[00:15] here is invoice software, Can i get any free like this software in Linux? http://www.hillstone-software.com/invoice_software.htm === sarthor_ is now known as sarthor [00:23] sarthor: http://frontaccounting.com/wb3/pages/products/features.php is not bad. There is also a package for it already in Ubuntu === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [02:26] hi , how should I start the VM after ubuntu-vm-builder completed ? [02:26] the kernel in the config was specified as 'None' [02:30] jamespage, ping === Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia === wolferz_ is now known as wolferz === wolferz_ is now known as wolferz === wolferz is now known as Guest16940 [05:25] any idea mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Read-only file system [05:25] ? [05:25] input/output error [06:15] I heard ubuntu ditched iet for iscsi target mode for 12.04, but I don't remember what the new system is called. What's the new system called, and/or where is a quick start guide ? [06:16] Anyone know where i can get ioncube? === Arc_ is now known as a5m0 [08:31] I want to make a 2,1 xserve an ubuntu box, but I dont' know how curren the information is here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xserve2-1 === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [10:34] perhaps offtopic, but has anyone seen a mobo being unable to see a pci-ex card when it's in the 16x slot? I know the card works, but maybe the mobo only allows vga cards there? [11:41] Does anybody know anything about mounting an afp server so that I can have www-data write to it? Specifically, I think I need to do something with the acl on the mac side, but I'm not sure what. [11:44] brainysmurf: didn't you say you had root on this server? if so, why would you use afp? [11:45] Hi RoyK, thanks for helping. I'm actually a bit confused, because my colleague is telling me that afp is a raid. [11:45] is a what? [11:45] RAID [11:45] as in redundant array etc? [11:46] afp is a protocol, not related to how you store data on disks [11:46] right, there is a stack of hd below the xserve and they connect to the mac through afp [11:46] yes, but the xserve doesn't store data in afp [11:47] It has a hd, but it's not big enough to hold what I need it for [11:47] it probably uses a raid controller and HFS+ === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [11:48] AFP is an access protocol, like NFS or CIFS or even NCP [11:49] So xserve sees those hd as hfs just like anything else, but then serves it up as afp. [11:49] yes [11:49] If that's the case, then why does it show it looks like a network drive on the desktop?? [11:49] and it can probably serve them with CIFS or NFS as well [11:50] brainysmurf: what desktop? [11:50] the mac desktop, it's not a hd but connected as a network share [11:50] yes, that's because you use nfs or afs or something across the network to access it [11:51] but on the drives, there's no such thing as afp [11:51] I think I need to spend some time with this xserve without my colleauge around. [11:52] She's confusing me. [11:52] If I have troot on both, what's best to share files if I need to have www-data write to it. sshfs? [11:54] nfs [11:54] sshfs is generally a good idea when all else fail ;) [11:55] RoyK: xie xie (thank you in Chinese) [11:55] ;) [12:11] hi can somebody tell me how i can run the asuse35m-1 deluxe with ubuntu server? [12:12] alex_____: what is that? [12:12] a mainboard from asus there is the soundchip acl892 on it [12:12] i want to hear webradio but there comes no sound out of the speakers [12:13] alsamixer works an show me the soundchip aplay also [12:37] i am facing strange problem ,my internet on my ubuntu dmz server ,today only i am facing this problem how do i diagnose this [12:37] even apt-get update is taking 15-20 mints where it was 3-4 mints usally === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [12:43] but when i ping download some software on my gateway it was fast === jon__ is now known as JonEdney === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [15:41] i'm having some issues installing cobbler on ubuntu server 12.04 : http://dpaste.com/750253/ [15:45] looks like the ip command has the wrong syntax [15:45] ikonia: i am unable to control that, all i did was ask apt-get install cobbler [15:45] I understand that [15:46] perhaps it's a bug with the package then [15:46] possible, or your config (eg: it reads your config and the current setup is incompatible with what it's trying to do ) [15:47] first time i tried to install cobbler on this system [15:58] ikonia: nothing i do seems to make apt-get install cobbler... and google only returns results that talk about the deb package info, or things like maas not importing isos (not relelvant to me ) [15:59] unpack the deb and see what the setup is trying to do and how it fails against your systems setup [15:59] not sure how to do that [16:00] get the debian source package and have look through the setup [16:00] see if the setup script is either a.) got a bug in b.) got something that conflicts with your system [16:02] where does dpkg --unpack send its stuff ? [16:02] it's not in the folder i'm in nor is it in the folder cobbler deb was in [16:02] I'd just grab the source package [16:02] can i do that with dpkg? [16:03] apt-get source [16:04] i'm not even sure what i'm supposed to be looking at, what files does apt-get use to install stuff in a package? [16:04] PKG-INFO ? [16:05] yeah i have no hope of fixing this which should work by now on a LTS release [16:05] the control file should show the layout (I've not got an debian based system here to go through it) [16:06] randomDude: it may work fine on an LTS system, it may be something as simple as your machine isn't setup in line with the pre-requisits [16:06] so i guess i can't use orchestra thus i shouldn't buy a support contract from canonical if this is whats to be expected [16:06] ikonia: what makes my system a "non lts system" ? [16:06] randomDude: I didn't say it wasn't an non-lts system [16:07] oh i thought you did [16:07] as in implied [16:07] no, I said your system may not be setup in line with the pre-requisits for cobbler, which is why it's failing [16:07] eg: it may not be a problem with the package, more a a problem with how your system is setup [16:07] I don't know without looking [16:08] i doubt it [16:08] why do you doubt it ? [16:08] i'm pretty sure the package is broken [16:08] !info cobbler [16:08] cobbler (source: cobbler): Install server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-0ubuntu33 (precise), package size 36 kB, installed size 246 kB [16:08] randomDude: why are you pretty sure ? [16:08] what research have you done to make yourself "pretty sure" [16:08] because my server is standard? [16:08] randomDude: standard does mean you've configured it to meet the pre-requists [16:09] hang on, I'll get a 12.04 machine running in a vm and test it [16:09] why should i have to configure it? thats what i use apt-get [16:09] apt-get is suppposed to configure this stuff for me [16:09] randomDude: apt-get is a package installer not a "make my machine a certain setup" [16:09] randomDude: it will configure cobbler, sure [16:09] i mean if apt-get can't configure it to the point where it at least isntalls without failing then... [16:09] then what ? [16:09] well apparently apt-get can't get it right [16:10] please stop talking [16:10] your basing this on nothing [16:10] the package maybe broken, it may not be [16:10] but you've done no research and you're just sat there complaining [16:10] I was going to test it for you now, but I can't be bothered as you've already made your mind up so you can have a moan [16:10] package is broken, you won't by a support contract, fair enough, move along [16:10] :) [16:12] it's actually quite a shame, because cobbler installs fine on the same system when it has ubuntu server 10.10 on it. [16:12] ok, it's shame, great [16:13] shouldn't it stand to reason that if it installs fine on the same system with a previous version of ubuntu and cobbler that there's now something wrong with the version of cobbler that ubunut provide for their latest lts server? [16:13] no [16:13] oh ok [16:13] you've made your mind up it's broken, so find a distro that it's not broken in === heidar is now known as heidaro === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Busy === gustav is now known as beerbro === Lcawte|Busy is now known as Lcawte [22:35] I just bought a server and want to set it up first can someone tell me how to create a usb install disk of ubuntu server my server does not have a cd drive. Second it comes already installed with vmware is it better to install ubuntu-server first and then install vmware if i want virtuilization which i believe i do not need now [22:51] danchou: you can write the image to USB [22:51] !liveusb [22:51] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [22:52] how do i clear cache on my server? [22:53] LordOfTime: thanks [22:53] Mischinka: which cache? [22:54] in my server block of nginx i have: location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|swf|xml|txt)$ { expires 14d; } [23:19] can't find the package to install sphinx php client in ubuntu 12.04... [23:21] i used to do: 'yum install sphinx-php' on centos... [23:38] bump [23:40] bump? [23:40] it doesn't exist [23:40] use pear to install it? [23:44] patdk-lap: i'll give that a shot. [23:46] hi all [23:47] I just did the HowToForge Perfect Ubuntu 12.04 server, but have some problems with it, mostly networking and DNS related. [23:50] Some background: the laptop I'm on now is connected to a Linksys WRT54G, then out to an iiNet BOB Lite ADSL/VoIP device to the Internet. IP range from laptop to router is 192.168.2.x, while from router to ADSL is 192.168.1.x [23:51] From the server (static IP I can ping the router (, but not the other side of it ( and cannot connect to the Internet. The laptop I'm on now has a DHCP assigned IP from the router, and as you see, it connects fine. [23:53] I have pointed the default gateway on the server to the router ( and the router's own default gateway is the BOB Lite (, and this works fine for my laptop, but not for the server. [23:54] Any ideas why this might be?