[03:22] i think the problem for this was that my monitor (new one) and tv gave up on looking for a signal too fast [03:23] i had fixed a monitor i had that blew a few capacitors that waits long enough for it to get a signal an mythtv seems to be working so far [03:35] next hurdle is getting it to see my tv tuner >< [03:38] and let me get back to a thing so the front end doesn't crash] [03:48] gives me some dialog saying front end crashed and exit code 130 [06:39] ok so now x windows is working, but, new thing trying to get the front end to not crash, while exiting with exit code 130 === kmcorbett_ is now known as kmcorbett === kmcorbett_ is now known as kmcorbett === kmcorbett_ is now known as kmcorbett === yuki-onna_ is now known as yuki-onna === len is now known as Guest57779 [23:10] last problem as far i can see i have the tuner channels setup [23:11] i have the back end detectable address wise and such [23:11] but the frontend says the tuner is busy [23:41] the front end says the tuners on my hauppauge 1600 are not recording anything but the front end says they are busy anything i can do about freeing them up so i can do live tv?