[00:01] cjwatson, I thought the boot catalog was entirely for el torito bios booting, and that efi systems would boot removable media ( be it cdrom or otherwise ) if they found the EFI directory with the boot loader in it? [00:01] I don't really have much more to say than is in my post there [00:02] you can go and read the efi spec on el torito handling [00:02] it's pretty explicit [00:05] i suspect reading mjg59's posts on efi booting would be more enlightening [00:05] and by "englightening" i mean "should make you want to vomit, which is the correct reaction" [00:05] weird... seems silly to use el torito on cdroms when efi already has a perfectly good way of accomplishing the same goals for other media [00:05] Hey, anyone fancy doing a anacron merge review for me please? [00:05] for the specific question psusi asked, the uefi spec alone is enlightening [00:06] directhex, which posts? [00:07] anything with "EFI" in it on http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/, pretty much [00:10] slangasek: Fancy reviewing my pending anacron merge (you are TIL). debian -> ubuntu: http://pb.daviey.com/0noa/ & ubuntu -> ubuntu: http://pb.daviey.com/7bmF/ .. thanks :) [00:14] (The query is mostly about maintaining the delta of using start vs invoke-rc.d, which i'm not entirely sure why we are doing.) [00:17] 12.10 will merge /usr ? [00:24] oh there is a blueprint for it [00:55] cjwatson: sure - I just find that calling the arguments "source" and "destination" is needlessly confusing in the case of links [00:57] Daviey: ummm. I'm confused, didn't I already merge anacron? [00:57] Daviey: if not, I certainly have a merge staged here [00:57] Daviey: do you mind if I just upload this one rather than reviewing yours? :) [00:58] (and apols for not uploading it before you did duplicate work on it) [00:58] slangasek: ok, i'll happily drop mine :).. But i am interested, why does the original ubuntu delta use start rather thank invoke-rc.d? [00:58] Daviey: because someone was misguided when they wrote that bit :) [00:58] slangasek: nah, A) i didn't ask before touching it.. B) It was trivial. [00:59] slangasek: That makes sense :).. [00:59] so I happen to have kept the delta for using 'start' because it's a marginal performance improvement and also less noisy than calling invoke-rc.d [01:00] ok. [01:00] anyway, before for me.. Have a good weekend campers. o/ [01:00] but I've pushed the upstart job to the Debian BTS; if that lands I'd be inclined to drop these bits to get us back in sync [01:00] s/before/bed [01:00] slangasek: super! [01:32] hrm... mjg says he puts a GPT on along with an MBR that has multiple partitions covering various parts of the disk so that EFI systems that insist on having GPT will be happy, but last I heard, EFI also expressly requires the MBR to only contain the 0xee protective partition or the gpt is considered invalid [01:33] iirc, a patch went into parted recently to enforce that provision... no ee partition in the mbr, and the gpt is ignored [01:35] Apple have a "special" interpretation of EFI [01:36] there's a rant by mjg59 on the subject in one of Ubuntu's patches to parted [01:36] but briefly: "that would be lovely but Apple don't like to make things that simple" [02:20] I just finished reading mjg's rant about why tvs suck, and nearly pissed myself when I got to the end: "It's all awful. I recommend you drink until everything's already blurry and then none of this will matter." [02:23] psusi : check out refit if you don't know, it's a hybrid MBR/GPT. I use it to triple boot my macbook [02:24] refit isn't a hybrid MBR/GPT - MBR and GPT are partition table formats, not pieces of software [02:25] ... is a software that creates MBR and GPT and can read both [02:28] hrm... fedora is now gpt by default? interesting... [02:29] so's Ubuntu on big enough disks [02:29] grub2 with efi is being rolled out on many distributions, like ubuntu 12.04+ [02:35] ohh... ubiquity in precise now lets you install grub to a partition [02:35] I thought we weren't supporting that? [02:41] under protest [02:41] also only to a small selection of partitions [02:44] hehe [02:49] mbiebl: did the 'timeout' option work out for you with post-lucid? [02:51] slangasek: didn't get around to test it yet [02:51] ok [08:04] how cud I compile a linux device driver module. it seems the older examples won't compile on new kernel... my kernel version is 3.2 rev 20... how to include and what are the headers required [08:06] how cud I compile a linux device driver module. it seems the older examples won't compile on new kernel... my kernel version is 3.2 rev 20... how to include and what are the headers required === sikon is now known as lucidfox === yofel_ is now known as yofel === jalcine is now known as Jacky [11:48] tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors [11:48] the chroot on meissa (arm panda) looks broken === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [13:01] hi, is anyone able to bump the score on https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/+archive/ppa/+build/3502198 please? :) === jon__ is now known as JonEdney [13:04] chrisccoulson: done [13:04] cjwatson, thanks! === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [13:41] why is the as-needed linker flag not in the 12.04 release notes? is one supposed to read 10.10, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 release notes before upgrading? [13:41] from 10.04 [14:03] jtaylor: hm, I thought it was supposed to have been - I'm sure we talked about it [14:04] (can't look properly now though) [14:05] cjwatson: its not in the gnu toolchain part, I think that is important enough to be mentioned [14:06] just closed two as-needed bugs from 10.04 upgraders [14:08] can https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/932439 be nominated for oneiric? [14:08] Launchpad bug 932439 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Horizontal scrolling reversed recently" [Medium,In progress] [14:28] Greetings. [14:30] python-django has a ubuntu delta and the control file mentions the svn path to be the one from Debian, should I change it to the bzr vcs? [14:30] I'm not sure whether this has been already discussed or not, but why isn't burg an option? Would it be problematic to add support for it in the kernel postinst/postrm scripts? [14:31] cousin_luigi: burg an option? [14:31] Do you mean installing it by default? [14:32] vibhav: making it optional as alternative to grub [14:35] burg is an unmaintained hostile fork of grub [14:35] I do not intend to make any effort to support it; I'd rather continue to improve grub itself [14:35] You cannot mkrescue, drivemap.mod is missing (you cannot chainload to other disks) [14:35] cjwatson: hostile? [14:35] it was forked by a developer who couldn't get on with the rest of the grub community [14:35] Burg is a single person maintainer and while his efforts should be commended [14:36] it hasn't had any commits at all since October 2010 [14:36] oh [14:36] Though I love it [14:36] many of the theming work is now in grub2 anyway in other forms [14:36] just needs some polish and presentation [14:36] cjwatson: I see. [14:38] cjwatson: By the way, aren't forks usually the result of a battle of egos?;) [14:39] often, yes [14:39] in this case, nobody else joined in ... [14:39] (afaict) [14:40] I dont agree [14:40] Some people make forks because their patches are not expected [14:42] Well, in the spirit of freedom one can fork to prove their point. Granted, it tends to disperse talents. [14:42] yeah [14:46] bbl [14:54] again. anybody??? how cud I compile a linux device driver module. it seems the older examples won't compile on new kernel... my kernel version is 3.2 rev 20... how to include and what are the headers required === jalcine is now known as Jacky === jalcine is now known as Jacky [18:04] infinity: is the armel quantal buildd chroot currently broken? [18:06] geser: there's one broken it seems [18:07] https://launchpad.net/builders/meissa/+history [18:08] looks like only meissa is affected as all the CHROOTFAIL I checked are from it [18:10] ummmm. Why is rsyslog writing to /var/log/auth.log.1 instead of to /var/log/auth.log? [18:13] ah, I blame a chroot [18:35] Hi all! [18:45] hey [20:12] hi i am looking for some entry point to "u for android" project [20:27] geser: Thanks for the heads-up. Tidied up the fallout. === ximion1 is now known as ximion === ximion is now known as ximion1 [23:31] Looks like rhythmbox can be given back. [23:39] Laney, heya [23:40] Laney, I think the latest upload failed to build due to I'm guessing the texlive confusion [23:40] hey bryceh, yeah - just looked like some transient shuffling [23:42] * bryceh visualizes a bum lurching through the archive knocking packages over