=== sikon is now known as lucidfox [09:12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grace/+bug/705202 is fixed in Debian, should I prepare a merge or just wait for it to get synced? [09:12] Launchpad bug 705202 in grace (Ubuntu) "xmgrace window font is not loaded correctly" [Low,Triaged] [09:23] Also, can https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/932439 be nominated for oneiric? [09:23] Launchpad bug 932439 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Horizontal scrolling reversed recently" [Medium,In progress] === yofel_ is now known as yofel === jalcine is now known as Jacky === Elbrus_tries_aga is now known as Elbrus [13:04] how does a fakesync work? it only changes the debian revision, how can it change the orig.tar? [13:04] you rebuild the source package with a different orig to the one debian has [13:04] so the checksums are different [13:05] so it keeps the ubuntu orig? [13:05] yes [13:05] i think syncpackage can detect this situation [13:07] it does [14:26] micahg: nobody is installer that channel is dead :( dunno who i can turn to for some really show stopper bugs :( === jalcine is now known as Jacky === jalcine is now known as Jacky [18:12] eagles0513875: A lot of folk aren't around on the weekend. [18:13] Laney: i know but nobody was in ubuntu-installer yesterday and it was friday [18:13] If it was the evening UK time then you might have been too late. [18:16] ya I'm only uk +1 where i am [18:16] Laney: do you think you could help me with an installer issue? [18:17] no I don't, sorry :( [18:17] This is one area that I have very little knowledge of [18:19] its ok [18:19] basically the way things are right now kubuntu is useless as a desktop for me [18:19] be it live cd or otherwise [18:21] is the kubuntu desktop installer that much different from the gnome desktop installer? [18:21] I see now and then installer questions in #ubuntu-devel, perhaps you might have there any success [18:22] I would suggest that you just ask your question in #-installer and wait for a response. [18:23] Or post it to the installer mailing list. [18:23] Or, if it is a bug, file it on Launchpad. [18:32] geser: no [18:32] only thing that is different is the desktop that is installed [18:35] Hi all! [18:38] Laney: question [18:38] my issue though is more related to grub [18:39] cuz i have a fairly recent gnu and with noveau it needs nomodeset for grub to be able to boot cuz with out it i get a black screen so would that be something to discuss with the installer people? [18:43] Hi, can You please sponsor my patch for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenlive/+bug/1001646 [18:43] Launchpad bug 1001646 in kdenlive (Ubuntu) "kdenlive0.9-1 is missing xine for DVD preview" [Undecided,Fix committed] [19:09] Hello [19:10] Is there any reason why anyone should prefer Ubuntu "Packaging" over "CPack"? [19:10] By Ubuntu "Packaging", I mean the Packaging guide on Ubuntu wiki... [19:12] what is "CPack"? [19:13] up :) [19:15] geser, CPack is a packaging system for software distributions which is tightly integrated with CMake, but can function without it. [19:16] how does it handle dependencies? [19:16] geser, It allows you to generate: Linux RPM, deb and gzip distributions of both binaries and source code; NSIS files (for Microsoft Windows); Mac OS X packages [19:17] a such a thing, you can often use that as a starting point, but to integrate it properly into the debian/ubuntu ecosystem extra work is required [19:18] jtaylor, 'make'/'cmake' does the dependency handling for it. [19:18] Hi, can you please sponsor my patch for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenlive/+bug/1001646 :) [19:18] Launchpad bug 1001646 in kdenlive (Ubuntu) "kdenlive0.9-1 is missing xine for DVD preview" [Undecided,Fix committed] [19:18] AmberJ_: does it support the same "interface" to allow a buildd build the binary packages from a source package? [19:19] PaoloRotolo: Someone will get to it through the sponsors queue :-) [19:19] It's probably a good idea to send it upstream (to Debian) though, since we get this package unmodified from them. [19:20] AmberJ_: these tools are useful for upstreams to distribute to many plattforms, but if you want a package in the archive, follow the ubuntu/debian packaging guides [19:20] geser, I don't know. I came here looking for help/info about pros and cons of cmake. I'm planning to package something and cmake seems to do it quickly but I was more interested to see if it follows same interface/standards. [19:21] jtaylor, Do you mean that if I expect my package to be in ubuntu/debian repos, I need to follow ubuntu/debian packaging guides? [19:21] AmberJ_: the Ubuntu (and Debian) build daemons only support Debian source packages, so if you intend to get a package into the Ubuntu and/or Debian archive, they must have that format [19:21] ok I get it :) Thanks a lot! [19:22] I'll go and start reading packaging guide then... [19:22] but for your own homepage (or project page) you can also build them with CPack (assuming it generates good packages) (but of course proper Debian packaging would be preferred) [19:23] when is mergomatic going to be fixed? [19:24] when IS handles that MoM ticket and looks into it [19:24] Well, I might end up using CPack for osx/cygwin, but I'll use packaging guide for Ubuntu/Debian. [19:37] someone could run another instance [19:37] I tried but update-sources.py killed the m1.large I used :O