[00:19] [kdelibs] Jonathan Thomas * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120521001917-hii23u0admw50sai * debian/ (37 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed) [00:19] * Merge with Debian git, remaining changes: - no build-dep on libaspell-dev - no [00:19] build-dep on libfam-dev - kdelibs5-data: don't install kspell_aspell.desktop - [06:40] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kactivities] Philip Muškovac * 17 * debian/ (6 files in 2 dirs) * Merge with debian git, remaining changes: - keep own symbol file * Remove obsolete libkactivities.install * New upstream beta release TODO [06:53] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Philip Muškovac * 30 * debian/ (6 files in 2 dirs) * Merge with debian git, remaining changes: - add libcppparser.so to not-installed * New upstream beta release TODO === yofel_ is now known as yofel [07:04] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokeqt] Philip Muškovac * 25 * debian/ (7 files) * Sync with debian git * New upstream beta release TODO [08:22] right, so a acouple of things that have come up about kde-telepathy after using it for about 2 mins. (Ill report bugs soson if there arent already) [08:22] first. no message indicator support [08:23] second. no room choosing, only entering room name directly in jabber [08:23] 3rd, no apparent configuration options [08:23] (for style/look of chats etc, as kopete has) [08:35] jussi: I would wait a few more weeks until .4 comes out, and t hen file any relevant bugs at that time [08:41] ronnoc: ok, thanks [08:42] jussi: Here's an idea of what's coming: http://www.sharpley.org.uk/blog/kde-telepathy-in-0-4 [08:42] jussi: themes, in kde-telepathy? AFAIK there's none [08:42] Not sure how many of your issues will be addressed, but probably worth the wait since the release is so close :) [08:42] Tm_T: yes... that was my point... === Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz [13:57] JontheEchidna: bug 948088 [13:57] Launchpad bug 948088 in muon (Ubuntu) "Missing language pack when installed on KUBUNTU" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/948088 === ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc [15:22] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepimlibs] Philip Muškovac * 169 * debian/ (4 files in 2 dirs) * Merge with debian git, remaining changes: - use versioned boost build-depends - keep breaks/replaces - keep symbol files * New upstream beta release TODO [16:22] why this is nice, xsettings-kde causes only slightly more events than kded Oo [16:23] that is with using 10 times less cpu time [16:23] some piece of software that is Oo === dantti_laptop is now known as dantti_away_lunc [16:27] while (1) { [16:27] if (!XPending(xev->display)) { [16:27] sleep(2); [16:27] continue; [16:27] } [16:27] Oo [16:27] :O [16:27] oO [16:30] lolol [16:34] apachelogger: dafaw [16:34] damnit I screwed it [16:35] * apachelogger makes image to express feeling [16:35] apachelogger: s/image/meme/ [16:36] http://i.imgur.com/Ynb7k.jpg [16:37] heh [16:39] you know, XNextEvent sleeps until it actually gets an event [16:40] don't be silly now [16:40] why use this magic when the solution is only a sleep(2) away [16:40] lol [16:41] interestingly enough XNextEvent is the first function I found when looking for xev xpending [16:41] still I like the sleep there [16:42] what I do not like is the continue [16:42] oh, gotta leave for train [16:43] laters [16:43] I shall be fix0ring this when I get home [16:43] If I get home [17:14] * jussi waves [17:20] !find akonaditray [17:21] File akonaditray found in app-install-data, kdepim-runtime, kdepim-runtime-dbg, kubuntu-active-default-settings, kubuntu-low-fat-settings, language-pack-kde-ar-base, language-pack-kde-ast-base, language-pack-kde-bg-base, language-pack-kde-bs-base, language-pack-kde-ca-base (and 46 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=akonaditray&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any === dantti_away_lunc is now known as dantti_laptop === jalcine is now known as Jacky [19:58] hi jussi [20:09] i am having problem executing mysql using kprocess. [20:09] #occupyubuntu [20:09] he he he [20:09] these nato protestors got me wanting to protest [20:09] god i love living in chicago [20:10] i found out that wearing a Free Software or Ubuntu t-shirt this week in and around Chicago, you were immediately labeled one of them [20:26] apachelogger: ping [21:05] i have a patch for this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=279145 what should i do [21:05] KDE bug 279145 in general "i can't restore akonadi backup done with akonaditray" [Normal,New: ] [21:06] hi. one question. compiling digikam does it requiare around 400 mb download for the depen? [21:06] http://paste.kde.org/483896/ [21:07] phoenix_firebrd: either attach to the bug, or try to get it accepted directly by putting it on reviewboard.kde.org [21:08] yofel: ok i will try the second one [21:08] Ezim: all in all? yeah, could be. does sound a bit much though [21:08] but then again, digikam is rather large [21:08] yofel, it sound really alot :) [21:10] yofel, http://paste.kde.org/483908/ [21:10] 459 MB is a lot [21:10] texlive stuff is what bloats it, looks right otherwise [21:11] you can probably not pull in the tex stuff by passing --no-install-recommends [21:11] yofel, texlive does not needed? [21:11] Ezim: ^ [21:11] JontheEchidna, sorry do not really understand. [21:11] sudo apt-get build-dep digikam --no-install-recommends [21:11] JontheEchidna, muon-guy? :) [21:11] ;-) [21:12] JontheEchidna, that will do exactly what? make debian-package without depen..? [21:12] it will take all the build-depends listed in the debian package and install them with apt-get [21:12] you could also do: [21:12] sudo apt-get install pkg-kde-tools doxygen kdelibs5-dev liblcms1-dev libtiff4-dev liblqr-1-0-dev libjasper-dev liblensfun-dev libsqlite3-dev libltdl3-dev libcv-dev libcvaux-dev libhighgui-dev libboost-graph1.46-dev libksane-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libqjson-dev libgpod-dev libqca2-dev libgphoto2-2-dev libkipi-dev libkexiv2-dev libkdcraw-dev libmarble-dev kdepimlibs5-dev mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server libgphoto2-2-dev --no- [21:12] install-recommends [21:13] well, minus that line break :P [21:13] by default apt will install packages recommended by the packages you are trying to install, but aren't strictly necessary [21:15] JontheEchidna, no it is around 43,8 mb. what :) kind of magic was that? [21:15] *now [21:16] packages can have "soft dependencies" called "recommends" that may not strictly be required, but are recommended for general use [21:16] passing --no-install-recommends causes apt to not mark those for install like it would normally do [21:16] JontheEchidna, thx for the info. [21:17] apt understand what it needs and not needed to build package? [21:18] kind of. a source package contains a list of packages that are needed to build it [21:18] Ezim: the build-depends field in the package tells the required packages. it's just that those have recommends which you don't need to build the package but are installed by default [21:18] e.g. you could probably run "sudo apt-get build-dep digikam --no-install-recommends" and get the same stuff installed [21:19] yofel, okey I understand so not all does listes is needed to build the package? [21:19] the recommends aren't [21:19] Ezim: the technical documentation is here if you want to read it someday: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html [21:20] see 7.2 specifically [21:21] yofel, thx. [21:30] apachelogger: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=muon.git&a=commit&h=5761a87fcb8cab15ca425019bc5ca22a5df809d1 [21:36] dantti_laptop: pogo [21:36] so [21:36] you know how I implied that I might not get home [21:36] turns out I really almost did not get home [21:37] that is: I was supposed to be home like 2.5 hours ago ^^ [21:37] JontheEchidna++ [21:37] u sexy [21:37] oh [21:37] <3 [21:37] also I traced the busy wait [21:37] was introduced by a patch in fedora [21:38] supposedly unintentional as the patch was about syncing up the IM settings [21:38] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=727822 [21:38] Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.redhat.com: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xml.cgi?id=727822) [21:38] rdieter: ping [21:39] apachelogger: pong [21:39] rdieter: aformentioned patch introduces a busy wait, I guess that was not intentional? [21:40] hope not. :-/ [21:40] also can we please move xsettings-kde to the mighty kde git? [21:40] yes please [21:40] * apachelogger grovels to the sysadmins [21:40] been meaning to bribe/con the madriva folks currently owning it to do so [21:41] rdieter: mageia or mandriva? [21:42] mandriva I believe [21:42] errr, nevermind, megeia now [21:42] http://svnweb.mageia.org/soft/theme/xsettings-kde/ is where we get it from [21:43] oh, jolly active [21:43] So the Gtk/IMModule patch is strange in that it's not reading a KDE setting, but a GSettings setting. It's not really xsettings-kde's job to work on GSettings. :-/ [21:45] Kevin_Kofler: that too what is more concerning is the if(...) sleep(); continue(); though ... particularly since XNextEvent is blocking on an empty queue, so that the if construct causes pointless wakeups ... in fact more than kded4, which is how I noticed it to begin with [21:46] Uhm yeah, I don't think the added wait loop is a good idea. [21:47] The question is, does the patch work without the loop? [21:47] And also, should we be reading GSettings in xsettings-kde in the first place? [21:48] apachelogger: you might want to make a releaseme work around for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=293030 [21:48] KDE bug 293030 in KDE4 (cmake) "po files do not build due to cmake error - FindGettext.cmake bug" [Normal,Reopened: ] [21:48] * dantti_laptop leaves for home [21:52] Kevin_Kofler: im-chooser sets the gsetting I suppose, IMHO from a KDE perspective it is more interesting whether kiminputwhateverplasmoidthing gets picked up properly [21:54] kimpanel [21:55] rdieter: dmorgan needs to ask WRT moving to KDE, otherwise they plan to move it to their git which would open it to external contribution [21:57] danimo: uhm, I might :) [21:57] eh sry [21:57] dantti: ^ [22:12] apachelogger: cool thanks :) [22:12] dantti: that is not to say that I will :P [22:12] first need to inspect the problem again [22:12] dantti: also you should poke alex about integrating that new find script [22:13] lol [22:14] rdieter, Kevin_Kofler: http://paste.kde.org/483962/ [22:15] where is my bot again [22:15] jussi: we need to fix up a new init script for kubotu ^^ [22:15] yofel: ping [22:15] yofel: unping [22:15] lol [22:16] whatever it is, I'm off to bed (6h sleep left) [22:16] 'night [22:17] sleep is for the weak, or the ones without sufficient coffee supply [22:18] kubotu: hi [22:18] kubotu: order coffee [22:19] hello apachelogger [22:19] * kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to apachelogger. [22:22] apachelogger, dantti: The bug report says the fixed find script has already been merged in CMake 2.8.7. [22:23] apachelogger, rdieter: The xsettings-kde patch to remove the bogus loop looks OK to me. [22:23] We should get this upstreamed to Mageia and also build fixed xsettings-kde in Fedora and Kubuntu. [22:23] Kevin_Kofler: hmm well having the mentioned work around help packages done in 12.04 :) [22:24] Kevin_Kofler: already pasted it to dmorgan (Mageia) [22:24] hrrhrr [22:25] to put a measure on it [22:25] with the loop powertop reports 0.5 events per second when idle [22:25] without it does not even apear in the list ;) [22:26] also that is ~14us of cpu time right there :D [22:28] 0.5 events per second is exactly what one would expect from a while (…) sleep(2); loop. :-/ [22:29] suppose it is [22:31] rdieter: outlook is good for move to kde [22:34] JontheEchidna: your kde mail addy is not associated with your lunch user? [22:37] apachelogger: should be the same addy [22:37] my @kubuntu.org one [22:37] curious that your CCMAIL did not show up then [22:38] I did get a bounce saying "The message you sent included commands to modify the bug report,but you didn't sign the message with your OpenPGP key." [22:39] but I don't think anything there would modify the bug report aside from adding the comment, which should work :s [22:42] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xsettings-kde/0.12.3-0ubuntu3 [22:42] JontheEchidna: hm, well, it inlines the diff ... so the lunchpad could mistake that for commands (as commands start with a whitespace === rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter [23:12] bug 918765 is brrr [23:12] Launchpad bug 918765 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "the file '/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf' is in two packages" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/918765 [23:12] why is that file in libqtcore anyway [23:13] kevIs Kubuntu planning on going with LIghtDM? [23:20] pardon? [23:21] Well I saw work on a KDE LightDM System settings and as I understand it Ubuntu is going with LightDM? [23:22] that doesn't mean we are :P [23:22] though last I checked kdm had no active dev so someone should try to sell lightdm to upstream again :P [23:22] I think agateau could do that ^^ [23:28] I was just looking at the multiseat for F17. iT requires some DM changes. Would be nice to know if it makes more sense to consolidate on lightDM or work inside KDM [23:35] * apachelogger thinks the lightdm is the future, even if other kde people choose to not think so ^^ [23:35] what makes it so? [23:39] it has flipping power management [23:39] also qml UIs [23:39] which reminds me [23:39] I prefer steady power manangement [23:39] ScottK: if we were to switch to the lightdm the dreadful window focus issues would go away ;) [23:41] hmmmm [23:41] dantti: ping [23:41] apachelogger: pong [23:41] dantti: I don't see how I could work around the pobug via releaseme [23:42] it is caused by the GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES macro [23:42] Also when I boot up Kubuntu first time I get youtube working inrekonq. I presume it doesn't ship with Flash? [23:42] apachelogger: prepend cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) in po/CMakeLists.txt [23:42] worked for me [23:42] dantti: I think that applies to the entire thing though [23:43] i.e. no matter what you set in the main cmake file the policy will end up OLD [23:43] dunno, I'm no expert, it just worked for apper.. [23:43] otherwise cmake .. failes [23:43] though I may be mistaken as the cmake project scope always confuses the hell out of me [23:43] *fails [23:43] technically every folder might be an independent project [23:44] in which case the scope probably does not get poluted [23:44] I think the child dirs inherit the parents... [23:44] *theirs [23:44] well that for sure [23:45] but cmake_policy could well be global to the project which raises the question if every dir is a new project or not [23:45] so po/CMakeLists.txt might not be a bad idea for a workaround, up to you... [23:45] hmm right,, [23:45] A new entry on the policy stack is managed automatically for each subdirectory to protect its parents and siblings. [23:45] ah [23:46] sounds like they thought of it [23:46] hehe [23:53] Oo [23:53] doesn't work for me [23:54] ah [23:54] needs to be at the top [23:54] wtf [23:59] yup