[08:50] hi gmb, how are you? [12:08] bac benji frankban gmb call in 2 [12:08] ok [12:08] I'll make a location... [12:09] bac benji frankban gmb https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/8cafd8d37dcd13c86acabe3bcf61a418748b3de5 (and I tried to invite you) [12:11] Sloooow. [12:34] * gmb -> grabbing lunch [14:43] benji, When you've got a sec, I've got https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/zope.testing/subunit-special/+merge/106638 ready for review. [14:43] gmb: sure [16:10] * gary_poster lunches [16:52] benji, Thanks for the review. [16:53] gary_poster, So, should I make a zope.testing/3.9.4-p7 release? [16:53] I can't remember what hoops we need to jump through now. [17:01] gmb, yes, please. [17:01] gmb, take a look at versions.cfg [17:07] gmb: (I was lunching) you're welcome [17:22] gmb, if that's not enough, also see https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyForDocumentingCustomDistributions [17:22] I also can probably find a copy of the Magna Carta online, if you'd like to read that. [17:47] hi gary_poster, you have a moment to chat about the 2nd test count card? [17:48] sure bac. here or hangout? [17:48] ho [17:48] let me start one [17:48] bac, cool, getting headphones, back in a sec [17:51] gary_poster: i've invited you on g+. not sure how to get the url [17:52] ok [17:54] bac, don't see it though I got it on my phone. Do you mind if we go to https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/63418bd77d4747f4ae7a2f652f2a9ace758e8438 instead [17:54] np [17:57] bac https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/waterfall [17:58] bac https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_lp/builds/2076/steps/shell_6/logs/stdio [18:02] lib/lp/services/webservice/doc/launchpadlib.txt [18:06] bac https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_lp/builds/2007 [18:06] bac http://ubuntuone.com/2rMfcHi2RuUXJGRSGZZfzS [20:08] approved, benji :-) [20:08] gary_poster: thanks [20:09] welcome [21:09] hi gary_poster, looking at the output for the test case we talked about shows no discrepancies: http://paste.ubuntu.com/999788/ [21:09] did we just happen to pick an example where everything worked out ok? [22:06] bac, not sure [22:07] bac, bac, was going to show you another option, but must run [22:07] will have something for you tomorrow morning hopefully [22:07] ttyl