
steffen_b3can it be that wait-for-state job in ubuntu is broken ?15:13
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
jMCgHello happy people o/~16:27
jMCgWhat do I do when start/stop $jobname causes the thing not to return? Just hanging in there?16:28
jMCgctrl+c -> status $jobname says killed (pid)16:28
steffen_b3try to find whats blocking and kill that 16:29
jMCgsteffen_b3: how do I do that?16:29
steffen_b3ps -ef 16:29
steffen_b3check what you can relate to that job16:29
jMCgi.galic@panic /var/bwlog % ps -ef | grep -w logstas[h]16:30
jMCgroot      7300  3648  0 16:27 pts/0    00:00:00 restart logstash16:30
jMCgi.galic@panic /var/bwlog % ps -cafe | grep -w 364[8]16:30
jMCgroot      3648  3647 TS   19 16:15 pts/0    00:00:00 -zsh16:30
jMCgroot      7300  3648 TS   19 16:27 pts/0    00:00:00 restart logstash16:30
jMCgSyslog is also rather silent.16:31
steffen_b3what commands are in logstash upstart job 16:32
steffen_b3is something of that in ps -ef16:32
steffen_b3note i'm also just user like you (just to manage expectations) - this is how i get normally back if i did stupid things in my upstart jobs ;)16:33
jMCgsteffen_b3: /etc/init/logstash.conf  http://sprunge.us/BHZX16:35
steffen_b3no clue then 16:40
jMCgHow do I reinitialize upstart again?16:44
jMCgThe new Ubuntu has a *new* upstart.16:45
steffen_b31.5 i believe16:55

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