[01:03] ChinnoDog: i don't do wristwatches; never did. even though i do like looking at some as jewelry. [01:03] ChinnoDog: i do have a pen that lights up when a call is received [01:27] I thought it was a 'paper thin' watch. Looked a bit bulky in the movie. [03:33] I'm skeptical that they can do all that animation in eInk. I do wear a watch, mainly because when I'm trying to catch the train it's easier to check my wrist than to pull out my phone. [03:37] I only wear them as jewelry but the pebble might actually do something useful. [03:37] I'm pretty sure a watch worn as jewelry would have the same effect regardless of whether it worked or not [03:39] If you're just wearing it as jewelry, you could get one of those silly analog watches where it's impossible to tell time because it only has hands, but no number/divisions around the circle. [03:48] Might be able to buy a $3,000 watch for $100 when it is totally unfixable, still good to go as 'jewelry' though. [03:52] I'm more practical when it comes to watches. [10:07] Morning. [10:38] Morning [10:41] Hey rmg51 [10:41] Yo JonathanD [12:18] morning. [14:19] waltman: were you dissing movado, one of my faves? [17:20] jedijf: That depends. Do they make silly watches where it's impossible to tell time? [17:37] but waltman, if it had numbers on it where would the challenge be? [17:38] I think some people believe figuring out what time it is shouldn't be a challenge ;) [17:39] I've got enough challenges in my life, such as not missing my train. [17:40] OK, suppose you're a supermarket checkout person and the customer says, "I don't think this is all going to fit in my reusable bag. Let me buy another one." [17:41] Do you take that as a challenge to try to stuff all 50 lbs of groceries into the original bag, or do you split the load evenly between the two bags? [17:42] hehe [17:43] My guy at Wegmans was all "Look, it all fit!" [17:43] Then I go to lift up the bag and I'm worried the straps are going to break. [17:43] I wonder why he thought I decided to buy the second bag. [17:45] wimp ;-) [17:45] rmg51: I was still going to have to carry the second bag! [17:45] where's the challenge? [17:46] the challenge was in redistributing the weight before the person behind my finished checking out :) [17:46] I should just give up on subtlety and politeness. [17:47] next time go with more then one bag :-/ [17:48] I had two bags, but one of them had ripped. That's why I bought the second bag. [17:49] Maybe I wasn't clear in my explanation. The first thing I purchased at the cash register was a second reusable bag. The clerk rang it up, put it behind him, and then stuffed all 50 lbs of groceries into my original bag. [17:50] should of bought the bag before you shopped [17:51] a) I didn't know how much I was going to get, and b) why would that have helped? [17:51] c) they sell the bags at the registers, presumably for exactly the situation I had [17:52] you would of had two bags to use right away [17:52] instead of having someone think you just wanted to buy a bag not use it right away [17:52] that happens way too often [17:54] but...but...why would you even BOTHER trying to overstuff everything into one bag when you've got two to play with? [17:55] because the clerk is silly [17:55] thank you! [17:56] if he wasn't so silly he would be working in IT :-D [18:45] waltman: what knid of watch was the clerk wearing? [18:45] kind [18:45] lol [19:03] he was wearing a paper watch with NO numbers and no hands, just tiny nubs. So you have to really work at figuring out the time. [20:16] jedijf: I didn't notice