card to run compiz08:58
DarwinSurvivorsk1special: have you played around in ccsm?08:58
yossi1let me just install nmap first08:59
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: ok08:59
LarsNI'm so glad my only printer is a well supporter laserjet 4000n.08:59
LarsNit's one of the few things I can happily say "just works" around here :)08:59
sk1specialno im super new to ubuntu. ive just installed then enabled the cube and the rotate / disabled the wall08:59
shaibnHello :) I've got a very old server that I'm trying to virtualize. I did an rsync to a new hdd in vmware and now I'm just left with grub installation. It has grub-legacy and not grub2 and when I run the update-grub from the chrooted environment, it keeps updating the menu.lst with md0 and the wrong root device .. the old server indeed have an mdadm software raid, but I don't need it anymore on the new machine and so I don't know how it even recognizes the s08:59
shaibnoftware raid if it doesn't exist and I'm on a liveCD running a chrooted environment. Help :) ?08:59
hayden_rusk1special, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager08:59
sk1specialand it works as far as..a thing that rotates. but it wont show as a cube just like..a flat page09:00
hayden_rusk1special, you need to rebind a button for it i think09:00
hayden_rusk1special, look for bindings in cube settings09:00
Fudgeanyone know how to enable accessibility in xubuntu-dev 4.1009:01
nicdoes anyone know how to get the number pad to work? i have a thinkpad edge, and didn't see any options for my keyboard when i installed09:01
sk1specialhow do i get to cube settings? and it does * rotate * via cntrl/alt/arrow keys. its just flat instead of cubey09:01
yossi1DarwinSurvivor, http://pastebin.com/UtpH2J6u09:02
LarsNshaibn: you're basically trying to start from scratch now?09:02
hayden_rusk1special, click on it in ccsm it will open settings09:02
shaibnLarsN, sort of ...09:02
shaibnLarsN, I just want grub to work .. and boot my vm09:02
HeartbeatsLarsN: it's Feiya Technology Corp09:03
HeartbeatsI am on their website right now09:03
shaibnLarsN, I did this yesterday, and then noticed I didn't copy everything ... but yesterday I managed to do it just find ... I just can't seem to get it working again09:03
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: darn, well it was worth a shot. best go with the cups web-interface then09:03
LarsNHeartbeats: google search "Feiya Technology corp" "ubuntu"09:03
LarsNHeartbeats: is usually my starting point for things like this  at least09:04
codekKWhy my power button is like a mechanism??????? i try with other users and same problem :s09:04
HeartbeatsLarsN: okay09:04
yossi1yeah. i seem to be getting somewhere with the web interface09:04
LarsNshaibn: have you looked at "man grub-install"09:04
shaibnLarsN, lets start by understanding why update-grub updated the menu.list with md0 and not sda209:04
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: please elaborate, what do you mean by "mechanism"?!?09:04
shaibnLarsN, I've looked everywhere .. yes .. still haven't found my solution ...09:05
kapzWhen I start Transmission either through gnome menu or terminal it does not show it's window...ubuntu 12.0409:05
sk1specialthe only key options is for unfolding the cube.09:05
llutz_shaibn: shouldn't "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-legacy" work?09:05
LarsNshaibn: as far as I can tell, grub-update is a grub (not grub2) utility09:05
* ekv Hi all09:05
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: is the web interface working for you? i use it fairly regularly so I can help you out with it if you need09:06
LarsNshaibn: which means it's possible it picked up on an old mbr, rather than a newer gpt entry?  (just a theory atm)09:06
yossi1oh, wait, no. the web interface i got to was actually to the local CUPS not the one on the server :(09:06
shaibnLarsN, The old server is so old, that apt-get isn't working correctly on it. I don't want to touch it. Furthermore, yes, the old server had grub-legacy, not grub2. I'd like to keep it that way.09:06
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: oh, lol09:06
yossi1the tunnel didnt work09:06
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: ok, first of all, is cups running*/09:06
sk1specialive got wobbly windows working..and it can go inside the cube..and i can change the coloring..i can rotate it and flip it around..but *it* is flat not a box09:06
yossi1how do i double check?09:07
codekKDarwinSurvivor, a gear!09:07
shaibnLarsN, how do you mean "picked up on the old mbr"? This is a VM .. it can't see the old HDD which is connected to another machine on the network09:07
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: what did you run to make your tunnel?09:07
codekKDarwinSurvivor, a gear! Like when you have pending restart after update09:07
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: do you mean the button in the top-right corner? it's *supposed* to look like that!09:07
nicor, how do i turn off the automatic full screen when a window touches the top bar?09:08
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: please post a screenshot if you think it's the wrong icon09:08
LarsNshaibn: since I clearly didn't follow the problem correctly :)  I'll ask a couple quick questions to hopefully get caught back up.09:08
codekKok second09:08
yossi1ssh -L 8631:localhost:631 yossi@ubuntu209:08
yossi1and i already see what i did wrong :P09:08
yossi1i went to :631 instead of :863109:08
LarsNshaibn: so the bare metal server is running ubuntu, with vmware server?09:08
shaibnLarsN, no09:09
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: ok, and you connected to localhost:8631 not localhost:631 right?09:09
shaibnLarsN, I have a very old bare metal server running an old ubuntu dist ... which is working fine.09:09
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: lol09:09
yossi1yeah, i did that now09:09
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DarwinSurvivoryossi1: did it work?09:09
LarsNok, old server, working fine.09:09
yossi1looks like it is, it discovered the printer09:09
shaibnLarsN, I wanted to virtualize it .. so I created a new VM on another VM host and created an empty disk on it ... with two partitions. 1 for swap another for root with ext3 filesystem09:10
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: cool09:10
shaibnLarsN, old server works fine, and using grub-legacy09:10
shaibnLarsN, then I turned the VM on with a live CD and used rsync to copy the old server to the new one.09:10
llutz_shaibn: did you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-legacy" ? did it ask for a place where to write the bootmanager?09:10
shaibnLarsN, then I wanted to install grub-legacy and get it running ..09:10
yossi1in the printers tab under status is says "Idle - "/usr/lib/cups/filter/commandtops failed""09:11
shaibnLarsN, if you mean on the VM, then i'm just getting 'grub-legacy' is not installed ... so maybe it isn't installed ... I just know it is a very old server and running grub109:12
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: the printer is on and connected right (go to the printer's IP in firefox to make sure it didn't move to a new ip!)09:12
yossi1i got that ip from the router09:12
LarsNshaibn: so at this point the VM is still running the live-cd correct?09:12
LarsNwith the rsync data from the old server on it's local disk/09:12
llutz_shaibn: dpkg -l '*grub*' |grep ^i     to check what grub you have09:13
shaibnLarsN, yes. And I've made sure it has grub 0.97 installed on it.09:13
shaibnand I'm chrooted into the mounted environment09:13
seb__Hi all, I did follow these instructions http://askubuntu.com/questions/124174/how-do-i-move-my-encrypted-home-to-a-new-computer t transfer my home to my new computer. Now I have lots of ECRYPT_FNEK_ENCRYPTED... folders in my new home09:13
LarsNshaibn: so worst case, you should be able to use "grub" and at the grub > root (hd1,0) or hd(0,0)  ///09:13
LarsNI always get it wrong the first time around.09:13
shaibnLarsN, that didn't work09:13
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: make sure you set up a static ip on the printer or you may find that one day it just "stops working"09:13
yossi1it would need to "start" working first :P09:14
codekKDarwinSurvivor, here a link http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/7162/capturadepantallade2012.png09:14
LarsNshaibn:  you finished with:  grub > setup (hd0)09:15
yossi1also, the dhcp server in my router gives very long leases, so it's unlikley to change09:15
yossi1could still happen though09:15
* LarsN spent too many years in BSD land. Grub is confusing :)09:15
shaibnLarsN, a moment please09:16
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: I give static IP's to *all* my machines, just makes things easier in the future (I also add their hostnames to each others' /etc/hosts files)09:17
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: the configuration steps in the web interface should be *fairly* similar to the one in the GUI except that it won't do auto-detect.09:17
LarsNDarwinSurvivor: I setup static reservations for all the machines in the house with cat-6 cables.  wifi devices can use whatever's available.09:18
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: if you have a computer set up that works already, compare the settings (especially which driver you used) to see if they are the same09:18
yossi1where are the settings stored?09:18
LarsNit's nice to just leave everything set for DHCP, but know what IP the desktops/printers/etc are going to get.09:18
DarwinSurvivorLarsN: our household has 4 laptops, so I gave them all statics as well09:19
LarsNI never connect to the laptops from anywhere else.09:19
llutz_DarwinSurvivor: you seem to have too much time ;)09:19
LarsNusually put things on the zfs based storage server, and/or get them from there.09:19
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: if you go to "administration -> manage printers -> your printer" it should list all the driver info09:19
DarwinSurvivoryossi1: you should open the working machine's web-interface as well, then you can compare the settings directly09:20
DarwinSurvivorllutz_: because I'm in here or because I static-IP all my machines?09:20
llutz_DarwinSurvivor: the latter ;)09:21
Jordan_Ushaibn: LarsN: Ubuntu uses grub2. Installing grub legacy is *not* what you want to do (but it's what you're currently doing).09:22
LarsNJordan_U: I'm not doing anything with grub.  :)09:22
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LarsNJordan_U: and if he has an old installation he's rsynced over to a new virtual host, it's quite possible it's exactly what he wants to do.09:22
DarwinSurvivorllutz_: only takes 10 seconds to set up static IP's and copying the host info can be done via SSH *very* quickly (using grep and tee)09:22
llutz_DarwinSurvivor: takes 5minutes once to configure a router (dhcp/dns) and you never ever have to waste those 10 seconds (imo)09:23
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LarsNDarwinSurvivor: dhcp with MAC based reservations is easier :)09:23
LarsNmakes moving the entire network to say 172.16.28 from 192.168.0 faster  too :)09:24
DarwinSurvivorllutz_: for ip in a_list_of_other_ips ; do echo my_hostname my_static_ip | ssh $ip "sudo tee -a /etc/hosts"; done09:24
llutz_DarwinSurvivor: needs all computers running at this time etc.pp. anyways, different people, different ways to handle a task09:25
Jordan_Ushaibn: What version of Ubuntu are you using?09:25
DarwinSurvivorllutz_: meh, works for me and I can swap out routers in a flash now09:25
LarsN<--- gets hostnames with "nmap -sP" since it does a reverse dns lookup for me :)09:26
LarsNI can't be bothered to remember what my wife named her machines :)09:27
hariomI have installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 as minimal install. I want to get Audio and minimal GUI (i.e. without Open Office etc). Audio I need as my application will need to play with Audio files to test09:29
TRaxxhi Guys can anybody tell  me where i can find libuclibc-dev and uclibc-toolchain for 10.409:29
ikoniaTRaxx: if they exist, they are in the repos09:30
TRaxxI looked and cant find them for 10.04 andly hardy09:30
hariomFor minimal GUI, some time back someone suggested to try: xdm, gnome-core and xorg. How to ensure audio also works09:30
iceroothariom: install the xserver and pulseaudio09:30
troulouliou_devhi i have real problem with flash on firefox , the videos are blue  and all the window begind any flash application are some kind of trasparent09:30
ikoniaTRaxx: then they are not there09:30
hariomiceroot: is xserver for gui?09:30
troulouliou_devanybody aware of this situation i m on 12.04 with medibuntu09:30
TRaxxikonia, oke09:31
ikoniatroulouliou_dev: a few people have reported that bug, if you are installing from medibuntu - contact medibuntu for support of their repos09:31
iceroothariom: yes09:31
iceroothariom: it is the gui itself without a real desktop environment09:31
DarwinSurvivorikonia: is that a medibuntu-specific bug?09:31
ikoniaDarwinSurvivor: the people I've seen report it have been pulling packages from medibuntu, I've not seen anyone having a problem pulling flash from main09:31
troulouliou_devikonia, ok09:32
ikoniaDarwinSurvivor: that could be a co-incidence, but I don't know09:32
DarwinSurvivorikonia: that explains a LOT!09:32
TRaxxikonia, any idea where i could find them besides the repo09:32
ikoniaTRaxx: if they exist, they are in the repo09:32
ikoniaTRaxx: you should not be pulling them or trying to pull them from anywhere else09:32
Jordan_Uikonia: I was getting that bug, without medibuntu.09:32
ikoniaDarwinSurvivor: there you go, Jordan_U has the issue without the medibuntu repo09:33
ikoniaJordan_U: you are the first I've seen09:33
HackerIIum, just now, the updates gave me a warning, saying the sources were not trusted and have no change logs with also being unsafe....did some one get hacked ??09:33
troulouliou_devwhat are the advanteages of medibuntu btw , i think i just installed it after reading a top 10 things to do after installing 12.04 :)09:33
DarwinSurvivorwell, there goes that theory09:33
TRaxxikonia, so they not there im screwed... use another flavour09:33
ikoniatroulouliou_dev: trusting unofficial docs for "top 10 things" and installing things blind for no reason isn't a good way to go09:33
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: very unlikely, probably a missing GPG key on your end. please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update"09:33
troulouliou_devikonia, guess you are right :)09:34
HackerIInot sure but ok09:34
DarwinSurvivorTRaxx: why do you need those libraries?09:34
lusuhard_some wiki's guide?09:34
lusuhard_hello to 'vr1! I would like to know how to pack a ubuntu.img to make a loop device09:34
wendicoi updated and i cant install GMAMEUI from the software center anymore, what alternatives do i have?09:34
DarwinSurvivor!find gmame09:35
ubottuFile gmame found in app-install-data, gmameui09:35
Jordan_Utroulouliou_dev: This problem is related to Nvida cards in relation to GPU video decoding with flash. "sudo apt-get remove libvdpau1" will disable GPU video decoding for Nvidia cards (in flash and any other application) and may also unfortunately remove other packages you may want, so look carefully at what it's removing before accepting it.09:35
DarwinSurvivorwendico: according to ubottu, gmameui is there09:35
lusuhard_hello to 'vr1! I would like to know how to pack a ubuntu.img to make a loop device. some wiki's guide?09:35
HackerIIsudo apt-get update works perfect09:35
troulouliou_devJordan_U, thanks this happens with all the nvidia bin driver  ? or there is a stable version09:36
wendicoyes, gmame exist but there is not an INSTALL button09:36
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: ok, then please give us the *entire* error message09:36
Jordan_Utroulouliou_dev: I don't know.09:36
troulouliou_devJordan_U, at least thanks again will search for this09:36
TRaxxDarwinSurvivor, Im trying to build busybox for qemu09:36
DarwinSurvivorwendico: then it's probably already installed...09:36
HackerIIthe error is in the update manager when i try to install the updates09:36
Jordan_Utroulouliou_dev: Taken from http://askubuntu.com/questions/117127/flash-video-appears-blue (the first of the suggestions listed which worked for me).09:36
krababbeltroulouliou_dev: it is a bug in flash09:37
wendicoonly more info button and when i click it says NOT FOUND, try it09:37
lusuhard_hello to 'vr1! I would like to know how to pack a ubuntu.img to make a loop device. some wiki's guide?09:37
hariomiceroot: is this xserver same as xserver-xorg-core ? apt-get not able to find xserver09:37
DocPlatypusJust a few days ago, my system quit recognizing the normal weight Liberation Sans fonts. It only sees the bold versions, so anything I had using Liberation Sans (which was almost everything) showed up entirely in bold. I've tried rebuilding the font caches and uninstalling and reinstalling the font... what's the proper way to go about fixing this?09:37
krababbeltroulouliou_dev: I'd guess an older flash version would work09:37
Jordan_Utroulouliou_dev: It looks like there are other suggestions there which will allow you to just disable GPU decoding in flash, so you may want to look into those.09:37
iceroothariom: yes09:37
ikoniahariom: why not just do a normal ubuntu install and remove what you don't want09:37
DarwinSurvivor!patience | lusuhard_09:37
ubottulusuhard_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:37
HackerIIlike i said, its not on my end09:37
ikoniahariom: if you don't know what you are doing to build upwards, do a normall install and remove/downscale09:37
HackerIIlemme screen shot it09:38
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: well, if it was on ubuntu's end there would be a hundred other people in here with the same problem, so let's make SURE it's not on your end!09:38
troulouliou_devJordan_U, , krababbel  : thanks , little bit fed up of nvidia on linux in general ,  i just spent 2 days tweaking my htpc with my lcd hdmi tv so acquire the correct resolution ... fed up09:38
wendico!find gmame09:39
ubottuFile gmame found in app-install-data, gmameui09:40
HackerIIDarwin4Ever:   ALL of the packages have tge same warning:  http://imagebin.org/21268109:40
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krababbeltroulouliou_dev: you got analogue audio out?09:40
wendicocan anyone help me with the error trying to install gmame?09:41
HeartbeatsLarsN: okay i read some forums that told me to get luvcview, i did that. and it says; libv4l2; error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy | unable to set format: Device or resource busy| Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal09:41
HeartbeatsLarsN: I'm trying to get my hp webcam to work sans driver, for your memory09:41
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: ok, and which part of that screenshot is the error?09:41
troulouliou_devkrababbel, no hdmi output for audio too , the issue was that adding a new  mode in xorg.conf or through xrand had no effect unless you disable edid use , which also disable hdmi audio output, the only solution to have both is to download the edid from the tv screen and tweak the file with some rare available tools ...09:42
HackerII2 funny, now its working09:42
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: well ok then, problem solved :)09:43
krababbeltroulouliou_dev: I see, thanks09:43
HackerIIalso, i updated, it was changed in the last 5 mins, cuz now it gives an alternate http for change logs09:43
DarwinSurvivorwendico: please run "sudo apt-get install gemameui" and copy/paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com09:44
krababbelunfortunately, hdmi's primary purpose seems to be DRM09:44
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: do you have any PPA's installed?09:44
wendicodarwinsurvivor, my output is in spanish but it came to say that there is no candidate for the instalation09:44
HackerIIbut evenm when i unchecked opera i got the same error09:44
HackerII2 weird09:44
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: then opera's PPA's are probably having problems (according to your screenshot they also don't support changelogs on their PPA)09:45
HackerIIbut, its ok now so09:45
terohi guys, i have a stupid question. Is it possible to remove GUI from normal ubuntu so it almost the same as ubuntu server?09:45
HackerIIi said it was ALL packages09:45
HackerIIthat said it09:45
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: yes, but apt is STILL trying to access their PPA because a PPA can override ANY package, not just the one you *think* it's overriding09:45
HackerIIi c now09:45
HackerIIi owe u coffee09:45
DocPlatypuskrababbel: it is, but a device manufacturer can do unencrypted HDMI if they so choose09:46
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: a PPA is litteraly a 3rd party repository09:46
HackerIIi c now, thanks09:46
DarwinSurvivorHackerII: no problem09:46
DarwinSurvivortero: what is the target use of the system (web server, media streamer, torrent box, etc)?09:46
krababbelDocPlatypus: yes, but still it's just dvi in a different format I read. Expensive long cables because of the properties.09:47
HackerIIboy, after installing x-p on a neighbors machine today, and it being 8 yrs sinc i used windoze.. it sure made me glad i dont,, i honestly cant see any reason why people still use that crap, i mean, there is $ signs attatched to every mouse click09:47
HackerIIi done09:48
teroDarwinSurvivor complicated :) I could call it a webserver, I have some very specific hw that I just can't to setup on ubuntu server, but on normal ubuntu works fine. I guess is just a PEBKAC error09:48
teroso the easiest methos(if is it even possible) is just to remove the x09:48
DocPlatypusmaybe my question as originally worded was TL;DR... so I'll ask it short, how to fix problem with the regular version of a font not showing up in GNOME?09:48
lusuhard_patience was taken... no ideas?09:50
HackerIIok im out, take care folks09:50
DarwinSurvivorlusuhard_: could you please re-phrase your question? the original didn't make a lot of sense (from a technical standpoint)09:51
DarwinSurvivortero: what type of hardware?09:51
codekKhello all, why my top dock isnt with new gnome3 style at ubuntu 12.04 ????09:52
lusuhard_I have to mount chrooted linux on my tablet, running android. my HW is asus transformer. I have excellent guide to chroot it, but the ubuntu version it is giving to me is too slow, I use VNC to have it on my andro desktop but it is too slow, so I dowloaded theXubuntu, but still the ubuntu from the installation package comes in .img format, so I would like to know how to put xubuntu in .img to install it instead of the custom it is gi09:53
DarwinSurvivorlusuhard_: could you please post a link to A) the guide you are following, so we can see what you are trying b) the ubuntu version you found in .img format09:55
lusuhard_DarwinSurvivor http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/09:56
aadilhello guys. i am using ubuntu 12.04 server and the 'less' command is failing silently (with no output) and the man command fails with this output: https://gist.github.com/271783409:56
DarwinSurvivorlusuhard_: and what phone are you using?>09:57
elkngubuntu can be installed on android ?09:57
lusuhard_in the guide's video, 20:00 you can see the ubuntu, looks like 10.04 or 10.1009:57
lusuhard_I have asus transformer tablet version 10109:57
codekKHow i can set the top bar at new look like gnome3 ????09:58
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: you could use gnome-shell09:58
lusuhard_DarwinSurvivor in the guide's video, 20:00 you can see the ubuntu, looks like 10.04 or 10.10 I have asus transformer tablet version 10109:58
codekKDarwinSurvivor, with classic gnome cant have the new style of bar? (dark bar)09:59
DJoneslusuhard_: I've looked at putting Ubuntu on my transformer prime, but the comments I've read say that running it via VNC is very slow10:00
Mikey^codekK: you could set the color you want in properties of gnome-panel10:00
lusuhard_DJones, do you have any solution?10:00
codekKMikey^, where is properties of gnome-panel?10:00
DJoneslusuhard_: Sorry I don't, thats whats put me off trying it10:01
Mikey^codekK: you are  using gnome 2 or gnome classic ?10:01
lusuhard_DJones I thought it was due to ubuntu and not to VNC... it's a shame if it is due to vnc...10:01
codekKim using gnome classic10:01
codekKi just update to 12.0410:01
codekKi dont want shell10:02
Mikey^codekK: sorry, I thought you were using gnome210:02
codekKi only want a new style of gnome3 bar10:02
codekKthe "dark bar"10:02
Mikey^codekK: use cinammon10:02
svis there a way to upgrade from jaunty to lucid? do-release-upgrade says: "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool."10:02
svor is a plain re-installation the only way?10:03
codekKMikey^, but cinammon is a other Desktop enviornment no?10:03
DarwinSurvivorsv: good grief, LUCID?!?10:03
Mikey^codekK: yes.10:03
lusuhard_DarwinSurvivor... any tip?10:03
Mikey^codekK: as far as I know, there are no customization possibilities for gnome classic10:03
DarwinSurvivorlusuhard_: My guess is it's either VNC being slow or the fact that you are running 2 OS's on 1GB of ram10:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:04
DJoneslusuhard_: This is what I was looking at, http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-rooted-transformer-prime/ it does say "It does run much faster in shell (than Galaxy Tab 10.1) but running Gnome via VNC has its limits, quad-core doesn’t seem to help at all for that."10:04
codekKI know it10:04
DarwinSurvivorsv: sorry, ?!? should have been for jaunty. Which has been EOL since 201010:04
codekKbut i dont understand, why i dont have a default bar :S10:04
svDarwinSurvivor, or tell me, how to go to precise10:04
DarwinSurvivorsv: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#Releases for the schedule. At this point, you are best off with a reinstall (you can preserve your home folders during reinstall)10:05
Mikey^codekK: what you mean default bar? Dont you have the two panels ?10:05
codekKsv, to update i think do-release-upgrade -d10:05
codekKMikey^, yes i have the two panels10:05
codekKbut with grey color like gnome210:05
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: can you post a screenshot of what you have *now* and a screenshot of another machine of what you *want* (google images is your friend)10:05
lusuhard_DJones also... a problem to fix... how to reboot linux? do I have to launch it from terminal?? how to get a shell in android?10:05
lusuhard_like Adb shell?10:05
DarwinSurvivor!eol | sv10:05
ubottusv: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:05
svcodekK, that the same message, no updae10:05
codekKDarwinSurvivor, i post screenshot... before but np10:05
codekKDarwinSurvivor, Mike986310:06
codekKits the image -.-' its like a gnome2 :S10:06
svDarwinSurvivor, thx10:06
DarwinSurvivorsv: ubuntu only support upgrading one release at a time (ex: Jaunty to Karmic). The problem is, BOTH of those are EOL, so an upgrade isn't possible10:06
DJoneslusuhard_: As I said, I've only looked that website, its not something I've tried, it might be worth posting in that xda forum thread I posted, they're probably the best people to ask10:07
lusuhard_ok then, let's open a thread if there isn't10:07
DocPlatypusDarwinSurvivor: can't you go LTS to LTS as well?10:07
lusuhard_DJones ok then, let's open a thread if there isn't (i'm doin' it)10:08
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: ok, 2 questions: what version did you install to begin with (the *original* install) and what version are you running now?10:08
codekKFirst i do a upgrade from 10.04 but i have a lot of issues then i do a clean install10:08
codekK12.04 from Alternate 64bits10:08
DarwinSurvivorlusuhard_: I *think* you can go LTS to LTS, but his version and the next are both EOL and neither is LTS10:08
codekKI fix the problems with nVidia graphics10:09
codekKand now i have this problems10:09
codekKI update from 10.04 to 12.04 only for new dark panel gnome3 and i dont have it :S :(10:09
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: ok, so you did a clean install of 12.04 and then what Desktop Environment did you chose when you logged in?10:09
codekKgnome classic10:10
codekKwithout effects10:10
morsnowskithe one you expect ont the right hand side ?10:10
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: what about the panel do you want, some special new functionality, or just for it to be black?10:10
T-Guyany girls here?10:11
DarwinSurvivor!ot | T-Guy10:11
ubottuT-Guy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:11
T-Guyjust wanted to know what percent of girls use freenode for ubuntu support, lol10:11
codekKDarwinSurvivor, i just want this gnome classic panel http://www.google.es/imgres?hl=es&biw=1280&bih=817&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=zNkSdNPEp6irwM:&imgrefurl=http://www.marcusmoeller.ch/misc/try-gnome3-with-fallback-mode.html&docid=PluaUjX5Sa_ZXM&imgurl=http://www.marcusmoeller.ch/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/GNOME3_Fallback.png&w=1366&h=768&ei=Es-0T6GlF8WQ0AXFx7HjDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=943&vpy=167&dur=1257&hovh=168&hovw=300&tx=188&ty=83&sig=104593222123631943667&10:12
codekKui sorry10:13
DarwinSurvivorT-Guy: even if this were an appropriate subject matter, that would only tell you what percent of people using the channel are girls, not what percent of female ubuntu users use the channel (unless you know the total # of female ubuntu users)10:13
codekKhere -> http://www.marcusmoeller.ch/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/GNOME3_Fallback.png10:13
davidhi all ,10:13
codekKi want ths panel10:13
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
codekK-.- :S10:13
FloodBot1codekK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:13
davidi have a question of cryptsetup10:13
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: your link got broken in half, please use a url shortener10:13
Mikey^codekK: did you try changing the theme10:13
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: that panel has nothing to do with gnome3 and is little more than a theme10:13
davidhow to change the name of default preseed installation cryptsetup cryptodevice to a custom name , in my case the default name i am getting during preseed installation with crypto methord is sda5_crypt10:14
davidi want to change ito some other name for security reasons10:14
codekKDarwinSurvivor, what its ? :S then10:14
davidplease advice how to do it10:14
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: you can *try* http://gnome-look.org/ but I highly doubt anyone makes ubuntu-classic themes because hardly anyone uses it.10:15
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: s/ubuntu-classic/gnome-classic10:15
davidLike the following entry d-i partman-crypto/passphrase  , is there any entry to give a name to crypt device during preseed10:16
Mikey^codekK: but try changing the theme to clearlooks or something and see what happens10:16
codekKI cant change colro :S10:16
codekKor theme10:16
Athenonwhenever I run the su command to login as a different user, it hangs for like 20 seconds and i have no idea why (ubuntu server 10.04)10:16
codekKDarwinSurvivor, but when i install GNOME3 in other distr like fedora, debian, arch.. the default panel its fallback :S10:17
codekKand in other computer I install ubuntu 12.04 and the dark panel set by default :S10:17
Mikey^Install the gnome tweak tool10:17
codekKIs not the official theme?10:17
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: gnome-classic was basically a "transition" desktop that people found worked fairly well on old hardware before they optimized gnome-shell. it's really not very well supported and shouldn't be considered a drop-in replacement for gnome-3 (it just *looks* like it)10:17
Linuxsapiengood afternoon.. how do I get the old Gnome back? I miss the app-menu and clock being on the left side. thanks10:17
alumno20windows better10:18
icerootAthenon: /var/log/auth.log may have some usefulll infos10:18
ikoniaalumno20: can we help you ?10:18
Mikey^Linuxsapien: use mate10:18
icerootAthenon: maybe you are using slapd instead of /etc/passwd10:18
ring0!nounity | LinuxMonkey10:18
ubottuLinuxMonkey: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:18
davidCan anyone please healp me on the cryptsetup issue10:18
LinuxsapienMikey^ it doesnt feel right though10:18
icerootAthenon: what about "getpasswd" is it slow too?10:18
Athenoniceroot:  i'm using both, actually10:18
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: are you looking for this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Shell (screenshot in top-right)?10:18
icerootAthenon: then you know the reason10:18
Athenoniceroot:  what package is getpasswd in?10:19
DarwinSurvivor!find getpasswd10:19
ubottuPackage/file getpasswd does not exist in precise10:19
alumno20i'm so angry10:19
DarwinSurvivor!ask | alumno2010:19
ubottualumno20: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:19
llutz_Athenon: gpasswd   you mean?10:19
alumno20do you like swimming?10:20
icerootAthenon: hm, i thoght it was "getpasswd" to get all users from passwd and slapd10:20
ring0!nounity | Linuxsapien :)10:20
ubottuLinuxsapien :): Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:20
ikoniaalumno20: this channel is for ubuntu techncai support discussion10:20
ikoniaalumno20: do you need something within that topic ?10:20
DarwinSurvivoralumno20: please either A) ask a question B) help someone ELSE with a question C) stop spamming the channel10:20
Mikey^!ot | alumno2010:20
ubottualumno20: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:20
llutz_iceroot: getent passwd10:20
icerootllutz_: yes10:20
icerootAthenon: getent passwd10:21
davidCan anyone please healp me on a cryptsetup issue i am facing during preseed installation10:21
icerootAthenon: is that slow too?10:21
Athenoniceroot:  nope10:21
Athenoniceroot:  super fast actually10:21
alumno20i have ubuntu but i thint that windows is better. What doy you think?10:21
ikoniaalumno20: doesn't matter what we think, matters what you think10:21
ikoniaalumno20: if you like windows better, use windows10:21
DJonesalumno20: There isn't a best, people use what suits them10:21
codekKDarwinSurvivor, yes i want it but without shell10:22
Mikey^alumno20: you can also use both if there exists a need10:22
alumno20my school use ubuntu because is free10:22
ikoniaalumno20: do you need support / technical discussion on ubuntu ?10:22
alumno20because spanish crisis10:22
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: you want gnome-shell but without gnome-shell?10:22
icerootalumno20: freedom is much more important then no costs10:22
* nibalizer starts a riot in #ubuntu10:23
alumno20do you speak spanish?10:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:23
ikoniathe topic of this channel is ubuntu technical support discussion, stick to that10:23
codekKDarwinSurvivor, see this image http://www.marcusmoeller.ch/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/GNOME3_Fallback.png10:23
ikoniaok - enough10:23
Linuxsapienring0 thank you, Ill look into that :D *(sorry for late reply)10:23
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: I'm confused. If the only problem with your desktop is that the panel isn't "black" enough, then the answer is to find a black theme10:23
Athenoniceroot:  in auth.log, it gives me a reverse mapping error around the time that it quits hanging.  i put UseDNS no in sshd_config, but it doesnt do anything10:23
codekKthis is Gnome3 with out gnome-shell10:23
Athenoniceroot:  or rather, it doesnt help that problem10:23
ring0Linuxsapien, yw10:24
alumno20What's your name?10:24
davidCan anyone please help me on  a cryptsetup issue i am facing during preseed installation10:24
Mikey^codekK: please try installing gnome tweak tool10:24
icerootAthenon: what does sshd_config has to do with su - username?10:24
davidCan anyone please help me on  a cryptsetup issue i am facing during preseed installation10:24
Athenoniceroot:  its an sshd error.....10:24
codekKMikey^, ok im trying it10:24
DJones!ot | alumno2010:24
ubottualumno20: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:24
iceroot!details | david10:24
ubottudavid: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:24
alumno20david tu tienes pinta de ser español10:24
icerootAthenon: hm, interesting10:24
Athenoniceroot:  May 17 04:54:53 subaru sshd[7969]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for CENSORED [CENSORED] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!10:24
icerootAthenon: ah ok10:25
Athenoniceroot:  wait, that's unrelated actually.10:25
sirlarkI have shared a folder on lucid server by editing /ets/samba/smb.conf by hand. On the windows 7 pro PC, I have two users. One has a password (the admin user) and can't view the share (username and password incorrect). The user with no password can view the share just fine. Is there a way I can really really force samba to allow anyone to view and modify stuff inside a share10:25
icerootAthenon: yes you are using su - username and pam is trying to identify the user which is coming from ssh and wants to resolv the user10:25
Athenoniceroot:  that's a different login attempt via sftp.  heh.10:25
icerootAthenon: ok10:25
Athenoniceroot:  still though, im stumped.  syslog doesnt show anything, auth.log doesnt show anything, etc10:26
icerootAthenon: maybe you can use "ssh -vvv user@host  and then try your su - username10:26
Athenoniceroot:  regular logins (using ldap users) are not slow, so it shouldnt be ldap methinks10:26
codekKMikey^, its installe i go to relogin10:26
ohad_I would like to report a security problem with ubuntu 12.04. My password works with both keyboard layouts. Meaning I have two passowrds for my same account.10:26
icerootAthenon: maybe ssh is the reason and you will get some usefull infos10:26
icerootAthenon: only passwd users?10:27
icerootAthenon: you have kerberos?10:27
DarwinSurvivorohad_: did you try them both from the login screen, the lock screen, or both?10:27
Athenoniceroot:  passwd and ldap users login at the same speed in all cases10:27
ohad_both from lock screen10:27
david"I have a problem with Cryptsetup , I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04  When I try to do a preseed installation with crypto methord for hard disk, I get the following output: the crypto device name is set to sda5_crypt , but I want a way to set the crypt device name to something else for security reasons , how to change the device name for crypt during preseed installation"10:27
DarwinSurvivorohad_: *important note*: the login screen uses the system's keyboard layout, the lock screen uses that user's keyboard layout10:27
DarwinSurvivorohad_: just a sec10:28
Athenoniceroot:  using ssh -vvv, theres no debug messages during the time that it hangs.10:28
ohad_Darwin4Ever, I don't quite get you.. I was able to type my password by pressing on the same keys but using different languages, in the lock screen10:29
icerootAthenon: strace su - username  mayb you can see some loops10:29
DarwinSurvivorohad_: does your password by any chance only use characters that are the same in both layouts...?10:29
DarwinSurvivorohad_: and did you try typing your password the *other* way to make sure it's not just ignoring the layout setting?10:30
ServerCrashhi i have got dual screen setup done using twinview (nvidia card). Now what i want is screens should remain sticky even if i remove one screen10:30
Athenoniceroot:  apparently in hangs on "poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}], 1, 25000) = 0 (Timeout)"10:30
ohad_Darwin4Ever, I use hebrew and english keyboard layouts. there are no characters that are the same, except for the numbers in my password10:30
ServerCrashwhat happens currently if i remove screen1 and reboot, then screen 2 becomes screen110:30
Athenoniceroot:  (timeout) appears as soon as the hanging stops10:30
codekKMikey^, thanks a lot !!!ç10:30
icerootAthenon: then its trying to reach something in that hanging-time10:31
codekKI just install gnome-tweak-tool and the new theme is installed !10:31
Mikey^codekK: Good!10:31
codekKThanks u too DarwinSurvivor  :)10:31
ohad_I can switch between languages in the lock screen, choosing between en and he.10:31
icerootAthenon: but the question is, what is it trying to reach...10:31
codekKand the other question, is normal to get a "power" button like a gear?10:32
DarwinSurvivorohad_: ok, and if you leave it on one of the languages, can you type your password either way for it to work?10:32
david"I have a problem with Cryptsetup , I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04  When I try to do a preseed installation with crypto methord for hard disk, I get the following output: the crypto device name is set to sda5_crypt , but I want a way to set the crypt device name to something else for security reasons , how to change the device name for crypt during preseed installation  : """i am using d-i partman-auto/method string crypto""" to set10:32
codekK(see screenshot http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/7162/capturadepantallade2012.png )10:32
DarwinSurvivorcodekK: yes, that is the new icon10:32
Mikey^codekK: thats based on your icon pack seeting10:32
codekKand sorry for being so heavy10:32
icerootdavid: for security reasons? like?10:33
obscurant1stis there any command to remove repository which has been added with add-apt-repository?10:33
Mikey^obscurant1st: see if you find it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/10:34
davidsecurity reasons viz running vpn services on a ubuntu client10:34
ohad_Darwin4Ever, I can type the password in both keyboard layouts only in the lock screen. I check the terminal, and there it didn't work10:34
icerootdavid: and what is the security issue?10:34
davidthe rsa will authenticate the ubuntu client based on the name of the cryptdevice10:35
obscurant1stMikey^: yes its there. But I would like to know if there is any command as such :)10:35
icerootdavid: you design that concept?10:36
DarwinSurvivorohad_: well, in that case, you should file a bug report and label it with "security" so that the security team (which checks bugs VERY regularly) will look into it10:36
icerootdavid: sorry but that is absolute stupid10:36
obscurant1stAnd btw is there any application for ubuntu which can take the screenshot, upload it to somewhere, and then copy the uploaded url to the clipboard?10:37
icerootdavid: use a normal private/public ndesign10:37
davidwhy , i dont want to authenticate my rsa service on sda5_crypt which is by default in preseed installation , i want to change it to something other than the sda5_crypt10:37
icerootdavid: key10:37
ohad_Do I need to be a registered user at launchpad for that?10:37
davidso that only authorized ubuntu clients can connect using rsa10:37
Mikey^obscurant1st: sudo add-apt-repository --remove repo10:38
DarwinSurvivorohad_: yes, but registration is very quick and the only e-mails you will get (other than 1 activation e-mail) are for the bugs you submit or subscribe to10:38
obscurant1stoh ok, thanks Mikey^  :D10:38
davidi already have a mechanism for authentication in place based on the crypt device name10:38
Mikey^obscurant1st: I googled it. I also learnt something :) I usually just use rm10:39
ohad_will my account in ubuntu forums work for launchpad?10:39
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
icerootdavid: so you have something like a mac-filter, only clients with a specific mac/string/device are able to connect and then use a REAL authentication?10:39
DarwinSurvivorohad_: I think so, they converted a bunch of them to OpenID, so I think it is all one account now10:39
obscurant1stMikey^: I tryioed google, but didn't find! Obviously you're a better googler than I am.10:39
davidiceroot : yes10:40
ohad_great! I'll do it after I restart so I will check it again10:40
davidiceroot : i think you got my point10:40
icerootdavid: i dont see the reason to use the device-name first10:40
obscurant1stbtw Mikey^ Do you happen to know any tools which can take the screenshot, upload it to somewhere and then copy the uploaded url to clipboard?10:40
icerootdavid: its the same a a macfilter, absolute useless10:40
Mikey^obscurant1st: no..10:40
icerootdavid: just use a save mathod for authentication10:40
Mikey^obscurant1st: you could use curl, I guess.. and try to do it10:41
DarwinSurvivorobscurant1st: not that I know of10:41
davidbut is there a way to change the crypt device name , since i dont want to go back on code review on my authentication system10:41
obscurant1stMikey^: there is script which uses dropbox to do it! I could give it a try! :)10:42
obscurant1stDarwinSurvivor: ^^10:42
icerootdavid: with dm-crypt yes10:43
davidiceroot : please advice how do i do that10:43
icerootdavid: you have a raid/lvm or plain /dev/sdX encryption?10:44
Osakasaobscurant1st, you can with shutter take a screenshot, upload (e.g. with ubuntuone) and copy the uploaded url.10:44
Athenoniceroot:  AWESOME!  fixed.  all I had to do was go through /etc/pam.d and comb out all the references to winbind since i dont use it10:44
davidlvm encryption10:44
obscurant1stOsakasa: Yeah I tried shutter, but its not what I am lllllllllllllllooking for! :/10:45
davidin cryptsetup , there is no way to rename the device name , apart from creating or remove10:45
Osakasaok :/10:45
obscurant1stooops* sorry for the repeated ls10:45
Linuxsapienok thats that sorted10:45
icerootdavid: then you can even start to give your lvm a different name10:45
davidyes , i am giving my lvm a different name than the default using the ubuntu preseed guide10:46
davidbut there is nothing for crypto10:46
Linuxsapiennow "appearance settings" is telling me "this theme will not look at intended because the required GTK+ theme engine 'clearlooks' is not installed", would I just apt-get that?10:46
Mikey^Linuxsapien: yes10:47
Linuxsapienok Mikey^ :)10:47
icerootdavid: you want to change the name shown by "vgdisplay"?10:48
Linuxsapienthere is no "clearlooks", do I add something else?10:48
Mikey^Linuxsapien: search for gtk2-engines-clearlooks10:48
Linuxsapienwill do10:49
phanimaheshi need some help.10:49
phanimaheshcan someone confirm that clicking on launcher icon doesn't minimize window?10:49
Mikey^!ask | phanimahesh10:49
ubottuphanimahesh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:49
davidi have already changed the name shown by vgdisplay , i want to change the name shown by cryptsetup , cryptsetup status sdaX_crypt10:49
DarwinSurvivorphanimahesh: yes, I can confirm that10:49
phanimaheshDarwinSurvivor: Thanks. Filing a bug.10:50
LinuxsapienMikey^ it told me I have them uptodate, weird10:50
icerootdavid: ah ok, sorry i dont know how to change that name, just know how to change the one from vgdisplay10:50
Mikey^Linuxsapien: yeah. What theme are you trying?10:50
Linuxsapiena custom one, Mikey^10:51
Mikey^Linuxsapien: ok. could also be a mismatch is version of the clearlooks engine and the theme you are trying10:51
DarwinSurvivorphanimahesh: *trust me* it is not a bug!10:51
LinuxsapienMikey^  well a mixture of "customise"10:51
Mikey^Linuxsapien: Ah. ok10:52
DarwinSurvivorphanimahesh: it was a design decision by the unity team, it's not the most popular decision, but I do see why they did it10:52
Linuxsapienim gathering I need to find where the conf file is for themes?10:52
phanimaheshDarwinSurvivor: can i have more details?10:52
Mikey^Linuxsapien: /usr/share/themes/?10:52
Linuxsapienill look10:52
DarwinSurvivorphanimahesh: that decision is one of the most frequent unity discussions on brainstorm. There have been *multiple* bugs filed about it, but the unity team has made no sign of changing the decision10:53
Anomie21How come I can't attach files (in gmail, etc) that are on network drives, I need to locate them in nautilus, copy them to my desktop - then attach?10:53
piglitis trine a good game?10:54
phanimaheshDarwinSurvivor: I found no bugs when searching!! :(10:55
Dark-chcanomie21 you should do it in the conventional way10:55
Dark-chcyou have to do that to attach??10:55
Anomie21Dark-chc: What do you mean?10:55
Mikey^Anomie21: cant you access the drives in file browser when you try to attach10:56
Anomie21Mikey^: nope10:56
Anomie21They aren't visible10:56
Mikey^Anomie21: Can you copy the address from nautilus and copy it in the filename field in the attach file dialog?10:56
DarwinSurvivorsorry about that, my FreeBSD server is having a bad day :(10:57
Dark-chcdid you try searching where the file is?10:57
Dark-chcroot/my documents10:58
MischinkaI have an package dependent on libmysql16 and im using ubuntu 12.04 is there a workaround to install this .deb11:01
phanimaheshCan someone confirm that there are bugs reported on not being able to minimize using launcher?11:02
Mikey^phanimahesh: I think DarwinSurvivor confirmed that11:02
jribphanimahesh: bugs.ubuntu.com11:02
action09hi #ubuntu11:02
Mikey^Hello action0911:03
phanimaheshMikey^:  But i dont find any, perhaps i'm searching wrong11:03
Anomie21Mikey^: How can you copy from nautilus?11:03
DarwinSurvivorphanimahesh: it's not a bug, it was a design decision made by the unity team, there are a LOT of users that don't like it, but it's to reduce confusion because the icons already do a lot and there is already a (-) button *dedicated* to minimizing the current application11:03
action09i want to have a daily email, with the commands (history) typed by all users, any clue please ? using a pam module ?11:03
action09hi Mikey^ :)11:03
Mikey^Anomie21: i meant copy the address from the address bar and paste that address in the file browser dialog that opens up when you attach a file11:03
Anomie21Mikey^: There is no address bar11:04
Anomie21This is my screen : http://i.imgur.com/pQY8T.png11:04
Mikey^Anomie21: try F611:04
MischinkaOr is there a way to install libmysql16 on ubuntu 12.04?11:04
Mikey^Mischinka: or Ctrl + L11:04
phanimaheshDarwinSurvivor: It can be a feature-request bug. Sorry if i'm being too stubborn here.11:05
Anomie21Mikey^: F6 just highlights the folder I'm in11:05
MischinkaMikey^: ctrl + L?11:05
Mikey^sorry, that was meant to Anomie2111:06
Anomie21CTRL+L doesnt do anything afaik11:06
jribphanimahesh: here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/73334911:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 733349 in unity (Ubuntu) "Minimize Application's Windows upon clicking its Launcher Icon" [Undecided,Won't fix]11:06
DarwinSurvivorphanimahesh: I'm 99.99% positive there is already a feature-request bug report because we've had over TEN brainstorm requests for it already. It may be marked as "won't implement" so make sure you aren't just searching for "open" bugs11:07
livtylerHello, can EAP and LDAP as a bind user store can coexist without interfering with each one?11:07
livtylerI'm using ubuntu and freeradius11:08
phanimaheshjrib: Thanks.11:09
jribphanimahesh: google turns up some ppa with the feature you want.  You can try that if you really want it I suppose but remember that software won't be supported: https://launchpad.net/~ojno/+archive/unity-minimize-on-click11:10
phanimaheshDarwinSurvivor: ok, so thats what i was doing wrong. Thanks. :) I'll help in building up bug heat by urging users to mark it as affecting. for now.11:10
jribphanimahesh: there's also this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1967822 .  Again, this is unsupported11:11
cristian_cHow can I identify alsa modules?11:13
phanimaheshjrib: Thanks. They have all info i was looking for.11:15
Anomie21Nobody else experience this problem (Network drives not visible from Chrome 'Attach a file') ??11:16
Shanthis there any download manager with pause/play options11:16
v2342b5hey folk. i remember there was a tool i could pipe text to and that would cut it nicely. ie i could tail a file and lines that are longer than my terminal would be cut off instead of continued on the next line. any idea what tool that was?11:17
ohad_Shanth, I use JDownloader11:17
ShanthJDownloader , after reboot it aagain starts the download from begining ..11:18
v2342b5the host you are trying to download from might not support resuming11:18
ohad_there's a paus and stop button for JDownloader11:18
Shanthi'm downloading UBUNTU 12 from its website11:19
Linuxsapienhow come some programs dont use the theme specified, Mikey^  ?11:19
Mikey^Linuxsapien: maybe its not a gtk program11:20
Linuxsapienclementine music player... is there a way to force them ?11:20
Kangarooowhats oposite of sudo dpkg -i *.deb11:21
Kangarooocant remove *.deb with -r or -p11:22
jribKangarooo: apt-get remove package1 package2 ...11:22
jribKangarooo: but this isn't really "opposite" since your dpkg -i could have just caused an upgrade.11:22
Dark-chcsudo apt-get remove purge --package111:23
auronandaceLinuxsapien: isn't clementine qt?11:23
Mikey^Linuxsapien: clementine is a qt program11:24
Linuxsapiendamn, I want it to use my theme :(11:24
Kangarooojrib: thx11:24
Mikey^Linuxsapien: use banshee or similar?11:25
MischinkaDoes anyone know how to install libmysql16 on precise?11:25
Mikey^Mischinka: what version comes with 12.04?11:26
Mikey^Mischinka: you have been asking for a very long time..11:26
Mischinkabut i have a .deb package that says it needs that.11:27
jribMischinka: what deb package?11:27
Mikey^Mischinka: did you try installing it?11:27
LinuxsapienMikey^ I would but I have been using clementine since it got decent and try help out when I can.. no worries, Ill cope. Thanks for your help11:27
Mikey^Linuxsapien: ok :)11:27
MischinkaMikey^ ape-server-i386 depends on libmysqlclient16 (>= 5.0.27-1); however:11:28
Mikey^Linuxsapien: kde has a setting to make gtk apps look like the qt theme.. but i dont think gnome does the same11:28
Mikey^Mischinka: try apt-get -f install and see what it says11:28
Mikey^Mischinka: does it recommend removing ape-server11:28
MischinkaMikey^: http://pastebin.com/PMwW7s9611:30
jribMischinka: you should ask/create/find a proper package for precise11:30
Dr_willisHmm. Still getting where after Unity is running for a long time. (like 12+ hrs) the desktop gets real laggy. a Logout/backin fix's it. Not seeint any one thing sucking down a lot of CPU. Other then X itself.11:31
hariomiceroot: I have installed xserver but still I don't get GUI11:31
jribDr_willis: happen with a different environment?  A different video card driver (if possible)?11:31
Dr_willisjrib,  seems to happen with Lubntu also.11:32
Mischinkajrib: they have a github and a tar.gz both which i couldnt figure out how to install from.11:32
Dr_willisTried the nvidia drivers from the repos. trying the xswat edgy ones now.  so not sure what to try next. watching htop output. X itself seems to be taking 42%+ of the cpu just sitting here running xchat.11:32
jribMischinka: have you asked them why their package depends explicitly on that version of libmysql?  And whether the version in precise is satisfactory?11:33
Dr_willisi wonder what the TIME+ Colum means in htop. its showing X at 2x the time tht compiz has used.11:33
jribDr_willis: cpu time (man top is better for this)11:34
Mischinkajrib: no, i figured there would be a work around for this sort of thing.11:35
jribMischinka: why? Get a proper package11:35
cristian_cAn other question:11:35
jribMischinka: you can work around it, but a couple of months from now you'll regret it11:35
Dr_willismemory ussage is only 2% for /usr/bin/X but the Time is  higher then anything else.. guess that makes since.. since the cpu ussage is 10-50% just sitting here doing basically nothing11:36
cristian_cHow can I activate pinch gesture with my touchpad in ubuntu?11:36
Mischinkajrib: why is that?11:36
Dr_willisbrb - logging out to see if it clears it up11:37
Mikey^Mischinka: or you can compile your own package11:37
Mikey^ofcourse then, you will have to be in charge of updates/patches etc11:37
jribMischinka: because you're likely to "confuse" the package manager11:37
oshirixany malaysian here can speak malay?11:37
Mikey^oshirix: maybe there is a seperate channel?11:38
oshirixim juz new..any body can help me out?11:38
Dr_willisrebooted. reloaded X with the same apps.. now getting X using  0-1% in htop. instead of 20-50%   Not sure what to troubleshoot next.11:41
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Dan_Ewhy can I only login under ubuntu 2D11:44
Dr_williswhen you login under 3d what happens?11:45
Dan_Eno icons11:45
Dr_willisyou mean no left side launcher panel?11:45
arulmozhiI want to install tamil language packages in precise pangolin. what are the package list.  to install to support that language.. chinese language is supported by default installation and why is that?? anybody??11:45
Dr_willisYou could try resetting the unity and compiz settings.  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html11:46
Dan_Ethank you11:46
Dr_willisDan_E,  another test  befor reseting would be to make a new user - see if they have the same issue11:46
fdfdshi guys. If I have written a script where I say like this "#!/bin/sh", I noticed it's executed in a different way depending if I run like ./script.sh or 'sh script.sh'. Why is this?11:47
jribfdfds: in what different way?11:47
lollisoftHi, I have installed an ubuntu system and before getting a grub error out of partition I have made a snapshot. /boot is on /dev/sda1 and / is on /dev/mapper as I am using LVM. Can this be repaired, before I retry installing java or make any other huge changes to the fs?11:48
Dr_willislollisoft,  what sort of grub error?11:48
lollisofterror: out of partition11:48
Dr_williscant say ive ever seen that error message befor. May want to check the grub2 docs to see what it means.11:49
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Mikey^lollisoft: I think its when you mention a wrong partition and it does not exist11:50
Dr_willislollisoft,  you could  also try the boot-repair tool from a live cd. like the grub2 factoid mentions11:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:50
lollisoftNo I have a VM in VirtualBox and the only system is Ubuntu LTS 12.0411:51
morsnowskiso you have a snaphot of a working system ?11:51
Der-Seboneed help11:51
lollisoftCurrently I am able to revert to the snapshot before that error, but I expect this will happen again.11:52
v2342b5ask away11:52
morsnowskiright where is the holdup then ?11:52
Der-Sebouser 12.04 tls and over vnc i can't open nautilus11:52
fdfdsjrib: I have a line like this: 'sed -i 's/CHECK_PASS(\(.\+\), \(.\+\));/'"$(replace_positive_macro \\2 \\1)"'/g' "$i"' If I run it like 'sh script.sh', then the pattern is replaced with a string that contains  and  characters, but if I run it './fix.sh', replacements is ok.11:52
fdfdswell I can't even print these characters here frin what I see11:53
lollisoftYes, I reverted, but I expect the same error again when I repead installing open jdk. So my question is how to get around this? Is there a way around?11:53
lollisoftHehe, repeat :-)11:53
morsnowskiwell i don't so java at all, i've banned it and would burn it if i could so with this one I can't help11:54
morsnowski...don't do...11:54
Dr_willislollisoft,  So somehow installing jdk broke grub? or did i miss somthing.11:56
wadkarerrm, how do I ask this question... I want to "secure/lock" my portable HDD, so that only I can "look/unlock" it (password protection/encryption/something that only I can "undo") , _AND_ it should work on both Ubuntu and Windows11:56
lollisoftYes, strange! Maybe the combination of VirtualBox, LVM and /boot at the second logical drive (/dev/sda1)11:57
=== codekK is now known as codekK`eating
jpichi all, since last updates, evolution keeps failing at logging in to google calendar, any tip please ?11:57
jpicwhat happens is: it keeps poping up a prompt for the password, i type the password, and a little later it pops up again, claiming "Authentication failed" ....11:58
wadkaris there any software which can encrypt/decrypt data (on the fly) while writing to HDD , and can work both on Linux and Windows?11:58
jpici did try to reconfigure the calendar in evolution, with right click->properties, retrieve list, prompted for pasword, selcted the calendar i want to use, saved11:59
jpicright now it just fetched the events, filled the calendar widget, but again it prompts for the password ....11:59
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MonkeyDust!info bcrypt | wadkar12:01
ubottuwadkar: bcrypt (source: bcrypt): Cross platform file encryption utility using blowfish. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-6 (precise), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB12:01
=== VGoff_afk is now known as VGoff
hariomIs it possible that without running/installing GUI on the server (due to vulnarabilities and performance degradation of the server), from remote end I can access the server in GUI mode whenever I need to configure something that is better in GUI mode than command mode?12:03
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wadkarMonkeyDust: sweet! thanks, I'll give it a go; I am comfortable using any utility on linux, but not so much on Windows, if you have used bcrypt on Windows, will you comment on its usage? (I ask, because others will be using it on windows)12:03
lollisoftOk, I'll stop my ubuntu trialy today. I'll need to investigate more research...12:04
lollisoftThanks all - bye12:04
drussellhariom: not really, you would at least to have the gui software installed on the remote server, then you could use ssh and X forwarding to get gui applications to appear on your workstation from the server, but they'd still need to be installed12:06
drussellhariom: I'd recommend you learn the commandline tools12:06
drussellhariom: or depending on what you need to do a web based control panel or similar12:06
jribhariom: I agree with drussell.  Can you give an example where you believe you would prefer to use the gui?12:07
fdfdswhy scripts that contain "#!/bin/sh" are executed in a different way depending they are whether started like ./script.sh and 'sh script.sh"12:07
jribfdfds: in what different way?12:07
jribfdfds: never mind, I missed your previous response12:07
wadkarumm, looks like bcrypt wont fit into my use case. I will have to copy/write out decrypted file to some place, which would be cumbersome to do everytime, moreover, I may not have space/write access on the host machine, is there something which can do this on the fly? (like ssh communication is encrypted with your key/passphrase)12:08
jribfdfds: can you pastebin you running it each way?12:09
cgi101im having problems with the dualboot win7/ubuntu12.04, after instal i got to the ubuntu login but i cant move my mous or keybeord12:10
fdfdsjrib: the result or what?12:11
jribfdfds: yeah12:13
jribfdfds: and if you don't mind pastebinning the script, that's easier than having it in scrollback12:13
jribfdfds: also I don't know the answer offhand, but you might try to see if the same thing happens using bash (and the corresponding shebang line).  If it does, then #bash may have a quicker answer for you.  I don't mind investigating here though12:14
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
morsnowskiis there a log for of this channel somewhere ?12:18
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:19
MonkeyDustmorsnowski  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/12:19
quellhorstI was doing 'do-release-upgrade -d' and it almost completed, just had some screens up telling me about configuration then my ssh connection was terminated. how can i go back to the package configure screens on a dist upgrade?12:19
MonkeyDustDr_willis  was faster :)12:19
morsnowskiMonkeyDust, thanks12:19
Sidewinderubottu must feel a little unappreciated. :)12:20
ubottuSidewinder: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:20
T_A_N_Ktoday i did the sudo update now everything freezes when i start it12:21
hariomdrussell: yea, same I was also thinking. Thanks for it. Do you know any control panel that can be installed for taking backup etc.12:21
Gyro54I have changed from Unity to Gnome on 11.10. Can I upgrade to 12.04 and keep Gnome. The upgrade wants to remove Gnome12:21
SidewinderT_A_N_K, Everything?12:21
KM0201Gyro54: negative12:21
Dr_willisGyro54,  12.04 has gnome3 and  you can use gnome-shell12:21
morsnowskiGyro54, you can reinstall gnome very easily12:22
Dr_willisGyro54,  i did not think gnome-shell was reliable on 11.1012:22
KM0201Gyro54: well, you can use Gnome, but not the gnome you're used to.12:22
Dr_willis'these are not the gnomes you are looking for.....'12:22
Gyro54I had to change from Unity as it doesn't work with NX12:22
Gyro54I think Gnome 3 has the same problem12:23
T_A_N_Kand then every time i open a report error window freezes and keeps opening others12:23
KM0201if you don't like Unity, you're better off looking at KDE, XFCE, or LXDE.12:23
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quellhorstis there a command like "aptitude package configure" ? to configure installed/pending packages?12:23
SidewinderGyro54, If you do decide to go the 12.04 route, there is always this, as well..: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/12:24
Gyro54I was starting to like Unity but I need NX to log into our work server12:24
morsnowskiGyro54, what is NX?12:24
KM0201Gyro54: i'm not sure how Unity affects that app, but i've never used it (doesn't make any sense to me to be honest)12:24
drussellGyro54: hmm I know people who use NX and unity with no issues...12:25
Gyro54The Gnome desktop on 11.10 is very nice to use and is much faster than Unity12:25
Dan_Eany other help on logging in to something other than ubuntu 2D?12:25
Gyro54NX has problems with Unity as we use it. They are working on a fix but it could be a long time12:26
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Gyro54Sidewinder: I will have a look12:27
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SidewinderGyro54, I'm not sure that it/those, will do what you need, but it was/is worth a shot. :)12:28
cgi101i cant login or use my mous12:30
cgi101anyoune know why12:30
sk1specialokay. so ive installed compiz config. the water effects. the wobbly windows. awesome. the desktop cube. while it *works* and i can flip between screens..its not a cube. its flipping a sign around more like.12:30
Gyro54The Gnome shell on 11.10 is very slick and works with NX. Is it the same as the 12.04 version or is it based on Gnome 2?12:31
sk1specialand i do have dual extended display monitor setup. and now that ive flipped it. my smaller res monitor position..is over on the wrong side.12:31
sk1speciallike..the window fills each side.. but the desktop background has the smaller screen on the bigger one.12:31
cgi101i cant loggin the dual boot version of ubunto or even use my mous12:31
cgi101plz i need help12:32
incognit0Can I buy an ubuntu laptop from somewhere?12:33
MonkeyDustincognit0  zareason12:33
incognit0I know dell has that one POS vostro but I reallly don't want a garbage laptop :)12:33
MonkeyDustcgi101  what happens when you try?12:34
T_A_N_KMokeyDust: https://www.system76.com/12:34
T_A_N_Kmonkeydust* https://www.system76.com/12:34
cgi101i boot into ubunto and i get to the login screen12:34
MonkeyDustT_A_N_K  tell incognit012:34
cgi101i cant move my mous at first and i cant enter my pasword12:34
T_A_N_Kincognit0 https://www.system76.com/12:34
incognit0T_A_N_K: I saw 67, I didn't really like it.12:34
MonkeyDust!who| T_A_N_K12:34
ubottuT_A_N_K: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:34
cgi101after a wile my mous starts to move but i cant click on anything12:35
Dan_Ewhy can I only login under ubuntu 2D? When I login under 3D I have no icon bar. I tried resetting icons and a different user same problem.12:35
incognit0I'm uber picky about keyboards which is why I don't even own a laptop. Anyone else have this problem?12:35
MonkeyDustwrong factoid, i meant !tab12:35
T_A_N_Kthen build your own at tigerdirect and install ubuntu on it12:35
quixotedoncgi101: have you tried rebooting?12:35
cgi1013 times12:36
nyuszika7hHi, this is probably a trivial question, but how can I *remove* PPAs, as opposed to add them?12:36
incognit0T_A_N_K: Build my own laptop with parts from TD?12:36
quixotedoncgi101: and the same thing happens?12:36
cgi101exactly the same thing12:36
nyuszika7hI found it12:36
nyuszika7hadd-apt-repository -r12:36
cgi101i am on a dual boot with win7 can that have somthing to do with it?12:36
Gyro54morsnowski: Is the Gnome shell on 11.10 the same as on 12.0412:37
jackiechan0could anyone help me to set samba? I can't get it working with the firewall on (the ports are opened)12:37
wendicois my data save in a ext4 partition from viruses of my ntfs file systems?12:37
quixotedoncgi101: can use your keyboard? i also use dual boot on win 7 as well12:37
quixotedon*can you12:37
cgi101im typing on it right now12:37
quixotedoncgi101: is your mouse using usb port? or is it a trackpad?12:38
cclovejackiechan0: what problems you meets12:38
Gyro54morsnowski: NX is a remote desktop12:38
cgi101usb its a logitech 69x laser12:38
cclovejackiechan0:And what you want to do12:38
jackiechan0cclove> i can't make it works with the firewall on, i have two Mint 11 machines and a windows 7 on the same subnet (windows 7 can see both the sharing of the windows machines)12:38
incognit0Can I build my own laptop? Is that actually an option?12:39
jackiechan0cclove> i want to make sharing working12:39
MonkeyDustincognit0  if you're skilled enough and know how to do it12:39
cclovejackiechan0:have you set the security=share in the smb.conf config file12:39
incognit0MonkeyDust: Ideas overwhelming with things I can do. I didn't think parts were available as readily as they were for desktops...12:39
Sidewinderwendico, Yes.12:39
jackiechan0cclove> no  what is this security=share ?12:40
incognit0MonkeyDust: I could totally cram everything into a keyboard like the old comodores.12:40
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cgi101quixotedon; what can be the problem?12:40
Gyro54Dr_willis: Is the Gnome shell on 11.10 the same as on 12.0412:40
FloodBot1Guest66548: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
incognit0Guest66548: Stop. Drop. Rtfm :).12:40
cclovejackiechan0:if you want to config the samba server, you may to edit the config file which is /etc/samba/smb.conf12:40
jackiechan0cclove> ok12:40
quixotedoncgi101: if you're using a usb port mouse, try using another port, and see if you have the same problem12:41
Dr_willisGyro54,  gnome-shell has gone through a lot of updates since 11.10 came out.12:41
cgi101let me reboot12:41
Dr_willisGyro54,  if you want to use gnome-shell, i say upgrade to 12.0412:41
cclovejackiechan0: have a look at it , maybe you can do it now12:41
quixotedonGuest66548: no spamming please..12:41
quixotedonDr_willis: is gnome-shell stable working on 12.04? you can say?12:41
Gyro54Dr_willis: I only updated last week and it is working fine on 11.10 but I am worried the 12.04 upgrade has a different version based on Gnome 312:42
Dr_willisgnome-shell works quite well on 12.0412:43
=== Renard is now known as Mairusu
quixotedonDr_willis: i'll try to.. :) thanks for  your reference12:43
Dr_willisGyro54,  11.10's gnome shell is most likely missing a lot of features in the current gnomeshell.. do what you want..12:43
Dr_willisi always do clean installs. ;)12:44
MairusuHello, is there a know issue with the 12.04 Alternate iso bittorent download? I've been trying to create a bootable USB stick with unetbootin and it, but failed everytime, there's a CRC error on a file12:44
Gyro54Dr_willis: Thanks12:44
morsnowskianybody ever had issues connecting thunderbird to gmail ?12:44
ikoniaMairusu: launchpad.net will document any known issues12:45
bohemian9485Mairusu: check the downloaded iso file using md5sum12:45
Gyro54morsnowski: No it is normally seamless12:45
DJonesmorsnowski: I use thunderbird with gmail, I've not had any issues with connections at all12:45
morsnowskii've done this a hundred time but now it keeps telling to "TB failed to find the settings"12:45
Dr_willismorsnowski,  i connected thunderbird to gmail just earlier today.12:45
Dr_willismorsnowski,  i did have to manually enter the settings..12:45
quixotedonmorsnowski: i connected thunderbird in 11.10 and always failed to send email thus i consider not using any up to now.. :)12:46
MairusuMD5 is correct12:46
morsnowskihmm what imap smtp server names and what authentication did you use #12:46
Mairusubcee4c03b704a9b62988505b7d8f3069 ubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso  according to help.ubuntu.com, bcee4c03b704a9b62988505b7d8f3069 for what I have on my hard drive12:46
JPeterso2where do i find a list of package versions for ubuntu 11.10?12:47
Dan_Eany way to get rid of screen flicker (changes color)12:47
quixotedonJPeterso2: you mean 11.10 download?12:47
Nailoxxcan anyone help me with a simple bash script ?12:48
JPeterso2quixotedon: no apt packages12:48
JPeterso2i.e. for example the 'subversion' package version12:48
ThePendulumIsn't it possible to add an entire folder of wallpapers the the appearance settings and keep it there?12:49
MairusuProblematic file on the alternate 32bit iso: /pool/main/l/linux/fs-secondary-modules-3.230.23-generic-pae-di_3.2.0-23.36_i386.udeb12:49
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Gyro54morsnowski: I just setup TB with my gmail no problems12:49
quixotedonJPeterso2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/110450/how-to-download-source-files-for-ubuntu-11-1012:49
cgi101i boot into ubunto the loading screen was distorted, i go to the pasword the boot sound runs 3 times and crunches at the 4 time, my mous worked for 2 sec then everying frozeagter 1 min my mous moved again and i cant puch any button12:49
scorpion_how do i see all my apps installed from ubuntu software center.. how do i open them12:49
MairusuIncorrect MD5 for this file, though the ISO as a whole has a correct MD5 sum12:50
MairusuAnyone confirms this?12:50
quixotedoncgi101: what a terrible experience, so what are you using now?12:50
cgi101now im back on my win712:50
morsnowskithats nuts same settings as on my laptop from the same IP address and still no joy, howvere the laptop does just fine . ..12:50
JPeterso2quixotedon: how does that show me the 11.10 vesion of the 'subversion' apt package?12:51
cgi101i dont get where the problem lies12:51
rmgnew to ubuntu black ...is there a video streaming sftware like ustream producer12:51
cgi101is it my keybeor or mous, or is it my prosecor12:51
ThePendulumcgi101: That sounds rather strange... if the system boots at all, it probably isn't your CPU12:51
JPeterso2is subversion 1.7 in ubuntu 11.10?12:52
ThePendulumcgi101: Are you sure you closed the installation with success?12:52
rmgfaulty drive where linux is home to12:52
cgi101it askt to reboot12:52
ThePendulumrmg: VLC?12:53
=== quixotedon is now known as donnyqiu
ThePendulumrmg: Please lose the caps man... relax12:53
MonkeyDustrmg  don't shout please12:53
ThePendulumrmg: You will get help far more easily when you ask your question politely and relaxed12:53
Dr_willisrmg,  you will get better help by giving details of your needs.. theres a dozen+ ways to stream videos12:53
PiciJPeterso2: no, 1.7 is not yet in any of our releases.12:53
rmgusb keyboard be having a moment12:53
ThePendulumI doubt it12:54
cgi101am i missing somthing?12:54
rmgi have windows webserver 2003 running my website but no way of streaming live12:54
donnyqiuJPeterso2: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/oneiric/universe/proposed/subversion12:55
rmgso i now use ubuntublack and thought it would be better12:55
ThePendulumDoes anyone have experience setting up Ubuntu as a NAS?12:55
SidewinderMairusu, I'm not an md5, that said, it makes no sense to me that a file within the ISO is wrong but the entire ISO is correct.. Hmm..12:56
Dr_willisrmg, 'ubuntublack' ?12:56
JPeterso2donnyqiu: ok12:56
MonkeyDustrmg  you mean blackbuntu?12:56
donnyqiuJPeterso2: it says 1.6 is the latest version but deleted.. :(12:56
cgi101ThePendulum got any idea whyat it cazn be12:56
ThePendulumcgi101: Windows works correctly, completely?12:56
SidewinderMairusu, Sorry; that didn't make sense, I forget the word 'expert' after md5.. :(12:57
sk1specialgot my of my issues fixed. but when  i click on a application via the launcher it doesnt auto switch to that application if its in another workspace like before.12:57
MonkeyDustrmg  guess blackbuntu is not supported here12:58
ThePendulumcgi101: There is no way to continue the log in?12:58
cgi101al the butons freeze up i cant use anything12:58
rmgso is there ustream like prog?12:58
ikoniarmg: blackbuntu is NOT supported here12:58
MonkeyDustrmg   "Blackbuntu is distribution for penetration testing which was specially designed for security training students and practitioners of information security."12:59
cgi101where lies the problem is it my input or my procesor or the the newest version of the os12:59
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:59
rmgso is would there be a better linux for webstreaming video live?12:59
ThePendulumcgi101: It can't be the CPU really... your system wouldn't boot at all, let alone successfully run Windows12:59
cgi101its intel i7 overclock13:00
ThePendulumcgi101: Again... that doesn't matter13:00
ThePendulumcgi101: You could try to clock it normally just to see if that may cause the issue13:01
cgi101then my windows wont work anymore13:01
ThePendulumcgi101: Explain?13:01
cgi101i had alot of shit with that last time13:01
cgi101blue screen13:01
Picicgi101: please mind your language here.13:01
ThePendulumcgi101: So Windows refuses to work when you do not overclock your CPU?13:02
Picicgi101: don't curse.13:02
ThePendulumcgi101: Your language = 'shit'13:02
cgi101isnt that a part of the leungutch13:02
ThePendulumcgi101: I, personally, don't mind. But there are frequently people in this channel who really don't want to hear such words.13:02
Picicgi101: This is a family friendly channel. Please do not curse here.13:02
cgi101wel im getting mad if s*** dousnt work13:03
morsnowskiOK for future reference it is imap.gmail.com not imap.gmail.co, doh13:03
ThePendulumcgi101: It's virtually impossible to get a blue screen when NOT overclocking, you're either overclocking wrongly or doing something else completely wrong13:03
ThePendulumcgi101: I'd recommend resetting your motherboard and clock everything at their defaults13:04
Dr_willisHmm.. trying to configure this network printer in 12.04, normally takes me 1 min under 11.10  - cant seem to get it working in 12.04 however.13:04
cgi101oke im reseting the cpu13:04
ThePendulumDr_willis: I successfully used our Kyocera network office printer in Ubuntu 12.0413:04
p3c0Im using blackbox wm on a ubuntu 11.10 minimal machine. where should i put bbkeys entry so that it is started on boot?13:05
=== MartinS is now known as Guest6783
morsnowskihow do i make this bleeping window snapping stop, i turned it off in compiz manager but it still does it13:05
p3c0i tried putting it in .xinitrc but it is not working13:05
jackiechan0Can i have help about samba? It doesn't works with the firewall on the right ports are opened13:05
Dr_willisall righty.. started printing.. ;) not sure why13:06
cgi101wierd its already on the lowest setings13:06
cgi101guys my overclock isnt overclock13:07
cgi101just little bit more power13:07
quixotedoncgi101: try setting your bios to default setting.. :) (without overclock)13:07
=== Zorro is now known as Guest88387
ThePendulumcgi101: More power... kinda is overclocking13:07
cgi101oke see you in 10 min13:07
quixotedoncgi101: i'm still not sure what's wrong though, since your windows version works fine13:08
cgi101yes i know13:08
cgi101wel il be back in some time13:08
quixotedoncgi101: sorry to bother you, it's something with trial and error to find the real problem13:09
=== niceguyj_ is now known as niceguyjames
ajay__i have problem running skype13:13
ajay__need help13:13
cclovei do not know about that13:13
ajay__skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:14
ajay__anyone have idea about this error13:14
ajay__i trined to install libss1 but it is saying already installed13:15
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cgi101still corrupt loading screen, 5 times introsound and same deal with the mous13:17
ccloveajay_:You need to install the libxss1 package for that library. If you're running the 32-bit version of Skype, ia32-libs needs to be installed instead of libxss1.13:19
ubottuManuRocca: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:19
MonkeyDustdarn listalians13:19
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cgi101im out of idea's13:20
donnyqiucgi101: is this your first install?13:21
DelphiWorldhello folks13:21
DelphiWorldquick question13:21
cgi1013rd time13:21
morsnowskiis there a default sources file for 12.04 lts?13:21
DelphiWorldwhere i can configure my dns server on ubuntu server lts ?13:21
donnyqiucgi101: before?? did you upgrade or fresh install for this version?13:21
cgi101its dual boot and i havent goten past the login ever13:22
DelphiWorldanyone ?13:22
ajay__i am trying to install libxss1 it saying that it is already installed13:22
DelphiWorldi don't have a resolv.conf13:22
MonkeyDust!dns| DelphiWorld13:22
ubottuDelphiWorld: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html13:22
ajay__i am installing 64bit only13:22
ajay__sudo apt-get install libxss113:24
donnyqiucgi101: so you upgraded from 11.10?13:24
cgi101no i instaled it fresh13:24
cgi101i unistyald it 2 times today13:24
v4nd3rplz what's the chan for french speaker?13:24
DJones!fr | v4nd3r13:24
ubottuv4nd3r: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:24
MonkeyDustv4nd3r  #ubuntu-fr13:24
DelphiWorldMonkeyDust: DYUDE13:25
donnyqiucgi101: and you haven't successfully logged in?13:25
DelphiWorldMonkeyDust: DUDE13:25
v4nd3rthx a lot13:25
DelphiWorldMonkeyDust: this is a dns server. i just want to set up my dns resolv.conf to or something !13:25
cgi101donnyqiu yes i cant use the login screen wat so ever13:25
bHopeI'm having trouble updating my flash on 11.10.  Can anyone help?13:25
donnyqiucgi101: i was upgrading from 11.10, not fresh install13:26
ccloveia32-libs needs to be installed instead of libxss113:26
JasonGriffeeHow do I fource 1080p output on VGA? (12.04)13:26
cgi101donnyqiu do i have to video tape it for u13:26
cgi101so u can see it urself13:26
DelphiWorldCRAP... how to setup my dns server entry ;)13:27
donnyqiucgi101: maybe other may also help.. a moment please.. :)13:27
donnyqiucgi101: is it 32 or 64bit?13:27
cgi101the windows dual boot13:27
cgi10132bit (recomended) thats the version13:28
donnyqiucgi101: are you using pc or laptop?13:29
donnyqiucgi101: okay, now you're using 32 bit ubuntu 12.04 on your pc13:29
cgi101im trying to13:29
cgi101wind764bit/ubunto12.04 32bit13:30
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zakzakzakhi all13:31
cgi101sude i try the 64 one then13:31
JasonGriffeeHow do I fource 1080p output on VGA? (12.04)13:34
donnyqiucgi101: http://www.linuxine.com/story/after-upgrade-1204-hanging-login-screen is this your problem exactly?13:36
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cgi101donnyqiu: no 1st i dint update 2nd i cant even type my pasword 3rd the leoding screen is glitched with green pixels13:38
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:38
=== lub` is now known as lub`away
Skhi guys, i'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on pc but it tells me there is not enough space, and it has whole 160gb free13:39
quixotedoncgi101: since you can't do anything with the shell or whatsoever way to debug, why not try reinstalling if you don't mind and see if the same thing happened, and if your pc supports 11 version than actually it would work normally without the green thingie13:40
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cgi101oke il reinstal13:41
MonkeyDust10.10| Sk13:41
MonkeyDust!10.10| Sk13:41
ubottuSk: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.13:41
HyperbyteWhat's the recommended way to install a new locale in Ubuntu 12.04?13:41
ugiubuntu 10.10 is  no longer supported w/ undates. wants to load newer version13:41
MonkeyDust!locale| Hyperbyte13:41
ubottuHyperbyte: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/13:41
wwdHi folks, I am having a problem with my mdadm array after upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04. Basically its gone, mdadm --examine --scan shows /dev/md0 but gives a uuid of all zeros. Am i fucked? Anyone have any suggestions on what to try?13:42
SkMonkeyDyst: ye i know what version it is, i want to install it but it wont let me13:42
drPoOhi all, I am having difficulties installing sun java6 jre on 10.04 LTS. Could anybody point me to a working tutorial?13:42
akjainhello i have installed windows7 and the grub problem occured as always happened with dual boot13:42
MonkeyDustSk  that's because it is no longer valid13:42
SkMonkeyDust: so if its old version i cant even install it?13:43
MonkeyDustSk  as you can see13:43
HyperbyteMonkeyDust, right, I was looking at that - according to apt-get, there's no package localeconf in 12.0413:43
beanarooakjain: did you install win7 after installing ubuntu?13:44
akjainakjain: yes13:44
donnyqiucgi101: your 11.10 works fine with you?13:44
cosmic__help for c-media 6501 now fix to 5.1 sound ?13:44
cosmic__help for c-media 6501 now fix to 5.1 sound ?13:45
MonkeyDustcosmic__  please be patient13:45
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HyperbyteHow do I install a new locale in Precise?  "apt-get install localeconf" says there is no such package localconf13:48
jpdsHyperbyte: Use the Language Support part of System Settings to install a new language?13:49
wwdHi folks, I am having a problem with my mdadm array after upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04. Basically its gone, mdadm --examine --scan shows /dev/md0 but gives a uuid of all zeros. Am i fucked? Anyone have any suggestions on what to try?13:49
Hyperbytejpds, languages I want there are greyed-out13:50
HyperbyteThere's an 'Add language' button, but also greyed-out13:50
jpdsHyperbyte: Drag the language above English?13:51
vltwwd: _I_ would run a live CD (a very good one for such task is grml.org) and examine the disks first.13:51
vltwwd: Is your system booting from md raid now?13:51
Hyperbytejpds, the application crashes13:52
wwdno, the array is not the boot13:52
jpdsHyperbyte: Nice, I would file a bug in that case.13:52
HyperbyteBut a lot of applications are crashing, because of locale problems13:52
vltwwd: Then you don’t need a separate live CD I think.13:52
wwdi am able to boot into 12.04, and examine the disks13:52
vltwwd: What does `mdadm -D` tell you?13:52
wwdfrisk can see each of the disks13:53
cosmic__help for c-media 6501 now fix to 5.1 sound ?13:54
wwdmdadm: cannot open /dev/md0: No such file or directory13:55
FoolsRunHi, everyone, I have a weird bootup problem: Since upgrading to 12.04, when I boot my machine I get stuck at the logo screen. All the dots light up and it just stops --I can't SSH to the box either. If I power off the machine at that screen and power it on again, I get the GRUB menu and am able to boot fine! The boot screen looks different (text instead of graphics) and it loads normally. How13:55
FoolsRuncan I fix this so it boots successfully every time?13:55
wwdroot@bb:~# mdadm --examine --scan13:55
wwdARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=00000000:00000000:00000000:0000000013:55
wwd   spares=2013:55
wwdARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=00000000:00000000:00000000:0000000013:55
wwd   spares=113:55
FloodBot1wwd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:55
wwdmdadm --examine --scan gives http://paste.ubuntu.com/992391/13:56
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál13:58
vltwwd: If you can see the disks, what does `mdadm -E /dev/sdXY` look like?13:58
wwdmdadm -vvv --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sd[b-v]1 gives the following output" mdadm: looking for devices for /dev/md013:58
etyrnalif i have lubuntu installed on a machine, and i tell it to do a distribution upgrade, will it keep me on lubuntu, or will it turn my installation into Ubuntu??13:58
vltwwd: Can you paste the output of `fdisk -l` and `blkid`, please?13:59
wwdvat yes one sec13:59
wwdvlt *13:59
vlt!it | sebastiano Ciao!14:01
ubottusebastiano Ciao!: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:01
=== esm is now known as Guest44139
wwdfdisk -l : http://paste.ubuntu.com/992397/14:01
forageWhat is the recommended way to get 32 bit libs in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit in order to run 32 bit apps? ai32libs is a transitional package now14:01
FoolsRunHas anyone seen an issue where booting normally doesn't work (stuck at logo screen) but choosing the first option in GRUB after rebooting works fine?14:01
wwdvlt: blkid http://paste.ubuntu.com/992398/14:02
Marzatawith 4 GB is it recommended to run 64 bit?14:02
ceed^Hi, is there a way to remove the mail/messaging applet icon in the notification area?14:02
vltwwd: `cat /proc/mdstat`14:02
lodecha514 gb its the lower 4 64 bits14:03
wwdPersonalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]14:03
wwdunused devices: <none>14:03
cr1scoceed^ right click "remove from panel"14:04
martianHow can I check what version of mod_autoindex is shipped with ubuntu's apache package?14:05
wwdvlt:  mdadm.conf : showing the uuid of the old working array : http://paste.ubuntu.com/992401/14:05
ceed^cr1sco: I do not see a remove from panel option but only available etc and Thunderbird14:05
subdesignwhen I safely remove an usb drive, how to know i can plug out ? or when?14:06
cr1scohold up ceed^14:06
vltwwd: And `mdadm -E /dev/sd[b-v]1`?14:07
wwdvlt:  one sec14:07
vltwwd: (I’m trying to figure out what goes on there …)14:07
NeonlajtAnyone received this error in Ubuntu after upgrading to 12.04 ? "Use of qw(...) as parentheses is deprecated"  I believe its related to perl, can you downgrade perl in 12.04 ?14:07
Neonlajtor even revert to 10.04 from 12.04?14:07
=== codekK`eating is now known as codekK
kubanci have installed openssh-server package. I've enabled remote desktop connection. How can i connect to computer via ssh? Or, which command do i put into terminal to connect?14:08
wwdvlt:  mdadm -E /dev/sd[b-v]1    http://paste.ubuntu.com/992409/14:08
cr1scoceed^ if you use the mail client you can hide the icon by right clicking the panel and selecting "properties"14:09
wwdvlt: notice version: - 0.9014:09
wwdin my mdadm .conf it is metadata=00.9014:10
wwddmesg gives me this for all the devices: md: sdm1 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!14:10
wwd[   84.209828] md: md_import_device returned -2214:10
FoolsRunNobody has any thoughts for an upgraded machine that doesn't boot successfully the first try (stops at logo screen), but does work the second try if you choose the top (default?) GRUB entry?14:10
=== ptolemaiosz is now known as feri
wwdso I'm thinking this has something to do with my problem, just don't know how to alleviate14:11
ceed^cr1sco: I'm not using Thunderbird nor the IM client, so I would like to remove the envelope icon entirely. Guess I can't do that?14:12
cr1scoceed^ that's how i roll i've got the whole mail client uninstalled, i think it's empathy14:13
ceed^cr1sco: I'll try to remove that and see what happens.14:14
vltwwd: _Now_ I’d grab a live CD. Another way would be to rename /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf (and maybe reboot) to see how it handles the disks w/o any instructions …14:14
wwdvlt: i have tried commenting out the previous array definition14:16
wwdbut will try renaming .conf and see what happens...14:16
LucidGuyRegarding Ubuntu Server LTS.  Whats the difference between standard support, and Extended?  Does extended mean that only security packages will remain available via repos?14:19
cgi101this was frozen14:20
ravenffmpeg: how to add new audio streams to a file? what is the new option istead of -newaudio?14:20
DJonesLucidGuy: This possibly exlains it http://www.canonical.com/content/ubuntu-1204-feature-extended-support-period-desktop-users seems like the 1st 2 years will have updates for hardware , while the last  3 years just have maintenance updates14:25
ravenffmpeg: how to add new audio streams to a file? what is the new option istead of -newaudio?14:26
obscurant1stIs there any possible way to put something on the clipbord? I have coded a script to take screenshot and upload it into the imgur.com service then return the uploaded url. But I need to put that url into the clipboard, for that I just need the linux command! :/14:26
wwdobscurant1st:  xclip14:28
obscurant1stwwwd, I tried that without success. I mean I have a variable with the url, and I don't know any wayof of passing that into xclip. Can you show me How to put "foo" onto clipboard using xclip?14:29
wwdpipe it14:29
obscurant1stwwd: Yep I tried that, somehwo tis not working in python, may be I need some other solution.14:31
etyrnalif i have lubuntu installed on a machine, and i tell it to do a distribution upgrade, will it keep me on lubuntu, or will it turn my installation into Ubuntu??14:31
ravenffmpeg: how to add new audio streams to a file? what is the new option istead of -newaudio?14:32
wwdcan you get xclip to work in bash?14:32
MonkeyDustetyrnal  still lubuntu14:32
DJonesetyrnal: It should keep you on lubuntu, the upgrade goes from one version to the next, not from lubuntu to ubuntu or kubuntu14:33
etyrnalThanks MonkeyDust14:33
etyrnalDJones, thanks.  the would 'should' ALWAYS makes ne vwervous =)14:33
obscurant1stecho yahoo | xclip -selection c14:33
obscurant1st^^ wwd it works14:34
wwdhmm, well I'm not python handy so i don't really know tbh14:34
DJonesetyrnal: As alway, make sure you backup anything important before upgrading14:34
wwdi presume you can drop to the shell somehow like in perl and do it that way14:35
MrokiiHello. I noticed that after Updating to Ubuntu 12.04 Gnome-Shell/the Gnome 3 environment, whatever the official name is, doesn't start up, even though I chose it in LightDM. What happens is that I am put onto the my regular desktop (Gnome classic, no unity), but it's missing the top panel on the desktop completely.14:35
etyrnali've never done a distribution upgrade before.  aside from unexpected catastrophes, can one expect that at least their home filder will survive?  What does, and what does not normally survive a disto upgrade?14:35
mauricio_I have an error everytime i install anything with apt-get... "errors found while processing: winbind" Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) please help me14:35
obscurant1stwwd: Yeah I will try, thanks man! :)14:36
BLegI've dual booted Ubuntu and Windows 7. When I boot my system, I don't see a boot loader, but instead the system just loads into Windows... why do I not see GRUB?14:37
wwdtap the left shit key on boot up, should bring up grub14:38
wwderr shift14:38
DJonesetyrnal: I've never had an issue with my home folder, I've got that on a seperate partition so if something did go wrong, I could always recover that anyway, I can't remember having an issue upgrading apart from when playing with the alpha/beta versions14:38
cgi101iv ben reinstaling for so many times now14:39
bountyhi all14:39
FoolsRunHey, are the default GRUB selection (whatever the system boots automatically) and the "top" GRUB menu option (the menu that appears if the initial boot doesn't work) different?14:39
cgi101now wen it finisghet its thing it states in a window "no root file system"  i still cant press any buttons14:40
tyteen4a03hi, is there a chinese ubuntu channel around?14:41
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ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:41
DJonestyteen4a03: See the link above14:41
ravenffmpeg: how to add new audio streams to a file? what is the new option istead of -newaudio?14:41
tyteen4a03DJones: oh, so it's a hyphen instead of a dot (stupid me :P)14:42
pawdrohi, is there any simple way to do images like i.e. concept screens of unity or new ‘Update Manager’ in 12.10? was is done in GIMP, written on tablet or sth? http://cloudfront.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/updates-initial.jpeg14:42
DJonestyteen4a03: Your welcome14:42
cgi101i dont know what to do anymore14:42
ringzer0I just got ubuntu and it seems to be working great.  I am trying to get gnome3 + gnome-shell -- I can't seem to get it working right.  I can login (using Gnome de) - and then terminal and type: gnome-shell --replace & -- and it works  (afterward i have difficulty shutting it down, i usually have to go to a different tty and kill it).14:42
pawdroi have project presentation next week and I like concept style from Ubuntu :)14:42
ringzer0Can someone help me get my dream OS going? :D14:43
bountyi have some problems about nvidia card geforce4 mx and ubuntu 12.0414:43
martianringzer0: slightly more specific questions would be better :-P14:43
* ringzer0 is running latest ubuntu via VirtualBox14:43
ravenffmpeg: how to add new audio streams to a file? what is the new option istead of -newaudio?14:43
ringzer0martian: gnome-shell does not startup14:43
martianraven: what program are you using?14:44
ringzer0martian: I have to log into 'gnome' and type what I mentioned above.14:44
ravenmartian ffmpeg with 12.0414:44
ringzer0martian: gnome-shell --replace &  to get desired look/feel -- it starts out like it hit failsafe, and bumps back to what looks like unity2d14:44
LucidGuyAnyone here like Unity?14:45
martianringzer0: what happens when you attempt to set gnome shell as your session?14:45
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martianraven: -map14:47
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
ravenmartian which way?14:47
ringzer0martian: "Gnome shell" isn't an option - but it isn't on my laptop that works perfect either.  I just get Gnome, Gnome Classic, Gnome Classic (no effects), Recovery Console, Ubuntu, Ubuntu2d14:47
ringzer0martian: on my laptop I just select 'gnome' and gnome3 with gnome shell wrapper loads just fine.14:48
martianraven: I don't know. You should read the manual for that option.14:48
ringzer0martian: my desktop (with virtualbox and 3d acceleration enabled) is kicking it back to a different shell or something.  but i can get it back by typing gnome-shell --replace14:48
ravenmartian ok tnx for the hint14:49
obscurant1stwwd: worked mate! :D14:49
obscurant1stI used os.system command14:49
wwdobscurant1st: jiggy14:49
obscurant1stBtw do you happen to know a way of running a script when a short key is pressed?14:49
ringzer0martian: I did 'user defined' and it just worked.  lol, thanks.14:52
wwdobscurant1st: maybe xmodmap?14:52
martianringzer0: oh, so it's in virtualbox? You're getting dropped down to whatever they call the failsafe mode. I've never had good luck with hardware acceleration in vbox.14:52
elspru_it seems like my international fonts aren't working :-( on 12.0414:52
obscurant1stwwd: I don't know what it is, I will check it out. Thanks!14:53
ringzer0martian: i got it i think14:53
amikropHello, how can I browse through my all apps?14:53
amikropThrough dash14:53
ringzer0How do I check to see if hardware accel is on?14:54
MrokiiHello. Seems something about my Gnome-Shell installation is broken. This happens: When I start into "Gnome" on Ubuntu 12.04 it begins to star the Gnome-shell and then, after maybe 10 to 20 seconds, the desktop changes back to my "regular" desktop (Unutiy/Gnome Classic backdrop, but no Unity sidebar and no top screen bar). What could cause that?14:57
amikropHello, how can I browse though all of my installed applications?14:58
robertoubuntuma cosa si fa da questo canale?14:58
lelamalamikrop: use the dash14:58
DJones!it | robertoubuntu14:58
ubotturobertoubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:58
amikroplelamal: It doesn't show all the apps, just some recent used ones, or the ones I search for14:59
=== jackbrownhf is now known as jackiechan0
=== jackiechan0 is now known as jackbrownhf
=== jackbrownhf is now known as jackiechan0
y0om4the encrypted filesystem is only for .Private? other files in the home directory are not encrypted?15:00
imMuteI'm having trouble installing 12.04 server on a machine.  It shows the GRUB prompt, but when I hit enter to install, it goes black and reboots.  Tried two different CDs as well as a USB stick and even the x86 version, no dice.  memtest86+ reports no errors.  Anyone know what I should check next?15:01
amikropHow can I set it so I don't get asked for my user's password (to login) each time I go idle?15:01
ringzer0Mrokii: i had that exact same issue (running in virtualbox) --- My fix: Run from terninal window: gnome-shell --replace &  (not as sudo) -- then log out of gnome shell, when logging back in, select 'user defined'15:01
ringzer0amikrop: setting i assume15:01
amikropIn other words, I don't want to logout if I leave the computer for some time.15:01
theadminamikrop: Screensaver settings (disable screensaver) OR power management settings (lock screen when idle)15:01
theadminamikrop: Probably even both15:02
amikroptheadmin: Where are these settings in 12.04 ?15:02
elspru_Hey does anyone here have international fonts working in 12.04 ?15:02
y0om4for encrypteed file system , is the encrypted directory only /home/.Private or is it the whole /home directory?15:02
theadminamikrop: Not all entirely sure, I think they're in the control center thingy15:03
=== sudokode is now known as autotune
israeltoday is Internet's day15:03
amikroptheadmin: control center? what is that? if you mean system settings, only "Power" is there and has only two unrelated options15:04
theadminamikrop: Yesh, I meant that... Uhh... Okay then, what about the screensaver settings?15:04
amikroptheadmin: there isn't a "Screensaver" entry in there15:04
amikroptheadmin: or anywhere I could find15:04
theadminamikrop: Try hitting Super and typing "Screensaver" in your system language in15:05
designbybeckHow do you boot a USBliveBoot Ubuntu on a Mac Laptop? ... Is all you have to do is hold down "c" on bootup?15:05
caesar_is there a 'device manager' equivalent for linux?15:05
amikroptheadmin: no related results15:05
quixotedoncaesar_: in terms of what device?15:05
caesar_i'm trying to install my internal microphone15:06
wwdyea, udev15:06
bountyi have some problems about nvidia card geforce4 mx and ubuntu 12.04 , i upgrade from 11.10 bu now video go slowly ,15:06
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pungi-mancan we make the core of our application in python and graphics in java??15:06
wwdcaesar_:  lshw, lspci, udevadm15:06
icerootpungi-man: #python, #java15:07
caesar_wwd: do i need to install those from synaptics?15:07
ProgsterI'm trying to run tomcat on my ubuntu server as the unprivileged user tomcat. The online guides are confusing me. Can anyone give me some background info on how I'd do this? when I try to run su -c "tomcat/startup.sh" tomcat, I don't see any errors on the console but tomcat doesn't start up15:07
wwdnope, already on your system15:07
wwdcli utilities15:07
=== autotune is now known as sudokode
theadmincaesar_: If you're looking for a GUI hardware lister tool, run: gksudo "lshw -X"15:08
mauricio_im getting this error15:08
mauricio_* Has entrado en #Ubuntu-es15:08
mauricio_* El topic para #Ubuntu-es es Canal oficial de soporte de Ubuntu en español - Canal social: /join #ubuntu-es-cafe - ¿Pegar Texto? http://paste.ubuntu.com - Descargar Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ - Versiones soportadas: 8.04 LTS (servidor), 10.04 LTS, 11.04, 11.10 y 12.04 LTS15:08
mauricio_* Topic para #Ubuntu-es definido por m4v!~znc@unaffiliated/m4v en Sat May  5 22:05:20 201215:08
mauricio_-ChanServ- [#ubuntu-es] Bienvenidos al canal oficial de soporte Ubuntu en español  - Por favor respete el CoC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/esCodeOfConduct - Este canal se archiva públicamente en http://irclogs.ubuntu.com - Usar este canal implica la aceptación de los términos en https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService/es15:08
FloodBot1mauricio_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:08
lelamalbounty: try installing additional drivers from jockey for your card15:09
bountyhow ^15:09
lelamaltype additional in the dash15:09
lelamalin your language15:09
lelamalbounty: or "driver"15:10
theadminbounty: gksudo jockey-gtk15:10
pungi-maniceroot:#java is invite only. Can u tell me some other way??15:11
neokyaWhy does Ubuntu removes skype while uninstalling Nodejs?15:12
ikoniapungi-man: ##java , not #java15:12
bounty1tell me that is activated but not in use15:12
mauricio_Im getting this error every time I install anything, here is the pastebin when installing libglu1-mesa-dev15:12
kindjalIs it possible to disable nfs4 in ubuntu 12 on the client side?15:12
ikoniakindjal: sure, just don't start the service15:12
pungi-manikonia, its telling that * ##java :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services15:12
kindjalikonia: i want nfs315:12
auronandace!register | pungi-man15:13
ubottupungi-man: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:13
theadminpungi-man: Register, then (/msg nickserv register PASSWORD E-MAIL)15:13
ikoniapungi-man: then create a freenode account and identify15:13
lelamalbounty: I don't get it. Can you paste a screenshot?15:14
pungi-manthanks u all....I was successful in my task!!15:14
ranaany one know aircrack-ng  install on ubuntu 12.415:15
DJones!info aircrack-ng15:15
ubottuPackage aircrack-ng does not exist in precise15:15
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quixotedonrana: it doesn't exist15:16
cgi101oke i record the problem15:17
lorddeltaHi. I don't have a question. I'd just like to mention that emacs -nw works again in ubuntu! Yay! Thanks guys.15:17
lorddelta(I don't know if this is the proper channel to give thanks)15:17
MrokiiRingZer01: Thanks, that seemed to work (kind of). My desktop still shows my regular backdrop-image but at least the shell is loaded.15:18
ringzer0On my 'User Defined' gnome3+gnome-shell when I click on 'Online Accounts' so I can setup syncing.  Nothing.  At all, no error, no notice at the bottom, notta15:18
ringzer0do i need to install a package for 'online accounts' to work?15:18
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roothorickI've been having this issue for a while now. Every here and there, the screen straight-up stops updating15:19
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roothorickit's like compiz just straight-up hangs for no reason15:20
roothorickinput is still working like normal, as I see the effects of my mouse movements after I -KILL compiz (a simple TERM doesn't work)15:20
roothorickshould I file a bug, or do you think it might be hardware?15:20
lelamal!sp | usuario__15:21
theadminroothorick: It does sound like a bug to me15:22
lelamal!es | usuario__15:22
ubottuusuario__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:22
HackerIIuıɐƃɐ ʎɐldsıp ʎɯ ǝʞoɹq ʇsnɾ ı15:22
caesar_wwd: do i need to download drivers or simply activate it?15:22
gabe_hello guys... anyone able to help me with setting up an FTP server? I issued: sudo apt-get install vsftpd and then I configured the /etc/vsftpd.conf file to allow anonymous users only with upload and write privileges15:23
neokyaHello Everyone, How can I find which version of particular software is there on Ubuntu remote package?15:23
neokyaHow to add new version?15:23
Osakasahi, is there a way to change copy-paste in terminal to ctrl+c/v instead of right click + copy/paste?15:23
gabe_when issue ftp localhost it works fine, but I cannot access the FTP server from another computer for some reason15:23
raphaellehello @ll, is that natural that during 11.10 to 12.04 upgrade nothing appears on screen ? (on a LUbuntu system)15:23
gabe_any idea why?15:23
bounty1lelamal imagebin.org/21271615:23
gabe_I can ping the IP address of the server but not access FTP15:24
metaljakeanyone else having problems installing 12.04?15:24
usuario__no entiendo nada15:24
usuario__no hablo ingles15:24
ring0!es | usuario__15:24
ubottuusuario__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:24
wwdcaesar_:  these are commands  you issue in terminal to examine various aspects of hardware15:25
usuario__ya se que solo se abla ingles15:25
MrokiiOsakasa: You can change all shortcuts via the menu "Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts...". But keep in mind when you change copy to "Ctrl+C", you won't be able to use that key-combination anymore for stopping apps.15:25
OsakasaMrokii, good point :)15:25
ringzer0just change escape char?15:26
caesar_wwd: i saw that.. opened up all sort of info for pci and usb and whatnot15:26
lelamalbounty1: I don't know why it's not using it, although it's activated. You may find more support on #ubuntu-it, try to ask jester- or enzotib15:26
theadminbounty1: That looks like installed. Also, what's that icon theme?15:26
caesar_i'll just continue to prowl through google because its seems like something so simple15:27
lelamaltheadmin: it says it's activated but not in use15:27
usuario__do you like?15:27
theadminlelamal: Oh, did you "sudo nvidia-xconfig"?15:27
imMuteand apparently the 12.04 *desktop* image boots just fine.  must be soemthing with the server edition...15:27
theadminlelamal: If no, you should, methinks15:27
gabe_anyone able to help with FTP server please?15:28
lelamalI don't know, but I suggested him to use the Italian channel, if he doesn't find support here15:28
usuario__vuestra puta madre15:28
lelamaltheadmin: ^15:28
israel!ask | gabe_15:28
ubottugabe_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:28
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theadminlelamal: Oh oops, sorry, wrong person :P15:29
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lelamaltheadmin: np15:29
OrpheonI need some help with wine and opengl15:29
theadminbounty1: Try "sudo nvidia-xconfig" followed by restarting X (or if you don't know what that means, rebooting)15:29
Orpheonthese last two years, both have worked fine15:29
theadminOrpheon: #winehq is the place for wine stuff15:29
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OrpheonI'm not sure whether this is a pure wine bug15:29
Orpheonbut ok15:29
gabe_israel: I already asked :)15:30
gabe_ubuttu: sorry15:30
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CousinLarryhi, i want to add some keyboards shortcuts to commonly used apps, how can i do that ?15:31
SIlversongI think within "Keyboard"15:32
SIlversongSuper -> search KEYBOARD15:32
theadminCousinLarry: There is a "Keyboard Shortcuts" app either within system settings or elsewhere, just search for that in the dash15:32
Orpheon#winehq isn't responding :(15:33
CousinLarryok thanks15:33
boobearhello all i installed gnome 3.4 but i still have gnome 3 anyone know the solution to this ????>>>>>>15:33
theadminboobear: That doesn't even make sesne... 3.4 is gnome3 anyway15:35
cgi101hello, im still having the instal problem15:35
cgi101what do i have to do15:35
boobeari dont really understand the topic of the site said gnome 3.415:36
cgi101this is what happend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKgCtZo1m7I&feature=youtu.be15:36
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auronandaceboobear: which ubuntu release are you using? how did you install gnome3?15:37
kubancHellow! i have a question about joomla and ubuntu server? what rights should i put for files and folders that I copy from local host to server?15:37
boobeari used the update from 11.10 to 12.04 and i had gnome already on 11.1015:38
quixotedoncgi101: loading the video15:38
auronandaceboobear: so why did you try to install gnome3?15:38
usuario__hello welcome a #going11 . welcome spanis15:38
MonkeyDustboobear  what do you want, if not gnome3 ?15:39
m0smithI have a question related to viewing streaming media15:39
cgi101quixotedon: can u see it15:39
quixotedonstill watching..15:39
LjLusuario__: excuse me? the spanish channel for Ubuntu is #ubuntu-es, and this is the English channel for Ubuntu.15:39
boobeari just dont understand anytime i start up it says system problem detected15:40
MonkeyDustboobear  any error messages?15:40
ringzer0do i need to install a package for 'online accounts' to work?15:40
ringzer0On my 'User Defined' gnome3+gnome-shell when I click on 'Online Accounts' so I can setup syncing.  Nothing.  At all, no error, no notice at the bottom, notta15:40
usuario__solo spain #going1115:41
caesar_well that didnt work15:41
ringzer0if i had a binary for 'online accounts' i would launch via the shell to get some verbosity -- i have removed and reinstalled gnome-online-accounts backage.15:41
DJonesusuario__: Please don't spam/advertise your own channel, this channel is for Ubuntu support only15:41
quixotedoncgi101: so the progress is not loading up??15:41
boobearyes it but the report something never works i dunno15:41
cgi101idk what it is15:41
ringzer0isn't there something you can type to see where all the files are for a given package15:41
cgi101it just freazes15:42
ringzer0like pkginfo gnome-online-accounts ?15:42
MonkeyDustboobear  we need to know *something* or we cannot help15:42
theadminringzer0: There sure is, "dpkg -L packagename" (I suggest appending " | grep bin/" to that so you only see the binary stuff)15:42
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Mrokiiringzer0: I think Synaptic shows you where all the files are for installed packages.15:42
kubanchow do i change permission only fot files and not folders?15:43
boobeardang the system has no lags or anything works perfectly normal except at startup when it says system problem detected thanks for your help guys15:43
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cgi101what do i do quixotedon? reinstal again?15:44
Orpheonhow do I get the multilib nvidia driver?15:44
elspru_so is anyone else having difficulty with international fonts on ubuntu 12.04 ?15:44
auronandaceboobear: i guess you need to fix your problem then (notice how specific my advice is?)15:44
theadminkubanc: If you mean recursively, something along these lines: find your_directory -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' \; # Replace 644 with your permissions, obviously15:45
ringzer0Mrokii: thx15:46
Mrokiiringzer0: yw15:46
m0smithSince I upgraded to 12.04, I cannot get any software to stream from an dnla/upnp server.  Any ideas?15:47
kubanctheadmin, -type f is for files -type d is for directories?15:47
theadminkubanc: Yeah15:47
caesar_lol.. the mic was on mute by default15:47
tyler_dtheadmin: wouldn't --->  ls -1 | xargs chmod 655 be simpler?15:47
Orpheonhow do I get the multilib nvidia driver? (sorry for repeat)15:47
quixotedoncgi101: you don't have to, you've had a hard time reinstalling for 13 times, try putting it on the ask.ubuntu.com as well as the video link and wait for others to see it. Otherwise if you have 11 version works fine, try install that and if you want to use 12.04 try using the upgrade choice instead of fresh install15:47
theadmintyler_d: That's not recursive, but yeah, that works too15:47
Mrokiiringzer0: Though there may still be some config files somewhere in your home folder. Not sure.15:48
tyler_dtheadmin: wouldn't --->  ls -1 | xargs chmod -R 655 be simpler?15:48
tyler_dtheadmin: ahh no you're right15:48
theadmintyler_d: Well, the problem is, you need to chmod files and not directories, excluding directories from ls... well...15:48
somethinginteresI appear to be missing Digest::SHA1 perl module  but libdigest-sha-perl is installed. Any ideas?15:48
cgi101quixotedon oke il first try that 11 thing, got a link?15:48
quixotedoncgi101: have you ever installed Ubuntu's earlier version that works fine on your pc?15:49
siva4080I'm using Ubuntu-12.04 LTS , I want to have special animation effects when moving from window to window. How can I setup them.  Pls suggest me15:49
cgi101quixotedon no its my first try15:49
quixotedoni see..15:50
quixotedonyour pc spec please, if you can provide, that will give more idea on the possible problem15:50
Dr_willis!ccsm | siva408015:50
ubottusiva4080: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:51
kubanctheadmin, if I put:  find /var/www/beachcamp/ -type f -exec 644 '{}' \; I get find: '644 : No such file or directory15:51
theadminkubanc: ...You missed the "chmod" part15:51
cgi101quixotedon where do i get an older version15:52
theadminkubanc: ...-exec chmod 644...15:52
kubanctheadmin, THNX15:52
DeadLock74633896I've never been here before, but I made a massive Ubuntu screw up15:53
DeadLock74633896Help please?15:53
Dr_willisstate the problem...15:53
tyler_d!question | DeadLock7463389615:53
ubottuDeadLock74633896: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:53
DeadLock74633896Thanks for that. I accidentally deleted Python 2.7, and now my system is totally vegetated. It's 11.10, and I still have the Live CD15:54
quixotedoncgi101: have you tried http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/try-ubuntu-before-you-install ??15:54
meadhikariSorry if it is a noob questiong but, I have downloaded docs.python.org, whole site, How can I make something like when I visit the page from my browser I get redirected to the local copy in my hard disk, thanks for your time15:55
DeadLock74633896*I can run off it, but it can't install bevcause it's slightly damaged15:55
alo21_hi all15:55
meadhikarihello alo21_15:55
MrokiiDeadLock74633896: Did you try to reinstall Python2.7 via Synaptic?15:56
alo21_my network, after a new installation of Ubuntu 12.04, is very very salow15:56
alo21_meadhikari: hi15:56
theadminalo21_: Try disabling IPv6, it helps sometimes15:56
DeadLock74633896Mrokii: I can't connect to the internet. It's mobile broadband, I had to install a Debian package to get it to work. Can I access the usb-modeswitch from the CD?15:57
alo21_theadmin: could you tell me how, please?15:57
ForSparePartsDoes anyone know of a way to get a keyboard-focused (sort of Unity-like) start menu in Gnome Classic?15:58
theadminalo21_: In NetworkManager, edit connections, choose your connection and click edit. On the IPv6 tab, choose... Uh... "ignore" or "disable" or something along the lines (haven't used networkmanager for ages). OR, append "ipv6.disable=1" to your kernel line to get rid of the IPv6 systemwide15:58
ForSparePartsFor the most part I like Gnome Classic a LOT better, but having to click and search through the menu hierarchy frustrates me...15:58
theadminForSpareParts: Try dmenu, gnome-do or launchy15:59
ForSparePartstheadmin: thanks! I will do that.15:59
metaljakeanyone else having trouble installing 12.04?15:59
quixotedoncgi101: for 11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/15:59
Dr_willisTheres some classic-menu indicator applets out also  that can be used with unity or gnome-shell.15:59
ForSparePartsDr_willis: Sorry, but, what do you mean by indicator applets?15:59
kkalhello. Im trying to enable/disable some plugins in compiz and it doesnt seem to do anything. Is there a known cause for this?16:00
DanielConvissorhi.  using precise/12.04.  calling "cryptsetup create cryptswap1 /dev/xvdb" fails, saying "device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: No such file or directory" and "device-mapper: table ioctl failed: No such device or address"16:00
DanielConvissoryes, "/dev/xvdb" exists16:00
Dr_willisForSpareParts,  notice the icons at the top right of the unity desktop? thats the indicator-applet area. gnome-shell has a similer area.16:00
DeadLock74633896Mrokii: Can I access the Debian usb-modeswitch package from the LiveCD, because I use mobile broadband16:00
theadminDr_willis: That's not what (s)he wants -- (s)he has classic gnome but wants a Unity-style menu of some sort.16:00
ForSparePartsDr_willis: yeah, theadmin's got it.16:00
Dr_willisForSpareParts,  if you want a classic menu in Unity. that makes it easy. No need to use classic gnome to just have a menu like that.16:00
KarpuzKabuguhi everybody16:00
MrokiiDeadLock74633896: I don't know about usb-modeswitch. But you can add a CD in Synaptic, so I think you may be able to install files from the Live-CD. Though I've never tried that.16:00
Dr_willisclassic gnome - from what i gather is also a 'may get removed in the next release' sort of thing. :) so dont get too atatched to it.16:01
ForSparePartsDr_willis: Maybe I wasn't totally clear: I want a menu like Unity, but like, nothing else from Unity.16:01
Dr_willisawn also has a nice classic style menu you can use.16:01
winehi all16:01
Dr_willisForSpareParts,  if you want a 'dock' you mean like the unity launcher panel. id say try awn then.16:01
ForSparePartsIts "MAKE EVERYTHING HUGE" strategy distracts the hell out of me.16:02
OxymoronHi, I am basicly using this code in a network game: http://pastebin.com/QfcCALhx. For one strange reason, it works on Windows and other linux computers ... So its problem on my computer. I wondering, I get error "connect() failed (in trying to find out client ip): Permission denied". What could cause that in Ubuntu?16:02
Dr_willisYou can make the unity laucnher smaller. down to 32 wide i belive.16:02
ForSpareParts(and Gnome Classic didn't come with mine -- I'm using 12.04. I installed it myself ; )16:02
DeadLock74633896Mrokii: Right. I don't really know anything about the Synaptic package, what is it/what does it do/how does it work? (Sorry if I sound like a total noob, but i'm fairly new to Ubuntu.)16:02
MrokiiForSpareParts: Other options would "Cairo-Dock" or "Gnome-Do"16:02
theadminForSpareParts: Well just give Launchy a go, it's my favorite way to launch apps to be honest, just... can't get simplier -- ctrl-space, type app name (or even part of it), press Enter16:03
ForSparePartsMrokii: Yeah, theadmin suggested Gnome-Do -- trying that right now.16:03
theadminForSpareParts: You can change ctrl-space to any other combination, that's just the default16:03
cgi101quixotedon im burning it on a cd16:03
ForSparePartsthere are so many options!16:03
inrhi everyone,  got a question regarding photoshop. Does photoshop cs6 work fine on ubuntu 12.04? If so, how can i get it started?16:03
MrokiiForSpareParts: Gnome Do hasn't been updated for quite some time though. I personally prefer Cairo Dock at the moment.16:03
Dr_willis!appdb | inr16:03
ubottuinr: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:03
MonkeyDust!wine| inr16:04
ubottuinr: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:04
oupateddieAnybody who has problems with Firefox 12 in Ubuntu 11.416:04
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Dr_willisoupateddie,  what kind of problems?16:04
oupateddieMy flash related stuff does not work at all and it keeps on saying to upgrade which I have done 3 times now16:04
Dr_willisupgraded how?16:05
=== Youri is now known as Iruoy
oupateddieI'n trying to eg upload a photo album to Face book or whatch You tube video, nothing is working after the latest update to V 1216:05
L3topupgraded how?16:05
quixotedoncgi101: have you checked your pc hardware compliance to 12.04/11 version specification requirements?16:06
duryhi there channel :)16:06
morsnowski ein richtig tolle foto16:06
MrokiiDeadLock74633896: It may be that synaptic isn't installed by default. But you could try something else: Start "Ubuntu Software-Center" and search for Python2.7 in the opened window. See if it has a white-on-green checkmark. If so, Python2.7 should be installed. If not, you can install it there.16:06
romain_Hi guys I have an issue compiling a C code (in ubuntu 12.04) that I didn't have in de previous version :16:06
romain_I use the libX11 therefore "LDFLAGS=-lX11" in my Makefile.16:06
romain_But I get "undefined reference to `X ..." while compiling16:06
morsnowskisorry totally wrong window16:06
durydoes anyone capture vhs videos to computer16:07
oupateddieit keep on stating that the flash player is not installed and I have done that as well. Chrome also states that shockwafe flash has crashed16:07
ForSparePartsHey, I've got Do now -- how do I configure it?16:07
SilversongHi peepz16:07
duryand what capture card you use?16:07
ForSparePartsEr, nevermind, found it.16:07
=== quixotedon is now known as donnyqiu
DeadLock74633896Mrokii: Still have the problem of connecting with my Dongle. I have one, so the minuite I try I'll time out. And I still don't know if I can access my Debian package on the CD. I'll do a quick search of the webs16:08
oupateddieI have been struggling with this since Firefox got itself updated to version 1216:08
Dr_willisFF12  on 12.04 seems to be working fine here with Facebook Picture uploads.. (i dont think that feature of FB uses flash)16:09
damasceneoupateddie, here too16:09
MrokiiDeadLock74633896: You should be able to doubleclick on the deb-package, which should start Software Centre or some other app that lets you install that package.16:09
oupateddieWell in 11.04 it does and  you tube also does not display ant video at all16:09
Dr_willisFor Youtube. i would suggest using its html5 feature.. http://youtube.com/html516:10
inrhi, i want to remove linux ubuntu from my computer and go back to windows 7. please help.16:10
oupateddieI have the problem with FF and Chrome, both do not work in F/B as well as You tube16:10
DeadLock74633896Mrokii: Thanks, you've been very helpful. A soon as I try, I'll disconnect, so i'll come back if it doesn't work16:10
Mrokiioupateddie: I have had the same issues with 11.10 for the last few days before upgrading to 12.04. Really not sure what caused it.16:10
MrokiiDeadLock74633896: Sure. Good luck.16:10
murpleoupateddie: Probably just put in the Windows 8 installation CD, reboot your computer and proceed to install.16:11
dury inr: what's wrong16:11
oupateddieI am on Ubuntu Linux16:11
inri tried to put in the windows 7 installation cd but i cant format my disks probably becouse i have ubuntu on it.16:11
* Dr_willis thinks murple sent to the wrong nick..16:11
Dr_willisinr,  delete the partions, let windows remake themn. use ubuntu live cd and fdisk/gparted if needed.16:12
* murple things Dr_willis is right.16:12
lorddeltaoupateddie: you using ubuntu 12.04? Cause for some reason, my youtube doesn't work...although I thought it was the browser/website...16:12
oupateddieI do not use Windows, have lost too much in the past and Microsoft is mad to ask teh prices they do for the operating system16:12
* murple has a problem with a Webcam in 12.04 which worked perfectly with 11.10 and wonders if Dr_willis could assist, lest I start asking about how to install Windows as well!16:12
lorddeltamurple, oupateddie, don't think he's talking about installing windows...sadly windows is free too (for most people)16:13
oupateddieNo 11.04 and all worked well till about 2 weeks ago with Firefox upgrading to 1216:13
MonkeyDustmurple  have you tried cheese?16:13
Dr_willismurple,  I havent used a webcam in years..16:13
=== andrey__ is now known as Agarty
duryinr: boot your win7 cd at start16:13
sk1specialanyone know how i get to the key bindings that control the cube zoom? or what the default key combo would be?16:13
Mrokiioupateddie: Somebody suggested to install the Firefox-extension named flash-aid, which is supposed to install the "correct" flash-plugin. It did not work for me (did install some flash-plugin and deinstalled another), but maybe you have more luck with it.16:13
inrwhere can i delete the partions?16:14
lorddeltaThe upgrade your laptop every 4 years isn't, however :D16:14
Dr_willissk1special,  look at the settings for it in the 'ccsm' tool.16:14
Dr_willis!ccsm | sk1special16:14
ubottusk1special: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:14
murpleMonkeyDust: I have and it worked fine in 11.10, now in 12.04 (Fresh install) it shows the webcam name but it is greyed out and cannot be selected. Nothing shows.16:14
MonkeyDustinr  use gparted o the live cd or usb16:14
Mrokiisk1special: If that's compiz then CompizConfig Settings Manager.16:14
murpleDr_willis: Alright then, thanks anyhow.16:14
oupateddieMrokii thanks I'll try16:14
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:14
=== donnyqiu is now known as quixotedon
duryinr: boot your ubuntu cd or dvd at start and choose live without installing16:15
sk1specialight...yeah compiz. ill try installing the settings manager..and thanks for the channel list16:15
Dr_willistheres always the 'search askubuntu.com for your exact make device' :)16:15
MonkeyDustmurple  works fine here, so it must be your-pc-related16:15
murpleDr_willis,  I'm fairly certain I have read that link, but it didn't provide any help.16:15
lorddeltaDr_willis: Really? Interesting.16:15
duryinr: ubuntu much better than win716:15
murpleMonkeyDust: Well it's nothing hardware since I haven't changed anything (Same PC and Webcam)16:15
duryvideo capture card in ubuntu16:16
damasceneoupateddie, if you thing it's firefox why don't you try chrome or medori or arora16:17
=== Guest47632 is now known as Dorito
ruliduty: why16:17
durydoes anyone do that16:17
murpledury: Was this comment "video capture card in ubuntu" meant for me??16:18
durymurple: if anyone does video capture under ubuntu16:19
durymurple: that's all16:20
murpledury: I don't exactly understand, but that's okay.16:20
lorddeltaDr_willis: while askubuntu looks useful, looks like no one has ever tried using a jabra headset with linux before.16:20
MonkeyDustdury  you mean screen capture? use kazam16:21
lorddeltaI don't own one so I'm not complaining. I did try using one I borrowed yesterday though to no avail. I think there are no drivers for it.16:21
KM0201lorddelta: then be a pioneer16:21
lorddeltaKM0201: Like I said, I don't own one.16:21
cgi101i burned it on the cd same thing happens16:22
lorddeltaKM0201: I'd love to though!16:22
cgi101nothing works16:22
cgi101µstupid os16:22
duryMonkeyDust: no.... just convert vhs video tapes to dvd or capture vhs video tapes to computer and make them  as mpeg 4 or other video format16:23
KM0201cgi101: perhaps you could enlighten us as to what your problem is16:23
cgi101iv told u guys already16:23
cgi1015 times now16:23
sk1specialokay no ones in the compiz room. i have the settings to change the zoom. and change most of the compiz cube bindings. but it does not list a zoom binding to change16:23
KM0201cgi101: well, i just got here.. I can't scroll to before I got here.16:24
cgi101this time i used a cd to boot it up and everything is going on the mous for once workt ok with fluid motion but then it came to the welcom and it failed it freezed up and no respnce anymore16:24
MonkeyDustdury  try devede, if you have a way to play vhs on pc16:25
=== LKJ_ is now known as Guest45148
cgi101im geting frustrated on this thing im stil not past instalation or wen it instals i cant get past the login screen16:26
quixotedoncgi101: maybe a hardware incompatibility? still, would you share your hardware specification?16:27
cgi101hold on where can i see my specs16:27
quixotedonon windows, you can find it at device manager16:28
cordovalI am on 12.04 latest ... why is ubuntu still using compiz? is it supposed to be this way?16:29
cgi101device manager where is that16:29
quixotedoncgi101: if you're using win7 with no problems, i thinks the hw specs should also support ubuntu16:29
cordovalmy processor gets sucked up by compiz, skype java and teamviewer716:29
Stoocgi101: hit windows key + pause/break ... should bring up system properties.16:29
cordovaltemperatures go up to 83 C16:29
cordovalanyone can help, this is not supposed to be this way16:29
cordovalis there any setting to tackle this to the root of the problem16:30
cgi101pause/break ? i dont have that16:30
Stoocgi101: you sure? :-)  upper-right of keyboard?  Or just right-click on My Computer [or "Computer"] from the start menu and select properties ...16:31
quixotedoncgi101: windows button and type in "device manager"16:31
cgi101i think i got it16:31
TjampmanHi, just installed ubuntu 12.4 and its not working at all, could anybody help me with some terminal ninja tricks?16:31
lorddeltacordoval: you might be able to a) turn off compiz and use unity 2d (I think), or B) install xfce etc if your process isn't up to compiz.16:31
cgi101i hate locolization of windows everything is in dutch16:31
lorddeltacordoval: The first involves logging out and changing which desktop you log into.16:32
lorddeltacordoval: the second involves installing via cmd line and doing the same.16:32
TjampmanI need to mount a usb pen through the terminal, but how do i find its designation?16:32
BEChello; anyone can help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1979978 ?16:32
cordovallorddelta: can you help me with a?16:32
cgi101quixotedon now what16:32
stiltzkinHi all, I just did a clean install of Ubuntu 12.04 (technically Lubuntu, with LXDE desktop) but my computer will not boot. Graphical boot just hangs, and if I do recovery mode, it stops at a line that says "hostname stop/waiting." Anyone have any idea what could cause this?16:32
jsarancan anybody help me yahoo and some other sites not opening in ubuntu  and same is opening on same machine in windows xp16:33
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cordovalwhich desktop should i tell it 2D?16:33
cordovalhmm thought it was different16:33
irgendwer4711hi, gnome is not detecting my soundcard16:33
stiltzkinAnyone know what "hostname stop/waiting" even means? Googling around it just looks like a network error16:34
lorddeltaHum. Lightdm is interesting. Not my cup of tea though. *keeps his kdm*16:35
MatisseIs it possible to set avidemux recoding with a certain resolution?16:35
cgi101quixotedon this thing16:35
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
jsarananybody with sound knowledge of ubuntu 12.0416:35
=== zenix` is now known as zenix`away
MatisseI want to resize a blueray / mkv16:36
lorddeltajsaran: lol Dr_willis is pretty good though.16:36
jsaranyahoo and dailymotion sites not opening in ubuntu 12.04 can anybody help?16:36
cordovalok lorddelta is there any other setting ? 2D does not seem that bad16:37
cordovalis that the low power option?16:37
stiltzkinjsaran, do the sites load partially or not at all16:37
lorddeltacordoval: by not that bad you mean it runs better?16:37
cordovalit heats up less16:37
bountyi have some problems about nvidia drivers with ubuntu 12.04 m so i decided install a compatible version . Which is the best : 10.01 LTS or 11.10 ?16:37
BECanyone? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197997816:37
tyteen4a03Hi, I am trying to remove KDE after installing it by using the command supplied here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu, but the terminal gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/992650/. Anybody have an idea why?16:38
lorddeltacordoval: no its not "low power" per say (although I imagine it helps), it just doesn't use your gpu to run the desktop16:38
L3topDoes anyone know a replacement for guarddog in precise?16:38
lorddeltaLess resource intensive.16:38
duryMonkeyDust: what does devade do?16:38
L3top!info guarddog lucid16:38
ubottuguarddog (source: guarddog): firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0-2.1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 506 kB, installed size 1548 kB16:38
cordovalproblem lorddelta is that my graphics card is nvidia gtx440 and there is no good driver16:38
duryMonkeyDust: how does it work16:38
L3top!info guarddog16:38
ubottuPackage guarddog does not exist in precise16:38
cordovalalso if I set to dual monitor my gpu temperatures go way up16:38
cordovalboiling point for no reason, i think ubuntu has problems16:39
lorddeltacordoval: Yeah, you probably want to stay away from anything that involves gpus then until you can find/make a good driver16:39
meadhikariI have " example.com" in my /etc/hosts file, but how would i do the redirect of example.com to please help16:39
cordovalis there a way to do dual monitor without burning my lappy?16:39
BECcan anyone help re 4K HDD's?16:39
lorddeltacordoval: its going to pass off all the graphics it can't handle to your processor, which is probably why its heating up.16:39
cordovallorddelta: what about dual monitor, should i forget?16:39
lorddeltacordoval: probably. Get the gpu working.16:39
cordovalboth heat up16:39
duryMonkeyDust: are u there?16:40
cordovalis a mess16:40
mneptokcordoval: are you using the proprietary nVidia drivers?16:40
cordovalnvidia x server settings16:40
cordovalit burns to 100C16:40
quixotedoncordoval: what do you mean with burning your lappy?16:40
quixotedoncgi101: hw spec? sorry was disconnected16:40
lorddelta*cough* cordoval, menptok, proprietary is probably the reason they don't work well.16:40
cordovalg73jw asus lappy16:40
cordovalgame grade16:40
mneptokcordoval: the open source "nouveau" driver will do 2D. perhaps in more efficient ways? but if you need 3D, you need to proprietary driver.16:40
=== lub`away is now known as lubmil
cordovalmneptok: no need for 3D16:41
cordovali work programming16:41
cordovaldon't care about gaming just have this behemoth16:41
mneptokcordoval: disable all 3D acceleration, and switch drivers. see what happens.16:42
cordovalmneptok: how to switch back to old drivers?16:42
cordovali go to additional drivers and ... i guess try there16:42
stjohnmedranogood day all, any ideas whats the best software for creating a slideshow in images with sounds? thanks16:42
cordovalwhat are normal temperatures?16:42
mneptokcordoval: the same way you added the proprietary. disable those in the Restricted Drivers panel.16:43
lorddeltacordoval: try apt-get install nouveu (do you know apt-cache?)16:43
lorddeltaIf that doesn't work try apt-cache search nouveau16:43
lorddeltaAnd then install the correct package that comes up16:43
mneptoklorddelta: nouveau is built-in to the kernel.16:43
cordovalE: Unable to locate package nouveau16:43
lorddeltamneptok: hmm. didn't know that! My proprietary drivers work, luckily.16:44
mneptoklorddelta: "nouveau" is what is used on nVidia chipsets if restricted drivers are not installed.16:44
cordovalNVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]16:44
cordovalclick remove i gues16:44
lorddeltacordoval: so apparently just apt-get remove nvidia-drivers...16:44
lorddeltaOr somesuch.16:45
lorddeltaGUI works too.16:45
cordovali even had green post-release updates16:45
mneptokcordoval: if you remove them and reboot, the kernel should default back to what it has compiled in. in this case nouveau.16:45
doktahhow does one disable the screensaver?16:45
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cordovalmneptok: so after reboot i go into 2D and just test i guess, any other thing i can do?16:46
elanzI modified /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to have prepend domain-name-servers; rebooted the computer and my /etc/resolv.conf shows wrong dns info16:46
bounty1http://imagebin.org/212716 who can help me ? or i must install another version ?16:46
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mneptokcordoval: this is probably the easiest thing, if changing drivers actually helps.16:47
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cordovalso now it would be like my gpu would use default drivers16:47
cordovalit has 1.5GB memory16:47
cordovaland i have 8GBRAM on my lappy16:47
=== alex__c is now known as ma-ta
cordovalbe back in 1 min16:48
ringzer0I love tomboy notes, but frequently switch between laptop and desktop - is there a way to completely sync my 2 ubuntu users across separate hardware?16:49
ghostconndose anyone know how to bridge two wired connections using 12:0416:49
BECringzer0 I;d suggest Dropbox or Ubuntu One16:49
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BECthat's what i do16:49
ghostconni always have to disconnect both and only leave one connection open16:49
elanz modified /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to have prepend domain-name-servers; rebooted the computer and my /etc/resolv.conf shows wrong dns info16:50
BECringzer0 ah; 2 users? never tried that! maybe u could "share" a folder!16:50
happycoolnessHey everyone, I've upgraded to the latest ubuntu version (finally) on my home desktop computer and I'm having the two following issues: 1. files and folders are shown on my desktop, since I have tons of files and folders in my home directory this looks very cluttered and I want to just hide them. 2. Flash seems to have some sort of hardware acceleration bug and sometimes swaps the blue and red channels on youtube16:50
BEChappycoolness, re 1 I suggest you move them under Documents16:51
BEC& make folders like Inbox, Working, Reading, Archive, Incubate!16:51
ghostconnthe acceleration problem would be ur video driver lol16:51
eipi-1hi, i just upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and now X does not start anymore, when running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade it says that i have unmet dependencies: amongst others libgtk2.0 depends libxcursor1:i386 and libxrandr2:i386 which may cause problems with the X server. Whats the best way to solve these dep problems?16:51
happycoolnessBEC: so there is no way to turn off viewing at all, eh? That kinda sucks, but I guess I cam move stuff around.16:52
=== Guest4604 is now known as ddee
ghostconnis there a way to control a ati 4870 fan speed without using flrx drivers16:52
BECviewing? elaborate more16:52
happycoolnessghostconn: it was working fine in 11.10, but do video drivers get reinstalled on an update?16:52
happycoolnessI mean, I just don't want to seem them on my background16:52
jacekowskihi people, anybody had experience with btrfs16:53
ghostconnhappycoolness : no you will have to search for additional driver and install them that way16:53
happycoolnessghostconn: ok, I16:53
ghostconntype additional driver into you're search menu16:53
happycoolness*I'll do that16:53
cgi101is there anything els i can try16:53
BEChappycoolness, ur personal files? just Ctrl+A  & Ctrl+X & paste them under Documtns16:53
cgi101i kinda did everything16:53
happycoolnessBEC: its just that I have hard coded paths in scripts and stuff, but I guess I can do that16:54
happycoolnessthanks for the help everyone16:54
HotwiredHi all. I have a problem with a Network mounted drive. I mount it automatically in "home folder" window and it all works great as that user. But root cant access it. Any idea how i can mount it so root can read write too :)16:54
w3bg33ki just moved my site over to a new platform (wordpress) and a new server (ubuntu 10.04 - a vm from turnkey linux)...now whenever I click on a pdf to download I get this error in adobe when I click on the link "file does not begin with '%PDF-'." or if I save it & open the file up I get "Adobe Reader could not open 'filename.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged."  Any suggestions?16:54
ringzer0Okay, i have tomboy notes synced now via ubuntuone16:54
cgi101it always ends in the same way it freezes up and the mous gets clunky16:54
BEChappycoolness, so it might breaks the links?! mmh; can't help with that but i guess u will have to correct them16:54
happycoolnessBEC: yeah, no worries, I'll just write a script and pattern match :)16:55
BECringzer0; I'd suggest to make a backup of the data before sync with the other system16:55
BEChappycoolness, good luck16:55
ghostconni need to change my video card fan speed. is there a way of doing this without installing the flrx ati driver? im running a ati 4870 but my idle temp is 75, because my fan speed is only 30%16:56
ghostconnwith nvidia i use to use nvclock anythign similar?16:56
cordovalback it seems it is so so now, seems kind of the same, maybe a bit better16:56
windbuntui noticed my boot up time has increased from 45 sec to about 1 min 5 sec in 12.04? are there some things that are set to bootup that do not need to boot awith ubuntu at start up or is it best to leave it alone?16:56
DeadLockhi #ubuntu16:57
lelamalwindbuntu: leave it alone16:58
_MarcusHi Deadlock16:58
windbuntuok lelamal i kinda figured that16:58
windbuntui do that with windows but i hav never tried it with ubuntu16:58
DeadLock_Marcus: Hello. You don't happen to know how to install .tar.bz2 packages in Ubuntu 11.10, do you?16:59
_MarcusDeadLock: Depends on what's inside the package. Just extract it first16:59
ghostconnany other way to control ati fan speed without using aticonfig?16:59
_MarcusDeadLock: Normally they come with a README or INSTALL, and it will contain instructions for compiling16:59
Hotwiredis there a way to use remote files in linux commands17:00
Hotwiredie i want to do ddrescue /dev/sda1 ssh://remotemachine:/some/folder17:00
happycoolnessBEC: I solved it! I remembered about .hidden files hiding stuff from you in the GUI file browser, so I added every filename into the .hidden file and then clicked on the desktop and ^r'ed and they all vanished :D17:00
DeadLock_Marcus: Thanx. It's a usb_modeswitch package, I need to install on a Live CD to install straight through software Center17:00
DeadLock_Marcus: I accidentally vegetated my system by uninstalling Python 2.717:00
BEChappycoolness, great :D I've never heard of this; can u provide a link about it?17:01
jameslordwhat is the command to extract the url from this string?17:01
cordovallorddelta: hmm temperatures got stuck at 75 and 66 for GPU17:01
windbuntudoes ubuntu use all the cores and all the ram to boot up fast?17:02
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ravenvery special need: how to create a video which contains a spectrum visualisation of an audio file? any ideas of tools they can do that and how to pipe theese tools?17:03
noinflectionHello everybody, did anyone succesfully installed and used an internet radio broadcasting app/server in ubuntu?17:03
lorddeltahmm...well if that's in Farenheit, you should be ok. That is room temperature after all...17:03
gnubienoinflection>  radio tray is working fine for me17:04
happycoolnessBEC: this is the best I could find http://linux.about.com/library/gnome/blgnome6n6r.htm17:04
noinflectiongnubie > Thx, i will try it!17:04
lorddeltacordoval: If that's in C...ick. You are using the 2D desktop still?17:04
BEChappycoolness, ah I already knew this lol; thanks anyways17:05
cannonballIf I wanted to rerun the post-installation update-alternatives configuration command that does a chained group (wrong terminology I'm sure) of commands, for example, java package, is there a way to view those scripts?  With rpm I would do 'rpm -q --scripts'.  Is there an equivalent in dpkg or some way in general to do find and run this in Ubuntu?17:05
gnubienoinflection>  I put it in my startup apps so it is on the task bar17:05
cordovallorddelta: yes17:05
BEChappycoolness, I usually don;t use it since I have hidden files always shown17:05
noinflectiongnubie > i want to transmit, not receive. Is radio-tray to transmit?17:05
gnubienoinflection>  Ino sorry17:06
cordovallorddelta: this is in C but still much better than anything17:06
cordovalthan 3D17:06
triunityHey does xubuntu has its own separate room?17:06
happycoolnessBEC: Ahhh, see, I almost always use the keyboard in Terminal since using the mouse hurts my arm, so I really have very little use for GUI based stuff in the first place17:06
cordoval76C and 67C17:06
wyldetriunity: yes #xubuntu17:06
cordovalI will blow my fan to see if i get it down, i have a cryo17:06
BEChappycoolness, hope someday I stop using the mouse too17:06
triunitywylde: Shoulda guessed that17:07
BECit's really distracting17:07
=== anonymous is now known as Guest89723
wylde!info icecast | noinflection17:08
ubottunoinflection: Package icecast does not exist in precise17:08
wylde!info icecast2 | noinflection17:08
ubottunoinflection: icecast2 (source: icecast2): streaming media server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-9ubuntu1 (precise), package size 215 kB, installed size 686 kB17:08
cordovalif ubuntu keeps burning my laptop then i will have to go windows717:08
cordovalnever thought i reached this point17:08
ghostconnwhat would be the best driver to install for my ati 4870? proprietary graphics (post release updates or the other one17:09
BEChappycoolness, might u be able to help in this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1979978 ?17:09
noinflectionwylde > yes, I installed icecast2, actually the server is up, but i don't understand it at all.17:09
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wyldenoinflection: It's been a long time since I've played with it, you also need a client that can connect to the server to "broadcast" from17:10
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noinflectionwylde > great i will look information.17:11
noinflectionwylde > i found a plugin for rhythmbox that make it work as a client.17:12
noinflectionwylde > my wrong, it is a client to listen.17:13
wyldenoinflection: yeah I was just trying to think of something. That should do it. It was years a go when I played with it, took me a while to get the configuration right. Be patient and it'll get working :)17:13
wyldenoinflection: ahh , I'll have a lok through the repos to see what I can find too.17:13
noinflectionwylde: thanks17:13
happycoolnessBEC: Hmmm I have no idea what is causing your problem there, but I don't know much about this sort of thing.17:14
noinflectionwylde: don't bother, i'll keep looking. (http://www.icecast.org/ices.php)17:14
BEChappycoolness, never mind; thanks17:15
wyldenoinflection: alrighty. gl with it :)17:15
notNicolasMy computer fails to start up 9/10 times (screen stays black after xubuntu splash screen, before login screen). My wireless becomes stuck on hardware blocked when I resume from standby. My laptop often doesn't go to sleep when I shut the lid.17:18
notNicolaswhy is this such a problem and why doesn't it happen on Windows17:18
notNicolasthese bugs completely break the useability of linux for me17:19
notNicolasliterally I can't even turn on my computer properly, as if the OS was coded by a student17:19
notNicolasI am so peeved right now17:20
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest63253
Guest63253hello every body17:20
mad_cgi101guys i realy frustrated right now, i got me an old imac here and i put in the cd since it dint work again on my windows machine, geus what on my other computer it dousnt work ether, this is a stupid os sice i did everything right on the website17:21
LmAtHow do I change the tty 1 terminal resolution17:22
spottedhi ppl someone find a solution for the usb failure in ubuntu 12.04?17:23
monohedronmy cube snapped to the top, anybody know what i need to do to make it come back on its side/17:23
chingzillaI am having trouble creating a pbuilder chroot, where would be the best place to ask my questions?17:23
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, what is your problem? getting the live cd to boot?17:24
chingzillaI am having trouble creating a pbuilder chroot, where would be the best place to ask my questions?17:24
ProgsterI just installed rvm, and now all of a sudden I'm not in the sudoers file anymore... anyone care to help me understand what went wrong here?17:24
mad_cgi101no the problem is the os is bugged17:24
mad_cgi101i cant instal or dualboot on windows17:24
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, um... that's weird because it boots fine on my macbook and my pc17:24
mad_cgi101and it dousnt run on mac at all17:25
mad_cgi101what do u do on ur macbook17:25
TomatoKetchupdual boot win7/ubuntu here17:25
juniorsaHi, I just setup 4 new ubuntu box 12.04, we have an existing box 10.04, we have a small local area network and the 10.04 box can be pinged by name, but I cannot ping the new boxes by name, they are all setup with static IPs, can anyone help me get these new boxes accessible by name?17:25
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TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, hold option key as soon as you boot17:25
mad_cgi101i doing this all day it isnt working17:25
trismchingzilla: what sort of problems? generally you just: sudo pbuilder create; and it will build the default one for your current distro17:26
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, might have to wait a few seconds, drive will show up, cd should show up too, might take a second to spin up, select the cd, and boot from that17:26
mad_cgi101u mean c?17:26
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, ... I hold down option on boot, brings up the boot menu on macs17:26
Progsterand now I can't run sudo17:26
Progsternor can I do su -17:27
Progsteram i being hacked?17:27
mad_cgi101dude what option u got ctrl asl cmd17:27
Progsterauthentication failure17:27
kelvinellahi what software do I use to convert wav files to mp3?17:28
spottedhi ppl someone find a solution for the usb failure in ubuntu 12.04?17:28
LordOfTimespotted:  define "USB Failure"17:28
juniorsaanyone have any suggestions17:28
kelvinellaand which software I can use to convert avi to ogg or mp4?17:28
mad_cgi101TomatoKetchup where is ur option key17:28
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, ah yeah C key for you, option is only on macbooks I suppose17:28
SharlieCheenkelvinella, Look for sound converter in synaptic.17:28
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mad_cgi101TomatoKetchup holdin c til it gows black then purple with keybeord icon then black17:29
spottedthe usb ports when i use the ubuntu shut down17:29
mad_cgi101TomatoKetchup how can i dual instal it wit mac os stil intact?17:30
kelvinellaSharlieCheen, what about video?17:30
spottedlike i use 10 minutes and them off17:30
martianProgster: you may want to reboot in to single user mode and rest your passwords and do a little reading on finding rootkits17:30
SharlieCheenkelvinella, Uhhh... There is something I used long ago, which I think was command line based... I forget the commands though.17:31
Progsterthis happened immediately after installing rvn17:31
kelvinellaSharlieCheen, is it ffmpeg?17:31
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Intel_iMac17:31
SharlieCheenkelvinella, Yeah... I think it was... Good call.17:31
lelamalkelvinella: ffmpeg17:31
SharlieCheenkelvinella, Make sure it has all the dependencies though or you will get a lot of failures.17:31
Progsterif I installed something which changes/adds to profile.d, could that somehow affect my entry in sudoers?17:32
triunityIs there anyway of reducing the load of ubuntu/unity to make it where my netbook can use it without horrable lag?  Unity 2d helped, but just not enough17:33
wwdhonestly, why use ubuntu if you don't like unity? This is the direction the distro is heading17:33
mad_cgi101TomatoKetchup did u do this17:34
LordOfTimewwd:  you can discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic17:34
Progstermartian: what would be the reason why I'm suddenly not in the sudoers file?17:34
Progsterbesides an attack?17:34
LordOfTimewwd:  but there are other ways to access Ubuntu without Unity, and other flavors of ubuntu as well with different desktop environments17:34
triunityxubuntu for example17:34
lelamaltriunity: try lubuntu or xubuntu17:34
TomatoKetchupmad_cgi101, basically yes.17:34
wwdyea, of course17:34
SharlieCheenOR if you are brave Debian...17:35
stabfacekillHello, I am looking for a little help I think it is an easy fix.17:35
LmAtstabfacekill: Then I will fix your problem for you.17:35
LordOfTimewwd:  so attacking Ubuntu directly doesn't help, a lot of people still use it, and will use it in the future17:35
wwdI'm not an ubuntu on the desktop kinda guy anyways17:35
martianProgster: I don't know. Sounds fishy.17:35
Sharkyis there a desktop that isnt GNOME or KDE17:35
LmAtwwd: What kind of ubuntu do you like?17:35
notNicolastriunity, I had some big performance problems in unity on my netbook. installing xubuntu made a huge difference.17:35
wwdubuntu server17:35
LmAtwwd: Ubuntu in the cloud?17:35
SharlieCheenSharky, You mean something completely different?17:35
triunitylelamal, ironically I am on xubuntu currently.  And of course it works.  However Ubuntu is nice ;) and if i can just get another 150 - 200 Mb out of my system, I could use it17:36
LordOfTimeLmAt:  wwd:  further discussion can be in #ubuntu-offtopic, lets try and keep #ubuntu clear for support stuff17:36
SharkySharlieCheen, yes17:36
martianProgster: you should reboot in to single user mode, and perhaps look through your /var/log/auth.log17:36
SharlieCheenSharky, Try Awesome or Enlightenment.17:36
LmAtLordOfTime: Right.  How do I change the terminal resolution of tty 1?17:36
SharkySharlieCheen, hm ok were do i get it?17:36
JPeterso2i've gotten the configuring-mysql-server-5.5 five times during do-release-upgrade17:36
lelamaltriunity: if you think it's a problem of memory, then you can try instgalling more, it's cheap these days17:36
LmAtstabfacekill: I'm not sure.  My computer doesn't have a lid :(17:36
LordOfTimeLmAt:  you've got the same question i've had since 9.04, i dont have an answer for you17:37
SharlieCheenSharky, Google...17:37
LmAtLordOfTime: It changes!!  How do I make it change!?  amazing..17:37
LmAtLordOfTime: I don't want to change the resolution...but how does the terminal decide how many characters wide and tall the output is?17:37
LmAtLordOfTime: I don't want the text to change size.17:37
LmAtLordOfTime: I just want to use a different amount of the monitor.17:37
LordOfTimeLmAt:  terminal != tty17:37
triunitylelamal, Can i upgrade netbook ram easily?  I mean, sure my desktop... but a computer the size of my pocket?17:38
LordOfTimeLmAt:  so i can't answer for you about TTY17:38
LordOfTimenot exactly, at least17:38
stabfacekillIssue - My power settings don't display an option to turn off my laptop when I close the lid, just suspend or do nothing. Any suggestions?17:38
lelamaltriunity: I'm not sure, but you could ask in the shop.17:38
LmAtLordOfTime: hmm.17:38
LmAtLordOfTime: I'll give you the long version then.17:38
wwdLordOfTime:  wasn't attacking ubuntu at all.17:38
triunityIll look into it17:38
LordOfTimeLmAt:  i'd rather you not, i'm headed off to deal with a broken server17:38
LmAtLordOfTime: I'm using vbox.  It works well on tty 7 (gnome)17:38
LmAtLordOfTime: Have fun!17:39
uglyoldbobso my ubuntu 10.04 is trying to upgrade to linux-2.6.32-41-generic and it complains about not finding /boot/grub/menu.lst and asks to generate it. Will saying yes cause it to lose my current GRUB settings?17:39
LmAtI'm using vbox.  It works well on gnome at tty 7, but tty 1-6 is very small (only using like 60x60 characters)  How do I let ubuntu use more screen real-estate?17:39
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SharlieCheenLmAt, Take a look at a wiki page for v86d.17:40
jsaranyahoo and other some sites not working in ubuntu but working in windows xp . Pls can any body solve this problem17:40
SharlieCheenThat may help with your tty session resolutions.17:40
LmAtSharlieCheen: Thanks!17:40
wwdjsaran: how is it not working? what browser?17:40
SharlieCheenLmAt, Arch Linux has a good write up on it, which you can apply to ubuntu.17:41
pascalHi, someone know if firestarter works corectly with a ubuntu dhcp server17:42
stabfacekillDoes anyone know how to make the power settings to "Power off" "When lid is closed"?17:42
rkhshmunder LAN I"m trying to get the hostname of any pingable IP ..17:42
rkhshmhow do i do it?17:42
SharlieCheenLmAt, http://linuxhub.net/2010/06/fix-big-and-ugly-plymouth-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/17:42
McFaggotsonIs it possible to edit and rename the Update Manager to Software Updater?17:42
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  probably at the source code level, but not without a recompile i think...17:43
jsaranyahoo and other sites are not working in ubuntu 12.04 can any body solve this problem17:43
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  since the package is called update-manager17:43
LordOfTimejsaran:  define "not working"17:43
McFaggotsonLordOfTime; So how would one do that?17:43
jsaranjust not loading17:43
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  download the source code, and modify it?17:43
LordOfTimejsaran:  any specific errors being thrown?17:44
jsaranstill just not loading17:44
lelamal!patience | jsaran17:44
ubottujsaran: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:44
McFaggotsonLordOfTime; Where would one find the source code?17:44
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  probably some bzr branch on launchpad, i dont know where the source code is though17:44
stabfacekill::frowny face::17:44
* LordOfTime doesnt keep track of the source code for every application17:44
McFaggotsonLordOfTime; Which one of these do I need? https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager. I'm on 12.04.17:45
* LordOfTime sighs17:45
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  i take it you don't see where  it says "precise"?17:45
McFaggotsonLordOfTime; I am asking if I need all of them.17:46
martianjsaran: open a terminal window and type "ping yahoo.com". What is the result?17:46
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  take the one from precise-updates17:46
trismMcFaggotson: if you have the source repositories enabled, you can: apt-get source package_name; to download the source package for any package in the repos17:46
LordOfTimeor listen to trism17:46
* LordOfTime once again ahs to deal with exploding servers17:46
wyldeMcFaggotson: id the source that you want is in the repos you can do 'apt-get source <packagename>' it will download the current version to the directory you're currently in.17:47
McFaggotsonIs it possible to download it from another operating system?17:47
LordOfTimeMcFaggotson:  best not, just in case :P17:47
stabfacekilllmAT: is there another avenue I might about to find the answer to this question do you think?17:47
McFaggotsonLordOfTime; Booting in Ubuntu then. brb soon.17:48
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armando__qee pasaa17:49
armando__hi my name is Armanddo17:49
armando__i m speak spanish17:50
lelamal!es | armando__17:50
ubottuarmando__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:50
l2tpcould anybode help with wifi problem on 12.04?17:50
notNicolasl2tp: no, it's beyond hope. give up right now17:50
martianl2tp: Possibly. Ask away,17:51
khem_http://bpaste.net/show/pF2K76EyDLUpvoyllyvy/ - can anyone see why my network won't work after applying these network aliases to my interfaces configuration file?17:51
l2tpok? I have compaq6910p17:51
mtec007i recently tried to change /etc/default/grub to change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" to "text". the problem i am having is i can not mount usb or sd cards, or make changes to the "users". its the same problem as people were having with automatic login not too long ago.17:51
LordOfTime!privmsg | jsaran17:51
ubottujsaran: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:51
LordOfTimejsaran:  also, unsolicited random pings are not appreciated17:51
mtec007i had to revert my changes also.17:52
martianl2tp: it will help others to put your question on one line17:52
inrhi, i'v tried to uninstall linux ubuntu 12.04 without success. I can't format my discs, with my windows 7 installation cd. please help.17:52
LordOfTimeinr:  boot to a live CD environment and modify your system17:52
LordOfTimewindows doesn't like non-Windows partitions17:52
TomatoKetchuphrm, thunderbird's font sizes are driving me nuts17:53
inrhow do i boot to a live cd enviroment?17:53
mtec007create a live cd, or usb17:54
stabfacekillDoes anyone know how to make the power settings to "Power off" "When lid is closed"?17:54
uglyoldbobanybody had problems with a non-existant /boot/grub/menu.lst when upgrading the kernel package on ubuntu 10.04?17:54
MrFaggotsonWhy doesn't it let me install the bootloader to a XFS partition?17:54
martianstabfacekill: I'm not on a laptop at the moment, but I thought that was one of the options in the power manager control panel17:55
stabfacekillits is not displaying on mine17:55
stabfacekillI only get the options suspend or do nothing17:55
l2tpwith wifi card 10:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)17:55
Progsterok I figured it out. Like the foolish n00b that I am, by accident I seem to have removed my own account from many groups, including admin. Hence my removal from the sudoers file. I'm in recovery mode (Ubuntu 12.04), trying to add myself back, but I get a message back saying: can't lock /etc/passwd file now; try again later. Any ideas?17:55
uglyoldbobstabfacekill: my laptop shows a shutdown option for "when laptop lid is closed"17:55
mtec007stabfacekill, same thing ming is showing. no poweroff.17:55
l2tpand there is desktop with ralink wifi usb dongle and ubuntu 10.0417:55
l2tpdesktop connects to my access point fine17:56
stabfacekillIs there a way to do write it in manually?17:56
uglyoldbobProgster: ctrl + alt + f1, login as root?17:56
martianstabfacekill: looks like you can fix this with the gnome tweak tool as described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/88033117:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880331 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Can no longer "shutdown" when laptop lid closes" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:56
Progsterthis actually explaikns it17:56
stabfacekillthank you very much martian: I will try it out!17:57
l2tpbut on laptop I have growing Invalid misc and           Bit Rate=1 Mb/s17:57
l2tpthere is less than meter between my laptop and ralink usb dongle on desktop17:58
l2tpany idea how to fix it?17:58
martianl2tp: what type of wireless card is in the laptop?18:00
uglyoldbobgrub-install -v  tells me "grub-install (GNU GRUB 0.97)"18:00
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment18:00
imbezolProgster: got it all figured out? are you using the gui "Users and Groups" to try and fix it?18:00
l2tpmartian, Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)18:01
stabfacekillhehe Martian: if I disappear you fixed me!18:01
martianl2tp: what version of ubuntu are you running?18:03
MrFaggotsonIs it even possible to get Ubuntu installed on XFS?18:03
scientesI lost my click-to-focus18:03
scientesthe mouse highlights things, but click dont do anything18:03
scientesbesides select text18:03
scienteshelp pls18:03
l2tpmartian 12.0418:03
scientesmiddle-click still works18:03
martian!enter | scientes18:03
ubottuscientes: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:03
scientesi tried metacity --replace, but that didn't work18:03
l2tpmartian just a minute - I'll paste it to pastebin18:04
imbezolMrFaggotson: can't see why not.. you'd need to use an initrd18:04
scientesit started with gdb SITSTOPing firefox, which made everything lock up, so i killed gdb18:04
MrFaggotsonimbezol: A what?18:04
imbezolMrFaggotson: if you're trying to do it through the installer, i'm not sure it supports it18:05
imbezolMrFaggotson: if you know what you're doing though.. you could put one onto an xfs filesystem18:05
MrFaggotsonimbezol: Well, yeah.. So, how do I install it then?18:05
martianl2tp: looks like this worked for others with the same problem in 12.04: http://www.unixmen.com/resolve-slow-connexion-when-using-wifi-in-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal/18:05
imbezolMrFaggotson: explain why you want to first18:05
MrFaggotsonimbezol: It's a stable filesystem, and I tested it to be faster than any other. And since I do a lot of file transfers, I need speed.18:06
l2tpmartian, http://pastebin.com/hbgtcD7B18:06
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l2tpmartian, funny. I've installed 12.04 to my desktop, but it works so bad with my ralink usb wifi dongle, so I've found my hdd with ubuntu 10.04 and compiled custom driver for ralink18:07
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l2tpnow I've installed ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop - and problems with wifi again18:08
l2tpfunny - desktop and laptop are from HP18:08
zyxonHi, the background of lightdm (unity greeter) does not match my wallpaper on 12.04. Why is that so (it does change for other user accounts)?18:08
MrFaggotsonimbezol: So, how do I do it?18:09
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uglyoldbobwhat just happened?18:10
imbezolMrFaggotson: does the installer give you the option to use xfs?18:10
martianuglyoldbob: it's just IRC stuff. Managing lots of people.18:11
MrFaggotsonimbezol: Yeah, but I can't install GRUB2 on there :/18:11
zyxonHi, the background of lightdm (unity greeter) does not match my wallpaper on 12.04. Why is that so (it does change for other user accounts)?18:11
imbezolMrFaggotson: does it give an error?18:12
MrFaggotsonimbezol: It simply doesn't let me choose sda5 in my case.18:12
martianzyxon: settings are in /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf18:12
l2tpmartian, ok, I've turned off N-mode on wifi as described in topic on your link18:12
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l2tpbut I've still growing Invalid misc18:13
jazzkutya12.04 lts server, installing right now. installation stops at menu "Configuring package manager". drops back to menu when trying to do this step. on alt-f4 i have this: INFO: Menu item 'apt-setup-udeb' succeeded but requested to be left unconfigured.18:13
l2tpIt grows so quickly18:13
zyxonmartian: no such file exists and I swear that I didn't touch it. The background changes as expected if I use one of the built-in wallpapers18:13
uglyoldbobso the linux-image-2.6.32-41-generic (2.6.32-41.89) fails to configure properly on ubuntu 10.04 becuase of a problem with update-grub. how should I fix this?18:13
Kyle__How chan you install something that requires java (like scilab), with a non-default java?  I've got openjdk's java7 installed, but this install keeps wanting to install openjdk java 618:14
rensvind_how do I add new workspaces in ubuntu 12.04?18:15
Kyle__rensvind_: I beleive it's in a control panel.  I'm on xfce4 here.  Holdon.18:16
jsaranbrowser just staying waiting mode for loading yahoo sites and some more sites , what will be the problem18:16
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openbeeswindows is better than linux ... windows ROCKS !!!18:16
imbezolMrFaggotson: lots of info from googling but.. seems people have had success making a small /boot partition with ext3, and then / on xfs18:17
rensvind_Kyle__,  No its not18:17
subb1hello all !18:17
duckxhow do i go about managing my apache and dns configurations?18:17
openbeesunity sucks ... windows rocks !!18:18
Kyle__rensvind_: You're right. I just opened my laptop to check!18:18
imbezolduckx: do you have specific questions about it?18:18
Myrttiopenbees: did you have a Ubuntu support question or problem?18:18
imbezolduckx: myself i use vim.. but there are lots of ways18:18
martianduckx: you edit your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* settingsd18:19
jsaranbrowser stays in waiting mode in ubuntu 12.04 LTS any help18:19
MrFaggotsonimbezol: Oh, yes! How could have I forgotten about that idea!18:19
duckxcurrently i have a vps with ubuntu installed and i want to migrate a few websites over.. but im not sure if there is already a tool to manage all the dns and apache configurations.. i know how to do it manually already but that just takes too long18:19
Kyle__rensvind_: Now I recall something about an extra control panel to install...lemmie think.18:19
jazzkutyaHi there18:19
jazzkutya12.04 lts server, installing right now. installation stops at menu "Configuring package manager". drops back to menu when trying to do this step. on alt-f4 i have this: INFO: Menu item 'apt-setup-udeb' succeeded but requested to be left unconfigured.18:19
MrFaggotsonimbezol: I'm guessing a gig will be plenty for it.18:19
csgeekhow do I get a taskbar in unity?  ie.  when pidgin is closed usually it gets minimized to the task bar... (using pidgin as an example )18:19
duckxit would be nice to have a tool that cna just set everything up for me and create the directories of where the sites would reside.. like how cpanel does it18:19
imbezolMrFaggotson: 100 megs would probably be lots18:19
sayedany egyptian girl for chat18:19
martianduckx: there may be some third party tools to do so, but there is not such a tool built in to ubuntu18:20
MrFaggotsonimbezol: Oh, cool.18:20
subb1I have: 12.04 installed. Ati mobility radeon 5350 madison graphic chipset. I installed the prop driver from http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-4-x86.x86_64.run . Now I am not able to adjust my screen brightness from 'settings'. I move the slidebar to decrease it, but no change to brightness level. Please help !18:20
imbezolMrFaggotson: hmm.. actually looking at my own it's 135 megs in size18:20
duckxwhat would i be looking for ?18:20
imbezolMrFaggotson: 250 would be safe for space during upgrades and such18:20
subb1I have toshiba satellite laptop.18:20
prokaHey guys. Does anyone know if there is a way of using Skype on Pidgin without the Skype program running?18:20
martianduckx: I dunoh. google for "magically do work for me" ;)18:21
rensvind_Kyle__, Please tell me if you find out, I cant find the settings :(18:21
jsaranyahoo like some sites are not loading in ubuntu 12.04 any helps pls18:21
MrFaggotsonimbezol: Will make it that.18:21
duckxyea its  called cpanel18:21
Kyle__rensvind_: No problem.18:22
duckxhow about webmin.. anyone used tat before ?18:22
subb1jsaran, only some sites are not being resolved on your browser?18:22
imbezolduckx: i've used it but find i'd rather do it by command line where i can script things and don't have to troubleshoot why certain things aren't behaving in webmin like i expect them to18:23
martiansubb1: I was trying to help him earlier. He is able to telnet to yahoo.com on port 80 and connect, but issuing "get /" returns nothing he says.18:23
llutz!webmin | duckx18:23
ubottuduckx: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:23
imbezolduckx: and last i looked, webmin didn't have much in the way of tools to assist with a migration18:23
MrFaggotsonimbezol: Yep, seems to allow me to install it just fine now.18:23
duckximbezol, how do u manage say 10 sites.. u'll have to mess with vhost files and apache config files no ?18:23
imbezolMrFaggotson: cool18:23
qkslvrwolfIs there a known way to get ubuntu 12.04, running in KVM, to shutdown on APCI calls without the 60 second timeout?18:25
antnashHey guys. Can anyone point me to a way to find out why I'm only getting audio through the left on my nvidia gt 520?18:25
qkslvrwolfI've set everything I can find inside of dconf-edit18:25
subb1martian, well if he is able to telnet to yahoo.com, then dns resolution works fine. he needs to provide more info then..18:25
imbezolduckx: you'd have a separate file for each site..18:25
martianduckx: once you get it set up, it's not that much work IMO, but then again I'm not having outside parties ftping in or anything. I just create a new directory, copy the sites-available config file from another one, and change a few lines.18:25
imbezolduckx: then you can just move the file in or out of the sites-enabled dir18:25
Kyle__rensvind_: Well the program I was thinking of is myunity, and it doesn't do what you want.  Sorry :/18:25
rensvind_Kyle__, ok18:25
duckxwhat about the /etc/hosts ?18:26
duckxu have to modify that too no ?18:26
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imbezolduckx: no18:26
duckxjust the apache2/sites-available folder only ?18:26
HowardTheDuckhey suckers18:26
tibroxI can login to ubuntu 12.04 as a guest, but my own user login causes X to crash and return me to the login screen.   What can I do to restore the gui on my own user?18:26
imbezolduckx: pretty much. you could have a file that is a virtualhost definition for the site, and toss it in the dir18:26
martianduckx: no, the domain doesn't have to be in the hosts file. Your dns server just has to point that domain to your IP and then in the site config you specify the 'ServerName'18:27