[12:08] benji gmb, call in 2 [12:09] huh but the url doesn't work... [12:10] heh, "The party is over"; kinda existential [12:10] hrh [12:10] https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/df0279f393cb130a75aef172c90e3b85e2cbf1cd benji gmb [13:52] * gmb -> late lunch / relocation [14:52] benji, let's talk @ 11 [14:52] gary_poster: k [15:03] benji, I can't get any of the old hangout links to work :-/ [15:03] So I'll make one [15:04] it's the hangoutageddon [15:05] benji, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5a15c77af3e9d59d30fadc8400e859c42dd7b168?authuser=0&hl=en-US [19:31] checking out lp:~launchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk is not fun [21:06] heh