[05:37] sorry guys, whenever irccloud.com goes berserk, it reconnects me to this channel for no reason. [05:37] jokerdino, it's probably been saved in your config somewhere [05:38] i am trying to do something about this. hopefully, this won't happen again in the future. [05:39] leaving now. [08:43] In ubottu, vibhav said: bombtime is : ●~* ●~* ●~* [09:13] botnick: hi? [09:33] botnick: hello? [09:36] IAmNotThatGuy: unless you need help from the ops team or have been made an op and we didn't get the memo, please don't idle in this channel. [09:39] 18:35:48 < IAmNotThatGuy> Hello ikonia [09:39] 18:35:58 <+ikonia> hi there, is there something we can help you with ? [09:39] 18:36:19 <+Unit193> ikonia: Lubuntu OP. [09:40] IdleOne: ^^ [09:40] err damn [09:40] The Lubuntu ops might think we have it in for them, the amount they get questioned and kicked from this place :/ [09:40] why isn't he auto-op [09:40] that was also discussed at the time [09:41] might be wortwhile to wait more than a minute for a response in the future [09:41] I'll message and apologize and make mental note not to kick [09:43] back in the day we had 3 ops, we knew who they were and they knew us all. [09:44] It's been a very very long time since there were only 3 ops... [09:44] when i became one back in like 2006, there were already more than 3... [10:13] IdleOne, I am an Lubuntu OP [10:17] IAmNotThatGuy: I know, now :/ [10:17] * IdleOne gives IAmNotThatGuy a hug [10:17] * IAmNotThatGuy hugs back [10:18] there. [10:19] I was tired and you made me wake up from the whole all of a sudden. Now I will get back to office to work. btw, ty IdleOne :] [10:19] plz2msg AlanBell and ask that he add you to access list :) [10:20] Sure thing. :] [14:07] hi dedalux [14:14] dedalux: are you there ? [17:15] In #ubuntu, jellybellie said: ubottu: that is helpful