[10:36] Good news everyone! Thanks to my whining, I am being moved to a Dreamhost server with Python 2.6. [12:32] brousch: why not 3.2 ;] [12:32] brousch: what features specifically are you looking forward to? === jon__ is now known as JonEdney [13:19] jrwren: pyramid dropped support for 2.5 in their most recent release. django is dropping it with the next release [13:23] hrm. [13:23] does it actually not run? [13:23] or is it just not supported? [14:41] jrwren: django 1.5 and pyramid 1.3 are running the same codebase on 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2. apparently it's really hard to do that if you must also support 2.5, so they are dropping 2.5 [15:02] link of the day, for rick_h_ http://nodephp.org/ [23:55] Good evening