=== jbicha is now known as Guest1332 [06:46] BTW, the rest of the tntnet binaries will be coming through shortly [06:49] pitti: could I ask you to process the promotion requests in the ubuntu-archive queue as well please? [06:49] multiverse -> universe ones I mean === yofel_ is now known as yofel [06:59] micahg: done [06:59] pitti: thanks [10:08] Another gtk+3.0? :/ [10:09] RAOF, there was a regression in the previous one [10:10] Yay. [14:02] precise daily CD builds should be up and running again now, though the first ones haven't run yet [14:14] :) [14:14] * ogra_ crosses fingers for arms === bjf[swapped] is now known as bjf [14:44] skaet, pitti, can someone copy the Precise kernel package (3.2.0-24.38) from -proposed to -updates? [14:48] bjf, hmm... looks like someones just taken care of it. [14:48] bjf: done [14:49] :) [14:49] pitti, thanks [14:51] (ubuntu-docs shouldn't go to -security, rejecting that) [17:42] I have moved the sync-blacklist to lp:~ubuntu-archive/+junk/sync-blacklist; please stop using the old location (which I'm going to render inoperative) [17:43] * micahg assumes that includes fixing syncpackage and/or launchpad to check the new location as well? [17:44] No, because they already used http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/sync-blacklist.txt [17:44] Launchpad itself hasn't cared for some months [17:45] The only clients are syncpackage and auto-sync, both client-side [17:45] sorry, ignore me :) [21:22] is this the right channel to talk about the SRU-ability of a bug for Precise? [21:24] probably [21:25] Almost certainly. [21:25] I want to SRU this change to Precise but I'm not excited about writing a test case [21:25] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/quantal/apport/ubuntu/revision/1961 [21:25] honestly, I'm not sure how to get a .deb to generate that message [21:26] hmm, quite [21:27] and this seems like an 'obviously safe patch' to me [21:29] obviously safe, yes, but we also want to be sure it fixes the bug [21:29] ah true [21:30] bdmurray: how about dpkg-divert --add --local --rename --divert /usr/bin/dpkg.real /usr/bin/dpkg, and then a wrapper script that deliberately clobbers any files in /var/cache/apt/archives with bogus data? [21:31] If you're diverting dpkg, you can just replace it with something that throws the error every time it's run... [21:31] Mangling data seems a bit silly at that point. [21:32] The foundations bug bot takes care of these after reporting and I only see 24 tagged not-debian-format so maybe its not worth it [21:33] maybe something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/999824/ [21:33] (untested) [21:33] infinity: this bug is tied up with whether strings are localized or not [21:34] infinity: so I think it's easier to do a wrapper script than to correctly emulate dpkg behavior [21:34] (I'm not even sure which fd the message is output on...) [21:34] $ sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/postfix_2.9.1-5_amd64.deb [21:34] dpkg-deb: error: `/var/cache/apt/archives/postfix_2.9.1-5_amd64.deb' is not a debian format archive [21:34] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/postfix_2.9.1-5_amd64.deb (--install): [21:34] subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2 [21:34] Errors were encountered while processing: [21:34] /var/cache/apt/archives/postfix_2.9.1-5_amd64.deb [21:35] bdmurray: ^^ tested [21:35] cjwatson: fyi, I started adding comments to the end of the commands I have been running on cocoplum so that 'history' will show why I am doing things [21:36] cjwatson: (referencing your eliminating shell access on cocoplum work items here) [21:38] slangasek: okay, noted I'll open a bug with the test case and precise task but may wait for more bugs before causing the SRU work [21:38] bdmurray: sounds good [21:39] jdstrand: OK, but maybe best just edit the wiki page directly if you do something not mentioned there; I'm probably not going to trawl the history again :) [21:40] well, it was more about "why did he do that?" if someone was looking there. I will update the wiki as needed [21:50] Laney: your update-sources problems were a MoM bug - 'def open' at the top level of a module is liable to produce abject confusion ... [21:51] hrm, how did it ever work then? [21:51] It used to use file() [21:52] I changed it some time ago (since file() no longer works in Python 3), but either an older version of Python resolved local definition vs. builtin differently, or I didn't deploy that change until after MoM stopped working for other reasons [21:53] Ooh, this new box has twice the disk too [21:53] And a honkload of CPUs [22:09] woot [22:15] slangasek: what have you done!?!? [22:21] lamont: mm? [22:26] fyi, my team has also been seeing oddities with the work items tracker [22:26] lamont: I have done many things... care to be more specific? :) [22:26] slangasek: the postfix dpkg -i highlighted me, that's all. [22:26] oh, haha [22:26] lamont: I replaced dpkg with a very malicious shell script [22:26] people haven't been able to delete things from 'security-q-ecryptfs' and things are reordered after save ('security-q-apparmor-dev') [22:27] slangasek: ah, yes, I can see that now. [22:27] to delete, when I went to edit, I copied all the work items somewhere (I used gnote), and then deleted everything from the work items, saved it, then added them all back minus the one I deleted [22:28] s/I deleted/I wanted deleted/ [22:29] skaet: do you know who it was that worked on the WI implementation in launchpad? [22:29] I will probably be copying things somewhere else for a little while